1 year ago
He made some really good points about the obvious action that's been going on for some time now, with a certain group of individuals are cornering and targeted certain stocks at certain times, it would be highly unlikely its just a bunch of boiler room day trader types from over seas or who knows from where, there is too much of an organized effect to controlling the volume upticks and price ranges, it smells like there is some sort of professional elements of it all, the way it's carried out, to create many others to join into the action, which is most likely part of their plan,as they cash out of it after they front ran it probably from the day before,and then short them at the day highs, and profit from that as well, it reeks of coming from those with insider info about them on the professional level before they run, a bunch of retail pumpers organizing a pump are highly unlikely to enough capital between them to run these kind of moves, it comes across like a bunch of rogue professionals got together to pull it off, and mostly in place over seas where they can get away with it, the SEC here couldn't shoot the broadside of a barn with a machine gun, their heads are so far up their butts, for them to take noticed, or perhaps they have,and won't do anything about it, because in the end, probably connected to their friends on the W Street, and that's who they really work for,or want to work in their future,
1 year ago
I agree. I don't trade, haven't for years. But I saw this post, noting the big price movement on a couple other Q listed stocks today and had to check them out. I see this one has had two big reverse splits..... it can happen, even with real companies.
I noted that there's lots of debt...and some sales. But when they massive one day pops occur, there's gotta be reasons....,and buckey had some words on it
1 year ago
It's all fun and games for them, they run the casino, if they got burned on a certain amount of naked short positions,they don't give a shtt about it, they made a boat load off of their games today selling stock to chasers, and shorting it to them in the run ups, with the huge volume they created,they know that their creating bag holders,and could care less about who they burn today,their machines will wipe out anyone who gets in their way.
1 year ago
BGLC: My lovely 'Lady Friend' (below, live) here in San Diego, CA, has something to say on THAT note, Homeboy!!!
"Hey, Invest-In-America, let's all Short-Squeeze the FLUCK out of this cute BGLC puppy!!!"
1 year ago
The MM's aren't going to hold a large "naked short" position on any stock, they close almost every share shorted same day, and usually instantly. If they did, there'd be a big FTD showing up, and there isn't. This is just automated wash trading, you don't go from less than 100k shares per day to tossing the O/S over multiple times without it. Someone is moving in a large position, and when they're done, it'll go right back to 100k shares per day.
1 year ago
Shorts got ripped to shreds today,and crawled off the field with their rare ends ripped apart,as usual wouldn't be shocked if they, like what so many other thieving biotech small company's with low levels of cash do and pull, or do it out of thieving greed,the usual BS of doing an offering rushed out the door to take advantage of all of today's pumpers,and help the corrupt shorters, who could be shorting now if they got the usual tip off, and benefit off of it,when they screw over the public with it being priced well below today's high, if they were to do one.
1 year ago
Not much to share. It is a SE Asia based firm in the chemical business with real revenue, and has a blood DNA/RNA test tech/kit that can detect pre stage #1 cancer in blood samples, but is not in use yet, and no info on how close to trials or market it is. I got that from the web site and filings, listed at when you search for the ticker. No news except the CEO retired and was replaced shortly after the Nasdaq uplist, and the CFO was to retire weeks ago. They uplisted to Nasdaq several months ago, raising over Million dollars in Cash at $4.00
But they have no US IR people or firm promoting the stock, and the website is kind of boring.
Seems cheap at or under $4/share
I am long....