RNS Number : 0380I

Walker Crips Group plc

08 June 2011

8 June 2011

Walker Crips Group plc

Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2011

Walker Crips Group plc ("WCG", the "Company" or the "Group"), the integrated financial services group, today announces its unaudited preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2011 (the "period").

Highlights over the period

-- Total revenue up 14% to GBP20.12 million (2010: GBP17.65 million)

-- Net revenue (gross profit) up 12.5% to GBP14.99 million (2010: GBP13.33 million)

-- Reported profit before tax up 15% to GBP1.75 million (2010: GBP1.52 million), after payment of the excess 2011 FSCS levy

-- Basic earnings per share up 17% to 3.35 pence (2010: 2.87 pence)

-- Proposed final dividend up 6% to 1.8 pence per share (2010: 1.7 pence per share)

-- WCAM funds under management increased to GBP787 million at the year end (31 March 2010: GBP630 million; 30 September 2010: GBP750 million).

-- Non-broking income as a proportion of total income increased to 52.3% (2010: 50.0%).

Commenting on the results, David Gelber, Chairman, said:

"I am pleased to report a further improvement in the Group's performance, with a 15% increase in profit before tax over the period resulting from more buoyant market conditions, the continued growth in our major business lines and vigilant cost control."

"We expect the first quarter of a new financial year to be relatively subdued and the current more generally uncertain short-term view of the economy and markets has impacted upon the Group's trading in, and our expectations for, the current year.

"However, in the longer term, your Board is confident that the Group's strong financial position and range of products should enable it to grow shareholder value."

For further information, please contact:

Walker Crips Group plc Tel: +44 (0)20 3100 8000

Rodney FitzGerald, Chief Executive

Altium Tel: +44 (0)20 7484 4010

Ben Thorne

Tim Richardson

Further information on Walker Crips Group plc is available on the Group's website: www.wcgplc.co.uk


I am pleased to report a further improvement in the Group's performance, with a 15% increase in profit before tax over the period resulting from more buoyant market conditions, the continued growth in our major business lines and vigilant cost control.

As a consequence, basic earnings per share increased by 17% to 3.35p (2010: 2.87p).

In addition, the Group's financial position remains robust with net assets at the year end of GBP14.7 million (2010: GBP14.6 million) leaving us well placed to fund future growth and withstand any further volatility in world markets. Cash balances at the year end were GBP4.3 million (2010: GBP5.7 million) after the payment of GBP0.96 million (2010: GBP0.93 million) of dividends to shareholders during the year and the repurchase of GBP139,000 of ordinary shares into treasury in June 2010. Our cash balances remain subject to day-to-day variations in client settlement requirements and related swings in the components of working capital.

Business Performance Overview

The continued growth in funds under management at our asset management division, WCAM, to GBP787 million at the year end (31 March 2010: GBP630 million) resulted in increased revenues and profits in this division.

The investment management division also experienced growth in fee income. Michael Sunderland, Private Client Director, retired from the Group after 38 years of loyal service. The Board and staff of the Group wish him well in his retirement. Chris Kitchenham, who has worked alongside Michael for many years, was appointed to lead the team and continue its development plans in readiness for the changes resulting from the Retail Distribution Review.

Whilst activity levels in the corporate finance division picked up towards the end of the period, revenues underperformed the previous year by 14%. Strict cost control minimised the impact to the division's bottom line. The better conditions witnessed towards the end of the period leave the division well placed to participate in any upturn in the small cap arena.

Revenues in the financial services division increased slightly over the previous year, although additional investment in marketing and unbudgeted regulatory charges held back the bottom line as the division positioned itself for future growth.

Walker Crips' Structured Investments business, continued to build on its strong reputation with professional advisers with the launch of a number of new products during the period. This increased output has helped to lift revenues and profits during the period and presents the Group with scope for further growth.


I am pleased to announce that the Group's improved performance over the year has allowed your Board to recommend an increase in the final dividend to 1.8 pence per share (2010: 1.7 pence per share) making a total for the year of 2.74 pence per share (2010: 2.64 pence per share). The increased dividend reflects your Board's desire to continue rewarding shareholders with a growing income stream and as a demonstration of their confidence in the future strength of the Group.

The final dividend will be paid on 22 July 2011 to those shareholders on the register at the close of business on 17 June 2011.


This year's annual general meeting will be held as usual at Armourers' Hall, 81 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BJ on the 15 July 2011, but will commence at the earlier time of 11.00 am. Coffee and biscuits will be served for a short while before and after the meeting.


We expect the first quarter of a new financial year to be relatively subdued and the current more generally uncertain short-term view of the economy and markets has impacted upon the Group's trading in, and our expectations for, the current year.

However, in the longer term, your Board is confident that the Group's strong financial position and range of products should enable it to grow shareholder value.

D M Gelber


8 June 2011


Results overview

The relative stability of UK financial markets during the period provided the environment for further steady progress in Group revenue and profitability. The 14% increase in revenue was buoyed by a strong fourth quarter enabling the Group's reported profit before tax to increase by 15.2%, despite unexpectedly high Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) Levies of over GBP200,000 resulting from the failure of firms in other financial sectors.

Administrative expenses were closely monitored and the majority of the 12.1% increase over the prior year related directly to additional business generated. Investment revenues continued at levels well below recent years, due to the very low level of global interest rates.

Fund Management (WCAM)

The repeated success of our fund management division was once again demonstrated by a 25% increase in total FUM to a record GBP787 million at year end (2010: GBP630 million). Increasing institutional investor interest resulted in strong net inflows of GBP97.5 million during the period which combined with strong market performance to reach this milestone.

Our senior fund managers continued enhancing WCAM with another excellent investment performance in the unit trust funds which have seen considerable organic growth since 2002. During the years in which the UK growth and Equity Income funds have been under the management of WCAM, both funds have outperformed over 95% of their peer group competitors, a remarkable achievement.

Investment Management

The Private Client Portfolio Management business continued to move forward, delivering an 8% increase in revenue across the diversified retail client base. A substantial amount of this growth was fee based with low correlation to market conditions. The division's services now include more complex derivative instruments, an active Contracts for Difference dealing service as well as traditional bonds and equities. Now with offices in both York and London, funds under management increased by 13% to GBP181 million (2010: GBP160 million).

The division has done much to prepare to meet the industry-wide Retail Distribution Review (RDR) Level 4 qualification requirement for broker/portfolio managers. The majority of the team have now exceeded this minimum by achieving the Level 6 exams well before the requirements come into place. New products and service offerings specifically designed to capitalise on the opportunities arising from the RDR are expected to be launched later this year.

Our structured investments business, Walker Crips Structured Investments (WCSI), has continued to grow market share with an expanding range of innovative products. Total sales through IFA channels comfortably exceeded last year's results, raising over GBP50 million in equity linked products.

A strong finish to the financial year in active markets enabled our traditional advisory and execution-only business to register a small increase in commission income on better volumes.

Subscriptions into our ISA product increased by 12% year on year, justifying once again our policy of incubating products for several years until more lucrative returns can be enjoyed.

The cost of meeting the increasing burden of compliance continues to put pressure on profitability, exacerbated further in the period by events outside our control such as those leading to the exceptionally high FSCS Levy.

Wealth Management

Our innovative Financial Services and Pensions Management division continues to be driven by focused management and advisers, who provide a committed, premium service to a predominantly regional client base.

Once again, the RDR implementation process is well in hand with the vast majority of advisers already qualified to the RDR required standard.

The flagship SIPP (Self Invested Personal Pension) product showed strong growth after a targeted marketing drive. In addition, the SSAS (Small Self Administered Scheme) is being marketed to small corporate and family controlled companies in need of dedicated pension services.

SIPP plans at year end numbered 279 (2010: 250) and funds under administration at the year end were up 18% at just over GBP82 million (2010: GBP70 million). SSAS plans under administration amounted to GBP204 million (2010: GBP200 million).

The joint venture with a provincial firm of accountants providing Wealth Management services to their client base enjoyed its most profitable year since formation in 2007.

Corporate Finance

The Corporate Finance division made a small loss during another challenging year, despite the number of retained clients increasing to 13 and costs remaining strictly monitored. The division is encouraged by an active pipeline for the current year.


I would like to thank all our personnel for their efforts this year, in particular the account executives, many of whom are faced with the difficult task of studying and re-qualifying under the RDR. Our back and middle office staff unwaveringly demonstrated loyalty and commitment despite the austerity pressures of the past two years.


The current level of cash resources within the business remains more than sufficient for working capital purposes and provides adequate headroom even when faced with volatile business flows. Great emphasis is placed on the credit risk of the banking institutions with whom we place funds, with financial stability taking greater priority over rates of return.

Going Concern

The Group continues to have a robust financial position. Having conducted detailed forecasts and appropriate stress-testing on liquidity, profitability and regulatory capital, taking account of possible adverse changes in trading performance, the Board has sufficient grounds to believe the Group is well placed to manage its business risks adequately and that it will be able to operate within the level of its current financing arrangements and regulatory capital limits, which includes a GBP3 million overdraft facility. Accordingly, the Board continues to adopt the going concern basis for the preparation of the financial statements.


Overall trading activity in the opening weeks of the new financial year has been quiet, reflecting current economic uncertainty.

Whilst this may impact short term performance, your Board believes that the Group is well positioned to capitalise on improvements in its markets over the longer term.

R A FitzGerald FCA

8 June 2011

Walker Crips Group plc

Consolidated Income Statement

Year ended 31 March 2011

                                              2011      2010 
                                   Notes   GBP'000   GBP'000 
  Revenue                          4        20,122    17,648 
  Commission payable                       (5,132)   (4,320) 
  Gross profit                              14,990    13,328 
  Share of after tax profits 
   of joint ventures                            11         - 
  Administrative expenses                 (13,295)  (11,862) 
Operating profit                             1,706     1,466 
  Investment revenues                           50        60 
  Finance costs                                (1)       (3) 
  Profit before tax                          1,755     1,523 
Taxation                                     (539)     (474) 
Profit for the year attributable 
 to equity holders of the 
 company                                     1,216     1,049 
  Earnings per share 
  Basic                            3         3.35p     2.87p 
  Diluted                          3         3.27p     2.80p 

Walker Crips Group plc

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

Year ended 31 March 2011

                                                     2011      2010 
                                                  GBP'000   GBP'000 
  Loss on revaluation of available-for-sale 
   investments taken to equity                      (137)      (98) 
  Deferred tax on loss on available-for-sale 
   investments                                         61        27 
  Deferred tax on share options                       (4)         3 
  Net loss recognised directly in equity             (80)      (68) 
  Profit for the year                               1,216     1,049 
Total comprehensive income for the year 
 attributable to equity holders of the company      1,136       981 

Walker Crips Group plc

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

31 March 2011

                                           Group     Group 
                                            2011      2010 
                                         GBP'000   GBP'000 
  Non-current assets 
  Goodwill                                 5,121     5,121 
  Other intangible assets                    461       576 
  Property, plant and equipment              767       868 
Investment in joint ventures                  34        23 
Available for sale investments             1,183     1,320 
                                           7,566     7,908 
  Current assets 
Trade and other receivables               35,847    30,245 
  Trading investments                        720       451 
   Deferred tax asset                         26         - 
  Cash and cash equivalents                4,281     5,655 
                                          40,874    36,351 
Total assets                              48,440    44,259 
Current liabilities 
  Trade and other payables              (33,207)  (28,963) 
   Current tax liabilities                 (568)     (494) 
   Bank overdrafts                             -      (72) 
   Deferred tax liability                      -      (99) 
                                        (33,775)  (29,628) 
  Net current assets                       7,099     6,723 
  Net assets                              14,665    14,631 
  Share capital                            2,470     2,470 
  Share premium account                    1,626     1,626 
  Own shares                               (312)     (173) 
  Retained earnings                        5,387     5,134 
  Revaluation reserve                        820       896 
  Other reserves                           4,674     4,678 
Equity attributable to equity holders 
 of the company                           14,665    14,631 

Walker Crips Group plc

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Year ended 31 March 2011

                                                   2011      2010 
                                                GBP'000   GBP'000 
  Operating activities 
  Cash generated by operations                      777     3,733 
  Interest received                                  33        28 
  Interest paid                                     (1)       (3) 
  Tax paid                                        (539)     (277) 
  Net cash generated by operating activities        270     3,481 
  Investing activities 
Deferred consideration payment under 
 acquisition agreements                               -     (150) 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment         (218)      (83) 
  Net purchase of investments held for 
   trading                                        (269)     (135) 
  Dividends received                                 17        37 
  Net cash used in investing activities           (470)     (331) 
  Financing activities 
  Proceeds on issue of shares                         -        27 
   Purchase of treasury shares                    (139)         - 
  Dividends paid                                  (963)     (928) 
  Net cash used in financing activities         (1,102)     (901) 
  Net (decrease)/increase in cash and 
   cash equivalents                             (1,302)     2,249 
  Net cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
   of year                                        5,583     3,334 
  Net cash and cash equivalents at end 
   of year                                        4,281     5,583 
  Cash and cash equivalents                       4,281     5,655 
  Bank overdrafts                                     -      (72) 
                                                  4,281     5,583 

Walker Crips Group plc

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

Year ended 31 March 2011

                     up               Own 
                  share    Share   shares     Capital                        Retained    Total 
                capital  premium     held  Redemption    Other  Revaluation  earnings   Equity 
                GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000     GBP'000  GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
  Equity as at 
   31 March 
   2009           2,464    1,605    (173)         111    4,564          967     5,013   14,551 
   at fair 
   value              -        -        -           -        -         (98)         -     (98) 
  Deferred tax 
   credit to 
   equity             -        -        -           -        -           27         -       27 
  Movement on 
   tax on 
   options            -        -        -           -        3            -         -        3 
  Profit for 
   the year           -        -        -           -        -            -     1,049    1,049 
   paid               -        -        -           -        -            -     (928)    (928) 
  Issue of 
   shares on 
   exercise of 
   options            6       21        -           -        -            -         -       27 
  Equity as at 
   31 March 
   2010           2,470    1,626    (173)         111    4,567          896     5,134   14,631 
   at fair 
   value              -        -        -           -        -        (137)         -    (137) 
  Deferred tax 
   credit to 
   equity             -        -        -           -        -           61         -       61 
  Movement on 
   tax on 
   options            -        -        -           -      (4)            -         -      (4) 
  Profit for 
   the year           -        -        -           -        -            -     1,216    1,216 
   paid               -        -        -           -        -            -     (963)    (963) 
  Purchase of 
   shares             -        -    (139)           -        -            -         -    (139) 
  Equity as at 
   31 March 
   2011           2,470    1,626    (312)         111    4,563          820     5,387   14,665 

Walker Crips Group plc

Notes to the accounts

Year ended 31 March 2011

1. The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2011 or 2010. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2010 is derived from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under s. 498(2) or (3) Companies Act 2006. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2011 are yet to be signed but will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the company's annual general meeting.

Going Concern

The Group's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position are set out in the Chairman's Statement and Chief Executive's report.

The Group has healthy financial resources together with a long established, well proven and tested business model. As a consequence, the directors believe that the Group is well placed to manage its business risks successfully despite the current climate.

After conducting enquiries, the directors believe that the Group have adequate resources to continue in existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

2. Whilst the information as set out in this preliminary announcement is prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') the announcement itself does not contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS.

The accounting policies are consistent with those applied in the full financial statements and are consistent with those of the prior year.

3. Earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per share for continuing operations is based on the post-tax profit for the financial year of GBP1,216,000 (2010 - GBP1,049,000) and on 36,301,187 (2010 -36,573,308) ordinary shares of 6 2/3p, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

The effect of options granted would be to reduce the reported earnings per share. The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on 37,147,771 (2010 - 37,470,621) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the Period adjusted for dilutive potential ordinary shares.

4. Segmental analysis

For management purposes the Group is currently organised into four operating divisions - Investment Management, Corporate Finance, Financial Services and Fund Management. These divisions, all of which conduct business in the United Kingdom only, are the basis on which the Group reports its primary segment information.

                                                                                           Year ended 
                            Investment      Corporate      Financial      Fund             31 March 
                            Management       Finance        Services      Management       2011 
         2011               GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000          GBP'000 
          sales                 13,959            308          2,021           3,834            20,122 
          result                   606           (64)            197           2,148             2,887 
        expenses                                                                               (1,181) 
          profit                                                                                 1,706 
          revenues                                                                                  50 
         Finance costs                                                                             (1) 
         Profit before 
          tax                                                                                    1,755 
         Tax                                                                                     (539) 
         Profit after 
          tax                                                                                    1,216 
          additions                195              9              1              13               218 
         Depreciation              270             12             19              18               319 
         Balance sheet 
          assets                38,556            358            886           1,378            41,178 
          assets                                                                                 7,262 
          assets                                                                                48,440 
          liabilities           32,385             37            295             742            33,459 
        liabilities                                                                                316 
          liabilities                                                                           33,775 

Segmental analysis (continued)

                                                                              Year ended 
                           Investment   Corporate   Financial   Fund          31 March 
                           Management    Finance     Services   Management    2010 
           2010*           GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
            sales              12,391         358       1,990        2,909         17,648 
            result                644        (44)         301        1,423          2,324 
            expenses                                                                (858) 
            profit                                                                  1,466 
            revenues                                                                   60 
           Finance costs                                                              (3) 
           Profit before 
            tax                                                                     1,523 
           Tax                                                                      (474) 
           Profit after 
            tax                                                                     1,049 
            additions              72           4           2            5             83 
           Depreciation           337          18          38           25            418 
           Balance sheet 
            assets             33,454         465       1,201        1,369         36,489 
            assets                                                                  7,770 
            assets                                                                 44,259 
            liabilities        28,031          38         310          557         28,936 
            liabilities                                                               692 
            liabilities                                                            29,628 

* Prior year revenue has been re-classified between operating divisions as determined by clients principal activity, whereas previously these income streams were split across several segments.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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