RNS Number:3915S
Innovation Group PLC
24 November 2003

Embargoed until 0700                                            24 November 2003

                            THE INNOVATION GROUP PLC
The Innovation Group (TiG), delivering solutions that improve profitability and
customer service in the insurance and  associated industries, today announces
its audited preliminary results for the twelve months ended 30 September 2003.

Highlights for the twelve months ended 30 September 2003:

* Adjusted profit* before tax of #3.3m (2002: #10.0m)

* Loss before tax of #24.1m (2002: loss of #391.1m) after amortisation charge of 
  #17.2m, exceptional costs of #5.2m, write down of fixed asset investments of 
  #5.9m, profit on disposal of operations of #1.6m and loss on disposal of 
  fixed assets of #0.7m

* Total revenue of #58.5m (2002: #100.1m). Specialised Business Process 
  Outsourcing revenue (SBPO) of #24.4m (2002: #21.2m). Technology Solutions 
  Division (TSD) revenue of #34.1m (2002: #78.9m)

* Successful completion of rights issue in March raising approximately #9m 
  (net of expenses)

* Hassan Sadiq commenced as new Chief Executive in March 2003

* Significant cost base reduction (total costs excluding one off items and 
  amortisation for Q4 2003 were #12.1m compared to #20.6m in Q4 2002)

* Became cash flow positive in Q4 (operating inflow of #2.8m) after three 
  quarters of continually reduced outflows

* Major contract win secured in Q4 (announced 1 October 2003)

* Adjusted profit is the loss before tax adding back the items in second bullet 
  point above. It is analysed in financial highlights on page 9.

Commenting on the results, Hassan Sadiq, Chief Executive, said:

"This has been a year of evolution for The Innovation Group. We have reshaped
our Board, bolstered our management team  and tailored our products to align
them more closely with the needs of our clients. The outlook for next year is
one of cautious optimism."

The analyst presentation slides will be available on our website: www.tigplc.com

                                    - ends -


The Innovation Group plc                                            01489 898300
Hassan Sadiq, Chief Executive Officer
Paul Smolinski, Group Finance Director

KBC Peel Hunt                                                      020 7418 8900
Simon Hayes / Jonathan Marren

Weber Shandwick Square Mile                                        020 7067 0700
Sara Musgrave / Katie Hunt

Notes to Editors
The Innovation Group delivers innovative technology and process improvement
solutions to insurance and associated industries that enable clients to increase
profit and improve the customer experience. To cater to the needs of each
individual client, and to maximise impact and return on investment, TiG's
solutions comprise of two divisions: Technology Solutions Division (TSD) and
Specialised Business Process Outsourcing (SBPO).

The Group has provided services for leading blue chip companies around the globe
including: ACG, ACSC, Alliance, Aviva, Axa, BMW, Chubb, Direct Line, Ford Motor
Company, Jaguar, RSA, Yasuda, and Zurich.

Market leaders recognise that in order to improve profit margins they must
reduce the total cost of claims. Current industry averages show that average
European non-life expenditures are around 105% of premiums collected (combined
ratio), with nearly 80% of this expense being claims related (totalling more
than #20 billion a year in the UK alone)**. TiG's claims technology enables
insurers to decrease claims cost by around 5 to 20% and improve customer

** Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, February 2003.

Chairman's Statement


The Innovation Group delivers innovative technology and process improvement
solutions to insurance and associated industries that enable clients to increase
profit and improve the customer experience. To cater to the needs of each
individual client, and to maximise impact and return on investment, TiG's
solutions comprise two divisions: Technology Solutions Division (TSD) and
Specialised Business Process Outsourcing (SBPO).

The Year in Review

This year has seen a period of transition and recovery for the Group.

Faced with a challenging governance, economic and business climate, we reshaped
our Board and management team and repositioned our products and services to
align more closely with the needs of our clients and partners. Production
delivery of our new policy and claims systems, plus a significant policy system
win in North America provide solid evidence of our progress.

Our continued strategy of focusing on core revenue lines whilst maintaining
costs at an appropriate level means that the Group has been able to deliver four
consecutive quarters of adjusted profit*.

Financial Results

Adjusted profit* before tax, was #3.3m for the year ended 30 September 2003
(2002: #10.0m) and revenue for the year to 30 September 2003 was #58.5m (2002:

Rights Issue

In March 2003, the Group concluded a rights issue which raised approximately #9m
net of expenses. The rights issue strengthened the balance sheet and gave
clients, partners and prospects the confidence they needed to consider TiG as
the solution provider for their mission critical needs.

The Board

In February 2003, John Birkmire, Gordon Crawford and Clive Vlotman left the
Board. In March 2003, Hassan Sadiq stepped up to become Chief Executive of TiG
(previously Chief Operating Officer) and Rob Terry moved from being Chief
Executive to Vice-Chairman. In September 2003 Rob Terry resigned from the Group.

We stated that it was our intention to recruit fully independent, non-executive
directors who would bring additional skills and experience, and in line with
those criteria we were pleased to appoint Chris Banks and David Thorpe to the
Board in the second half of the year - chairing the audit and remuneration
committees respectively. Chris and David bring their considerable knowledge and
expertise from CMG and EDS and we thank them both for their contribution thus
far. Ed Ossie, Steve Scott and Paul Smolinski remain as executive directors of
TiG, and I continue as non-executive chairman of the Board and the nomination


I would like to thank everyone for their outstanding contribution to the
business this year and thank them for their dedication to our clients. This has
been a period of challenge and achievement where our teams throughout the world
have demonstrated their experience and professionalism. We continue to attract
and retain some of the best people in the industry and we recognise them as the
foundation of our future success.


Insurance companies can no longer rely on investment income to support their
profit margins. This means that they have to improve margins in their core
business. TiG believes that technology has a major role to play in this
improvement, and continues to invest in research and development, implementation
skills and specialised business process outsourcing infrastructure to deliver
these solutions.


We expect the market to remain challenging but we are confident that we now have
the right foundation in place. We will build upon our proven solutions, blue
chip client base and key partnerships with leading companies such as IBM. The
Board looks forward to the next financial year with cautious optimism -
anticipating a return to turnover growth and improved profitability in our core
businesses. We would like to thank our shareholders for their invaluable

Geoff Squire, OBE

* Defined under financial highlights

Chief Executive's Review

I am pleased to report that TiG delivered an adjusted profit* of #3.3 million
for the financial year, became cash flow positive in the fourth quarter and made
substantial progress in further developing the business for future sustainable

At an operational level, we structured the business into two main divisions -
Technology Solutions Division (TSD) and Specialised Business Process Outsourcing
(SBPO), realigned the Group to focus on core competencies and strengthened our
quality partnerships with leading companies such as IBM. This, along with better
integration of our acquired businesses, enabled us to substantially reduce our
costs without affecting our ability to service clients.

The Group has provided services for leading blue chip companies around the globe
including: ACG, ACSC, Alliance, Aviva, Axa, BMW, Chubb, Direct Line, Ford Motor
Company, Jaguar, RSA, Yasuda, and Zurich.

During the last two years, the economic downturn has markedly changed the
purchasing dynamics of the insurance industry. Whilst it negatively impacted our
technology business through lower Initial Licence Fee (ILF) and systems
integration revenues, it positively affected our SBPO business as insurers
sought to outsource functions in a bid to improve their bottom line.

Current industry averages show that average European non-life expenditures are
around 105% of premiums collected (the "combined ratio", an industry measure of
underwriting profitability)**, with nearly 80% of this expense being claims
related (totalling more than #20 billion a year in the UK alone). Market leaders
recognise that in order to improve profit margins they must reduce the total
cost of claims. Our claims technology enables insurers to decrease claims cost
by around 5 to 20% and improve customer experience.

* Defined under financial highlights
** Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, February 2003.

Specialised Business Process Outsourcing (SBPO)

Our SBPO division, branded as TiG eQuals, focuses on managing business functions
for the insurance and associated industries. It provides outsourced services
such as accident management, incident estimating, assessment services and
warranty administration, charged on a transactional basis.

During 2003, the SBPO business grew as insurers sought to obtain solutions with
a fast ROI. This has resulted in nine new clients being signed globally, as well
as an increase in pipelines in all regions.

Geographically, 43% of our SBPO revenue of #24.4m was earned in the UK, 47% in
South Africa, 5% in Germany, 2% in France (sold during the year to Groupama) and
3% in Australia. All geographical regions are expected to grow in 2004.

In South Africa, our business is the market leader for many of the services it
provides. South Africa also affords TiG's global clients an attractive offshore
alternative through its competitive cost structure, modern infrastructure and
English-speaking population base.

Our UK SBPO operation added some new clients in 2003, but we are expecting its
growth to be flat for the first half of 2004 due to one client taking its
business in-house. Conversely, the German and Australian operations are both
experiencing significant growth and both realised profitability for the first
time during the year.

During the year, we have continued to invest in implementing our own technology
within our SBPO business offerings. The use of our own technology within our
SBPO offering gives us a distinct competitive advantage by further helping them
to reduce the cost of claims. This procedure is being led from the UK and will
roll out to all other regions in due course.

Technology Solutions Division (TSD)

TSD provides software and services to develop, install, integrate and maintain 
insurance systems for policy and claims related functions.

After a difficult first half, we began to see signs of recovery in the second
half as our sales pipeline began to grow. Recently, we gained two commitments
from leading US insurers for evaluation licences for our new policy offering.
The first converted into a full licence in Q4 and will be implemented in
conjunction with IBM (announced 1 October 2003). The second was still under
evaluation at the close of the year. Beyond this we have seen an increase in
enquiry levels from insurers and have been responding to a higher level of
RFP's. We are also continuing to work on further opportunities with IBM.

Geographically, 53% of our technology revenue of #34.1m was earned in North
America, 37% in the UK and Europe, and 10% in Asia Pacific. We expect North
America and the UK to be the prime growth areas in 2004.

Our total recurring revenue in technology solutions for the year was #22.6m.
This included revenue of #2.4m from a US government contract that was not
renewed. Its effect on Group profitability will be minimal, as costs have
already been reduced accordingly.

Our implementation teams successfully delivered major projects globally,
including our claims product to two blue chip insurance companies. We expect
implementation revenue to increase in Q1 2004 as we re-deploy our people from
completed fixed price projects to new projects.

Investing for the Future (R & D)

Our claims technology and SBPO offerings enable insurers to decrease claims
costs and improve customer experience. Our policy platform enables insurers to
further reduce costs and time to market, while improving their ability to sell
through multiple channels. The collective result of our offering is a lower
combined ratio.

TiG believes that technology has a major role to play in the future
profitability of the insurance industry and continues to make substantial
investment into R&D in the technology business as well as process solutions for
our SBPO business.

To support our core offering we also launched the "TIG Conversion Toolkit" which
rapidly enables data conversion from old systems to new. This led to a new
contract in Q4 and interest levels were increasing as we closed the year.

Strategic Update

Our focus in 2004 is to increase our profitability, generate cash from our
existing operations, and to bring further focus to our core businesses. This
strategy will pave the way for sustainable organic growth on a medium term

We retain our focus on insurance and associated industries. The synergies
between  the two divisions provide TiG with a strong competitive advantage as
customers benefit  from flexible offerings that adapt to changing markets. We
remain committed to  extending our capabilities throughout the world.


As pipelines in both our technology and SBPO businesses have grown and general
trading conditions continue to improve, we are cautiously optimistic about 2004.

Whilst the market remains difficult, recent months have shown positive
indications of future improvements. Our technology business successes in the
final quarter give credence to insurance market analyst predictions of 'an
increasing demand for modern policy and claims solutions'. Insurance industry
analysts also predict a continuing increase in the use of business process

We believe that technology has a major role to play in the future profitability
of the insurance industry and, to that end, continue to focus on providing
leading edge solutions that enable insurers to reduce their costs and improve
customer relations.

Overall, there is significant scope for our business to grow further in the
years to come.

In closing, I want to thank our shareholders for supporting us during the year
and our employees in progressing the Group in the right direction.

Hassan Sadiq
Chief Executive Officer

Finance Director's Review


Revenue for the year to 30 September 2003 was #58.5m (2002: #100.1m); SPBO
revenue for year to 30 September 2003 was #24.4m (2002: #21.2m); Technology
Solutions revenue for year to 30 September 2003 was #34.1m (2002: #78.9m).

Revenue in the first half of the year was #31.2m and was #27.3m in the second
half of the year. Within this, SBPO turnover grew from #11.5m (including #0.5m
from a business subsequently sold) in the first half to #12.9m in the second
half of the year and TSD reduced accordingly as long-term implementations were
successfully completed.

EBITDA for the year was #6.5m (2002: #15.1m). FRS3 loss before tax was #24.1m
(2002: FRS3 loss of #391.1m). On an adjusted basis profit was #3.3m (2002:
#10.0m) after excluding an amortisation charge of #17.2m, exceptional costs of
#5.2m, amounts written off investments of #5.9m, profit on disposal of
operations of #1.6m and loss on disposal of fixed assets of #0.7m.

Adjusted EPS was 0.79p (2002: 2.46p), basic loss per share was 7.67p (2002: loss
per share of 173.78p). As at 30 September 2003 there were approximately 414
million shares in issue.

The Group tax charge was #0.7m. The principal reason for there being a tax
charge despite the FRS3 loss is due to profits earned in certain countries which
cannot be set off against losses arising in other countries. The effective tax
rate is lower than the expected rate of 30% due mainly to the utilisation of tax
losses brought forward for which no deferred tax asset had previously been

One-off items

Exceptional charges of #5.2m (2002: #374.5m) were incurred in the fourth quarter
of 2003. #0.4m relates to office closure costs in North America; #3.1m relates
to fixed asset write-downs; #0.5m relates to contractual settlements and #1.2m
relates to people costs (including the #0.5m balance of the contractual
entitlement due to R Terry following his resignation as a director). Fixed asset
investments were written down by #5.9m after a review of "value in use" and
market conditions. Additionally there was a #0.7m loss on disposal of fixed
assets and a #1.6m profit on the sale of our SBPO operation in France.


The cost base has decreased significantly in 2003 through a combination of
focusing on our core business and reducing staff costs and other administrative
expenses. The average headcount for the Group has fallen by 13%, although within
this there has been an increase in our SBPO operation in South Africa offset by
a reduction primarily in our technology solutions business. Total costs
excluding one off items and amortisation for Q4 2003 were #12.1m compared to
#20.6m in Q4 2002. Additionally, during the year several offices were closed
including the former Huon headquarters in London, our Leatherhead office in the
UK, and an office in Hartford, US. In addition, we moved to more cost effective
offices in Danbury and Kansas in the US.

Cash flow and financing

Over the year our net cash position has improved by #2.1m. The Group undertook a
rights issue in March that generated approximately #9.0m net of expenses. This
strengthened our balance sheet and has given our stakeholders increased
confidence in the Group. We also achieved a cash inflow of #2.2m through the
disposal of our SBPO operation in France and realised #3.3m through the sale of
one of our Whiteley offices. We repaid #6.2m of loan notes during the year and
repaid #6m of mortgage and other borrowings.

At the operating level, TiG had a net cash outflow of #5.2m in the year of which
#3.7m arose from exceptional costs, compared to an outflow of #8.1m in the
previous year (where there was a outflow of #15.9m relating to exceptional
items). Putting the Group in a position where it generates cash on a quarterly
basis has been a priority, with tightly controlled costs and optimum payment
terms from clients being areas of particular attention. This focus has resulted
in a continual quarter on quarter improvement during the year, with a Q4 inflow
of #2.8m following three quarters of reducing outflows.

Our year end cash and short term investment position is #12.9m and cash
management remains a key focus. Some #2.7m of the cash is restricted by exchange
controls in South Africa, #0.5m is held in an escrow account as a warranty, and
there is #1.3m held in respect of loan notes repayable within 12 months. The
balance sheet also includes #3.3m of deferred consideration in respect of
acquisitions that is to be settled by October 2004, including the #1m settled by
issue of shares in October 2003, with #2m of the remaining balance capable, at
TiG's option, of also being settled in shares.

Foreign exchange

Approximately #34m (almost 60%) of the Group's turnover is generated outside the
UK and denominated in foreign currencies. The Group, therefore, has an exposure
to translation risk when the accounts of overseas subsidiaries are converted
into sterling.

The Group does not hedge this translation risk. During the year the most
important currencies for the Group were the US$ and the South African Rand and
the average exchange rates used to convert results into sterling were US$ 1.61:
#1 (2002: US$1.46:#1) and SA Rand 12.96: #1 (2002: SA Rand 15.49:#1).


Following a challenging year, the priorities of the coming year will be to focus
on the growth and profitability of our core business. Higher core revenues,
optimised costs and generation of cash from operations will be our goal. We have
already made significant improvements in terms of the Group's governance and
internal controls and will continue to improve in line with the guidance of the
revised Combined Code.

Paul Smolinski
Group Finance Director

The Innovation Group plc
Financial Highlights

                                           Note     2003            2002
                                                   #'000           #'000

TURNOVER                                          58,514         100,071

ADJUSTED PROFIT BEFORE TAX                  a      3,331          10,028

LOSS BEFORE TAX                                  (24,088)       (391,114)

ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER SHARE (pence)         6       0.79            2.46

BASIC LOSS PER SHARE (pence)                6      (7.67)        (173.78)

DIVIDEND PER SHARE (pence)                             -             0.6


a Adjusted profit before tax is calculated as:

                                                       2003           2002
                                                      #'000          #'000

FRS 3 loss before tax                               (24,088)      (391,114)
Add back:
Amortisation                                         17,181         26,644
Exceptional items                             3       5,247         24,498
Goodwill impairment                                       -        350,000
Profit on disposal of continuing operations   4      (1,638)             -
Loss on sale of fixed assets in continuing
operations                                    3         747              -
Amounts written off investments               3       5,882              -
                                                      3,331         10,028

References to adjusted profit and earnings per share reflect the Directors' view
that these are important measures for their own, and shareholders', assessment
of the Group's underlying performance.

                                                        The Innovation Group plc
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Year ended 30 September 2003

                                                           2003           2002
                                Note                      #'000          #'000

TURNOVER - continuing              2                     58,514        100,071
Cost of sales                                           (10,597)       (14,687)
                                                       ----------     ----------
Gross profit                                             47,917         85,384
Administrative expenses
- amortisation                                          (17,181)       (26,644)
- exceptional items                3                     (5,247)      (374,498)
- other                                                 (44,375)       (75,767)
                                                       ----------     ----------
                                                        (66,803)      (476,909)
                                                       ----------     ----------

OPERATING LOSS - continuing                             (18,886)      (391,525)

Share of operating profit of associate                       
undertaking                                                  71              -
Profit on disposal of continuing 
operations                         4                      1,638              -
Loss on sale of fixed assets in
continuing operations              3                       (747)             -
Amounts written off investments    3                     (5,882)             -
Net interest                                               (282)           411
                                                       ----------     ----------
TAXATION                                                (24,088)      (391,114)
TAXATION                                                (24,088)      (391,114)
Amortisation                                             17,181         26,644
Exceptional items                  3                      5,247        374,498
Profit on disposal of continuing 
operations                         4                     (1,638)             -
Loss on sale of fixed assets in
continuing operations              3                        747              -
Amounts written off investments    3                      5,882              -
                                                       ----------     ----------
ADJUSTED PROFIT                                           3,331         10,028
                                                       ==========     ==========   
Tax on loss on ordinary            
activities                         5                       (687)             -
                                                       ----------     ----------
TAXATION                                                (24,775)      (391,114)
Equity minority interests                                   (76)           (85)
                                                       ----------     ----------
LOSS FOR THE YEAR                                       (24,851)      (391,199)
Dividends                                                     -         (1,255)
                                                       ----------     ----------
RETAINED LOSS FOR THE YEAR                              (24,851)      (392,454)
                                                       ==========     ==========

Adjusted earnings per ordinary     
share (pence)                      6                       0.79           2.46
Basic loss per ordinary share      
(pence)                            6                      (7.67)       (173.78)
Diluted loss per ordinary share   
(pence)                            6                      (7.67)       (173.78)

                                                        The Innovation Group plc
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
Year ended 30 September 2003

                                                        2003             2002
                                                       #'000            #'000

Loss for the financial year                          (24,851)        (391,199)
Currency translation differences                      (4,010)          (2,580)
                                                    ----------       ----------
Total recognised gains and losses relating 
to the year                                          (28,861)        (393,779)
                                                    ==========       ==========

Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds
Year ended 30 September 2003

                                                             2003         2002
                                                            #'000        #'000

Loss for the financial year                               (24,851)    (391,199)
Dividends                                                       -       (1,255)
                                                         ----------   ----------
                                                          (24,851)    (392,454)
Currency translation differences                           (4,010)      (2,580)
Issue of shares                                            20,249       44,381
Shares to be issued                                       (12,264)       2,000
                                                         ----------   ----------
Net reduction to shareholders' funds                      (20,876)    (348,653)

Opening shareholders' funds as previously reported         57,399      406,052
                                                         ----------   ----------
Closing shareholders' funds                                36,523       57,399
                                                         ==========   ==========

                                                        The Innovation Group plc
Consolidated balance sheet
As at 30 September 2003

                                                             2003         2002
                                              Note          #'000        #'000

Intangible assets                                          35,357       53,987
Tangible assets                                            12,627       22,441
Investments                                                 1,809        5,034
                                                         ----------   ----------
                                                           49,793       81,462

Stocks                                                        235          131
Debtors                                          7         11,038       15,492
Investments                                                 1,743       11,060
Cash at bank and in hand                                   11,161        9,149
                                                         ----------   ----------
                                                           24,177       35,832

CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year            (17,701)     (25,823)
                                                         ----------   ----------
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                          6,476       10,009
                                                         ----------   ----------
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                      56,269       91,471

CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year
Convertible loan notes                                     (2,147)      (2,040)
Other creditors                                            (5,677)     (13,021)
                                                         ----------   ----------
                                                           (7,824)     (15,061)

PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES                     (1,786)      (3,673)

ACCRUALS AND DEFERRED INCOME                              (10,073)     (15,132)

EQUITY MINORITY INTERESTS                                     (63)        (206)
                                                         ----------   ----------
NET ASSETS                                                 36,523       57,399
                                                         ==========   ==========

Called up share capital                                     8,281        3,952
Shares to be issued                                         1,736       14,000
Share premium account                                     474,893      458,973
Profit and loss account                                  (448,387)    (419,526)
                                                         ----------   ----------
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                 36,523       57,399
                                                         ==========   ==========

                                                        The Innovation Group plc
Consolidated cash flow statement
Year ended 30 September 2003

                                                             2003         2002
                                                Note        #'000        #'000

Net cash outflow from operating activities        A        (5,230)      (8,086)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                             900        2,130
Interest paid                                                (780)      (1,210)
Interest element of finance lease rental payments            (223)        (223)
                                                         ----------   ----------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance                         (103)         697

Tax paid                                                     (641)      (2,014)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                            (916)      (4,251)
Purchase of intangible fixed assets                             -       (1,714)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                               3,536          558
Purchase of fixed asset investments                        (1,658)      (1,921)
Loans                                                        (400)           -
                                                         ----------   ----------
                                                              562       (7,328)
Acquisitions and disposals
Payments to acquire subsidiary undertakings                  (190)     (16,014)
Cash acquired with subsidiaries                                 -        1,056
Sale of subsidiary undertakings                             2,207            -
Net cash disposed of with subsidiary                          (88)           -
Net cash transferred from subsidiary to associate            (304)           -
                                                         ----------   ----------
                                                            1,625      (14,958)

Equity dividends paid                                           -       (5,625)

Management of liquid resources
Net sale of current asset investments                       9,317       51,960

                                                         ----------   ----------
Cash inflow before financing                                5,530       14,646

Issue of shares                                             8,970            -
Repayment of borrowings                                   (12,149)     (20,052)
New borrowings                                                  -          500
Capital element of finance lease rentals                     (246)        (259)
                                                         ----------   ----------
Net cash flow from financing                               (3,425)     (19,811)
                                                         ----------   ----------
Increase/(decrease) in cash less bank 
overdraft                                     B,C           2,105       (5,165)
                                                         ==========   ==========


                                                         2003           2002
                                                        #'000          #'000

Operating loss                                        (18,886)      (391,525)
Exceptional items                                       5,247        374,498
                                                     ----------     ----------

Operating loss before exceptional items               (13,639)       (17,027)
Depreciation                                            2,991          5,477
Amortisation of intangible fixed assets                17,181         26,644
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                       (147)          (131)
(Increase)/decrease in stocks                            (113)            55
Decrease in debtors                                     4,158         15,935
Decrease in creditors                                 (11,926)       (23,138)
                                                     ----------     ----------
                                                       (1,495)         7,815
Cash outflow arising from exceptional costs            (3,735)       (13,140)
Acquisition related outflows*                               -         (2,761)
                                                     ----------     ----------
Net cash outflow from operating activities             (5,230)        (8,086)
                                                     ==========     ==========

* Acquisition related outflows during the year ended 30 September 2002 related
  to payments made by the Company in respect of liabilities which crystallised 
  as a consequence of the acquisitions of MTW and Huon and creditor payments
  associated with the pre-acquisition activities of the Cosy Group.


                                      At                  Other             At
                               1 October               non-cash   30 September
                                    2002    Cash flow   changes           2003
                                   #'000        #'000     #'000          #'000

Cash at bank and in hand           9,149        2,012         -         11,161
Bank overdraft                       (95)          93         -             (2)
                                   9,054        2,105         -         11,159

Debt due beyond a year           (12,242)           -     5,824         (6,418)
Debt due within a year            (8,166)      12,149    (5,931)        (1,948)
Finance leases and hire 
purchase contracts                  (961)         246         -           (715)
Current asset investments         11,060       (9,317)        -          1,743
Total net (deficit)/funds         (1,255)       5,183      (107)         3,821


                                                     2003                2002
                                                    #'000               #'000

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period           2,105              (5,165)
Cash outflow from decrease in debt and lease                                  
financing                                          12,395               19,811
Cash inflow from decrease in liquid resources      (9,317)             (51,960)
                                                 ----------           ----------
Change in net funds resulting from cash flows       5,183              (37,314)
Loans, loan notes and finance leases acquired with
subsidiaries                                            -               (1,508)
Foreign exchange                                     (107)                (484)
                                                 ----------           ----------
Movement in net funds/(deficit) in the year         5,076              (39,306)
Net (deficit)/funds at start of the year           (1,255)              38,051
                                                 ----------           ----------
Net funds/(deficit) at end of the year              3,821               (1,255)
                                                 ==========           ==========

                                                       The Innovation Group plc
Notes to the preliminary statements
Year ended 30 September 2003


The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's
statutory accounts for the years ended 30 September 2003 or 2002, but is derived
from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2002 have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies, and those for 2003 will be delivered following the
Company's annual general meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts;
their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under s237(2) or
(3) of the Companies Act 1985.


Turnover can be analysed into the following categories:

                                                            2003          2002
                                                           #'000         #'000

Technology Solutions Division
Initial licence fees                                       4,916        17,520
Implementation                                             6,620        29,408
Recurring                                                 22,582        31,901
                                                        ----------    ----------
                                                          34,118        78,829
Specialised Business Process Outsourcing ("SBPO")
Recurring                                                 24,396        21,242
                                                        ----------    ----------
                                                          58,514       100,071
                                                        ==========    ==========

Recurring revenue represents income from contracts that do not relate to
discrete projects such as the implementation of a new system. It includes
maintenance, source code rental, and in/outsourcing work with customers.
Following the restructuring of the group at the end of 2002, the Directors now
consider that the Group has two principal activities. These are technology
solutions and specialised business process outsourcing. The results for the year
ended 30 September 2003 can be analysed as follows. In practice it is not
feasible to provide comparative data with sufficient accuracy and so, as
permitted by SSAP 25, no comparative information is provided.

                                       Solutions           SBPO          Total
                                           #'000          #'000          #'000

Turnover - by origin and destination      34,118         24,396         58,514
                                        ----------     ----------     ----------
EBITDA before R&D, central and
exceptional costs                         12,249          2,954         15,203
Amortisation and depreciation            (11,802)        (8,130)       (19,932)*
Exceptional items                         (3,120)        (2,127)        (5,247)
                                        ----------     ----------     ----------
                                          (2,673)        (7,303)        (9,976)
                                        ==========     ==========

R&D                                                                     (6,512)*
Central costs                                                           (2,398)

Share of operating profit of associate undertaking                          71
Profit on disposal of continuing operations - SBPO                       1,638
Loss on sale of fixed assets in continuing operations                     (747)
Amounts written off investments                                         (5,882)
Net interest                                (797)           515           (282)
Loss before tax                                                        (24,088)

* Research and development costs include approximately #240,000 of depreciation.


The analysis of net assets at 30 September 2003 by division was as follows:


Technology                                                              17,785
SBPO                                                                   (15,357)
Goodwill                                                                34,095

The geographical analysis by location is as set out below:

                       Turnover          Loss before taxation      Net assets
                     2003      2002       2003        2002      2003      2002
                    #'000     #'000      #'000       #'000     #'000     #'000   
Europe, Middle
East and Africa    36,722    59,227      9,259    (261,970)  (55,967)   18,156
Americas           17,420    35,143      3,230     (66,340)   59,473   (21,191)
Asia Pacific        4,372     5,701       (238)     (1,412)   (7,485)   (7,792)
Goodwill and
amortisation            -         -    (17,181)    (26,644)   34,095    50,851
Central and R&D         -         -     (8,910)    (10,250)    6,407    17,375
Exceptional charge      -         -     (5,247)    (24,498)        -         -
Profit on disposal      -         -      1,628           -         -         -
Loss on sale of
fixed assets            -         -       (747)          -         -         -
Amounts written
off investments         -         -     (5,882)          -         -         -
                   --------  --------   --------    --------  --------  --------
                   58,514   100,071    (24,088)   (391,114)   36,523    57,399
                   ========  ========   ========    ========  ========  ========

Due to the geographical spread of certain acquisitions and the centralisation of
certain functions, it is not possible to allocate the related central costs over
the geographical areas for the above years. Central net assets include other
investments and net funds.


                                                         2003             2002
                                                        #'000            #'000

Office closure costs                                      408            3,050
Tangible fixed assets impairment                        3,065            4,616
Termination payments                                    1,274            5,804
Redundancy period costs                                     -            9,255
Contractual settlements                                   500            1,773
                                                     ----------       ----------
                                                        5,247           24,498
Goodwill impairment                                         -          350,000
                                                     ----------       ----------
                                                        5,247          374,498
                                                     ==========       ==========
Other exceptional items
Loss on sale of fixed assets                              747                -
Amounts written off investments                         5,882                -
                                                     ==========       ==========


In the fourth quarter, the Directors reassessed the Group's infrastructure of
offices and systems in the light of current market conditions and future
prospects. As a consequence, further impairment charges have been made to
leasehold improvements and computer systems within tangible fixed assets.

Termination payments include #494,000, being the balance of the contractual
entitlement due to R Terry following his resignation as a director and amounts
paid to individuals who were made redundant in the fourth quarter of the year as
part of the reassessment noted above.

Contractual settlements represent the balance of funds committed to investments
whose carrying value has now been deemed to be impaired.

In addition to the above, other exceptional items are noted in the current year
as explained below:

Loss on sale of fixed assets - on 1 August 2003 the Group disposed of one of its
properties, which included an element of fixtures and fittings, at Whiteley for
consideration of #3.3m, giving rise to a loss on disposal of #747,000. The
proceeds were used to reduce the related mortgage loan.

Amounts written off investments - as part of their year end procedures, the
directors have reviewed the carrying value of the Group's investments and in
particular 'other investments'. Whilst they remain positive towards the long
term prospects of these, an impairment charge has been recorded to reflect their
concern as to their immediate prospects.


As a response to market conditions, the Group reorganised itself extensively
during the year resulting in exceptional costs which included provisions for the
closure of a number of satellite UK and US offices and the write down of related
fixed assets and severance costs for employees. Redundancy period costs related
primarily to salary costs of those individuals made redundant for the
consultation period prior to their redundancy where, as a consequence, the Group
received no benefit in respect of the individuals' employment during that

At 30 June 2002, the Group undertook a full impairment review of its
acquisitions since flotation in accordance with FRS 11, and their carrying
values were written down by #350 million.


Net assets disposed of:
Tangible fixed assets                                                      655
Debtors                                                                    194
Cash at bank and in hand                                                    88
Creditors                                                                 (368)
Profit on disposal of continuing operations                              1,638
Satisfied by:
Cash                                                                     2,207

The disposal of the Group's French SBPO business was completed on 29 January
2003. The profit on disposal of #1,638,000 was determined including #nil
attributable goodwill. In addition to the above, an amount of Euro400,000 is
payable by the purchaser in July 2004 as deferred consideration. This amount has
been retained by the purchaser in respect of potential warranty claims and has
not been recognised as consideration by the Group.


There is a tax charge for the period of #687,000 (2002: #nil). This charge
primarily arises due to profits in overseas jurisdictions, most notably South
Africa, which cannot be offset by losses in other jurisdictions.


                                                            2003          2002
                                                               p             p
Diluted loss per share                                     (7.67)      (173.78)
Adjustments for share options and shares to be issued          -             -
Basic loss per share                                       (7.67)      (173.78)
Adjustments for exceptional items and amortisation          8.46        176.24
Adjusted earnings per share                                 0.79          2.46

6. LOSS PER SHARE (continued)

Earnings per share is calculated as follows:

                                                        2003              2002
Basic EPS
Average number of shares                         323,760,481       225,104,606
Loss for the financial year (#'s)                (24,851,000)     (391,199,000)

Diluted EPS
Average number of shares                         323,760,481       225,104,606
Loss for the financial year (#'s)                (24,851,000)     (391,199,000)

Adjusted earnings per share
Average number of shares                         323,760,481       225,104,606

Loss for the financial year (#'s)                (24,851,000)     (391,199,000)
Add amortisation (#'s)                            17,181,000        26,644,000
Add exceptional items (#'s)                        5,247,000       374,498,000
Less profit on disposal of operations             (1,638,000)                -
Add loss on sale of fixed assets                     747,000                 -
Add amounts written off investments                5,882,000                 -
Less tax credit arising on exceptional items (#'s)         -        (4,400,000)
Adjusted earnings (#'s)                            2,568,000         5,543,000

* The 2002 average number of shares has been adjusted to reflect the shares
  issued during the rights issue in March 2003.

References to adjusted profit and earnings per share reflect the Directors' view
that these are important measures for their own, and shareholders', assessment
of the Group's underlying performance. FRS 14 requires presentation of diluted
EPS when a company could be called upon to issue shares that would decrease net
profit or increase net loss per share. For a loss making company with
outstanding share options, net loss per share would only be increased by the
exercise of out-of-the-money options. Since it seems inappropriate to assume
that option holders would act irrationally, no adjustment has been made to
diluted EPS for out-of-the-money share options.


Debtors as at 30 September 2003 comprise trade debtors of #8.5m (30 September
2002: #11.4m), accrued income of #0.5m (30 September 2002: #0.6m), prepayments,
deposits and other debtors of #2.0m (30 September 2002: #3.5m).


Copies of this statement are available from The Innovation Group plc, Yarmouth
House, 1300 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Whiteley PO15 7AE.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange