RNS Number:8372J
European Convergence Property CoPLC
03 October 2006

3 October 2006

                   European Convergence Property Company PLC

               Results for the thirteen months ended 30 June 2006

European Convergence Property Company PLC ("ECPC", the "Company" or the
"Group"), the property investment company specialising in countries that are
seeking accession to the European Union, today announces results for the
thirteen months ended 30 June 2006.


Successful launch raising EUR62m of inward investment into the Company

Purchase of PGV Tower in central Bucharest for EUR24m

Investments or contractual commitments made on properties to the value of c.
EUR112m during the period

Anticipated successful completion of investment programme over the coming
financial year


Charlemagne Capital (IOM) Limited   Tel. + 44 (0)1624 640200
Anderson Whamond

Panmure Gordon                      Tel. + 44 (0)20 7614 8388
Hugh Morgan
Stuart Gledhill

Chairman's Statement

This announcement reflects European Convergence Property Company plc's (the
"Company" or the "Group") first thirteen months of investment activity since the
incorporation and successful listing of the Company on the London Stock
Exchange's Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in June 2005.

The launch raised EUR62m of inward investment into the Company and during the
past year we have been very active in the commercial property markets of South
East Europe.

The anticipated accession of Bulgaria and Romania into the European Union has
attracted a lot of investment interest into the area and capital appreciation
has been strong, with a corresponding compression of rental yields, so making
the investment process more challenging.

As at the date of this report we are pleased to confirm that the Company has
substantially achieved its original investment strategy with investments or
contractual commitments being made on properties to the value of EUR112m. This
reflects the Company's stated strategy of increasing returns on equity through
long term borrowing to leverage its investment portfolio.

In addition to those investments already committed to, the Company has a number
of high quality property targets which should see the successful completion of
its investment programme over the coming financial year.

The Company made a loss in the reporting period of EUR0.326m, reflecting its
initial investment phase and associated set up costs, and consequently the Board
will not be declaring a dividend at this stage. The objective of the Company
remains, however, to provide enhanced returns to its shareholders both through
sustained growth of its net assets per share and through profit distribution.

Erwin Brunner
Chairman                                                      28 September 2006

Report of the Manager

Since launch the Manager has been actively pursuing grade A / B+ investment
properties throughout South East Europe. As a result we have successfully
extended our network of contacts in the region allowing us to target both
established properties and also participate in the launch of larger commercial

Although the market yields in the region have been somewhat compressed due to
the capital appreciation caused by a steady flow of foreign investment in the
property market, interest still remains strong and the property market remains

Property Portfolio

Completed Acquisitions

PGV Tower, an office building in central Bucharest, was purchased in February
2006 at a price of EUR24.0 million. It is currently the head office of Bancpost
SA, a Romanian subsidiary of the EFG banking group. It has a net lettable area
of 9,989 sqm, 93% of which is let to members of the EFG Group.

Committed Acquisitions

Mall Veliko Turnovo (MVT), is a new shopping centre located in Veliko Turnovo,
one of the largest cities in Bulgaria, situated in the central northern region
of the country. Full completion is expected during October 2006. The completion
price will be c. EUR29m. The site comprises a gross area of 33,000 sqm, which
includes 16,000 sqm of retail floor area. It is the first major modern shopping
centre in the city and has pre-let 90% of its lettable area to a mixture of
local business and large well known brands. The mall was officially opened on
the 15 September 2006.

Construdava, a newly constructed office building in Bucharest with a gross
lettable area of 9,200 sqm has been developed by one of Romania's leading
property developers, Impact SA. It is situated in Pipera, a predominantly
upmarket residential area of northern Bucharest. Completion is expected during
October at a price of c. EUR19.0 million.

Millennium Business Centre, an office building in its final stages of
construction. The building is in central Bucharest and its 19 floors make it a
new landmark for the city. It has a gross lettable area of 14,310 sqm and the
final consideration will be dependent on full leasing, however the estimated
purchase price is c. EUR40 million. Completion is expected in November 2006.

Investment Market Overview

Office Market:

The yield compression experienced in the South Eastern European property
investment market during 2005 has continued into 2006 although at a slower rate.
Through 2005 this was most notable in Bucharest where yields were estimated to
have compressed by 200 bhp through the year from just over 10% to just over 8%.
By mid 2006 prime Grade A office yields are being benchmarked at c.7.5% and are
expected to approach 7% by the end of 2006 beginning 2007.

The picture is similar for Sofia and the rest of Bulgaria as the weight of money
initially attracted to the Romanian market has sought out alternative
opportunities amongst its neighbours. Benchmarking the Sofia market is less
transparent due to the comparative scarcity of institutional grade investment
properties however, grade A developments are now being valued at around 8%.

Retail Market:

The retail shopping centre market has mostly been characterised by transactions
which have completed in the Romanian provinces, the opening of Bulgaria's first
two modern shopping facilities and the number of retail projects which seem to
be entering the development pipeline in Bulgaria's secondary cities with
expected yields in the 7.5-8% range.

The overall property market will be increasingly developer led. The shortage of
available sites in both Sofia and Bucharest's central city districts is driving
new development further to the north in Bucharest and further to the east in
Sofia. Not surprisingly, given the acceleration of yield compression for the
provinces in both markets, developer's attention is orientating more towards the
principle secondary cities of both markets. There is currently a notable
increase in the number of new mall development projects being discussed for
Bulgaria which will have a considerable impact on the availability of investment
properties of the next two to three years.


The office market is dominated by high vendor price expectations against a
background of often fragmented property ownership and lower than desired
building specifications in addition to dollar based cashflows and
correspondingly higher than Euro based borrowing rates. The retail market has
seen a scarcity of available transactions of a size which would fit with the
Company's target portfolio. As a consequence the Manager has been unable to
source any suitable investment opportunities.

Debt Market Overview

In both the Romanian and Bulgarian property investment markets certain key banks
provide competitive rates for investment product debt funding for the Class A to
B+ segments. The differential in rates is greater in Sofia, perhaps pointing to
the higher sophistication that characterises the Bucharest property market

Despite the above, concerns remain over the general prognosis for Euro rates
over the coming year and the impact they may have on the Company's running yield
forecasts, although it is expected that any increases in Euro based rates will
be partly offset by compression of lending spreads.


The economic outlook for the region remains buoyant, with growth rates in excess
of European Union averages, and while this is encouraging more investment and
further compressing yields we are activity seeking to complete our investment
programme in the coming financial year.

The current pipeline, although not extensive, is robust in the quality of the
assets and would satisfy the requirements for full roll out of the investment

Charlemagne Capital (IOM) Limited
Manager                                                        28 September 2006

Consolidated Income Statement

                                                    Note        For the period
                                                                   from 1 June
                                                                 2005 (date of
                                                               to 30 June 2006

Net rent and related income                            5                   913

Manager's fees                                       8.3                  (865)
Audit and professional fees                          9.6                  (345)
Other expenses                                         9                  (899)
Administrative expenses                                                 (2,109)
Net operating loss before net financing income                          (1,196)

Financial income                                       6                 1,286
Financial expenses                                     6                  (388)
Net financing income                                                       898

Loss before tax                                                           (298)

Income tax expense                                    19                   (28)
Retained loss for the period                                              (326)
Basic and diluted loss per share (EUR)                14               (0.0052)

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                           Note                At 30 June 2006

Investment property                          10                         24,522
Total non-current assets                                                24,522

Trade and other receivables                  11                          6,181
Cash and cash equivalents                    12                         43,572
Total current assets                                                    49,753
Total assets                                                            74,275

Issued share capital                         13                         62,696
Retained losses                                                         (3,213)
Foreign currency translation reserve                                      (122)
Total equity                                                            59,361

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings        15                         13,750
Total non-current liabilities                                           13,750

Trade and other payables                     16                          1,164
Total current liabilities                                                1,164
Total liabilities                                                       14,914
Total equity & liabilities                                              74,275

Company Balance Sheet
                                             Note              At 30 June 2006

Investment in subsidiaries                      2                            -
Total non-current assets                                                     -

Intragroup balances                                                     21,190
Trade and other receivables                                                 41
Cash and cash equivalents                      12                       39,577
Total current assets                                                    60,808
Total assets                                                            60,808

Issued share capital                           13                       62,696
Retained losses                                                         (1,969)
Total equity                                                            60,727

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                                        -
Total non-current liabilities                                                -

Trade and other payables                       16                           81
Total current liabilities                                                   81
Total liabilities                                                           81
Total equity & liabilities                                              60,808

The profit earned by the Company for the period ended 30 June 2006 was

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                          Share capital       Retained        Foreign     Total
                                              earnings       currency
                                EUR'000        EUR'000        EUR'000   EUR'000

Balance at beginning of period        -              -              -         -

Shares issued in the period      62,696              -              -    62,696

Foreign exchange translation
differences                           -                          (122)     (122)

Share issue expenses                  -         (2,887)             -    (2,887)

Retained loss for the period          -           (326)             -      (326)
Balance at end of period         62,696         (3,213)          (122)   59,361

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                  Note          For the period
                                                              from 1 June 2005
                                                                      (date of
                                                               to 30 June 2006

Operating activities
Group loss for the period                                                 (326)
Adjustments for:
  Investment income                                                     (1,286)
  Investment expense                                                       388
  Income tax expense                                                        28
Operating loss before changes in working capital                        (1,196)

(Increase)/Decrease in trade and other receivables                        (140)
Increase/(Decrease) in trade and other payables                            302
Cash used in operations                                                 (1,034)
Interest paid                                                             (388)
Income and corporation tax paid                                           (104)
Interest received                                                        1,286
Cash flows used in operating activities                                   (240)

Investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiaries net of cash acquired      21                (7,874)
Repayment of loan acquired on acquisition                               (2,173)
Staged payments relating to property acquisitions                       (5,900)
Cash flows used in investing activities                                (15,947)

Financing activities
Proceeds from the issue of ordinary share capital                       62,696
Repayment of long term loans                                               (50)
Share issue expenses                                                    (2,887)
Cash flows generated from financing activities                          59,759

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                               43,572
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 June 2005                                     -
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2006             12                43,572

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

1    The Company

European Convergence Property Company plc (the "Company") was incorporated and
registered in the Isle of Man under the Isle of Man Companies Acts 1931 to 2004
on 1 June 2005 as a public company with registered number 113616C.

Pursuant to a prospectus dated 15 June 2005 there was an original placing of up
to 100,000,000 Ordinary Shares. Following the close of the placing on 24 June
2005 62,696,333 Shares were issued.

The Shares of the Company were admitted to trading on the Alternative Investment
Market of the London Stock Exchange ("AIM") on 28 June 2005 when dealings also

The Company's agents and the Manager perform all significant functions.
Accordingly, the Company itself has no employees.


In accordance with the Company's Articles of Association, Shareholders will be
given the opportunity to vote on the life of the Company after approximately 7

At the annual general meeting of the Company to be held in 2012, the Directors
are obligated to propose an ordinary resolution that the Company ceases to
continue in existence. If the resolution is not passed then it shall be proposed
at every fifth annual general meeting thereafter. If the resolution is passed
then the Directors shall, within 3 months after the date of the resolution, put
forward proposals to shareholders to the effect that the Company be wound up,
liquidated, reorganised or unitised.

Dividend Policy

The Directors anticipate that in respect of any 12 month accounting period they
will recommend the payment as a dividend of substantially all of the Company's
net profits (excluding profits arising from unrealised gains). The Directors may
pay half-yearly interim dividends if they believe that the financial position of
the Company justifies it. If the Company's funds are fully invested, the
Directors may be required to re-invest some of the Company's profits into the
maintenance of the Company's property portfolio. Debt amortisation payments may
cause actual dividends to be less than net profits.

Property Valuation Policy

The Directors are in the process of appointing an internationally recognised
firm of surveyors as property valuers for properties in Romania. It is the
Directors' intention that approximately half of the Company's property portfolio
will receive a valuation from the Company's appointed property valuer in each
annual financial period.

Financial Year End

The financial year end of the Company is 30 June in each year. For the financial
period ending 30 June 2006 the Company will present financial statements
covering a 13 month period since incorporation.

2    The Subsidiaries

During the period and for efficient portfolio management purposes, the Company
established the following subsidiary companies:-

                                                       Country of Percentage of
                                                    incorporation   shares held
European Convergence Property Company Bulgaria
EOOD                                                     Bulgaria          100%
European Convergence Property Company (Cayman)
Limited                                            Cayman Islands          100%
ECPC Cyprus Limited                                        Cyprus          100%
European Convergence Property Company (Malta)
Limited                                                     Malta          100%
European Convergence Property Com. SRL                    Romania          100%
European Property Development Invest S.R.L.               Romania          100%
Orange Convergence Finance BV                     The Netherlands          100%
European Property Millenium SRL                           Romania          100%
European Convergence Property Real Estate
Trading and Management Limited                             Turkey          100%
S.C. Paris Developments SRL                               Romania          100%

3    Significant Accounting Policies

The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the consolidated
financial statements are set out below.

The annual report of the Company for the period ended 30 June 2006 comprises the
Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group").

The annual report was compiled by the Administrator and Registrar and authorised
for issue by the Directors on 28 September 2006.

3.1  Basis of presentation

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards promulgated by the International Accounting
Standards Board ("IFRS"). Management has concluded that the report fairly
represents the entity's financial position, financial performance and cash

The Company is denominated in Euros ("EUR") and therefore the amounts shown in
these financial statements are presented in EUR.

3.2  Foreign currency translation

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies as at the date
of these financial statements are translated to EUR at exchange rates prevailing
on that date. Realised and unrealised gains and losses on foreign currency
transactions are charged or credited to the income statement as foreign currency
gains and losses. Expenses are translated into EUR based on exchange rates on
the date of the transaction.

3.3  Investment property

Investment properties are those which are held either to earn rental income or
for capital appreciation or both. Investment properties are stated at fair
value. Any gain or loss arising from a change in fair value is recognised in the
income statement.

3.4  Deposit interest

Deposit interest is accounted for on an accruals basis.

3.5  Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash deposited with banks and bank overdrafts
repayable on demand.

3.6  Revenue and expense recognition

Interest income is recognised in the financial statements on an accruals basis.
Dividend income is recorded when declared.

Rental income from investment property leased out under operating lease is
recognised in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the term of the

Expenses are accounted for on an accrual basis. Expenses are charged to the
income statement except for expenses incurred on the acquisition of an
investment property which are included within the cost of that investment.
Expenses arising on the disposal of an investment property are deducted from the
disposal proceeds.

3.7  Basis of consolidation


Subsidiaries are those enterprises controlled by the Company. Control exists
where the Company has the power, directly or indirectly, to govern the financial
and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its
activities. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the
consolidated financial statements from the date that control effectively
commences until the date that control effectively ceases.

Transactions eliminated on consolidation

Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealised gains arising from
intra-group transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial

Financial statements of foreign operations

The assets and liabilities of foreign operations, including goodwill and fair
value adjustments arising on consolidation, are translated to EUR at the foreign
currency exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. Foreign exchange
differences arising on translation are recognised directly in equity.

3.8  Dividends

Dividends are recognised as a liability in the period in which they are declared
and approved. There was no dividend declared as at 30 June 2006.

3.9  Other receivables

Trade and other receivables are stated at their cost.

3.10 Trade and other payables

Trade and other payables are stated at their cost.

3.11 Interest-bearing borrowings

Interest-bearing borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, less
attributable transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition,
interest-bearing borrowings are stated at amortised cost with any difference
between cost and redemption value being recognised in the income statement over
the period of the borrowings on an effective interest basis.

4    Segment Reporting

Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's business and
geographical segments. The segments are managed on a worldwide basis, but
operate in two principal geographical areas, Bulgaria and Romania. The location
of the customers is the same as the location of the assets.

                                 Bulgaria     Romania  Unallocated       Total
                                  EUR'000     EUR'000      EUR'000     EUR'000
Net rent and associated income          -         913            -         913
Segment results                       (80)        232         (478)       (326)
Segment assets                      3,155      28,424       42,696      74,275
Segment liabilities                    (5)    (14,517)        (392)    (14,914)

There has been one property acquisition completed during the period for an
office building in Romania.

5    Net Rent and Related Income

Gross lease payments collected/accrued                                     913

The group leases out its investment property under operating leases. The future
minimum lease payments under non-cancellable leases are as follows:

Less than one year                                                           -
Between one and five years                                               2,138
More than five years                                                       133

The Group has raised specific provisions for doubtful debts of EUR70,884 against
rental income due from two tenants.

6    Net Financing Income

Interest income                                                          1,286
Financial income                                                         1,286
Gross interest expense                                                    (287)
Bank facility fee                                                          (90)
Bank charges                                                               (11)
Financial expenses                                                        (388)
Net financing income                                                       898

7    Net Asset Value per Share

The net asset value per share as at 30 June 2006 is EUR0.9468 based on
62,696,333 ordinary shares in issue as at that date.

8    Related Party Transactions

8.1  Directors of the Company

Anderson Whamond is a director of the Manager. Mr Whamond is a shareholder of
Charlemagne Capital Limited ("CCL") the parent of the Manager and the Placing

Save as disclosed above, none of the Directors had any interest during the
period in any material contract for the provision of services which was
significant to the business of the Company.

8.2  Directors of the Subsidiaries

James Houghton is a director of the Manager. Adrian Jones is an employee of the
Placing Agent. Malcolm Sargeant is an employee of the Manager. In compliance
with local regulations, certain subsidiaries have appointed directors who are
employees of or are associated with, the relevant registered office service

8.3  Manager fees

Annual fees

The Manager is entitled to an annual management fee of 1.25% of the net asset
value of the Company from time to time plus borrowings of the group, payable
quarterly in arrears.

The Manager shall also be entitled to recharge to the Company all and any costs
and disbursements reasonably incurred by it in the performance of its duties
including costs of travel save to the extent that such costs are staff costs or
other internal

costs of the Manager. Accordingly, the Company shall be responsible for paying
all the fees and expenses of all valuers, surveyors, legal advisers and other
external advisers to the Company in connection with any investments made on its
behalf. All amounts payable to the Manager by the Company shall be paid together
with any value added tax, if applicable.

Annual management fees payable during the period ended 30 June 2006 amounted to

Performance fees

The Manager is entitled to a performance fee equal to 15% of the total profits
generated by the Company. In order for the performance fee to be payable, the
Company must firstly have returned to its Shareholders an amount equal to the
amount subscribed pursuant to the Placing (ignoring any initial charge paid by
Shareholders). Thereafter the Manager shall be entitled to 15% of any further
distributions of profit or capital. In determining amounts paid to Shareholders
and the amount payable to the Manager pursuant to the performance fee full
account will be taken of any dividends paid, other distributions made and
distributions made on a winding up of the Company.

Payment of the Manager's annual fees and any performance fees shall be paid by a
subsidiary of the Company.

Performance fees payable during the period ended 30 June 2006 amounted to EUR

8.4  Placing agent

In accordance with the terms of the Placing, the Placing Agent was entitled to
charge investors an initial charge of up to 3% of the value of their investment.
The Placing Agent was also entitled to receive from the Company an amount equal
to 4% of the amount raised by the Placing Agent on behalf of the Company.

Placing fees payable by the Company during the period ending 30 June 2006
amounted to EUR2,507,853. This amount has been charged to equity as a share
issue expense.

9    Charges and Fees

9.1  Nominated Adviser and Broker fees

Pursuant to the Placing and in its capacity as AIM Sponsor, the Nominated
Adviser and Broker was entitled to receive a fee of #75,000. The payment of this
fee was conditional upon admission of the Company's Shares to AIM taking place
on or before 28 June 2005 or such later date as may have been agreed.

As Nominated Adviser and Broker to the Company for the purposes of the AIM
Rules, the nominated advisor and broker is entitled to receive an annual fee of

Advisory fees payable to the Nominated Advisor and Broker for the period ending
30 June 2006 amounted to EUR180,575.

9.2  Custodian fees

The Custodian is entitled to receive fees calculated as 1 basis point per annum
of the value of the debt securities held on behalf of the Company, subject to a
minimum monthly fee of EUR500, payable quarterly in arrears.

The Custodian expects to review and, subject to written agreement between the
Company and the Custodian, may amend the foregoing fees six months after
Admission and annually thereafter.

Custodian fees payable for the period ending 30 June 2006 amounted to EUR7,638.

9.3  Administrator and Registrar fees

The Administrator is entitled to receive a fee of 4 basis points of the net
assets of the Company plus borrowings, subject to a minimum monthly fee of
EUR5,000, payable quarterly in arrears.

The Administrator shall assist in the preparation of the financial statements of
the Company for which it shall receive a fee of EUR2,500 per set.

The Administrator shall provide general secretarial services to the Company for
which it shall receive a minimum annual fee of EUR7,500. Additional fees based
on time and charges, will apply where the number of Board meetings exceeds four
p.a. For attendance at meetings not held in the Isle of Man, an attendance fee
of EUR500 per day or part thereof will be charged.

The Administrator may utilise the services of a CREST accredited registrar for
the purposes of settling share transactions through CREST. The cost of this
service will be borne by the Company. It is anticipated that the cost will be in
the region of #6,000 per annum subject to the number of CREST settled
transactions undertaken.

The Administrator expects to review and, subject to written agreement between
the Company and the Administrator, may amend the foregoing fees six months after
Admission and annually thereafter.

Administration fees payable for the period ending 30 June 2006 amounted to

9.4  Other operating expenses

It is anticipated that the costs of managing any properties in the Company's
investment portfolio will be satisfied out of the service charges generated by
tenants. However, to the extent that this is not the case, all such costs, to
include the costs of all other third party service providers, shall be
chargeable to and payable by the Company.

The costs associated with maintaining the Company's subsidiaries, to include the
costs of incorporation and third party service providers shall be chargeable to
each subsidiary and payable by the Company.

9.5  Preliminary (formation) expenses

The estimated total costs and expenses payable by the Company in connection with
the Placing and Admission (including professional fees, the costs of printing
and the other fees payable including commission payable to the Placing Agent)
was approximated to equal 4.5% of the gross amount raised. The actual total
amount of preliminary expenses paid was EUR2,886,625 representing 4.60% of the
gross amount raised.

9.6  Audit fees

Audit fees payable for the period ending 30 June 2006 amounted to EUR82,838.

10   Investment Property

At beginning of period                                                       -
Additions through:
  direct acquisitions of property                                            -
  acquisition of subsidiary companies (see note 21)                     24,522
Balance at 30 June 2006                                                 24,522


At 30 June 2006, there was a first rank mortgage on the above property securing
the bank loan of EUR13.75 million (see note 15).

11   Trade and Other Receivables

Trade and other receivables includes two contractual staged payments of EUR2.9
million for Mall Veliko Turnovo and EUR3.0 million for the Construdava Office
Centre (see note 22).

12   Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                  Group                Company
                                           30 June 2006           30 June 2006
                                                EUR'000                EUR'000

Bank balances                                    43,572                 39,577
Bank overdrafts                                       -                      -
Cash and cash equivalents                        43,572                 39,577

13   Capital and Reserves

Share capital

Ordinary Shares of EUR1.00 each                    Number              EUR'000

In issue at the start of the period                     -                    -
Issued during the period                       62,696,333               62,696
In issue at 30 June 2006                       62,696,333               62,696

At incorporation the authorised share capital of the Company was EUR300 million
divided into 300 million Ordinary Shares of EUR1.00 each.

The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared
from time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the
Company. All shares rank equally with regard to the Company's assets.

14   Basic and Diluted Loss per Share

Basic and diluted loss per share are calculated by dividing the loss
attributable to equity holders of the Company by the number of ordinary shares
in issue during the period.


Loss attributable to equity holders of the Company (EUR'000)               326

Number of ordinary shares in issue (thousands)                          62,696
Basic and diluted loss per share (EUR per share)                        0.0052

15   Interest-Bearing Loans and Borrowings

This note provides information about the contractual terms of the Group's
interest-bearing loans and borrowings. For more information about the Group's
exposure to interest rate and currency risk see note 20.

Non-current liabilities
                                                                  30 June 2006

Secured bank loans                                                      13,750

Terms and debt repayment schedule

The Group has obtained a loan of EUR13.75 million from Bancpost SA in Romania
(see note 10). As at 30 June 2006 the effective interest rate was 5.156%. The
final maturity date is September 2009.

16   Trade and Other Payables

                                                 Group                 Company
                                          30 June 2006            30 June 2006
                                               EUR'000                 EUR'000
Taxation                                             7                       -
Trade payables                                      26                       -
Rental deposits                                    459                       -
Accruals                                           645                      81
Other                                               27                       -
Total                                            1,164                      81

17   Exchange Rates

The following exchange rates were used to translate assets and liabilities into
the reporting currency at 30 June 2006:

Bulgarian Lev                 1.9710
Romanian Lei                  3.6027
Turkish Lira                  2.0259

18   Directors' Remuneration

The Company

The maximum amount of remuneration payable to the Directors permitted under the
Articles of Association is EUR300,000 p.a. Each Director currently is paid a fee
of EUR22,500 p.a. The Directors are each entitled to receive reimbursement of
any expenses incurred in relation to their appointment. Total fees and expenses
paid to the Directors for the period ended 30 June 2006 amounted to EUR97,500.

The Subsidiaries

No fees are paid to the directors of the subsidiaries except in circumstances
where a director is appointed in compliance with local regulations and in such
cases the fees payable are nominal.

19   Taxation

The income tax expense of EUR28,131 in the consolidated income statement relates
to a profit before tax of EUR327,828 in S.C. Paris Developments SRL in Romania.
The outstanding tax liability as at 30 June 2006 for this company was EUR6,657.
There are no other group companies with taxable profits during the period.

Isle of Man

The Company has received confirmation of tax exempt status from the Assessor of
Income Tax in the Isle of Man for the year of assessment ending 5 April 2006.
The effect of tax exempt status is that the Company will have no liability to
Manx income tax on its income or gains and that there will be no requirement to
deduct withholding tax from payments of dividends to shareholders. The current
annual fee for tax exempt status is #475. With effect from 6 April 2006 the
general tax rate for companies in the Isle of Man is zero per cent. As such the
Company does not intend to renew its tax exempt status for the 2006/07 year of

There are no corporation, capital gains or inheritance taxes payable in the Isle
of Man.

No Isle of Man stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax will be payable on the
issue, transfer, conversion or redemption of Ordinary Shares.

Shareholders resident outside the Isle of Man will not suffer any income tax in
the Isle of Man on any income distributions to them.

United Kingdom

The affairs of the Company are conducted so that the central management and
control of the Company is not exercised in the UK and so that the Company does
not carry out any trade in the UK (whether or not through a permanent
establishment situated there). On this basis, the Company should not be liable
for UK taxation on its income and gains, other than certain income deriving from
a UK source.


The subsidiaries of the Company are taxed in accordance with the applicable tax
laws in the countries in which they were incorporated.

20   Financial Instruments

The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk
(including currency risk and price risk), credit risk, liquidity risk and cash
flow interest rate risk.

Market risk

Property and property related assets are inherently difficult to value due to
the individual nature of each property. As a result, valuations may be subject
to substantial uncertainty. There is no assurance that the estimates resulting
from the valuation process will reflect the actual sales price even where such
sales occur shortly after the valuation date. The performance of the Company
would be adversely affected by a downturn in the property market in terms of
higher capitalisation rates/yields or a weakening of rent levels. Any future
property market recession could materially adversely affect the value of

Foreign exchange risk

The Company's operations are conducted in jurisdictions which generate revenue,
expenses, assets and liabilities in currencies other than Euros. As a result,
the Company is subject to the effects of exchange rate fluctuations with respect
to these currencies. The currencies giving rise to this risk are primarily
Romanian Lei, Bulgarian Lev and Turkish Lira.

                                                                    Net Assets
                                                                      EUR 000s
Romanian Lei                                                            27,539
Bulgarian Lev                                                            2,895
Euro                                                                    28,927
Total                                                                   59,361

Price risk

The Group is exposed to property price and market rental risks. The value of the
property held at 30 June 2006 is disclosed in note 10.

Credit risk

The maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by the carrying amount of
each financial asset in the balance sheet. Management does not expect any
counterparty to fail to meet its obligations.

Liquidity risk

The Company maintains sufficient cash balances for working capital, and obtains
secured bank loans to fund purchases of investment property.

Interest rate risk

The Company is exposed to risks associated with the effects of fluctuations in
prevailing market interest rates on its cash balances and borrowings. Cash is
invested at short-term market interest rates. The terms of the borrowings are
disclosed in note 15.

Fair values

All assets and liabilities at 30 June 2006 are considered to be stated at fair

21   Business Combinations

During the period the Group acquired 100% of S.C. Paris Developments S.R.L. in
relation to its investment in PGV Tower, Bucharest. The subsidiary acquired
contributed a profit of EUR299,697 to the consolidated results for the period.

The assets and liabilities arising from this acquisition are as follows:

                                                                    Fair value
Investment property                                                     24,522
Cash and cash equivalents                                                  426
Interest bearing loans                                                 (13,800)
Net current liabilities                                                 (2,406)
Long term liabilities - rental deposits                                   (442)
Net assets acquired                                                      8,300
Purchase consideration, settled in cash                                  8,300
Cash and cash equivalents in subsidiary acquired                          (426)
Cash outflow on acquisition                                              7,874

22   Commitments as at the Balance Sheet Date

Prior to the balance sheet date, and in addition to the completed property
acquisition, the Group had entered into sales purchase agreements for two
further properties; Mall Veliko Turnovo in Bulgaria and Construdava in Romania.
The Group has made staged payments of EUR2.9 million and EUR3.0 million
respectively (see note 11), with remaining contractual commitments as at the
balance sheet date of c. EUR26.1 million relating to Mall Veliko Turnovo and c.
EUR16.0 million for Contrudava. These acquisitions are both expected to be
completed during October 2006.

23   Post Balance Sheet Events

Millennium Business Centre

On 27 July 2006 the Company announced its commitment to acquire the Millennium
Business Centre, in Bucharest ("Millennium"). A city centre grade A office
development, the Millennium purchase is subject to construction completion which
is expected to be in November 2006. The gross floor area of the property is
21,386 sqm accommodating 13,189 sqm of rentable area with a purchase price of
EUR40 million. The transaction is also subject to the developer achieving a
minimum 38% leasing which was very soon secured after execution - total leasing
currently stands at over 90% with the World Bank being the property's principle

The figures set out above are derived from the audited consolidated financial
statements of the Company and its subsidiaries for the period ended 30 June
2006. The Annual report and audited consolidated financial statements of the
Company will be sent to shareholders within the next 7 business days and will be
available for at least one month from the date of publication in electronic form
at www.europeanconvergencepropertycompany.com, and in hard copy at the Company's
registered office, Jubilee Buildings, Victoria Street, Douglas, IM1 2SH, Isle Of

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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