RNS Number:7681W
First Artist Corporation PLC
22 March 2004

22 March 2004

Immediate Release

                          First Artist Corporation Plc

                       ("First Artist" or "the Company")

           Final Resultsfor the sixteen months ended 31 October 2003

First Artist Corporation is a leading European management and representation
company looking after the commercial interests of footballers and other high
profile personalities in the football and television market.


Results for the sixteen months ended 31 October 2003

  * The financial and regulatory constraints which continue within the
    football sector have had a major impact on sales during the reporting
  * Sales of #4.2 million for the period after reported sales at 30 June 2003
    of #2.5 million (2002: #6.7 million).
  * Operating loss before goodwill amortisation and restructuring costs of
    #2.6 million after reporting a loss of #2.7 million for the year ended 30
    June 2003 (profit of #2.0 million to June 2002).
  * Operating cash outflow of #0.6 million in the period.  Debt reduced from
    #1.1 million at 30 June 2002 to #0.4 million.
  * Provisions for bad and doubtful debts of #0.8 million (June 2003 #0.3
    million) have been booked during the period as a result primarily of the
    extended delay in the receipt of monies owed by European clubs.
  * #0.5 million of non-recurring exceptional costs incurred arising fromthe
    restructuring of the group and transaction abort fees.
  * Goodwill arising from the acquisition of FIMO Sport Promotion AG written

Current trading

  * Evidence of improvement in the UK following the completion of the media
    deal between the Premier League and BSkyB.
  * Around #0.6 million of new business was written in the winter trading
    window (January), from 12 deals, of which 8 were written in the UK.
  * The arrangements for media rights have not yetfinalised in the
    Continental markets so the situation remains unpredictable.

Business diversification

*  First Artist announced that talks which would have resulted in a
reversal of the Outside Group into First Artist (as announced on 17 July 2003)
ended in the Autumn. Costs of #0.1 million were incurred.

      * Business development during the period:
      * Media division continues to maintain a solid sales and profits profile
      * Snooker management and academy launched
      * US representational office established with minimal investment

Headline numbers                          Sixteen months ended          Year ended 30       Year ended 30
    June 2003           June 2002
                                                  October 2003

                    (Unaudited)           (Audited)

                                                            #m                     #m                  #m
Sales                                                  4.2                    2.5                 6.7
Operating (loss)/profit*                                 (2.6)                  (2.7)                 2.0
(Loss)/profit before tax*                                (2.7)                  (2.7)         2.0
(Loss)/earnings per share (pence)*                     (4.21)p                (3.87)p               3.45p
Fully diluted (loss)/earnings per share                (4.21)p                (3.87)p               3.39p

* Stated before goodwill amortisation and impairment of #11.8 million (June
2003: #11.5m; June 2002 #1.4m) and restructuring of #0.5 million (June 2003:
#0.3m; June 2002 #nil)

For further information please contact:

First Artist Corporation plc   020 8900 1818
Jon Smith, Chief Executive
Jonathan Lees, Finance Director

WMC Communications                       020 7591 3999
Scott Learmouth / Jo Livingston

Chairman's Statement

For the sixteen months ended 31 October 2003

In my last report for the interim twelve months to 30 June 2003, I reported that
the continental European marketplace had continued to decline significantly.
This was due to premier clubs dramatically reducing their expenditure to shore
up their financial defences after the introduction of FIFA imposed trading
windows and in light of the TV rights uncertainties across Europe.  However, I
also reported that we were encouraged by the impact that the BSkyB television
rights deal had on the UKmarket in the period immediately following this
reporting period.  This resulted in a busy summer period for the London office,
although European deal activity remained stagnant.

During this current reporting period we initiated a major rationalisation
programme which resulted in the closure of some offices and the termination of a
number of employment contracts.  Head-count of the Group was reduced by around
40%.  The Group started to benefit from the resulting savings of #1.6 million on
an annualised basis, from March 2003.  The cost of this restructuring was around
#0.4 million.  The remainder of the non recurring exceptional costs were
incurred in relation to the aborted transaction with Outside Group in the summer
of 2003.

We have remained alert to the priority of cash management throughout the whole
period. We achieved a successful summer trading window and took the opportunity
to sort out a number of balance sheet issues.

As previously reported in our last results statement, the Board has reviewed its
valuation of acquired goodwill.  In the light of current market conditions and
the trading restrictions being imposed by the football authorities and in
accordance with Financial Reporting Standards Nos. 10 and 11, the Board has
carried out a review of the balance sheet values of goodwill arising from
football acquisitions.  As at 31 October 2003, additional provisions totalling
#9.7 million have been made to reduce the carrying value of goodwill to zero.
Although the Board believes that the marketplace will recover, it feels that
general uncertainty and the less predictable earnings visibility demands this
prudent approach.

During the period the Board changed its accounting treatment of fixed asset
investments to comply with Section 131 of the Companies Act.  The only effect of
this change on the Group financial statements is to reduce the share premium
account by #8.3 million and to create a merger reserve of a similar amount.
Thismerger reserve has subsequently been released to the profit and loss
account following the impairment of the related goodwill.

During the forthcoming financial year, the Board will be seeking approval from
its shareholders and confirmation by the High Court to restructure its balance
sheet to remove the deficit on the profit and loss account by the cancellation
of the share premium account.

Outlook and current operations:

Deal activity in January has increased three fold yearon year which is
encouraging.  The Group has written around #0.6 million of business, from 12
deals in the month of which 8 were written in the UK.  However, ahead of any new
media rights deals being completed in Europe, the market outside the UK remains
highly unpredictable.

Whilst the Board remains optimistic about the level of business available to be
written during the 2004 summer transfer window, the uncertainty in the market
makes it impossible to forecast earnings.

Our business diversification strategy leveraging core skills into non-football
related sectors continues to be a priority.  Although our efforts to grow this
element of the business organically are progressing well, we are disappointed
that we were unable toconclude or agree terms with the Outside Group on a basis
that would be satisfactory to the shareholders of First Artist.

We announced on 2 October 2003 that, in view of the unpredictable nature of the
soccer market, a full, independent strategic review would be conducted to assess
a way forward for First Artist.  The focus of the review was agreed to be an
increase in shareholder value. This was carried out by myself and Alex Johnston,
the two independent directors of First Artist.  Baker Tilly were appointed to
manage the review.

We are discussing our options with the executive directors and with our
advisers. We conclude that whatever other strategic options are identified, the
absolute short-term priority is to strengthen the core business by reducing
overheads without damaging our revenue earning capacity, and to improve our cash
position and balance sheet by continuing to negotiate acceptable payment terms
with our overdue debtors.

Whilst the directors cannotpredict the future trading and funding requirements
of the Group with certainty, they consider that these actions, if successfully
concluded, combined with the continued support of the Company's bankers, will
provide sufficient finance to enable theGroup to meet its liabilities as they
fall due.

I am indebted to Alex Johnston for the substantial time he devoted to the

I would like to pay tribute to the efforts of all management and staff who have
worked with great commitment in such a volatile and difficult environment.

Brian Baldock
22 March 2004

Chief Executive's Review

As we announced last year, we have changed the year end to 31 October in order
to incorporate the entire summer trading window in one accounting period.  This
has been an incredibly difficult period for everybody involved in the industry.
The combination of the trading restrictions imposed by FIFA (which have
effectively limited us to only four months of deal activity in each calendar
year) and the general economic downturn in the football sector has impacted our
football agency business.

There remains continued financial uncertainty in continental Europe,
particularly in Italy.  However, as anticipated, through the strength of our
relationships with clubs and through the quality of our client list, deal
activity in the summer trading window (June - August) increased year on year in
the UK market, helped by the signing of a new television rights deal between the
Premier League and BSkyB.

During the summer trading window the Group wrote over #2.0 million of business,
from over 30 deals, of which over 75% was written in the UK.  In the recent
January trading window the improving trend has continued with sales increasing
three-fold year on year to around #0.6 million.

As a result of the busy summer in the UK, sales in the Group increased from #2.5
million at 30 June 2003 to #4.2 million at 31 October 2003 (#6.7 million for the
year ended 30 June 2002).  The number of deals increased from 32 at 30 June 2003
to 66 at 31 October 2003, compared to 83 in the year ended 30 June 2002.  The
operating loss before restructuring and goodwill amortisation and impairment for
the yearended 30 June 2003 of #2.7 million fell to #2.6 million by 31 October
2003.  This loss was exacerbated by #0.2 million of foreign exchange losses,
mostly unrealised, and #0.8 million of additional debtor provisions booked
during the period, up from a charge of #0.3 million as at 30 June 2003. These
debtor provisions primarily emanate from our European client base, which has
continued to extend payment terms.

Football is the biggest entertainment platform in the world and we believe that
in the short-term the agreement of new rights deals coupled with a more prudent,
financially responsible industry culture should result in the sector returning
to prosperity.

However, we continue to seek ways to use our core strengths to reduceour
dependence on football.  The strategic review has considered all such options.

We have invested around #0.1 million in snooker management and in a snooker
academy based in Northampton.  The roster of managed players total nine and
includePeter Ebdon and Ding Junhui, who recently performed well at the Wembley
Masters.  The academy has seen around twenty young players through its doors
since September, mostly from the Middle East and Asia.

Group and Financial Review


The Group generated sales of #4.2 million in the sixteen months ended 31 October
2003 compared to #2.5 million for the twelve months ended 30 June 2003, which
was down 63% from #6.7 million last year.  There were 66 deals in the period up
from 32 at June 30 2003 which compares to 83 deals in the previous year.

Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and exceptionals

The operating loss of #2.7 million reported in our last statement for the twelve
months ended 30 June 2003 (2002:profit of #2.0 million) has reduced to a loss of
#2.6 million before goodwill amortisation and impairment and one-off exceptional
costs for the sixteen months ended 31 October 2003. This is stated after
deducting fees payable to third-parties of #1.15 million, up from #0.9 million
at 30 June 2003, and administrative expenses of #5.7 million, up from #4.2
million at 30 June 2003. Administrative expenses include foreign exchange losses
of #0.2 million incurred as a result of the strengthening Swiss franc versus the
primary trading currencies, and bad and doubtful debt provisions of #0.8
million, up from #0.3 million as at 30 June 2003, resulting primarily from the
extended delay in the receipt of monies owed by Italian clubs.

Operating loss after goodwill amortisation and exceptionals

The operating loss of #14.9 million is stated after #0.5 million of exceptional
charges arising from the Group's restructuring and its aborted transaction with
Outside Group and #11.8 million of goodwill amortisation and impairment. The
restructuring costs include the costs of office closure, one-off employee
settlements and associated legal costs. The charge for goodwill amortisation and
impairment includes a one-off impairment charge of #9.7 million primarily in
respect of the acquisition of FIMO Sport Promotion AG.

Liquidity and capital resources

At 31 October 2003 the net cash balance of the Group was #19,000 down from a
cash balance of #1.5 million as at 30 June 2002. #0.6 million was paid as
deferred consideration, #0.1 million in tax and #0.2 million was spent on
investments, capex and finance costs.  There was also a #0.6 million operating
cash outflow, incorporating #0.5 million of one-off restructuring costs, derived
from the Group operating losses before amortisation and depreciation of #3.0
million.  Non-cash net current assets have declined from #2.2 million to #0.7
million.  Net current assets include #1.3 million of trade receivables net of
provisions,trade creditors, trade accruals and deferred consideration.  Debt at
31 October 2003 was down from #1.1 million at 30 June 2002 to #0.4 million,
comprising #0.3 million of deferred consideration and #0.1 million of finance

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the sixteen months ended 31 October 2003

              Notes                     Sixteen   Year ended 30     Year ended
                                         months       June 2003            30 
              ended 31                     June 2002 
                                   October 2003     (Unaudited)               
                                      (Audited)          #000's     (Audited) 
                           #000's                        #000's 
  Sales                                   4,229           2,463         6,700 

  Cost of sales                         (1,147)           (900)       (1,246) 
  Gross profit                        3,082           1,563         5,454 
  Administrative                        (5,622)         (4,136)       (3,445) 
 Exceptional                              (480)(300)             - 
  (loss)/profit                         (3,020)         (2,873)       (2,009) 
  before goodwill                                                             

  Goodwill                             (11,820)        (11,525)       (1,376) 
  impairment and                                                       

  Group operating                                                             
  (loss)/profit                        (14,840)        (14,398)           633 

Share of                                                                    
  operating loss of                        (97)            (97)          (45) 

  Total operating                                                             
  (loss)/profit                        (14,937)        (14,495)           588 

  Loss on disposal                         (26)            (26)             - 
  of investment       
                                       (14,963)        (14,521)           588 

  Investment income                          11               9            82 

                               (14,952)        (14,512)           670 

  Interest payable                         (54)            (29)          (28) 
  (Loss)/profit on                                                            
  activities before                    (15,006)        (14,541)           642 
  Taxation                  3               414        603         (321) 
  (Loss)/profit on                                                            
  activities after                     (14,592)        (13,938)     321 
  Dividends                                   -               -             - 
 (loss)/profit for                    (14,592)        (13,938)           321 
  the period                                                                  
  (loss)/earnings           4      (4.21) pence    (3.87) pence    3.45 pence 
  per share                                                                   
  Adjusted fully                                                              
  diluted                  4      (4.21) pence    (3.87) pence    3.39 pence 
  per share                                                                   
  (loss)/earnings           4            (27.08)  (25.86) pence    0.65 pence 
  per share                               pence                               
  (loss)/earnings           4            (27.08)  (25.86) pence    0.64 pence 
  per share                               pence                               


Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 31 October 2003

                      Notes             As at          As at            As at 
                                   31 October   30 June 2003     30 June 2002 
                                        2003     (Unaudited)        (Audited) 
                                   (Audited)          #000's           #000's 
                                      #000's                    (as restated) 
  FIXED ASSETS                                                       
  Intangible                               -             366           12,062 
  Tangible assets                        811             807              957 
  Investments                              -               -               75 
                                         811           1,173           13,094 
  CURRENT ASSETS                                                              
  Debtors      3,504           4,009            6,832 
  Cash at bank and                       156             166            1,480 
  in hand                                                                     
                            3,660           4,175            8,312 
  Amounts falling                    (2,908)         (3,049)          (4,668) 
  due within one                         
  NET CURRENT                            752           1,126            3,644 
  TOTAL ASSETS                                                                
  LESS CURRENT                         1,563           2,299           16,738 
  Amounts falling                                                             
  due in greater                        (87)           (158)            (672) 
than one year                                                               
  Provision for                                                               
  liabilities and                          -               -              (7) 
  NET ASSETS                           1,476           2,141           16,059 
  CAPITAL AND                                                                 
  Called up share                        135             135              134 
  Shares to be                         -               -              150 
  Share premium                        6,217           6,217            6,118 
  Merger reserve                           -               -            8,283 
  Profit and loss                    (4,876)         (4,211)            1,374 
                       6               1,476           2,141           16,059 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the sixteen months ended 31 October 2003


                          Notes         Sixteen     Year ended      Year ended
                                  months ended    30 June 2003   30 June 2002 
  31 October                               
                                          2003     (Unaudited)      (Audited) 
                                     (Audited)          #000's         #000's 
  Cash (outflow)/inflow                                                       
  from operating            5            (623)           (961)            131 
  Returns on                                                                  
  investments and                         (43)            (20)             54 
  servicing of finance                   
  Taxation                                (97)               -          (934) 
  Capital expenditure                       43              57          (671) 
  Investments                            (141)           (121)        (3,074) 
  Cash (outflow)/inflow                                                       
  before financing                       (861)         (1,045)     (4,494) 
  Issue of shares (net                                                        
  of costs)                                  -               -          4,176 
Payments of deferred                                                        
  cash consideration                     (545)           (580)        (1,628) 
  Repayment of                                                                
  directors loans                            -               -          1,043 
  Capital element of                                                          
  finance lease rental                    (55)            (48)            (8) 
                                         (600)           (628)          3,583 
  in cash in the period                (1,461)         (1,673)          (911) 
  Cash used to decrease                                                       
  debt financing                           600             552          1,636 
  New finance leases                     (104)      (67)           (74) 
  Deferred                               1,627           1,249        (4,107) 
  Movement in net                          662              61   (3,456) 
  Net (debt)/funds at                                                         
  the beginning of the                 (1,065)         (1,065)          2,391 
  Net (debt)/funds at                                                         
  the end of the period                  (403)         (1,004)        (1,065) 

Statementof Total Recognised Gains and Losses
For the sixteen months ended 31 October 2003


                               Sixteen months      Year ended      Year ended 
 ended    30 June 2003    30 June 2002 
                              31 October 2003                                 
                                    (Audited)     (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
              #000's          #000's          #000's 
  (Loss)/profit for the                                                       
  financial period                   (14,592)        (13,938)             321 
  Exchange adjustments     
                                           59              70             120 
  Total recognised gains                                                      
  and losses                         (14,533)        (13,868)             441 

Notes to the Interim Accounts:
For the sixteen months ended 31 October 2003

1. Basis of preparation

The financial information contained in this report does not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  During
the period the Board changed its accounting treatment of fixed asset investments
to comply with Section 131 of the Companies Act. The only effect of this change
on the group financial statements is to reduce the share premium account by #8.3
million and to create a merger reserve of a similar amount. This merger reserve
has subsequently been released to the profit and loss account following the
impairment of the related goodwill. Prior year figures have been restated

In all other respects the financial information has been prepared on the basis
of the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of the group for
the year ended 30 June 2002.

Subject to the restatement referred to above, the figures for the year ended 30
June 2002 have been extracted from the statutory accounts filed with the
Registrar of Companies which contained an unqualified audit report and no
adverse statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The figures for the year ended 30 June 2003 are unaudited.

The auditors report on the Group's statutory accounts for the sixteen month
period ended 31 October 2003 draws readers' attentionto the directors'
statements in the accounts regarding going concern issues. These issues are set
out in note 2 below.

2. Going concern

In view of the losses and the consequent deterioration of the financial position
of the Group, the directors have embarked on restructuring the business. During
the period under review the directors initiated a major rationalisation
programme, which resulted in the closure of certain offices and the termination
of a number of employment contracts.They continue to closely monitor and
control the situation and through diversification to seek new ways in which to
reduce reliance on traditional deal based revenue and to review opportunities in
sports other than football.

The directors have considered in detail the trading and cash flow forecasts for
the next twelve months. Whilst the directors cannot predict the future trading
and funding requirements of the group with certainty, they consider that the
above actions, combined with further acceptable negotiation of payment terms
with overdue debtors, if successfully concluded, and the continued support of
the Company's bankers, will provide sufficient finance to enable the Group to
meet its liabilities as they fall due. Thereforeit is appropriate for the
financial statements to be prepared on a going concern basis. The financial
statements do not include any adjustment that might result from the directors'
forecasts not being met.

3. Tax credit

The tax credit is based on the estimated effective rate for the period as a

                                                 Sixteen months ended          Year ended         Year ended
                                                      31 October 2003
                                                                             30 June 2003       30 June 2002

                                                                              (Unaudited)          (Audited)

                                                                                   #000's             #000's
UK corporation tax credit/(charge)                                 66                 459              (130)
Adjustments in respect of prior periods                           (8)                (43)                (8)
Foreign taxes                                            294               (187)              (187)
                                                                  352               (325)              (325)
Origination and reversal of timing differences                     62                   4 4
Tax on ordinary activities                                        414               (321)              (321)

4.Earnings per share

The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following profits and
numbers of shares:

The adjusted earnings per share is based on profit after tax before the goodwill
amortisation charge.

                                                          Sixteen months          Year ended      Year ended
                                                                                     30 June         30 June
                                                              31 October
        2003            2002

 (Unaudited)       (Audited)
                                                                      Number          Number
Weighted average number of 0.25 pence ordinary
shares in issue during the period
For basic earnings per share                                  53,893,666          53,890,339      49,241,709
Exercise of share options                                              -                   -         860,254
For diluted earnings per share                                53,893,666          53,890,33950,101,963

(Loss)/profit for the financial period                            #000's              #000's          #000's

(Loss)/profit for adjusted earnings per share                    (2,266)             (2,087)           1,697
Adjustment for goodwill amortisation                            (11,820)            (11,525)         (1,376)
Adjustment for restructuring                                       (480)               (300)               -
Adjustment for loss on disposal of investment                       (26)                (26)               -
(Loss)/profit for earnings per share                            (14,592)            (13,938)             321

5. Reconciliation of operating profit to net operating cash flow

                                                         Sixteen months          Year ended      Year ended
                                                       ended 31 October
                                                                   2003             30 June         30 June

                         (Audited)                2003            2002

                                                                 #000's         (Unaudited)       (Audited)

                                                        #000's          #000's

Operating (loss)/profit                                        (14,937)            (14,495)             588
Depreciation                                                        166                 123              89
Amortisation of goodwill                                         11,820              11,525           1,376

Loss/(profit) on disposal of fixed assets                            41                  38               3
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                    2,232               2,225         (3,010)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                                  (101)               (544)             920

Share of operating loss of associates         97                  97              45
Exchange                                                             59                  70             120
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities               (623)               (961)             131

6. Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds

                                                          Sixteen months          Year ended      Year ended
                                                        ended 31 October
                                                 30 June         30 June
                                                                                        2003            2002
                                                                                 (Unaudited)       (Audited)
   #000's          #000's

(Loss)/profit for the financial period                          (14,592)            (13,938)             321
Foreign exchange adjustment       59                  70              120

                                                                (14,533)            (13,868)           441

New share capital subscribed net of costs                             -                   -           12,651
Cancellation of shares to be issued                                 (50)                (50)               -

(Decrease)/increase in shareholders' funds                      (14,583)            (13,918)          13,092
Opening shareholders' funds                                 16,059              16,059           2,967
Closing shareholders' funds                                        1,476               2,141       16,059

Shareholders' funds are entirely attributable to equity interests.

7. Annual Report

Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Statements will be circulated to
shareholders shortly and may be obtained after the posting date from the Company
Secretary, First Artist Corporation plc, First Artist House, 87 Wembley Hill
Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 8BU.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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