Options are a complicated financial instruments so to trade them you need to understand how they work, understand the underlying asset, evaluate market conditions, and employ various strategies. Here are the steps you should follow to trade options:
- Educate yourself: You should research how options work and gain a solid understanding of the subject. There are plenty of resources you can utilize such as books, online courses and tutorials. You should aim to familiarize yourself with the key concepts behind options trading, the terminology used, and strategies that can be employed to trade options.
- Choose a brokerage: You need to select a reputable brokerage firm that offers options trading. Make sure the platform gives you access to the options markets you wish to trade in. Then you can open an account with the brokerage, and fund the account by transferring money to it.
- Define your trading goals: You need to decide on your trading objectives, your risk tolerance, and timeframe over which you want to trade.
- Decide on underlying assets: Define which underlying assets you want to trade options on. Examples are stocks, indices, commodities or currencies. Evaluate the market outlook for the assets by conducting fundamental and technical analysis. This will allow you to evaluate potential price movements.
- Select an options strategy: Use your trading goals and the market outlook to decide on an options strategy. Common strategies include buying call or put options, selling covered calls, buying protective puts, spreads (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal), and more. Each strategy has different risk and reward profiles.
- Analyze options prices: Study the prices of the selected options contracts. You should examine the bid-ask spreads, implied volatility, and time decay (theta). Consider factors such as strike price, expiration date, and premium costs.
- Place your order: Once you have decided on the specific options contracts you want to trade, you can place the order by specifying the quantity and order type (market order, limit order, or stop order).
- Risk management: It is a good idea to implement risk management techniques to protect your capital. Set clear risk parameters, avoid allocating all your capital to a single trade, and keep your portfolio diversified. Consider the use of stop-loss orders, trailing stops, or position sizing techniques.
- Monitor your positions: When you have purchased an options contract you should monitor the positions regularly. You need to track the price movements, markets conditions, and any relevant news or events that may impact your trades.
- Close or adjust positions: Market conditions may change and as a result, depending on your trading strategy, you may wish to close the options positions to realize profits or limit losses. You could also adjust your positions by rolling, spreading, or hedging existing contracts to adapt to changing market conditions.
Remember, options trading involves risks, including the potential loss of your invested capital. It’s crucial to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice if needed, and start with small, manageable positions as you gain experience and confidence in trading options.
Disclosure: 80% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Plus500 does not offer spread betting, social trading, or bonds. Furthermore, hedging is strictly prohibited on the Plus500 CFD platform.
The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, investment, or professional advice. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of any organizations or individuals mentioned. Always consult with a qualified financial advisor or other professionals before making any financial decisions. The author and publisher are not responsible for any actions taken based on the content provided.