RNS Number : 9084Z

Brooks Macdonald Group PLC

17 January 2024

17 January 2024


Second Quarter FUM Announcement and Half Year Trading Update

"FUM up 4.3% in the quarter to GBP17.6 billion"

Brooks Macdonald Group plc ("Brooks Macdonald" or "the Group") today publishes an update on its Funds under Management and Advice ("FUM/A") for the second quarter of its financial year, the three months ended 31 December 2023.

Quarterly FUM/A update

During the quarter ended 31 December 2023, the Group delivered robust gross inflows at GBP0.6 billion, up 1.5% on the prior quarter to an annualised rate of 14.0%. Gross outflows were elevated, particularly in BPS and Funds, reaching GBP0.7 billion for the quarter, driven by the prevailing backdrop of market volatility and higher interest rates continuing to affect client behaviour.

This resulted in overall net outflows for the quarter of GBP0.1 billion or 0.6%.

The net outflows were more than offset by positive investment performance in the quarter of 4.9% resulting in the Group's closing Funds Under Management ("FUM") increasing 4.3% to GBP17.6 billion (30 September 2023: GBP16.9 billion).

As at 31 December 2023, the Group had GBP5.2 billion Funds under Management or Advice ("FUM/A") with private clients who deal with the Group directly. GBP4.4 billion related to portfolios in the Group's investment management and GBP0.8 billion to portfolios with third party investment managers.

Highlights for the quarter included:

-- Investment performance for the quarter was positive at 4.9%, in line with the benchmark MSCI PIMFA Private Investor Balanced Index which increased by 5.0% in the period;

-- Platform MPS, including the Group's B2B offering for financial advisers, BM Investment Solutions ("BMIS"), grew to GBP3.9 billion - an increase in the quarter of 7.3%, of which organic net flows contributed 3.3%;

-- BPS experienced net outflows in the quarter of GBP0.1 billion or 1.1%, as clients withdrew funds to repay debt or to hold higher cash balances;

-- Within UK BPS, the recently launched gilts offering generated net new business of 44.7% in the quarter, taking it to c.GBP0.2 billion FUM in its first year, meeting client demand for their portfolios to take advantage of higher interest rates while avoiding equity risk;

-- Total UKIM discretionary FUM increased by 5.0% over the quarter, primarily driven by the rally in markets seen in December 2023.

Half Year trading update

Trading performance in the first half was solid, with total FUM up 4.3%. In parallel, the Group completed the organisational changes announced in October, delivering a full year cost saving of

c.GBP4 million. The cost of the changes was within the previously notified GBP3 million, a non-recurring expense which the Group intends to exclude from its reported underlying profit.


The Group expects momentum on gross inflows to continue across the product range in the second half, with the level of both gross outflows and the resulting full year net flows dependent in part on macroeconomic factors.

Following the organisational changes announced in October, the Group expects its full year underlying profit and underlying profit margin to be in line with market expectations.

Andrew Shepherd, CEO of Brooks Macdonald commented:

"I am pleased to report growth of 4.3% in the Group's FUM for the first half of the financial year. This result is a testament to the expertise and hard work of our people who are committed to delivering on our purpose to 'realise ambitions and secure futures' for all our stakeholders.

"During a challenging period for both the economy and financial markets, we continued to see healthy demand across our range of products and services, with GBP0.6 billion of gross inflows during the second quarter. Pleasingly, this included 44.7% organic growth from our recently launched and fast-growing gilt portfolio service.

"These results reflect our capabilities as a Group to deliver what people value - the guidance and reassurance of trusted advice and robust long-term investment management. Given those capabilities and the opportunities we can see ahead, I remain confident in our ability to deliver on the Group's ambitious growth strategy."

Notice of Half Year results

The Group intends to issue its preliminary statement of half year results for the period ended 31 December 2023 on Thursday 7 March 2024.

An analyst meeting will be held at 9.30am on Thursday, 7 March 2024. Please contact Iona Biggart at FTI Consulting on 07971 989065 or e-mail brooksmacdonald@fticonsulting.com for further details.

Analysis of FUM net flows by service over the quarter

                             Quarter to 31 December 2023 (GBPm) 
                        Opening     Organic      Investment     Closing    Organic    Total 
                          FUM       net new      performance      FUM      net new     mvmt 
                        1 Oct 23    business    in the period    31 Dec    business 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 BPS                       8,444        (94)              462     8,812      (1.1)%     4.4% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 MPS Custody                 957        (21)               34       970      (2.2)%     1.4% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 MPS Platform              3,662         121              147     3,930        3.3%     7.3% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 MPS total                 4,619         100              181     4,900        2.2%     6.1% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 UKIM discretionary       13,063           6              643    13,712        0.0%     5.0% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 Funds - DCF                 317        (23)               13       307      (7.3)%   (3.2)% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 Funds - Other             1,324        (48)               69     1,345      (3.6)%     1.6% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 Funds total               1,641        (71)               82     1,652      (4.3)%     0.7% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 UKIM total               14,704        (65)              725    15,364      (0.4)%     4.5% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 International             2,152        (33)               96     2,215      (1.5)%     2.9% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 Total                    16,856        (98)              821    17,579      (0.6)%     4.3% 
                      ----------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 Total investment performance                                                           4.9% 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------- 
 MSCI PIMFA Private Investor Balanced Index(1)                                          5.0% 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------- 

(1) Capital-only index.

Analysis of FUM net flows by service over the half year

                                 Six months to 31 December 2023 (GBPm) 
                       Opening     Organic net new business     Total    Closing    Organic    Total 
                         FUM                                     Inv.      FUM      net new     mvmt 
                                                                 Perf.              business 
                      --------  -----------------------------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
                        1 Jul       Q1        Q2      Total      YTD     31 Dec       YTD       YTD 
                          23                            YTD                 23 
                      --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 BPS                     8,527       (98)      (94)     (192)      477     8,812      (2.3)%     3.3% 
                      --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 MPS Custody               966       (14)      (21)      (35)       39       970      (3.6)%     0.4% 
--------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 MPS Platform            3,489        147       121       268      173     3,930        7.7%    12.6% 
                      --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 MPS total               4,455        133       100       233      212     4,900        5.2%    10.0% 
                      --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 UKIM discretionary     12,982         35         6        41      689    13,712        0.3%     5.6% 
                      --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 Funds - DCF               338       (26)      (23)      (49)       18       307     (14.5)%   (9.2)% 
--------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 Funds - Other           1,370       (52)      (48)     (100)       75     1,345      (7.3)%   (1.8)% 
                      --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 Funds total             1,708       (78)      (71)     (149)       93     1,652      (8.7)%   (3.3)% 
                      --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 UKIM total             14,690       (43)      (65)     (108)      782    15,364      (0.7)%     4.6% 
                      --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 International           2,157       (27)      (33)      (60)      118     2,215      (2.8)%     2.7% 
                      --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
 Total                  16,847       (70)      (98)     (168)      900    17,579      (1.0)%     4.3% 
                      --------  ---------  --------  --------  -------  --------  ----------  ------- 
Total investment performance                                                                       5.3% 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------- 
MSCI PIMFA Private Investor Balanced Index(1)                                                      5.6% 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------- 

(1) Capital-only index.

Analysis of FUM gross flows by service over the half year

                         Organic gross inflows      Q2 vs      Organic gross outflows      Q2 vs 
                                                      Q1                                     Q1 
                        Q1       Q2      Total    Inc/(dec)    Q1       Q2      Total     Inc/(dec) 
                                           YTD        %                           YTD         % 
                      ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 BPS                     192       173       365     (9.9)%    (290)    (267)     (557)       (7.9)% 
                      ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 MPS Custody              15        15        30          -     (29)     (36)      (65)        24.1% 
--------------------  ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 MPS Platform            276       317       593      14.9%    (129)    (196)     (325)        51.9% 
                      ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 MPS total               291       332       623      14.1%    (158)    (232)     (390)        46.8% 
                      ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 UKIM discretionary      483       505       988       4.6%    (448)    (499)     (947)        11.4% 
                      ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 Funds - DCF              12         7        19    (41.7)%     (38)     (30)      (68)      (21.1)% 
--------------------  ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 Funds - Other            43        45        88       4.7%     (95)     (93)     (188)       (2.1)% 
                      ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 Funds total              55        52       107     (5.5)%    (133)    (123)     (256)       (7.5)% 
                      ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 UKIM total              538       557     1,095       3.5%    (581)    (622)   (1,203)         7.1% 
                      ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 International            44        34        78    (22.7)%     (71)     (67)     (138)       (5.6)% 
                      ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 
 Total                   582       591     1,173       1.5%    (652)    (689)   (1,341)         5.7% 
                      ------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ----------- 

Enquiries to:

 Brooks Macdonald Group plc                      www.brooksmacdonald.com 
  Andrew Shepherd, CEO                                     020 7927 4816 
  Andrea Montague, Chief Financial 
 Singer Capital Markets (Nominated 
  Adviser and Joint Broker) 
  Charles Leigh-Pemberton / James 
  Moat                                                     020 7496 3000 
 Investec Bank plc (Joint Broker) 
  Bruce Garrow / David Anderson                            020 7597 4000 
 FTI Consulting                        brooksmacdonald@fticonsulting.com 
  Edward Berry                                              07703 330199 

Notes to editors

Brooks Macdonald Group plc, through its various subsidiaries, provides leading wealth management services in the UK and internationally. The Group, which was founded in 1991 and began trading on AIM in 2005, had discretionary Funds under Management of GBP17.6 billion as at 31 December 2023.

Brooks Macdonald offers outsourced discretionary investment management for intermediaries and advice-led integrated wealth management for private clients. The Group also acts as fund manager to a range of onshore and international funds.

The Group has fourteen offices across the UK and Crown Dependencies including London, Birmingham, East Anglia, Exeter, Leeds, Manchester, Nuneaton, Southampton, Tunbridge Wells, Scotland, Wales, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man.


www.brooksmacdonald.com / @BrooksMacdonald

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 17, 2024 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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