RNS Number:2021R
Dresdner RCM 2 Endwt Policy Tst PLC
22 October 2003

For Immediate Release                                          22nd October 2003

For the year ended 30th September 2003

Investment Review - 2006 Pool

A summary of the results for the 2006 Pool for the year ended 30th September
2003 is set out on page 4.  The net asset value has fallen from 195.7p per 2006
Share at 30th September 2002 to 157.1p per 2006 Share at 30th September 2003, a
decrease of 19.7%.

The 2006 Pool currently has investments in policies from a total of 53
with-profits funds.  During the year the 2006 Pool realised proceeds of policy
maturities amounting to #1.7 million.  The average annualised return on these
policies was 7.52% since purchase.  This calculation makes no allowances for
windfalls arising from demutualisations or the distribution of orphan assets.

Investment Review - 2009 Pool

A summary of the results for the 2009 Pool for the year ended 30th September
2003 is set out on page 5.  The net asset value has fallen from 142.8p per 2009
Share at 30th September 2002 to 119.1p per 2009 Share at 30th September 2003, a
decrease of 16.6%.

The 2009 Pool currently has investments in policies from a total of 58
with-profits funds. During the period the 2009 Pool realised proceeds of policy
maturities amounting to #1.6 million.  The average annualised return on these
policies was 6.25% since purchase.  This calculation makes no allowances for
windfalls arising from demutualisations or the distribution of orphan assets.

Market Overview

The twelve months to 30th September 2003 have been dominated by further
significant bonus rate cuts (primarily occurring in the last quarter of 2002 and
the first quarter of 2003), and a recovery in equity values since mid-March.
Bonus rate reductions in the first half continued to reflect the severe equity
bear market of the last three years.   The recent recovery in equity markets,
however, has provided some respite for the life industry, reducing pressures on
solvency which were a feature of the first quarter.

Accrued guaranteed benefits

Guaranteed benefits are attached to the policy portfolio (comprising sums
assured and reversionary bonuses declared to date) and these have continued to
grow as reversionary bonuses have been declared over the year.  Stated as a
projected final net asset value after projected expenses - including the cost of
borrowings - they represented 126.7p and 102.9p per 2006 and 2009 Share
respectively as at 30th September 2003.

Share buybacks and borrowings

As reported in last year's Report and Accounts, proceeds from the surrender and
sale of a number of policies, at attractive levels relative to asset share, were
received early in the year under review.  Proceeds amounted to #0.5m and #0.1m
for the 2006 and 2009 Pools respectively and, together with proceeds from
disposals received prior to the last year end, were used mainly to repay debt in
order to reduce risk.   They were also used to repurchase 45,000 2006 Shares
and 110,000 2009 shares during the year ended 30th September 2003.

The Board intends to seek renewed authority from shareholders to buy back up to
15% of the issued share capital of the Company at the forthcoming Annual General

Projected final net asset values

The Company publishes projected final net asset values on a regular basis.
These projections are based on possible future bonus rate levels, which will
reflect, inter alia, the investment returns earned by the underlying
with-profits funds.  Projected final net asset values as at 30th September 2003
are given in the table below.

                           100% Current Bonus     80% Current Bonus    50% Current Bonus  No Further Bonuses
                                  Rates                 Rates                Rates

Projected final net asset
value at 30th September
2006 (2006 Pool)                 193.3p                180.2p               161.1p              126.7p

Projected final net asset
value at 31st December
2009 (2009 Pool)                 177.5p                161.9p               139.9p              102.9p

Projected final net asset values are calculated using the principal bases and
assumptions set out in the Annual Report which, inter alia, assume no further
changes in life office bonus rates other than those stated above, current
gearing levels and interest rates, no further demutualisation receipts and no
further purchases of policies.  These illustrations are given to provide an
indication of the sensitivity of the projected final net asset value to bonus
rate changes.  They should not be taken as forecasts of particular degree of
change in rate levels.

Earnings and dividend

The Company is managed with the objective of providing returns to investors
entirely in the form of capital growth.  The continuing deficit on the revenue
account is consistent with this objective.  Consequently, no dividend will be
payable on either class of share.

Investment Policy

The Board announces that, following the publication of the Investment Entities
(Listing Rules and Conduct of Business) Instrument 2003, it is the Company's
policy to invest no more than 15% of its gross assets in other listed investment
companies (including listed investment trusts).


The Company operates as an approved investment trust within the meaning of
Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988.  Such approval has
been granted for the year ended 30th September 2002 and is expected to be
granted for the accounting year under review.  The Company is not a close

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th December 2003 at 12:30pm.

155 Bishopsgate                                            By Order of the Board
London EC2M 3AD                                            P W I Ingram
                                                           Company Secretary

For further information, please contact:

Allianz Dresdner Asset Management (UK) Limited
Simon White, Head of Investment Trusts
Tel: 020 7065 1539


Year ended 30th September 2003
                                                                          2006 Pool

                                                              Revenue*          Capital          Total
                                                                #'000s           #'000s         #'000s

Net losses on investments                                            -          (6,556)        (6,556)
Income from investments                                            100                -            100
Other income                                                        20                -             20
Management and advisory fees                                     (595)                -          (595)
Expenses of administration                                       (102)                -          (102)

Net return before finance costs and taxation                     (577)          (6,556)        (7,133)

Finance costs of borrowings                                      (640)                -          (640)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                  (1,217)          (6,556)        (7,773)

Taxation                                                             -                -              -

Transfer from reserves                                         (1,217)          (6,556)        (7,773)

Return per 2006 Share                                          (6.05)p         (32.62)p       (38.67)p

* The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 2006 Pool.

The return per share is calculated on a weighted average number of shares in issue during the year of

BALANCE SHEET                                                                         2006 Pool
As at 30th September 2003 (Unaudited)                                                    #'000s

Valuation of investments                                                                 39,658
Net current liabilities                                                                 (4,179)
Total assets less current liabilities                                                    35,479
Long term liabilities                                                                   (3,950)
Net assets attributable to 2006 shareholders                                             31,529

Called up share capital                                                                   1,004
Share premium account                                                                         -
Capital redemption reserve                                                                    5
Special reserve                                                                          19,128
Capital reserve : realised                                                                9,828
                : unrealised                                                             12,672
Revenue reserve                                                                        (11,108)
Shareholders' funds (all equity)                                                         31,529

Net asset value per 2006 share                                                           157.1p

The net asset value is based on 20,073,064 2006 shares in issue at the year end.


Year ended 30th September 2003
                                                                     2009 Pool

                                                          Revenue*        Capital               Total
                                                            #'000s         #'000s              #'000s

Net losses on investments                                        -        (4,060)             (4,060)
Income from investments                                         88              -                  88
Other income                                                    15              -                  15
Management and advisory fees                                 (435)              -               (435)
Expenses of administration                                    (75)              -                (75)

Net return before finance costs and taxation                 (407)        (4,060)             (4,467)

Finance costs of borrowings                                  (269)              -               (269)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                (676)        (4,060)             (4,736)

Taxation                                                         -              -                   -

Transfer from reserves                                       (676)        (4,060)             (4,736)

Return per 2009 Share                                      (3.42)p       (20.54)p            (23.96)p

* The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 2009 Pool.

The return per share is calculated on a weighted average number of shares in issue of 19,764,014.

BALANCE SHEET                                                                            2009 Pool

As at 30th September 2003 (Unaudited)                                                       #'000s

Valuation of investments                                                                    28,761
Net current assets                                                                             400
Total assets less current liabilities                                                       29,161
Long term liabilities                                                                      (5,650)
Net assets attributable to 2009 shareholders                                                23,511

Called up share capital                                                                        197
Share premium account                                                                       18,925
Capital redemption reserve                                                                       3
Special reserve                                                                                  -
Capital reserves     : realised                                                              4,231
                     : unrealised                                                            4,736
Revenue reserve                                                                            (4,581)
Shareholders' funds (all equity)                                                            23,511

Net asset value per 2009 share                                                              119.1p

The net asset value is based on 19,745,000 2009 shares in issue at the year end.


Year ended 30th September 2003

                                                               Revenue*         Capital         Total
                                                                 #'000s          #'000s        #'000s

Net losses on investments                                             -        (10,616)      (10,616)
Income from investments                                             188               -           188
Other income                                                         35               -            35
Management and advisory fees                                    (1,030)               -       (1,030)
Expenses of administration                                        (177)               -         (177)

Net return before finance costs and taxation                      (984)        (10,616)      (11,600)

Finance costs of borrowings                                       (909)               -         (909)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                   (1,893)        (10,616)      (12,509)

Taxation                                                              -               -             -

Transfer from reserves                                          (1,893)        (10,616)      (12,509)

* The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company

BALANCE SHEET                                                                                 Company
As at 30th September 2003                                                                      #'000s

Valuation of investments                                                                       68,419
Net current liabilities                                                                       (3,779)
Total assets less current liabilities                                                          64,640
Long term liabilities                                                                         (9,600)
Net assets attributable to ordinary shareholders                                               55,040

Called up share capital                                                                         1,201
Share premium account                                                                          18,925
Capital redemption reserve                                                                          8
Special reserve                                                                                19,128
Capital reserves     : realised                                                                14,059
                     : unrealised                                                              17,408

Revenue reserve                                                                              (15,689)
Shareholders' funds (all equity)                                                               55,040


Year ended 30th September 2002
                                                                       2006 Pool

                                                           Revenue*         Capital            Total
                                                             #'000s          #'000s           #'000s

Net losses on investments                                         -         (1,576)          (1,576)
Income from investments                                         117               -              117
Other income                                                      4               -                4
Management and advisory fees                                  (703)               -            (703)
Expenses of administration                                    (147)               -            (147)

Net return before finance costs and taxation                  (729)         (1,576)          (2,305)

Finance costs of borrowings                                   (637)               -            (637)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation               (1,366)         (1,576)          (2,942)

Taxation                                                          -               -                -

Transfer from reserves                                      (1,366)         (1,576)          (2,942)

Return per 2006 share                                       (6.77)p         (7.81)p         (14.58)p

* The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 2006 Pool.
The return per share is calculated on a weighted average number of shares in issue of 20,167,927.

BALANCE SHEET                                                                              2006 Pool
As at 30th September 2002                                                                     #'000s

Valuation of investments                                                                      47,609
Net current assets                                                                               996
Total assets less current liabilities                                                         48,605
Long term liabilities                                                                        (9,237)
Net assets attributable to 2006 shareholders                                                  39,368

Called up share capital                                                                        1,006
Share premium account                                                                              -
Capital redemption reserve                                                                         3
Special reserve                                                                               19,195
Capital reserves        : realised                                                             8,789
                                         :                                                    20,266
Revenue reserve                                                                              (9,891)
Shareholders' funds (all equity)                                                              39,368

Net asset value per 2006 Share                                                                195.7p

The net asset value is based on 20,118,064 2006 shares in issue at the year end.


Year ended 30th September 2002
                                                                         2009 Pool

                                                             Revenue*          Capital           Total
                                                               #'000s           #'000s          #'000s

Net losses on investments                                           -          (2,052)         (2,052)
Income from investments                                            88                -              88
Other income                                                        2                -               2
Management and advisory fees                                    (536)                -           (536)
Expenses of administration                                      (111)                -           (111)

Net return before finance costs and taxation                    (557)          (2,052)         (2,609)

Finance costs of borrowings                                     (346)                -           (346)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                   (903)          (2,052)         (2,955)

Taxation                                                            -                -               -

Transfer from reserves                                          (903)          (2,052)         (2,955)

Return per 2009 share                                         (4.51)p         (10.27)p        (14.78)p

*The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 2009 Pool.
The return per share is calculated on a weighted average number of shares in issue of 19,976,849.

BALANCE SHEET                                                                                2006 Pool

As at 30th September 2002                                                                       #'000s

Valuation of investments                                                                        33,839
Net current assets                                                                               1,206
Total assets less current liabilities                                                           35,045
Long term liabilities                                                                          (6,700)
Net assets attributable to 2009 shareholders                                                    28,345

Called up share capital                                                                            199
Share premium account                                                                           18,925
Capital redemption reserve                                                                           1
Capital reserves        : realised                                                               3,693
                                         :                                                       9,432
Revenue Reserve                                                                                (3,905)
Shareholders' funds (all equity)                                                                28,345

Net asset value per 2009 share                                                                  142.8p

The net asset value is based on 19,855,000 2009 shares in issue at the year end.


Year ended 30th September 2002

                                                              Revenue*         Capital          Total
                                                                #'000s          #'000s         #'000s

Net gains on investments                                             -         (3,628)        (3,628)
Income from investments                                            205               -            205
Other income                                                         6               -              6
Management and advisory fees                                   (1,239)               -        (1,239)
Expenses of administration                                       (258)               -          (258)

Net return before finance costs and taxation                   (1,286)         (3,628)        (4,914)

Finance costs of borrowings                                      (983)               -          (983)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                  (2,269)         (3,628)        (5,897)

Taxation                                                             -               -              -

Transfer from reserves                                         (2,269)         (3,628)        (5,897)

* The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company

BALANCE SHEET                                                                                 Company

As at 30th September 2002                                                                      #'000s

Valuation of investments                                                                       81,448
Net current assets                                                                              2,202
Total assets less current liabilities                                                          83,650
Long term liabilities                                                                        (15,937)
Net assets attributable to ordinary shareholders                                               67,713

Called up share capital                                                                         1,204
Share premium account                                                                          18,925
Capital redemption reserve                                                                          4
Special reserve                                                                                19,195
Capital reserves     : realised                                                                12,483
                                  :                                                            29,698
Revenue reserve                                                                              (13,796)
Shareholders' funds (all equity)                                                               67,713

For the year ended 30th September 2003 and comparative period

                                                                                    2006 Pool

                                                                             Year to                    Year to
                                                                 30th September 2003        30th September 2002

                                                                              #'000s                     #'000s

Net cash outflow from operating activities                                     (582)                      (967)

Servicing of Finance
Interest paid                                                                  (598)                      (400)

UK income tax repaid                                                               4                          3

Investing Activities
Payments to acquire investments                                              (1,124)                    (1,205)
Receipts on demutualisations                                                       -                        603
Receipts on disposal of investments                                            2,843                      3,533
Net cash inflow from investing activities                                      1,719                      2,931

Net cash inflow before financing                                                 543                      1,567

Decrease in loans                                                              (667)                    (1,000)
Purchase of Ordinary Shares for cancellation                                    (67)                       (63)
Net cash outflow from financing                                                (734)                    (1,063)

(Decrease)increase in cash                                                     (191)                        504

For the year ended 30th September 2003 and comparative period

                                                                                    2009 Pool

                                                                            Year to                      Year to
                                                                30th September 2003          30th September 2002

                                                                             #'000s                       #'000s

Net cash outflow from operating activities                                    (479)                        (344)

Servicing of Finance
Interest paid                                                                 (203)                        (348)

UK income tax repaid                                                              2                            2

Investing Activities
Payments to acquire investments                                               (971)                      (1,067)
Receipts on demutualisations                                                      -                          254
Receipts on disposal of investments                                           2,810                        3,054
Net cash inflow from investing activities                                     1,839                        2,241

Net cash inflow before financing                                              1,159                        1,551

Decrease in loans                                                           (1,050)                        (850)
Purchase of Ordinary Shares for cancellation                                   (99)                        (152)
Net cash outflow from financing                                             (1,149)                      (1,002)

Increase in cash                                                                 10                          549

For the year ended 30th September 2003 and comparative period


                                                                             Year to                    Year to
                                                                 30th September 2003        30th September 2002

                                                                              #'000s                     #'000s

Net cash outflow from operating activities                                   (1,061)                    (1,311)

Servicing of Finance
Interest paid                                                                  (801)                      (748)

UK income tax repaid                                                               6                          5

Investing Activities
Payments to acquire investments                                              (2,095)                    (2,271)
Receipts on demutualisations                                                       -                        857
Receipts on disposal of investments                                            5,653                      6,587
Net cash inflow from investing activities                                      3,558                      5,173

Net cash inflow before financing                                               1,702                      3,119

Decrease in loans                                                            (1,717)                    (1,850)
Purchase of Ordinary Shares for cancellation                                   (166)                      (215)
Net cash outflow from financing                                              (1,883)                    (2,065)

(Decrease) increase in cash                                                    (181)                      1,054

The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 30th September 2003.  The
financial information for the year ended 30th September 2002 is derived from the
statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies.  The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985.  The statutory accounts for the year ended 30th September
2003 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by
the Directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

AS AT 30th SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2006 POOL
                                        Value of              % of
  Life Office                           Policies             Total
                                          #'000s       Investments

  Standard Life                           11,091              28.0
  AVIVA (Norwich Union)                    5,010              12.6
  Legal & General                          3,437               8.6
  Prudential                               2,785               7.0
  Scottish Provident                       1,848               4.6
  Prudential (Scottish Amicable)           1,663               4.2
  Scottish Widows                          1,540               3.9
  Clerical Medical                           950               2.4
  Friends Provident                          825               2.1
  Scottish Life                              671               1.7
  AXA Equity and Law                         668               1.7
  Royal & Sun Alliance (Royal                636               1.6
  Scottish Mutual                            537               1.3
  Guardian                                   499               1.3
  Colonial Mutual                            459               1.2
  Alba Life (Crusader)                       453               1.1
  AVIVA (Commercial Union)                   378               1.0
  AXA Sun Life                               337               0.8
  Friends Provident (UKP Fund)               308               0.8
  London Life                                301               0.8
  Total of twenty largest                 34,396              86.7

  Holdings in other offices                3,839               9.7
  Total holdings of endowment             38,235              96.4

  EIB 6.125% 07.12.2005                      935               2.4
  EIB 7.625% 07.12.2006                      488               1.2
  Total Fixed Interest Holdings            1,423               3.6

  Total of Invested Funds                 39,658             100.0

AS AT 30th SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2009 POOL

                                                                       Value of                         % of
   Life Office                                                         Policies                        Total
                                                                         #'000s                  Investments

   Standard Life                                                          7,764                         27.0
   Legal & General                                                        4,195                         14.6
   Prudential (Scottish Amicable)                                         2,458                          8.5
   AVIVA (Norwich Union)                                                  1,816                          6.3
   Scottish Widows                                                        1,813                          6.3
   Prudential                                                             1,177                          4.1
   Scottish Life                                                          1,026                          3.6
   Clerical Medical                                                         929                          3.2
   Friends Provident                                                        897                          3.1
   Scottish Provident                                                       764                          2.7
   Colonial Mutual                                                          410                          1.4
   Royal & Sun Alliance (Royal Life)                                        312                          1.1
   National Mutual Life                                                     291                          1.0
   Gresham Life                                                             264                          0.9
   NPI                                                                      212                          0.7
   Sun Life of Canada                                                       192                          0.7
   AVIVA (Commercial Union)                                                 192                          0.7
   AVIVA (Provident Mutual)                                                 175                          0.6
   AXA Sun Life                                                             157                          0.6
   Guardian                                                                 149                          0.5
   Total of twenty largest holdings                                      25,193                         87.6

   Holdings in other life offices                                         2,466                          8.6
   Total holdings of endowment policies                                  27,659                         96.2

   Finland (REP) 10.125% # Bds 22.06.08                                     577                          2.0
   Abbey National 5.375% Notes 30.12.09 30.12.09                            525                          1.8
   Total Fixed Interest Holdings                                          1,102                          3.8

   Total of Invested Funds                                               28,761                        100.0


Principal bases and assumptions used in projecting the final net asset value on
page 2.

The final net asset values for the 2006 Pool and the 2009 Pool have been
calculated at 30th September 2006 and 31st December 2009 respectively, on the
basis that:

1)   All policies are held to maturity, no death claims or demutualisation
     benefits are received and no further purchases or disposals of policies are

2)   The latest reversionary and terminal bonus rates declared at 30th
     September 2003 continue to apply until maturity or are reduced immediately 
     by 20%, 50% and 100%.

3)   The estimated mid-market gross redemption yields as at 30th September 2003, 
     for policies of differing remaining terms, are assumed to remain unchanged.

4)   Annual expenses are assumed to be in line with recent experience, and
     future annual inflation is assumed to be 3%.  Interest rates over the 
     Company's remaining life are assumed to be consistent with the shape of the 
     swap rate yield curve at 30th September 2003.

5)   No further shares are issued or repurchased, nor are any dividends paid.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange