RNS Number : 6714X
  Hardy Amies PLC
  27 June 2008

    27 June 2008

    Hardy Amies plc ("Hardy Amies" or the "Company")

    Final results for the financial year ended 31 December 2007

    Hardy Amies plc and its subsidiary undertakings made some excellent progress during 2007 and achieved a number of important milestones.
This includes the negotiation of increased licence income for Japan, the development and opening of two stores selling our Hardy Amies
London Menswear range, the development of a Black Label Womenswear range and the opening of one retail store selling this product, the
signing of a joint venture agreement to develop the menswear range in China and continued growth in couture and wholesale sales.  

    Overall turnover increased from �1,217,996 to �1,644,544 - growth of 35%. This was attributable to the new store openings which
commenced from October, further growth in couture sales and increased wholesale sales. The menswear stores in Edinburgh and Chester
performed to expectation. However, the womenswear store sales were poor. This was largely self-inflicted, caused largely by poor product.  

    As a result, the overall performance of the business was mixed. Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation
("EBITDA") improved significantly, reducing from a loss of �1,867,233 in 2006 to �1,118,564 for 2007. This is largely a reflection of the
tighter cost controls and authorisation procedures that were put in place during 2006. However, my target was to announce an EBITDA loss
below �1 million and I was disappointed that we are reporting a loss above this level. This is caused by the writing down of womenswear
stocks totalling �131,629, because of the poor sales performance of the range. A loss is inevitable as the retail operations are built,
because of the pre-opening expenditure that is incurred before sales are made and the cost infrastructure that is put in place before scale
is built.  

    The overall loss for the year was also lower at �1,695,596, compared with �1,999,670. In addition to the write down of womenswear stocks
totalling �131,629, the loss was also impacted of a charge to accelerate the depreciation on the womenswear store totalling �96,630 and the
amortisation of capitalised development costs totalling �57,532. The reasons for these charges are explained below.  

    There are three aspects to the strategy for the business; building a thriving UK business, developing international and license revenues
and carefully managing the cost base.  


    Sales of product from the House at 14 Savile Row continued to grow, up from �472,263 in 2006 to �568,846, growth of 20%. Within this
category, couture sales grew by 63% from �203,293 to �331,763 as Ian Garlant, our creative director, continues to attract new customers to
the House. This trend has continued into 2008. Sales plus orders up to the end of May 2008 are 59% up on the comparative period for 2007.

    Our menswear range is sold both wholesale and retail and is making good progress. Wholesale sales started in 2007 and totalled �244,080.
This will grow further in 2008. Sales to date together with orders received for autumn and winter 2008 currently total �287,000. Our
Edinburgh and Chester menswear retail stores only opened towards the end of 2007 and contributed sales of �114,280 in the year ended 31
December 2007. Retail sales of menswear product will advance markedly in 2008, due to the full year effect of these two openings and
additional store openings during 2008. We opened in Belfast in April and also launched our new online retail store in the same month. We are
committed to opening in Bristol in the autumn of 2008 and also looking to open a store in London later in 2008. Our range has also been
expanding and now includes accessories, footwear and a wider range of more casual product.

    Our womenswear range has been a disappointment. The store opened just before Christmas 2007 and its sales were negligible in the 2007
financial year. We recruited a sizeable team to develop the range and were expanding this early in 2008 with a view to widening the range,
opening more stores and starting to make wholesale sales. However, as sales have continued to disappoint, we took a decision in May to scale
back womenswear development and re-direct our focus to just developing womenswear in the House. As a result of the poor sales the directors
decided to accelerate depreciation and amortisation charges relating to womenswear and to write down the womenswear stocks as at 31 December

    Licence revenue in 2007 actually declined marginally compared to 2006, from �745,733 to �705,105. 2006 included revenue of �112,500 from
the UK menswear licence, which was bought back in-house in September 2006. The majority of the licence revenue comes from Japan and the
previous contract expired on 19th October 2007. We have now signed new license agreements directly with the ten existing sub-licensee
operators in Japan. These agreements are for three years and will provide a minimum sales income of approximately �900,000 per annum at
current exchange rates from 19th October 2007. This compares with �452,940 included in the profit and loss account for 2006, representing an
increase of approximately 109%. The trademarks rights for Japan were not owned by Hardy Amies plc under the previous arrangements, but these
also returned to the group with effect from 19 October 2007 at no cost.  

    We have also agreed a joint venture with Aussino Group Limited to develop retail outlets for Hardy Amies in China. Aussino is an
established retailer in the Asia Pacific region and has the infrastructure and expertise to help establish Hardy Amies as a luxury brand in
China. The joint venture requires a capital commitment of �0.5 million from Hardy Amies plc, which is matched by Aussino Group Limited. The
current plan envisages opening two stores selling the menswear range in the Spring of 2009.

    We are now turning our attention to developing additional licence opportunities, particularly for the menswear range.  


    We continue to closely manage costs and the reduced loss for 2007 is largely due to cost savings. However, the problems encountered with
the womenswear range will mean that the loss in the first half of 2008 will accelerate and losses will continue into 2009 as the
infrastructure is developed in advance of sales.  

    The Company announced on 2 April 2008 that it had secured a loan of �500,000 from Arev Brands Limited ("ABL"), a substantial shareholder
which owns 49.3% of the ordinary shares in Hardy Amies plc. The Company has now secured an additional loan of �1,000,000 from ABL on the
same terms. These loans will be used to fund working capital and to continue the store rollout. As last year, this demonstrates ABL's
ongoing support and belief in the long term prospects for the business.  

    The loans bear interest at 10% above the base rate for the time being of Barclays Bank Plc and are secured by a fixed and floating
charge over the entire assets of the Company. The loans will be repayable six months from the date of demand by ABL. Hardy Amies may itself
repay the loans by giving at least five business days notice to ABL. In the event of any default by Hardy Amies, comprising a failure to pay
any sums due under the loans, a cessation or threat of cessation of its business or any of the usual insolvency conditions, the loans will
become immediately repayable together with accrued interest. 

    After having consulted with its nominated adviser, Shore Capital & Corporate Limited, the independent directors of Hardy Amies, being
John Heath, Nigel Brunning and Peter Phillips, consider that the terms of the transaction are fair and reasonable insofar as its
shareholders are concerned.

    Finally, as a consequence of the changes I have made to womenswear, Nigel Brunning will be stepping down from the board of directors on
30 June 2008 and leaving the business. His drive and enthusiasm has been critical to the successful launch of the menswear range and will
hopefully provide a long legacy.

    AC Manders

    26 June 2008
      Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
    For the year ended 31 December 2007

                                   Pre exceptional  Exceptional    2007           2006
                                   �                �              �                �
 REVENUE                           1,644,544        -              1,644,544      1,217,996
 Trading expenses                  (2,787,108)      -              (2,787,108)    (3,098,229)
 Other operating income            24,000           -              24,000         13,000
 Earnings before interest,       
 taxation, depreciation and      
 amortisation - EBITDA           
                                   (1,118,564)      -              (1,118,564)    (1,867,233)
 Depreciation                      (97,494)         (96,630)       (194,124)      (48,990)
 Amortisation of other             (159,783)        (57,532)       (217,315)      (11,158)
 Finance revenue                   7,211            -              7,211          19,241
 Finance costs                     (115,166)        -              (115,166)      (33,506)
 Loss before taxation              (1,483,796)      (154,162)        (1,637,958)    (1,941,646)
 Taxation                          (57,638)         -              (57,638)       (58,024)
 Loss for the year                 (1,541,434)      (154,162)        (1,695,596)    (1,999,670)
 Basic loss earnings per         
 ordinary share (pence)                                            (0.81)         (1.20)
 Diluted loss earnings per       
 ordinary share (pence)                                            (0.81)         (1.20)

    The earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation for each year arise from the Group's continuing operations.

    No separate Statement of Recognised Income and Expense has been presented as all such gains and losses have been dealt with in the
Income Statement.
      Consolidated Balance Sheet
    At 31 December 2007

                                                           2007                       2006
                                         �                         �
 Non-current assets                    
 Property, plant and equipment           955,628                   272,099
 Intangible assets                       1,051,354                 817,018
 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                2,006,982                 1,089,117
 Current assets                        
 Inventories                             372,852                   91,322
 Trade and other receivables             463,588                   150,088
 Cash and cash equivalents               91,166                    635,357
 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                    927,606                   876,767
 TOTAL ASSETS                            2,934,588                 1,965,884
 Equity attributable to equity         
 Issued share capital                    2,104,911                 2,079,911
 Share premium                           7,025,388                 6,975,388
 Retained earnings                       (10,896,340 )             (9,200,744)
 Other reserves                          1,033,407                 1,108,407
 TOTAL EQUITY                            (732,634)                 962,962
 Current liabilities                   
 Trade and other payables                1,491,153                 902,922
 Loans                                   1,983,521                 100,000
 Obligations under finance               68,008                    -
 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES               3,542,682                 1,002,922
 Non-current liabilities               
 Obligations under finance               124,540                   -
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                       3,667,222                 1,002,922
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                       2,934,588      1,965,884

      Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
    For the year ended 31 December 2007

                                     2007                   2006
 CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING            �                                            
 ACTIVITIES                                                �
 Loss before taxation                (1,637,958)                    (1,941,646)
 Adjusted for:                     
 Depreciation of property,         
 plant and equipment                 194,124                               48,990
 Amortisation of intangible          217,315                               11,158
 (Increase)/decrease in              (281,530)                           105,719
 (Increase)/decrease in trade      
 and other receivables               (313,500)                           227,719
 Increase/(decrease) in trade      
 and other payables                  588,793               (521,244)
 Difference between finance        
 expense and finance costs paid      (563)                 28,733
 Taxation                            (57,638)              (11,614)
 ACTIVITIES                          (1,290,956)           (2,052,185)
 Expenditure on intangible           (451,651)             (131,380)
 Purchase of property, plant       
 and equipment                       (673,629)             (44,067)
 Net cash acquired on purchase     
 of subsidiary undertakings          -                     2,794,375
 INVESTING ACTIVITIES                (1,125,280)           2,618,928
 Proceeds from issue of                                    229,480
 ordinary shares                     -
 Repayment of convertible loans                            (57,927)
 Repayment of bank loans                                   (225,759)
 New debenture loans (net of       
 repayments)                                  1,883,521                  100,000
 Repayment of finance lease                      (11,476)                          -
 ACTIVITIES                                    1,872,045                  45,794
 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                      (544,191)               612,537
 Cash and cash equivalents at      
 the beginning of the period                     635,357                  22,820
 THE END OF THE PERIOD                             91,166                635,357

      Notes to the Financial Statements

    1. Basis of accounting

    The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as endorsed by the EU for the
first time.

    This is the first year that the Group has presented its financial statements under IFRS. The last financial statements under UK GAAP
were for the year ended 31 December 2006 and the date of transition to IFRS was therefore 1 January 2006. The disclosures required by IFRS 1
concerning the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS are given in note 26.

    The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting

    2. Basis of consolidation

    The Group's consolidated financial statements consist of Hardy Amies plc and all of its subsidiaries. The consolidated financial
statements exclude intra-group transactions and balances.

    Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date of their acquisition, being the date on which the Group obtains control, and continue to be
consolidated until the date that such control ceases. Control comprises the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the
investee so as to obtain benefit from its activities and is achieved through direct or indirect ownership of more than half of the voting
rights (currently exercisable or convertible potential voting rights) or by way of contractual agreement. 

    The cost of acquisition is measured at fair value of assets given, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the
date of exchange plus costs directly attributable to the transaction. Identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities assumed, in a business
combination are initially measured at their fair values at acquisition date, irrespective of the extent of any minority interest. The excess
of the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the Group's share of the identifiable net assets is recorded as goodwill. 

    The combination with Royal Parks Enterprises Limited, which occurred in previous accounting periods, was recorded under the principles
of merger accounting. The Group has elected not to apply IFRS 3, "Business Combinations" retrospectively to business combinations that took
place before 1 January 2006.

    As permitted by Section 230(4) of the Companies Act 1985, the company has not presented its own profit and loss account.

    3. Segmental report

    The group's revenue from continuing operations may be further analysed as follows:-

                                   2007              2006
                                      �                 �
 Licence income                 713,315           745,732
 Retail and wholesale           931,229           472,264
                              1,644,544         1,217,996


    For management purposes, the group is currently organised into two divisions, retail and wholesale, and licence income.

    Segmental information

 2007                            Retail and wholesale           Licence      Unallocated        Consolidation
                                                       �                   �                   �

                                        931,229               713,315                       -      1,644,544
 Segmental result                  (1,759,683)                377,273                       -   (1,382,410)
 Unallocated corporation                          -                     -       (147,593)          (147,593)
 Investment income                                -                     -             7,211              7,211
 Finance costs                           (5,047)                        -       (110,119)          (115,166)
 (Loss)/profit before tax          (1,764,730)                377,273           (250,501)        (1,637,958)
 Income tax expenses                              -          (57,638)                       -        (57,638)
 (Loss)/profit after tax           (1,764,730)               319,635           (250,501)         (1,695,596)
 Capital additions                   1,329,304                          -                   -      1,329,304
 Depreciation                           194,124                         -                   -        194,124
 Amortisation                           217,315                         -                   -        217,315
 Assets                          2,067,340                      50,219            817,029          2,934,588
 Liabilities                     (1,277,511)                (204,336)        (2,185,375)         (3,667,222)

 2006                            Retail and wholesale          Licence     Unallocated         Consolidation
                                 �                                         �                                   
                                                       �                                       �

 Revenue                                472,263               745,733                       -      1,217,996
 Segmental result                  (2,059,692)               653,177                        -   (1,406,515)
 Unallocated corporation                          -                    -        (520,866)          (520,866)
 Investment income                                -                    -            19,241             19,241
 Finance costs                                    -                    -          (33,506)          (33,506)
 (Loss)/profit before tax         (2,059,692)                653,177            (535,131)       (1,941,646)
 Income tax expenses                              -          (58,024)                      -         (58,024)
 (Loss)/profit after tax           (2,059,692)                595,153            (535,131)      (1,999,670)
 Capital additions                        75,447              175,000                       -        250,447
 Depreciation                             48,991                        -                   -          48,991
 Amortisation                                     -              1,333               9,824             11,157
 Assets                              1,142,465                211,448             611,971         1,965,884
 Liabilities                          (496,972)             (405,950)           (100,000)       (1,002,922)

                                  2007                        2006
 Secondary reporting format:    
 UK                                      931,230         472,264
 Japan                                   530,632         452,940
 Other                                   182,682         292,792
                                      1,644,544       1,217,996

    The assets of Group are held in the UK.
      4. Loss from operations

                                                2007                      2006
                                                �                            �
 Loss from operations has been arrived at
 after charging/(crediting):

 Depreciation and amounts written off
 property, plant and equipment:
  Charge for the year
 Owned assets*                                         189,740          48,991
 Leased assets                                           4,384               -
 Amortisation of licences                                9,383           1,333
 Amortisation of designs and trademarks                      -           9,824
 Amortisation of development costs*                    207,932               -
 Operating lease rentals :
 Plant and equipment                                    11,615               -
 Land and buildings                                    243,579         150,000
 Exceptional expenses                                        -         465,021
 Net foreign exchange losses/(gains)                     3,930           (870)
 Inventories recognised as an expense during           632,828         513,379
 the year
 Write down of inventories during the year             131,629         110,000

    * Includes exceptional items

    During the year the company has decided to accelerate the depreciation and amortisation on the leasehold improvements for its Womenswear
store and the Womenswear development costs that had been incurred and capitalised.

    In 2006 exceptional costs comprised a charge for understated PAYE/NI from the previous year, misappropriation of funds and settlement of
legal action.

    5. Loss per ordinary shares

    The calculations of loss per share are based on the following losses and number of shares.

                                           Basic  Diluted                    Basic         Diluted
                                            2007  2007                        2006            2006

                                               �  �                              �  �

 Loss for the financial year      (1,695,596)         (1,695,596)      (1,999,670)    (1,999,670)

  Weighted average number of shares              2007               2006
                                               Number          Number

       For basic earnings per share       210,491,085  166,215,901
 Dilutive potential ordinary shares  -                 -
 For diluted earnings per share           210,491,085  166,215,901

 The company's earnings per share are as follows:            2007            2006

 - Basic                                                  (0.81p)         (1.20p)
 - Diluted                                                (0.81p)         (1.20p)

    Outstanding share options are excluded as they are anti-dilutive. These could become dilutive in the future.

    6. Related party transactions 

    The group received a loan of �1,983,521 from a significant shareholder, a company in which a director is a shareholder. At the year end
there was a balance of �1,983,521 outstanding in respect of this loan. The loan bears interest at the rate of 10% above Bank of England base
rate per annum.

    7. Distribution of the annual report and accounts to shareholders 

    Copies of the group's audited statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 will be despatched to shareholders and the AIM team
shortly. Copies will also be available to the public at 14 Savile Row, London, W1S 3JN. 


 Hardy Amies Plc 
 Andrew Manders, Chairman            020 7734 2436

 Shore Capital & Corporate Limited 
 Guy Peters                          020 7408 4090

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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