Evergold Corp. (TSX-V: EVER, WKN: A2PTHZ)
Evergold” or the “
Company”) is
pleased to announce a wide-ranging in-house review of its
operations and strategic approach, in conjunction with which
management is welcoming expressions of interest in partnering with
the company to advance its promising Golden Lion and DEM
properties, each of which is highlighted below. The partnering
initiative builds upon strong recent interest in the Company’s
properties, as reflected by the recent trading of more than 24
million shares in 746 trades over ten days in response to the
release December 11, 2024, of additional highly encouraging assay
values of both precious and critical elements from its emerging DEM
prospect in central BC, including the highest grades of antimony
seen in actual drilling, rather than simply grab samples, from any
Canadian mineral prospect in recent years (for example, 40 metres
of 0.42% antimony including
3.60% antimony over
2.5 metres, including
8.37% antimony over 0.50
metre in hole DEM24-05 – true widths unknown). Recent trading
volumes also reflect renewed recognition that the Company’s Golden
Lion property in northern BC returned, in 2021 drilling, very
high-grade copper, with strong gold and silver (for example,
16.2% copper, 1.88 g/t gold and 92.1 g/t silver
over 0.5 metres, at surface, in portable diamond core hole
GL21-BPD-014 – true width unknown), and elsewhere, high grades of
gold near surface within the large GL1 Main zone (for example, an
estimated true width
66.0 metres of 1.36 g/t gold
3.3 metres of 11.30 g/t gold in shallow
hole GL21-024, and high grade gold, silver and zinc (for example,
0.6 metres of 31.7 g/t gold, 924 g/t silver, 12.6% zinc,
3.7% lead in hole GL21-025). Due to market conditions, to
date the Company has been unable to follow up on any of these
important intercepts, whether from DEM or Golden Lion. Interested
parties may contact the CEO, below.
Provided below are summaries of the Golden Lion
and DEM properties, including key drill results to date.
Golden Lion Gold-Silver (+Copper, Zinc,
Lead) Property, BC - 5,100 ha. 100% owned. To view an
animated 3D property video go to Evergold Corp. - Home. To view
property powerpoint presentation go to Evergold Corp. -
The Company’s most advanced exploration asset,
the Golden Lion property is located in moderate terrain in northern
BC’s Toodoggone region, adjacent to Thesis Gold’s advanced stage,
road-accessible Ranch-Lawyers project. The key target on the
property is the GL1 Main Zone, first drilled with success by
Newmont in 1984, which completed bulldozer trenching and 2,475
metres of shallow BQ-diametre drilling in 22 holes along
approximately 1.2 kms of NW-SE mineralized trend associated with
the faulted contact between Lower Jurassic Toodoggone volcanic
rocks to the west and, to the east, an Early Jurassic granodiorite
intrusion and Upper Triassic Stuhini Group volcanic rocks. All
holes encountered encouraging gold grades within epithermal-style
polymetallic (Au, Ag, Zn, Pb) mineralization, including for example
87.0 metres of 1.01 g/t Au from 10 to 97 metres in hole GL84-20 and
locally, high grades of silver, for example 19 ounces per
ton (oz/T) Ag over 1 metre in GL84-16,
16 oz/T Ag over 1 metre in GL84-11, 17
oz/T Ag and 0.2 oz/T gold over 1 metre in GL84-18, and
11 oz/T Ag and 13
oz/T Ag over separate 1 metre core
intervals in hole GL84-17 – true widths unknown.
Newmont’s drill pads at the GL1 Main Zone were
widely spaced and, despite most holes collaring in mineralization,
only a single hole was drilled per pad, leaving the depth potential
of the GL1 Main Zone entirely untested, and potential also for
high-grade domains within the broad mineralized envelope.
In 2020, following soil sampling and geophysical
surveys, Evergold carried out an initial program of NRQ (7.6 cm)
diametre drilling comprising 3,017 metres in 16 holes. Five of
these holes were designed to confirm the general tenor of
historical Newmont results on the GL1 Main Zone, and the remainder
were reconnaissance holes drilled off-trend at the GL1, GL2 and GL3
target areas. At the GL1 Main Zone, drilling returned (see news,
November 30, 2020 and January 26, 2021) broad, low-grade gold
intersections from surface encompassing higher grade intervals very
similar to the results achieved by Newmont, for example
88.62 metres of 0.71 g/t Au from 4.88 to 93.50
metres in hole GL20-009, including 6.00 metres of
2.92 g/t Au.
Elsewhere on the property, at the GL2 target
area, core hole GL20-014 was drilled to test below the GL2 Skarn
target, which in previous outcrop sampling had returned high values
of copper with associated strong silver and gold, including
13.5% Cu, 122 g/t Ag, and 0.146 g/t Au in
GLAA18-036R. A 1-metre intercept of chalcopyrite-rich sulphides
hosted within brecciated limestone between 44.36 and 45.36 metres
returned an encouraging 3.34% copper, 3.66 g/t gold, and
33.89 g/t silver.
With the goal of evaluating the potential for
high grades both within and below the broad envelope of near
surface mineralization at the GL1 Main Zone, in 2021 the Company
returned to the property and drilled an additional 1,811 metres in
9 NRQ diametre core holes at the GL1 Main Zone. The holes tested
the GL1 Main Zone over a strike length of 175 metres, at vertical
depths ranging from 20 metres to 175 metres below surface. Notably,
as highlighted below, the final 3 holes of the 2021 program
delivered by far the highest grades ever drilled on the Golden Lion
property and the first high-grade domain at GL1 Main proper, coming
to surface between widely-spaced historical drilling.
2021 Heli-Portable Drilling Highlights –
GL1 Main Zone (see news, November 16, 2021)
Hole GL21-025 (true widths estimated at 50% of
intervals cited)
- 40.3m of 2.0 g/t Au, 24 g/t Ag, 1.2% Zn, 0.5%
Pb, including
- 11.3m of 5.4 g/t Au, 62 g/t Ag, 3.2% Zn, 1.3%
Pb, including
- 2.8m of 10.4 g/t Au, 651 g/t Ag, 10.9% Zn, 3.7%
Pb, including
- 1.0m of 26.1 g/t Au, 619 g/t Ag, 10.0% Zn, 3.5%
Pb, including
- 0.6m of 31.7 g/t Au, 924 g/t Ag, 12.6% Zn, 3.7%
Pb, and
- 1.0m of 13.4 g/t Au, 26 g/t Ag, 11.3%
Zn, 8.4% Pb
Hole GL21-024 (intervals cited
are estimated true width)
- 66.0m of 1.36 g/t Au, 11 g/t Ag, 0.3% Zn, 0.2%
Pb, including
- 3.3m of 11.30 g/t Au, 12 g/t Ag, 1.9% Zn, 2.3%
Pb, including
- 1.0m of 29.10 g/t Au, 19 g/t Ag, 2.7% Zn, 1.6%
Pb, including
- 0.5m of 44.70 g/t Au, 24 g/t Ag, 4.3% Zn, 2.8%
Hole GL21-023 (true width
estimated at 70% of interval cited)
- 1.2m of 10.9 g/t
Au, 5.5 g/t Ag, 0.2% Zn, 1.4% Pb
2021 Man-Portable Reconnaissance Diamond
Drilling (see news, January 13, 2022)
During 2021 the Company also used a small
man-portable diamond drill to complete 65 shallow BQ-diametre
reconnaissance core holes ranging from 0.5 to 6.4 metres depth,
sampling mineralized outcrop on the GL1 and GL2 target areas, with
a particular focus on the GL2 “Skarn” target located 1 km northeast
of, and on the opposite side of the ridge from, the GL1 Main Zone.
As cited below, this work returned some impressive copper values,
with strong associated gold and silver credits, highlighting the
exploration potential of the wider property.
- 16.2% copper, 1.88 g/t gold
and 92.1 g/t silver over 0.5 metres in hole
- 11.5% copper, 0.92 g/t gold
and 31.1 g/t silver over 1.14 metres in hole
- 11.9% copper, 0.69 g/t gold
and 37.9 g/t silver over 1.47 metres in hole
- 15.1% copper, 1.36 g/t gold
and 43.9 g/t silver over 0.7 metres in hole
- 735 g/t silver
over 0.3 metres in hole GL-21-BPD-012
Readers should note that sampling with a
man-portable drill generally drills short, shallow holes and the
results are not necessarily representative of the overall
mineralization to depth or along trend at any particular site.
The Company has to date been unable to follow up
on the very strong 2021 drill results from Golden Lion due firstly
to COVID-related driller labour shortages which shortened the 2021
field season and, since that time, very soft market financing
conditions. Nonetheless, the 2021 high-grade results are a
game-changer for the property and establish a bright outlook for
follow-up drilling, which has been planned to encompass systematic
in-fill and expansion to depth below and along strike of the GL1
Main Zone.
DEM Precious and Critical Elements
Property, BC - 12,728 ha. Optioned with the right to earn
100%. To view property powerpoint presentation go to Evergold Corp.
- Presentations.
First identified by Noranda in 1991 as a
shallowly buried, gold-bearing intrusive system with overlying
high-level veins, but never drilled, the road-accessible DEM
prospect is located in moderate terrain 40 kms northwest of Fort
St. James in central BC. Optioned by Evergold in 2023 and drilled
for the first time in the fall of that year, drilling to date at
the DEM prospect (1,601 metres in 5 holes) has focused only on that
small part of the 4 km2 DEM prospect area underlying the
topographic highs of DEM Mountain, and known as the DEM Mountain
Zone. This work has revealed a polymetallic sulphide-bearing vein /
vein-breccia and related alteration system hosted within hornfelsed
sedimentary rocks, locally cut by porphyritic dykes, and associated
with a local magnetic low encompassed by the overall magnetic highs
of DEM Mountain. DEM Mountain is itself surrounded by the generally
much lower elevations of the DEM Lowlands, which include several
low-relief knolls trending off from DEM Mountain to the west,
coincident with a roughly donut-shaped arc of underlying
magnetically positive anomalies. DEM Mountain and these knolls are
now interpreted to be part of the topographically higher elevation,
relatively well exposed hornfelsed and (generally) magnetically
positive alteration halo surrounding a topographically lower and
glacial till-covered intrusion, or intrusions, underlying the DEM
Lowlands, and identified in part by magnetic lows; the lows also
exhibit locally high IP chargeability and low resistivity.
Assay results to date indicate a broad zone
endowed with elevated precious and high-value critical elements,
each locally exhibiting high grades at the level of individual half
to two metre lengths in core samples, or consecutive samples,
including values to highs of 8.37% antimony
(DEM24-05), 29.5 g/t gold (DEM23-03), 182
g/t silver (DEM23-03), 0.12% cobalt
(DEM23-03), 41.5 g/t tellurium (DEM23-03),
0.83% molybdenum (DEM23-02), 3.7 g/t
rhenium (DEM23-02), and 0.32% tungsten
(DEM23-01). In general, all of the higher-grade intervals are
associated with, or encompassed by, an envelope of anomalous
pathfinder elements and gold and silver. For example, an estimated
true width 48 metres of 0.58 g/t gold and 11 g/t silver in
DEM23-03, and 135 metres of 0.12 g/t Au from surface in
Key next steps for the project involve extending
drilling to depth below and along trend of the DEM Mountain Zone,
and targeting the considerably larger postulated intrusive centre
under cover downslope to the west with its first-ever drilling.
Director Changes
The Company regrets that long-standing directors
Rosie Moore and Darwin Green have stepped down from the board
effective December 31, 2024, to make way for new directors further
to the company’s evolving strategic direction. Management would
like to thank both Rosie and Darwin for their valued input through
several years of unusually difficult market conditions.
Qualified Person
Charles J. Greig, M.Sc., P.Geo., the Company’s
Chief Exploration Officer and a Qualified Person as defined by NI
43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information in this
news release.
The company has a robust quality
assurance/quality control program that includes the insertion of
blanks, standards and duplicates. Samples of drill core are cut by
a diamond-blade rock saw, with half of the cut core placed in
individually sealed polyurethane bags and half placed back in the
original core box for permanent storage. With the rare exception,
sample lengths generally vary from a minimum 0.5-metre interval to
a maximum 3.0-metre interval, with an average of 0.5 to 1.0 metres
in heavily mineralized sections of core, where precise
identification of the mineralogical source of metal values is
important. Drill core samples are shipped by truck in sealed woven
plastic bags to the ALS sample preparation facility in Langley, BC,
and thereafter taken by ALS to their North Vancouver analytical
laboratory. ALS operates according to the guidelines set out in
International Organization for Standardization/International
Electrotechnical Commission Guide 25. Gold is determined by fire
assay fusion of a 50-gram subsample with atomic absorption
spectroscopy (AAS). Samples that return values greater than 10
parts per million gold from fire assay and AAS (atomic absorption
spectroscopy) are determined by using fire assay and a gravimetric
finish. Various metals including silver, gold, copper, lead,
antimony and zinc are analyzed by inductively coupled plasma (ICP)
atomic emission spectroscopy, following multi-acid digestion. The
elements copper, lead, antimony and zinc are determined by
ore-grade assay for samples that return values greater than 10,000
ppm by ICP analysis. Silver is determined by ore-grade assay for
samples that return greater than 100 ppm.
About Evergold
Evergold Corp. is a TSX-V listed mineral
exploration company with projects in B.C. and Nevada. The Evergold
team has a track record of success in the junior mining space, most
recently the establishment of GT Gold Corp. in 2016 and the
discovery of the Saddle South epithermal vein and Saddle North
porphyry copper-gold deposits near Iskut B.C., sold to Newmont in
2021 for a fully diluted value of $456 million, representing a
1,136% (12.4 X) return on exploration outlays of $36.9 million.
For additional information, please contact:
Kevin M. Keough President and CEO Tel: (613)
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its
Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the
policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for
the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking
This news release includes certain
“forward-looking statements” which are not comprised of historical
facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements
that describe the Company’s future plans, objectives or goals,
including words to the effect that the Company or management
expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking
statements may be identified by such terms as “believes”,
“anticipates”, “expects”, “estimates”, “may”, “could”, “would”,
“will”, or “plan”. Since forward-looking statements are based on
assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very
nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although
these statements are based on information currently available to
the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results
will meet management’s expectations. Risks, uncertainties and other
factors involved with forward-looking information could cause
actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to
differ materially from those expressed or implied by such
forward-looking information. Factors that could cause actual
results to differ materially from such forward-looking information
include, but are not limited to failure to identify mineral
resources, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required
governmental, environmental or other project approvals, political
risks, inability to fulfill the duty to accommodate First Nations,
uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing
needed in the future, changes in equity markets, inflation, changes
in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in the
development of projects, capital and operating costs varying
significantly from estimates and the other risks involved in the
mineral exploration and development industry, and those risks set
out in the Company’s public documents filed on SEDAR. Although the
Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing
the forward-looking information in this news release are
reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such
information, which only applies as of the date of this news
release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur
in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any
intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking
information, whether as a result of new information, future events
or otherwise, other than as required by law.
Evergold (TSXV:EVER)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Evergold (TSXV:EVER)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025