FRANKFURT--The following is a summary of analysts' forecasts for Allianz SE (ALV.XE) fourth-quarter results, based on a poll of 15 analysts conducted by Dow Jones Newswires (figures in million euros, dividend and target price in euro, combined ratio in percent, according to IFRS). Earnings figures are scheduled to be released February 26.

                                          Operat.    Operat. 
                                 Operat.  profit     profit 
                  Total  Operat. profit   Life &      Asset 
4th Quarter     revenue  profit     P/C   Health management 
AVERAGE          29,340   2,440   1,418      671        655 
Prev. Year       26,805   2,384   1,534      417        703 
+/- in %           +9.5    +2.3    -7.6      +61       -6.8 
MEDIAN           29,394   2,457   1,392      663        634 
Maximum          30,073   2,594   1,540      832        707 
Minimum          28,500   2,257   1,298      585        605 
Amount                4      14      13       12         12 
Baader-Helvea        --   2,567   1,392      752        707 
Bankhaus Lampe       --   2,518   1,493      671        605 
Barclays             --   2,395   1,453      665        628 
Berenberg            --   2,594   1,320      832        697 
Bryan Garnier        --   2,284   1,448       --         -- 
Credit Suisse    30,073   2,463   1,298      719        694 
Deutsche Bank        --   2,393   1,387      615        638 
DZ Bank              --   2,421   1,457      604        628 
Equinet          28,500   2,500   1,380      700        630 
Independent Res.     --   2,257      --       --         -- 
J.P. Morgan          --   2,457   1,514      585        613 
MainFirst Bank   28,780   2,456   1,388      661        686 
Morgan Stanley       --   2,328   1,363      642        707 
UBS              30,008   2,524   1,540      604        627 
                              Net    Comb.   Comb. 
                           attrib.   Ratio   Ratio 
4th Quarter           EBT  income      (a)     (a) 
AVERAGE             2,303   1,439     93.8    93.5 
Prev. Year          2,190   1,256     92.2    94.3 
+/- in %             +5.2     +15     +1.7    -0.9 
MEDIAN              2,349   1,452     93.5    93.6 
Maximum             2,478   1,559     95.2    93.9 
Minimum             2,146   1,252     92.9    92.2 
Amount                  9      14       11       8 
Baader-Helvea       2,371   1,514     94.6    93.8 
Bankhaus Lampe      2,388   1,553     93.2      -- 
Barclays               --   1,488     94.0      -- 
Berenberg           2,478   1,559     95.2    93.9 
Bryan Garnier          --   1,314       --      -- 
Credit Suisse       2,366   1,352     94.9    93.9 
Deutsche Bank          --   1,444     93.5    93.6 
DZ Bank             2,146   1,398     93.3    93.5 
Equinet             2,200   1,460       --      -- 
Independent Res.       --   1,340       --      -- 
J.P. Morgan         2,192   1,499     92.9    92.2 
MainFirst Bank      2,239   1,441     93.9    93.6 
Morgan Stanley         --   1,252     92.9      -- 
UBS                 2,349   1,530     92.9    93.4 
                Target price  Rating                DPS 2014 
AVERAGE               155.93  positive 10   AVERAGE     7.04 
Prev. Quarter         143.22  neutral   4   Prev. Year  5.30 
+/- in %                +8.9  negative  0   +/- in %     +33 
MEDIAN                156.50                MEDIAN      7.00 
Maximum               175.00                Maximum     7.20 
Minimum               140.00                Minimum     6.90 
Amount                    14                Amount        14 
Baader-Helvea         140.00  Buy                       7.00 
Bankhaus Lampe        152.00  Hold                      7.10 
Barclays              151.00  Equalweight               7.05 
Berenberg             157.00  Buy                       7.20 
Bryan Garnier         145.00  Neutral                   6.90 
Commerzbank           156.00  Buy                       7.00 
Credit Suisse         158.00  Neutral                   6.90 
Deutsche Bank         160.00  Buy                       7.10 
DZ Bank               151.00  Buy                       7.00 
Equinet               160.00  Accumulate                7.00 
Independent Res.      175.00  Buy                       7.00 
J.P. Morgan           150.00  Overweight                7.10 
MainFirst Bank        158.00  Outperform                7.00 
UBS                   170.00  Buy                       7.20 

Year-earlier figures are as reported by the company.

(a) Property-casualty.


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