2 hours ago
That would be very helpful.
I am kind of stunned with the turnaround at the Post. Maybe its the new wife. I never did get an invite to the wedding - must have been an oversight!
I was going to put in a good word for us at the reception. I had gotten out my Engelbert Humperdinck (I get extra credit if I spelled his name right)
"Release Me" record and was going to have the DJ play it over and over again until Jeff gave in and agreed to only print pro release editorials. But I am sure he rented the NSO who are, of course, based at the newly renamed Kennedy Center (now named for RFK, Jr. - bet you did not know that). So I probably never would have gotten the opportunity.
DC Grannie had bought a dress - she spent about 300°A. It was one of those low cut ones as that appears to be some kind of a rule in order to be allowed within a radius of 2 miles of Bezos. Normally, she would be been able to return it, but all the Department stores in the DC area have now gone out of business (or closed due to an EO?) as the Federal Government is now composed of 2 GS-5s and an untrained dog. They had money to train the dog - but the training was to be paid by Government credit card and they were all shut off (no joke) last night. Any Government travel, going forward, will be done by hitch hiking only (unless you are an illegal alien - then its first class all the way! - one way).
I am not to disappointed in that I figure to catch him next year when he gets married again.
8 hours ago
A look at Bill Pulte, Trump’s choice to run the FHFA
Some experts have even surmised that Trump tapped Pulte because he would accelerate the privatization plans for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Pulte is an activist investor, philanthropist and Trump supporter
Bill Pulte, the man President Donald Trump has nominated to serve as director of the FHFA, is known as a businessman and a philanthropist. If confirmed by the Senate, Pulte would lead the independent agency that oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, government-sponsored agencies that are crucial to the running of the real estate market.
Pulte is an unconventional choice for running the FHFA. While he is a Trump supporter, he has no government experience. His history of philanthropy and private equity activist investing is not the typical career path for agency administrators. Some experts have even surmised that Trump tapped Pulte because he would accelerate the privatization plans for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Pulte is the founder and CEO of the private equity firm Pulte Capital Partners. He is also chair of The Pulte Family Office, which also invests in companies, and the former director of PulteGroup, Inc., the public real estate development company that was started by his grandfather, William J. Pulte, who died in 2018.
Pulte has been greatly influenced by his grandfather’s interest in philanthropy. He wrote in a guest column for the Florida Times-Union in 2021 that his grandfather, who grew up poor in Detroit during the Depression, felt a duty after becoming successful to help those less fortunate. His passion was helping “the poorest of the poor,” Pulte wrote of the real estate magnate.
That passion to give back was passed on to the elder Pulte’s children and to his grandchildren. Grandson Pulte, himself, supports a number of philanthropies and launched the Detroit Blight Authority, which works to stabilize neighborhoods in the city. He has also become a well-known “Twitter philanthropist.”
He wrote in the Times-Union column that one day it dawned on him that Twitter, now known as X, was “the perfect platform to use to reach people in need across the world.” He maintains he’s used X to give away more than $1 million as well as three cars. He writes that the amounts he’s given to individuals have varied from $50 to $25,000. “I help everyone and anyone from cancer patients to single moms, U.S. citizens and people internationally,” Pulte wrote.
Pulte has spoken publicly about how President Trump has helped him raise tens of thousands of dollars in donations on X for military veterans over the years.
Beyond his philanthropic interests, Pulte has also made a name for himself as an activist investor. In December, Pulte, as chair of The Pulte Family Office, an activist shareholder in Virtu Financial, a financial data management company, called on the business to sell itself to either a private equity firm or to another public company. If the company doesn’t explore a sale, Pulte is threatening to force a proxy vote or take other actions.
Pulte lamented the current CEO, “is not focused on building a materially bigger business and spends precious time tweeting on items not related to the core operations of the company.”
On Jan. 15, Pulte announced that The Pulte Family Office had bought shares in GrabAGun, an online firearms retailer that also sells other outdoor products. The company is about to go public through a business combination with Colombier Acquisition Corp. II.
“Much like the First Amendment, the Second Amendment must be protected, and we believe there is no better way to exercise this belief than by investing in GrabAGun,” Pulte said.
17 hours ago
Historical Short Volume Data for FNMA
Date Close High Low Volume Short Volume % of Vol Shorted
Feb 28 NA NA NA 6,818,573 4,323,548 63.41
Feb 27 NA NA NA 8,820,348 5,381,912 61.02
Feb 26 NA NA NA 8,535,400 4,544,802 53.25
Feb 25 NA NA NA 11,437,227 5,845,634 51.11
Feb 24 NA NA NA 12,071,501 5,575,403 46.19
Feb 21 NA NA NA 12,196,093 6,526,616 53.51
Feb 20 NA NA NA 18,443,468 9,114,647 49.42
21 hours ago
This Wall Street Journal story, or at least the headline, is a direct contradiction of the narrative that blames the GSEs for the 2008 financial crisis. I cannot count the number of times I have called out on this board that the blame has always fallen on the doorstep of Wall Street TBTF banks and their massive abuse of, at the time, unregulated, or very poorly regulated, or worse yet, poorly understood derivatives. This has been a poorly kept secret for a very long time - the TBTF bankers knew it, academic researchers wrote papers on this long ago, the Bush administration knew it (mainly Paulson), but the GSE piggy banks were an irresistable honey pot help fund the TARP bailout. Just as important, the GSE narrative was also low hanging fruit to feed the financially ignorant public.
We now have a recent article to call out the fraudsters and make the final uberpush for full restoration of our shareholder rights without any further enriching of the corrupt elements that caused this mess and covered it up with the false narrative. Calling out the treasury commitment as fully repaid plus 10% return to the government - wipes out the senior preferred shares and liquidtion preference - the warrants should be null & void, or left to expire - and with a reassessment of the capital taken from the GSEs when they were seized, additional consideration of the overpayments from the NWS, and finally, a reduction in the regulatory capital percentage, all spells an end to this fiasco with rights fully restored to shareholders. We are holding shares with the long-standing historical rights that the benefits travel with the shares.
This story could actually be the first financial media open contradiction of the narrative (purposely released?) that leads to the correct and final solution to the 2008 crisis - the end of the c'ship, release, and relist of the GSEs.
Wall Street Journal: The boys who crashed the economy in 2008 are back. Big time.
Collateral loan obligations are the hottest finance product in the market.
This is a free link.