RNS No 9637m
7th July 1998

                Announcement of Unaudited Preliminary Results
                      for the 52 weeks ended 1 May 1998
                            Financial Highlights

                                    1998       1997          
                             (Unaudited)  (Audited)
Turnover                          #86.1m     #77.7m    Up 11%
Profit before tax                 #13.8m     #11.0m    Up 25%
Earnings per share                 39.7p      29.5p    Up 35%
Net cash                           #5.2m      #6.3m          
Dividends per share                13.7p      12.3p    Up 11%

Operating Performance

.    Strong financial performance - record turnover and profit

.    Continuing growth in drug delivery and recovery in medical devices

.    Operating margins improved from 14.0% to 15.6%

.    #19 million capital investment primarily to support drug delivery device

.    Excellent cash generation


.    Final  dividend  increased  by 12% to 8.6 pence  per  share  (1997  7.68
     pence), giving a total increase of  11% to 13.7 pence (1997 12.3 pence)

Building for the Future

.    Good prospects for new product pipeline in drug delivery

.    Continuing investment programme in UK and USA

.    Emerging  growth  opportunities in supplying  major  US  medical  device

Bespak plc Chairman, Sir David Cooksey, commented today

This  has  been  a successful year for the Group and we are  continuing  to
prepare  for  the future.  We have a major investment programme in  place  to
support  the opportunities available in our key markets of drug delivery  and
medical devices.  We believe Bespak is well placed to take advantage of these
opportunities and to achieve its long term growth plans.


Peter Chambre, Chief Executive
Robert J. Preece, Finance Director
Bespak plc
0171 638 9571

Bespak plc
1997/98 Preliminary Results


The  past  year has been successful for Bespak plc, with the Group  achieving
record   financial  performance,  resulting  from  increased   turnover   and
improvements  in  operating effectiveness.  The Group also prepared  for  the
future  by commencing a major programme of investment to install the capacity
required  to  support  product expansions and its  pipeline  of  new  product

Operating Results

Group turnover rose by 11% in 1998 to #86.1 million, with growth being driven
primarily  by the 20% increase in drug delivery products.  Operating  profits
grew  by  23% to reach #13.4 million and profit before tax was #13.8 million,
an increase of 25% over last year. Group margins continued to increase during
the year, reaching 15.6% compared with 14% in 1997, resulting mainly from the
improvements achieved in the USA.

Earnings per share increased by 35%  to 39.7 pence, reflecting strong  growth
in  the  drug  delivery  business in the UK and the continuing  progress   at
Tenax,  which  serves the medical device industry in the USA.  The  Board  is
recommending that the final dividend is increased by 12% to 8.6 pence, making
a total for the year of 13.7 pence (1997 12.3 pence).

Capital  expenditure for the year was  #19.2 million and, after investing  at
this  level,  the  Group  ended the year with a net  cash  position  of  #5.2
million,  demonstrating  once  again  the  cash-generative  nature   of   our


In  the  UK,   sales increased by 21% to #57.3 million and operating  profits
improved by 19% to #11.4 million.

The  principal business of Bespak in the UK is the development and supply  of
drug  delivery products to the global respiratory drugs industry, where sales
increased  to  #48.9  million,  representing  growth  of  25%.   Within  this
business,  sales of the range of metered-dose valves for asthma inhalers  and
critical   care   fluid  control  valves  grew  by  13%  to  #26.4   million,
significantly  ahead of the rate of market growth.  Sales  of  drug  delivery
device products increased by 42% to reach #22.5 million, driven primarily  by
increasing sales of the Glaxo Wellcome Diskus (TM) dry powder inhaler.

In the personal care sector, sales of Bespak s pumps increased by 4% to reach
#8.4  million. This was accompanied by the anticipated improvements in margin
resulting from the establishment of stand-alone manufacturing facilities  for
this business, completed during the year.

In the USA, operating profits increased by 65% to #2.0 million resulting from
improvements at both the Group s businesses, especially the recovery achieved
at  Tenax. Sales in the USA fell 6% to #28.8 million (3% at constant exchange

At  Bespak Inc., profits were increased on total  sales which declined by  3%
to  #15.8  million.  The  business develops and  manufactures  drug  delivery
devices  for  US-based  pharmaceutical customers  at  its  two  manufacturing
operations in North Carolina. Sales of these manufactured products  increased
slightly. Bespak Inc. also distributes Bespak s range of valves and  provides
technical  support  to customers in the USA.  Sales of distributed   products
decreased  by 7%, resulting from changes to stock  levels at major  customers
following the launch of generic respiratory drugs in the previous year.

Tenax  is  the Group company serving the medical device industry in the  USA.
Following successful completion of the major restructuring programme in 1997,
Tenax  was  consistently profitable during the last financial  year  and  its
performance improved further in the second half. Overall sales fell by 9%  to
#13  million, reflecting  the decision to focus on a smaller number of  major
medical  device customers. Improvements in operating effectiveness have  been
accompanied by a significant strengthening of the Company s quality processes
resulting in increased levels of satisfaction among its customers.

Building for the Future

Drug Delivery

Bespak  is  the  world s leading supplier of drug delivery  products  to  the
global respiratory drugs industry and is well positioned to benefit from  the
underlying growth in respiratory disease and the changes taking place in  the
market for the delivery of respiratory drugs in the future.  To support these
opportunities,  a three year investment programme commenced during  the  last
financial  year to install the manufacturing capacity required to supply  our
major  pharmaceutical customers  new product launch plans in Europe  and  the

In the metered-dose inhaler market, the pharmaceutical industry has committed
to  change  from  the  use  of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)  propellants  to  new
hydrofluoralkanes (HFA), with completion of the phase-out of  CFCs  by  2005.
Bespak  is  entering the final stages of programmes with its major  customers
for  the  development  of  new HFA valves.  The  original  timetable  was  to
complete the transition by the end of the year 2000 in the developed  markets
of  the  world.  However,  it  is  now clear that  the  introduction  of  the
regulations  requiring the switch to HFAs in the USA  will  be  delayed.  The
Group anticipates that, as a result of the switchover, it will gain long-term
market  share  in  this growing market, from winning new  customers  and  new
product  contracts. However, the period of transition will be accompanied  by
some loss of market share, resulting from the HFA product launch plans of our
major customers and the potential impact of the delay in the HFA introduction
in  the USA. During the last period, the first products utilising Bespak  HFA
valves  have  been  launched.  Other customers are  planning  to  submit  new
products  for  regulatory approval during the remainder  of  1998  and  1999.
Also, the first cleanroom manufacturing capacity has been installed at Bespak
s  facility in King s Lynn, which will be followed over the next two years by
further capacity additions.

The  drug delivery devices sector will  be the area of greatest potential for
long-term growth.  Bespak is well positioned in the emerging market  for  dry
powder inhalers.  The capacity committed during 1997 to support the growth of
Glaxo  Wellcome s Diskus (TM) comes on stream in 1998. This expansion  is  at
both  King s Lynn and at Bespak s new facility at Milton Keynes.  This second
site  is  an important part of the Group s growth plans in the drug  delivery
devices market.

Progress has also been made on programmes for dry powder inhalers with  other
customers.  The Medeva Clickhaler dry powder inhaler, which was introduced at
the  end of 1997, is now entering the capacity scale-up phase and the  Rhone-
Poulenc  Rorer Ultrahaler (TM) remains on track for launch and is planned  to
commence final clinical trials later this year.

In   the   USA,   the   drug  delivery  device  programmes   are   developing
satisfactorily, to the point where a substantial expansion of the facility at
Cary,  North  Carolina  is underway to provide world class  facilities.   The
first  major  product planned for this new facility will be for Rhone-Poulenc
Rorer, with manufacturing due to commence in 1999.

In  the  long-term, the market for drug delivery will continue to expand,  as
the  pharmaceutical industry seeks new delivery technologies to differentiate
their  drugs.   Bespak is well placed to take advantage of this  growing  but
competitive  market  and, in addition to the investment  being  made  in  the
medium-term  to  support  the current new product programmes,  the  Group  is
planning  to  raise its level of investment in new drug delivery technologies
and devices.

Medical Devices

In  medical devices, Tenax is beginning to generate opportunities for medium-
term  growth. While the industry that Tenax serves is projected  to  continue
expanding,  it  is  also  consolidating, which is likely  to  bring  with  it
increased  pressure  from  customers  and  rationalisation  of  supply  chain
companies.   It  is already becoming clear that our customers  are  requiring
higher levels of quality and service. In addition, they are beginning to seek
suppliers who can provide a broader range of skills and technologies.   As  a
first  stage in the upgrading of Tenax s services to meet these requirements,
new cleanroom assembly facilities are currently being installed.


Our  expectations are for further progress during the forthcoming  year.   In
the  UK,  the  continuing  sales  growth in drug  delivery  devices  will  be
partially  offset by lower valve sales, resulting from the beginning  of  the
HFA  transition.   In the USA, the investment now being made  in  the  future
expansion and development of Bespak Inc. is likely to restrict profit  growth
during  this  year,  particularly in the first  half.   At  Tenax,  continued
progress during this year is expected as the company further strengthens  its
performance for customers.

Bespak  plc is well placed to achieve long-term growth in the key markets  of
drug  delivery and medical devices. There is a good pipeline of opportunities
and  the  Group  s  investment programme will continue to put  in  place  the
capacity  and  capabilities necessary to meet the increasing demands  of  our

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (Unaudited)      
For the 52 weeks ended  1 May 1998                            
                                     Notes     1998       1997
                                               #000       #000
Turnover                                 2   86,067     77,749
Operating expenses                          (72,657)   (66,841)
                                             ------     ------                
Net operating income                     2   13,410     10,908
Net interest receivable                         415        124
                                             ------     ------                
Profit on ordinary activities before         13,825     11,032
Taxation                                    (3,735)    (3,584)
                                             ------     ------      
Profit on ordinary activities after          10,090      7,448
Dividends                                3  (3,497)    (3,114)
                                             ------     ------                
Retained profit for the year                  6,593      4,334
                                             ======     ======            
Earnings per share                       4    39.7p      29.5p
                                             ======     ======               
All amounts relate to continuing operations.

There  is  no  difference between the  profit  on  ordinary
activities before taxation and the retained profit for  the
year stated above, and their historical cost equivalents.

Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
At 1 May 1998                                                
                                              1998       1997
                                              #000       #000
Fixed assets                                                 
Intangible assets                              366        361
Tangible assets                             44,501     31,088
Investments                                  1,200        784
                                            ------     ------
                                            46,067     32,233
                                            ------     ------
Current assets                                               
Stocks                                       4,241      5,798
Debtors                                     14,736     12,218
Short-term deposits                          9,000     12,500
Cash at bank and in hand                     6,464      3,489
                                            ------     ------
                                            34,441     34,005
 - amounts falling due within one year    (29,333)    (21,735)
                                            ------     ------                 
Net current assets                           5,108     12,270
                                            ------     ------             
Total assets less current liabilities       51,175     44,503
 - amounts falling due after more than     (2,879)    (4,317)
one year
Provisions for liabilities and charges     (4,962)    (4,993)
                                            ------     ------                 
Net assets                                  43,334     35,193
                                            ======     ======                 
Capital and reserves                                         
Called up share capital                      2,565      2,526
Share premium account                       15,923     14,342
Special reserve                                308        308
Profit and loss account                     24,538     18,017
                                            ------     ------
Equity shareholders funds                   43,334     35,193
                                            ======     ======

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited)
For the 52 weeks ended 1 May 1998                             
                                          Notes     1998      1997
                                                    #000      #000
Cash inflow from operating activities                                   
Net cash inflow from operating activities    5    21,811    20,719
Outflow related to Innovata Biomed contract        (111)   (2,826)
                                                  ------    ------
Net cash inflow from operating activities         21,700    17,893
                                                  ------    ------
Returns on investment and servicing of finance
Interest received                                  1,042       714
Interest paid                                      (622)     (655)
                                                  ------    ------
                                                     420        59
                                                  ------    ------
UK corporation tax                               (2,929)   (2,891)
Overseas tax                                        (29)        71
                                                  ------    ------
                                                 (2,958)   (2,820)
                                                  ------    ------
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets        (159)     (125)
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets       (18,151)   (6,782)
Receipts from sales of tangible                      111       161
fixed assets
Payment for investment                             (168)         - 
Investment in ESOT                                 (335)         -
                                                 ------    ------            
                                                (18,702)   (6,746)
                                                 ------    ------
Equity dividends paid                            (3,242)   (2,884)
                                                 ------    ------             
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before           6     (2,782)     5,502
management of liquid resources and
Management of liquid resources                                
Movement in fixed deposits                 6       3,500   (2,965)
Issue of shares                            6       1,620        23
Repayment of borrowings                    6     (1,532)   (1,550)
                                                  ------    ------
                                                      88   (1,527)
                                                  ------    ------            
Increase in cash and cash equivalents      6         806     1,010
                                                  ------    ------

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the 52 weeks ended 1 May 1998
                                                    1998       1997
                                                    #000       #000
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation      10,090      7,448
Exchange movements on foreign currency net          (72)      (172)
Total recognised gains and losses for the         ------     ------
financial year                                    10,018      7,276
                                                  ------     ------
Reconciliation of Movements in Equity Shareholders Funds
for the 52 weeks ended 1 May 1998
                                                    1998       1997
                                                    #000       #000
Equity shareholders funds                         35,193     31,008
brought forward
Profit on ordinary activities                     10,090      7,448
after taxation
Dividends                                        (3,497)    (3,114)
Exchange movements on foreign                       (72)      (172)
currency net investments
Issue of ordinary share capital                    1,620         23
                                                  ------     ------           
Equity shareholders funds                         43,334     35,193
carried forward                                   ======     ======

1. Preparation of the Preliminary Announcement
(i) Basis of preparation                                         

The profit and loss account covers the 52 weeks (1997 52 weeks)
to 1 May 1998. The balance sheets have been drawn up at 1 May
1998 and 2 May 1997 respectively. The results of overseas
subsidiaries have been translated into sterling at the average
rates of exchange ruling during the financial year.
(ii) Abridged accounts                                           

The foregoing financial information, which has been prepared on
the basis of the accounting policies set out in Bespak plc s
accounts for the 52 weeks to 2 May 1997, does not amount to full
accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act
1985 (as amended).
The abridged comparative figures for the 52 weeks to 2 May 1997
are from the accounts of Bespak plc for the 52 weeks ended 2 May
1997. These accounts have been reported on by the Company s
auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report
of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement
under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act.
2. Segment information

The geographical analysis of turnover, net operating income and net assets is
as follows
Geographical area (turnover by destination)
                                                       1998       1997
                                                       #000       #000
United Kingdom                                       39,723     30,709
United States of                                     28,589     30,564
Europe                                               13,697     12,604
Rest of the World                                     4,058      3,872
                                                     ------     ------
                                                     86,067     77,749
                                                     ======     ======
Average rate of exchange #1 Sterling: US $                1.65       1.59
Turnover by origin      United Kingdom       United        Total
                                            States of
                            1998    1997    1998    1997    1998     1997
                            #000    #000    #000    #000    #000     #000
Total sales               63,019  53,560   28,757 30,565  91,776   84,125
Inter-segment sales      (5,708) (6,369)      (1)    (7) (5,709)  (6,376)
                          ------  ------   ------ ------  ------   ------
External sales            57,311  47,191   28,756 30,558  86,067   77,749
                          ======  ======   ====== ======  ======   ======
Net operating income                                              
Net operating income by   11,452   9,652    1,958  1,186  13,410   10,838
segment                   ======  ======   ====== ======
Income from associates                                         -       70
                                                          ------   ------
                                                          13,410   10,908
                                                          ======   ======
2. Segment information continued
Net assets              United Kingdom        United           Total
                                             States of
                            1998    1997    1998    1997    1998    1997
                            #000    #000    #000    #000    #000    #000
Operating assets by       36,138  26,359  10,945  10,870  47,083  37,229
segment                   ======  ======  ======  ======
Unallocated net assets/(liabilities)
Investments                                                1,200     784
Provisions for liabilities and charges                   (4,962)  (4,993)
Tax and dividends                                        (5,202)  (4,083)
Net funds                                                  5,215   6,256
                                                          ------  ------
                                                          43,334  35,193
                                                          ======  ======      
Closing rate of exchange #1 Sterling: US $                     1.67    1.62
3. Dividends                                                1998    1997
                                                            #000    #000
Interim dividend of 5.1p per share paid on 
23 February 1998 (1997 - 4.62p)                            1,294   1,167
Proposed final dividend of 8.6p per share                                    
payable on 6 October 1998 (1997 - 7.68p)                   2,203   1,947
                                                          ------  ------
                                                           3,497   3,114
                                                          ======  ======
The record date for the proposed final dividend is close of business on
17 July 1998.
4. Earnings per share                                             
The earnings per share as shown in the profit and loss account are
calculated by reference to the net profit after taxation  and  the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the year (1998 -
25,397,960  1997 - 25,257,713). Figures for fully diluted earnings
per  share based on outstanding share options are not provided  as
the  effect on earnings per share is not material. The  number  of
shares in issue at 1 May 1998 was 25,653,117 (1997 - 25,262,161).

5. Net cash inflow from operating activities
Reconciliation of net operating income to net cash inflow from
operating activities

                                                              1998    1997
                                                              #000    #000
Net operating income                                        13,410  10,908
Depreciation                                                 5,513   5,161
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets                       (77)    (34)
Decrease in stocks                                           1,505   2,174
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                             (3,318)   2,649
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                             4,587   (111)
Increase in deferred compensation provision                    168       - 
Income from interests in associated undertakings                 -    (70)
Dividends received from associated undertakings                 23      42
                                                            ------  ------
Net cash inflow from operating activities                   21,811  20,719
                                                            ======  ======
6. Reconciliation of net funds
The   table   below  provides  an  analysis  of  net  funds   and   a
reconciliation of net cashflow to movement in net funds.
                              At      Cash  Inception    Exchange       At
                           3 May      flow         of   movements    1 May
                            1997      #000    leasing        #000     1998
                            #000            contracts                 #000
Cash at bank and in hand   3,489     2,976          -         (1)    6,464 
Overdrafts                (3,932)   (2,170)         -          32  (6,070)
                           ------    ------    ------      ------   ------
Cash and cash equivalents   (443)       806         -          31      394
Loans and leasing         (5,801)     1,532      (58)         148  (4,179)
Short-term deposits        12,500   (3,500)         -           -    9,000
                           ------    ------    ------      ------   ------    
Net funds                   6,256   (1,162)      (58)         179    5,215
                           ------              ------      ------   ------
Financing items included in 
cash flow movements
Issue of shares                     (1,620)                       
Net cash inflow before management   (2,782)
of liquid resources and financing   ------



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