RNS No 8211x
2 September 1999

Contacts: Michael Broadhead, Chief Executive
          Terry Martin, Finance Director
          Heywood Williams Group PLC    Tel:  0207 831 3113 (2/9/99)
                                   Tel:  01484 487200  (thereafter)
          Steve Jacobs/Peter Otero
          Financial Dynamics       Tel:  0207 831 3113
                 Interim Results to 30 June 1999
Heywood Williams Group PLC, the building products group,
announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 June
The group is UK market leader in the manufacture and
distribution of PVC window and door products and in the USA is a
leading manufacturer and distributor of building and plumbing
products to builders of manufactured houses and recreational
*    Turnover and operating profit from continuing activities up
     5% to #320.2m (1998: #305.8m) and 19% to #20.6m (1998:
     #17.2m) respectively
*    Pre-tax profit up 4% to #20.2m (1998: #19.4m)
*    Earnings per share (pre-goodwill) up 20% to 15.6p (1998
*    Interim dividend up 5% to 5.25p (5.0p)
*    Creation of HW Spectus, UK's largest extruder of rigid PVC
     window and door profiles, through successful integration of
     Spectus and HW Systems operations, enhanced by subsequent
     acquisition of Worth Systems
*    BCE Cellular Extrusions acquired for #10.5m, strengthening
     the PVC foam activities of Spectus-Kestrel
*    Pioneer Plastics acquired for #10m and integrated into
     Bristolpipe to create USA's 8th largest PVC pipe extruder
Hamish Bryce, Heywood Williams' chairman, comments: "In the UK,
the window and door markets are now gaining momentum.  In the
USA, both the PVC pipe and the recreational vehicle markets
remain robust.  We continue to grow our share of the
manufactured housing market against the background of a recent
modest slowdown in demand.  I expect us to continue to make
satisfactory progress in the remainder of the year."
                Interim report from the Chairman
Results and dividend
I'm delighted to report that the group made very encouraging
progress during the first half of 1999, with operating profit on
continuing operations increased by 19% to #20.6 million on
turnover ahead 5% to #320.2 million.
Pre tax profit for the six months ended 30 June 1999 was #20.2
million, an increase of 4% on the first half of 1998, despite a
goodwill amortisation charge of #1.1 million, some #0.8 million
higher than last year.  The increased profit, coupled with the
effect of the share buy back last September, resulted in a 20%
improvement in earnings per share before goodwill amortisation,
to 15.6p.  In the light of these encouraging results and
sustained strong trading cash flow, your board has decided to
increase the interim dividend by 5% to 5.25p per ordinary share
payable on 15 October 1999 to shareholders on the register at 17
September 1999.
These results follow the substantial reorganisation of the group
during 1998, when we acquired Spectus-Kestrel, sold Auto
Windscreens, and restructured our interest in our European glass
business.  Our balance sheet remains strong with gearing at 30
June 1999 of 10%.
In the UK, our businesses are now those focused principally on
the #2.5 billion PVC window and door market.  With the benefit
of a full six month contribution from Spectus-Kestrel, which was
purchased in April 1998, UK sales and operating profit from
continuing businesses were up 14% to #132.1 million and 10% to
#8.3 million respectively.
In the USA, we achieved a 13% increase in turnover to #184.2
million, with operating profit almost a third higher at #11.6
million.  Our businesses supplying the builders of manufactured
houses and recreational vehicles, as well as our growing PVC
pipe extrusion business, all produced excellent results.
In addition to investing in new plant and equipment to increase
our capacity and enhance our product range, we continue to seek,
as potential acquisitions, businesses which are complementary
to, and will add value to, our existing businesses.  I am
pleased that this year we have been able to buy three businesses
which fulfil these criteria.
In February, we purchased for #10 million, Pioneer Plastics, a
plastic pipe extrusion business based near Atlanta with
annualised sales of #18.5 million.  The integration of Pioneer
into our Bristolpipe operation is well under way, making
Bristolpipe the eighth largest extruder of PVC pipe in the USA.
In May, we combined the PVC window and door profile extrusion
activities of Spectus-Kestrel with HW Systems, under the new
name of HW Spectus.  This business is the UK's largest extruder
of rigid PVC window and door profiles and it has been further
strengthened by the acquisition in June of Worth Systems.
Worth, which has a turnover of #4 million, brings to HW Spectus
an established additional brand.
In August, we strengthened the PVC foam extrusion activities of
Spectus-Kestrel by the acquisition for #10.5 million of BCE
Cellular Extrusions Limited, a company with annualised sales of
#10 million.  PVC foam profile is increasingly used instead of
wood in numerous building applications, including the
installation of windows and doors, and is a fast growing segment
of the UK PVC extrusion market.
In the UK, the window and door markets are now gaining momentum.
In the USA, both the PVC pipe and the recreational vehicle
markets remain robust.  We continue to grow our share of the
manufactured housing market against the background of a recent
modest slowdown in demand.  I expect us to continue to make
satisfactory progress in the remainder of the year.
Hamish Bryce
2 September 1999

Consolidated profit and loss account
Six months ended 30 June 1999
                                       Half year      Half  Full year
                                         30 June      year         31
                                 Note       1999   30 June   December
                                                      1998       1998
                                            #000      #000       #000
Turnover                        1                          
     Continuing operations               320,177   305,823      636,172
     Discontinued operations                   -    40,898       53,922
                                         320,177   346,721      690,094
Costs and overheads less other                                         
 income excluding goodwill                                             
 amortisation                          (299,038)  (326,349)   (644,729)
Goodwill amortisation           2        (1,099)     (334)      (1,303)
Operating profit                          20,040    20,038       44,062
Income from interests in                                               
associated                      2            523       369        1,030
Operating profit after income                                          
from                            1         20,563    20,407       45,092
 associated undertakings
     Continuing operations                20,563    17,212       41,025
     Discontinued operations                   -     3,195        4,067
Exceptional profits less                                               
losses on                                                              
 disposal or termination of     3              -         -       19,514
Interest                                   (319)   (1,016)      (1,567)
Profit on ordinary activities                                          
before                                    20,244    19,391       63,039
Taxation                        3        (6,816)   (6,115)     (14,390)
Profit after taxation                     13,428    13,276       48,649
Equity minority interests                  (295)     (717)      (1,408)
Profits attributable to                                                
members of                                13,133    12,559       47,241
 the parent company
     Equity                     4        (4,470)   (4,567)     (11,741)
     Non-equity                            (451)     (534)      (1,068)
Retained profit for the period             8,212     7,458       34,432
Earnings per ordinary share                                            
Basic                                      15.3p     13.2p        52.1p
Diluted                                    14.4p     12.7p        49.0p
Diluted - excluding                                                    
exceptional                                15.6p     13.0p        29.6p
 items and goodwill
Dividends per ordinary share    4          5.25p      5.0p       14.25p

Consolidated balance sheet
At 30 June 1999
                                30 June     30 June           31
                                   1999        1998         1998
                                   #000        #000         #000
Fixed assets                                          
Intangible assets                 44,915       38,099       37,675
Tangible assets                   60,791       70,725       56,296
Investments                       11,740        5,653       12,004
                                 117,446      114,477      105,975
Current assets                                                    
Stocks                            63,225       69,580       56,798
Debtors                           82,506       98,506       60,702
Cash at bank and in hand          42,446       11,182       47,775
                                 188,177      179,268      165,275
Creditors:  due within one                                        
Borrowings                        33,520       48,085       16,055
Other creditors                   98,594      111,711       85,444
                                 132,114      159,796      101,499
Net current assets                56,063       19,472       63,776
Total assets less current                                         
 liabilities                     173,509      133,949      169,751
Creditors:  due after one                                         
year -                            19,267       26,077       25,542
Provisions for liabilities                                        
and                                2,308        3,033        2,292
                                  21,575       29,110       27,834
                                 151,934      104,839      141,917
Capital and reserves                                              
Called up share capital           23,956       26,741       24,517
Share premium account              5,214        3,410        3,585
Other reserves                     5,245        2,995        5,245
Profit and loss account          115,633       64,661      106,734
                                 150,048       97,807      140,081
Minority interests                 1,886        7,032        1,836
                                 151,934      104,839      141,917
Consolidated cash flow statement
Six months ended 30 June 1999
                                            Half      Half   Full year
                                            year      year
                                         30 June   30 June          31
                                            1999      1998        1998
                                            #000      #000        #000
Net cash inflow from operating                                         
activities                                 14,815    19,957      58,142
 (analysed below)
Dividends from associated undertakings          -       732       1,141
Returns on investments and servicing of                                
Interest paid                             (1,797)   (1,604)     (3,407)
Interest received                           1,305       986       2,270
Dividends paid to minority interests        (245)     (367)       (963)
Preference share dividends paid             (534)     (534)     (1,068)
                                          (1,271)   (1,519)     (3,168)
Taxation                                  (3,894)   (3,670)    (15,189)
Capital expenditure                                         
Purchase of tangible fixed assets         (5,849)   (6,329)    (12,407)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                 166       323       1,408
                                          (5,683)   (6,006)    (10,999)
Acquisitions and disposals                                             
Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings                                 
and                                      (13,554)  (53,780)    (54,006)
Acquisition of other investments            (217)      (46)           -
Disposals of subsidiary undertakings                                   
and                                         1,180       225      72,061
                                         (12,591)  (53,601)      18,055
Equity dividends paid                     (7,616)   (8,004)    (12,130)
Cash (outflow)/inflow before use of                                    
liquid                                   (16,240)  (52,111)      35,852
 resources and financing
Management of liquid resources             21,895    23,650    (10,283)
Issues of ordinary share capital              358       484         685
Repurchase of ordinary share capital            -         -    (19,032)
Additional loans                           12,905    34,193      34,055
Repayment of loans                        (2,882)  (13,739)    (44,453)
                                           10,381    20,938    (28,745)
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                  16,036   (7,523)     (3,176)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in              
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                  16,036   (7,523)     (3,176)
(Increase)/decrease in borrowings and                                  
lease                                    (10,023)  (20,454)      10,398
(Decrease)/increase in liquid resources  (21,895)  (23,650)      10,283
(Increase)/decrease in net debt                                        
resulting from                           (15,882)  (51,627)      17,505
 cash flows
Loans and finance leases acquired with                                 
 subsidiaries                                   -   (8,041)     (8,041)
Loans and finance leases disposed of                                   
with                                            -         -         768
Exchange fluctuations                       (637)        97       (645)
(Increase)/decrease in net debt          (16,519)  (59,571)       9,587
Opening net funds/(debt)                    6,178   (3,409)     (3,409)
Closing net (debt)/funds                 (10,341)  (62,980)       6,178
Analysis of cash inflow from operating                                 
Operating profit before income from                                    
interests                                  20,040    20,038      44,062
 in associated undertakings
Depreciation and goodwill amortisation                                 
 profit on fixed asset disposals and        6,151     5,991      13,291
                                           26,191    26,029      57,353
(Increase)/decrease in working capital   (11,376)   (6,072)         789
                                           14,815    19,957      58,142

Notes on the financial statements
1.   Segmental analysis for the six months ended 30 June 1999
                  Half year - 1999  Half year - 1998 Full year - 1998
                  Turnover  Profit*  Turnover  Profit*  Turnover  Profit*
                     #000     #000     #000     #000     #000     #000
By geographical                                               
UK and Ireland    132,129    8,299  115,824    7,528  254,412   19,462
Mainland Europe     3,848      637   26,440      920   49,592    1,699
USA               184,200   11,627  163,559    8,764  332,168   19,864
 operations       320,177   20,563  305,823   17,212  636,172   41,025
 operations             -        -   40,898    3,195   53,922    4,067
                  320,177   20,563  346,721   20,407  690,094   45,092
* Operating profit including income from interests in associated
undertakings and after goodwill amortisation - note 2
2.   The turnover for Mainland Europe for the 1998 half year
 included #23.456m (1998 full year - #43.196m) in respect of HWS
 Holdings BV which was converted to an associated undertaking in
 December 1998.  Income from associates all related to activities
 in Mainland Europe.  The geographical split of goodwill
 amortisation for the 1999 half year was UK and Ireland #0.986m and
 USA #0.113m (1998 half and full year all related to UK and
3.   The 1998 full year exceptional items were after goodwill
 reversals on disposals of #33.424m and there was no taxation
 charge arising in respect of the exceptional items.
4.    The interim equity dividend of 5.25p per ordinary share
 will be paid on 15 October 1999 to ordinary shareholders on the
 Register on 17 September 1999.
5.    The following statement in respect of the group's current
 assessment of the Year 2000 computer problem has been approved
 by the group board:
 "For over two years, the group board has monitored progress by
 local management teams in dealing with the risks to their
 businesses from the use of date sensitive microchip based
 equipment.  These teams have prepared details of computer based
 systems which affect all aspects of our operations.  Exposures
 to each business have been identified as either high, medium or
 low risk and programmes have been developed to limit any adverse
 effects on the group's businesses caused by the inadequacies in
 these systems.
 Our review procedures have also involved identifying risks
 arising from disruption of the supply of critical goods and
 services and also whether our major customers and suppliers have
 systems that will enable them to continue to trade.
 We have absorbed most of the cost of year 2000 compliance as
 part of the ongoing improvement in our computer based systems
 because of the early identification of this risk to our
 businesses.  Therefore additional costs are not considered to be
 We believe that, within our own businesses, we will have taken
 appropriate steps to minimise the year 2000 computer risk but
 risks arising from the approach of our external customers and
 suppliers to this problem are harder to assess."

6.   Other than the results for the full year to 31 December 1998,
 the financial information included in the Interim Report is
 unaudited.  The accounts for the year ended 31 December 1998
 received an unqualified audit report and have been filed with the
 Registrar of Companies.
7.   Accounting policies applied to the interim financial
 information are consistent with those used for the year ended 31
 December 1998 except for the implementation of FRS 12 which
 resulted in balances totalling #2.308m at 30 June 1999, previously
 held in creditors in respect of surplus property and after-date
 sales obligations, being reclassified as provisions.  Prior period
 balance sheets have been restated accordingly (30 June 1998 -
 #2.168m, 31 December 1998 - #2.292m).
8.   A copy of the Interim Report will be despatched on 10
 September 1999 to shareholders and details will also be available
 on the Company's website, www.heywoodwilliams.com.  Copies of the
 Interim Report will also be available to the public at Waverley,
 Edgerton Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD3 3AR, the
 registered office of the company.


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