NICOSIA, Cyprus--Cyprus's economy might contract as much as 13% this year, because of the austerity measures imposed and a restructuring of the island's banking sector, a government spokesman said Thursday.

"The recession may not be 8.7% in 2013--as is estimated--it may reach 13%," Christos Stylianides told state television RIK.

On Wednesday, the International Monetary Fund said it had reached a staff level, or initial, agreement with Cyprus to unlock its portion--about 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion)--of a EUR10 billion bailout for the country, with formal approval expected early May. A final deal needs the approval of other euro-zone members, who are footing 90% of the rescue.

After two attempts at securing a bailout deal in March that pushed Cyprus to the brink of exiting the euro, the country faces major obstacles. To secure the aid, it agreed to wind down its second-largest lender, Cyprus Popular Bank PCL (CPB.CP), and radically restructure the largest, Bank of Cyprus PCL (BOCY.CP).

During the often chaotic negotiations for the bailout, Cyprus shuttered its banks for almost two weeks and became the first euro-zone country to impose capital controls--moves that have dealt a severe blow to the island's economy and its standing as an offshore financial center.

But, the banking crisis is expected to push the Cypriot economy into a tailspin and economists at first estimated a contraction that could reach 9%.

The European Commission predicted before the island's financial rescue that the economy would shrink 3.5% the current year.

Mr. Stylianides said that with implementation of the right measures and investments, Cyprus could see an economic turnaround in 2014.

"We can create the conditions to have growth more quickly than the troika expects," he said.

He added that leaving the euro area isn't an option for Cyprus. "It would be like jumping into the abyss," he said.

Write to Nektaria Stamouli at

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