BULLETIN TYPE: Cease Trade Order
BULLETIN DATE: May 13, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
A Cease Trade Order has been issued by the British Columbia Securities
Commission on May 13, 2010, against the following Company for failing to
file the documents indicated within the required time period:
Period Ending
Symbol Company Failure to File (Y/M/D)
("TTI") TransGlobe Internet interim financial
and Telecom Co. Ltd. statements 10/02/28
management's discussion
& analysis 10/02/28
Upon revocation of the Cease Trade Order, the Company's shares will
remain suspended until the Company meets TSX Venture Exchange
requirements. Members are prohibited from trading in the securities of
the company during the period of the suspension or until further notice.
BULLETIN TYPE: Cease Trade Order
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Companies
A Temporary Cease Trade Order has been issued by the Ontario Securities
Commission on May 14, 2010, against the following Companies for failing
to file the documents indicated within the required time period:
Period Ending
Symbol Company Failure to File (Y/M/D)
("HLS") Hydralogic Systems audited annual financial
Inc. statements 09/12/31
annual management's
discussion & analysis 09/12/31
certification of annual
and interim filings
("SEE") Seamiles Limited audited annual financial
statements 09/12/31
annual management's
discussion & analysis 09/12/31
certification of annual
and interim filings
Upon revocation of the Temporary Cease Trade Order, the Company's shares
will remain suspended until the Company meets TSX Venture Exchange
requirements. Members are prohibited from trading in the securities of
the company during the period of the suspension or until further notice.
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to the TSX Venture Bulletin dated May 12, 2010, effective at the
opening Monday May 17, 2010, trading in the shares of the Company will
resume, the Company having paid its Sustaining Fees.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced March 29, 2010 and April
5, 2010:
Number of Shares: 1,500,000 flow-through shares
Purchase Price: $0.22 per share
Warrants: 1,500,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 1,500,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.30 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 6 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Michael C. Scholz Y 150,000
Finder's Fee: Elise Puusepp will receive a 10% cash
finder's fee in the amount of $16,500.00.
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.
BULLETIN TYPE: Consolidation
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Pursuant to a special resolution passed by shareholders May 28, 2009,
the Company has consolidated its capital on a 10 old for 1 new basis and
has subsequently increased its authorized capital. The name of the
Company has not been changed.
Effective at the opening Monday, May 17, 2010, the common shares of
Brigadier Gold Limited will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange on
a consolidated basis. The Company is classified as a 'Gold Exploration'
Post - Consolidation
Capitalization: Unlimited shares with no par value of which
4,129,527 shares are issued and outstanding
Escrow nil shares are subject to escrow
Transfer Agent: Equity Transfer & Trust Company
Trading Symbol: BRG (unchanged)
CUSIP Number: 108909 20 1 (new)
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 7, 2010:
First Tranche:
Number of Shares: 1,319,928 shares
Purchase Price: $0.35 per share
Warrants: 329,982 share purchase warrants to purchase
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.5 for a one year period
Number of Placees: 20 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Steven D. Paquin P 28,500
Gordon Lam P 80,000
Gary Stock Y 100,000
David DuPre Y 190,000
Finder's Fee: $16,133.25 cash payable to PI Financial
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 12, 2010:
Number of Shares: 3,500,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.30 per share
Warrants: 1,750,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 1,750,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.45 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 52 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Gary Arca Y 60,000
Allan Fabbro Y 40,000
Julie Catling P 20,000
Finders' Fees: $18,900 cash and 72,000 warrants payable to
Jordan Capital Markets Inc.
$18,270 cash and 71,200 warrants payable to
Macquarie Private Wealth Inc.
$4,620 cash and 17,600 warrants payable to
Canaccord Financial Ltd.
$19,404 cash payable to Michael Baybak and
Company Inc.
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.
BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Debt
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 3,634,375 shares to Insiders and 1,875,000 Units to non-Insiders
to settle outstanding debt for $881,500. Each Unit consists of one
common share and one share purchase warrant.
Number of Creditors: 9 Creditors
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y / Amount Deemed Price
Creditor Progroup=P / Owing per Share # of Shares
JDL Capital Canada Ltd. Y $375,000 $0.16 2,343,750
(Ted Fostey)
Ted Fostey Y $11,500 $0.16 71,875
Brian Bayley Y $45,000 $0.16 281,250
Bill Chemerinski Y $125,000 $0.16 781,250
Michael Thackray Y $25,000 $0.16 156,250
Warrants: 1,875,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 1,875,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.21 for a period of two years from the
date of issuance
The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and
the debt extinguished.
BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-CPC-Shares
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
This Capital Pool Company's ('CPC') Prospectus dated April 8, 2010 has
been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange and the British
Columbia and Alberta Securities Commissions effective April 9, 2010,
pursuant to the provisions of the British Columbia and Alberta
Securities Acts. The Common Shares of the Company will be listed on TSX
Venture Exchange on the effective date stated below.
The Company has completed its initial distribution of securities to the
public. The gross proceeds received by the Company for the Offering were
$600,000 (6,000,000 common shares at $0.10 per share).
Commence Date: At the opening Monday, May 17, 2010, the
Common shares will commence trading on TSX
Venture Exchange.
Corporate Jurisdiction: British Columbia
Capitalization: unlimited common shares with no par value
of which 8,000,000 common shares are issued
and outstanding
Escrowed Shares: 2,100,000 common shares
Transfer Agent: Computershare Investor Services Inc.
Trading Symbol: CYC.P
CUSIP Number: 23283V 10 1
Sponsoring Member: Canaccord Financial Ltd.
Agent's Options: 600,000 non-transferable stock options. One
option to purchase one share at $0.10 per
share up to 24 months.
For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated
April 8, 2010.
Company Contact: Craig Robson
Company Address: 600 - 999 Hastings Street West
Vancouver, BC V6C 2W2
Company Phone Number: 778-329-9629
Company Email: craig@urg.ca
Seeking QT primarily in these sectors: Oil & Gas
BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Debt
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 840,000 shares at a deemed price of $0.10 per share to settle
outstanding debt for $84,000.
Number of Creditors: 1 Creditor
The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and
the debt extinguished.
(formerly Excelsior Mining Corp. ("MIN.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Qualifying Transaction-Completed/New Symbol, Private
Placement-Non-Brokered, Reinstated for Trading
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange (the 'Exchange') has accepted for filing Excelsior
Mining Corp.'s (the 'Company' or 'Excelsior') Qualifying Transaction
(the 'QT') and related transactions, all as principally described in its
filing statement dated April 29, 2010 (the 'Filing Statement'). As a
result, effective at the opening Monday, May 17, 2010, the common shares
of the Company will be reinstated for trading and the Company will no
longer be considered a Capital Pool Company. The QT includes the
following matters, all of which have been accepted by the Exchange:
Qualifying Transaction:
1. Option Agreement
On March 9, 2010 Excelsior entered into an arm's length option agreement
dated March 9, 2010 (the "Option Agreement") between Excelsior and Eagle
Plains Resources Ltd. ("Eagle Plains"). Under the terms of the Option
Agreement, Excelsior has the Option to earn up to a 70% interest in
mining claims consisting of 355 ha and located approximately 40
kilometers north of Cranbrook, BC in the Fort Steele Mining Division,
known as the Wildhorse Property (the "Property") which may be exercised
Initial 60% Interest:
- Making cash payments to Eagle Plains totaling $250,000 over four
o $5,000 upon execution (paid);
o $5,000 upon TSXV approval;
o $25,000 upon 1st Anniversary of QT;
o $50,000 upon 2nd Anniversary of QT;
o $75,000 upon 3rd Anniversary of QT;
o $90,000 upon 4th Anniversary of QT;
- Issuing a total of 1,000,000 Excelsior common shares to Eagle Plains
over a period of four years; and
o 100,000 upon TSXV approval;
o 100,000 upon 1st Anniversary of QT;
o 200,000 upon 2nd Anniversary of QT;
o 300,000 upon 3rd Anniversary of QT;
o 300,000 upon 4th Anniversary of QT;
- Incurring exploration expenditures totaling $3,000,000 over four
o $200,000 by December 31, 2010;
o $300,000 by December 31, 2011;
o $500,000 by December 31, 2012;
o $750,000 by December 31, 2013; and
o $1,250,000 by December 31, 2014.
Upon the satisfaction of these payments / shares issuances /
expenditures, Excelsior will have exercised the Option and acquired an
undivided 60% interest in the Wildhorse Property.
Additional 10% interest:
- Exercising the 60% Option;
- Issuing an additional 300,000 Excelsior common shares to Eagle Plains
by the 5th Anniversary of the QT; and
- Incurring additional exploration expenditures of $1,000,000 by
December 31, 2015.
Upon the satisfaction of the additional shares issuance & expenditures,
Excelsior will have exercised the Additional Option and acquired an
undivided 70% interest in the Wildhorse Property.
2. Finder's Fee to Proposed New Director
Jay Sujir, who will become a Director of Excelsior on the closing of the
Transaction, will receive 266,667 Resulting Issuer Shares as a finder's
fee ("FF") pursuant to the Transaction. At the time the Option Agreement
was entered into and Excelsior agreed to pay the FF, Mr. Sujir was at
arm's length to Excelsior.
The Exchange has been advised that the above transactions, that did not
require shareholder approval, have been completed.
In addition, the Exchange has accepted for filing the following:
3. Private Placement-Non-Brokered
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced March 11, 2010:
Number of Shares: 8,299,835 shares
Purchase Price: $0.15 per share
Warrants: 8,299,835 share purchase warrants to
purchase 8,299,835 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.30 for an eighteen month period
Number of Placees: 19 placees
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. (Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.)
4. Reinstated for Trading
Effective at market open Monday, May 17, 2010, trading will be
reinstated in the securities of the Company.
Capitalization: Unlimited common shares with no par value
of which 17,616,502 common shares are
issued and outstanding
Escrow: 3,066,667 commons shares are subject to 36
month staged release escrow
Symbol: MIN same symbol as CPC but with .P removed
The Company is classified as a "Mineral Exploration" company.
Company Contact: Sheila Paine
Company Address: Suite 1240 - 1140 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4G1
Company Phone Number: 604-681-8030
Company Fax Number: 604-681-8039
Company Email Address: spaine@explorationgroup.com
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation relating
to an arms-length agreement dated April 30, 2010, in connection with the
acquisition by Explor Resources Inc. of 1 claim situated in the Ogden
Township in the district of Cochrane, in the province of Ontario, in
consideration of $5,000 in cash and 50,000 common shares.
Following the option's exercise, the vendor will retain a 2% Net Smelter
Royalty half of which (i.e.: 1%) may be repurchased for $1,000,000.
For further details, please refer to the Company's press release dated
May 6, 2010.
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Convention d'achat de propriete, d'actif ou d'actions
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 14 mai 2010
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot d'une convention date du 30
avril 2010 negociee a distance relativement a l'acquisition par
Ressources Explor Inc. de 1 claim situe dans le canton d'Ogden, dans le
district de Cochrane, dans la province de l'Ontario, en consideration de
5 000 $ en especes et de 50 000 actions ordinaires.
Suite a l'exercice de l'option, le vendeur conservera un revenu net de
fonderie (NSR) de 2 % dont la moitie (i.e. : 1 %) peut etre rachetee
pour une somme de 1 000 000 $.
Pour plus d'information, veuillez vous referer au communique de presse
emis par la societe le 6 mai 2010.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered, Convertible Debenture/s,
Remain Halted
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced March 26, 2010:
Convertible Debenture: $365,000
Conversion Price: Convertible into shares at $0.09 of
principal outstanding (along with 4,055,555
detachable warrants)
Maturity date: 12 months from issuance
Warrants: Each warrant will have a term of one year
from the date of issuance of the notes and
entitle the holder to purchase one common
share. The warrants are exercisable at the
price of $0.10.
Interest rate: 12%
Number of Placees: 9 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / Principal Amount
Pinetree Income Partnership Y $100,000
Sean Carr Y 25,000
Robert Schulz Y 25,000
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
has issued a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s).
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement- Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 23, 2010:
Number of Shares: 10,000,000 common shares
Purchase Price: $0.20 per common share
Warrants: 10,000,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 10,000,000 common shares
Warrant exercise price: $0.30 for 24 months following the closing
of the Private Placement
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider = Y /
Name Pro Group = P / Number of shares
Sika Investments Ltd. P 250,000
Gord Bain P 50,000
Denis Amoroso P 35,000
Gina Holliday P 25,000
Judy Taylor P 15,000
Eric Leboeuf Y 845,000
Steve Benjamin P 50,000
Finders' fee: Canaccord Capital Corporation received
$46,100 in cash and 230,500 warrants.
Raymond James Ltd. received $2,000 in cash
and 10,000 warrants. Woodstone Capital Inc.
received $3,250 in cash. Haywood Securities
Inc. received 32,500 warrants. Each warrant
entitles the Holder to purchase one common
share at a price of $0.30 over a period of
24 months following the closing of the
Private Placement.
The Company has confirmed the closing of the above-mentioned private
placement by way of a news release.
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 14 mai 2010
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation en vertu
d'un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier, tel qu'annonce le
23 avril 2010:
Nombre d'actions : 10 000 000 d'actions ordinaires
Prix : 0,20 $ par action ordinaire
Bons de souscription : 10 000 000 de bons de souscription
permettant de souscrire a 10 000 000
d'actions ordinaires
Prix d'exercice des bons : 0,30 $ pour une periode de 24 mois
suivant la cloture du placement prive
Participation Initie / Groupe Pro :
Initie = Y /
Nom Groupe Pro = P / Nombre d'actions
Sika Investments Ltd. P 250 000
Gord Bain P 50 000
Denis Amoroso P 35 000
Gina Holliday P 25 000
Judy Taylor P 15 000
Eric Leboeuf Y 845 000
Steve Benjamin P 50 000
Honoraires des
intermediaires : Canaccord Capital Corporation a recu 46 100
$ en especes et 230 500 bons de
souscrition. Raymond James Ltee Inc. a recu
2 000 $ en especes et 10 000 bons de
souscription. Woodstone Capital inc. a recu
3 250 $ en especes. Haywood Securities
inc. a recu 32 500 bons de souscription.
Chaque bon de souscription permet au
titulaire de souscrire a une action
ordinaire au prix de 0,30 $ l'action
pendant une periode 24 mois suivant la
cloture du placement prive.
La societe a confirme la cloture du placement prive mentionne ci-dessus
en vertu d'un communique de presse.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to the first tranche of a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April
30, 2010:
Number of Shares: 8,667,500 shares
Purchase Price: $0.20 per share
Warrants: 8,667,500 share purchase warrants to
purchase 8,667,500 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.35 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 17 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation: N/A
Finder's Fee: $32,800 and 164,000 finder warrants payable
to Otis Brandon Munday
$80,000 and 400,000 finder warrants payable
to Sprott Asset Management
$8,000 and 40,000 finder warrants payable
to Dominick & Dominick Securities Inc.
$800 and 4,000 finder warrants payable to
Pat Nicastro
$11,960 and 59,800 finder warrants payable
to Bolder Investment Partners Ltd.
-Each finder warrant is exercisable at
$0.35 into one common share for a two year
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. (Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.)
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to
an option agreement between Golden Chalice Resources Inc. (the
"Company"), James Croxall and Larry Salo (collectively the "Vendors"),
whereby the Company has the option to purchase a 100% interest in 4
claims (8 units) known as the Goose Lake property, located in Shaw
Township, Porcupine Mining Division, Ontario. In consideration, the
Company will issue a total of 200,000 common shares and pay $15,000 over
a four year period ($5,000 and 50,000 shares in the first year) to the
The property is subject to a 2% net smelter return, of which the Company
may purchase 1% at any time for $1,000,000.
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has been advised that the Company's shares will be
listed and commence trading on Toronto Stock Exchange at the opening on
Monday, May 17, 2010, under the symbol "GOZ".
As a result of this Graduation, there will be no further trading under
the symbol "GOZ" on TSX Venture Exchange after Friday May 14, 2010, and
its shares will be delisted from TSX Venture Exchange at the
commencement of trading on Toronto Stock Exchange.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered, Convertible Debenture/s
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 26, 2010 and May 6,
Convertible Debenture US$2,600,000
Conversion Price: Convertible into common shares at $0.395
per common share.
Maturity date: 90 days following the date of advance
Bonus shares: 702,624 common shares to the lenders and
351,312 common shares to each of two
guarantors, Brad Scharfe and Bryan
Interest rate: 4.17% per month
Number of Placees: three placees
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly
BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-CPC-Shares
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
This Capital Pool Company's ('CPC') Prospectus dated April 5, 2010 has
been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange and the British
Columbia, Alberta and Ontario Securities Commissions effective April 8,
2010, pursuant to the provisions of the British Columbia, Alberta and
Ontario Securities Acts. The Common Shares of the Company will be
listed on TSX Venture Exchange on the effective date stated below.
The Company has completed its initial distribution of securities to the
public. The gross proceeds received by the Company for the Offering were
$240,000 (1,200,000 common shares at $0.20 per share).
Commence Date: At the opening Monday, May 17, 2010, the
Common shares will commence trading on TSX
Venture Exchange.
Corporate Jurisdiction: Alberta
Capitalization: unlimited common shares with no par value
of which 2,350,000 common shares are issued
and outstanding
Escrowed Shares: 1,150,000 common shares
Transfer Agent: Computershare Trust Company of Canada
Trading Symbol: HIM.P
CUSIP Number: 43289R 10 2
Sponsoring Member: Haywood Securities Inc.
Agent's Options: 100,000 non-transferable stock options. One
option to purchase one share at $0.20 per
share up to 24 months.
For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated.
Company Contact: K. Peter Miller, President and CEO
Company Address: Suite 1028, 550 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 2B%
Company Phone Number: (604) 689-1428
Company Fax Number: (604) 681-4692
Company Email Address: Info@ionicmail.com
Seeking QT primarily in these sectors: All
(formerly: Prelim Capital Inc. ("PLM.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Qualifying Transaction-Completed, Name Change, New
Symbol, Reinstated for Trading
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's Qualifying
Transaction described in its Filing Statement dated April 29, 2010. As a
result, at the opening on May 17, 2010, the Company will no longer be
considered a Capital Pool Company and the trading in the shares of the
Company will be reinstated. The Qualifying Transaction includes the
The Company has acquired all the issued and outstanding securities of
Hudson River Minerals Ltd. which holds a 100% interest in 105 mining
claims comprising two separate claim groups in the Thunder Bay Mining
Division in northern Ontario. The acquisition was completed by way of an
Name Change
Pursuant to a resolution passed by shareholders June 19, 2009, the
Company has changed its name as follows. There is no consolidation of
Effective at the opening Monday, May 17, 2010, the common shares of
Hudson River Minerals Ltd. will commence trading on TSX Venture
Exchange, and the common shares of Prelim Capital Inc. will be delisted.
The Company is classified as an "Exploration/Development" company.
Capitalization: Unlimited shares with no par value of which
28,947,299 shares are issued and
Escrow: 7,262,500 shares
Transfer Agent: Equity Transfer & Trust Company
Trading Symbol: HRM (new)
CUSIP Number: 444134 10 0 (new)
Company Contact: Stephen J. Balch, President and CEO
Company Address: 130 Adelaide Street W.
Toronto, ON M5H 3P5
Company Phone Number: (416) 369-6610
Company Fax Number: (416) 366-8571
Company Email Address: sbalch@hudsonriverminerals.com
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced May 5, 2010:
Number of Shares: 3,525,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.40 per share
Number of Placees: 4 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation: N/A
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to the first tranche of a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April
13, 2010:
Number of Shares: 6,204,995 shares
Purchase Price: $0.60 per share
Number of Placees: 31 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Harry Pokrmdt P 333,333
Kenneth Gillis P 83,332
Eugene Li P 25,000
David Washburn P 41,666
Chris Naprawa P 166,666
Michael Nininger P 166,666
Alex Rothwell P 83,332
Sprott Asset Management L.P. Y 1,667,000
Finder's Fee: $44,114 cash payable to Maison Placements
Canada Inc.
92,167 shares payable to Macquarie Capital
Markets Canada Ltd.
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.
BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-CPC-Shares
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
This Capital Pool Company's ('CPC') Prospectus dated March 25, 2010 has
been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange and the British
Columbia and Alberta Securities Commissions effective March 29, 2010,
pursuant to the provisions of the British Columbia and Alberta
Securities Acts. The Common Shares of the Company will be listed on TSX
Venture Exchange on the effective date stated below.
The Company has completed its initial distribution of securities to the
public. The gross proceeds received by the Company for the Offering were
$500,000 (5,000,000 common shares at $0.10 per share).
Commence Date: At the opening Monday, May 17, 2010, the
Common shares will commence trading on TSX
Venture Exchange.
Corporate Jurisdiction: British Columbia
Capitalization: unlimited common shares with no par value
of which 7,000,000 common shares are issued
and outstanding
Escrowed Shares: 2,000,000 common shares
Transfer Agent: Computershare Investor Services Inc.
Trading Symbol: PLN.P
CUSIP Number: 696084 10 2
Sponsoring Member: Canaccord Financial Ltd.
Agent's Options: 500,000 non-transferable stock options. One
option to purchase one share at $0.10 per
share up to 24 months.
For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated
March 25, 2010.
Company Contact: Thomas D. Lamb
CEO, CFO, Corporate Secretary and Director
Company Address: Suite 2184, 1055 Dunsmuir Street
Vancouver, BC V7X 1L3
Company Phone Number: +1.778.330.2758
Company Fax Number: 866-327-1288
Company Email Address: tdlamb2@gmail.com
Seeking QT primarily in these sectors: technology or industrial
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Brokered Private Placement announced April 29, 2010:
Number of Subscription
Receipts 11,430,000 subscription receipts
Purchase Price: $3.50 per subscription receipt
Number of Placees: 109 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y / # of Sub.
Name ProGroup=P / Receipts
Martin Scase Y 58,000
Frank Tirpak P 12,000
Michael Tirpak P 3,000
James and Wendy Spiers P 6,000
William and Peggy Cunningham P 8,000
Maya and Michael Fehr P 8,000
Marion and Bruce Crawford P 4,000
Alison Hannah P 7,500
Prakask nardai Y 7,000
Agent's Fee: GMP Securities L.P. - $660,082.50
Genuity Capital Markets - $660,082.50
Dundee Securities Corporation - $220,027.50
Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd. -
Paradigm Capital Inc. - $220,027.50
First Energy Capital Corp. - $110,013.75
Peters & Co. Limited - $110,013.75
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced May 11, 2010:
Number of Shares: 5,840,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.05 per share
Warrants: 5,840,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 5,840,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.10 for a six month period
$0.15 for the next 18 months
Number of Placees: 25 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Kerry Chow P 400,000
Roberto Chu P 100,000
Ivano Veschini P 200,000
Finder's Fee: PI Financial Corp. receives 300,000 units
with the same terms as the above private
placement and 300,000 non-transferable
warrants, each exercisable for one share at
a price of $0.10 per share for six month
and at $0.15 per share for an additional 18
Bolder Investment Partners Ltd. receives
145,000 units with the same terms as the
above private placement.
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. (Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.)
BULLETIN TYPE: Normal Course Issuer Bid
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange") has been advised by the Company
that pursuant to a Notice of Intention to make a Normal Course Issuer
Bid dated May 12, 2010, the Company may repurchase for cancellation up
to 932,415 common shares (the "Shares") in its own capital stock,
representing approximately 5% of the Company's issued and outstanding
Shares. The purchases are to be made through the facilities of the
Exchange during the period starting on May 19, 2010 to May 18, 2011.
Purchases pursuant to the bid will be made by Dundee Securities
Corporation on behalf of the Company.
TYPE DU BULLETIN : Offre de rachat dans le cours normal des activites
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 14 mai 2010
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX (la "Bourse") a ete avisee qu'en vertu d'un
avis d'intention de proceder a une offre de rachat dans le cours normal
des activites datee du 12 mai 2010, la societe peut racheter pour fin
d'annulation, jusqu'a 932 415 actions ordinaires de son capital-actions
representant approximativement 5 % des actions emises et en circulation
de la societe. Les achats seront effectues par l'entremise de la Bourse
durant la periode debutant le 19 mai 2010 et se terminant le 18 mai
2011. Les achats en vertu de l'offre seront effectues par le biais de
Dundee Securities Corporation
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced May 6, 2010:
Number of Shares: 1,578,947 shares
Purchase Price: $0.19 per share
Number of Placees: 1 placee
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.
(formerly SNS Silver Corp. ("SNS"))
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Pursuant to a resolution passed by shareholders on April 16, 2010, the
Company has changed its name as follows. There is no consolidation of
Effective at the opening Monday, May 17, 2010, the common shares of SNS
Precious Metals Inc. will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange, and
the common shares of SNS Silver Corp. will be delisted. The Company is
classified as a 'Junior Natural Resource Mining' company.
Capitalization: Unlimited shares with no par value of which
61,731,407 shares are issued and
Escrow: Nil escrowed shares
Transfer Agent: Computershare Investor Services
Trading Symbol: SNS (UNCHANGED)
CUSIP Number: 78464N 10 4 (new)
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing an agreement dated April 1,
2010 between Homeland Uranium Inc. ('Homeland') and the Company.
Pursuant to the agreement the Company has acquired from Homeland C$4.00
million in cash and approximately 7.619 million common shares of
Macusani Yellowcake Inc. ('Macusani') as well as a right to purchase the
shares issuable if Homeland exercises up to approximately 4.57 million
Macusani warrants (the 'Homeland Assets'). As consideration for the
Homeland Assets, the Company issued to Homeland 81,654,442 common
(formerly Solex Resources Corp. ("SOX"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Name Change and Consolidation
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Pursuant to a resolution passed by shareholders on April 27, 2010, the
Company has consolidated its capital on a 3 old for 1 new basis. The
name of the Company has also been changed as follows.
Effective at the opening Monday, May 17, 2010, the common shares of
Southern Andes Energy Inc. will commence trading on TSX Venture
Exchange, and the common shares of Solex Resources Corp. will be
delisted. The Company is classified as a 'mining' company.
Post - Consolidation
Capitalization: unlimited shares with no par value of which
53,659,709 shares are issued and
Escrow: nil
Transfer Agent: Valiant Trust Company
Trading Symbol: SUR (new)
CUSIP Number: 842199 10 1 (new)
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 20, 2010:
Number of Shares: 5,780,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.25 per share
Warrants: 2,890,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 2,890,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.40 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 14 placees
Finder's Fee: $59,600 payable to Stikine Capital Limited
(P. Rizzi)
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 12, 2010 and April
20, 2010:
Number of Shares: 5,000,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.15 per share
Warrants: 5,000,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 5,000,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.18 for a one year period
$0.23 in the second year
Number of Placees: 28 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Ivano Veschini P 100,000
Roberto Chu P 100,000
Finders' Fees: $28,500 and 190,000 warrants payable to PI
Financial Corp.
$4,500 and 30,000 warrants payable to
Bolder Investment Partners
$4,500 and 30,000 warrants payable to Union
Securities Ltd.
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.
(formerly JYW Capital Corp. ("JYW.H"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Qualifying Transaction-Completed/New Symbol, Graduation
from NEX to TSX Venture, Private Placement-Brokered, Reinstated for
BULLETIN DATE: May 14, 2010
NEX Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's Qualifying
Transaction described in its Filing Statement dated February 25, 2010.
As a result, at the opening Tuesday, May 18, 2010, the Company will no
longer be considered a Capital Pool Company and trading in the shares of
the Company's will be reinstated.
Qualifying Transaction-Completed:
The Qualifying Transaction involves the Company's acquisition of all of
the issued and outstanding shares of Golden Hill International Holdings
Limited ("Golden Hill"). Golden Hill's sole asset, which is held by
Xinjiang Huamei Mining Co., Ltd. (the "Subsidiary"), a private company
incorporated in the PRC owned by Golden Hill as to 75% and by Hami
Zhongmei Energy Co., Ltd. ("Zhongmei"), a private company incorporated
in the PRC as to 25%, has the right to participate in coalbed methane
("CBM") exploration on approximately 1,941 square kilometres of
prospective coal-bearing land south of the City of Hami, China. Zhongmei
is the 25% joint venture equity owner of the Subsidiary.
The Qualifying Transaction consists of the acquisition of all 42,251,892
shares of Golden Hill for a consideration of 42,251,892 shares of the
Company at a deemed price of $0.25 per share ($10,562,973).
The Exchange has been advised that the above transaction has been
Graduation from NEX to TSX Venture:
The Company has met the requirements to be listed as a TSX Venture Tier
2 Company. Therefore, effective on Tuesday, May 18, 2010, the Company's
listing will transfer from NEX to TSX Venture, the Company's Tier
classification will change from NEX to Tier 2 and the Filing and Service
Office will change from NEX to Vancouver.
Effective at the opening Tuesday, May 18, 2010, the trading symbol for
the Company will change from JYW.H to JYW.
In addition, the Exchange has accepted for filing the following:
Private Placement-Brokered:
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Brokered Private Placement announced on June 25, 2009 and August
25, 2009:
Number of Shares: 20,038,568 Units
Purchase Price: $0.25 per Unit
Warrants: 10,019,284 share purchase warrants to
purchase 10,019,284 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.50 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 59 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Units
Qing Feng Y 320,000
Mark Roth Y 400,000
Agent's Fee: Union Securities Ltd. will be paid:
(a) $95,400 cash,
(b) 300,000 common shares, and
(c) 123,200 agent's warrants exercisable at
$0.50 per share for a term of two years.
Evergreen Investment Corporation will be
(a) $100,000 cash, and
(b) 800,000 warrants exercisable at $0.50
per share for a term of two years.
City Gainer Investment Limited will be
(a) $135,082.13 cash, and
(b) 1,080,657 warrants exercisable at $0.50
per share for a term of two years.
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.
Capitalization: Unlimited shares with no par value of which
67,750,460 shares are issued and
Escrow: 44,411,892 shares
Symbol: JYW (same symbol as CPC but with .H
Insider / Pro Group Participation: N/A
The Company is classified as an "Oil & Gas" company.
Company Contact: Mark Roth, CFO and Director
Company Address: Suite 1710, 1177 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 2L3
Company Phone Number: (403) 615-0050
Company Fax Number: (707) 313-2523
Company Email Address: markroth@chinacoalcorporation.com
Erin Ventures (TSXV:EV)
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Erin Ventures (TSXV:EV)
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