September 2024
("Sunrise" or the
Reese Ridge Zinc-Lead-Silver
(-Gallium) Project
Sunrise Resources plc is pleased to
announce further high-grade zinc, lead and silver analytical
results from recent sampling at its Reese Ridge Zinc-Lead-Silver
(-Gallium) Project in Nevada, USA.
Short field programme carried out during the
summer to locate additional areas of high-grade base-metal and
silver mineralisation at surface.
Field portable x-ray fluorescence ("pXRF")
analyser used to locate mineralisation in real time.
New area of high-grade zinc, lead and silver
mineralisation discovered 260m west of previously reported
high-grade samples.
Field pXRF results confirmed by laboratory
analysis of samples with highest silver and lead values found
Ø 24.5%
combined lead-zinc and 383g/t silver in sample
Ø 18.6%
combined zinc-lead and 51g/t silver in sample 24RR-AL18.
Additional samples of iron-rich gossans contain
zinc in the range 0.1%-3.2% zinc.
Widespread barite mineralisation also reported,
typical of Carbonate Replacement Deposit ("CRD") style of
Detailed information and photographs
Commenting today, Patrick
Cheetham, Executive Chairman, said:.
"These latest results are very encouraging. This new area is
some distance from the previously reported high-grade samples, but
all of these samples lie above the large low resistivity zone that
has been defined as a primary drill target for CRD mineralisation
by the Company's interpretation of historical airborne geophysical
surveys. CRD style mineralisation is an attractive target as
economic deposits tend to be large and high-grade. New discoveries
of CRD style mineralisation include the Ruby Hill deposits near
Eureka in Nevada and the now producing Taylor deposit in the
adjacent state of Arizona.
"Given the scale of the opportunity presented at Reese Ridge
it makes sense that the Board considers Reese Ridge to be a
priority asset for exploration alongside the commercialisation of
our high-quality industrial mineral assets. Further work could
include ground geophysics and drilling as resources
The Company's wholly owned Reese
Ridge Project is located on the south side of the prospective
Humboldt Structural Zone, 52 miles south-southwest of Battle
Mountain, Nevada.
The project covers a ridge-forming
fault-bounded horst block of limestones/shales fault-juxtaposed
against younger shales all bounded to the east and west by Tertiary
age volcano-sedimentary basins.
The limestone is host to numerous
conspicuous iron-rich gossans derived from massive and semi-massive
sulphides which also attracted the Company's attention and that of
early prospectors looking for silver. These gossans have exotic
geochemistry and consistently anomalous zinc, lead and silver with
values up to 6.8% zinc, 3.3% lead and 51g/t silver. Forty-three
samples taken from these gossans and old workings averaged 0.86%
Subsequently, prospecting by the
Company yielded a sample of unremarkable limestone containing a few
spots of the lead sulphide mineral galena and a high-grade analysis
of 15.9% zinc (alongside 0.3% lead and 17ppm silver). Follow-up
sampling yielded high-grade samples containing up to 29.6% zinc,
0.3% lead, 7ppm silver, 68ppm gallium. These high-grade samples
tend to be iron-poor in comparison and the zinc is contained as
oxide and/or carbonate minerals that are difficult to
identify in the field in an area where the rocks are significantly
altered and do not have the stand-out characteristics of iron-rich
gossans and are easily overlooked.
Recently, in July, the Company
contracted geological consultants, Big Rock Exploration, to carry
out a 3-day field reconnaissance programme using a pXRF analyser to
gather real-time field information on the zinc, lead and silver
levels across different parts of the project area. Extreme summer
temperatures were experienced during the fieldwork
(+40oC) which adversely affected the operation of the
pXRF and the accuracy of readings. The pXRF did, however, help
direct the collection of field samples for subsequent laboratory
geochemical analysis.
Laboratory analytical results are
now available and have highlighted an area some 260m west of the
previously identified high-grade samples where two rock samples
yielded very high lead, zinc and silver results as
Ø +24.5%
combined lead-zinc and 383g/t silver in sample
(4.5% zinc and greater than 20%
lead, the upper instrument detection limit for the chosen
analytical method)
Ø 18.6%
combined zinc-lead and 51g/t silver in sample 24RR-AL18.
(11.7% zinc and 6.9% lead)
Sample 24RR-AL18 was taken from an
old mine dump whereas sample 24RR-AL19 was taken from a rock
outcrop (see Photos 1 & 2 following). Outcrop in the project
area is generally very poor due to the extensive scree
Consistent with the analytical
results from previously reported high-grade samples, the above
samples have a relatively low iron content. Additional samples of
the more iron-rich gossans collected during the recent sampling
programme contained consistently anomalous zinc contents in the
range 0.1-3.2% zinc. Widespread barite was also reported from scree
by Big Rock Exploration.
Previous samples from Reese Ridge
have shown high levels of gallium, up to 69ppm. Gallium is an
essential mineral in the production of semi-conductors and is
increasingly used in the production of solar panels and high
frequency computer chips. It is extracted from some zinc ores and
approximately 80% of the world's gallium is produced in China.
China has placed some restrictions on the export of gallium and
gallium compounds. The analytical method used for the most recent
samples had a lower detection limit for gallium that was too high
(50ppm) to give meaningful results.
In its news release of 31 October
2023, the Company announced that modelling of historical airborne
geophysical data had confirmed a large annular zone of low
resistivity (high conductivity) below the surface mineralisation
that extends from just below near surface to a depth of nearly
1,000m. This annular zone surrounds a core of high resistivity
which the Company interprets as a granitic intrusion. All of the
high-grade mineralisation found to date overlies this low
resistivity zone which the Company believes could be indicative of
a significant zone of sulphide mineralisation.
The geological setting and
geological features of the target are consistent with a Carbonate
Replacement Deposit ("CRD") style of mineralisation. These can be
large and high-grade. A relevant example is the Hermosa Project in
the neighbouring State of Arizona which was acquired by South32 in
a US$1.3 billion takeover and which includes the Taylor Deposit
(138 million tonne Mineral Resource with a zinc equivalent grade of
8.61%) now under development. A more recent CRD discovery has been
made in Nevada by i-80 Gold at the Ruby Hill Project where
spectacular zinc and silver drill intersections have been
The Reese Ridge project represents a
significant opportunity for the Company. Further work is justified
to include ground geophysics and drilling.
Sunrise Resources plc
Patrick Cheetham, Executive
Tel: +44 (0)1625 838 884
Beaumont Cornish Limited
Nominated Adviser
James Biddle/Roland
Tel: +44 (0)207 628 3396
Peterhouse Capital Limited
Lucy Williams/Duncan
Tel: +44 (0)207 469 0930
Shares in the Company trade on AIM. EPIC:
Website: www.sunriseresourcesplc.com
Nominated Adviser
Beaumont Cornish Limited ("Beaumont
Cornish") is the Company's Nominated Adviser and is authorised and
regulated by the FCA. Beaumont Cornish's responsibilities as the
Company's Nominated Adviser, including a responsibility to advise
and guide the Company on its responsibilities under the AIM Rules
for Companies and AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers, are owed solely
to the London Stock Exchange. Beaumont Cornish is not acting for
and will not be responsible to any other persons for providing
protections afforded to customers of Beaumont Cornish nor for
advising them in relation to the proposed arrangements described in
this announcement or any matter referred to in it.
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
The information contained within
this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside
information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU)
No. 596/2014 which forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of
the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ('MAR'). Upon the
publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service
('RIS'), this inside information is now considered to be in the
public domain.

Photo 1: Sample 24RR-AL19:
>20% lead, 4.5% zinc, 383g/t silver. Sample taken from
outcropping zone under hammer in photo.(>upper limit of
detection for lead in analytical method

Photo 2: Sample 24RR-AL18 -
Taken from old mine dump: 11.75% zinc, 6.9% lead and 51g/t

Photo 3: Oxidised carbonate
replacement mineralisation in exploratory adit 80m south of
previously reported high-grade lead and zinc values. Sample
24RR-AL16: 3.2% zinc
The information in this release has been compiled and reviewed
by Mr. Patrick Cheetham (MIMMM, MAusIMM) who is a qualified person
for the purposes of the AIM Note for Mining and Oil & Gas
Companies. Mr. Cheetham is a Member of the Institute of Materials,
Minerals & Mining and also a member of the Australasian
Institute of Mining & Metallurgy.
Barite: a mineral chemically
composed of barium sulphate, an ore of barium and a common minerals
in a variety of minerals deposit types including CRDs.
Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD):
high-temperature carbonate (limestone)-hosted Ag-Pb-Zn deposit
formed by the replacement of carbonate rock, by metal-bearing
solutions in the vicinity of igneous intrusions.
Gossan: an iron rich rock, the
residual product of oxidation by weathering and leaching of rocks
originally containing high levels of sulphide minerals and often
representing the exposed upper part of a mineral deposit or mineral
ppm: parts per
XRF: an acronym for X-ray
fluorescence spectroscopy, a non-destructive analytical technique
used to determine the elemental composition of materials. Handheld
portable XRF analysers (pXRF) work by measuring the fluorescent (or
secondary) X-rays emitted from a sample when excited by a primary
X-ray source. Each of the elements present in a sample produces a
set of characteristic fluorescent X-rays, or "unique fingerprints"
which allows a quantitative measurement of the concentration of
that element in a sample.