4 weeks ago
The Suprock lawsuit settlement did happen as planned, stipulation of dismissal was filed.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
128 motion Stipulation Thu 01/30 1:53 PM
STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL with Prejudice by Consol Plaintiffs John L. Suprock, Laurie L. Suprock, Renewable Energy Now, LLC, Consortium, LLC. (Blum, Jonathan) (dismissal)
-Quantum Energy Inc. v. PCS Advisors LLC
1 month ago
Happy New Year everyone. I just got caught up on all the posting.
@Dorick, @MagnetLover, @PCretired, @MsRoxanne
After Mr Szilard suggested to look things up before, what I looked up really started to look like confusion is the goal. More shells makes a bigger shell game and swapping the names of the shells makes more confusion. Then which of the shells is going to report audited financial statements? Like magic, audit of what happened with investor’s money avoided.
From what I looked up before, whose funds really paid off the investors in previous Danzik companies?
• https://federalcorporation.ca/corporations/11899830
• https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentld=r06UF3IDYxuXB61KQmcIEA==&system=prod
• https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentisplayServlet?documentld=pPWdNLgEWZxY8Sqed PLUS yJrA==&system=prod
I didn’t find much else about Hinz, but when I looked up Douglas Bean I found this link:
• https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/FLOOIDCX-CORP-119074447/news/FLOOIDCX-CORP-Changes-in-Control-or-Registrant-Change-in-Directors-or-Principal-Officers-form-8-41048242/
Company executives, lawyers & CPAs shouldn’t be helping with things like this when they are supposed to be working for shareholders and complying with SEC disclosure rules. Why did a Quantum executive buy FlooidCX in the first place, and who’s funds really paid for the purchase?
1 month ago
I allege that Dennis Danzik, Inductance Energy, Quantum Energy, and FlooidCX have violated the Exchange Act and the Securities Act in that they have made use of deceptive and fraudulent contrivances, devices, schemes, and artifices, have made untrue statements, have omitted to reveal crucially material facts, and have engaged in practices which operated as a fraud, in connection with the sale of securities. The violations occurred in the course of their fraudulent efforts to deceive investors by blatantly misrepresenting the capabilities of a device which they have called the “Earth Engine,” or “Photon Engine.” While employing deceptive contrivances to cause investors to believe their false claims that the so-called “Earth Engine” or “Photon Engine” is powered by “magnetic propulsion,” and could therefore make the electric grid unnecessary, they withheld from investors the crucially material fact that the so-called “Earth Engine” or “Photon Engine” is actually powered entirely by electricity and not at all by magnets. Furthermore, they withheld the fact that when used spin a generator, the device will actually consume more electricity than the generator produces.
1 month ago
MsRoxanne: I don't know whether anyone still believes that Scammer Danzik's fraudulent company has an "engine" powered and "fueled" by magnetism, as Scammer Danzik has claimed for years. But no matter whether anyone believes such claims, I can guarantee with absolute certainty that they are false. The so-called "Earth Engine" / "Photon Engine" is powered by electricity and not by magnets, and there is nothing "world-changing" about it. It is simply a type of electric motor. It makes no difference whether Mr. S happened to purchase one. I am simply bewildered by the fact that investors have not already filed class-action lawsuits for SECURITIES FRAUD against FlooidCX, Quantum Energy Inc, and Inductance Energy.
1 month ago
I recognize that I can be snarky at times, but this is a sincere question for the group: does anyone on this board truly think this company has the technology it claims to have? I’m talking about the earth engine and photon engine, not the supposed 400 SKUs or lightbulbs and solar panels that Mr. S claimed they distribute or manufacture. Over the last however many years we’ve seen reverse splits, lawsuits, press releases, Danzik videos, delinquent SEC filings, offices supposedly being opened up all over the country, symbol changes from QEGY to QREE to whatever weird relationship QREE & FLCX had, only to await yet another ticker change to QQQQ. The one main thing we haven’t seen is any proof whatsoever that a single world-changing energy system has been installed (or for that matter even exists in the first place). Mr. S claimed to have an installation at one of his businesses (but he also referenced an HOA, which is more of a residential term) but when pressed by me and others to post a photograph or video of the installation, he said ‘peace out’ because we’re all rude or mean or stupid or whatever his excuse was. How does this all end?
1 month ago
Dear Mr. Bystander: Thank you for your interest in our company, and our transformative Jurassic Pet Solutions. I have forwarded your question (and in fact, your whole comment) to our AI-powered Tour Scheduling Department, which will determine your name and phone number by analyzing your writing style, so there's no need to provide any further information, and you can expect a phone call very shortly. We will then develop for you a complete ZERO GRIEF Jurassic pet plan appropriate to your needs and situation.
Curious Bystander
1 month ago
Mr Dorick— Fine. I will take a tour. But contrary to what you are likely thinking, I don’t want to tour your Scottsdale facility. Instead, I would like to visit your offices in Cheyenne, Fort Lauderdale, St George, Honolulu, Washington DC, Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo, Salt Lake City, New York, Austin, Helena, Byron, and Powell. Surely something meaningful that will help support your claims is happening at each of those locations. I can meet you there on the dates of your choosing. If you could please provide me with physical addresses that would be wonderful, as the exact location of the majority of those offices has not been provided by your company nor can those office locations be found in a Google search. It’s possible that you may think this request is a bit unreasonable, and maybe even that I’m being intrusive. If you do feel this way—if you really do think you can dangle carrots like this in front of investors without allowing them to actually take a bite—then you truly are “the epitome of a recalcitrant, contemptuous, and incorrigible” person….and we both know this is a label that you vehemently deny. So what do you say? On which dates would you like to meet?
Curious Bystander
1 month ago
I’ll have to think on it. But if I do, and ultimately sue you, I’m sure the court wouldn’t care about me referencing your product as you labeled it.
Why??? Because if I sued you it would be less about your product’s uncanny resemblance to a hammer-headed bat, and more about the fact that the many distributors you claim are selling your pterodactyls are surprisingly quiet on the matter, that you had promised for years that your pterodactyls would fill the skies yet only a handful exist for demonstration purposes, that you have claimed your pterodactyls have certain special abilities yet have been unwilling and/or unable to produce even a single document from a respected third party to substantiate those claims, and that you regularly advertised the fact that your pterodactyls could on their own accomplish wonderful things yet recently abandoned that idea and instead are pushing the concept that they are only useful when paired with your new velociraptors which have an uncanny resemblance to a dog. :)
1 month ago
Mr. Bystander: In that case, would you possibly like to invest in my GENUINE Jurassic Pterodactyl breeding business? Mine are not fakes, like the ones the scammers sell, and there is nothing "miniature" about them - they are full-size pterodactyls, just as big as the ones that ruled the skies 150 million years ago. They do have an uncanny resemblance to hammer-headed bats, but that is simply an unremarkable instance of the well-known phenomenon of "convergent evolution." They actually make quite wonderful pets - much more entertaining than a parrot or cockatoo - and only consume 3 or 4 bananas a day.