Aura Minerals Releases Additional Assay Results for the Aranzazu Copper-Gold-Silver Project in Mexico
August 09 2010 - 8:20AM
Marketwired Canada
Aura Minerals Inc. ("Aura Minerals" or the "Company") (TSX:ORA) is pleased to
release an additional 56 drill holes from the ongoing infill and extension drill
program at its wholly-owned copper-gold-silver Aranzazu Project in Zacatecas
State, Mexico. The most recent Aura Minerals drilling was designed to target
zones southeast along strike - along the Glory Hole-Tiro Azules to Cabrestante
zones. The drilling continues to show the high-grade potential of the Aranzazu
Project orebody.
Of the 56 reported drill holes, 40 drill holes had intercepts of greater than
1.0% Cu with significant gold and silver values. Highlights include (see Table
1, Map 1 and Map 2 below):
-- Hole AZC-089 which returned 25.5 metres of 1.08% Cu, 0.8 g/t Au and 16.6
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-073 which returned 7.6 metres of 3.22% Cu, 3.0 g/t Au and 27.9
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-077 which returned 13.7 metres of 1.27% Cu, 2.4 g/t Au and 19.4
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-086 which returned 15.2 metres of 1.28 % Cu, 1.4 g/t Au and
17.4 g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-087 which returned 21.3 metres of 4.42% Cu, 2.9 g/t Au and 44.4
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-088 which returned 24.4 metres of 1.19% Cu, 1.3 g/t Au and 14.2
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-091 which returned 13.7 metres of 1.74% Cu, 1.0 g/t Au and 18.7
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-093 which returned 18.3 metres of 1.80% Cu, 1.2 g/t Au and 21.2
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-105 which returned 21.3 metres of 1.80% Cu, 1.5 g/t Au and 37.1
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-115 which returned 15.2 metres of 1.96% Cu, 2.1 g/t Au and 34.8
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-121 which returned 3.1 metres of 3.59% Cu, 5.5 g/t Au and 62.1
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-126 which returned 16.8 metres of 1.40% Cu, 1.5 g/t Au and 17.8
g/t Ag;
-- Hole AZR-136 which returned 13.7 metres of 2.49% Cu, 2.8 g/t Au and 33.5
g/t Ag; and
-- Hole AZR-137 which returned 6.1 metres of 2.40% Cu, 3.7 g/t Au and 25.2
g/t Ag.
The drilling continues to intercept higher than average gold grades as drilling
moves progressively along strike to the east of the Arroyos Azules zone, which
is the first area scheduled for mining as part of the planned restart of
operations (see News Releases No. 2010-09 and No. 2010-03 dated April 5, 2010
and February 15, 2010 respectively). This drilling was designed as follows:
-- Infill drilling along the Arroyos Azules zone to continue underground
mine planning;
-- Near surface definition drilling in the Glory Hole-Tiro Azules to
Cabrestante zones, which is being evaluated as a potential; open-pit
operation in conjunction with underground operations; and
-- Ongoing drilling along strike as part of a planned new resource estimate
for the deposit.
Commenting on the above, Mr. Patrick Downey, President and CEO of Aura Minerals,
stated, "Ongoing infill drilling for near-term mine planning and upgrading of
resource classification continues to highlight the high-grade nature of the
copper and gold resources at the Aranzazu Project. As we continue with the
planned drill programs, including the deep drill program from which we recently
released the first results (see News Release #2010-15 dated August 5, 2010), we
are very encouraged that the resource will be extended both along strike and at
Table 1 - Aranzazu Assays (see Map1 and Map 2 below)
Azi- val Cu
muth Dip From To (1) (2) Au Ag
(deg- (deg- (met- (met- (met- (4) (3) (3)
Hole # East North rees) rees) res) res) res) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
AZC-089 254473 2723863 30 -62 211.5 226.5 15.0 0.52 0.7 9.1
AZC-089 254473 2723863 30 -62 298.5 324.0 25.5 1.08 0.8 16.6
AZC-094 253999 2724394 210 -67 361.0 364.0 3.0 0.63 0.3 4.6
AZC-096 253947 2724252 211 -65 96.0 99.0 3.0 0.73 0.6 30.1
AZC-096 253947 2724252 211 -65 238.5 241.5 3.0 0.54 0.3 7.5
AZC-096 253947 2724252 211 -65 289.5 295.5 6.0 1.25 0.7 18.1
AZC-096 253947 2724252 211 -65 310.5 316.5 6.0 0.73 0.5 17.0
AZC-096 253947 2724252 211 -65 337.5 349.5 12.0 1.21 1.0 14.9
AZR-064 254149 2724143 212 -50 135.6 138.7 3.0 1.11 0.6 34.6
AZR-064 254149 2724143 212 -50 199.6 202.7 3.1 0.56 0.5 6.3
AZR-068 254468 2723861 201 -74 99.1 103.6 4.6 1.95 1.7 17.8
AZR-071 254498 2723862 212 -70 13.7 16.8 3.0 0.77 0.5 8.8
AZR-071 254498 2723862 212 -70 86.9 89.9 3.1 1.03 1.4 11.7
AZR-072 254498 2723860 215 -45 13.7 16.8 3.0 0.72 1.5 2.9
AZR-073 254518 2723846 210 -55 1.5 6.1 4.6 1.94 0.8 8.4
AZR-073 254518 2723846 210 -55 53.3 61.0 7.6 3.22 3.0 27.9
AZR-074 254509 2723830 219 -50 1.5 7.6 6.1 2.09 0.5 5.3
AZR-074 254509 2723830 219 -50 39.6 47.2 7.6 1.45 2.8 17.3
AZR-075 254070 2724119 210 -56 61.0 68.6 7.6 0.72 0.1 3.3
AZR-075 254070 2724119 210 -56 147.8 166.1 18.3 0.91 1.2 12.7
AZR-076 254094 2724108 211 -52 68.6 71.6 3.1 0.68 0.3 8.7
AZR-076 254094 2724108 211 -52 91.4 96.0 4.6 1.00 0.1 1.7
AZR-076 254094 2724108 211 -52 149.4 152.4 3.1 0.69 0.7 9.8
AZR-077 253957 2724059 177 -62 51.8 65.5 13.7 1.27 2.4 19.4
AZR-079 253922 2724026 178 -44 12.2 16.8 4.6 0.78 0.9 13.0
AZR-080 253922 2724027 181 -63 12.2 21.3 9.2 1.80 1.2 19.4
AZR-081 253901 2724037 182 -43 19.8 27.4 7.6 1.25 0.685 13.92
AZR-085 254434 2723893 210 -66 3.1 13.7 10.7 1.46 0.1 5.0
AZR-085 254434 2723893 210 -66 39.6 42.7 3.1 1.17 2.2 15.3
AZR-086 254525 2723806 209 -45 0.0 9.1 9.1 0.82 0.3 6.6
AZR-086 254525 2723806 209 -45 16.8 21.3 4.6 2.23 0.2 16.3
AZR-086 254525 2723806 209 -45 42.7 57.9 15.2 1.28 1.4 17.4
AZR-087 254469 2723857 204 -61 62.5 83.8 21.3 4.42 2.9 44.4
AZR-088 254549 2723795 215 -51 0.0 6.1 6.1 0.64 1.0 11.2
AZR-088 254549 2723795 215 -51 18.3 25.9 7.6 0.85 0.2 4.4
AZR-088 254549 2723795 215 -51 39.6 64.0 24.4 1.19 1.3 14.2
AZR-089 254473 2723867 29 -60 51.8 56.4 4.6 1.63 0.5 16.6
AZR-090 254425 2723876 213 -44 1.5 6.1 4.6 1.02 0.1 2.9
AZR-090 254425 2723876 213 -44 25.9 29.0 3.1 0.68 0.1 1.8
AZR-091 253942 2724040 185 -43 24.4 38.1 13.7 1.74 1.0 18.7
AZR-092 254555 2723807 212 -58 4.6 13.7 9.2 1.44 0.9 5.8
AZR-092 254555 2723807 212 -58 24.4 27.4 3.1 0.72 0.0 1.9
AZR-092 254555 2723807 212 -58 32.0 38.1 6.1 0.52 0.0 1.6
AZR-092 254555 2723807 212 -58 64.0 68.6 4.6 0.75 2.4 9.3
AZR-092 254555 2723807 212 -58 77.7 88.4 10.7 0.73 0.5 6.6
AZR-093 254498 2723862 214 -57 12.2 15.2 3.1 1.00 1.5 15.5
AZR-093 254498 2723862 214 -57 86.9 105.2 18.3 1.80 1.2 21.2
AZR-094 254562 2723769 212 -55 32.0 38.1 6.1 0.66 1.0 7.3
AZR-095 254568 2723781 209 -58 41.2 47.2 6.1 0.53 1.5 21.6
AZR-096 254378 2723861 27 -43 51.8 67.1 15.2 0.65 0.7 10.7
AZR-097 254582 2723757 213 -60 50.3 56.4 6.1 0.93 0.9 16.6
AZR-098 254544 2723838 210 -45 0.0 7.6 7.6 0.77 0.4 6.3
AZR-098 254544 2723838 210 -45 71.6 85.3 13.7 0.86 1.5 14.8
AZR-099 254544 2723838 210 -50 1.5 9.1 7.6 1.71 0.3 4.8
AZR-099 254544 2723838 210 -50 73.2 77.7 4.6 1.13 7.6 28.4
AZR-100 254583 2723758 204 -78 56.4 59.4 3.1 0.77 1.8 8.6
AZR-100 254583 2723758 204 -78 67.1 80.8 13.7 0.60 1.2 9.0
AZR-100 254583 2723758 204 -78 94.5 109.7 15.2 0.54 1.7 7.7
AZR-101 254605 2723744 210 -45 64.0 68.6 4.6 1.63 0.6 27.5
AZR-102 254605 2723744 210 -59 73.2 77.7 4.6 0.73 0.2 12.7
AZR-103 254605 2723744 210 -75 76.2 80.8 4.6 1.20 3.2 24.1
AZR-103 254605 2723744 210 -75 89.9 102.1 12.2 0.70 1.8 7.2
AZR-103 254605 2723744 210 -75 118.9 121.9 3.1 0.82 0.8 16.2
AZR-103 254605 2723744 210 -75 147.8 153.9 6.1 0.76 0.8 13.1
AZR-104 254434 2723893 210 -80 12.2 15.2 3.0 1.04 0.0 0.7
AZR-104 254434 2723893 210 -80 19.8 22.9 3.0 3.01 1.0 0.7
AZR-104 254434 2723893 210 -80 65.5 76.2 10.7 0.92 1.3 22.1
AZR-105 254604 2723742 31 -76 115.8 125.0 9.1 1.04 2.2 51.1
AZR-105 254604 2723742 31 -76 155.4 160.0 4.6 2.66 2.6 121.3
AZR-105 254604 2723742 31 -76 190.5 196.6 6.1 0.76 1.7 28.3
AZR-105 254604 2723742 31 -76 243.8 246.9 3.0 1.03 1.7 27.9
AZR-105 254604 2723742 31 -76 295.7 317.0 21.3 1.80 1.5 37.1
AZR-108 254358 2723805 24 -45 125.0 131.1 6.1 3.11 1.8 37.1
AZR-108 254358 2723805 24 -45 144.8 149.4 4.6 0.62 0.8 12.1
AZR-108 254358 2723805 24 -45 155.5 160.0 4.6 0.67 0.8 10.8
AZR-109 254605 2723744 210 -57 74.7 80.8 6.1 0.84 0.4 15.6
AZR-110 254605 2723744 210 -74 99.1 129.5 30.5 1.01 0.8 14.0
AZR-110 254605 2723744 210 -74 149.4 161.5 12.2 0.55 0.6 9.7
AZR-110 254605 2723744 210 -74 187.5 192.0 4.6 0.50 0.4 8.8
AZR-113 254622 2723724 30 -58 109.7 112.8 3.1 1.67 1.9 106.0
AZR-115 254544 2723838 210 -77 3.1 7.6 4.6 0.61 0.2 3.1
AZR-115 254544 2723838 210 -77 146.3 161.5 15.2 1.96 2.1 34.8
AZR-116 254592 2723772 210 -77 85.3 93.0 7.6 1.29 1.2 35.4
AZR-117 254570 2723792 210 -62 41.2 56.4 15.3 0.96 1.5 12.4
AZR-117 254570 2723792 210 -62 91.4 102.1 10.7 1.12 0.9 12.5
AZR-118 254528 2723865 210 -57 4.6 10.7 6.1 0.80 0.4 5.2
AZR-118 254528 2723865 210 -57 19.8 22.9 3.1 1.60 1.1 58.5
AZR-119 254570 2723792 210 -70 42.7 45.7 3.1 0.97 1.2 28.8
AZR-120 254570 2723792 210 -77 30.5 33.5 3.1 0.62 0.9 33.3
AZR-120 254570 2723792 210 -77 41.2 45.7 4.6 1.07 1.2 28.8
AZR-121 254528 2723865 210 -71 6.1 12.2 6.1 0.98 0.3 3.6
AZR-121 254528 2723865 210 -71 64.0 67.1 3.1 3.59 5.5 62.1
AZR-121 254528 2723865 210 -71 123.4 140.2 16.8 1.51 1.3 25.3
AZR-121 254528 2723865 210 -71 146.3 149.4 3.0 0.62 0.2 7.1
AZR-122 254551 2723809 210 -64 79.3 83.8 4.6 0.89 4.4 23.5
AZR-122 254551 2723809 210 -64 89.9 94.5 4.6 2.37 2.6 23.5
AZR-124 254528 2723865 210 -85 9.1 25.9 16.8 1.02 0.9 48.1
AZR-124 254528 2723865 210 -85 160.0 167.6 7.6 0.66 2.7 18.5
AZR-125 254199 2723989 210 -50 61.0 67.1 6.1 0.79 1.0 13.3
AZR-126 254632 2723740 210 -74 106.7 111.3 4.6 0.73 1.9 20.5
AZR-126 254632 2723740 210 -74 181.4 198.1 16.8 1.40 1.5 17.8
AZR-127 254378 2723900 210 -45 0.0 4.6 4.6 0.64 0.3 9.0
AZR-127 254378 2723900 210 -45 126.5 129.5 3.1 0.81 1.9 8.0
AZR-135 254212 2723969 210 -47 0.0 3.1 3.1 1.51 0.4 7.1
AZR-135 254212 2723969 210 -47 7.6 16.8 9.1 0.64 0.7 27.9
AZR-136 254470 2724857 210 -85 51.8 65.5 13.7 2.49 2.8 33.5
AZR-137 2723967 254244 207 -45 27.4 33.5 6.1 2.40 3.7 25.2
AZR-137 2723967 254244 207 -45 57.9 61.0 3.1 0.70 1.1 11.7
AZR-139 254472 2723862 25 -82 59.4 65.5 6.1 0.75 1.4 13.6
AZR-139 254472 2723862 25 -82 76.2 103.6 27.4 0.81 1.4 12.6
AZR-139 254472 2723862 25 -82 109.7 135.6 25.9 0.72 1.2 13.0
1. true width has yet to be determined
2. using a copper cutoff grade 0.5%
3. fire assay and atomic absorption finish
4. atomic absorption ("AA")
Qualified Person
Exploration at the Aranzazu Project is being conducted under the supervision of
Mr. Alan Hitchborn, P.Geo., who is the Company's Qualified Person as defined by
NI 43-101. Mr. Hitchborn has also reviewed and approved the contents of this
news release as applicable.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control ("QA/QC") Procedures for the Aranzazu Project
Aura Minerals is presently drilling at the Aranzazu Project utilizing both core
and reverse circulation drill rigs. The drilling is conducted by Layne de
Mexico. The reverse circulation drill uses a bit sized from 5.5 inches to 4.75
inches. The core program utilizes HQ-sized core and then stepping down to
NQ-sized core as required. Samples are collected on a 1.5 metre sample interval.
The reverse circulation drill cuttings are split at the drill rig. The samples
collected consist of an approximate 25% split of the total material recovered
from the interval sampled. This material is shipped directly to the Stewart
Group de Mexico ("Stewart Mexico") sample preparation facility in Zacatecas,
Mexico and processed utilizing the same sample preparation protocol as used for
the core samples discussed below. Assays are completed at the ISO 9001-2008
certified Eco Tech Laboratory Limited ("Eco Tech Stewart"), a subsidiary of the
Stewart Group Ltd., in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. Diamond drilling core
is logged, photographed and then split in half using a diamond core saw. Half
the core is retained off-site in a secure storage facility and the other half is
sampled, secured in sealed, labeled bags and then transported to the Stewart
Mexico facility in Zacatecas, Mexico and processed utilizing the same
preparation protocol discussed below. Assays are completed at the Eco Tech
Stewart laboratory in Kamloops, B.C. The entire half-core and reverse
circulation drill cuttings are crushed to 95% passing 2 millimetres, split and
pulverized to 95% passing 150 mesh, split again, and a 150 gram sample sent for
assay. Gold assays are determined by fire assay with an AA finish, over limit
assays are determined by fire assay with a gravimetric finish. Silver, copper,
lead and zinc assays are determined by a four acid digestion with an ICP-MS
finish. Molybdenum assays are determined by aqua regia digestion followed by an
ICP-OES finish. Silver overlimits are determined by a fire assay with a
gravimetric finish. The Company systematically inserts certified standard
samples, sample duplicates in a non-sequential order and blank samples in all
batches of samples sent to Stewart Mexico and Eco Tech Stewart as a means of
quality control. Additionally, Stewart Mexico and Eco Tech Stewart have their
own stringent internal QA/QC protocols. Check samples are systematically sent to
the ALS Chemex lab in Vancouver, Canada. Chain of custody of drill samples is
maintained throughout the process with the use of numbered seal tags closing
sample bags and third party professional transportation of samples to the
laboratories. Each stage of sample handling is recorded in log sheets and
receipts obtained from each party involved.
About Aura Minerals Inc.
Aura Minerals is a Canadian mid-tier gold production company focused on the
acquisition, exploration, development and operation of gold and base metal
projects in the Americas. The Company's producing assets includes the San Andres
gold mine in Honduras, and the recently acquired, producing Sao Francisco and
Sao Vicente gold mines in Brazil. The Company is also developing the
copper-gold-silver Aranzazu Project in Zacatecas state in Mexico, which will
commence operation in the second half of 2010. Other significant assets include
the feasibility-stage Serrote Deposit at the copper-gold-iron ore Arapiraca
Project in Brazil.
Cautionary Statement:
This news release contains forward-looking statements that are not historical
facts. Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors
that could cause actual results, performance, prospects and opportunities to
differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking
statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from
these forward-looking statements include those risks set out in Aura Minerals'
public documents filed on SEDAR at Although Aura Minerals
believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking
statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these
statements, which only apply as of the date of this news release, and no
assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames
or at all. Aura Minerals disclaims any intention or obligation to update or
revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information,
future events or otherwise.
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