false N-2 0001276469 0001276469 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:CanadaRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:CreditAgencyRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:CreditAndBelowInvestmentGradeSecuritiesMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:CurrentMarketConditionsRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:CyberSecurityRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:EquitySecuritiesRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:IlliquidSecuritiesRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:InflationRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:InfrastructureAndIndustryConcentrationRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 us-gaap:InterestRateRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:LeverageRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:LIBORRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:ManagementRiskAndRelianceOnKeyPersonnelMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:MarketDiscountFromNetAssetValueMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:MarketRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:MLPRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:NonUSSecuritiesAndCurrencyRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:OperatonalRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:PortfolioTurnoverRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:PotentialConflictsOfInterestRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:PrepaymentsRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:QualifiedDividendIncomeTaxRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:ReinvestmentRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:ReorganizationRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:RestrictedSecuritiesRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:RisksAssociatedWithAnInvestmentInInitialPublicOfferingsMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:SeniorLoanRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:TaxRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:UnitedKingdomRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:UtilitiesRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 0001276469 MFD:ValuationRiskMember 2022-11-30 2023-11-30 iso4217:USD xbrli:shares iso4217:USD xbrli:shares xbrli:pure


Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number 811-21496

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastr/Util Div & Inc Fund
(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

120 East Liberty Drive, Suite 400
Wheaton, IL 60187
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)


W. Scott Jardine, Esq.
First Trust Portfolios L.P.
120 East Liberty Drive, Suite 400
Wheaton, IL 60187
(Name and address of agent for service)


Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 630-765-8000

Date of fiscal year end: November 30

Date of reporting period: November 30, 2023

Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with the Commission not later than 10 days after the transmission to stockholders of any report that is required to be transmitted to stockholders under Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection, and policymaking roles.

A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507.


Item 1. Reports to Stockholders.

(a) The Report to Shareholders is attached herewith.

Macquarie/First Trust
Global Infrastructure/Utilities
Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Annual Report
For the Year Ended
November 30, 2023

Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This report contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the goals, beliefs, plans or current expectations of First Trust Advisors L.P. (“First Trust” or the “Advisor”) and/or Delaware Investments Fund Advisers (“DIFA” or the “Sub-Advisor”) and their respective representatives, taking into account the information currently available to them. Forward-looking statements include all statements that do not relate solely to current or historical fact. For example, forward-looking statements include the use of words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “intend,” “expect,” “believe,” “plan,” “may,” “should,” “would” or other words that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes.
Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (the “Fund”) to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. When evaluating the information included in this report, you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which reflect the judgment of the Advisor and/or Sub-Advisor and their respective representatives only as of the date hereof. We undertake no obligation to publicly revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events and circumstances that arise after the date hereof.
Performance and Risk Disclosure
There is no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. The Fund is subject to market risk, which is the possibility that the market values of securities owned by the Fund will decline and that the value of the Fund’s shares may therefore be less than what you paid for them. Accordingly, you can lose money by investing in the Fund. See “Principal Risks” in the Investment Objective, Policies, Risks and Effects of Leverage section of this report for a discussion of certain other risks of investing in the Fund.
Performance data quoted represents past performance, which is no guarantee of future results, and current performance may be lower or higher than the figures shown. For the most recent month-end performance figures, please visit www.ftportfolios.com or speak with your financial advisor. Investment returns, net asset value and common share price will fluctuate and Fund shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost.
The Advisor may also periodically provide additional information on Fund performance on the Fund’s web page at www.ftportfolios.com.
How to Read This Report
This report contains information that may help you evaluate your investment in the Fund. It includes details about the Fund and presents data and analysis that provide insight into the Fund’s performance and investment approach.
By reading the portfolio commentary by the portfolio management team of the Fund, you may obtain an understanding of how the market environment affected the Fund’s performance. The statistical information that follows may help you understand the Fund’s performance compared to that of a relevant market benchmark.
It is important to keep in mind that the opinions expressed by personnel of First Trust and DIFA are just that: informed opinions. They should not be considered to be promises or advice. The opinions, like the statistics, cover the period through the date on the cover of this report. The material risks of investing in the Fund are spelled out in the prospectus, the statement of additional information, this report and other Fund regulatory filings.
DIFA and the Fund are not deposit taking institutions for the purposes of the Banking Act of 1959 (Commonwealth of Australia) and their obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542. Macquarie Bank Limited does not guarantee or otherwise provide assurance in respect of the obligations of DIFA or the Fund.
Page 1

Shareholder Letter
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Annual Letter from the Chairman and CEO
November 30, 2023
Dear Shareholders,
First Trust is pleased to provide you with the annual report for the Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (the “Fund”), which contains detailed information about the Fund for the twelve months ended November 30, 2023.
Rising prices and the direction of central bank policy continue to dominate headlines on a global scale. As of December 12, 2023, just one of the eleven countries that comprise the so-called “Group of Ten” had a rate of inflation that was below its target for the metric. To rein in these price increases, central banks across the globe have been implementing more restrictive monetary policies. Over the past twelve months, the Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) increased the Federal Funds target rate (upper bound) from 4.00% (where it stood on November 30, 2022) to 5.50% as of November 30, 2023. Inflation, as measured by the 12-month change in the rate of the Consumer Price Index, stood at 3.1% at the end of November 2023, marking the thirty-third consecutive month that the metric has been elevated above the Fed’s stated goal of 2.0%.
As many investors are likely aware, tighter monetary policy often leads to lower economic growth. In their October 2023 publication of the World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund projected that the growth in world economic output is expected to slow from 3.5% in 2022 to 2.9% in 2024. The economic growth in advanced economies is projected to plummet from 2.6% in 2022 to 1.4% over the same period. The impact of higher rates on consumers and businesses cannot be overstated. For consumers, rising interest rates typically increase the cost of borrowing for large purchases, such as homes and automobiles. Assuming a 20% down payment, the rise in mortgage rates since the Fed began its current tightening cycle amounts to a 31% increase in monthly interest payments on a new 30-year mortgage for the median new home, according to Brian Wesbury, Chief Economist at First Trust. For corporations, the rising cost of debt financing often leads to a contraction in business investment as free capital dries up and expansion projects slow. Refinitiv Lipper reported that the value of global merger and acquisitions activity stood at just $2.38 trillion year-to-date through October 2023, representing a decline of 20% compared to the same period last year and the lowest January to October total in a decade.
The financial markets battled a myriad of headwinds over the past year, from geopolitical uncertainty resulting from war (the conflicts between Israel and Hamas and Russia and Ukraine) to sticky inflation and the looming threat of an economic recession. While calls for a recession may concern some investors, the following may offer solace. Data from Bloomberg reveals that the S&P 500® Index has posted positive total returns over the 3-year period following every recession since 1948.
Thank you for giving First Trust the opportunity to play a role in your financial future. We value our relationship with you and will report on the Fund again in six months.
James A. Bowen
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Chief Executive Officer of First Trust Advisors L.P.
Page 2

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
As of November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
Fund Statistics
Symbol on New York Stock Exchange MFD
Common Share Price $7.73
Common Share Net Asset Value (“NAV”) $8.76
Premium (Discount) to NAV (11.76)%
Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares $74,888,106
Current Quarterly Distribution per Common Share(1) $0.2000
Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share $0.8000
Current Distribution Rate on Common Share Price(2) 10.35%
Current Distribution Rate on NAV(2) 9.13%
Common Share Price & NAV (weekly closing price)
    Average Annual Total Returns
  1 Year Ended
5 Years Ended
10 Years Ended
Inception (3/25/04)
to 11/30/23
Fund Performance(3)        
NAV(4) 2.85% 5.30% 3.00% 6.10%
Market Value -2.19% 3.40% 2.12% 5.19%
Index Performance        
S&P 500® Utilities Total Return Index -9.31% 5.84% 8.80% 8.92%
(1) Most recent distribution paid through November 30, 2023. Subject to change in the future.
(2) Distribution rates are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution paid through the report date and then dividing by Common Share Price or NAV, as applicable, as of November 30, 2023. Subject to change in the future.
(3) Total return is based on the combination of reinvested dividend, capital gain, and return of capital distributions, if any, at prices obtained by the Dividend Reinvestment Plan and changes in NAV per share for NAV returns and changes in Common Share Price for market value returns. Total returns do not reflect sales load and are not annualized for periods of less than one year. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
(4) On January 3, 2023, the fair value methodology used to value the senior loan investments held by the Fund was changed.  Prior to that date, the senior loans were valued using the bid side price provided by a pricing service.  After such date, the senior loans were valued using the midpoint between the bid and ask price provided by a pricing service.  The change in the Fund’s fair value methodology on January 3, 2023, resulted in a one-time increase in the Fund’s NAV of approximately $0.010 per share on that date, which represented a positive impact on the Fund’s performance of 0.11%. Without the change to the pricing methodology, the performance of the Fund on a NAV basis would have been 2.73%, 5.27%, 2.99%, and 6.10%, in the one-year, five-year, ten-year and since fund inception periods ended November 30, 2023, respectively.
Page 3

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
“AT A GLANCE” (Continued)
As of November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
Industry Classification % of Total
Electric Utilities 26.8%
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels 17.7
Water Utilities 13.3
Multi-Utilities 10.1
Specialized REITs 6.0
Media 4.4
Wireless Telecommunication Services 4.3
Gas Utilities 4.0
Passenger Airlines 2.4
Diversified Telecommunication Services 2.1
Transportation Infrastructure 2.1
Independent Power & Renewable Electricity Producers 1.5
Ground Transportation 1.4
Industrial Conglomerates 1.3
Chemicals 1.0
Aerospace & Defense 0.9
Commercial Services & Supplies 0.4
Financial Services 0.3
Total 100.0%
Top 10 Issuers % of Total
National Grid PLC 6.0%
Crown Castle, Inc. 6.0
Pennon Group PLC 4.5
United Utilities Group PLC 4.4
Severn Trent PLC 4.4
Sempra Energy 4.0
Snam S.p.A. 4.0
Eversource Energy 4.0
CLP Holdings, Ltd. 4.0
Enbridge, Inc. 3.8
Total 45.1%
Country Allocation % of Total
United States 43.4%
United Kingdom 21.5
Canada 15.1
Italy 9.8
Hong Kong 4.0
Luxembourg 1.9
Japan 1.4
Australia 1.3
Ireland 0.8
Cayman Islands 0.8
Total 100.0%
Page 4

Portfolio Commentary
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Annual Report
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
Proposed Reorganization
The Fund will call a special meeting of shareholders to consider reorganizing the Fund into abrdn Global Infrastructure Income Fund (“ASGI”), which is managed by abrdn Inc. and sub-advised by abrdn Investments Limited (formerly, Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited). More information on the proposed transaction, including the risks and considerations associated with the proposed transaction, is contained in registration statement/proxy materials which are available at https://www.ftportfolios.com/LoadContent/gohdcqj3gy3o. This note is not intended to solicit a proxy from any shareholder of the Fund and is not intended to, and shall not, constitute an offer to purchase or sell shares of the Fund or ASGI.
First Trust Advisors L.P. (“First Trust” or the “Advisor”) serves as the investment advisor to the Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (the “Fund”). First Trust is responsible for the ongoing monitoring of the Fund’s investment portfolio, managing the Fund’s business affairs and providing certain administrative services necessary for the management of the Fund.
Delaware Investments Fund Advisers (“DIFA”) is the sub-advisor of the Fund. DIFA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust, and is a wholly owned, indirect subsidiary of Macquarie Group Limited.
The Fund’s Core Component, which consists primarily of equity securities and equity-like securities issued by infrastructure issuers, is managed by the Macquarie Global Listed Infrastructure team within DIFA. The Macquarie Global Listed Infrastructure team managed approximately $2.4 billion of assets as of November 30, 2023. The Fund’s Senior Loan Component is managed by the Macquarie High Yield Fixed Income team within DIFA. The Macquarie High Yield Fixed Income team managed over $4.7 billion of assets as of November 30, 2023, with an emphasis on Senior Loans.
Portfolio Management Team
Anthony Felton, CFA
Portfolio Manager, MFD Core Component
Portfolio Manager, DIFA
Adam H. Brown, CFA
Portfolio Manager, MFD Senior Loan Component
Senior Vice President, Co-Head of High Yield, Senior Portfolio Manager, DIFA
Investment Objective
The investment objective of the Fund is to seek a high level of current return consisting of dividends, interest and other similar income while attempting to preserve capital. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing predominantly in the securities of companies that are involved in the management, ownership and/or operation of infrastructure and utility assets and are expected to offer reasonably predictable income and attractive yields.
A typical profile of an infrastructure business would be one whose assets provide essential public services which are difficult to replace, have a strategic competitive advantage, demonstrate inelastic demand, and have low sensitivity to cyclical volatility, courtesy of their essential nature and high margins.
There can be no assurance that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved. The Fund may not be appropriate for all investors.
Market Recap
Having held up well in 2022 against a backdrop of falling global equities, global listed infrastructure has underperformed during 2023. This appears to be primarily a reflection of macro factors; rising interest rates have weighed on infrastructure valuations, while inflation (which listed infrastructure assets can typically pass through to the end user) has subsided. However, we believe the fundamentals of infrastructure have not changed. Infrastructure companies are still delivering essential services to millions of people every day, generating stable and predictable earnings via regulated or contracted frameworks.
The 2023 calendar year began with optimism in January driving much of the first quarter’s gains in global equities. The mood turned sour in February, and then the run on Silicon Valley Bank in March 2023 kicked off a global banking panic that is still leaving
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Portfolio Commentary (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Annual Report
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
investors somewhat on edge. The dust seems to have settled for now, after large banking conglomerate Credit Suisse merged with UBS. U.S. depositors were ensured their money was safe, and the banking system was flooded with liquidity.
In the second quarter of 2023, the U.S. Dollar generally strengthened against major currencies, including the British Pound Sterling, the Japanese Yen, and the Euro. The Infrastructure sector significantly underperformed broader equity markets for the quarter with a -7.50% return, as measured by the S&P Global Infrastructure Index (net). Broader equity markets returned -3.46% for the quarter, as measured by the MSCI World Index (net). The end of the second quarter affected higher yielding sectors, such as the Utilities sector, in particular.
Bonds and stocks fell simultaneously in October 2023 as bond yields rose sharply and heightened geopolitical uncertainty weighed on market sentiment. Commodities were the notable outperformer, as energy prices rallied, and investors fled to gold as a safe haven.
In October 2023, the U.S. 10-Year Treasury yield pushed above 5% for the first time since 2007, driven by a combination of buoyant economic data making “higher for longer” rates look increasingly likely, and concerns around the sustainability of government finances. Stocks fell globally as the prospect of “higher for longer” rates hurt equity multiples and the Israel-Hamas conflict dampened risk appetite. Commodity prices reversed some of their year-to-date losses. The tragic events that unfolded in the Middle East led to a flight to safety in gold. Oil prices also rallied amid concerns that an escalation into a wider regional conflict could disrupt oil supply, Meanwhile, European gas prices rose due to fears over global supply chain disruptions, exacerbated by the sabotage of a gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea.
Towards the end of the period, November provided some relief for investors, with both bonds and equities gaining on the month. Data suggesting inflation is easing reinforced investors’ view that most developed market central banks have finished their monetary tightening cycles.
    Average Annual Total Returns
  1 Year Ended
5 Years Ended
10 Years Ended
Inception (3/25/04)
to 11/30/23
Fund Performance(1)        
NAV(2) 2.85% 5.30% 3.00% 6.10%
Market Value -2.19% 3.40% 2.12% 5.19%
Index Performance        
S&P 500® Utilities Total Return Index -9.31% 5.84% 8.80% 8.92%
(1) Total return is based on the combination of reinvested dividend, capital gain and return of capital distributions, if any, at prices obtained by the Dividend Reinvestment Plan and changes in NAV per share for NAV returns and changes in Common Share price for market value returns. Total returns do not reflect sales load and are not annualized for periods less than one year.
(2) On January 3, 2023, the fair value methodology used to value the senior loan investments held by the Fund was changed. Prior to that date, the senior loans were valued using the bid side price provided by a pricing service. After such date, the senior loans were valued using the midpoint between the bid and ask price provided by a pricing service. The change in the Fund’s fair value methodology on January 3, 2023, resulted in a one-time increase in the Fund’s NAV of approximately $0.010 per share on that date, which represented a positive impact on the Fund’s performance of 0.11%. Without the change to the pricing methodology, the performance of the Fund on a NAV basis would have been 2.73%, 5.27%, 2.99%, and 6.10%, in the one-year, five-year, ten-year and since inception periods ended November 30, 2023, respectively.
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Portfolio Commentary (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Annual Report
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
Performance figures assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption or sale of Fund shares. An index is a statistical composite that tracks a specified financial market or sector. Unlike the Fund, the index does not actually hold a portfolio of securities and therefore does not incur the expenses incurred by the Fund. These expenses negatively impact the performance of the Fund. The Fund’s past performance does not predict future performance. 
Performance Analysis - Core Component
As shown in the performance table, the Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) total return(1) for the period was 2.85%, outperforming the -9.31% return of the S&P 500® Utilities Total Return Index (the “Index”). Although the Fund is not managed toward any benchmark and invests in a global portfolio of infrastructure stocks in a range of currencies, and senior secured loans, we believe that this Index offers some frame of reference.
The positive contributor was the Energy Infrastructure sector. The Water and Electric Utilities and Communication Infrastructure sectors were a negative contributor to performance during the period.
Let’s look at these reasons in further detail.
Energy Infrastructure
The Energy Infrastructure sector was a positive contributor to performance during the 12-month period ended November 30, 2023. Positions in Enbridge, Inc, Enterprise Products Partners, L.P., Kinder Morgan, Inc. and Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. all contributed to performance. We saw a pickup in corporate activity in 2023, such as Enbridge’s acquisition of three natural gas utility businesses from Dominion Energy, Inc. and Gibson Energy, Inc.’s acquisition of South Texas Gateway Terminal LLC. We expect corporate activity to continue to be a key theme in 2024 as some companies look to divest assets to strengthen balance sheets.
The water utility sector was a negative contributor to the Fund’s performance during the 12-month period ended November 30, 2023. United Kingdom (U.K.) water utilities, Pennon Group PLC, United Utilities Group PLC and Severn Trent PLC, underperformed during the period, although they recovered some of the losses towards the end of the period. In October 2023, the U.K. Water companies released their 2025-30 business plans to the market that showed a significant uplift in investments to improve pollution performance and water resilience. The increases in capital expenditures are fully funded and will increase Severn Trent’s and United Utilities’ regulated asset base by 43% and 52% respectively under their respective proposals to regulators.
Electric Utilities and Communications Infrastructure
The emergence of inflation and withdrawal of ultra-accommodative monetary policy settings marked a paradigm shift in global markets over the last 18 months. Consequent increases in prevailing bond yields have led to increased investment market volatility.
An increase in interest rates can be expected to lead to a higher cost of debt and an increase in long-term discount rates. As we have seen in recent times, those stocks regarded as “defensive”, including infrastructure businesses and utilities, are often subject to negative sentiment during periods characterized by rising interest rates. Within the Global Listed Infrastructure universe, this predominantly relates to the Utilities and Communications sectors, where companies are prized for their steady, stable dividend streams. Nevertheless, it is our experience that, provided the fundamentals of the businesses we are invested in remain robust, their stock prices can ultimately be expected to resume their former trajectory of growth. Furthermore, the higher interest costs are often
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Portfolio Commentary (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Annual Report
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
offset through regulation and/or company contract structure over the short- to medium-term. These costs are typically “pass through,” with no impact on margins for Utilities, and can be offset by rent escalators/inflationary top-line growth for tower companies in Communications.
We believe we have already begun to see signs of this re-pricing, with the infrastructure benchmarks returning 9-10% in the month of November 2023 as rate expectations started to be wound back and we expect this to continue into 2024.
Portfolio Composition - Core Component
As of November 30, 2023, the Fund’s Core Component was well diversified across 23 positions in global infrastructure stocks, representing 7 countries and 9 sectors. During the period, the main increases in the Fund’s weightings were in the Communications Infrastructure and Water sectors, while the largest decline in sector weightings was in the Airports and Toll Roads sectors. Changes were driven principally by bottom-up stock selection.
Performance Analysis – Senior Loan Component
The Morningstar® LSTA® Leveraged Loan Index (the “LSTA Index”), a broad barometer of loan market performance, returned 11.9% in the 12-month period ended November 30, 2023 as elevated base rates from the Federal Reserve’s aggressive interest rate hikes, a resilient economy and surprisingly strong economic growth, supported the loan market. The lowest rated loans outperformed during the period, with CCC-rated loans generating a total return of 13.4% compared to 13.2% for single B-rated loans and 9.74% for double B-rated loans.
The use of leverage within the Fund was accretive to performance, with the Senior Loan Component returning 9.96% during the period. Two positions detracted from performance during the period. Cumulus Media New Holdings, Inc., an owner and operator of radio stations, experienced pressure due to a challenged advertising environment. Cablevision Systems Corporation also underperformed during the period as broadband subscriptions continued to decline. Satellite-communications services providers Inmarsat (Connect Finco SARL) and Viasat, Inc. contributed to performance during the period, as Viasat, Inc. acquired Inmarsat during the period.
Loan market technicals weakened during the period, as approximately $22.5 billion of retail outflows combined with $115.6 billion of collateralized loan obligation (“CLO”) issuance, which is 13% lower than the amount of CLO issuance in the same period of last year.
Fundamentals showed resiliency during the period. For public filers within the LSTA Index, third quarter 2023 earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) increased 2% year-over-year, which was the weakest of twelve straight positive readings. Additionally, this sample of loan issuers showed deteriorating credit metrics over the period, with leverage increasing and interest coverage and free cash flow metrics decreasing. The LSTA Index default rate finished the period ended November 30, 2023 at 1.5%, which compares to the historical average of 3%.
Performance Relative to the Index
The Index is a broad barometer of the performance of utility stocks (but does not include a broad range of infrastructure sectors) solely in the U.S. By comparison, the Fund is not managed toward any benchmark and invests in a global portfolio of infrastructure stocks in a range of currencies and senior secured loans.
One of the factors impacting the return of the Fund relative to its Index was the Fund’s use of financial leverage through the bank borrowings. The Fund uses leverage because we believe that, over time, leverage provides opportunities for additional income and total return for shareholders. However, the use of leverage can also expose common shareholders to additional volatility. For example, if the prices of securities held by the Fund decline, the negative impact of valuation changes on NAV and shareholder total return is magnified by the use of leverage. Conversely, leverage may enhance share returns during periods when the prices of securities held by the Fund generally are rising. Leverage had a positive impact on the performance of the Fund over this reporting period.
During the 12-month period ended November 30, 2023, the Fund announced four regularly scheduled quarterly distributions totaling $0.80 per share. In accordance with the Fund’s level distribution policy, distributions are expected to be comprised of net investment income, realized short-term capital gains and non-taxable return of capital (which generally are expected to represent unrealized capital appreciation) in order to sustain a stable level of distributions to shareholders. Net long-term capital gain distributions, if any, are expected to be made annually.
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Portfolio Commentary (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Annual Report
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
The Fund’s level distribution policy seeks to maintain a relatively stable quarterly distribution. The practice has no impact on the Fund’s investment strategy and may reduce the Fund’s NAV. However, the Advisor believes the practice helps maintain the Fund’s competitiveness and may benefit the Fund’s market price and premium/discount to the Fund’s NAV. The quarterly distribution rate began and ended the period at $0.20 per share. Based on the $0.20 per share quarterly distribution, the annualized distribution rate at November 30, 2023 was 9.13% at NAV and 10.35% at market price. For the 12-month period ended November 30, 2023, 100.00% of the distributions were characterized as ordinary income. The final determination of the source and tax status of all 2023 distributions will be made after the end of 2023 and will be provided on Form 1099-DIV. The foregoing is not to be construed as tax advice. Please consult your tax advisor for further information regarding tax matters.
Market and Fund Outlook - Core Component
Looking ahead to 2024, in our view, we could see a lower growth environment, with more persistent inflation. In such a scenario the central banks will likely need to trade off solvency of the financial system with controlling inflation. While this is not a great outcome, it positions infrastructure very well as part of a diversified portfolio given characteristics such as inflation pass-through, lower economic sensitivity (particularly in regulated assets) and defensive characteristics.
This is particularly relevant when we consider the range of bottom-up company opportunities, and the longer-term growth drivers through decarbonization, energy security and global government support, all of which are driving investment and investor demand into the asset class. As a result, we are seeing more investors make a strategic allocation, rather than tactical or thematic, to listed infrastructure as part of a diversified portfolio.
It is our belief that the current environment requires a thoughtful active management approach. A continuous assessment of the opportunity set across our global research platform offers the potential to take advantage of market dislocations and achieve what we view as attractive risk-adjusted returns for our clients.
The infrastructure assets owned and operated by the diversified range of infrastructure companies within the Fund’s portfolio continue to perform well. Fund positioning also continues to exhibit a diversity of exposures across different geographies and sectors. We continue to target what we regard as well positioned infrastructure assets since we believe quality and defensive assets underpinned by long-term, stable cash flows will remain attractive to investors around the world.
Market and Fund Outlook - Senior Loan Component
While risks to loan market issuers have increased with rising interest rates, continued inflationary pressures, supply chain disruption and elevated geopolitical risks, we believe fundamentals should generally continue to be constructive for most issuers, as years of issuer-friendly capital markets have allowed for robust levels of refinancing. As a result, balance sheets are healthy and default expectations remain manageable. However, credit selection will likely be critical to navigating an environment in which there will be winners and losers. Default rates are expected to be approximately 3% over the next 12 months, and we are positioning accordingly. We are focusing on the Double B-rated quality sectors, with a preference for more economically defensive industries. We believe this approach to positioning can allow an investor to carry a competitive yield while also somewhat protecting against fundamental volatility from the changing economic environment.
Page 9

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Portfolio of Investments
November 30, 2023
Shares   Description   Value
COMMON STOCKS (a) – 97.5%
    Australia – 1.8%    
Transurban Group (AUD) (b)

    Canada – 20.2%    
Enbridge, Inc. (CAD) (b)

Gibson Energy, Inc. (CAD) (b)

Hydro One Ltd. (CAD) (b) (c) (d)

Pembina Pipeline Corp. (CAD) (b)

TC Energy Corp. (CAD) (b)

    Hong Kong – 5.4%    
CLP Holdings, Ltd. (HKD) (b)

    Italy – 13.3%    
Enav S.p.A. (EUR) (b) (c) (d)

Enel S.p.A. (EUR) (b)

Snam S.p.A. (EUR) (b)

Terna-Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. (EUR) (b)

    Japan – 1.9%    
West Japan Railway Co. (JPY) (b)

    United Kingdom – 29.2%    
National Grid PLC (GBP) (b)

Pennon Group PLC (GBP) (b)

Severn Trent PLC (GBP) (b)


United Utilities Group PLC (GBP) (b)

    United States – 25.7%    
Crown Castle, Inc. (b)

Eversource Energy (b)

Exelon Corp. (b)

Kinder Morgan, Inc. (b)

Sempra (b)

Total Common Stocks

    (Cost $75,440,987)    
Units   Description   Value
    United States – 1.9%    
Enterprise Products Partners, L.P. (b)

    (Cost $828,560)    
  Description   Rate (e)   Stated
Maturity (f)
    Canada – 0.3%            
Air Canada, Term Loan B, 3 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 3.50%, 0.75% Floor

  9.14%   08/11/28   247,096
Page 10
See Notes to Financial Statements

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Portfolio of Investments (Continued)
November 30, 2023
  Description   Rate (e)   Stated
Maturity (f)
    Cayman Islands – 1.2%            
AAdvantage Loyalty IP Ltd., Initial Term Loan, 3 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 4.75%, 0.75% Floor

  10.43%   04/20/28   $457,531
SkyMiles IP Ltd., Initial Term Loan, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 3.75%, 1.00% Floor

  9.17%   10/20/27   409,402
    Ireland – 1.2%            
Castlelake Aviation One DAC, Initial Term Loans, 3 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 2.75%, 0.50% Floor

  8.42%   10/22/26   567,394
Setanta Aircraft Leasing DAC, Term Loan, 3 Mo. LIBOR + CSA + 2.00%, 0.00% Floor

  7.65%   11/05/28   300,516
    Luxembourg – 2.6%            
Connect Finco SARL, Term Loan B, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 3.50%, 1.00% Floor

  8.85%   12/11/26   1,965,266
    United States – 31.5%            
Calpine Construction Finance Co., L.P. Term Loan B, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 2.25%, 0.00% Floor

  7.60%   07/19/30   451,697
Calpine Corp., Term Loan B5, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 2.50%, 0.00% Floor

  7.96%   12/16/27   430,107
Calpine Corp., Term Loan B9, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 2.00%, 0.00% Floor

  7.46%   04/05/26   669,569
Charter Communications Operating LLC, Term Loan B2, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 1.75%, 0.00% Floor

  7.10%-7.13%   02/01/27   2,086,193
Covanta Holding Corp, Term Loan B, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 3.00%, 0.50% Floor

  8.32%   11/30/28   372,233
Covanta Holding Corp, Term Loan C, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 3.00%, 0.50% Floor

  8.32%   11/30/28   27,917
CSC Holdings LLC, Term Loan B5, 1 Mo. LIBOR + CSA + 2.50%, 0.00% Floor

  7.94%   04/15/27   186,282
CSC Holdings LLC, Term Loan B6, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 4.50%, 0.00% Floor

  9.82%   01/18/28   760,067
Cumulus Media New Holdings, Inc., Term Loan B, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 3.75%, 1.00% Floor

  9.40%   03/31/26   492,217
Directv Financing LLC, Term Loan, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 5.00%, 0.75% Floor

  10.46%   08/02/27   1,010,066
Frontier Communications Holdings LLC, Term Loan B-Exit, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 3.75%, 0.75% Floor

  9.21%   10/08/27   1,414,087
Generation Bridge Northeast LLC, Term Loan B, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 4.25%, 0.00% Floor

  9.60%   08/07/29   500,566
GIP Pilot Acquisition Partners, L.P. Term Loan B, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 3.00%, 0.00% Floor

  8.39%   10/04/30   325,000
Hamilton Projects Acquiror LLC, Term Loan B, 3 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 4.50%, 0.75% Floor

  9.96%   06/17/27   1,534,030
Lackawanna Energy Center LLC, Term Loan B2, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 5.00%, 0.50% Floor

  10.35%   08/04/29   322,644
Lackawanna Energy Center LLC, Term Loan C, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 5.00%, 0.50% Floor

  10.35%   08/04/29   69,798
Mileage Plus Holdings LLC, Term Loan B, 3 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 5.25%, 1.00% Floor

  10.80%   06/21/27   967,969
Northwest Fiber LLC, Term Loan B, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 3.75%, 0.00% Floor

  9.24%   04/30/27   740,991
See Notes to Financial Statements
Page 11

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Portfolio of Investments (Continued)
November 30, 2023
  Description   Rate (e)   Stated
Maturity (f)
    United States (Continued)            
Olympus Water US Holding Corp., Term Loan B, 3 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 3.75%, 0.50% Floor

  9.40%   11/09/28   $977,450
Parkway Generation LLC, Term Loan B, 3 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 4.75%, 0.75% Floor

  10.39%   02/18/29   1,802,489
Parkway Generation LLC, Term Loan C, 3 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 4.75%, 0.75% Floor

  10.39%   02/18/29   238,234
PG&E Corp., Term Loan B, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 3.00%, 0.50% Floor

  8.46%   06/23/25   2,215,954
Standard Industries Inc./NJ, Initial Term Loan, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 2.50%, 0.50% Floor

  7.70%   09/22/28   1,350,192
Terraform Power Operating, Term Loan B, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 2.50%, 0.50% Floor

  7.99%   05/21/29   1,353,593
United Airlines, Inc., Class B Term Loan, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 3.75%, 0.75% Floor

  9.21%   04/21/28   395,683
Viasat, Inc., Term Loan B, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + 4.50%, 0.50% Floor

  9.85%   03/04/29   2,390,908
Vistra Operations Co., LLC, 2018 Incremental Term Loan, 1 Mo. CME Term SOFR + CSA + 1.75%, 0.00% Floor

  7.19%   12/31/25   492,246
Total Senior Floating-Rate Loan Interests

    (Cost $27,576,974)            
Total Investments – 136.2%

  (Cost $103,846,521)    
Outstanding Loan – (36.8)%

Net Other Assets and Liabilities – 0.6%

Net Assets – 100.0%

(a) Portfolio securities are categorized based upon their country of incorporation.
(b) All or a portion of this security serves as collateral for the outstanding loan. At November 30, 2023, the segregated value of these securities amounts to $74,474,679.
(c) This security may be resold to qualified foreign investors and foreign institutional buyers under Regulation S of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “1933 Act”).
(d) This security is exempt from registration upon resale under Rule 144A of the 1933 Act and may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. This security is not restricted on the foreign exchange where it trades freely without any additional registration. As such, it does not require the additional disclosure required of restricted securities.
(e) Senior Floating-Rate Loan Interests (“Senior Loans”) in which the Fund invests pay interest at rates which are periodically predetermined by reference to a base lending rate plus a premium. These base lending rates are generally (i) the lending rate offered by one or more major European banks, such as the LIBOR, (ii) the SOFR obtained from the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Financial Research or another major financial institution, (iii) the prime rate offered by one or more United States banks or (iv) the certificate of deposit rate. Certain Senior Loans are subject to a LIBOR or SOFR floor that establishes a minimum LIBOR or SOFR rate. When a range of rates is disclosed, the Fund holds more than one contract within the same tranche with identical LIBOR or SOFR period, spread and floor, but different LIBOR or SOFR reset dates.
(f) Senior Loans generally are subject to mandatory and/or optional prepayment. As a result, the actual remaining maturity of Senior Loans may be substantially less than the stated maturities shown.
Page 12
See Notes to Financial Statements

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Portfolio of Investments (Continued)
November 30, 2023
Abbreviations throughout the Portfolio of Investments:
AUD – Australian Dollar
CAD – Canadian Dollar
CME – Chicago Mercantile Exchange
CSA – Credit Spread Adjustment
EUR – Euro
GBP – British Pound Sterling
HKD – Hong Kong Dollar
JPY – Japanese Yen
LIBOR – London Interbank Offered Rate
SOFR – Secured Overnight Financing Rate
USD – United States Dollar
Currency Exposure
% of Total
USD 47.2%
GBP 21.5
CAD 14.8
EUR 9.8
HKD 4.0
JPY 1.4
AUD 1.3
Total 100.0%

Valuation Inputs
A summary of the inputs used to value the Fund’s investments as of November 30, 2023 is as follows (see Note 2A - Portfolio Valuation in the Notes to Financial Statements):
Value at
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Common Stocks*

$73,060,133 $73,060,133 $ $
Master Limited Partnerships*

1,414,546 1,414,546
Senior Floating-Rate Loan Interests*

27,525,387 27,525,387
Total Investments

$102,000,066 $74,474,679 $27,525,387 $
* See Portfolio of Investments for country breakout.
See Notes to Financial Statements
Page 13

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Statement of Assets and Liabilities
November 30, 2023
Investments, at value

$ 102,000,066

Foreign currency




Prepaid expenses

Total Assets

Outstanding loan


Investment advisory fees (includes Sub-Advisory fees of $148,605)

Interest and fees on loan

Audit and tax fees

Withholding tax

Shareholder reporting fees

Legal fees

Administrative fees

Custodian fees

Trustees’ fees and expenses

Transfer agent fees

Financial reporting fees

Other liabilities

Total Liabilities


NET ASSETS consist of:  
Paid-in capital

$ 131,964,564
Par value

Accumulated distributable earnings (loss)


NET ASSET VALUE, per Common Share (par value $0.01 per Common Share)

Number of Common Shares outstanding (unlimited number of Common Shares has been authorized)

Investments, at cost

Foreign currency, at cost (proceeds)

Page 14
See Notes to Financial Statements

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Statement of Operations
For the Year Ended November 30, 2023

$ 5,047,487

Foreign withholding tax


Total investment income

Interest and fees on loan

Investment advisory fees (includes Sub-Advisory fees of $628,630)

Audit and tax fees

Administrative fees

Shareholder reporting fees

Listing expense

Legal fees

Trustees’ fees and expenses

Transfer agent fees

Custodian fees

Financial reporting fees


Total expenses


Net realized gain (loss) on:  

Foreign currency transactions

Net realized gain (loss)

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:  

Foreign currency translation

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)



$ 1,245,033
See Notes to Financial Statements
Page 15

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Statements of Changes in Net Assets
Net investment income (loss)

$ 4,041,159   $ 4,202,170
Net realized gain (loss)

 1,051,362    559,510
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

 (3,847,488)    (4,101,468)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

1,245,033   660,212
Investment operations

 (6,837,954)    (4,464,666)
Return of capital

 —    (2,373,288)
Total distributions to shareholders

(6,837,954)   (6,837,954)
Total increase (decrease) in net assets

 (5,592,921)    (6,177,742)
Beginning of period

 80,481,027    86,658,769
End of period

$ 74,888,106   $ 80,481,027
Common Shares at end of period

8,547,442   8,547,442
Page 16
See Notes to Financial Statements

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Statement of Cash Flows
For the Year Ended November 30, 2023
Cash flows from operating activities:    
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

Adjustments to reconcile net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations to net cash used in operating activities:    
Purchases of investments

Sales, maturities and paydown of investments

Return of capital received from investment in MLPs

Net amortization/accretion of premiums/discounts on investments

Net realized gain/loss on investments

Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments

Changes in assets and liabilities:    
Decrease in interest receivable

Decrease in reclaims receivable

Decrease in dividends receivable

Decrease in prepaid expenses

Increase in interest and fees payable on loan

Decrease in investment advisory fees payable

Increase in audit and tax fees payable

Increase in legal fees payable

Increase in shareholder reporting fees payable

Increase in administrative fees payable

Increase in custodian fees payable

Increase in transfer agent fees payable

Increase in trustees’ fees and expenses payable

Increase in other liabilities payable

Decrease in withholding tax payable

Cash used in operating activities

Cash flows from financing activities:    
Distributions to Common Shareholders from investment operations

Cash used in financing activities

Decrease in cash and foreign currency (a)

Cash and foreign currency at beginning of period

Cash and foreign currency at end of period

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:    
Cash paid during the period for interest and fees

(a) Includes net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on foreign currency of $16,663.
See Notes to Financial Statements
Page 17

Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
Financial Highlights
For a Common Share outstanding throughout each period
  Year Ended November 30,
2023   2022   2021   2020   2019
Net asset value, beginning of period

$ 9.42   $ 10.14   $ 9.49   $ 11.08   $ 10.77
Income from investment operations:                  
Net investment income (loss)

0.47(a)   0.49   0.70   0.77   0.85
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

(0.33)   (0.41)   0.75   (1.51)   0.51
Total from investment operations

0.14   0.08   1.45   (0.74)   1.36
Distributions paid to shareholders from:                  
Net investment income

(0.80)   (0.52)   (0.66)   (0.85)   (0.45)
Return of capital

  (0.28)   (0.14)     (0.60)
Total distributions paid to Common Shareholders

(0.80)   (0.80)   (0.80)   (0.85)   (1.05)
Net asset value, end of period

$8.76   $9.42   $10.14   $9.49   $11.08
Market value, end of period

$7.73   $8.74   $9.65   $8.20   $10.21
Total return based on net asset value (b)

2.85%   1.03%   15.96%   (5.54)%   13.75%
Total return based on market value (b)

(2.19)%   (1.51)%   27.71%   (11.42)%   8.44%
Ratios to average net assets/supplemental data:                  
Net assets, end of period (in 000’s)

$ 74,888   $ 80,481   $ 86,659   $ 81,102   $ 94,686
Ratio of total expenses to average net assets

4.01%   2.66%   2.13%   2.50%   3.15%
Ratio of total expenses to average net assets excluding interest expense

1.75%   1.75%   1.70%   1.85%   1.80%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets

5.23%   4.85%   6.84%   7.85%   7.57%
Portfolio turnover rate

59%   66%   92%   209%   153%
Total loan outstanding (in 000’s)

$ 27,550   $ 27,550   $ 33,250   $ 27,050   $ 38,100
Asset coverage per $1,000 of indebtedness (c)

$ 3,718   $ 3,921   $ 3,606   $ 3,998   $ 3,485
(a) Based on average shares outstanding.
(b) Total return is based on the combination of reinvested dividend, capital gain and return of capital distributions, if any, at prices obtained by the Dividend Reinvestment Plan, and changes in net asset value per share for net asset value returns and changes in Common Share Price for market value returns. Total returns do not reflect sales load and are not annualized for periods of less than one year. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
(c) Calculated by subtracting the Fund’s total liabilities (not including the loan outstanding) from the Fund’s total assets, and dividing by the outstanding loan balance in 000’s.
Page 18
See Notes to Financial Statements

Notes to Financial Statements
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023
1. Organization
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (the “Fund”) is a diversified, closed-end management investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust on January 21, 2004, and is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”). The Fund trades under the ticker symbol “MFD” on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”).
The Fund seeks to provide a high level of current return consisting of dividends, interest and other similar income while attempting to preserve capital. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing predominantly in the securities of companies that are involved in the management, ownership, and/or operation of infrastructure and utilities assets, and are expected to offer reasonably predictable income and attractive yields. The Fund also invests in senior secured loans generally considered to be high-yield securities. There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. The Fund may not be appropriate for all investors.
2. Significant Accounting Policies
The Fund is considered an investment company and follows accounting and reporting guidance under Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 946, “Financial Services-Investment Companies.” The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Fund in the preparation of the financial statements. The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
A. Portfolio Valuation
The net asset value (“NAV”) of the Common Shares of the Fund is determined daily as of the close of regular trading on the NYSE, normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, on each day the NYSE is open for trading. If the NYSE closes early on a valuation day, the NAV is determined as of that time. Domestic debt securities and foreign securities are priced using data reflecting the earlier closing of the principal markets for those securities. The Fund’s NAV per Common Share is calculated by dividing the value of all assets of the Fund (including accrued interest and dividends), less all liabilities (including accrued expenses, dividends declared but unpaid and any borrowings of the Fund), by the total number of Common Shares outstanding.
The Fund’s investments are valued daily at market value or, in the absence of market value with respect to any portfolio securities, at fair value. Market value prices represent readily available market quotations such as last sale or official closing prices from a national or foreign exchange (i.e., a regulated market) and are primarily obtained from third-party pricing services. Fair value prices represent any prices not considered market value prices and are either obtained from a third-party pricing service or are determined by the Pricing Committee of the Fund’s investment advisor, First Trust Advisors L.P. (“First Trust” or the “Advisor”), in accordance with valuation procedures approved by the Fund’s Board of Trustees, and in accordance with provisions of the 1940 Act and rules thereunder. Investments valued by the Advisor’s Pricing Committee, if any, are footnoted as such in the footnotes to the Portfolio of Investments. The Fund’s investments are valued as follows:
Common stocks, master limited partnerships (“MLPs”) and other equity securities listed on any national or foreign exchange (excluding Nasdaq, Inc. (“Nasdaq”) and the London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market (“AIM”)) are valued at the last sale price on the exchange on which they are principally traded or, for Nasdaq and AIM securities, the official closing price. Securities traded on more than one securities exchange are valued at the last sale price or official closing price, as applicable, at the close of the securities exchange representing the primary exchange for such securities.
Securities trading on foreign exchanges or over-the-counter markets that close prior to the NYSE close may be valued using a systematic fair valuation model provided by a third-party pricing service. If these foreign securities meet certain criteria in relation to the valuation model, their valuation is systematically adjusted to reflect the impact of movement in the U.S. market after the close of the foreign markets.
Equity securities traded in an over-the-counter market are valued at the close price or the last trade price.
Certain securities may not be able to be priced by pre-established pricing methods. Such securities may be valued by the Advisor’s Pricing Committee at fair value. These securities generally include, but are not limited to, restricted securities (securities which may not be publicly sold without registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended) for which a third-party pricing service is unable to provide a market price; securities whose trading has been formally suspended; a security whose market or fair value price is not available from a pre-established pricing source; a security with respect to which an event has occurred that is likely to materially affect the value of the security after the market has closed but before the calculation of the Fund’s NAV or make it difficult or impossible to obtain a reliable market quotation; and a security whose price, as provided by the third-party pricing service, does not reflect the security’s fair value. As a general principle, the current fair value of a security would appear to be the amount which the owner might
Page 19

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023
reasonably expect to receive for the security upon its current sale. When fair value prices are used, generally they will differ from market quotations or official closing prices on the applicable exchanges. A variety of factors may be considered in determining the fair value of such securities, including, but not limited to, the following:
1) the last sale price on the exchange on which they are principally traded or, for Nasdaq and AIM securities, the official closing price;
2) the type of security;
3) the size of the holding;
4) the initial cost of the security;
5) transactions in comparable securities;
6) price quotes from dealers and/or third-party pricing services;
7) relationships among various securities;
8) information obtained by contacting the issuer, analysts, or the appropriate stock exchange;
9) an analysis of the issuer’s financial statements;
10) the existence of merger proposals or tender offers that might affect the value of the security; and
11) other relevant factors.
If the securities in question are foreign securities, the following additional information may be considered:
1) the last sale price on the exchange on which they are principally traded;
2) the value of similar foreign securities traded on other foreign markets;
3) ADR trading of similar securities;
4) closed-end fund or exchange-traded fund trading of similar securities;
5) foreign currency exchange activity;
6) the trading prices of financial products that are tied to baskets of foreign securities;
7) factors relating to the event that precipitated the pricing problem;
8) whether the event is likely to recur;
9) whether the effects of the event are isolated or whether they affect entire markets, countries or regions; and
10) other relevant factors.
Foreign securities traded outside the United States are generally valued as of the time their trading is complete, which is usually different from the close of the NYSE. Occasionally, events affecting the value of such securities may occur between such times and the close of the NYSE that will not always be reflected in the computation of the value of such securities. If events affecting the value of such securities occur during such period, these securities will be valued at their fair value according to procedures adopted by the Fund’s Board of Trustees (see above). For certain foreign equity securities, a third-party pricing service may be utilized to determine fair value. All securities and other assets of the Fund initially expressed in foreign currencies will be converted to U.S. dollars using exchange rates in effect at the time of valuation.
The Senior Floating-Rate Loan interests (“Senior Loans”)(1) in which the Fund invests are not listed on any securities exchange or board of trade. Senior Loans are typically bought and sold by institutional investors in individually negotiated private transactions that function in many respects like an over-the-counter secondary market, although typically no formal market-makers exist. This market, while having grown substantially since its inception, generally has fewer trades and less liquidity than the secondary market for other types of securities. Some Senior Loans have few or no trades, or trade infrequently, and information regarding a specific Senior Loan may not be widely available or may be incomplete. Accordingly, determinations of the market value of Senior Loans may be based on infrequent and dated information. Because there is less reliable, objective data available, elements of judgment may play a greater role in valuation of Senior Loans than for other types of securities. Typically, Senior Loans are fair valued using information provided by a third-party pricing service. The third-party pricing service primarily uses over-the-counter pricing from dealer runs and broker quotes from indicative sheets to value the Senior Loans. If the third-party pricing service cannot or does not provide a valuation for a particular Senior Loan or such valuation is deemed unreliable, the Advisor’s Pricing Committee may value such Senior Loan at a fair value according to procedures adopted by the Fund’s Board of Trustees, and in accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act. Fair valuation of a Senior Loan is based on the consideration of all available information, including, but not limited to the following:
1) the most recent price provided by a pricing service;
2) available market prices for the fixed-income security;
3) the fundamental business data relating to the borrower;

(1) The terms “security” and “securities” used throughout the Notes to Financial Statements include Senior Loans.
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Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023
4) an evaluation of the forces which influence the market in which these securities are purchased and sold;
5) the type, size and cost of the security;
6) the financial statements of the borrower;
7) the credit quality and cash flow of the borrower;
8) the information as to any transactions in or offers for the security;
9) the price and extent of public trading in similar securities (or equity securities) of the borrower, or comparable companies;
10) the coupon payments;
11) the quality, value and salability of collateral, if any, securing the security;
12) the business prospects of the borrower, including any ability to obtain money or resources from a parent or affiliate and an assessment of the borrower’s management;
13) the prospects for the borrower’s industry, and multiples (of earnings and/or cash flows) being paid for similar businesses in that industry;
14) the borrower’s competitive position within the industry;
15) the borrower’s ability to access additional liquidity through public and/or private markets; and
16) other relevant factors.
The Fund is subject to fair value accounting standards that define fair value, establish the framework for measuring fair value and provide a three-level hierarchy for fair valuation based upon the inputs to the valuation as of the measurement date. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are as follows:
Level 1 – Level 1 inputs are quoted prices in active markets for identical investments. An active market is a market in which transactions for the investment occur with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis.
Level 2 – Level 2 inputs are observable inputs, either directly or indirectly, and include the following:
o Quoted prices for similar investments in active markets.
o Quoted prices for identical or similar investments in markets that are non-active. A non-active market is a market where there are few transactions for the investment, the prices are not current, or price quotations vary substantially either over time or among market makers, or in which little information is released publicly.
o Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the investment (for example, interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted intervals, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks, and default rates).
o Inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means.
Level 3 – Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs. Unobservable inputs may reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the investment.
The inputs or methodologies used for valuing investments are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those investments. A summary of the inputs used to value the Fund’s investments as of November 30, 2023, is included with the Fund’s Portfolio of Investments.
B. Securities Transactions and Investment Income
Securities transactions are recorded as of the trade date. Realized gains and losses from securities transactions are recorded on the identified cost basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis. Market premiums and discounts are amortized over the expected life of each respective borrowing.
The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), which regulates the London Interbank Offered Rates (“LIBOR”), ceased making LIBOR available as a reference rate over a phase-out period that began December 31, 2021. The overnight and 12-month USD LIBOR settings permanently ceased as of June 30, 2023. The FCA announced that the 1-, 3- and 6-month USD LIBOR settings will continue to be published using a synthetic methodology to serve as a fallback for non-U.S. contracts until September 2024. In response to the discontinuation of LIBOR, investors have added fallback provisions to existing contracts for investments whose value is tied to LIBOR, with most fallback provisions requiring the adoption of the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) as a replacement rate. There is no assurance that any alternative reference rate, including SOFR, will be similar to or produce the same value or economic equivalence as LIBOR or that instruments using an alternative rate will have the same volume or liquidity. At this time, it is not possible to predict the full impact of the elimination of LIBOR and the establishment of an alternative reference rate on the Fund or its investments.
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Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023
For the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023, distributions of $461,156 received from MLPs have been reclassified as return of capital. The cost basis of applicable MLPs has been reduced accordingly.
Securities purchased or sold on a when-issued, delayed-delivery or forward purchase commitment basis may have extended settlement periods. The value of the security so purchased is subject to market fluctuations during this period. The Fund maintains liquid assets with a current value at least equal to the amount of its when-issued, delayed-delivery or forward purchase commitments until payment is made. At November 30, 2023, the Fund had no when-issued, delayed-delivery or forward purchase commitments.
C. Unfunded Loan Commitments
The Fund may enter into certain credit agreements, all or a portion of which may be unfunded. The Fund is obligated to fund these loan commitments at the borrower’s discretion. The Fund did not have any unfunded loan commitments as of November 30, 2023.
D. Foreign Currency
The books and records of the Fund are maintained in U.S. dollars. Foreign currencies, investments and other assets and liabilities are translated into U.S. dollars at the exchange rates prevailing at the end of the period. Purchases and sales of investments and items of income and expense are translated on the respective dates of such transactions. Unrealized gains and losses on assets and liabilities, other than investments in securities, which result from changes in foreign currency exchange rates have been included in “Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on foreign currency translation” on the Statement of Operations. Unrealized gains and losses on investments in securities which result from changes in foreign exchange rates are included with fluctuations arising from changes in market price and are included in “Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments” on the Statement of Operations. Net realized foreign currency gains and losses include the effect of changes in exchange rates between trade date and settlement date on investment security transactions, foreign currency transactions and interest and dividends received and are included in “Net realized gain (loss) on foreign currency transactions” on the Statement of Operations. The portion of foreign currency gains and losses related to fluctuations in exchange rates between the initial purchase settlement date and subsequent sale trade date is included in “Net realized gain (loss) on investments” on the Statement of Operations.
E. Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders
Level distributions are declared and paid quarterly or as the Board of Trustees may determine from time to time. If, for any quarterly distribution, net investment company taxable income, if any (which term includes net short-term capital gain), as determined as of the close of the Fund’s taxable year, is less than the amount of the distribution, the distribution will generally be a tax-free return of capital distributed from the Fund’s assets. Distributions of any net capital gains earned by the Fund are distributed at least annually. Distributions will automatically be reinvested into additional Common Shares pursuant to the Fund’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan unless cash distributions are elected by the shareholder.
Distributions from income and realized capital gains are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. GAAP. Certain capital accounts in the financial statements are periodically adjusted for permanent differences in order to reflect their tax character. These permanent differences are primarily due to the varying treatment of income and gain/loss on portfolio securities held by the Fund and have no impact on net assets or NAV per share. Temporary differences, which arise from recognizing certain items of income, expense and gain/loss in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes, will reverse at some point in the future. Permanent differences incurred during the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023, primarily as a result of differing book and tax treatment of realization of foreign currency gains (losses) and the sale of MLP investments, have been reclassified at year end to reflect an increase in accumulated net investment income (loss) of $642,143, a decrease in accumulated net realized gain (loss) of $770,939, and an increase to paid-in capital of $128,796. Accumulated distributable earnings (loss) consists of accumulated net investment income (loss), accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments, and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments. Net assets were not affected by this reclassification.
The tax character of distributions paid by the Fund during the fiscal years ended November 30, 2023 and 2022, was as follows:
Distributions paid from: 2023 2022
Ordinary income

$6,837,954 $4,464,666
Capital gains

Return of capital

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Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023
As of November 30, 2023, the components of distributable earnings and net assets on a tax basis were as follows:
Undistributed ordinary income

Undistributed capital gains

Total undistributed earnings

Accumulated capital and other losses

Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

Total accumulated earnings (losses)


Paid-in capital

Total net assets

F. Income Taxes
The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company by complying with the requirements under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, which includes distributing substantially all of its net investment income and net realized gains to shareholders. Accordingly, no provision has been made for federal and state income taxes. However, due to the timing and amount of distributions, the Fund may be subject to an excise tax of 4% of the amount by which approximately 98% of the Fund’s taxable income exceeds the distributions from such taxable income for the calendar year.
The Fund intends to utilize provisions of the federal income tax laws, which allow it to carry a realized capital loss forward indefinitely following the year of the loss and offset such loss against any future realized capital gains. The Fund is subject to certain limitations under U.S. tax rules on the use of capital loss carryforwards and net unrealized built-in losses. These limitations apply when there has been a 50% change in ownership. At November 30, 2023, the Fund had $52,255,058 of non-expiring capital loss carryforwards for federal income tax purposes.
During the taxable year ended November 30, 2023, the Fund utilized non-expiring capital loss carryforwards of $217,107.
Certain losses realized during the current fiscal year may be deferred and treated as occurring on the first day of the following fiscal year for federal income tax purposes. For the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023, the Fund did not incur any net ordinary losses.
The Fund is subject to accounting standards that establish a minimum threshold for recognizing, and a system for measuring, the benefits of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return. Taxable years ended 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 remain open to federal and state audit. As of November 30, 2023, management has evaluated the application of these standards to the Fund and has determined that no provision for income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements for uncertain tax positions.
As of November 30, 2023, the aggregate cost, gross unrealized appreciation, gross unrealized depreciation, and net unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments (including short positions and derivatives, if any) for federal income tax purposes were as follows:
Tax Cost   Gross
  Net Unrealized
$105,243,303   $5,729,672   $(8,972,909)   $(3,243,237)
G. Expenses
The Fund will pay all expenses directly related to its operations.
3. Investment Advisory Fee, Affiliated Transactions and Other Fee Arrangements
First Trust, the investment advisor to the Fund, is a limited partnership with one limited partner, Grace Partners of DuPage L.P., and one general partner, The Charger Corporation. The Charger Corporation is an Illinois corporation controlled by James A. Bowen, Chief Executive Officer of First Trust. First Trust is responsible for the ongoing monitoring of the Fund’s investment portfolio, managing the Fund’s business affairs and providing certain administrative services necessary for the management of the Fund. For these investment management services, First Trust is entitled to a quarterly fee calculated at an annual rate of 0.40% of the Fund’s Total Assets up to and including $250 million and 0.35% of the Fund’s Total Assets over $250 million. Total Assets are generally
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Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023
defined as the average daily total asset value of the Fund minus the sum of the Fund’s liabilities other than the principal amount of borrowings. First Trust also provides fund reporting services to the Fund for a flat annual fee in the amount of $9,250.
Delaware Investments Fund Advisers (“DIFA”) serves as the Fund’s sub-advisor and manages the Fund’s portfolio subject to First Trust’s supervision. The Fund’s Core Component, which consists primarily of equity securities and equity-like securities issued by infrastructure issuers, is managed by the Global Listed Infrastructure team and, for its portfolio management services, DIFA is entitled to a quarterly fee calculated at an annual rate of 0.60% for that portion of the Fund’s Total Assets. The Fund’s Senior Loan Component is managed by the Macquarie High Yield Fixed Income team and, for its portfolio management services, DIFA is entitled to a quarterly fee calculated at an annual rate of 0.60% for that portion of the Fund’s Total Assets. If the Fund’s Total Assets are greater than $250 million, DIFA receives an annual portfolio management fee of 0.65% for that portion of the Fund’s Total Assets over $250 million.
Computershare, Inc. (“Computershare”) serves as the Fund’s transfer agent in accordance with certain fee arrangements. As transfer agent, Computershare is responsible for maintaining shareholder records for the Fund.
The Bank of New York Mellon (“BNYM”) serves as the Fund’s administrator, fund accountant, and custodian in accordance with certain fee arrangements. As administrator and fund accountant, BNYM is responsible for providing certain administrative and accounting services to the Fund, including maintaining the Fund’s books of account, records of the Fund’s securities transactions, and certain other books and records. As custodian, BNYM is responsible for custody of the Fund’s assets. BNYM is a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, a financial holding company.
Each Trustee who is not an officer or employee of First Trust, any sub-advisor or any of their affiliates (“Independent Trustees”) is paid a fixed annual retainer that is allocated equally among each fund in the First Trust Fund Complex. Each Independent Trustee is also paid an annual per fund fee that varies based on whether the fund is a closed-end or other actively managed fund, a target outcome fund or an index fund.
Additionally, the Lead Independent Trustee and the Chairs of the Audit Committee, Nominating and Governance Committee and Valuation Committee are paid annual fees to serve in such capacities, with such compensation allocated pro rata among each fund in the First Trust Fund Complex based on net assets. Independent Trustees are reimbursed for travel and out-of-pocket expenses in connection with all meetings. The Lead Independent Trustee and Committee Chairs rotate every three years. The officers and “Interested” Trustee receive no compensation from the Fund for acting in such capacities.
4. Purchases and Sales of Securities
The cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of securities, excluding short-term investments, for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023, were $61,096,804 and $57,717,380, respectively.
5. Borrowings
The Fund entered into a Committed Facility Agreement (the “BNP Paribas Facility”) with BNP Paribas Prime Brokerage International, Ltd. (“PBL”), which provides for a committed credit facility to be used as leverage for the Fund. The BNP Paribas Facility provides for a secured, committed line of credit for the Fund, where Fund assets are pledged against advances made to the Fund. Under the requirements of the 1940 Act, the Fund, immediately after any such borrowings, must have “asset coverage” of at least 300% (33-1/3% of the Fund’s total assets after borrowings). Absent certain events of default or failure to maintain certain collateral requirements, PBL may not terminate the BNP Paribas Facility except upon 179 calendar days’ prior notice. The total amount of loans that may be outstanding at any one time under the BNP Paribas Facility is $45,000,000. The interest rate under the BNP Paribas Facility is equal to SOFR plus 95 basis points. The Fund only pays a commitment fee of 0.55% on the undrawn amount when the outstanding debt is less than 80% of the maximum commitment amount.
For the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023, the daily average amount outstanding under the BNP Paribas Facility was $27,550,000. As of November 30, 2023, the Fund had outstanding borrowings of $27,550,000, which approximates fair value, under this committed facility agreement. The borrowings are categorized as Level 2 within the fair value hierarchy. The high and low annual interest rates for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023, were 6.30% and 4.75%, respectively, and the weighted average interest rate was 5.85%. The interest rate at November 30, 2023, was 6.26%. The interest and fees are included in “Interest and fees on loan” on the Statement of Operations.
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Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023
6. Indemnification
The Fund has a variety of indemnification obligations under contracts with its service providers. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown. However, the Fund has not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.
7. Infrastructure and Industry Concentration Risk
Given the Fund’s concentration in the infrastructure industry, the Fund is more susceptible to adverse economic or regulatory occurrences affecting that industry than an investment company that is not concentrated in a single industry. Infrastructure issuers, including utilities and companies involved in infrastructure projects, may be subject to a variety of factors that may adversely affect their business or operations, including high interest costs in connection with capital construction programs, high leverage costs associated with environmental and other regulations, the effects of economic slowdown, surplus capacity, increased competition from other providers of services, uncertainties concerning the availability of fuel at reasonable prices, the effects of energy conservation policies, increased regulation and other factors.
In addition, infrastructure assets can have a substantial environmental impact. Ordinary operation or an accident with respect to such assets could cause major environmental damage which could cause the owner of such assets significant financial distress. Community and environmental groups may protest about the development or operation of infrastructure assets, and these protests may induce government action to the detriment of the owner of the infrastructure asset.
8. Subsequent Events
Management has evaluated the impact of all subsequent events on the Fund through the date the financial statements were issued and has determined that there were no subsequent events requiring recognition or disclosure in the financial statements that have not already been disclosed.
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Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
To the Shareholders and the Board of Trustees of Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund:
Opinion on the Financial Statements and Financial Highlights
We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (the “Fund”), including the portfolio of investments, as of November 30, 2023, the related statements of operations and cash flows for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, and the related notes. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of November 30, 2023, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Basis for Opinion
These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Fund is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.
Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and financial highlights, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements and financial highlights. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of November 30, 2023, by correspondence with the custodian, agent banks and brokers; when replies were not received from agent banks and brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
/s/ Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Chicago, Illinois
January 24, 2024
We have served as the auditor of one or more First Trust investment companies since 2001.
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Additional Information
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
If your Common Shares are registered directly with the Fund or if you hold your Common Shares with a brokerage firm that participates in the Fund’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan (the “Plan”), unless you elect, by written notice to the Fund, to receive cash distributions, all dividends, including any capital gain distributions, on your Common Shares will be automatically reinvested by Computershare Trust Company N.A. (the “Plan Agent”), in additional Common Shares under the Plan. If you elect to receive cash distributions, you will receive all distributions in cash paid by check mailed directly to you by the Plan Agent, as the dividend paying agent.
If you decide to participate in the Plan, the number of Common Shares you will receive will be determined as follows:
(1) If Common Shares are trading at or above net asset value (“NAV”) at the time of valuation, the Fund will issue new shares at a price equal to the greater of (i) NAV per Common Share on that date or (ii) 95% of the market price on that date.
(2) If Common Shares are trading below NAV at the time of valuation, the Plan Agent will receive the dividend or distribution in cash and will purchase Common Shares in the open market, on the NYSE or elsewhere, for the participants’ accounts. It is possible that the market price for the Common Shares may increase before the Plan Agent has completed its purchases. Therefore, the average purchase price per share paid by the Plan Agent may exceed the market price at the time of valuation, resulting in the purchase of fewer shares than if the dividend or distribution had been paid in Common Shares issued by the Fund. The Plan Agent will use all dividends and distributions received in cash to purchase Common Shares in the open market within 30 days of the valuation date except where temporary curtailment or suspension of purchases is necessary to comply with federal securities laws. Interest will not be paid on any uninvested cash payments.
You may elect to opt-out of or withdraw from the Plan at any time by giving written notice to the Plan Agent, or by telephone at (866) 340-1104, in accordance with such reasonable requirements as the Plan Agent and the Fund may agree upon. If you withdraw or the Plan is terminated, you will receive a certificate for each whole share in your account under the Plan, and you will receive a cash payment for any fraction of a share in your account. If you wish, the Plan Agent will sell your shares and send you the proceeds, minus brokerage commissions.
The Plan Agent maintains all Common Shareholders’ accounts in the Plan and gives written confirmation of all transactions in the accounts, including information you may need for tax records. Common Shares in your account will be held by the Plan Agent in non-certificated form. The Plan Agent will forward to each participant any proxy solicitation material and will vote any shares so held only in accordance with proxies returned to the Fund. Any proxy you receive will include all Common Shares you have received under the Plan.
There is no brokerage charge for reinvestment of your dividends or distributions in Common Shares. However, all participants will pay a pro rata share of brokerage commissions incurred by the Plan Agent when it makes open market purchases.
Automatically reinvesting dividends and distributions does not mean that you do not have to pay income taxes due upon receiving dividends and distributions. Capital gains and income are realized although cash is not received by you. Consult your financial advisor for more information.
If you hold your Common Shares with a brokerage firm that does not participate in the Plan, you will not be able to participate in the Plan and any dividend reinvestment may be effected on different terms than those described above.
The Fund reserves the right to amend or terminate the Plan if in the judgment of the Board of Trustees the change is warranted. There is no direct service charge to participants in the Plan; however, the Fund reserves the right to amend the Plan to include a service charge payable by the participants. Additional information about the Plan may be obtained by writing Computershare, Inc., P.O. Box 43006, Providence, RI 02940-3006.
Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures
A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies and information on how the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio investments during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available (1) without charge, upon request, by calling (800) 988-5891; (2) on the Fund’s website at www.ftportfolios.com; and (3) on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) website at www.sec.gov.
Portfolio Holdings
The Fund files portfolio holdings information for each month in a fiscal quarter within 60 days after the end of the relevant fiscal quarter on Form N-PORT. Portfolio holdings information for the third month of each fiscal quarter will be publicly available on the
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Additional Information (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. The Fund’s complete schedule of portfolio holdings for the second and fourth quarters of each fiscal year is included in the semi-annual and annual reports to shareholders, respectively, and is filed with the SEC on Form N-CSR. The semi-annual and annual report for the Fund is available to investors within 60 days after the period to which it relates. The Fund’s Forms N-PORT and Forms N-CSR are available on the SEC’s website listed above.
Federal Tax Information
Of the ordinary income (including short-term capital gain) distributions made by the Fund during the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023, 5.00% qualify for the corporate dividends received deduction available to corporate shareholders.
The Fund hereby designates as qualified dividend income 36.21% of the ordinary income distributions for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023.
The Fund meets the requirements of Section 853 of the Internal Revenue Code, and elects to pass through to its shareholders credit for foreign taxes paid. The total per share amount of income received by the Fund from sources within foreign countries and possessions of the United States is $0.55 (representing $4,709,028). The amount of foreign tax paid to such countries is $0.03 per share (representing a total of $221,774) for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023.
NYSE Certification Information
In accordance with Section 303A-12 of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) Listed Company Manual, the Fund’s President has certified to the NYSE that, as of April 18, 2023, he was not aware of any violation by the Fund of NYSE corporate governance listing standards. In addition, the Fund’s reports to the SEC on Form N-CSR contain certifications by the Fund’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer that relate to the Fund’s public disclosure in such reports and are required by Rule 30a-2 under the 1940 Act. 
Submission of Matters to a Vote of Shareholders
The Fund held its Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the “Annual Meeting”) on April 17, 2023. At the Annual Meeting, Denise M. Keefe and Robert F. Keith were elected by the Common Shareholders of Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund as Class I Trustees for a three-year term expiring at the Fund’s annual meeting of shareholders in 2026. The number of votes cast in favor of Ms. Keefe was 5,575,301 and the number of votes withheld was 292,677.  The number of votes cast in favor of Mr. Keith was 5,482,481 and the number of votes withheld was 385,497. Richard E. Erickson, Thomas R. Kadlec, James A. Bowen, Niel B. Nielson, and Bronwyn Wright are the other current and continuing Trustees.   
Board of Trustees
Effective September 10, 2023, the exchange-traded funds, closed-end funds, mutual funds and variable insurance funds (collectively, the “Funds”) advised by First Trust Advisors L.P. (“FTA”) announced the appointment of Ms. Bronwyn Wright as a Trustee of all Funds except the exchange-traded funds included in the First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund. Ms. Wright has acted as an independent director to a number of Irish collective investment funds since 2009. Ms. Wright is a former Managing Director of Citibank Europe plc and Head of Securities and Fund Services for Citi Ireland. In these positions, she was responsible for the management and strategic direction of Citi Ireland’s securities and fund services business which included funds, custody, security finance/lending and global agency and trust. She also had responsibility for leading, managing and growing the Trustee, Custodian and Depositary business in Ireland, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Jersey and Cayman.
Advisory and Sub-Advisory Agreements
Board Considerations Regarding Approval of the Continuation of the Investment Management and Investment Sub-Advisory Agreements     
The Board of Trustees of Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (the “Fund”), including the Independent Trustees, unanimously approved the continuation of the Investment Management Agreement (the “Advisory Agreement”) between the Fund and First Trust Advisors L.P. (the “Advisor”) and the Investment Sub-Advisory Agreements (the “Sub-Advisory Agreements” and together with the Advisory Agreement, the “Agreements”) among the Fund, the Advisor and Delaware Investments Fund Advisers (the “Sub-Advisor”).  The Board approved the continuation of the Agreements for a one-year period ending June 30, 2024 at a meeting held on June 4–5, 2023.  The Board determined that the continuation of the Agreements is in the best interests of the Fund in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided and such other matters as the Board considered to be relevant in the exercise of its business judgment.
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Additional Information (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
To reach this determination, the Board considered its duties under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as well as under the general principles of state law, in reviewing and approving advisory contracts; the requirements of the 1940 Act in such matters; the fiduciary duty of investment advisors with respect to advisory agreements and compensation; the standards used by courts in determining whether investment company boards have fulfilled their duties; and the factors to be considered by the Board in voting on such agreements.  At meetings held on April 17, 2023 and June 4–5, 2023, the Board, including the Independent Trustees, reviewed materials provided by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor responding to requests for information from counsel to the Independent Trustees, submitted on behalf of the Independent Trustees, that, among other things, outlined: the services provided by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor to the Fund (including the relevant personnel responsible for these services and their experience); the advisory and sub-advisory fee rates payable by the Fund as compared to fees charged to a peer group of funds (the “Expense Group”) and a broad peer universe of funds (the “Expense Universe”), each assembled by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent source, and as compared to fees charged to other clients of the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor; the expense ratio of the Fund as compared to expense ratios of the funds in the Fund’s Expense Group and Expense Universe; performance information for the Fund, including comparisons of the Fund’s performance to that of one or more relevant benchmark indexes and to that of a performance group of funds and a broad performance universe of funds (the “Performance Universe”), each assembled by Broadridge; the nature of expenses incurred in providing services to the Fund and the potential for the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor to realize economies of scale, if any; profitability and other financial data for the Advisor; financial data for the Sub-Advisor; any indirect benefits to the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor; and information on the Advisor’s and the Sub-Advisor’s compliance programs.  The Board reviewed initial materials with the Advisor at the meeting held on April 17, 2023, prior to which the Independent Trustees and their counsel met separately to discuss the information provided by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor.  Following the April meeting, counsel to the Independent Trustees, on behalf of the Independent Trustees, requested certain clarifications and supplements to the materials provided, and the information provided in response to those requests was considered at an executive session of the Independent Trustees and their counsel held prior to the June 4–5, 2023 meeting, as well as at the June meeting.  The Board applied its business judgment to determine whether the arrangements between the Fund and the Advisor and among the Fund, the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor continue to be reasonable business arrangements from the Fund’s perspective.  The Board determined that, given the totality of the information provided with respect to the Agreements, the Board had received sufficient information to renew the Agreements.  The Board considered that shareholders chose to invest or remain invested in the Fund knowing that the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor manage the Fund.
In reviewing the Agreements, the Board considered the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor under the Agreements.  With respect to the Advisory Agreement, the Board considered that the Advisor is responsible for the overall management and administration of the Fund and reviewed all of the services provided by the Advisor to the Fund, including the oversight of the Sub-Advisor, as well as the background and experience of the persons responsible for such services.  The Board noted that the Advisor oversees the Sub-Advisor’s day-to-day management of the Fund’s investments, including portfolio risk monitoring and performance review.  In reviewing the services provided, the Board noted the compliance program that had been developed by the Advisor and considered that it includes a robust program for monitoring the Advisor’s, the Sub-Advisor’s and the Fund’s compliance with the 1940 Act, as well as the Fund’s compliance with its investment objective, policies and restrictions.  The Board also considered a report from the Advisor with respect to its risk management functions related to the operation of the Fund.  Finally, as part of the Board’s consideration of the Advisor’s services, the Advisor, in its written materials and at the April 17, 2023 meeting, described to the Board the scope of its ongoing investment in additional personnel and infrastructure to maintain and improve the quality of services provided to the Fund and the other funds in the First Trust Fund Complex.  With respect to the Sub-Advisory Agreement, the Board reviewed the materials provided by the Sub-Advisor and considered the services that the Sub-Advisor provides to the Fund, including the Sub-Advisor’s day-to-day management of the Fund’s investments.  In considering the Sub-Advisor’s management of the Fund, the Board noted the background and experience of the Sub-Advisor’s portfolio management team, including the Board’s prior meetings with members of the portfolio management team. In light of the information presented and the considerations made, the Board concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided to the Fund by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor under the Agreements have been and are expected to remain satisfactory and that the Sub-Advisor, under the oversight of the Advisor, has managed the Fund consistent with its investment objective, policies and restrictions.
The Board considered the advisory and sub-advisory fee rates payable under the Agreements for the services provided.  The Board noted that the Sub-Advisor is paid sub-advisory fees directly by the Fund.  The Board received and reviewed information showing the fee rates and expense ratios of the peer funds in the Expense Group, as well as advisory and unitary fee rates charged by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor to other fund and non-fund clients, as applicable.  With respect to the Expense Group, the Board, at the April 17, 2023 meeting, discussed with Broadridge its methodology for assembling peer groups and discussed with the Advisor limitations in creating a relevant peer group for the Fund, including that (i) not all peer funds employ an advisor/sub-advisor management structure; (ii) certain peer fund assets are larger than those of the Fund, in which case the comparison causes the fixed expenses of the Fund to be larger on a percentage basis; (iii) the Fund invests predominately in foreign assets, which typically cost more to custody than domestic assets, and some of the peer funds have limited foreign allocations; and (iv) the Fund is unique in its composition, which makes
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Additional Information (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
assembling peers with similar strategies and asset mix difficult.  The Board took these limitations into account in considering the peer data. Based on the information provided, the Board noted that the contractual advisory fee rate payable by the Fund (advisory fee and sub-advisory fee rates combined), based on average managed assets, was above the median contractual advisory fee of the peer funds in the Expense Group.  With respect to fees charged to other clients, the Board considered differences between the Fund and other clients that limited their comparability.  In considering the advisory fee rate overall, the Board also considered the Advisor’s statement that it seeks to meet investor needs through innovative and value-added investment solutions and the Advisor’s demonstrated long-term commitment to the Fund and the other funds in the First Trust Fund Complex.
The Board considered performance information for the Fund.  The Board noted the process it has established for monitoring the Fund’s performance and portfolio risk on an ongoing basis, which includes quarterly performance reporting from the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor for the Fund.  The Board determined that this process continues to be effective for reviewing the Fund’s performance.  The Board received and reviewed information comparing the Fund’s performance for periods ended December 31, 2022 to the performance of the funds in the Performance Universe and to that of a benchmark index.  In reviewing the Fund’s performance as compared to the performance of the Performance Universe, the Board took into account the limitations described above with respect to creating a relevant peer group for the Fund.  Based on the information provided on net asset value performance, the Board noted that the Fund underperformed the Performance Universe median and the benchmark index for the one-, three-, five- and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2022.  The Board noted the Advisor’s discussion of the Fund’s performance at the April 17, 2023 meeting.  In addition, the Board considered information provided by the Advisor on the impact of leverage on the Fund’s returns.  The Board also received information on the Fund’s annual distribution rate as of December 31, 2022 and the Fund’s average trading discount for various periods and comparable information for a peer group.
On the basis of all the information provided on the fees, expenses and performance of the Fund and the ongoing oversight by the Board, the Board concluded that the advisory and sub-advisory fees continue to be reasonable and appropriate in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor to the Fund under the Agreements. 
The Board considered information and discussed with the Advisor whether there were any economies of scale in connection with providing advisory services to the Fund at current asset levels and whether the Fund may benefit from any economies of scale.  The Board noted the Advisor’s statement that it believes that its expenses relating to providing advisory services to the Fund will increase during the next twelve months as the Advisor continues to build infrastructure and add new staff.  The Board concluded that due to the Fund’s closed-end structure, the potential for realization of economies of scale as Fund assets grow was not a material factor to be considered.  The Board considered the revenues and allocated costs (including the allocation methodology) of the Advisor in serving as investment advisor to the Fund for the twelve months ended December 31, 2022 and the estimated profitability level for the Fund calculated by the Advisor based on such data, as well as complex-wide and product-line profitability data, for the same period.  The Board noted the inherent limitations in the profitability analysis and concluded that, based on the information provided, the Advisor’s profitability level for the Fund was not unreasonable.  In addition, the Board considered indirect benefits described by the Advisor that may be realized from its relationship with the Fund.  The Board noted that in addition to the advisory fees paid by the Fund, the Advisor is compensated for fund reporting services pursuant to a separate Fund Reporting Services Agreement.  The Board concluded that the character and amount of potential indirect benefits to the Advisor were not unreasonable.
The Board considered that the Sub-Advisor’s expenses that are incurred in connection with providing services to the Fund are both fixed and variable and that the Sub-Advisor generally does not anticipate significant changes in the expenses relating to providing services to the Fund over the next twelve months.  The Board considered that the sub-advisory fee rates were negotiated at arm’s length with the Sub-Advisor, an unaffiliated third party.  With respect to the Sub-Advisor’s profitability, the Board considered financial information for Macquarie Group Limited, the parent company of the Sub-Advisor.  The Board considered indirect benefits that may be realized by the Sub-Advisor from its relationship with the Fund, including that the Sub-Advisor may enter into soft-dollar arrangements, and considered a summary of such arrangements.  The Board concluded that the character and amount of potential indirect benefits to the Sub-Advisor were not unreasonable.
Based on all of the information considered and the conclusions reached, the Board, including the Independent Trustees, unanimously determined that the terms of the Agreements continue to be fair and reasonable and that the continuation of the Agreements is in the best interests of the Fund.  No single factor was determinative in the Board’s analysis.
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Investment Objective, Policies, Risks and Effects of Leverage
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
Changes Occurring During the Prior Fiscal Year
The following information is a summary of certain changes during the most recent fiscal year ended November 30, 2023. This information may not reflect all of the changes that have occurred since you purchased shares of the Fund.
During the Fund’s most recent fiscal year, there were no material changes to the Fund’s investment objective or policies that have not been approved by shareholders or in the principal risk factors associated with an investment in the Fund.
Investment Objective
The Fund seeks to provide a high level of current return consisting of dividends, interest, and other similar income while attempting to preserve capital.
Principal Investment Policies
In pursuit of the Fund’s objective, the Fund seeks to manage its investments and expenses so that a significant portion of its distributions to the Fund’s common shareholders qualify as tax-advantaged dividends, subject to the continued availability of favorable tax treatment for such qualifying dividends. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in a portfolio of equity, debt, preferred or convertible securities and other instruments issued by U.S. and non-U.S. issuers (“Infrastructure Issuers”) that have as their primary focus (in terms of income and/or assets) the management, ownership and/or operation of infrastructure and utilities assets (“Infrastructure Assets”) in a select group of countries (as detailed below).
The Fund consists of two components: (1) the “Core Component” and (2) the “Senior Loan Component.” The Core Component consists primarily of equity securities and securities and instruments with equity characteristics, and other securities and instruments issued by Infrastructure Issuers (collectively, “Core Infrastructure Securities”). The Senior Loan Component consists of senior secured floating-rate U.S. dollar-denominated loans of Infrastructure Issuers (“Infrastructure Senior Loans”) from the funds raised through the Fund’s use of leverage.
As used herein, “Total Assets” generally means the average daily gross asset value of the Fund (including assets attributable to the proceeds of the Fund’s preferred shares of beneficial interest (“Preferred Shares”), if any, and the principal amount of any borrowings) minus the sum of the Fund’s accrued and unpaid dividends on any outstanding Preferred Shares and accrued liabilities (other than the principal amount of any borrowings incurred, commercial paper or notes issued by the Fund and the liquidation preference of any outstanding Preferred Shares). For the purposes of determining Total Assets, the liquidation preference of the Preferred Shares is not treated as a liability.
In pursuit of its investment objective, under normal market conditions:
The Fund seeks to invest more than 40% of its Total Assets in securities and instruments of non-U.S. Infrastructure Issuers located in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, certain European Union member countries, Switzerland, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore.
No more than 60% of the Fund’s Total Assets may be invested in securities and instruments of U.S. Infrastructure Issuers at any time.
No more than 7% of the Fund’s Total Assets may be invested in the securities and instruments of any single Infrastructure Issuer at any time.
At least 80% of the Fund’s Total Assets are intended to be invested in securities and instruments of Infrastructure Issuers that are expected to provide dividends, interest and other similar income. This investment policy cannot be changed unless the shareholders of the Fund receive at least 60 days’ prior notice of any such change.
No more than 30% of the Fund’s Total Assets may be invested in the securities and instruments of non-U.S. Infrastructure Issuers located in any one country at any time.
Up to 100% of the Fund’s Total Assets may be comprised of securities and instruments of Infrastructure Issuers that manage, own and/or operate Infrastructure Assets.
The Fund may invest up to 15% of its Total Assets in infrastructure securities in countries which are not members of the Organization for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD).
As to the Core Component:
    ○ The Fund primarily invests in listed securities and instruments of Infrastructure Issuers, however the Fund may invest up to 25% of the Core Component in unlisted securities and instruments of Infrastructure Issuers.
    ○ The Fund invests more than 50% of the Core Component (and may invest up to 100%) in securities and instruments of non-U.S. Infrastructure Issuers.
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Investment Objective, Policies, Risks and Effects of Leverage (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
    ○ Within the Core Component, no more than 45% of the Core Infrastructure Securities may, at any time, consist of securities and instruments of U.S. Infrastructure Issuers.
As to the Senior Loan Component:
    ○ At least 80%, and up to 100%, of the Senior Loan Component consists of Infrastructure Senior Loans that are rated non-investment grade.
The Fund through the issuance of preferred shares, commercial paper or notes and/or borrowings utilizes leverage up to a maximum of 30% of the Fund’s total assets, immediately after such issuance and/or borrowing.
The Fund is authorized to enter into forward currency contracts or currency futures contracts to selectively hedge certain currencies for defensive purposes.
To the extent the Fund enters into derivatives transactions, it will do so pursuant to Rule 18f-4 under the 1940 Act. Rule 18f-4 requires the Fund to implement certain policies and procedures designed to manage its derivatives risks, dependent upon the Fund’s level of exposure to derivative instruments.
The Fund utilizes leverage through the issuance of instruments (each a “Leverage Instrument” and collectively, the “Leverage Instruments”) in an aggregate amount up to 30% of the Fund’s Total Assets immediately after such issuance and/or borrowing. The Fund expects to invest the proceeds derived from any Leverage Instrument offering in Infrastructure Senior Loans or other debt securities consistent with the Fund’s investment objective and policies. Such Infrastructure Senior Loans or other debt securities are anticipated to largely match the interest rate of the Fund’s then outstanding leverage. The Fund may also borrow money as a temporary measure for extraordinary or emergency purposes, including the payment of dividends and the settlement of securities transactions which otherwise might require untimely dispositions of Fund securities.
The Fund may lend its portfolio securities to broker-dealers and banks. Any such loan must be continuously secured by collateral in cash or cash equivalents maintained on a current basis in an amount at least equal to the market value of the securities loaned by the Fund. The Fund would continue to receive the equivalent of the interest or dividends paid by the issuer on the securities loaned, and would also receive an additional return that may be in the form of a fixed fee or a percentage of the collateral. The Fund may pay reasonable fees to persons unaffiliated with the Fund for services in arranging these loans.
The Fund may deviate from its investment guidelines from time to time as deemed appropriate under prevailing economic and market conditions to achieve its investment objective over the long-term. If any allocation of assets exceeds the applicable investment guideline, the Fund will seek to reduce the allocation as soon as practicable based on the liquidity of its assets and other market factors. The Fund may invest its assets temporarily in other investments and securities of various types pending investment or reinvestment in securities and instruments of Infrastructure Issuers. Pending investment or reinvestment, such temporary investments and securities will not be taken into account for purposes of the Fund’s allocation guidelines. For temporary defensive purposes, the Fund may depart from its principal investment strategies and invest part or all of its assets in securities with remaining maturities of less than one year or cash equivalents, or it may hold cash. During such periods, the Fund may not be able to achieve its investment objective.
Fundamental Investment Policies
The Fund, as a fundamental policy, may not:
1. Issue senior securities, as defined in the 19040 Act, other than (i) preferred shares which immediately after issuance will have asset coverage of at least 200%, (ii) indebtedness which immediately after issuance will have asset coverage of at least 300%, or (iii) the borrowings permitted by investment restriction (2) set forth below;
2. Borrow money, except as permitted by the 1940 Act;
3. Act as underwriter of another issuer’s securities, except to the extent that the Fund may be deemed to be an underwriter within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 in connection with the purchase and sale of portfolio securities;
4. Purchase or sell real estate, but this shall not prevent the Fund from investing in securities of companies that deal in real estate or are engaged in the real estate business, including real estate investment trusts, and securities secured by real estate or interests therein and the Fund may hold and sell real estate or mortgages on real estate acquired through default, liquidation, or other distributions of an interest in real estate as a result of the Fund’s ownership of such securities;
5. Purchase or sell physical commodities unless acquired as a result of ownership of securities or other instruments (but this shall not prevent the Fund from purchasing or selling options, futures contracts, derivative instruments or from investing in securities or other instruments backed by physical commodities);
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Investment Objective, Policies, Risks and Effects of Leverage (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
6. Make loans of funds or other assets, other than by entering into repurchase agreements, lending portfolio securities and through the purchase of securities in accordance with its investment objective, policies and limitations; or
7. Invest 25% or more of its Total Assets in securities and instruments of issuers in any single industry except to the extent the Fund invests in the infrastructure and utilities industry, provided there shall be no limitation on the purchase of obligations issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities.
The foregoing fundamental investment policies, together with the investment objective of the Fund, cannot be changed without approval by holders of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund, as defined in the 1940 Act, which includes the Fund’s common shares of beneficial interest (“Common Shares”) and preferred shares of beneficial interest (“Preferred Shares”), if any, voting together as a single class, and of the holders of the outstanding Preferred Shares voting as a single class. Under the 1940 Act a “majority of the outstanding voting securities” means the vote of: (i) 67% or more of the Fund’s shares present at a meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the Fund’s shares are present or represented by proxy; or (ii) more than 50% of the Fund’s shares, whichever is less.
Principal Risks
The Fund is a closed-end management investment company designed primarily as a long-term investment and not as a trading vehicle. The Fund is not intended to be a complete investment program and, due to the uncertainty inherent in all investments, there can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. The following discussion summarizes the principal risks associated with investing in the Fund, which includes the risk that you could lose some or all of your investment in the Fund. The Fund is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940 and, in accordance therewith, files reports, proxy statements and other information that is available for review.
Canada Risk. The Fund invests in securities of Canadian issuers and is therefore subject to certain risks specifically associated with investments in the securities of Canadian issuers.  The Canadian economy is heavily dependent on the demand for natural resources and agricultural products. Canada is a major producer of commodities such as forest products, metals, agricultural products, and energy related products like oil, gas, and hydroelectricity. Accordingly, a change in the supply and demand of these resources, both domestically and internationally, can have a significant effect on Canadian market performance. Canada is a top producer of zinc and uranium and a global source of many other natural resources, such as gold, nickel, aluminum, and lead. Conditions that weaken demand for such products worldwide could have a negative impact on the Canadian economy as a whole.  Changes to the U.S. economy may significantly affect the Canadian economy because the U.S. is Canada’s largest trading partner and foreign investor. These and other factors could have a negative impact on the Fund and its investments in Canada.
Credit Agency Risk. Credit ratings are determined by credit rating agencies and are only the opinions of such entities. Ratings assigned by a rating agency are not absolute standards of credit quality and do not evaluate market risk or the liquidity of securities. Any shortcomings or inefficiencies in credit rating agencies’ processes for determining credit ratings may adversely affect the credit ratings of securities held by the Fund or such credit agency’s ability to evaluate creditworthiness and, as a result, may adversely affect those securities’ perceived or actual credit risk.
Credit and Below-Investment Grade Securities Risk. Credit risk is the risk that the issuer or other obligated party of a debt security in the Fund’s portfolio will fail to pay, or it is perceived that it will fail to pay, dividends and/or interest or repay principal, when due. Below-investment grade instruments are commonly referred to as high-yield securities or “junk” bonds and are considered speculative with respect to the issuer’s capacity to pay dividends or interest and repay principal and are more susceptible to default or decline in market value than investment grade securities due to adverse economic and business developments. High-yield securities are often unsecured and subordinated to other creditors of the issuer. The market values for high-yield securities tend to be very volatile, and these securities are generally less liquid than investment grade securities. For these reasons, an investment in the Fund is subject to the following specific risks: (i) increased price sensitivity to changing interest rates and to a deteriorating economic environment; (ii) greater risk of loss due to default or declining credit quality; (iii) adverse company specific events more likely to render the issuer unable to make dividend, interest and/or principal payments; (iv) negative perception of the high-yield market which may depress the price and liquidity of high-yield securities; (v) volatility; and (vi) liquidity.
Current Market Conditions Risk. Current market conditions risk is the risk that a particular investment, or shares of the Fund in general, may fall in value due to current market conditions. As a means to fight inflation, which remains at elevated levels, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks have raised interest rates and expect to continue to do so, and the Federal Reserve has announced that it intends to reverse previously implemented quantitative easing. U.S. regulators have proposed several changes to market and issuer regulations which would directly impact the Fund, and any regulatory changes could adversely impact the Fund’s ability to achieve its investment strategies or make certain investments. Recent and potential future bank failures could result in disruption to the broader banking industry or markets generally and reduce confidence in financial institutions and the economy as a
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Investment Objective, Policies, Risks and Effects of Leverage (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
whole, which may also heighten market volatility and reduce liquidity. The ongoing adversarial political climate in the United States, as well as political and diplomatic events both domestic and abroad, have and may continue to have an adverse impact the U.S. regulatory landscape, markets and investor behavior, which could have a negative impact on the Fund’s investments and operations. Other unexpected political, regulatory and diplomatic events within the U.S. and abroad may affect investor and consumer confidence and may adversely impact financial markets and the broader economy. For example, in February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine which has caused and could continue to cause significant market disruptions and volatility within the markets in Russia, Europe, and the United States. The hostilities and sanctions resulting from those hostilities have and could continue to have a significant impact on certain Fund investments as well as Fund performance and liquidity. The economies of the United States and its trading partners, as well as the financial markets generally, may be adversely impacted by trade disputes and other matters. For example, the United States has imposed trade barriers and restrictions on China. In addition, the Chinese government is engaged in a longstanding dispute with Taiwan, continually threatening an invasion. If the political climate between the United States and China does not improve or continues to deteriorate, if China were to attempt invading Taiwan, or if other geopolitical conflicts develop or worsen, economies, markets and individual securities may be adversely affected, and the value of the Fund’s assets may go down. The COVID-19 global pandemic, or any future public health crisis, and the ensuing policies enacted by governments and central banks have caused and may continue to cause significant volatility and uncertainty in global financial markets, negatively impacting global growth prospects. While vaccines have been developed, there is no guarantee that vaccines will be effective against emerging future variants of the disease. As this global pandemic illustrated, such events may affect certain geographic regions, countries, sectors and industries more significantly than others. Advancements in technology may also adversely impact markets and the overall performance of the Fund. For instance, the economy may be significantly impacted by the advanced development and increased regulation of artificial intelligence. These events, and any other future events, may adversely affect the prices and liquidity of the Fund’s portfolio investments and could result in disruptions in the trading markets.
Cyber Security Risk. The Fund is susceptible to potential operational risks through breaches in cyber security. A breach in cyber security refers to both intentional and unintentional events that may cause the Fund to lose proprietary information, suffer data corruption or lose operational capacity. Such events could cause the Fund to incur regulatory penalties, reputational damage, additional compliance costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. Cyber security breaches may involve unauthorized access to the Fund’s digital information systems through “hacking” or malicious software coding, but may also result from outside attacks such as denial-of-service attacks through efforts to make network services unavailable to intended users. In addition, cyber security breaches of the Fund’s third-party service providers, such as its administrator, transfer agent, custodian, sub-advisor, or issuers in which the Fund invests, can also subject the Fund to many of the same risks associated with direct cyber security breaches. The Fund has established risk management systems designed to reduce the risks associated with cyber security. However, there is no guarantee that such efforts will succeed, especially because the Fund does not directly control the cyber security systems of issuers or third party service providers. Substantial costs may be incurred by the Fund in order to resolve or prevent cyber incidents in the future.
Equity Securities Risk. The value of the Fund’s shares will fluctuate with changes in the value of the equity securities in which the Fund invests. Prices of equity securities fluctuate for several reasons, including changes in investors’ perceptions of the financial condition of an issuer or the general condition of the relevant stock market, such as market volatility, or when political or economic events affecting the issuers occur. Common stock prices may be particularly sensitive to rising interest rates, as the cost of capital rises and borrowing costs increase. Equity securities may decline significantly in price over short or extended periods of time, and such declines may occur in the equity market as a whole, or they may occur in only a particular country, company, industry or sector of the market.
Illiquid Securities Risk. The Fund may invest in securities that are considered to be illiquid securities. Illiquid securities may be difficult to dispose of at a fair price at the times when the Fund believes it is desirable to do so.  The market price of illiquid securities generally is more volatile than that of more liquid securities, which may adversely affect the price that the Fund pays for or recovers upon the sale of such securities. Illiquid securities are also more difficult to value, especially in challenging markets.
Although the resale or secondary market for senior loans is growing, it is currently limited. There is no organized exchange or board of trade on which senior loans are traded. Instead, the secondary market for senior loans is an unregulated inter-dealer or inter-bank resale market. In addition, the senior loans in which the Fund invests may require the consent of the borrower and/or agent prior to the settlement of the sale or assignment. These consent requirements can delay or impede the Fund’s ability to settle the sale of senior loans. Depending on market conditions, the Fund may have difficulty disposing its senior loans, which may adversely impact its ability to obtain cash to repay debt, to pay dividends, to pay expenses or to take advantage of new investment opportunities.
Inflation Risk. Certain of the Fund’s investments are subject to inflation risk. Inflation risk is the risk that the value of assets or income from investments will be worth less in the future as inflation decreases the value of money. As inflation increases, the present value of the Fund’s assets and distributions may decline.  This risk is more prevalent with respect to debt securities.  Inflation creates
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Investment Objective, Policies, Risks and Effects of Leverage (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
uncertainty over the future real value (after inflation) of an investment. Inflation rates may change frequently and drastically as a result of various factors, including unexpected shifts in the domestic or global economy, and the Fund’s investments may not keep pace with inflation, which may result in losses to Fund investors.
Infrastructure and Industry Concentration Risk. Given the Fund’s concentration in the infrastructure industry, the Fund is more susceptible to adverse economic or regulatory occurrences affecting that industry than an investment company that is not concentrated in a single industry. Infrastructure issuers, including utilities and companies involved in infrastructure projects, may be subject to a variety of factors that may adversely affect their business or operations, including high interest costs in connection with capital construction programs, high leverage costs associated with environmental and other regulations, the effects of economic slowdown, surplus capacity, increased competition from other providers of services, uncertainties concerning the availability of fuel at reasonable prices, the effects of energy conservation policies, increased regulation and other factors.
In addition, infrastructure assets can have a substantial environmental impact. Ordinary operation or an accident with respect to such assets could cause major environmental damage which could cause the owner of such assets significant financial distress. Community and environmental groups may protest about the development or operation of infrastructure assets, and these protests may induce government action to the detriment of the owner of the infrastructure asset.
Interest Rate Risk. Interest rate risk is the risk that securities will decline in value because of changes in market interest rates. The yield on the Fund’s common shares will tend to rise or fall as market interest rates rise and fall, as senior loans pay interest at rates which float in response to changes in market rates. Changes in prevailing interest rates can be expected to cause some fluctuation in the Fund’s net asset value. Similarly, a sudden and significant increase in market interest rates may cause a decline in the Fund’s net asset value.
Leverage Risk. The use of leverage by the Fund can magnify the effect of any losses. If the income and gains from the securities and investments purchased with leverage proceeds do not cover the cost of leverage, the return to the common shares will be less than if leverage had not been used. Leverage involves risks and special considerations for common shareholders including: (i) the likelihood of greater volatility of net asset value and market price of the common shares than a comparable portfolio without leverage; (ii) the risk that fluctuations in interest rates on borrowings will reduce the return to the common shareholders or will result in fluctuations in the dividends paid on the common shares; (iii) in a declining market, the use of leverage is likely to cause a greater decline in the net asset value of the common shares than if the Fund was not leveraged, which may result in a greater decline in the market price of the common shares; and (iv) when the Fund uses certain types of leverage, the investment advisory fee payable to the Advisor and by the Advisor to the Sub-Advisor will be higher than if the Fund did not use leverage.
LIBOR Risk. Many financial instruments use or may use a floating rate based upon the LIBOR. The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), which regulates LIBOR, has ceased making LIBOR available as a reference rate over a phase-out period that began December 31, 2022. There is no assurance that any alternative reference rate, including the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) will be similar to or produce the same value or economic equivalence as LIBOR or that instruments using an alternative rate will have the same volume or liquidity. The unavailability or replacement of LIBOR may affect the value, liquidity or return on certain Fund investments and may result in costs incurred in connection with closing out positions and entering into new trades. Any potential effects of the transition away from LIBOR on the Fund or on certain instruments in which the Fund invests can be difficult to ascertain, and they may vary depending on a variety of factors, and they could result in losses to the Fund.
Management Risk and Reliance on Key Personnel. The implementation of the Fund’s investment strategy depends upon the continued contributions of certain key employees of the Advisor and Sub-Advisor, some of whom have unique talents and experience and would be difficult to replace. The loss or interruption of the services of a key member of the portfolio management team could have a negative impact on the Fund.
Market Discount from Net Asset Value. Shares of closed-end investment companies such as the Fund frequently trade at a discount from their net asset value. The Fund cannot predict whether its common shares will trade at, below or above net asset value.
Market Risk. Investments held by the Fund, as well as shares of the Fund itself, are subject to market fluctuations caused by real or perceived adverse economic conditions, political events, regulatory factors or market developments, changes in interest rates and perceived trends in securities prices. Shares of the Fund could decline in value or underperform other investments as a result of the risk of loss associated with these market fluctuations. In addition, local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, market manipulation, government defaults, government shutdowns, regulatory actions, political changes, diplomatic developments, the imposition of sanctions and other similar measures, spread of infectious diseases or other public health issues, recessions, or other events could have a significant negative impact on the Fund and its investments. Any of such circumstances could have a materially negative impact on the value of the Fund’s shares, the liquidity of an investment, and result in increased market volatility. During any
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Investment Objective, Policies, Risks and Effects of Leverage (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
such events, the Fund’s shares may trade at increased premiums or discounts to their net asset value, the bid/ask spread on the Fund’s shares may widen and the returns on investment may fluctuate.
MLP Risk. As a result of the Fund’s exposure to MLPs, a downturn in one or more industries within the energy sector, material declines in energy-related commodity prices, adverse political, legislative or regulatory developments or other events could have a larger impact on the Fund than on an investment company that does not invest in the group of industries that are part of the energy sector. Certain risks inherent in investing in MLPs include: commodity pricing risk, commodity supply and demand risk, lack of diversification of and reliance on MLP customers and suppliers risk, commodity depletion and exploration risk, energy sector and energy utility industry regulatory risk, including risks associated with the prices and methodology of determining prices that energy companies may charge for their products and services, interest rate risk, risk of lack of acquisition or reinvestment opportunities for MLPs, risk of lacking of funding for MLPs, dependency on MLP affiliate risk, weather risk, catastrophe risk, terrorism and MLP market disruption risk, and technology risk.
Certain MLP securities may trade in relatively low volumes due to their smaller market capitalizations or other factors, which may cause them to have a high degree of price volatility and illiquidity. The structures of MLPs create certain risks, including, for example, risks related to the limited ability of investors to control an MLP and to vote on matters affecting the MLP, risks related to potential conflicts of interest between an MLP and the MLP’s general partner, the risk that an MLP will generate insufficient cash flow to meet its current operating requirements, the risk that an MLP will issue additional securities or engage in other transactions that will have the effect of diluting the interests of existing investors, and risks related to the general partner’s right to require unit-holders to sell their common units at an undesirable time or price.
Companies that own interstate pipelines are subject to regulation by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) with respect to the tariff rates that they may charge customers and may change policies to no longer permit such companies to include certain costs in their costs of services. This may lower the tariff rates charged to customers which will in turn negatively affect performance.
Other factors which may reduce the amount of cash an MLP has available to pay its debt and equity holders include increased operating costs, maintenance capital expenditures, acquisition costs, expansion or construction costs and borrowing costs (including increased borrowing costs as a result of additional collateral requirements as a result of ratings downgrades by credit agencies).
Non-U.S. Securities and Currency Risk. Investing in non-U.S. securities involves certain risks not involved in domestic investments, including, but not limited to: fluctuations in currency exchange rates; future foreign economic, financial, political and social developments; different legal systems; the possible imposition of exchange controls or other foreign governmental laws or restrictions; lower trading volume; withholding taxes; greater price volatility and illiquidity; different trading and settlement practices; less governmental supervision; high and volatile rates of inflation; fluctuating interest rates; less publicly available information; and different accounting, auditing and financial recordkeeping standards and requirements. Because the Fund may invest in securities denominated or quoted in non-U.S. currencies, changes in the non-U.S. currency/United States dollar exchange rate may affect the value of the Fund’s securities and the unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments.
There may be very limited regulatory oversight of certain non-U.S. banks or securities depositories that hold non-U.S. securities and non-U.S. currency and the laws of certain countries may limit the ability to recover such assets if a non-U.S. bank or depository or their agents go bankrupt. There may also be an increased risk of loss of portfolio securities.
Investing in non-U.S. securities may also involve a greater risk for excessive trading due to “time-zone arbitrage.” If an event occurring after the close of a non-U.S. market, but before the time the Fund computes its current net asset value, causes a change in the price of the non-U.S. securities and such price is not reflected in the Fund’s current net asset value, investors may attempt to take advantage of anticipated price movements in securities held by the Fund based on such pricing discrepancies.
Operational Risk. The Fund is subject to risks arising from various operational factors, including, but not limited to, human error, processing and communication errors, errors of the Fund’s service providers, counterparties or other third-parties, failed or inadequate processes and technology or systems failures. The Fund relies on third parties for a range of services, including custody.  Any delay or failure relating to engaging or maintaining such service providers may affect the Fund’s ability to meet its investment objective. Although the Fund and the Advisor seek to reduce these operational risks through controls and procedures, there is no way to completely protect against such risks.
Portfolio Turnover Risk. The Fund may engage in portfolio trading to accomplish its investment objective. The investment policies of the Fund may lead to frequent changes in investments, particularly in periods of rapidly fluctuating interest or currency exchange rates. There are no limits on the rate of portfolio turnover and investments may be sold without regard to length of time held when the Fund’s investment strategy so dictates. A higher portfolio turnover rate results in correspondingly greater brokerage commissions and other transactional expenses that are borne by the Fund. High portfolio turnover may result in the realization of net short-term capital gains by the Fund which, when distributed to shareholders, will be taxable as ordinary income.
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Investment Objective, Policies, Risks and Effects of Leverage (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
Potential Conflicts of Interest Risk. First Trust, DIFA and the portfolio managers have interests which may conflict with the interests of the Fund. In particular, First Trust and DIFA currently manage and may in the future manage and/or advise other investment funds or accounts with the same or substantially similar investment objective and strategies as the Fund. In addition, while the Fund is using leverage, the amount of the fees paid to First Trust (and by First Trust to DIFA) for investment advisory and management services are higher than if the Fund did not use leverage because the fees paid are calculated based on managed assets. Therefore, First Trust and DIFA have a financial incentive to leverage the Fund.
Prepayment Risk. Loans are subject to prepayment risk. Prepayment risk is the risk that a borrower repays principal prior to the scheduled maturity date. The degree to which borrowers prepay loans, whether as a contractual requirement or at their election, may be affected by general business conditions, interest rates, the financial condition of the borrower and competitive conditions among loan investors, among others. As such, prepayments cannot be predicted with accuracy. Upon a prepayment, either in part or in full, the actual outstanding debt on which the Fund derives interest income will be reduced. The Fund may not be able to reinvest the proceeds received on terms as favorable as the prepaid loan.
Qualified Dividend Income Tax Risk. There can be no assurance as to what portion of the distributions paid to the Fund’s common shareholders will consist of tax-advantaged qualified dividend income. Certain distributions designated by the Fund as derived from qualified dividend income will be taxed in the hands of non-corporate common shareholders at the rates applicable to long-term capital gains, provided certain holding period and other requirements are satisfied by both the Fund and the common shareholders. Additional requirements apply in determining whether distributions by foreign issuers should be regarded as qualified dividend income. Certain investment strategies of the Fund will limit the Fund’s ability to meet these requirements and consequently will limit the amount of qualified dividend income received and distributed by the Fund. A change in the favorable provisions of the federal tax laws with respect to qualified dividends may result in a widespread reduction in announced dividends and may adversely impact the valuation of the shares of dividend-paying companies.
Reinvestment Risk. Reinvestment risk is the risk that income from the Fund’s portfolio will decline if the Fund invests the proceeds from matured, traded or called instruments at market interest rates that are below the Fund’s portfolio’s current earnings rate. A decline in income could affect the common shares’ market price, level of distributions or the overall return of the Fund.
Reorganization Risk. The Board of Trustees of the Fund has approved the reorganization of the Fund into ASGI.  If approved by shareholders, the transaction is anticipated to be consummated during 2024, subject to the satisfaction of applicable regulatory requirements and approvals and customary closing conditions.  There is no assurance when or whether such approvals, or any other approvals required for the transaction, will be obtained.  Under the terms of the proposed transaction, shareholders of the Fund would receive shares of ASGI, which will have its own investment strategies, and thereafter cease to be a shareholder of the Fund.  More information on the proposed transaction, including the risks and considerations associated with the transaction as well as the risks of investing in ASGI, is contained in registration statement/proxy materials. Shareholders should refer to such registration statement/proxy materials, which are available at https://www.ftportfolios.com/LoadContent/gohdcqj3gy3o.
Restricted Securities Risk. The Fund may invest in restricted securities. The term “restricted securities” refers to securities that are unregistered or are held by control persons of the issuer and securities that are subject to contractual restrictions on their resale. As a result, restricted securities may be more difficult to value and the Fund may have difficulty disposing of such assets either in a timely manner or for a reasonable price. In order to dispose of an unregistered security, the Fund, where it has contractual rights to do so, may have to cause such security to be registered. A considerable period may elapse between the time the decision is made to sell the security and the time the security is registered so that the Fund could sell it. Contractual restrictions on the resale of securities vary in length and scope and are generally the result of a negotiation between the issuer and acquirer of the securities. The Fund would, in either case, bear market risks during that period.
Risks Associated with an Investment in Initial Public Offerings. Securities purchased in initial public offerings (“IPOs”) are often subject to the general risks associated with investments in companies with small market capitalizations, and typically to a heightened degree. Securities issued in IPOs have no trading history, and information about the companies may be available for very limited periods. In addition, the prices of securities sold in an IPO may be highly volatile. At any particular time or from time to time, the Fund may not be able to invest in IPOs, or to invest to the extent desired, because, for example, only a small portion (if any) of the securities being offered in an IPO may be available to the Fund. In addition, under certain market conditions, a relatively small number of companies may issue securities in IPOs. The Fund’s investment performance during periods when it is unable to invest significantly or at all in IPOs may be lower than during periods when it is able to do so. IPO securities may be volatile, and the Fund cannot predict whether investments in IPOs will be successful.
Senior Loan Risk. The Fund invests in senior loans and therefore is subject to the risks associated therewith. Investments in senior loans are subject to the same risks as investments in other types of debt securities, including credit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk and valuation risk (which may be heightened because of the limited public information available regarding senior loans and because
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Investment Objective, Policies, Risks and Effects of Leverage (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
loan borrowers may be leveraged and tend to be more adversely affected by changes in market or economic conditions). Further, no active trading market may exist for certain senior loans, which may impair the ability of the Fund to realize full value in the event of the need to sell a senior loan and which may make it difficult to value senior loans. Senior loans may not be considered “securities” and the Fund may not be entitled to rely on the anti-fraud protections of the federal securities laws.
In the event a borrower fails to pay scheduled interest or principal payments on a senior loan held by the Fund, the Fund will experience a reduction in its income and a decline in the value of the senior loan, which will likely reduce dividends and lead to a decline in the net asset value of the Fund’s common shares. If the Fund acquires a senior loan from another lender, for example, by acquiring a participation, the Fund may also be subject to credit risks with respect to that lender. Although senior loans may be secured by specific collateral, the value of the collateral may not equal the Fund’s investment when the senior loan is acquired or may decline below the principal amount of the senior loan subsequent to the Fund’s investment. Also, to the extent that collateral consists of stock of the borrower or its subsidiaries or affiliates, the Fund bears the risk that the stock may decline in value, be relatively illiquid, and/or may lose all or substantially all of its value, causing the senior loan to be under collateralized. Therefore, the liquidation of the collateral underlying a senior loan may not satisfy the issuer’s obligation to the Fund in the event of non-payment of scheduled interest or principal, and the collateral may not be readily liquidated.
The senior loan market has seen a significant increase in loans with weaker lender protections including, but not limited to, limited financial maintenance covenants or, in some cases, no financial maintenance covenants (i.e., “covenant-lite loans”) that would typically be included in a traditional loan agreement and general weakening of other restrictive covenants applicable to the borrower such as limitations on incurrence of additional debt, restrictions on payments of junior debt or restrictions on dividends and distributions. Weaker lender protections such as the absence of financial maintenance covenants in a loan agreement and the inclusion of “borrower-favorable” terms may impact recovery values and/or trading levels of senior loans in the future. The absence of financial maintenance covenants in a loan agreement generally means that the lender may not be able to declare a default if financial performance deteriorates. This may hinder the Fund’s ability to reprice credit risk associated with a particular borrower and reduce the Fund’s ability to restructure a problematic loan and mitigate potential loss. As a result, the Fund’s exposure to losses on investments in senior loans may be increased, especially during a downturn in the credit cycle or changes in market or economic conditions.
Tax Risk. Changes in tax laws or regulations, or interpretations thereof in the future, could adversely affect the Fund or the MLPs, MLP-related entities and other energy sector and energy utility companies in which the Fund invests. A change in current tax law, a change in the business of a given MLP, or a change in the types of income earned by a given MLP could result in an MLP being treated as a corporation for United States federal income tax purposes, which would result in such MLP being required to pay United States federal income tax on its taxable income. Recent events have caused some MLPs to be reclassified or restructured as corporations. The classification of an MLP as a corporation for United States federal income tax purposes has the effect of reducing the amount of cash available for distribution by the MLP and causing any such distributions received by the Fund to be taxed as dividend income to the extent of the MLP’s current or accumulated earnings and profits.
A reduction in the percentage of the income offset by tax deductions or an increase in sales of the Fund’s MLP holdings that result in capital gains will reduce that portion of the Fund’s distribution from an MLP treated as a return of capital and increase that portion treated as income, and may result in lower after-tax distributions to the Fund’s common shareholders. On the other hand, to the extent a distribution received by the Fund from an MLP is treated as a return of capital, the Fund’s adjusted tax basis in the interests of the MLP may be reduced, which will result in an increase in the amount of income or gain or decrease in the amount of loss that will be recognized by the Fund for tax purposes upon the sale of any such interests.
United Kingdom Risk. The Fund is subject to certain risks specifically associated with investments in the securities of United Kingdom issuers. Investments in issuers located in the United Kingdom may subject the Fund to regulatory, political, currency, security, and economic risk specific to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has one of the largest economies in Europe, and the United States, China and other European countries are substantial trading partners of the United Kingdom. As a result, the British economy may be impacted by changes to the economic health of the United States, China and other European countries. The United Kingdom’s official departure from the European Union (commonly referred to as “Brexit”) led to volatility in global financial markets, in particular those of the United Kingdom and across Europe, and the weakening in political, regulatory, consumer, corporate and financial confidence in the United Kingdom and Europe. Given the size and importance of the United Kingdom’s economy, uncertainty or unpredictability about its legal, political and/or economic relationships with Europe has been, and may continue to be, a source of instability and could lead to significant currency fluctuations and other adverse effects on international markets and international trade even under the post-Brexit trade guidelines. The negative impact of Brexit on not only the United Kingdom and European economies, but the broader global economy, could be significant, potentially resulting in increased volatility and illiquidity and lower economic growth for companies that rely significantly on Europe for their business activities and revenues. It is not currently possible to determine the extent of the impact that Brexit may have on the Fund’s investments and this uncertainty could
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Investment Objective, Policies, Risks and Effects of Leverage (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
negatively impact current and future economic conditions in the United Kingdom and other countries, which could negatively impact the value of the Fund’s investments.
Utilities Risk. Utility companies include companies producing or providing gas, electricity or water. These companies are subject to the risk of the imposition of rate caps, increased competition due to deregulation, the difficulty in obtaining an adequate return on invested capital or in financing large construction projects, the limitations on operations and increased costs and delays attributable to environmental considerations and the capital market’s ability to absorb utility debt. In addition, in many regions, including the United States, the utility industry is experiencing increasing competitive pressures, primarily in wholesale markets, as a result of consumer demand, technological advances, greater availability of natural gas with respect to electric utility companies and other factors. Taxes, government regulation, international politics, price and supply fluctuations, volatile interest rates and energy conservation also may negatively affect utility companies.
Valuation Risk. The valuation of senior loans may carry more risk than that of common stock. Because the secondary market for senior loans is limited, it may be difficult to value the loans held by the Fund. Market quotations may not be readily available for some senior loans and valuation may require more research than for liquid securities. In addition, elements of judgment may play a greater role in the valuation of senior loans than for securities with a secondary market, because there is less reliable objective data available. These difficulties may lead to inaccurate asset pricing.
Effects of Leverage
The aggregate principal amount of borrowings under the BNP Paribas Facility represented 26.89% of the Total Assets as of November 30, 2023. Asset coverage with respect to the borrowings under the BNP Paribas Facility was 371.83% as of November 30, 2023, and the Fund had $17,450,000 of unutilized funds available for borrowing under the BNP Paribas Facility as of that date. The total amount of borrowings that may be outstanding at any one time under the BNP Paribas Facility is $45,000,000. The interest rate under the BNP Paribas Facility is equal to SOFR plus 95 basis points.  As of November 30, 2023, the rate was 6.26%. As of November 30, 2023, the Fund had $27,550,000 outstanding under the BNP Paribas Facility. The Fund only pays a commitment fee of 0.55% on the undrawn amount when the outstanding debt is less than 80% of the maximum commitment amount.  The total annual interest and fee rate as of November 30, 2023 was 6.61%. 
Assuming that the Leverage Instruments will represent approximately 26.89% of the Fund’s Total Assets and pay dividends or interest at an annual combined average rate of 6.61%, the income generated by the Fund’s portfolio (net of estimated expenses) must exceed 1.78% in order to cover the dividend or interest payments specifically related to the Leverage Instruments.  Of course, these numbers are merely estimates used for illustration.  Actual dividend or interest rates on the Leverage Instruments will vary frequently and may be significantly higher or lower than the rate estimated above.
The following table is furnished in response to requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  It is designed to illustrate the effect of leverage on Common Share total return, assuming investment portfolio total returns (comprised of income and changes in the value of securities held in the Fund’s portfolio) of -10%, -5%, 0%, 5% and 10%.  These assumed investment portfolio returns are hypothetical figures and are not necessarily indicative of the investment portfolio returns experienced or expected to be experienced by the Fund.
The table further assumes Leverage Instruments representing 26.89% of the Fund’s capital, net of expenses, and the Fund’s currently projected annual Leverage Instrument expense of 6.61%.
Assumed Portfolio Total Return (Net of Expenses)

-10% -5% 0% 5% 10%
Common Share Total Return

-16.11% -9.27% -2.43% 4.41% 11.25%
Common Share total return is composed of two elements: the Common Share dividends paid by the Fund (the amount of which is largely determined by the net investment income of the Fund after paying dividends or interest on its Leverage Instruments) and gains or losses on the value of the securities the Fund owns. As required by Securities and Exchange Commission rules, the table above assumes that the Fund is more likely to suffer capital losses than to enjoy capital appreciation. For example, to assume a total return of 0% the Fund must assume that the distributions it receives on its portfolio securities is entirely offset by losses in the value of those portfolio securities.
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Board of Trustees and Officers
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
The following tables identify the Trustees and Officers of the Fund. Unless otherwise indicated, the address of all persons is 120 East Liberty Drive, Suite 400, Wheaton, IL 60187.
Name, Year of Birth and Position with the Fund Term of Office and Year First Elected or Appointed(1) Principal Occupations
During Past 5 Years
Number of Portfolios in the First Trust Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee Other Trusteeships or Directorships Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years
Richard E. Erickson, Trustee
• Three Year Term• Since Fund Inception Retired; Physician, Edward-Elmhurst Medical Group (2021 to September 2023); Physician and Officer, Wheaton Orthopedics (1990 to 2021) 256 None
Thomas R. Kadlec, Trustee
• Three Year Term• Since Fund Inception Retired; President, ADM Investor Services, Inc. (Futures Commission Merchant) (2010 to July 2022) 256 Director, National Futures Association and ADMIS Singapore Ltd.; Formerly, Director of ADM Investor Services, Inc., ADM Investor Services International, ADMIS Hong Kong Ltd., and Futures Industry Association
Denise M. Keefe, Trustee
• Three Year Term• Since 2021 Executive Vice President, Advocate Aurora Health and President, Advocate Aurora Continuing Health Division (Integrated Healthcare System) 256 Director and Board Chair of Advocate Home Health Services, Advocate Home Care Products and Advocate Hospice; Director and Board Chair of Aurora At Home (since 2018); Director of Advocate Physician Partners Accountable Care Organization; Director of RML Long Term Acute Care Hospitals; Director of Senior Helpers (since 2021); and Director of MobileHelp (since 2022)
Robert F. Keith, Trustee
• Three Year Term• Since June 2006 President, Hibs Enterprises (Financial and Management Consulting) 256 Formerly, Director of Trust Company of Illinois
Niel B. Nielson, Trustee
• Three Year Term• Since Fund Inception Senior Advisor (2018 to Present), Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer (2015 to 2018), Pelita Harapan Educational Foundation (Educational Products and Services) 256 None
(1) Currently, Denise M. Keefe and Robert F. Keith, as Class I Trustees, are serving as trustees until the Fund’s 2026 annual meeting of shareholders. Richard E. Erickson, Thomas R. Kadlec, and Bronwyn Wright as Class II Trustees, are serving as trustees until the Fund’s 2024 annual meeting of shareholders. James A. Bowen, Niel B. Nielson, and Bronwyn Wright, as Class III Trustees, are serving as trustees until the Fund’s 2025 annual meeting of shareholders.
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Board of Trustees and Officers (Continued)
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
Name, Year of Birth and Position with the Fund Term of Office and Year First Elected or Appointed(1) Principal Occupations
During Past 5 Years
Number of Portfolios in the First Trust Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee Other Trusteeships or Directorships Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years
Bronwyn Wright, Trustee
• Three Year Term• Since 2023 Independent Director to a number of Irish collective investment funds (2009 to Present); Various roles at international affiliates of Citibank (1994 to 2009), including Managing Director, Citibank Europe plc and Head of Securities and Fund Services, Citi Ireland (2007 to 2009) 232 None
James A. Bowen(2), Trustee and
Chairman of the Board
• Three Year Term• Since Fund Inception Chief Executive Officer, First Trust Advisors L.P. and First Trust Portfolios L.P.; Chairman of the Board of Directors, BondWave LLC (Software Development Company) and Stonebridge Advisors LLC (Investment Advisor) 256 None
Name and Year of Birth Position and Offices with Fund Term of Office and Length of Service Principal Occupations
During Past 5 Years
James M. Dykas
President and Chief Executive Officer • Indefinite Term

• Since 2016
Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer, First Trust Advisors L.P. and First Trust Portfolios L.P.; Chief Financial Officer, BondWave LLC (Software Development Company) and Stonebridge Advisors LLC (Investment Advisor)
Derek D. Maltbie
Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accounting Officer • Indefinite Term

• Since 2023
Senior Vice President, First Trust Advisors L.P. and First Trust Portfolios L.P., July 2021 to Present. Previously, Vice President, First Trust Advisors L.P. and First Trust Portfolios L.P., 2014 to 2021.
W. Scott Jardine
Secretary and Chief Legal Officer • Indefinite Term

• Since Fund Inception
General Counsel, First Trust Advisors L.P. and First Trust Portfolios L.P.; Secretary and General Counsel, BondWave LLC; Secretary, Stonebridge Advisors LLC
Daniel J. Lindquist
Vice President • Indefinite Term

• Since December 2005
Managing Director, First Trust Advisors L.P. and First Trust Portfolios L.P.
Kristi A. Maher
Chief Compliance Officer and Assistant Secretary • Indefinite Term

• Chief Compliance Officer Since January 2011• Assistant Secretary Since Fund Inception
Deputy General Counsel, First Trust Advisors L.P. and First Trust Portfolios L.P.
(2) Mr. Bowen is deemed an “interested person” of the Fund due to his position as CEO of First Trust Advisors L.P., investment advisor of the Fund.
(3) The term “officer” means the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, controller or any other officer who performs a policy making function.
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Privacy Policy
Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (MFD)
November 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
Privacy Policy
First Trust values our relationship with you and considers your privacy an important priority in maintaining that relationship. We are committed to protecting the security and confidentiality of your personal information.
Sources of Information
We collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:
Information we receive from you and your broker-dealer, investment professional or financial representative through interviews, applications, agreements or other forms;
Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates or others;
Information we receive from your inquiries by mail, e-mail or telephone; and
Information we collect on our website through the use of “cookies.” For example, we may identify the pages on our website that your browser requests or visits.
Information Collected
The type of data we collect may include your name, address, social security number, age, financial status, assets, income, tax information, retirement and estate plan information, transaction history, account balance, payment history, investment objectives, marital status, family relationships and other personal information.
Disclosure of Information
We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our customers or former customers to anyone, except as permitted by law. In addition to using this information to verify your identity (as required under law), the permitted uses may also include the disclosure of such information to unaffiliated companies for the following reasons:
In order to provide you with products and services and to effect transactions that you request or authorize, we may disclose your personal information as described above to unaffiliated financial service providers and other companies that perform administrative or other services on our behalf, such as transfer agents, custodians and trustees, or that assist us in the distribution of investor materials such as trustees, banks, financial representatives, proxy services, solicitors and printers.
We may release information we have about you if you direct us to do so, if we are compelled by law to do so, or in other legally limited circumstances (for example to protect your account from fraud).
In addition, in order to alert you to our other financial products and services, we may share your personal information within First Trust.
Use of Website Analytics
We currently use third party analytics tools, Google Analytics and AddThis, to gather information for purposes of improving First Trust’s website and marketing our products and services to you. These tools employ cookies, which are small pieces of text stored in a file by your web browser and sent to websites that you visit, to collect information, track website usage and viewing trends such as the number of hits, pages visited, videos and PDFs viewed and the length of user sessions in order to evaluate website performance and enhance navigation of the website.  We may also collect other anonymous information, which is generally limited to technical and web navigation information such as the IP address of your device, internet browser type and operating system for purposes of analyzing the data to make First Trust’s website better and more useful to our users.  The information collected does not include any personal identifiable information such as your name, address, phone number or email address unless you provide that information through the website for us to contact you in order to answer your questions or respond to your requests. To find out how to opt-out of these services click on:  Google Analytics and AddThis.
Confidentiality and Security
With regard to our internal security procedures, First Trust restricts access to your nonpublic personal information to those First Trust employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your nonpublic personal information.
Policy Updates and Inquiries
As required by federal law, we will notify you of our privacy policy annually. We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time, however, if we do change it, we will tell you promptly. For questions about our policy, or for additional copies of this notice, please go to www.ftportfolios.com, or contact us at 1-800-621-1675 (First Trust Portfolios) or 1-800-222-6822 (First Trust Advisors).
March 2023
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First Trust Advisors L.P.
120 East Liberty Drive, Suite 400
Wheaton, IL 60187
Delaware Investments Fund Advisers
100 Independence
610 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Computershare, Inc.
P.O. Box 43006
Providence, RI 02940
The Bank of New York Mellon
240 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10286
Deloitte & Touche LLP
111 S. Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606
Chapman and Cutler LLP
320 South Canal Street
Chicago, IL 60606


Item 2. Code of Ethics.

(a) The registrant, as of the end of the period covered by this report, has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party.
(c) There have been no amendments, during the period covered by this report, to a provision of the code of ethics that applies to the registrant's principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party, and that relates to any element of the code of ethics description.
(d) The registrant has not granted any waivers, including an implicit waiver, from a provision of the code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party, that relates to one or more of the items set forth in paragraph (b) of this item’s instructions.
(e) Not applicable.
(f) A copy of the code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller is filed as an exhibit pursuant to Item 13(a)(1).

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.

As of the end of the period covered by the report, the registrant’s board of trustees has determined that Thomas R. Kadlec, Robert F. Keith and Bronwyn Wright are qualified to serve as audit committee financial experts serving on its audit committee and that each of them is “independent,” as defined by Item 3 of Form N-CSR.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

(a) Audit Fees (Registrant) -- The aggregate fees billed for each of the last two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for the audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements or services that are normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal years were $51,000 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022 and $51,000 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023.

(b) Audit-Related Fees (Registrant) -- The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for assurance and related services by the principal accountant that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit of the registrant’s financial statements and are not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022 and $0 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023.

Audit-Related Fees (Investment Advisor) -- The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for assurance and related services by the principal accountant that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit of the registrant’s financial statements and are not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022 and $0 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023.

(c) Tax Fees (Registrant) -- The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning to the registrant were $41,250 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022 and $32,769 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023. These fees were for tax consultation and/or tax return preparation and professional services rendered for PFIC (Passive Foreign Investment Company) Identification Services.

Tax Fees (Investment Advisor) -- The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning to the registrant’s advisor were $0 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022 and $0 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023.

(d) All Other Fees (Registrant) -- The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for products and services provided by the principal accountant to the registrant, other than the services reported in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022 and $0 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023.

All Other Fees (Investment Advisor) -- The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for products and services provided by the principal accountant to the registrant’s investment advisor, other than the services reported in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022 and $0 for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023.

(e)(1) Disclose the audit committee’s pre-approval policies and procedures described in paragraph (c) (7) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

Pursuant to its charter and its Audit and Non-Audit Services Pre-Approval Policy, the Audit Committee (the “Committee”) is responsible for the pre-approval of all audit services and permitted non-audit services (including the fees and terms thereof) to be performed for the registrant by its independent auditors. The Chairman of the Committee is authorized to give such pre-approvals on behalf of the Committee up to $25,000 and report any such pre-approval to the full Committee.

The Committee is also responsible for the pre-approval of the independent auditor’s engagements for non-audit services with the registrant’s advisor (not including a sub-advisor whose role is primarily portfolio management and is sub-contracted or overseen by another investment advisor) and any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with the investment advisor that provides ongoing services to the registrant, if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the registrant, subject to the de minimis exceptions for non-audit services described in Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X. If the independent auditor has provided non-audit services to the registrant’s advisor (other than any sub-advisor whose role is primarily portfolio management and is sub-contracted with or overseen by another investment advisor) and any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with the investment advisor that provides ongoing services to the registrant that were not pre-approved pursuant to its policies, the Committee will consider whether the provision of such non-audit services is compatible with the auditor’s independence.

(e)(2) The percentage of services described in each of paragraphs (b) through (d) for the registrant and the registrant’s investment advisor of this Item that were approved by the audit committee pursuant to the pre-approval exceptions included in paragraph (c)(7)(i)(c) or paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X are as follows:

(b) 0%

(c) 0%

(d) 0%

(f) The percentage of hours expended on the principal accountant’s engagement to audit the registrant’s financial statements for the most recent fiscal year that were attributed to work performed by persons other than the principal accountant’s full-time, permanent employees was less than fifty


(g) The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant’s accountant for services rendered to the registrant, and rendered to the registrant’s investment advisor (not including any sub-advisor whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment advisor), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the advisor that provides ongoing services to the registrant for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022 were $41,250 for the registrant and $0 for the registrant’s investment advisor, and for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023 were $32,769 for the registrant and $44,000 for the registrant’s investment advisor.

(h) The registrant’s audit committee of its Board of Trustees has determined that the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the registrant’s investment advisor (not including any sub-advisor whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment advisor), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment advisor that provides ongoing services to the registrant that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence.

(i) Not applicable.

(j) Not applicable

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

(a) The registrant has a separately designated standing audit committee established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 consisting of all the independent directors of the registrant. The audit committee of the registrant is comprised of: Richard E. Erickson, Thomas R. Kadlec, Denise M. Keefe, Robert F. Keith, Niel B. Nielson and Bronwyn Wright.

Item 6. Investments.

(a) Schedule of Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers as of the close of the reporting period is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this form.
(b) Not applicable.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

The Proxy Voting Policies are attached herewith.

Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

(a)(1) Identification of Portfolio Manager(s) or Management Team Members and Description of Role of Portfolio Manager(s) or Management Team Members

Information provided as of November 30, 2023

Delaware Investments Fund Advisers (“DIFA”) serves as the registrant’s sub-advisor, a series of Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust.

Anthony Felton, CFA, Fund Co-Portfolio Manager

Anthony Felton is a founding member of Macquarie’s Global Listed Infrastructure Securities business, joining the firm in 2004. He has more than 16 years of experience as a global listed infrastructure investor and 10 years of experience as a portfolio manager for Macquarie’s Global Listed Infrastructure strategies. Felton has significant experience in the analysis of regulated infrastructure companies, such as water, electricity, and gas distribution assets, as well as user demand infrastructure assets such as airports, toll roads, and rail as well as energy and communications infrastructure. He has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of New South Wales.

Adam H. Brown, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager

Adam H. Brown is a Senior Portfolio Manager for the firm’s high yield strategies within Macquarie Asset Management Fixed Income (MFI). He manages MFI’s bank loan portfolios and is a co-portfolio manager for the high yield, fixed rate multisector, and core plus strategies. Brown joined Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) in April 2011 as part of the firm’s integration of Macquarie Four Corners Capital Management, where he had worked since 2002. At Four Corners, he was a co-portfolio manager on the firm’s collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) and a senior research analyst supporting noninvestment grade portfolios. Before that, Brown was with the predecessor of Wells Fargo Securities, where he worked in the leveraged finance group arranging senior secured bank loans and high yield bond financings for financial sponsors and corporate issuers. He earned an MBA from the A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University and a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Florida.

Name Title Length of Service Business Experience Past 5 Years
Anthony Felton Fund Co-Portfolio Manager 24 years Anthony Felton joined Macquarie Group in February 2004 and the MAM Infrastructure Securities team in June 2004. He is a portfolio manager of several funds in the MAM Global Infrastructure Securities Strategy, including MFD for the past 5 years.
Adam H. Brown Portfolio Manager 25 years Adam H. Brown is a senior portfolio manager and co-head of the firm high yield strategies.  He manages the bank loan portfolios and is a co-portfolio manager for the high yield, fixed rate multisector, and core plus strategies.


(a)(2) Other Accounts Managed by Portfolio Manager(s) or Management Team Member and Potential Conflicts of Interest

Information provided as of November 30, 2023

Other Accounts Managed by Portfolio Manager(s) or Management Team Member

Name of Portfolio Manager or

Team Member


Type of Accounts



No. of Accounts



Total Assets


No. of Accounts where Advisory Fee is Based on Performance


Total Assets in Accounts where Advisory Fee is Based on Performance


Anthony Felton Registered Investment Companies: 3 $695,441,897 0 $0
  Other Pooled Investment Vehicles: 9 $894,586,396 0 $0
  Other Accounts: 7 $860,564,231 0 $0
Adam H. Brown Registered Investment Companies 8 $4,439,821,626 0 0
  Other Pooled Investment Vehicles 3 $411,549,803 0 0
  Other Accounts 4 $180,786,222 0 0


Potential Conflicts of Interests

MAM has policies and procedures in place that govern the manner in which allocations of trades will be handled should MAM effect purchases or sales of the same security for different clients. These procedures address circumstances in which separate purchase or sale orders for the same security are placed for two or more clients, and additionally when purchase or sale orders for the same security are aggregated. MAM policies detail specific conditions that must be met when aggregating purchase or sale orders for the same security for two or more clients. The Portfolio Manager is responsible for allocating investment opportunities and aggregating orders consistently with the procedures and a periodic, but at least quarterly, review by the Chief Compliance Officer of MAM (or designee) is required.

A portfolio manager's management of personal accounts also may present certain conflicts of interest. While the Manager's code of ethics is designed to address these potential conflicts, there is no guarantee that it will do so.

(a)(3) Compensation Structure of Portfolio Manager(s) or Management Team Members

Information provided as of November 30, 2023

For Mr. Felton and Mr. Brown:

The portfolio’s manager’s compensation consists of the following: (1) fixed remuneration in the form of a base salary; (2) variable (at risk) performance pay in the form of an annual profit share allocation; and (3) long term equity based incentives. Fixed remuneration takes into consideration the role of the individuals and market conditions. Remuneration is reviewed on a yearly basis in March/May and takes effect from July of that year. Aggregate staff profit share is linked to Macquarie Group’s profitability and return on ordinary equity, with the allocation of individual profit share being based on factors including contribution to profit, use of capital, funding and risk. Macquarie Group operates profit share retention arrangements for employees meeting certain pay thresholds, to ensure an appropriate balance between short and long-term incentives. Retained profit share is invested in the Macquarie Employee Retained Equity Plan (MEREP) to further align employee and shareholder interests as well as enhance Macquarie Group’s ability to attract and retain high caliber talent.

Compensation is not directly based on the pre or post tax performance of the Fund over a certain period. However, performance of the Fund could be part of a number of factors that are taken into account when determining compensation. If the Portfolio Manager’s or the Management Team’s bonus is over a certain amount, a portion of that bonus may be deferred and may be paid out in the future in up to four equal installments.

(a)(4) Disclosure of Securities Ownership

The information below is as of November 30, 2023

Name Dollar ($) Range of Fund
Shares Beneficially Owned
Anthony Felton None
Adam H. Brown None


Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.

Not applicable.

Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

There have been no material changes to the procedures by which the shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s board of directors, where those changes were implemented after the registrant last provided disclosure in response to the requirements of Item 407(c)(2)(iv) of Regulation S-K (17 CFR 229.407) (as required by Item 22(b)(15) of Schedule 14A (17 CFR 240.14a-101)), or this Item.

Item 11. Controls and Procedures.

(a) The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (17 CFR 270.30a-3(c))) are effective, as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of the report that includes the disclosure required by this paragraph, based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(b)) and Rules 13a-15(b) or 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (17 CFR 240.13a-15(b) or 240.15d-15(b)).


(b) There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(d)) that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12. Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

(a) Not applicable.
(b) Not applicable.

Item 13. Exhibits.

(a)(1) Code of ethics, or any amendment thereto, that is the subject of disclosure required by Item 2 is attached hereto.


(a)(2) Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(a) under the 1940 Act and Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto.


(a)(3) Not applicable.


(a)(4) Not applicable.


(b) Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the 1940 Act and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto.


(c) Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies as required by Item 7 is attached hereto.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


(registrant)   Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund
By (Signature and Title)*   /s/ James M. Dykas
    James M. Dykas, President and Chief Executive Officer
(principal executive officer)
Date:   February 8, 2024  

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title)*   /s/ James M. Dykas
    James M. Dykas, President and Chief Executive Officer
(principal executive officer)
Date:   February 8, 2024  
By (Signature and Title)*   /s/ Derek D. Maltbie
    Derek D. Maltbie, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer
and Chief Accounting Officer
(principal financial officer)
Date:   February 8, 2024  

* Print the name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.





I. Introduction

This code of conduct is being adopted by the investment companies advised by First Trust Advisors L.P., from time to time, (the "FUNDS"). The reputation and integrity of the Funds are valuable assets that are vital to the Funds' success. Each officer of the Funds, and officers and employees of the investment adviser to the Funds who work on Fund matters, including each of the Funds' senior financial officers ("SFOS"), is responsible for conducting each Fund's business in a manner that demonstrates a commitment to the highest standards of integrity. SFOs include the Principal Executive Officer (who is the President), the Controller (who is the principal accounting officer), and the Treasurer (who is the principal financial officer), and any person who performs a similar function.

The Funds, First Trust Advisors L.P. and First Trust Portfolios have adopted Codes of Ethics under Rule 17j-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "RULE 17J-1 CODE"). These Codes of Ethics are designed to prevent certain conflicts of interest that may arise when officers, employees, or directors of the Funds and the foregoing entities know about present or future Fund transactions and/or have the power to influence those transactions, and engage in transactions with respect to those same securities in their personal account(s) or otherwise take advantage of their position and knowledge with respect to those securities. In an effort to prevent these conflicts and in accordance with Rule 17j-1, the Funds adopted their Rule 17j-1 Code to prohibit transactions and conduct that create conflicts of interest, and to establish compliance procedures.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was designed to address corporate malfeasance and to help assure investors that the companies in which they invest are accurately and completely disclosing financial information. Under Section 406 of the Act, all public companies (including the Funds) must either have a code of ethics for their SFOs, or disclose why they do not. The Act was intended to prevent future situations (such as occurred in well-reported situations involving such companies as Enron and WorldCom) where a company creates an environment in which employees are afraid to express their opinions or to question unethical and potentially illegal business practices.

The Funds have chosen to adopt a senior financial officer Code of Conduct to encourage their SFOs, and other Fund officers and employees of First Trust Advisors or First Trust Portfolios to act ethically and to question potentially unethical or illegal practices, and to strive to ensure that the Funds' financial disclosures are complete, accurate, and understandable.



II. Purposes of This Code of Conduct

The purposes of this Code are:

A. To promote honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships;

B. To promote full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that the Funds file with, or submits to, the SEC and in other public communications the Funds make;

C. To promote compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations;

D. To encourage the prompt internal reporting to an appropriate person of violations of the Code; and

E. To establish accountability for adherence to the Code.

III. Questions About This Code

The Funds' Boards of Trustees have designated W. Scott Jardine or other appropriate officer designated by the President of the respective Funds to be the Compliance Coordinator for the implementation and administration of the Code.

IV. Handling of Financial Information

The Funds have adopted guidelines under which its SFOs perform their duties. However, the Funds expect that all officers or employees of the adviser or distributor who participate in the preparation of any part of any Fund's financial statements follow these guidelines with respect to each Fund:

A. Act with honesty and integrity and avoid violations of this Code, including actual or apparent conflicts of interest with the Fund in personal and professional relationships.

B. Disclose to the Fund's Compliance Coordinator any material transaction or relationship that reasonably could be expected to give rise to any violations of the Code, including actual or apparent conflicts of interest with the Fund. You should disclose these transactions or relationships whether you are involved or have only observed the transaction or relationship. If it is not possible to disclose the matter to the Compliance Coordinator, it should be disclosed to the Fund's Principal Financial Officer or Principal Executive Officer.



C. Provide information to the Fund's other officers and appropriate employees of service providers (adviser, administrator, outside auditor, outside counsel, custodian, etc.) that is accurate, complete, objective, relevant, timely, and understandable.

D. Endeavor to ensure full, fair, timely, accurate, and understandable disclosure in the Fund's periodic reports.

E. Comply with the federal securities laws and other applicable laws and rules, such as the Internal Revenue Code.

F. Act in good faith, responsibly, and with due care, competence and diligence, without misrepresenting material facts or allowing your independent judgment to be subordinated.

G. Respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of your work except when you have Fund approval to disclose it or where disclosure is otherwise legally mandated. You may not use confidential information acquired in the course of your work for personal advantage.

H. Share and maintain skills important and relevant to the Fund's needs.

I. Proactively promote ethical behavior among peers in your work environment.

J. Responsibly use and control all assets and resources employed or entrusted to you.

K. Record or participate in the recording of entries in the Fund's books and records that are accurate to the best of your knowledge.

V. Waivers of This Code

SFOs and other parties subject to this Code may request a waiver of a provision of this Code (or certain provisions of the Fund's Rule 17j-1 Code) by submitting their request in writing to the Compliance Coordinator for appropriate review. An executive officer of the Fund or the Audit Committee will decide whether to grant a waiver. All waivers of this Code must be disclosed to the Fund's shareholders to the extent required by SEC rules. A good faith interpretation of the provisions of this Code, however, shall not constitute a waiver.

VI. Annual Certification

Each SFO will be asked to certify on an annual basis that he/she is in full compliance with the Code and any related policy statements.



VII. Reporting Suspected Violations

A. SFOs or other officers of the Funds or employees of the First Trust group who work on Fund matters who observe, learn of, or, in good faith, suspect a violation of the Code MUST immediately report the violation to the Compliance Coordinator, another member of the Funds' or First Trust's senior management, or to the Audit Committee of the Fund Board. An example of a possible Code violation is the preparation and filing of financial disclosure that omits material facts, or that is accurate but is written in a way that obscures its meaning.

B. Because service providers such as an administrator, outside accounting firm, and custodian provide much of the work relating to the Funds' financial statements, you should be alert for actions by service providers that may be illegal, or that could be viewed as dishonest or unethical conduct. You should report these actions to the Compliance Coordinator even if you know, or think, that the service provider has its own code of ethics for its SFOs or employees.

C. SFOs or other officers or employees who report violations or suspected violations in good faith will not be subject to retaliation of any kind. Reported violations will be investigated and addressed promptly and will be treated confidentially to the extent possible.

VIII. Violations of The Code

A. Dishonest, unethical or illegal conduct will constitute a violation of this Code, regardless of whether this Code specifically refers to that particular conduct. A violation of this Code may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. A variety of laws apply to the Funds and their operations, including the Securities Act of 1933, the Investment Company Act of 1940, state laws relating to duties owed by Fund directors and officers, and criminal laws. The federal securities laws generally prohibit the Funds from making material misstatements in its prospectus and other documents filed with the SEC, or from omitting to state a material fact. These material misstatements and omissions include financial statements that are misleading or omit materials facts.

B. Examples of criminal violations of the law include stealing, embezzling, misapplying corporate or bank funds, making a payment for an expressed purpose on a Fund's behalf to an individual who intends to use it for a different purpose; or making payments, whether corporate or personal, of cash or other items of value that are intended to influence the judgment or actions of political candidates, government officials or businesses in connection with any of the Funds' activities. The Funds must and will report all suspected criminal violations to the appropriate authorities for possible prosecution, and will investigate, address and report, as appropriate, non-criminal violations.


Amended: June 1, 2009




Certification Pursuant to Rule 30a-2(a) under the 1940 Act and Section 302
of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act


I, James M. Dykas, certify that:

1.I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund;


2.Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


3.Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


4.The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:


(a)Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


(b)Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


(c)Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and


(d)Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and


5.The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


(a)All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and


(b)Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.


Date:   February 8, 2024   /s/ James M. Dykas  
        James M. Dykas, President and Chief Executive Officer
(principal executive officer)


Certification Pursuant to Rule 30a-2(a) under the 1940 Act and Section 302
of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act


I, Derek D. Maltbie, certify that:

1.I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund;


2.Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


3.Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


4.The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:


(a)Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


(b)Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


(c)Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and


(d)Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and


5.The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


(a)All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and


(b)Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.


Date:   February 8, 2024   /s/ Derek D. Maltbie  
        Derek D. Maltbie, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer
and Chief Accounting Officer
(principal financial officer)





Certification Pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the 1940 Act and Section 906
of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act


I, James M. Dykas, President and Chief Executive Officer of Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (the “registrant”), certify that:


1.The Form N-CSR of the registrant (the “Report”) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; and


2.The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the registrant.


Date:   February 8, 2024   /s/ James M. Dykas  
        James M. Dykas, President and Chief Executive Officer
(principal executive officer)



I, Derek D. Maltbie, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accounting Officer of Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (the “registrant”), certify that:


1.The Form N-CSR of the registrant (the “Report”) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; and


2.The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the registrant.


Date:   February 8, 2024   /s/ Derek D. Maltbie  
        Derek D. Maltbie, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer
and Chief Accounting Officer
(principal financial officer)








First Trust Advisors L.P. (“FTA”) serves as investment adviser providing discretionary investment advisory services for Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastructure/Utilities Dividend & Income Fund (the “Fund”). Delaware Investments Fund Advisers (“DIFA”) acts as a sub-adviser to the Fund. FTA has full responsibility for proxy voting and related duties with respect to the Fund. In fulfilling these duties, FTA and the Fund have adopted the following policies and procedures:

1.  It is FTA’s policy to seek to ensure that proxies for securities held by the Fund are voted consistently and solely in the best economic interests of the Fund.

2.  FTA shall be responsible for the oversight of the Fund’s proxy voting process and shall assign a senior member of its staff to be responsible for this oversight.

3.  FTA has engaged the services of Institutional Shareholder Services (“ISS”) to provide research and voting services. ISS provides a password protected website which is accessible to authorized FTA personnel to download upcoming proxy meeting data, including research reports of companies held in the Fund. FTA has adopted the ISS Proxy Voting Guidelines (the “Guidelines”).

4.  FTA shall review proxies received for the Fund and the Guidelines and forward them to DIFA for review. FTA will generally follow the Guidelines to vote Fund proxies so long as such Guidelines are considered to be in the best interests of the Proxy Client, and there are no noted or perceived conflicts of interest. FTA’s use of the Guidelines is not intended to constrain FTA’s consideration of any proxy proposal, and there are times when FTA deviates from the Guidelines. Generally, FTA will not rely on ISS Proxy Voting Guidelines to withhold votes or vote against directors solely based on (i) quota criteria or (ii) the exclusion of certain climate- related disclosures, which may or may not relate to the company’s core business or may not materially impact shareholder value. In such cases, FTA will consider such proxy voting decisions in light of merit-based considerations which it believes may impact shareholder value. In addition, FTA will vote against shareholder proposals that are not related to a company’s core business and/or do not appear to be an appropriate use of a company’s resources to maximize shareholder value. FTA retains final authority and fiduciary responsibility for proxy voting.

5.  If FTA manages the assets or pension fund of a company and any First Trust client holds any securities in that company, FTA will vote proxies relating to such company’s securities in accordance with the Guidelines to avoid any conflict of interest. In addition, if FTA has actual knowledge of any other type of material conflict of interest between itself and the Fund with respect to the voting of a proxy, FTA shall vote the applicable proxy in accordance with the Guidelines to avoid such conflict of interest.


6.  If the Fund requests FTA to follow specific voting guidelines or additional guidelines, FTA shall review the request and generally will follow such guidelines, unless FTA determines that it is unable to follow such guidelines. In such case, FTA shall inform the Fund that it is not able to honor the Fund’s request.

7.  FTA clients, in addition to the Fund, have delegated discretionary proxy voting authority to FTA. FTA votes proxies for such clients in accordance with the First Trust Advisors L.P. Proxy Voting Guidelines.

Adopted: October 3, 2004

Amended: September 9, 2019

Amended: October 12, 2022

Amended: June 5, 2023

12 Months Ended
Nov. 30, 2023
$ / shares
Cover [Abstract]  
Entity Central Index Key 0001276469
Amendment Flag false
Entity Inv Company Type N-2
Document Type N-CSR
Entity Registrant Name Macquarie/First Trust Global Infrastr/Util Div & Inc Fund
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Investment Objectives and Practices [Text Block]
Investment Objective
The Fund seeks to provide a high level of current return consisting of dividends, interest, and other similar income while attempting to preserve capital.
Principal Investment Policies
In pursuit of the Fund’s objective, the Fund seeks to manage its investments and expenses so that a significant portion of its distributions to the Fund’s common shareholders qualify as tax-advantaged dividends, subject to the continued availability of favorable tax treatment for such qualifying dividends. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in a portfolio of equity, debt, preferred or convertible securities and other instruments issued by U.S. and non-U.S. issuers (“Infrastructure Issuers”) that have as their primary focus (in terms of income and/or assets) the management, ownership and/or operation of infrastructure and utilities assets (“Infrastructure Assets”) in a select group of countries (as detailed below).
The Fund consists of two components: (1) the “Core Component” and (2) the “Senior Loan Component.” The Core Component consists primarily of equity securities and securities and instruments with equity characteristics, and other securities and instruments issued by Infrastructure Issuers (collectively, “Core Infrastructure Securities”). The Senior Loan Component consists of senior secured floating-rate U.S. dollar-denominated loans of Infrastructure Issuers (“Infrastructure Senior Loans”) from the funds raised through the Fund’s use of leverage.
As used herein, “Total Assets” generally means the average daily gross asset value of the Fund (including assets attributable to the proceeds of the Fund’s preferred shares of beneficial interest (“Preferred Shares”), if any, and the principal amount of any borrowings) minus the sum of the Fund’s accrued and unpaid dividends on any outstanding Preferred Shares and accrued liabilities (other than the principal amount of any borrowings incurred, commercial paper or notes issued by the Fund and the liquidation preference of any outstanding Preferred Shares). For the purposes of determining Total Assets, the liquidation preference of the Preferred Shares is not treated as a liability.
In pursuit of its investment objective, under normal market conditions:
The Fund seeks to invest more than 40% of its Total Assets in securities and instruments of non-U.S. Infrastructure Issuers located in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, certain European Union member countries, Switzerland, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore.
No more than 60% of the Fund’s Total Assets may be invested in securities and instruments of U.S. Infrastructure Issuers at any time.
No more than 7% of the Fund’s Total Assets may be invested in the securities and instruments of any single Infrastructure Issuer at any time.
At least 80% of the Fund’s Total Assets are intended to be invested in securities and instruments of Infrastructure Issuers that are expected to provide dividends, interest and other similar income. This investment policy cannot be changed unless the shareholders of the Fund receive at least 60 days’ prior notice of any such change.
No more than 30% of the Fund’s Total Assets may be invested in the securities and instruments of non-U.S. Infrastructure Issuers located in any one country at any time.
Up to 100% of the Fund’s Total Assets may be comprised of securities and instruments of Infrastructure Issuers that manage, own and/or operate Infrastructure Assets.
The Fund may invest up to 15% of its Total Assets in infrastructure securities in countries which are not members of the Organization for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD).
As to the Core Component:
    ○ The Fund primarily invests in listed securities and instruments of Infrastructure Issuers, however the Fund may invest up to 25% of the Core Component in unlisted securities and instruments of Infrastructure Issuers.
    ○ The Fund invests more than 50% of the Core Component (and may invest up to 100%) in securities and instruments of non-U.S. Infrastructure Issuers.

    ○ Within the Core Component, no more than 45% of the Core Infrastructure Securities may, at any time, consist of securities and instruments of U.S. Infrastructure Issuers.
As to the Senior Loan Component:
    ○ At least 80%, and up to 100%, of the Senior Loan Component consists of Infrastructure Senior Loans that are rated non-investment grade.
The Fund through the issuance of preferred shares, commercial paper or notes and/or borrowings utilizes leverage up to a maximum of 30% of the Fund’s total assets, immediately after such issuance and/or borrowing.
The Fund is authorized to enter into forward currency contracts or currency futures contracts to selectively hedge certain currencies for defensive purposes.
To the extent the Fund enters into derivatives transactions, it will do so pursuant to Rule 18f-4 under the 1940 Act. Rule 18f-4 requires the Fund to implement certain policies and procedures designed to manage its derivatives risks, dependent upon the Fund’s level of exposure to derivative instruments.
The Fund utilizes leverage through the issuance of instruments (each a “Leverage Instrument” and collectively, the “Leverage Instruments”) in an aggregate amount up to 30% of the Fund’s Total Assets immediately after such issuance and/or borrowing. The Fund expects to invest the proceeds derived from any Leverage Instrument offering in Infrastructure Senior Loans or other debt securities consistent with the Fund’s investment objective and policies. Such Infrastructure Senior Loans or other debt securities are anticipated to largely match the interest rate of the Fund’s then outstanding leverage. The Fund may also borrow money as a temporary measure for extraordinary or emergency purposes, including the payment of dividends and the settlement of securities transactions which otherwise might require untimely dispositions of Fund securities.
The Fund may lend its portfolio securities to broker-dealers and banks. Any such loan must be continuously secured by collateral in cash or cash equivalents maintained on a current basis in an amount at least equal to the market value of the securities loaned by the Fund. The Fund would continue to receive the equivalent of the interest or dividends paid by the issuer on the securities loaned, and would also receive an additional return that may be in the form of a fixed fee or a percentage of the collateral. The Fund may pay reasonable fees to persons unaffiliated with the Fund for services in arranging these loans.
The Fund may deviate from its investment guidelines from time to time as deemed appropriate under prevailing economic and market conditions to achieve its investment objective over the long-term. If any allocation of assets exceeds the applicable investment guideline, the Fund will seek to reduce the allocation as soon as practicable based on the liquidity of its assets and other market factors. The Fund may invest its assets temporarily in other investments and securities of various types pending investment or reinvestment in securities and instruments of Infrastructure Issuers. Pending investment or reinvestment, such temporary investments and securities will not be taken into account for purposes of the Fund’s allocation guidelines. For temporary defensive purposes, the Fund may depart from its principal investment strategies and invest part or all of its assets in securities with remaining maturities of less than one year or cash equivalents, or it may hold cash. During such periods, the Fund may not be able to achieve its investment objective.
Fundamental Investment Policies
The Fund, as a fundamental policy, may not:
1. Issue senior securities, as defined in the 19040 Act, other than (i) preferred shares which immediately after issuance will have asset coverage of at least 200%, (ii) indebtedness which immediately after issuance will have asset coverage of at least 300%, or (iii) the borrowings permitted by investment restriction (2) set forth below;
2. Borrow money, except as permitted by the 1940 Act;
3. Act as underwriter of another issuer’s securities, except to the extent that the Fund may be deemed to be an underwriter within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 in connection with the purchase and sale of portfolio securities;
4. Purchase or sell real estate, but this shall not prevent the Fund from investing in securities of companies that deal in real estate or are engaged in the real estate business, including real estate investment trusts, and securities secured by real estate or interests therein and the Fund may hold and sell real estate or mortgages on real estate acquired through default, liquidation, or other distributions of an interest in real estate as a result of the Fund’s ownership of such securities;
5. Purchase or sell physical commodities unless acquired as a result of ownership of securities or other instruments (but this shall not prevent the Fund from purchasing or selling options, futures contracts, derivative instruments or from investing in securities or other instruments backed by physical commodities);

6. Make loans of funds or other assets, other than by entering into repurchase agreements, lending portfolio securities and through the purchase of securities in accordance with its investment objective, policies and limitations; or
7. Invest 25% or more of its Total Assets in securities and instruments of issuers in any single industry except to the extent the Fund invests in the infrastructure and utilities industry, provided there shall be no limitation on the purchase of obligations issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities.
The foregoing fundamental investment policies, together with the investment objective of the Fund, cannot be changed without approval by holders of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund, as defined in the 1940 Act, which includes the Fund’s common shares of beneficial interest (“Common Shares”) and preferred shares of beneficial interest (“Preferred Shares”), if any, voting together as a single class, and of the holders of the outstanding Preferred Shares voting as a single class. Under the 1940 Act a “majority of the outstanding voting securities” means the vote of: (i) 67% or more of the Fund’s shares present at a meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the Fund’s shares are present or represented by proxy; or (ii) more than 50% of the Fund’s shares, whichever is less.
Risk Factors [Table Text Block]
Principal Risks
The Fund is a closed-end management investment company designed primarily as a long-term investment and not as a trading vehicle. The Fund is not intended to be a complete investment program and, due to the uncertainty inherent in all investments, there can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. The following discussion summarizes the principal risks associated with investing in the Fund, which includes the risk that you could lose some or all of your investment in the Fund. The Fund is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940 and, in accordance therewith, files reports, proxy statements and other information that is available for review.
Canada Risk. The Fund invests in securities of Canadian issuers and is therefore subject to certain risks specifically associated with investments in the securities of Canadian issuers.  The Canadian economy is heavily dependent on the demand for natural resources and agricultural products. Canada is a major producer of commodities such as forest products, metals, agricultural products, and energy related products like oil, gas, and hydroelectricity. Accordingly, a change in the supply and demand of these resources, both domestically and internationally, can have a significant effect on Canadian market performance. Canada is a top producer of zinc and uranium and a global source of many other natural resources, such as gold, nickel, aluminum, and lead. Conditions that weaken demand for such products worldwide could have a negative impact on the Canadian economy as a whole.  Changes to the U.S. economy may significantly affect the Canadian economy because the U.S. is Canada’s largest trading partner and foreign investor. These and other factors could have a negative impact on the Fund and its investments in Canada.
Credit Agency Risk. Credit ratings are determined by credit rating agencies and are only the opinions of such entities. Ratings assigned by a rating agency are not absolute standards of credit quality and do not evaluate market risk or the liquidity of securities. Any shortcomings or inefficiencies in credit rating agencies’ processes for determining credit ratings may adversely affect the credit ratings of securities held by the Fund or such credit agency’s ability to evaluate creditworthiness and, as a result, may adversely affect those securities’ perceived or actual credit risk.
Credit and Below-Investment Grade Securities Risk. Credit risk is the risk that the issuer or other obligated party of a debt security in the Fund’s portfolio will fail to pay, or it is perceived that it will fail to pay, dividends and/or interest or repay principal, when due. Below-investment grade instruments are commonly referred to as high-yield securities or “junk” bonds and are considered speculative with respect to the issuer’s capacity to pay dividends or interest and repay principal and are more susceptible to default or decline in market value than investment grade securities due to adverse economic and business developments. High-yield securities are often unsecured and subordinated to other creditors of the issuer. The market values for high-yield securities tend to be very volatile, and these securities are generally less liquid than investment grade securities. For these reasons, an investment in the Fund is subject to the following specific risks: (i) increased price sensitivity to changing interest rates and to a deteriorating economic environment; (ii) greater risk of loss due to default or declining credit quality; (iii) adverse company specific events more likely to render the issuer unable to make dividend, interest and/or principal payments; (iv) negative perception of the high-yield market which may depress the price and liquidity of high-yield securities; (v) volatility; and (vi) liquidity.
Current Market Conditions Risk. Current market conditions risk is the risk that a particular investment, or shares of the Fund in general, may fall in value due to current market conditions. As a means to fight inflation, which remains at elevated levels, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks have raised interest rates and expect to continue to do so, and the Federal Reserve has announced that it intends to reverse previously implemented quantitative easing. U.S. regulators have proposed several changes to market and issuer regulations which would directly impact the Fund, and any regulatory changes could adversely impact the Fund’s ability to achieve its investment strategies or make certain investments. Recent and potential future bank failures could result in disruption to the broader banking industry or markets generally and reduce confidence in financial institutions and the economy as a

whole, which may also heighten market volatility and reduce liquidity. The ongoing adversarial political climate in the United States, as well as political and diplomatic events both domestic and abroad, have and may continue to have an adverse impact the U.S. regulatory landscape, markets and investor behavior, which could have a negative impact on the Fund’s investments and operations. Other unexpected political, regulatory and diplomatic events within the U.S. and abroad may affect investor and consumer confidence and may adversely impact financial markets and the broader economy. For example, in February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine which has caused and could continue to cause significant market disruptions and volatility within the markets in Russia, Europe, and the United States. The hostilities and sanctions resulting from those hostilities have and could continue to have a significant impact on certain Fund investments as well as Fund performance and liquidity. The economies of the United States and its trading partners, as well as the financial markets generally, may be adversely impacted by trade disputes and other matters. For example, the United States has imposed trade barriers and restrictions on China. In addition, the Chinese government is engaged in a longstanding dispute with Taiwan, continually threatening an invasion. If the political climate between the United States and China does not improve or continues to deteriorate, if China were to attempt invading Taiwan, or if other geopolitical conflicts develop or worsen, economies, markets and individual securities may be adversely affected, and the value of the Fund’s assets may go down. The COVID-19 global pandemic, or any future public health crisis, and the ensuing policies enacted by governments and central banks have caused and may continue to cause significant volatility and uncertainty in global financial markets, negatively impacting global growth prospects. While vaccines have been developed, there is no guarantee that vaccines will be effective against emerging future variants of the disease. As this global pandemic illustrated, such events may affect certain geographic regions, countries, sectors and industries more significantly than others. Advancements in technology may also adversely impact markets and the overall performance of the Fund. For instance, the economy may be significantly impacted by the advanced development and increased regulation of artificial intelligence. These events, and any other future events, may adversely affect the prices and liquidity of the Fund’s portfolio investments and could result in disruptions in the trading markets.
Cyber Security Risk. The Fund is susceptible to potential operational risks through breaches in cyber security. A breach in cyber security refers to both intentional and unintentional events that may cause the Fund to lose proprietary information, suffer data corruption or lose operational capacity. Such events could cause the Fund to incur regulatory penalties, reputational damage, additional compliance costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. Cyber security breaches may involve unauthorized access to the Fund’s digital information systems through “hacking” or malicious software coding, but may also result from outside attacks such as denial-of-service attacks through efforts to make network services unavailable to intended users. In addition, cyber security breaches of the Fund’s third-party service providers, such as its administrator, transfer agent, custodian, sub-advisor, or issuers in which the Fund invests, can also subject the Fund to many of the same risks associated with direct cyber security breaches. The Fund has established risk management systems designed to reduce the risks associated with cyber security. However, there is no guarantee that such efforts will succeed, especially because the Fund does not directly control the cyber security systems of issuers or third party service providers. Substantial costs may be incurred by the Fund in order to resolve or prevent cyber incidents in the future.
Equity Securities Risk. The value of the Fund’s shares will fluctuate with changes in the value of the equity securities in which the Fund invests. Prices of equity securities fluctuate for several reasons, including changes in investors’ perceptions of the financial condition of an issuer or the general condition of the relevant stock market, such as market volatility, or when political or economic events affecting the issuers occur. Common stock prices may be particularly sensitive to rising interest rates, as the cost of capital rises and borrowing costs increase. Equity securities may decline significantly in price over short or extended periods of time, and such declines may occur in the equity market as a whole, or they may occur in only a particular country, company, industry or sector of the market.
Illiquid Securities Risk. The Fund may invest in securities that are considered to be illiquid securities. Illiquid securities may be difficult to dispose of at a fair price at the times when the Fund believes it is desirable to do so.  The market price of illiquid securities generally is more volatile than that of more liquid securities, which may adversely affect the price that the Fund pays for or recovers upon the sale of such securities. Illiquid securities are also more difficult to value, especially in challenging markets.
Although the resale or secondary market for senior loans is growing, it is currently limited. There is no organized exchange or board of trade on which senior loans are traded. Instead, the secondary market for senior loans is an unregulated inter-dealer or inter-bank resale market. In addition, the senior loans in which the Fund invests may require the consent of the borrower and/or agent prior to the settlement of the sale or assignment. These consent requirements can delay or impede the Fund’s ability to settle the sale of senior loans. Depending on market conditions, the Fund may have difficulty disposing its senior loans, which may adversely impact its ability to obtain cash to repay debt, to pay dividends, to pay expenses or to take advantage of new investment opportunities.
Inflation Risk. Certain of the Fund’s investments are subject to inflation risk. Inflation risk is the risk that the value of assets or income from investments will be worth less in the future as inflation decreases the value of money. As inflation increases, the present value of the Fund’s assets and distributions may decline.  This risk is more prevalent with respect to debt securities.  Inflation creates

uncertainty over the future real value (after inflation) of an investment. Inflation rates may change frequently and drastically as a result of various factors, including unexpected shifts in the domestic or global economy, and the Fund’s investments may not keep pace with inflation, which may result in losses to Fund investors.
Infrastructure and Industry Concentration Risk. Given the Fund’s concentration in the infrastructure industry, the Fund is more susceptible to adverse economic or regulatory occurrences affecting that industry than an investment company that is not concentrated in a single industry. Infrastructure issuers, including utilities and companies involved in infrastructure projects, may be subject to a variety of factors that may adversely affect their business or operations, including high interest costs in connection with capital construction programs, high leverage costs associated with environmental and other regulations, the effects of economic slowdown, surplus capacity, increased competition from other providers of services, uncertainties concerning the availability of fuel at reasonable prices, the effects of energy conservation policies, increased regulation and other factors.
In addition, infrastructure assets can have a substantial environmental impact. Ordinary operation or an accident with respect to such assets could cause major environmental damage which could cause the owner of such assets significant financial distress. Community and environmental groups may protest about the development or operation of infrastructure assets, and these protests may induce government action to the detriment of the owner of the infrastructure asset.
Interest Rate Risk. Interest rate risk is the risk that securities will decline in value because of changes in market interest rates. The yield on the Fund’s common shares will tend to rise or fall as market interest rates rise and fall, as senior loans pay interest at rates which float in response to changes in market rates. Changes in prevailing interest rates can be expected to cause some fluctuation in the Fund’s net asset value. Similarly, a sudden and significant increase in market interest rates may cause a decline in the Fund’s net asset value.
Leverage Risk. The use of leverage by the Fund can magnify the effect of any losses. If the income and gains from the securities and investments purchased with leverage proceeds do not cover the cost of leverage, the return to the common shares will be less than if leverage had not been used. Leverage involves risks and special considerations for common shareholders including: (i) the likelihood of greater volatility of net asset value and market price of the common shares than a comparable portfolio without leverage; (ii) the risk that fluctuations in interest rates on borrowings will reduce the return to the common shareholders or will result in fluctuations in the dividends paid on the common shares; (iii) in a declining market, the use of leverage is likely to cause a greater decline in the net asset value of the common shares than if the Fund was not leveraged, which may result in a greater decline in the market price of the common shares; and (iv) when the Fund uses certain types of leverage, the investment advisory fee payable to the Advisor and by the Advisor to the Sub-Advisor will be higher than if the Fund did not use leverage.
LIBOR Risk. Many financial instruments use or may use a floating rate based upon the LIBOR. The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), which regulates LIBOR, has ceased making LIBOR available as a reference rate over a phase-out period that began December 31, 2022. There is no assurance that any alternative reference rate, including the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) will be similar to or produce the same value or economic equivalence as LIBOR or that instruments using an alternative rate will have the same volume or liquidity. The unavailability or replacement of LIBOR may affect the value, liquidity or return on certain Fund investments and may result in costs incurred in connection with closing out positions and entering into new trades. Any potential effects of the transition away from LIBOR on the Fund or on certain instruments in which the Fund invests can be difficult to ascertain, and they may vary depending on a variety of factors, and they could result in losses to the Fund.
Management Risk and Reliance on Key Personnel. The implementation of the Fund’s investment strategy depends upon the continued contributions of certain key employees of the Advisor and Sub-Advisor, some of whom have unique talents and experience and would be difficult to replace. The loss or interruption of the services of a key member of the portfolio management team could have a negative impact on the Fund.
Market Discount from Net Asset Value. Shares of closed-end investment companies such as the Fund frequently trade at a discount from their net asset value. The Fund cannot predict whether its common shares will trade at, below or above net asset value.
Market Risk. Investments held by the Fund, as well as shares of the Fund itself, are subject to market fluctuations caused by real or perceived adverse economic conditions, political events, regulatory factors or market developments, changes in interest rates and perceived trends in securities prices. Shares of the Fund could decline in value or underperform other investments as a result of the risk of loss associated with these market fluctuations. In addition, local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, market manipulation, government defaults, government shutdowns, regulatory actions, political changes, diplomatic developments, the imposition of sanctions and other similar measures, spread of infectious diseases or other public health issues, recessions, or other events could have a significant negative impact on the Fund and its investments. Any of such circumstances could have a materially negative impact on the value of the Fund’s shares, the liquidity of an investment, and result in increased market volatility. During any

such events, the Fund’s shares may trade at increased premiums or discounts to their net asset value, the bid/ask spread on the Fund’s shares may widen and the returns on investment may fluctuate.
MLP Risk. As a result of the Fund’s exposure to MLPs, a downturn in one or more industries within the energy sector, material declines in energy-related commodity prices, adverse political, legislative or regulatory developments or other events could have a larger impact on the Fund than on an investment company that does not invest in the group of industries that are part of the energy sector. Certain risks inherent in investing in MLPs include: commodity pricing risk, commodity supply and demand risk, lack of diversification of and reliance on MLP customers and suppliers risk, commodity depletion and exploration risk, energy sector and energy utility industry regulatory risk, including risks associated with the prices and methodology of determining prices that energy companies may charge for their products and services, interest rate risk, risk of lack of acquisition or reinvestment opportunities for MLPs, risk of lacking of funding for MLPs, dependency on MLP affiliate risk, weather risk, catastrophe risk, terrorism and MLP market disruption risk, and technology risk.
Certain MLP securities may trade in relatively low volumes due to their smaller market capitalizations or other factors, which may cause them to have a high degree of price volatility and illiquidity. The structures of MLPs create certain risks, including, for example, risks related to the limited ability of investors to control an MLP and to vote on matters affecting the MLP, risks related to potential conflicts of interest between an MLP and the MLP’s general partner, the risk that an MLP will generate insufficient cash flow to meet its current operating requirements, the risk that an MLP will issue additional securities or engage in other transactions that will have the effect of diluting the interests of existing investors, and risks related to the general partner’s right to require unit-holders to sell their common units at an undesirable time or price.
Companies that own interstate pipelines are subject to regulation by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) with respect to the tariff rates that they may charge customers and may change policies to no longer permit such companies to include certain costs in their costs of services. This may lower the tariff rates charged to customers which will in turn negatively affect performance.
Other factors which may reduce the amount of cash an MLP has available to pay its debt and equity holders include increased operating costs, maintenance capital expenditures, acquisition costs, expansion or construction costs and borrowing costs (including increased borrowing costs as a result of additional collateral requirements as a result of ratings downgrades by credit agencies).
Non-U.S. Securities and Currency Risk. Investing in non-U.S. securities involves certain risks not involved in domestic investments, including, but not limited to: fluctuations in currency exchange rates; future foreign economic, financial, political and social developments; different legal systems; the possible imposition of exchange controls or other foreign governmental laws or restrictions; lower trading volume; withholding taxes; greater price volatility and illiquidity; different trading and settlement practices; less governmental supervision; high and volatile rates of inflation; fluctuating interest rates; less publicly available information; and different accounting, auditing and financial recordkeeping standards and requirements. Because the Fund may invest in securities denominated or quoted in non-U.S. currencies, changes in the non-U.S. currency/United States dollar exchange rate may affect the value of the Fund’s securities and the unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments.
There may be very limited regulatory oversight of certain non-U.S. banks or securities depositories that hold non-U.S. securities and non-U.S. currency and the laws of certain countries may limit the ability to recover such assets if a non-U.S. bank or depository or their agents go bankrupt. There may also be an increased risk of loss of portfolio securities.
Investing in non-U.S. securities may also involve a greater risk for excessive trading due to “time-zone arbitrage.” If an event occurring after the close of a non-U.S. market, but before the time the Fund computes its current net asset value, causes a change in the price of the non-U.S. securities and such price is not reflected in the Fund’s current net asset value, investors may attempt to take advantage of anticipated price movements in securities held by the Fund based on such pricing discrepancies.
Operational Risk. The Fund is subject to risks arising from various operational factors, including, but not limited to, human error, processing and communication errors, errors of the Fund’s service providers, counterparties or other third-parties, failed or inadequate processes and technology or systems failures. The Fund relies on third parties for a range of services, including custody.  Any delay or failure relating to engaging or maintaining such service providers may affect the Fund’s ability to meet its investment objective. Although the Fund and the Advisor seek to reduce these operational risks through controls and procedures, there is no way to completely protect against such risks.
Portfolio Turnover Risk. The Fund may engage in portfolio trading to accomplish its investment objective. The investment policies of the Fund may lead to frequent changes in investments, particularly in periods of rapidly fluctuating interest or currency exchange rates. There are no limits on the rate of portfolio turnover and investments may be sold without regard to length of time held when the Fund’s investment strategy so dictates. A higher portfolio turnover rate results in correspondingly greater brokerage commissions and other transactional expenses that are borne by the Fund. High portfolio turnover may result in the realization of net short-term capital gains by the Fund which, when distributed to shareholders, will be taxable as ordinary income.

Potential Conflicts of Interest Risk. First Trust, DIFA and the portfolio managers have interests which may conflict with the interests of the Fund. In particular, First Trust and DIFA currently manage and may in the future manage and/or advise other investment funds or accounts with the same or substantially similar investment objective and strategies as the Fund. In addition, while the Fund is using leverage, the amount of the fees paid to First Trust (and by First Trust to DIFA) for investment advisory and management services are higher than if the Fund did not use leverage because the fees paid are calculated based on managed assets. Therefore, First Trust and DIFA have a financial incentive to leverage the Fund.
Prepayment Risk. Loans are subject to prepayment risk. Prepayment risk is the risk that a borrower repays principal prior to the scheduled maturity date. The degree to which borrowers prepay loans, whether as a contractual requirement or at their election, may be affected by general business conditions, interest rates, the financial condition of the borrower and competitive conditions among loan investors, among others. As such, prepayments cannot be predicted with accuracy. Upon a prepayment, either in part or in full, the actual outstanding debt on which the Fund derives interest income will be reduced. The Fund may not be able to reinvest the proceeds received on terms as favorable as the prepaid loan.
Qualified Dividend Income Tax Risk. There can be no assurance as to what portion of the distributions paid to the Fund’s common shareholders will consist of tax-advantaged qualified dividend income. Certain distributions designated by the Fund as derived from qualified dividend income will be taxed in the hands of non-corporate common shareholders at the rates applicable to long-term capital gains, provided certain holding period and other requirements are satisfied by both the Fund and the common shareholders. Additional requirements apply in determining whether distributions by foreign issuers should be regarded as qualified dividend income. Certain investment strategies of the Fund will limit the Fund’s ability to meet these requirements and consequently will limit the amount of qualified dividend income received and distributed by the Fund. A change in the favorable provisions of the federal tax laws with respect to qualified dividends may result in a widespread reduction in announced dividends and may adversely impact the valuation of the shares of dividend-paying companies.
Reinvestment Risk. Reinvestment risk is the risk that income from the Fund’s portfolio will decline if the Fund invests the proceeds from matured, traded or called instruments at market interest rates that are below the Fund’s portfolio’s current earnings rate. A decline in income could affect the common shares’ market price, level of distributions or the overall return of the Fund.
Reorganization Risk. The Board of Trustees of the Fund has approved the reorganization of the Fund into ASGI.  If approved by shareholders, the transaction is anticipated to be consummated during 2024, subject to the satisfaction of applicable regulatory requirements and approvals and customary closing conditions.  There is no assurance when or whether such approvals, or any other approvals required for the transaction, will be obtained.  Under the terms of the proposed transaction, shareholders of the Fund would receive shares of ASGI, which will have its own investment strategies, and thereafter cease to be a shareholder of the Fund.  More information on the proposed transaction, including the risks and considerations associated with the transaction as well as the risks of investing in ASGI, is contained in registration statement/proxy materials. Shareholders should refer to such registration statement/proxy materials, which are available at https://www.ftportfolios.com/LoadContent/gohdcqj3gy3o.
Restricted Securities Risk. The Fund may invest in restricted securities. The term “restricted securities” refers to securities that are unregistered or are held by control persons of the issuer and securities that are subject to contractual restrictions on their resale. As a result, restricted securities may be more difficult to value and the Fund may have difficulty disposing of such assets either in a timely manner or for a reasonable price. In order to dispose of an unregistered security, the Fund, where it has contractual rights to do so, may have to cause such security to be registered. A considerable period may elapse between the time the decision is made to sell the security and the time the security is registered so that the Fund could sell it. Contractual restrictions on the resale of securities vary in length and scope and are generally the result of a negotiation between the issuer and acquirer of the securities. The Fund would, in either case, bear market risks during that period.
Risks Associated with an Investment in Initial Public Offerings. Securities purchased in initial public offerings (“IPOs”) are often subject to the general risks associated with investments in companies with small market capitalizations, and typically to a heightened degree. Securities issued in IPOs have no trading history, and information about the companies may be available for very limited periods. In addition, the prices of securities sold in an IPO may be highly volatile. At any particular time or from time to time, the Fund may not be able to invest in IPOs, or to invest to the extent desired, because, for example, only a small portion (if any) of the securities being offered in an IPO may be available to the Fund. In addition, under certain market conditions, a relatively small number of companies may issue securities in IPOs. The Fund’s investment performance during periods when it is unable to invest significantly or at all in IPOs may be lower than during periods when it is able to do so. IPO securities may be volatile, and the Fund cannot predict whether investments in IPOs will be successful.
Senior Loan Risk. The Fund invests in senior loans and therefore is subject to the risks associated therewith. Investments in senior loans are subject to the same risks as investments in other types of debt securities, including credit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk and valuation risk (which may be heightened because of the limited public information available regarding senior loans and because

loan borrowers may be leveraged and tend to be more adversely affected by changes in market or economic conditions). Further, no active trading market may exist for certain senior loans, which may impair the ability of the Fund to realize full value in the event of the need to sell a senior loan and which may make it difficult to value senior loans. Senior loans may not be considered “securities” and the Fund may not be entitled to rely on the anti-fraud protections of the federal securities laws.
In the event a borrower fails to pay scheduled interest or principal payments on a senior loan held by the Fund, the Fund will experience a reduction in its income and a decline in the value of the senior loan, which will likely reduce dividends and lead to a decline in the net asset value of the Fund’s common shares. If the Fund acquires a senior loan from another lender, for example, by acquiring a participation, the Fund may also be subject to credit risks with respect to that lender. Although senior loans may be secured by specific collateral, the value of the collateral may not equal the Fund’s investment when the senior loan is acquired or may decline below the principal amount of the senior loan subsequent to the Fund’s investment. Also, to the extent that collateral consists of stock of the borrower or its subsidiaries or affiliates, the Fund bears the risk that the stock may decline in value, be relatively illiquid, and/or may lose all or substantially all of its value, causing the senior loan to be under collateralized. Therefore, the liquidation of the collateral underlying a senior loan may not satisfy the issuer’s obligation to the Fund in the event of non-payment of scheduled interest or principal, and the collateral may not be readily liquidated.
The senior loan market has seen a significant increase in loans with weaker lender protections including, but not limited to, limited financial maintenance covenants or, in some cases, no financial maintenance covenants (i.e., “covenant-lite loans”) that would typically be included in a traditional loan agreement and general weakening of other restrictive covenants applicable to the borrower such as limitations on incurrence of additional debt, restrictions on payments of junior debt or restrictions on dividends and distributions. Weaker lender protections such as the absence of financial maintenance covenants in a loan agreement and the inclusion of “borrower-favorable” terms may impact recovery values and/or trading levels of senior loans in the future. The absence of financial maintenance covenants in a loan agreement generally means that the lender may not be able to declare a default if financial performance deteriorates. This may hinder the Fund’s ability to reprice credit risk associated with a particular borrower and reduce the Fund’s ability to restructure a problematic loan and mitigate potential loss. As a result, the Fund’s exposure to losses on investments in senior loans may be increased, especially during a downturn in the credit cycle or changes in market or economic conditions.
Tax Risk. Changes in tax laws or regulations, or interpretations thereof in the future, could adversely affect the Fund or the MLPs, MLP-related entities and other energy sector and energy utility companies in which the Fund invests. A change in current tax law, a change in the business of a given MLP, or a change in the types of income earned by a given MLP could result in an MLP being treated as a corporation for United States federal income tax purposes, which would result in such MLP being required to pay United States federal income tax on its taxable income. Recent events have caused some MLPs to be reclassified or restructured as corporations. The classification of an MLP as a corporation for United States federal income tax purposes has the effect of reducing the amount of cash available for distribution by the MLP and causing any such distributions received by the Fund to be taxed as dividend income to the extent of the MLP’s current or accumulated earnings and profits.
A reduction in the percentage of the income offset by tax deductions or an increase in sales of the Fund’s MLP holdings that result in capital gains will reduce that portion of the Fund’s distribution from an MLP treated as a return of capital and increase that portion treated as income, and may result in lower after-tax distributions to the Fund’s common shareholders. On the other hand, to the extent a distribution received by the Fund from an MLP is treated as a return of capital, the Fund’s adjusted tax basis in the interests of the MLP may be reduced, which will result in an increase in the amount of income or gain or decrease in the amount of loss that will be recognized by the Fund for tax purposes upon the sale of any such interests.
United Kingdom Risk. The Fund is subject to certain risks specifically associated with investments in the securities of United Kingdom issuers. Investments in issuers located in the United Kingdom may subject the Fund to regulatory, political, currency, security, and economic risk specific to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has one of the largest economies in Europe, and the United States, China and other European countries are substantial trading partners of the United Kingdom. As a result, the British economy may be impacted by changes to the economic health of the United States, China and other European countries. The United Kingdom’s official departure from the European Union (commonly referred to as “Brexit”) led to volatility in global financial markets, in particular those of the United Kingdom and across Europe, and the weakening in political, regulatory, consumer, corporate and financial confidence in the United Kingdom and Europe. Given the size and importance of the United Kingdom’s economy, uncertainty or unpredictability about its legal, political and/or economic relationships with Europe has been, and may continue to be, a source of instability and could lead to significant currency fluctuations and other adverse effects on international markets and international trade even under the post-Brexit trade guidelines. The negative impact of Brexit on not only the United Kingdom and European economies, but the broader global economy, could be significant, potentially resulting in increased volatility and illiquidity and lower economic growth for companies that rely significantly on Europe for their business activities and revenues. It is not currently possible to determine the extent of the impact that Brexit may have on the Fund’s investments and this uncertainty could

negatively impact current and future economic conditions in the United Kingdom and other countries, which could negatively impact the value of the Fund’s investments.
Utilities Risk. Utility companies include companies producing or providing gas, electricity or water. These companies are subject to the risk of the imposition of rate caps, increased competition due to deregulation, the difficulty in obtaining an adequate return on invested capital or in financing large construction projects, the limitations on operations and increased costs and delays attributable to environmental considerations and the capital market’s ability to absorb utility debt. In addition, in many regions, including the United States, the utility industry is experiencing increasing competitive pressures, primarily in wholesale markets, as a result of consumer demand, technological advances, greater availability of natural gas with respect to electric utility companies and other factors. Taxes, government regulation, international politics, price and supply fluctuations, volatile interest rates and energy conservation also may negatively affect utility companies.
Valuation Risk. The valuation of senior loans may carry more risk than that of common stock. Because the secondary market for senior loans is limited, it may be difficult to value the loans held by the Fund. Market quotations may not be readily available for some senior loans and valuation may require more research than for liquid securities. In addition, elements of judgment may play a greater role in the valuation of senior loans than for securities with a secondary market, because there is less reliable objective data available. These difficulties may lead to inaccurate asset pricing.
Effects of Leverage [Text Block]
Effects of Leverage
The aggregate principal amount of borrowings under the BNP Paribas Facility represented 26.89% of the Total Assets as of November 30, 2023. Asset coverage with respect to the borrowings under the BNP Paribas Facility was 371.83% as of November 30, 2023, and the Fund had $17,450,000 of unutilized funds available for borrowing under the BNP Paribas Facility as of that date. The total amount of borrowings that may be outstanding at any one time under the BNP Paribas Facility is $45,000,000. The interest rate under the BNP Paribas Facility is equal to SOFR plus 95 basis points.  As of November 30, 2023, the rate was 6.26%. As of November 30, 2023, the Fund had $27,550,000 outstanding under the BNP Paribas Facility. The Fund only pays a commitment fee of 0.55% on the undrawn amount when the outstanding debt is less than 80% of the maximum commitment amount.  The total annual interest and fee rate as of November 30, 2023 was 6.61%. 
Assuming that the Leverage Instruments will represent approximately 26.89% of the Fund’s Total Assets and pay dividends or interest at an annual combined average rate of 6.61%, the income generated by the Fund’s portfolio (net of estimated expenses) must exceed 1.78% in order to cover the dividend or interest payments specifically related to the Leverage Instruments.  Of course, these numbers are merely estimates used for illustration.  Actual dividend or interest rates on the Leverage Instruments will vary frequently and may be significantly higher or lower than the rate estimated above.
The following table is furnished in response to requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  It is designed to illustrate the effect of leverage on Common Share total return, assuming investment portfolio total returns (comprised of income and changes in the value of securities held in the Fund’s portfolio) of -10%, -5%, 0%, 5% and 10%.  These assumed investment portfolio returns are hypothetical figures and are not necessarily indicative of the investment portfolio returns experienced or expected to be experienced by the Fund.
The table further assumes Leverage Instruments representing 26.89% of the Fund’s capital, net of expenses, and the Fund’s currently projected annual Leverage Instrument expense of 6.61%.
Assumed Portfolio Total Return (Net of Expenses)

-10% -5% 0% 5% 10%
Common Share Total Return

-16.11% -9.27% -2.43% 4.41% 11.25%
Common Share total return is composed of two elements: the Common Share dividends paid by the Fund (the amount of which is largely determined by the net investment income of the Fund after paying dividends or interest on its Leverage Instruments) and gains or losses on the value of the securities the Fund owns. As required by Securities and Exchange Commission rules, the table above assumes that the Fund is more likely to suffer capital losses than to enjoy capital appreciation. For example, to assume a total return of 0% the Fund must assume that the distributions it receives on its portfolio securities is entirely offset by losses in the value of those portfolio securities.
Annual Interest Rate [Percent] 6.26%
Effects of Leverage [Table Text Block]
Assumed Portfolio Total Return (Net of Expenses)

-10% -5% 0% 5% 10%
Common Share Total Return

-16.11% -9.27% -2.43% 4.41% 11.25%
Return at Minus Ten [Percent] (16.11%)
Return at Minus Five [Percent] (9.27%)
Return at Zero [Percent] (2.43%)
Return at Plus Five [Percent] 4.41%
Return at Plus Ten [Percent] 11.25%
Effects of Leverage, Purpose [Text Block]
The following table is furnished in response to requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  It is designed to illustrate the effect of leverage on Common Share total return, assuming investment portfolio total returns (comprised of income and changes in the value of securities held in the Fund’s portfolio) of -10%, -5%, 0%, 5% and 10%.  These assumed investment portfolio returns are hypothetical figures and are not necessarily indicative of the investment portfolio returns experienced or expected to be experienced by the Fund.
The table further assumes Leverage Instruments representing 26.89% of the Fund’s capital, net of expenses, and the Fund’s currently projected annual Leverage Instrument expense of 6.61%.
Share Price $ 7.73
NAV Per Share $ 8.76
Latest Premium (Discount) to NAV [Percent] (11.76%)
Capital Stock, Long-Term Debt, and Other Securities [Abstract]  
Outstanding Security, Title [Text Block] Common Shares outstanding (unlimited number of Common Shares has been authorized)
Outstanding Security, Held [Shares] | shares 8,547,442
Document Period End Date Nov. 30, 2023
Canada Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Canada Risk. The Fund invests in securities of Canadian issuers and is therefore subject to certain risks specifically associated with investments in the securities of Canadian issuers.  The Canadian economy is heavily dependent on the demand for natural resources and agricultural products. Canada is a major producer of commodities such as forest products, metals, agricultural products, and energy related products like oil, gas, and hydroelectricity. Accordingly, a change in the supply and demand of these resources, both domestically and internationally, can have a significant effect on Canadian market performance. Canada is a top producer of zinc and uranium and a global source of many other natural resources, such as gold, nickel, aluminum, and lead. Conditions that weaken demand for such products worldwide could have a negative impact on the Canadian economy as a whole.  Changes to the U.S. economy may significantly affect the Canadian economy because the U.S. is Canada’s largest trading partner and foreign investor. These and other factors could have a negative impact on the Fund and its investments in Canada.
Credit Agency Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Credit Agency Risk. Credit ratings are determined by credit rating agencies and are only the opinions of such entities. Ratings assigned by a rating agency are not absolute standards of credit quality and do not evaluate market risk or the liquidity of securities. Any shortcomings or inefficiencies in credit rating agencies’ processes for determining credit ratings may adversely affect the credit ratings of securities held by the Fund or such credit agency’s ability to evaluate creditworthiness and, as a result, may adversely affect those securities’ perceived or actual credit risk.
Credit And Below Investment Grade Securities [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Credit and Below-Investment Grade Securities Risk. Credit risk is the risk that the issuer or other obligated party of a debt security in the Fund’s portfolio will fail to pay, or it is perceived that it will fail to pay, dividends and/or interest or repay principal, when due. Below-investment grade instruments are commonly referred to as high-yield securities or “junk” bonds and are considered speculative with respect to the issuer’s capacity to pay dividends or interest and repay principal and are more susceptible to default or decline in market value than investment grade securities due to adverse economic and business developments. High-yield securities are often unsecured and subordinated to other creditors of the issuer. The market values for high-yield securities tend to be very volatile, and these securities are generally less liquid than investment grade securities. For these reasons, an investment in the Fund is subject to the following specific risks: (i) increased price sensitivity to changing interest rates and to a deteriorating economic environment; (ii) greater risk of loss due to default or declining credit quality; (iii) adverse company specific events more likely to render the issuer unable to make dividend, interest and/or principal payments; (iv) negative perception of the high-yield market which may depress the price and liquidity of high-yield securities; (v) volatility; and (vi) liquidity.
Current Market Conditions Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Current Market Conditions Risk. Current market conditions risk is the risk that a particular investment, or shares of the Fund in general, may fall in value due to current market conditions. As a means to fight inflation, which remains at elevated levels, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks have raised interest rates and expect to continue to do so, and the Federal Reserve has announced that it intends to reverse previously implemented quantitative easing. U.S. regulators have proposed several changes to market and issuer regulations which would directly impact the Fund, and any regulatory changes could adversely impact the Fund’s ability to achieve its investment strategies or make certain investments. Recent and potential future bank failures could result in disruption to the broader banking industry or markets generally and reduce confidence in financial institutions and the economy as a

whole, which may also heighten market volatility and reduce liquidity. The ongoing adversarial political climate in the United States, as well as political and diplomatic events both domestic and abroad, have and may continue to have an adverse impact the U.S. regulatory landscape, markets and investor behavior, which could have a negative impact on the Fund’s investments and operations. Other unexpected political, regulatory and diplomatic events within the U.S. and abroad may affect investor and consumer confidence and may adversely impact financial markets and the broader economy. For example, in February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine which has caused and could continue to cause significant market disruptions and volatility within the markets in Russia, Europe, and the United States. The hostilities and sanctions resulting from those hostilities have and could continue to have a significant impact on certain Fund investments as well as Fund performance and liquidity. The economies of the United States and its trading partners, as well as the financial markets generally, may be adversely impacted by trade disputes and other matters. For example, the United States has imposed trade barriers and restrictions on China. In addition, the Chinese government is engaged in a longstanding dispute with Taiwan, continually threatening an invasion. If the political climate between the United States and China does not improve or continues to deteriorate, if China were to attempt invading Taiwan, or if other geopolitical conflicts develop or worsen, economies, markets and individual securities may be adversely affected, and the value of the Fund’s assets may go down. The COVID-19 global pandemic, or any future public health crisis, and the ensuing policies enacted by governments and central banks have caused and may continue to cause significant volatility and uncertainty in global financial markets, negatively impacting global growth prospects. While vaccines have been developed, there is no guarantee that vaccines will be effective against emerging future variants of the disease. As this global pandemic illustrated, such events may affect certain geographic regions, countries, sectors and industries more significantly than others. Advancements in technology may also adversely impact markets and the overall performance of the Fund. For instance, the economy may be significantly impacted by the advanced development and increased regulation of artificial intelligence. These events, and any other future events, may adversely affect the prices and liquidity of the Fund’s portfolio investments and could result in disruptions in the trading markets.
Cyber Security Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Cyber Security Risk. The Fund is susceptible to potential operational risks through breaches in cyber security. A breach in cyber security refers to both intentional and unintentional events that may cause the Fund to lose proprietary information, suffer data corruption or lose operational capacity. Such events could cause the Fund to incur regulatory penalties, reputational damage, additional compliance costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. Cyber security breaches may involve unauthorized access to the Fund’s digital information systems through “hacking” or malicious software coding, but may also result from outside attacks such as denial-of-service attacks through efforts to make network services unavailable to intended users. In addition, cyber security breaches of the Fund’s third-party service providers, such as its administrator, transfer agent, custodian, sub-advisor, or issuers in which the Fund invests, can also subject the Fund to many of the same risks associated with direct cyber security breaches. The Fund has established risk management systems designed to reduce the risks associated with cyber security. However, there is no guarantee that such efforts will succeed, especially because the Fund does not directly control the cyber security systems of issuers or third party service providers. Substantial costs may be incurred by the Fund in order to resolve or prevent cyber incidents in the future.
Equity Securities Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Equity Securities Risk. The value of the Fund’s shares will fluctuate with changes in the value of the equity securities in which the Fund invests. Prices of equity securities fluctuate for several reasons, including changes in investors’ perceptions of the financial condition of an issuer or the general condition of the relevant stock market, such as market volatility, or when political or economic events affecting the issuers occur. Common stock prices may be particularly sensitive to rising interest rates, as the cost of capital rises and borrowing costs increase. Equity securities may decline significantly in price over short or extended periods of time, and such declines may occur in the equity market as a whole, or they may occur in only a particular country, company, industry or sector of the market.
Illiquid Securities Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Illiquid Securities Risk. The Fund may invest in securities that are considered to be illiquid securities. Illiquid securities may be difficult to dispose of at a fair price at the times when the Fund believes it is desirable to do so.  The market price of illiquid securities generally is more volatile than that of more liquid securities, which may adversely affect the price that the Fund pays for or recovers upon the sale of such securities. Illiquid securities are also more difficult to value, especially in challenging markets.
Although the resale or secondary market for senior loans is growing, it is currently limited. There is no organized exchange or board of trade on which senior loans are traded. Instead, the secondary market for senior loans is an unregulated inter-dealer or inter-bank resale market. In addition, the senior loans in which the Fund invests may require the consent of the borrower and/or agent prior to the settlement of the sale or assignment. These consent requirements can delay or impede the Fund’s ability to settle the sale of senior loans. Depending on market conditions, the Fund may have difficulty disposing its senior loans, which may adversely impact its ability to obtain cash to repay debt, to pay dividends, to pay expenses or to take advantage of new investment opportunities.
Inflation Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Inflation Risk. Certain of the Fund’s investments are subject to inflation risk. Inflation risk is the risk that the value of assets or income from investments will be worth less in the future as inflation decreases the value of money. As inflation increases, the present value of the Fund’s assets and distributions may decline.  This risk is more prevalent with respect to debt securities.  Inflation creates

uncertainty over the future real value (after inflation) of an investment. Inflation rates may change frequently and drastically as a result of various factors, including unexpected shifts in the domestic or global economy, and the Fund’s investments may not keep pace with inflation, which may result in losses to Fund investors.
Infrastructure And Industry Concentration Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Infrastructure and Industry Concentration Risk. Given the Fund’s concentration in the infrastructure industry, the Fund is more susceptible to adverse economic or regulatory occurrences affecting that industry than an investment company that is not concentrated in a single industry. Infrastructure issuers, including utilities and companies involved in infrastructure projects, may be subject to a variety of factors that may adversely affect their business or operations, including high interest costs in connection with capital construction programs, high leverage costs associated with environmental and other regulations, the effects of economic slowdown, surplus capacity, increased competition from other providers of services, uncertainties concerning the availability of fuel at reasonable prices, the effects of energy conservation policies, increased regulation and other factors.
In addition, infrastructure assets can have a substantial environmental impact. Ordinary operation or an accident with respect to such assets could cause major environmental damage which could cause the owner of such assets significant financial distress. Community and environmental groups may protest about the development or operation of infrastructure assets, and these protests may induce government action to the detriment of the owner of the infrastructure asset.
Leverage Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Leverage Risk. The use of leverage by the Fund can magnify the effect of any losses. If the income and gains from the securities and investments purchased with leverage proceeds do not cover the cost of leverage, the return to the common shares will be less than if leverage had not been used. Leverage involves risks and special considerations for common shareholders including: (i) the likelihood of greater volatility of net asset value and market price of the common shares than a comparable portfolio without leverage; (ii) the risk that fluctuations in interest rates on borrowings will reduce the return to the common shareholders or will result in fluctuations in the dividends paid on the common shares; (iii) in a declining market, the use of leverage is likely to cause a greater decline in the net asset value of the common shares than if the Fund was not leveraged, which may result in a greater decline in the market price of the common shares; and (iv) when the Fund uses certain types of leverage, the investment advisory fee payable to the Advisor and by the Advisor to the Sub-Advisor will be higher than if the Fund did not use leverage.
L I B O R Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
LIBOR Risk. Many financial instruments use or may use a floating rate based upon the LIBOR. The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), which regulates LIBOR, has ceased making LIBOR available as a reference rate over a phase-out period that began December 31, 2022. There is no assurance that any alternative reference rate, including the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) will be similar to or produce the same value or economic equivalence as LIBOR or that instruments using an alternative rate will have the same volume or liquidity. The unavailability or replacement of LIBOR may affect the value, liquidity or return on certain Fund investments and may result in costs incurred in connection with closing out positions and entering into new trades. Any potential effects of the transition away from LIBOR on the Fund or on certain instruments in which the Fund invests can be difficult to ascertain, and they may vary depending on a variety of factors, and they could result in losses to the Fund.
Management Risk And Reliance On Key Personnel [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Management Risk and Reliance on Key Personnel. The implementation of the Fund’s investment strategy depends upon the continued contributions of certain key employees of the Advisor and Sub-Advisor, some of whom have unique talents and experience and would be difficult to replace. The loss or interruption of the services of a key member of the portfolio management team could have a negative impact on the Fund.
Market Discount From Net Asset Value [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Market Discount from Net Asset Value. Shares of closed-end investment companies such as the Fund frequently trade at a discount from their net asset value. The Fund cannot predict whether its common shares will trade at, below or above net asset value.
Market Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Market Risk. Investments held by the Fund, as well as shares of the Fund itself, are subject to market fluctuations caused by real or perceived adverse economic conditions, political events, regulatory factors or market developments, changes in interest rates and perceived trends in securities prices. Shares of the Fund could decline in value or underperform other investments as a result of the risk of loss associated with these market fluctuations. In addition, local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, market manipulation, government defaults, government shutdowns, regulatory actions, political changes, diplomatic developments, the imposition of sanctions and other similar measures, spread of infectious diseases or other public health issues, recessions, or other events could have a significant negative impact on the Fund and its investments. Any of such circumstances could have a materially negative impact on the value of the Fund’s shares, the liquidity of an investment, and result in increased market volatility. During any

such events, the Fund’s shares may trade at increased premiums or discounts to their net asset value, the bid/ask spread on the Fund’s shares may widen and the returns on investment may fluctuate.
M L P Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
MLP Risk. As a result of the Fund’s exposure to MLPs, a downturn in one or more industries within the energy sector, material declines in energy-related commodity prices, adverse political, legislative or regulatory developments or other events could have a larger impact on the Fund than on an investment company that does not invest in the group of industries that are part of the energy sector. Certain risks inherent in investing in MLPs include: commodity pricing risk, commodity supply and demand risk, lack of diversification of and reliance on MLP customers and suppliers risk, commodity depletion and exploration risk, energy sector and energy utility industry regulatory risk, including risks associated with the prices and methodology of determining prices that energy companies may charge for their products and services, interest rate risk, risk of lack of acquisition or reinvestment opportunities for MLPs, risk of lacking of funding for MLPs, dependency on MLP affiliate risk, weather risk, catastrophe risk, terrorism and MLP market disruption risk, and technology risk.
Certain MLP securities may trade in relatively low volumes due to their smaller market capitalizations or other factors, which may cause them to have a high degree of price volatility and illiquidity. The structures of MLPs create certain risks, including, for example, risks related to the limited ability of investors to control an MLP and to vote on matters affecting the MLP, risks related to potential conflicts of interest between an MLP and the MLP’s general partner, the risk that an MLP will generate insufficient cash flow to meet its current operating requirements, the risk that an MLP will issue additional securities or engage in other transactions that will have the effect of diluting the interests of existing investors, and risks related to the general partner’s right to require unit-holders to sell their common units at an undesirable time or price.
Companies that own interstate pipelines are subject to regulation by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) with respect to the tariff rates that they may charge customers and may change policies to no longer permit such companies to include certain costs in their costs of services. This may lower the tariff rates charged to customers which will in turn negatively affect performance.
Other factors which may reduce the amount of cash an MLP has available to pay its debt and equity holders include increased operating costs, maintenance capital expenditures, acquisition costs, expansion or construction costs and borrowing costs (including increased borrowing costs as a result of additional collateral requirements as a result of ratings downgrades by credit agencies).
Non U S Securities And Currency Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Non-U.S. Securities and Currency Risk. Investing in non-U.S. securities involves certain risks not involved in domestic investments, including, but not limited to: fluctuations in currency exchange rates; future foreign economic, financial, political and social developments; different legal systems; the possible imposition of exchange controls or other foreign governmental laws or restrictions; lower trading volume; withholding taxes; greater price volatility and illiquidity; different trading and settlement practices; less governmental supervision; high and volatile rates of inflation; fluctuating interest rates; less publicly available information; and different accounting, auditing and financial recordkeeping standards and requirements. Because the Fund may invest in securities denominated or quoted in non-U.S. currencies, changes in the non-U.S. currency/United States dollar exchange rate may affect the value of the Fund’s securities and the unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments.
There may be very limited regulatory oversight of certain non-U.S. banks or securities depositories that hold non-U.S. securities and non-U.S. currency and the laws of certain countries may limit the ability to recover such assets if a non-U.S. bank or depository or their agents go bankrupt. There may also be an increased risk of loss of portfolio securities.
Investing in non-U.S. securities may also involve a greater risk for excessive trading due to “time-zone arbitrage.” If an event occurring after the close of a non-U.S. market, but before the time the Fund computes its current net asset value, causes a change in the price of the non-U.S. securities and such price is not reflected in the Fund’s current net asset value, investors may attempt to take advantage of anticipated price movements in securities held by the Fund based on such pricing discrepancies.
Operatonal Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Operational Risk. The Fund is subject to risks arising from various operational factors, including, but not limited to, human error, processing and communication errors, errors of the Fund’s service providers, counterparties or other third-parties, failed or inadequate processes and technology or systems failures. The Fund relies on third parties for a range of services, including custody.  Any delay or failure relating to engaging or maintaining such service providers may affect the Fund’s ability to meet its investment objective. Although the Fund and the Advisor seek to reduce these operational risks through controls and procedures, there is no way to completely protect against such risks.
Portfolio Turnover Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Portfolio Turnover Risk. The Fund may engage in portfolio trading to accomplish its investment objective. The investment policies of the Fund may lead to frequent changes in investments, particularly in periods of rapidly fluctuating interest or currency exchange rates. There are no limits on the rate of portfolio turnover and investments may be sold without regard to length of time held when the Fund’s investment strategy so dictates. A higher portfolio turnover rate results in correspondingly greater brokerage commissions and other transactional expenses that are borne by the Fund. High portfolio turnover may result in the realization of net short-term capital gains by the Fund which, when distributed to shareholders, will be taxable as ordinary income.
Potential Conflicts Of Interest Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Potential Conflicts of Interest Risk. First Trust, DIFA and the portfolio managers have interests which may conflict with the interests of the Fund. In particular, First Trust and DIFA currently manage and may in the future manage and/or advise other investment funds or accounts with the same or substantially similar investment objective and strategies as the Fund. In addition, while the Fund is using leverage, the amount of the fees paid to First Trust (and by First Trust to DIFA) for investment advisory and management services are higher than if the Fund did not use leverage because the fees paid are calculated based on managed assets. Therefore, First Trust and DIFA have a financial incentive to leverage the Fund.
Prepayments Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Prepayment Risk. Loans are subject to prepayment risk. Prepayment risk is the risk that a borrower repays principal prior to the scheduled maturity date. The degree to which borrowers prepay loans, whether as a contractual requirement or at their election, may be affected by general business conditions, interest rates, the financial condition of the borrower and competitive conditions among loan investors, among others. As such, prepayments cannot be predicted with accuracy. Upon a prepayment, either in part or in full, the actual outstanding debt on which the Fund derives interest income will be reduced. The Fund may not be able to reinvest the proceeds received on terms as favorable as the prepaid loan.
Qualified Dividend Income Tax Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Qualified Dividend Income Tax Risk. There can be no assurance as to what portion of the distributions paid to the Fund’s common shareholders will consist of tax-advantaged qualified dividend income. Certain distributions designated by the Fund as derived from qualified dividend income will be taxed in the hands of non-corporate common shareholders at the rates applicable to long-term capital gains, provided certain holding period and other requirements are satisfied by both the Fund and the common shareholders. Additional requirements apply in determining whether distributions by foreign issuers should be regarded as qualified dividend income. Certain investment strategies of the Fund will limit the Fund’s ability to meet these requirements and consequently will limit the amount of qualified dividend income received and distributed by the Fund. A change in the favorable provisions of the federal tax laws with respect to qualified dividends may result in a widespread reduction in announced dividends and may adversely impact the valuation of the shares of dividend-paying companies.
Reinvestment Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Reinvestment Risk. Reinvestment risk is the risk that income from the Fund’s portfolio will decline if the Fund invests the proceeds from matured, traded or called instruments at market interest rates that are below the Fund’s portfolio’s current earnings rate. A decline in income could affect the common shares’ market price, level of distributions or the overall return of the Fund.
Reorganization Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Reorganization Risk. The Board of Trustees of the Fund has approved the reorganization of the Fund into ASGI.  If approved by shareholders, the transaction is anticipated to be consummated during 2024, subject to the satisfaction of applicable regulatory requirements and approvals and customary closing conditions.  There is no assurance when or whether such approvals, or any other approvals required for the transaction, will be obtained.  Under the terms of the proposed transaction, shareholders of the Fund would receive shares of ASGI, which will have its own investment strategies, and thereafter cease to be a shareholder of the Fund.  More information on the proposed transaction, including the risks and considerations associated with the transaction as well as the risks of investing in ASGI, is contained in registration statement/proxy materials. Shareholders should refer to such registration statement/proxy materials, which are available at https://www.ftportfolios.com/LoadContent/gohdcqj3gy3o.
Restricted Securities Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Restricted Securities Risk. The Fund may invest in restricted securities. The term “restricted securities” refers to securities that are unregistered or are held by control persons of the issuer and securities that are subject to contractual restrictions on their resale. As a result, restricted securities may be more difficult to value and the Fund may have difficulty disposing of such assets either in a timely manner or for a reasonable price. In order to dispose of an unregistered security, the Fund, where it has contractual rights to do so, may have to cause such security to be registered. A considerable period may elapse between the time the decision is made to sell the security and the time the security is registered so that the Fund could sell it. Contractual restrictions on the resale of securities vary in length and scope and are generally the result of a negotiation between the issuer and acquirer of the securities. The Fund would, in either case, bear market risks during that period.
Risks Associated With An Investment In Initial Public Offerings [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Risks Associated with an Investment in Initial Public Offerings. Securities purchased in initial public offerings (“IPOs”) are often subject to the general risks associated with investments in companies with small market capitalizations, and typically to a heightened degree. Securities issued in IPOs have no trading history, and information about the companies may be available for very limited periods. In addition, the prices of securities sold in an IPO may be highly volatile. At any particular time or from time to time, the Fund may not be able to invest in IPOs, or to invest to the extent desired, because, for example, only a small portion (if any) of the securities being offered in an IPO may be available to the Fund. In addition, under certain market conditions, a relatively small number of companies may issue securities in IPOs. The Fund’s investment performance during periods when it is unable to invest significantly or at all in IPOs may be lower than during periods when it is able to do so. IPO securities may be volatile, and the Fund cannot predict whether investments in IPOs will be successful.
Senior Loan Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Senior Loan Risk. The Fund invests in senior loans and therefore is subject to the risks associated therewith. Investments in senior loans are subject to the same risks as investments in other types of debt securities, including credit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk and valuation risk (which may be heightened because of the limited public information available regarding senior loans and because

loan borrowers may be leveraged and tend to be more adversely affected by changes in market or economic conditions). Further, no active trading market may exist for certain senior loans, which may impair the ability of the Fund to realize full value in the event of the need to sell a senior loan and which may make it difficult to value senior loans. Senior loans may not be considered “securities” and the Fund may not be entitled to rely on the anti-fraud protections of the federal securities laws.
In the event a borrower fails to pay scheduled interest or principal payments on a senior loan held by the Fund, the Fund will experience a reduction in its income and a decline in the value of the senior loan, which will likely reduce dividends and lead to a decline in the net asset value of the Fund’s common shares. If the Fund acquires a senior loan from another lender, for example, by acquiring a participation, the Fund may also be subject to credit risks with respect to that lender. Although senior loans may be secured by specific collateral, the value of the collateral may not equal the Fund’s investment when the senior loan is acquired or may decline below the principal amount of the senior loan subsequent to the Fund’s investment. Also, to the extent that collateral consists of stock of the borrower or its subsidiaries or affiliates, the Fund bears the risk that the stock may decline in value, be relatively illiquid, and/or may lose all or substantially all of its value, causing the senior loan to be under collateralized. Therefore, the liquidation of the collateral underlying a senior loan may not satisfy the issuer’s obligation to the Fund in the event of non-payment of scheduled interest or principal, and the collateral may not be readily liquidated.
The senior loan market has seen a significant increase in loans with weaker lender protections including, but not limited to, limited financial maintenance covenants or, in some cases, no financial maintenance covenants (i.e., “covenant-lite loans”) that would typically be included in a traditional loan agreement and general weakening of other restrictive covenants applicable to the borrower such as limitations on incurrence of additional debt, restrictions on payments of junior debt or restrictions on dividends and distributions. Weaker lender protections such as the absence of financial maintenance covenants in a loan agreement and the inclusion of “borrower-favorable” terms may impact recovery values and/or trading levels of senior loans in the future. The absence of financial maintenance covenants in a loan agreement generally means that the lender may not be able to declare a default if financial performance deteriorates. This may hinder the Fund’s ability to reprice credit risk associated with a particular borrower and reduce the Fund’s ability to restructure a problematic loan and mitigate potential loss. As a result, the Fund’s exposure to losses on investments in senior loans may be increased, especially during a downturn in the credit cycle or changes in market or economic conditions.
Tax Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Tax Risk. Changes in tax laws or regulations, or interpretations thereof in the future, could adversely affect the Fund or the MLPs, MLP-related entities and other energy sector and energy utility companies in which the Fund invests. A change in current tax law, a change in the business of a given MLP, or a change in the types of income earned by a given MLP could result in an MLP being treated as a corporation for United States federal income tax purposes, which would result in such MLP being required to pay United States federal income tax on its taxable income. Recent events have caused some MLPs to be reclassified or restructured as corporations. The classification of an MLP as a corporation for United States federal income tax purposes has the effect of reducing the amount of cash available for distribution by the MLP and causing any such distributions received by the Fund to be taxed as dividend income to the extent of the MLP’s current or accumulated earnings and profits.
A reduction in the percentage of the income offset by tax deductions or an increase in sales of the Fund’s MLP holdings that result in capital gains will reduce that portion of the Fund’s distribution from an MLP treated as a return of capital and increase that portion treated as income, and may result in lower after-tax distributions to the Fund’s common shareholders. On the other hand, to the extent a distribution received by the Fund from an MLP is treated as a return of capital, the Fund’s adjusted tax basis in the interests of the MLP may be reduced, which will result in an increase in the amount of income or gain or decrease in the amount of loss that will be recognized by the Fund for tax purposes upon the sale of any such interests.
United Kingdom Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
United Kingdom Risk. The Fund is subject to certain risks specifically associated with investments in the securities of United Kingdom issuers. Investments in issuers located in the United Kingdom may subject the Fund to regulatory, political, currency, security, and economic risk specific to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has one of the largest economies in Europe, and the United States, China and other European countries are substantial trading partners of the United Kingdom. As a result, the British economy may be impacted by changes to the economic health of the United States, China and other European countries. The United Kingdom’s official departure from the European Union (commonly referred to as “Brexit”) led to volatility in global financial markets, in particular those of the United Kingdom and across Europe, and the weakening in political, regulatory, consumer, corporate and financial confidence in the United Kingdom and Europe. Given the size and importance of the United Kingdom’s economy, uncertainty or unpredictability about its legal, political and/or economic relationships with Europe has been, and may continue to be, a source of instability and could lead to significant currency fluctuations and other adverse effects on international markets and international trade even under the post-Brexit trade guidelines. The negative impact of Brexit on not only the United Kingdom and European economies, but the broader global economy, could be significant, potentially resulting in increased volatility and illiquidity and lower economic growth for companies that rely significantly on Europe for their business activities and revenues. It is not currently possible to determine the extent of the impact that Brexit may have on the Fund’s investments and this uncertainty could

negatively impact current and future economic conditions in the United Kingdom and other countries, which could negatively impact the value of the Fund’s investments.
Utilities Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Utilities Risk. Utility companies include companies producing or providing gas, electricity or water. These companies are subject to the risk of the imposition of rate caps, increased competition due to deregulation, the difficulty in obtaining an adequate return on invested capital or in financing large construction projects, the limitations on operations and increased costs and delays attributable to environmental considerations and the capital market’s ability to absorb utility debt. In addition, in many regions, including the United States, the utility industry is experiencing increasing competitive pressures, primarily in wholesale markets, as a result of consumer demand, technological advances, greater availability of natural gas with respect to electric utility companies and other factors. Taxes, government regulation, international politics, price and supply fluctuations, volatile interest rates and energy conservation also may negatively affect utility companies.
Valuation Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Valuation Risk. The valuation of senior loans may carry more risk than that of common stock. Because the secondary market for senior loans is limited, it may be difficult to value the loans held by the Fund. Market quotations may not be readily available for some senior loans and valuation may require more research than for liquid securities. In addition, elements of judgment may play a greater role in the valuation of senior loans than for securities with a secondary market, because there is less reliable objective data available. These difficulties may lead to inaccurate asset pricing.
Interest Rate Risk [Member]  
General Description of Registrant [Abstract]  
Risk [Text Block]
Interest Rate Risk. Interest rate risk is the risk that securities will decline in value because of changes in market interest rates. The yield on the Fund’s common shares will tend to rise or fall as market interest rates rise and fall, as senior loans pay interest at rates which float in response to changes in market rates. Changes in prevailing interest rates can be expected to cause some fluctuation in the Fund’s net asset value. Similarly, a sudden and significant increase in market interest rates may cause a decline in the Fund’s net asset value.

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