Report finds preventive care spending
continues to lag but musculoskeletal and behavioral health spending
steeply rising
FRANCISCO, April 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/
-- Castlight Health, Inc., a leader in connected navigation,
today released a new Workforce Health Index, revealing how the
COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the way commercially-insured
populations across the U.S. utilize their healthcare and wellbeing
benefits. The annual Workforce Health Index provides detail on
medical spending and benefits utilization from 2018 through 2021
and projected spending for 2022, as well as a state-by-state
dataset demonstrating regional variation in medical spending over
this five-year period.

Overall, the report analyzed more than 160 million medical
claims to calculate future spending projections so employers and
health plans can plan for what's coming in late 2022 and
2023. According to the findings, 2022 preventive care medical
spend is projected to surpass 2020 preventive spend but will still
fall below 2018 and 2019 levels, with colorectal cancer and
cervical cancer screenings continuing to lag. Delayed or forgone
care (e.g., missed routine physicals, immunizations, and cancer
screenings) and deteriorating mental health and wellbeing continue
to exacerbate existing health issues for today's workforce.
"Employers have implemented numerous benefits to expand access
to critical healthcare services during the pandemic, but the
Workforce Health Index shows there is more work to be done when it
comes to breaking down barriers for care for the most vulnerable
populations," said Dr. Dena Bravata,
chief medical officer at Castlight and Stanford health services researcher. "The insights
in the report and the details in the state-by-state dataset can
help employers and policymakers develop new strategies to mitigate
rising commercial medical costs and make healthcare—particularly
for hard-to-reach populations—more affordable and accessible."
Health Inequities Threaten to Widen Due to Socioeconomic
Barriers to Care
The Index found that, although telehealth
utilization has increased overall by 30X in 2020, adoption in
low-income communities still hovers at approximately half that of
wealthier communities year over year. Families in low-income areas
face more barriers to in-person care than their wealthier
counterparts, such as the ability to get time off work and access
to low-cost transportation, and may have more concerns regarding
unexpected costs with telehealth visits.
Castlight also found that people in low-income communities forgo
care more often compared to their wealthier counterparts—and the
pandemic only exacerbated this trend. The Index forecasts that, in
2022, individuals in low-income communities will complete 10% fewer
mammograms, 20% fewer cervical cancer screenings, and 24% fewer
colorectal screenings per 1,000 members than individuals in
wealthier communities.
"We must continue to find ways to broaden access to care in
order to achieve more equitable health benefits use," said Dr.
Bruce Sherman, advisor to the
National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions, adjunct
professor at UNC-Greensboro's
Department of Public Health Education, and one of the co-authors of
the report. "Employers are in a unique position to address
socioeconomic and workplace barriers to care among their employees
and family members, through benefit design and organizational
policies. Ultimately, employees' health and wellbeing has a direct
impact on their performance, productivity, and retention—and the
employer's bottom line. Identifying and addressing inequities in
workforce health benefits is not only the right thing to do, it's a
compelling business opportunity."
Pediatric Behavioral Health Spend Is Projected to Reach
$190 PMPY in 2022
Burnout and work-related stress and anxiety continue to plague
today's workforce. Telehealth for mental and behavioral health care
represents nearly 60% of virtual visits in 2021, a 2.5X increase
from 2018. Per member per year (PMPY) behavioral health medical
spend, for both in-person and virtual services, had been steadily
increasing for several years prior to the pandemic and is
forecasted to increase by 25% to $133
between 2020 and 2022.
Children and teens have been particularly impacted by school
closures, social isolation, and adjusting to new social norms.
The growth rate for pediatric behavioral healthcare spend doubled
from 12% in 2020 to 23% in 2021 and is forecasted to hit
$190 PMPY in 2022 (compared to
$177 PMPY in 2021). The behavioral
healthcare trend is similar for teens.
It's clear employers are recognizing these issues—in 2021, 78%
offered a behavioral health program to their workforce (not
necessarily specific to children or teens), up from 54% in
Employers Are Increasing the Number of Digital Health
Programs They Offer Employees
In addition to behavioral
health programs, employers are making substantial efforts to
address the health issues affecting their workforces. As a
supplement to traditional healthcare benefits, the average employer
offered more than 12 digital health programs to their workforce,
prioritizing: activity, fitness, and sleep programs; nutrition
and weight management tools; and diabetes management and prevention
programs. They're also incentivizing employee engagement with these
programs, resulting in engagement levels that are eight times
higher than those without incentives, on average.
View the complete Workforce Health Index for more details on the
report findings, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on employer
healthcare costs, and detailed analyses on medical spend,
preventive care trends and healthcare utilization trends across
different socioeconomic communities. To download a copy of the
report, click here. To access a state-by-state view of top medical
spend, click here.
The Castlight Workforce Health Index is an analysis of more than
160 million medical claims of commercially-insured U.S. adults and
children for the years 2018 to 2021. Medical spending for 2022 was
projected from these claims.
About Castlight Health
Castlight is on a mission to make it as easy as humanly possible
for people to navigate the healthcare system and live happier,
healthier, more productive lives. As a leader in connected
healthcare navigation, we provide a world-class digital platform
with a team of clinical and benefits experts to help members easily
connect and engage with the right programs and care, at the right
time. Castlight partners with Fortune 500 companies and health
plans to transform employee and member benefits into one
comprehensive health and wellbeing experience to deliver better
health outcomes and maximize returns on healthcare investments.
For more information visit Follow us on
Twitter and LinkedIn and like us on Facebook.
Media Contacts:
Natalie Pacini
Castlight Health
View original content to download
SOURCE Castlight Health, Inc.