RNS Number:2238I
BioFocus PLC
04 March 2003

For immediate release                                         4 March 2003


BioFocus, the collaborative drug discovery company, has today announced its
preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2002.


*         Turnover up 32.7% to #14.44m (2001: #10.88m)

*         Operating profit before research and development expenditure rose by
          27.7% to #3.30m

*         Expenditure on research and development more than doubled to #1.58m
          (2001: #0.71m)

*         Profit before amortisation of goodwill on consolidation and tax rose
          3% to #2.08m (2001: #2.02m).  Included in profit for 2002 is an 
          exceptional gain of #0.52m arising on the early redemption of a loan 

*         Basic earnings per share before amortisation of goodwill was 9.36p
          (2001: 12.33p).  Fully diluted earnings per share before amortisation 
          of goodwill was 9.34p (2001: 11.49p)

*         Cash position remains strong with balances of #3.49m at 31st
          December 2002 (2001:  #2.68m)

*         Client base expanded significantly:

            - 46 clients purchased BioFocus libraries

            - 19 clients worked with new biology division; 18 clients worked
              with chemistry division

*         Expanded global reach with four collaborations in Japan (now
          accounts for 13.5% of turnover)

*         Increased pipeline of downstream returns through collaborations with
          Biovitrum, Amgen, Axxima and Teijin

*         Management succession confirmed

Commenting on the results, Norman Burden, Chairman said:

'In spite of challenging market conditions, BioFocus has made substantial
progress, maintaining its reputation as a successful collaborator in drug
discovery.  The company continues to attract the world's leading pharmaceutical
and biotech companies for collaborations in fields such as cancer research,
infective diseases and neurology.  The Board is confident that the market for
the Company's products and services will continue to grow, albeit at a slower
pace than has been predicted in the past.'

For further information:

BioFocus                                 020 7638 9571 until 12.30pm
David Stone, Chief Executive
Stephen France, Finance Director

Citigate Dewe Rogerson                   020 7638 9571
Sue Pemberton
Fiona Bradshaw

                         Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present my report for the year ended 31st December 2002.

In a difficult trading climate, your company has made further substantial
progress.  Turnover is up some 33% over the previous year, and operating profit
before research and development costs has increased from #2.58m to #3.30m.

Against this we have set a greatly increased level of expenditure on research
and development, up from #0.71m to #1.57m.  This is of major significance to the
future of BioFocus, as it completes the transition from what started as a small
chemistry services operation to an integrated drug discovery company that works
with many of the world's leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology organisations
and has a growing portfolio of proprietary programmes and technologies.

The extent of this change is significant and beyond 2003 the Board expects to
see the benefits that will flow from our involvement in fields as diverse as
cancer research, infective diseases and neurology.

Financial Performance

Consolidated turnover has increased by 32.7% to #14.44m (2001: #10.88m).

Profit before amortisation of goodwill on consolidation and tax rose slightly to

(2001: #2.02m).  Included in the profit for 2002 is an exceptional gain of
#0.52m which arose on the early redemption of the loan note due to a former
investor in Cambridge Drug Discovery Holdings Ltd.

However, expenditure on research and development increased significantly from
#0.71m in 2001 to #1.57m in line with the Company's stated objective to reinvest
a proportion of its income into longer term projects. Operating profit before
research and development expenditure rose by 27.7% to #3.30m from #2.58m,
showing a small decrease in operating margins from 23.7% to 22.7%.

Basic earnings per share before amortisation of goodwill was 9.36p (2001:
12.33p).  Fully diluted earnings per share before amortisation of goodwill was
9.34p (2001: 11.49p).

Trading in the latter part of the year was more difficult than had been expected
as our clients cut back on their spending.  The effect was noticeable in all
areas of our business where delays in negotiating collaborations or sales of
libraries combined with one or two instances of client projects being cancelled
altogether conspired to reduce our turnover below anticipated levels.  As this
was mainly high margin business, there was a disproportionate effect on profits.
Nevertheless, the overall operating margin was maintained at a comparable
level to 2001.

Over the past six months, management has carried out a thorough review of
staffing levels and overhead costs and has taken steps to reduce costs across
all areas of the business.  The benefits of this will come through in the
current year.

The Company's cash position remained strong, with balances of #3.49m at 31st
December 2002 (2001: #2.68m). Net current assets increased to #11.04m (2001:

Research and Development

The Company has continued to focus its research and development investment in
the areas of kinases,G-protein coupled receptors and ion channels and is
building a significant intellectual property portfolio in these areas.  During
the course of the year we have invested in new compound libraries directed
towards G-protein coupled receptors and kinases, and we have made significant
progress  on our in-house projects.

BioFocus maintained its record of being a profitable company while investing
further in its own in-house research programmes and development of new
technologies.  The Company has cemented its reputation as a high quality
collaborator with particular expertise in three wide areas of drug discovery;
kinases, G-protein coupled receptors and ion channels, and has entered into
exciting new collaborations, notably with Amgen Inc.

The collaboration with Amgen, which was signed near the end of the year, is the
latest example of the type of business that BioFocus can attract.  As well as
receiving fees for service, BioFocus retains downstream benefits in the form of
development and commercial milestones.  This is now the norm, meaning that the
Company has an interest in projects covering seventeen biological targets as
opposed to just a few a year ago.

In the year, we saw returns from these in-house programmes with the signing of
collaborations with Axxima and Amgen, among others.  The Board sees this effort
as key to the long term success of BioFocus as it builds up a portfolio of
milestone and royalty bearing projects.

Management Succession

Over the last year or so David Stone and I have devoted considerable thought,
with the aid of our Board colleagues, to the question of management succession.
The first part of our plan was put into effect last November when Geoff McMillan
joined as Chief Operating Officer.

The transition will be completed at our forthcoming Annual General Meeting when
I shall retire from the Chairmanship after nearly five years in office.  David
Stone will succeed me and Geoff McMillan will take over as Chief Executive

On 31st December 2002, Keith Moscrop retired from the Board.  Keith was an
instrumental figure in the formation and growth of the Company and I am sure
that you will join me in thanking him for his tremendous commitment to BioFocus
for over six years.

Corporate Governance

The Company is currently undergoing its audit for accreditation for ISO 9001.  I
would like to thank the management and staff for their efforts in establishing
the necessary systems.


In spite of short term uncertainties, your Board is confident that the market
for its products and services will continue to grow, albeit at a slower pace
than has been predicted in the past.

I believe that BioFocus will continue to flourish as the downstream income from
its collaborations coupled with increasing fee income fuel further investment in
proprietary programmes.

Norman Burden (Chairman)

                                  BioFocus plc

Audited Results for the year ended 31st December 2002.

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account                                        Year                       Year
                                                                     to 31.12.02                         to
                                                                                                As restated

                                                                         #'000's                    #'000's

Turnover                                                                 14,445                     10,878
                                                                         =======                    =======
Operating profit before research and
development costs and amortisation of
goodwill                                                                  3,302                      2,585

Research and development costs                                           (1,575)                      (714)
                                                                         _______                    _______
Operating profit before amortisation of                                   1,727                      1,871

Amortisation of goodwill                                                 (1,088)                      (604)
                                                                         _______                    _______
Operating profit                                                            639                      1,267

Interest receivable                                                          68                        204

Interest payable                                                           (239)                       (55)

Exceptional discount on early redemption of
loan note                                                                   525                          -
                                                                         _______                    _______
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                               993                      1,416

Taxation                                                                   (560)                      (424)
                                                                         _______                    _______
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                433                        992
                                                                           =====                      =====

Basic earnings per share                                                   2.66p                      7.66p
                                                                          ======                     ======
Fully diluted earnings per share                                           2.66p                      7.14p
                                                                          ======                     ======
Basic earnings per share before amortisation
of goodwill                                                                9.36p                     12.33p
                                                                         =======                    =======
Fully diluted earnings per share before
amortisation of goodwill                                                   9.34p                     11.49p
                                                                         =======                    =======


1.           The results for the year ended 31 December 2001 are
extracted from the Company's statutory accounts, which will be sent to
shareholders in due course.  The auditors have indicated that they intend to
give an unqualified report on these statutory accounts.

2.           The comparative figures for 2001 have been restated to comply
with FRS 19 "Deferred Taxation".  This is the first year that the Company has
been required to include a deferred tax asset reflecting the value of tax losses
available for carry forward as at the year end.

3            The group had no recognised gains or losses other than the
results shown above.

4            The basic earnings per share is calculated on the weighted
average number of shares in issue during each year.  The fully diluted earnings
per share takes account of outstanding share options and the issue of bonus
shares to the Company's Founders.

                                  BioFocus plc

Audited Results for the year ended 31st December 2002.

Consolidated Balance Sheet                                          At                                At
                                                              31.12.02                          31.12.01
                                                               #'000's                           #'000's
                                                                                             As restated

     Intangible  assets                                        20,083                            21,109
     Tangible fixed assets                                      5,059                             3,986
     Investments                                                  300                                 -
                                                                 _____                             _____
                                                               25,442                            25,095

                                                                 _____                             _____
   Stock and work in progress                                   2,181                             1,009
   Deferred tax asset                                           2,618                             3,111
   Debtors and prepayments                                      6,046                             6,901
   Cash at Bank and in Hand                                     3,486                             2,679
                                                              ________                          ________
                                                               14,331                            13,700

   Amounts falling due within one year                         (3,290)                           (2,831)
                                                              ________                          ________
Net Current Assets                                             11,041                            10,869
                                                              ________                          ________
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                          36,483                            35,964
                                                              ________                          ________
   Amounts falling due after more than one year                (1,371)                           (1,158)

Provisions for Liabilities and Charges                           (210)                             (340)
                                                              ________                          ________
                                                               (1,581)                           (1,498)
                                                              ________                           _______
NET ASSETS                                                     34,902                            34,466
                                                               =======                           =======
   Called-up Share Capital                                      4,065                             4,062
   Share Premium Account                                       29,232                            29,232
   Profit and Loss Account                                      1,605                             1,172
                                                              ________                          ________
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                     34,902                            34,466
                                                               =======                           =======

                                  BioFocus plc

Audited Results for the year ended 31st December 2002.

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement                                Year to                        Year to
                                                               31.12.02                       31.12.01
                                                                #'000's                        #'000's
                                                                                           As restated

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities              2,094                         (1,919)
                                                                _______                        _______
Returns on investments and servicing of finance:
Interest received                                                   68                            204
Interest paid                                                      (19)                             -
Interest element of finance lease rental payments                 (220)                           (55)
                                                                _______                        _______
                                                                  (171)                           149
                                                                _______                        _______
Corporation tax received                                           113                              -
Corporation tax paid                                               (43)                           (23)
                                                                _______                        _______
                                                                    70                            (23)
                                                                _______                        _______
Capital Expenditure:
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets                        (92)                           (16)
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                       (2,184)                        (1,120)
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets                        61                              -
Payments to acquire fixed asset investments                       (300)                             -
                                                                _______                        _______
                                                                (2,515)                        (1,136)
                                                                _______                        _______
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                                  -                           (774)
Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings                       -                          2,893
                                                                _______                        _______
                                                                     -                          2,119
                                                                _______                        _______
Issue of share capital                                               3                              3
Repayment of loan notes                                           (475)                             -
Proceeds of sale and lease back of tangible fixed                1,950                              -
Loan received                                                      350                              -
New hire purchase agreements                                       327                              -
Capital element of finance lease rental payments                  (746)                          (447)
Loan repayments                                                    (25)
Hire purchase repayments                                           (55)
                                                                _______                        _______
                                                                 1,329                          (444)
                                                                _______                         ______
Increase/(Decrease) in cash                                        807                         (1,254)
                                                                 ======                         ======

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange