Verizon Wireless will see Palm Inc.'s (PALM) Pre smartphone on its network over the next six months, according to chief executive Lowell McAdam.

The Pre, which hits the market June 6, is positioned as the face of Sprint Nextel Corp. (S), and will be sold through Sprint over the next few months. But McAdam said he hopes to eventually have it on its network.

McAdam also confirmed to analysts at an investor conference that Verizon Wireless will sell phones using Google Inc.'s (GOOG) Android operating system, and noted that Motorola Inc. (MOT) would become a major player later this year.

Topping off the list of phones, McAdam confirmed that Research in Motion Ltd. (RIMM) would be selling a second-generation version of the touchscreen Blackberry Storm, as well as the Tour, which is a hybrid of the Bold and Curve.

McAdam took a shot at AT&T Inc.'s (T) announcement of its network upgrade, noting that Verizon Wireless' fourth-generation, or 4G, LTE network will be faster.

"The ceiling for their network will be the floor for our network," he said. "When we get to 4G, there'll be no question in terms of speed."

Verizon Wireless, jointly owned by Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) and Vodafone Group Plc (VOD), hopes to get 210 markets covered by LTE by 2012. AT&T plans to have its own 3G upgrades completed by 2011.

McAdam again reiterated Verizon Wireless' focus on the post-paid market, or customers who sign long-term contracts. He said that the $50 flat-rate monthly plan is the "antithesis" of Verizon Wireless, noting the poor customer service, network quality and distribution capabilities of the pre-paid provider.

"We like the economics of the post-paid customer," he said, noting there is growth left in the segment.

Verizon Communications was recently up 1% to $29.25.

-By Roger Cheng, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2020;