RNS Number:2180I
Genetix Group PLC
04 March 2003

           Genetix Group plc announces Preliminary Financial Results
                      for the year ended 31 December 2002

New Milton, UK, 4 March 2003 - Genetix Group plc (LSE:GTX), the genomics and
proteomics technology group, today announces its preliminary financial results
for the year ended 31 December 2002.

Financial Highlights

*       Sales #12.6 million (2001: #12.4 million)
*       Pre-tax profit (excluding goodwill) #2.3 million (2001: #2.6 million)
*       Strategic investment in R&D of #1.5 million (2001: #1.2 million)
*       Sales of consumables and services up 15%
*       Cash balance of #20.9 million (after share re-purchase of #1.4m)

Operational Highlights

*       Doubling of direct sales team in US, UK, Germany and appointment of new
        distributors in key territories
*       Successful launch of new products including aQuire microarray scanner
        and continued enhancement of existing products
*       US sales up 12%, accounting for 52% of turnover
*       Prestigious LINK grant awarded for protein mapping research - first
        prototype built

Mark Reid, Chief Executive, commented:

"Genetix enjoyed a strong end to the year. Despite unpredictable market
conditions and continuing caution among our core client base, we continued to
increase sales and to invest strategically in marketing and R&D, the keys to our
long-term success. The actions taken in 2002 put Genetix in a stronger position
to take full advantage of the eventual upturn in the economic climate."


Genetix Group plc
Mark Reid, Chief Executive
Gary Corsi, Finance Director
Tel:  01425 624600

Financial Dynamics
Jonathan Birt/Francetta Carr
Tel:  020 7831 3113

The release will be available on the Company's website: www.genetix.com

Notes to Editors

About Genetix Group plc

Genetix Group plc is leading developer of automated systems for the
understanding of systems biology.  Genetix made a significant contribution to
the Human Genome Project by supplying high-throughput equipment to seven of the
leading eight laboratories in the consortia. Genetix, through its R&D expertise
and scientific resource, is committed to the continual development of innovative
solutions to accelerate the rate of global scientific discovery. Genetix is
quoted on the London Stock Exchange and is based in New Milton, Hampshire, UK.

Review of operations

Over the last two years, the biotechnology industry has undergone a period of
volatility, marked by industry consolidation, cutbacks in expenditure and a
perception that new technologies have failed to deliver the promised
breakthroughs in drug discovery.  This has led to funding difficulties being
experienced by many loss-making companies.  As a provider of equipment,
consumables and services to this industry, Genetix has proactively managed the
business during the downturn in market conditions and we have worked hard in
2002 to balance our objectives of increasing market share, strengthening our
sales force, and raising R&D spending, while maintaining profitability and cash
flow.  We achieved a creditable performance in the face of challenging market
conditions and remain one of the few consistently profitable companies in our

Genetix achieved a turnover of #12.6 million in 2002, slightly higher than that
reported for the previous year, despite difficult trading conditions.  Profit
before tax was #2.0 million compared to #2.2 million last year, the reduction
largely being attributable to increasing investment in key areas of the
business.  We believe that Genetix has emerged as a stronger company with a
blend of know-how, products and technologies that will keep it at the forefront
in providing our customers with solutions for systems biology in the years
ahead.  We remain financially strong and able to invest in opportunities that
add value to the business.

During the year we have been preparing for the future through intense R&D
activity, sales recruitment and new product sales.  The R&D team focused on
developing our new range of scanners, liquid handling capability, wellplate
handling and new proteomics techniques for measuring protein-protein
interactions.  In sales, we expanded our teams in the US, UK and Germany and
established our new base in Boston, at the heart of the biotechnology region on
the East Coast of the US.  New products were successfully introduced and
feedback has been encouraging, particularly for our scanning and benchtop
microarraying instruments.

In July, our growing position in proteomics was strengthened by the award of a
research grant to develop and build a verified human protein-protein interaction
map in collaboration with the Medical Research Council's Human Genome Mapping
Project Resource Centre.  This highly prestigious award recognises our expertise
in this field and we look forward to working closely with our academic partners
in helping to advance the medical benefits that this knowledge will provide.

Notwithstanding unpredictable market conditions, Genetix continues to operate
from a position of strength from which to grow the business.  This, together
with a programme of new initiatives aimed at increasing sales, means that
Genetix faces the future with confidence.

The Group remains both profitable and cash generative.

Sales and marketing

During the year we doubled the direct sales team operating in the US, UK and
Germany.  In addition we:

- opened a new US office in Boston;
- moved our German sales office from Heidelberg to Munich; and
- appointed new distributors in Australia, Italy and the Czech Republic.

Product launches

During 2002, the main focus was on developing and launching our new microarray
scanner, improving our benchtop microarraying instrument and refining our
high-throughput stacking technology which is used on many of our existing
products.  Several new proteomics products were developed and these will be
formally launched in 2003.  The main product initiatives were:

*       aQuire scanner, developed throughout the year and launched in the last
        quarter of 2002, this highly sensitive and cost-effective instrument 
        enables Genetix to offer a complete solution for producing and analysing 
*       QArrayMini, now includes a number of new features which extend the
        product into new markets;
*       stacking systems, new improved modular design that can enhance the
        throughput of Genetix instruments;
*       aliQuot, prototype of new automatic micro-dispensing filler which has
        potential applications across a variety of areas including 
*       liquid handling, developed for the QBot and adaptable to other Genetix
        platforms; and
*       several customised products were made for customers using novel
        techniques, enhancing our knowledge of specialist applications.

Research and Development

This was a year of investment in R&D.  Expenditure rose by 32% to #1.5 million
(#1.4 million after LINK grant recovery), with 26% of the workforce now in this
area.  Proportionately, gross R&D expenditure represented just over 12% of sales
and is expected to remain around this level in the short-term. The Group's links
with academic institutions remain strong and our reputation for developing novel
solutions for systems biology is growing, as evidenced by a number of special
projects undertaken during the year.  The team's skills base broadened
significantly, particularly in the field of proteomics, imaging and data

Our growing position in proteomics was strengthened by the award of the LINK
grant.  The collaboration is aimed at enabling the mapping of all human
protein-protein interactions to be undertaken with a high degree of accuracy and
in considerably less time than is currently possible, helping to bring forward
the medical benefits of this knowledge.  We have built our first prototype
instrument and are about to start the first phase of detailed testing with MRC
early in 2003.


Throughout 2002 we experienced unpredictable trading with significant variations
in order placement.  The market remains unchanged and given the current
macroeconomic uncertainties, we do not anticipate an early improvement in
trading.  The actions taken in 2002 will put Genetix in a stronger position when
the economic climate eventually improves and we will continue to focus on our
strategy of growth in anticipation of these medium-term opportunities.  We
remain cautious about prospects for 2003 but positive about the longer-term and
the variety of opportunities in our areas of interest.

Financial review


Group turnover was up 1% at #12.6 million (2001: #12.4 million); Instrumentation
accounted for 72% (2001: 75%) and Consumables and Services 28% (2001: 25%) of
total sales.  The growth in turnover was achieved by a strong performance from
consumables and services which grew 15% over the year; instrumentation sales
were 3% lower than 2001.

The Group's gross margin was 50% compared to 46% in 2001 reflecting tight
control of direct costs and a favourable exchange gain on US dollar forward

Gross R&D expenditure increased by 32% to #1.5 million (2001: #1.2 million);
after taking credit for LINK grant recoveries of #0.1 million, the net spend was
#1.4 million.

Sales and administrative expenses (excluding goodwill) increased as a percentage
of sales mainly due to the costs of expanding the sales force in the US, UK and
Germany.  Overall, the Group's operating margin was 12% (excluding goodwill),
compared to 13% in 2001.

Included within operating expenses are goodwill amortisation costs of #0.4
million (2001: #0.4 million).

Net interest receivable was #0.8 million (2001: #1.0 million), a significant
reduction compared to 2001 due to lower interest rates.

The Group's effective tax rate was 30.0% (2001: 33.7%) and will be maintained at
this rate for 2003 because of the ongoing benefit of the UK government's R&D tax
credit scheme.

Earnings per share were 1.76p (2001: 1.91p) based on a weighted average of
77,445,689 shares in issue during 2002.  Adjusted earnings per share (excluding
goodwill) were 2.23p (2001: 2.38p).

Staff numbers remained broadly the same as last year and we now employ 103
people worldwide.

Cash flow

The Group generated cash of #2.1 million (before financing items, including
exchange gains); after financing the share buy-back of #1.4 million, cash
increased by #0.7 million to end the year at #20.9 million (2001: #20.2

Cash from operating activities was #1.2 million reflecting an increase in
working capital requirements compared to 2001; stock levels fell by #0.3m
compared to last year; debtors increased by #0.5 million primarily reflecting
higher sales in the last quarter of 2002 compared to the same period last year.
Overall, working capital represented 15% of sales.

The Group paid tax of #0.4 million but received tax refunds of #0.4 million,
leaving the net position neutral (2001: #1.1 million tax paid).

Capital expenditure was #0.4 million (2001: #0.8 million) of which #0.1 million
was on patents.

Following the passing of a Special Resolution at an Extraordinary General
Meeting, the Company purchased and cancelled 4,850,000 ordinary shares of 50p at
an average price of 28p.

Exchange rates

The results of the Group's US and German subsidiaries were translated into
sterling at average exchange rates of #/$ 1.5089 and #/Euro 1.5895 respectively;
the balance sheets were translated at the year end exchange rates of #/$ 1.6099
and #/Euro 1.5342.

Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 December 2002

                                                            Before                       Total           Total
                                                          goodwill      Goodwill          2002            2001
                                                              #000          #000          #000            #000

Turnover - continuing operations                            12,572             -        12,572          12,419
Cost of sales                                              (6,255)             -       (6,255)         (6,742)

                                                             _____         _____         _____           _____
Gross profit                                                 6,317             -         6,317           5,677
Research & development                                     (1,448)             -       (1,448)         (1,179)
Sales & administrative expenses                            (3,356)             -       (3,356)         (2,893)
Amortisation of goodwill                                         -         (362)         (362)           (362)

                                                             _____         _____         _____           _____
Total administrative expenses                              (4,804)         (362)       (5,166)         (4,434)

                                                             _____         _____         _____           _____
Operating profit - continuing operations                     1,513         (362)         1,151           1,243
Net interest receivable                                        799             -           799             990

                                                             _____         _____         _____           _____
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                2,312         (362)         1,950           2,233
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                         (585)             -         (585)           (752)

                                                             _____         _____         _____           _____
Profit for the financial year                                1,727         (362)         1,365           1,481

                                                             _____         _____         _____           _____

Earnings per share                                           2.23p       (0.47p)         1.76p           1.91p

                                                             _____         _____         _____           _____
Diluted earnings per share                                   2.11p       (0.44p)         1.67p           1.85p

                                                             _____         _____         _____           _____

Consolidated balance sheet
at 31 December 2002

                                                                2002      2001
                                                                #000      #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                              6,826     7,190
Tangible assets                                                2,329     2,348
Investments                                                        1         3
                                                               _____     _____
                                                               9,156     9,541
                                                               _____     _____
Current assets
Stocks                                                         1,522     1,777
Debtors                                                        2,255     1,776
Cash at bank and in hand                                      20,867    20,142
                                                              ______    ______
                                                              24,644    23,695
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year               (2,654)   (2,325)
                                                              ______    ______
Net current assets                                            21,990    21,370
                                                              ______    ______
Total assets less current liabilities                         31,146    30,911
Provisions for liabilities and charges                         (401)     (158)
                                                              ______    ______
Net assets                                                    30,745    30,753
                                                              ______    ______
Capital and reserves
Share capital                                                 36,349    38,422
Shares to be issued                                                -     1,000
Share premium account                                         16,376    15,707
Capital redemption reserve                                     2,425         -
Merger reserve                                              (29,686)  (29,686)
Profit and loss account                                        5,281     5,310
                                                              ______    ______
Equity shareholders' funds                                    30,745    30,753
                                                              ______    ______

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 December 2002
                                                                2002      2001
                                                                #000      #000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                      1,234     2,136
                                                              ______    ______
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                808     1,010
Interest paid                                                    (9)      (20)
                                                              ______    ______
                                                                 799       990
                                                              ______    ______
Corporation tax refund                                           364         -
Corporation tax paid                                           (351)   (1,102)
                                                              ______    ______
                                                                  13   (1,102)
                                                              ______    ______
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                              (289)     (364)
Purchase of intangible fixed assets                             (61)     (394)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                      -       894
                                                              ______    ______
                                                               (350)       136
                                                              ______    ______
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                                -      (67)
                                                              ______    ______
                                                                   -      (67)
                                                              ______    ______
Net cash inflow before use of liquid resources and financing   1,696     2,093
                                                              ______    ______

Issue of share capital (net of expenses)                          21         4
Share capital re-purchased (including expenses)              (1,366)         -
Decrease in debt                                                   -   (1,699)
                                                              ______    ______
Net cash outflow from financing                              (1,345)   (1,695)
                                                              ______    ______
Increase in cash                                                 351       398
                                                              ______    ______

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 31 December 2002
                                                                                            2002            2001
                                                                                            #000            #000

Profit for the financial year                                                              1,365           1,481
Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments                        (28)               3

                                                                                            ____            ____
Total recognised gains and losses for the year                                             1,337           1,484

                                                                                            ____            ____

Reconciliation of movements in consolidated shareholders' funds
for year ended 31 December 2002

                                                                2002      2001
                                                                #000      #000

Profit for the financial year                                  1,365     1,481
Currency translation differences                                (28)         3
Share capital issued (net of costs)                               21         4
Share capital re-purchased (including fees)                  (1,366)         -
                                                             _______    ______
Net movement in shareholders' funds                              (8)     1,488
Opening shareholders' funds                                   30,753    29,265
                                                              ______    ______
Closing shareholders' funds                                   30,745    30,753
                                                              ______    ______

Preliminary Announcement 2002
Notes to the financial statements

1.  Preparation of financial statements

The presentation of information before goodwill amortisation has been shown
because the directors consider that this gives a useful indication of underlying

The financial information contained in the preliminary announcement does not
constitute the Group's statutory results for the year ended 31 December 2002 or
2001.  The above figures for the year ended 31 December 2002 are an abridged
version of the Group's audited accounts which have been reported on by the
Group's auditors and for which an unqualified audit report has been issued.  The
auditors' report did not contain statements under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act
1985.  The full annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders
shortly and the Annual General Meeting will be held on 25 April 2003.  The
statutory accounts for 2002 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

Financial Reporting Standard 19 "Deferred Taxation" has been adopted during the
year giving rise to an immaterial current year tax charge relating to prior
years of #36,000.

The preliminary announcement was approved by the Board on 4 March 2003.

2. Turnover

In the opinion of the directors, the Group operates only one class of business,
namely the provision of instrumentation, consumables and services for genomic
research.  Turnover can be analysed as follows:

                                                                2002      2001                                          
                                                                #000      #000
By geographic destination
UK                                                             1,487     1,228
Rest of Europe                                                 2,402     2,783
North America                                                  6,565     5,883
Rest of World                                                  2,118     2,525
                                                              ______    ______
                                                              12,572    12,419
                                                              ______    ______

The majority of turnover was generated in the United Kingdom with the exception
of Genetix Reagents Inc., segmental disclosure of which would be prejudicial to
the business in the United States.

3.  Operating profit

                                                                2002      2001                                          
                                                                #000      #000
Operating profit is stated after charging/(crediting):
Depreciation of owned assets                                     304       192
Amortisation of goodwill                                         362       362
Amortisation of patents and licences                              63        14
Loss/(profit) on disposal of fixed assets                          2      (49)
Auditors' remuneration:
services as auditors                                              36        33
tax compliance services                                            8         7
tax advisory services                                             55        49
consulting services                                                -        55
Research and development (including salaries)                  1,561     1,179
R&D LINK grant recovery                                        (113)         -
(Gain)/loss on foreign currency transactions                   (374)        61
                                                               _____     _____

4.  Earnings per share

                                                                2002      2001                                          
                                                                #000      #000

Profit for the financial year before amortisation of goodwill  1,727     1,843
Amortisation of goodwill                                       (362)     (362)
                                                               _____     _____
Profit for the financial year                                  1,365     1,481
                                                               _____     _____

                                                            No.  000  No.  000

Basic weighted average number of shares                       77,446    77,511
Dilutive effect of share options                               4,213     2,568
                                                              ______    ______
Diluted weighted average number of shares                     81,659    80,079
                                                              ______    ______

                                                               Pence     Pence

Earnings per share before amortisation of goodwill             2.23p     2.38p
                                                               _____     _____
Diluted earnings per share before amortisation of goodwill     2.11p     2.30p
                                                               _____     _____

Earnings per share                                             1.76p     1.91p
                                                               _____     _____
Diluted earnings per share                                     1.67p     1.85p
                                                               _____     _____

Earnings are calculated as profit after taxation for the year.  Earnings per
share before amortisation of goodwill has been shown because the directors
consider that this gives a useful indication of underlying performance.

5.  Notes to the cash flow statement

(a)  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating

                                                                2002      2001                                          
                                                                #000      #000

Operating profit                                               1,151     1,243
Depreciation                                                     304       192
Amortisation                                                     425       376
Loss/(profit) on sale of fixed assets                              2      (49)
Decrease/(increase) in stocks                                    255     (725)
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                                 (479)     1,096
Decrease in creditors                                           (50)      (58)
Exchange (gain)/loss on foreign currency                       (374)        61
                                                               _____     _____
Net cash inflow from operating activities                      1,234     2,136
                                                               _____     _____

(b)  Analysis of changes in net funds

                                At 1                                       At 31
                             January         Cash      Exchange         December
                                2002         flow      movement             2002
                                #000         #000          #000             #000

Cash at bank and in hand      20,142          351           374           20,867
                              ______        _____         _____           ______
                              20,142          351           374           20,867
                              ______        _____         _____           ______

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange