Fredonia Mining Inc. (“
Fredonia” or the
Company”) (TSXV:FRED) announces the successful
completion of its phase III drilling program, consisting of 6 HQ
diamond drill holes totaling 1,812.00 m. at Herradura Hill, and 6
HQ diamond drill holes totaling 1,143.00 m. at the Monserrat
sector, for an aggregate of 12 holes and 2,955 m.
“We are very encouraged by the first assays
received from the 6 drill holes at the Herradura Hill target, while
we wait for the assays from the remaining 6 drill holes at the
Monserrat sector,” said Estanislao Auriemma, Chief Executive
Officer of Fredonia. "These positive drill results confirm the
existence of a significant mineralized body with the constant
presence of high-grade intercepts, which increase the confidence
and potential of the Herradura Hill target. Most importantly, these
results increase the potential as this target remains open in all
directions and gold and silver values increase at depth. We are
very excited and impressed by the high proportion of holes that are
showing high grade intercepts."
HDDH045 intercepted the
stockwork deeper than prior holes, while at the same time
intercepted the previously defined veins at shallower depths. The
drill hole included an intercept of 84 m
@ 0.82 g/t Au Eq.; including high
grade gold mineralization in veins and hydrothermal breccia with
0.50 m @ 4.80 g/t Au
Eq.; 0.97 m @
5.49 g/t Au Eq., 1.00 m @
4.46 g/t Au Eq. The sulfide-rich hydrothermal
breccias show mineralization both in the matrix and vein clasts,
and the system remains open to the west and at depth.
HDDH047 also intercepted the
stockwork deeper than previously drilled, extending its magnitude
at depth. The drill hole intercepted wide hydrothermal breccias
with fine sulfides vein clasts, with 6 m
@ 1.36 g/t Au Eq.; and multiple
high-grade veins including 8 m @
6.00 g/t Au Eq.
HDDH048 confirms the larger
size of the stockwork to the east of HDDH047 and also at depth,
consistent with structures seen deeper in HDDH040. The drill hole
intercepted 12 m @ 1.10
g/t Au Eq., including high grade gold mineralization in
veins and hydrothermal breccia including 0.4 m
@ 5.04 g/t Au Eq., 0.5
m @ 5.19 g/t Au Eq.; and
9.60 m @ 1.04 g/t Au
Eq., including 0.6 m @
4.27 g/t Au Eq., and 1.2 m
@ 3.42 g/t Au Eq.
Gold and silver mineralized hosted in
colloform-crustiform banded vein related to Adularia and bladed
calcite from 233.00 m, indicates that the system is open at
HDDH049 intercepted a huge
colloform banded vein at 42.00 m, 5.6 m
@ 2.26 g/t Au Eq. Additionally,
at the bottom of the drill hole it intercepted a hydrothermal
breccia with sulfides clasts at 253.65 m, 0.75 m
@ 1.03 g/t Au Eq., which extends
the system to the east, beyond HDDH029.
HDDH050 intercepted the
down-deep continuity and increases the size of the stockworks
defined in HDDH033. The hydrothermal breccias present again rich
sulfides both in the matrix and in the vein clasts, showing that
the system is open at depth. However, the oriented core of the
drill hole indicates that some veins dip to the north, and require
evaluation with a new drill hole.
HDDH046 was designed as a step
back of HDDH037; drilling was located on a block that has been
displaced by a fault and shows unmineralized andesite.
Map showing phase III: drilled collar
locations at the Herradura Hill:
Table of drill-hole
ID |
Target |
Easting |
Northing |
Altitud |
Acimuth |
Dip |
HDDH045 |
La Herradura |
2531990 |
4632843 |
188 |
17 |
-60 |
269.00 |
HDDH046 |
La Herradura |
2532061 |
4632731 |
179 |
17 |
-45 |
284.00 |
HDDH047 |
La Herradura |
2532243 |
4632687 |
192 |
17 |
-45 |
380.00 |
HDDH048 |
La Herradura |
2532364 |
4632755 |
206 |
17 |
-50 |
335.00 |
HDDH049 |
La Herradura |
2532455 |
4632728 |
194 |
17 |
-55 |
272.00 |
HDDH050 |
La Herradura |
2532169 |
4632779 |
210 |
17 |
-60 |
272.00 |
Total |
1,812.00 |
Long Section showing the best
intercepts, including the current phase III drilling at Herradura
Herradura Hill consists of a
maar-volcano-diatreme surrounded by an extensive brecciated host
system, the dimensions of which are yet undefined being
geologically open in all directions.
In a district scale, Herradura Hill lies in a
roughly east-west mineralization trend which extends eastwards on
strike with AngloGold Ashanti’s Cerro Vanguardia Mine that is
Drill holes confirm very broad stockworks,
hydrothermal breccias and colloform-crustiform banded veins, hosted
in a phreatomagmatic breccias, felsic domes and dykes that intrude
the andesite flows that form the country rock.
Gold mineralization is related to a strong
quartz + sericite alteration, bladed calcite and adularia, evidence
of a boiling zone in a low sulphidation epithermal system.
The hydrothermal breccias show mineralization in
the matrix, as well as in the veins clasts, indicating that the
system extends at depth, and hasn’t been drilled yet.
The current drill program has been designed to
extend mineralization both to the east and west of the known
mineralized zone at Herradura Hill, as well as at depth. Except for
HDDH046, all drill holes intercepted gold and silver mineralization
extending the system in all directions.
Fredonia’s targets are focused mainly on two
main corridors. The northern corridor includes Abanico, Main Veins,
Bajo Pedernal, Monserrat West and Monserrat East as main targets.
Herradura Hill is part of the main southern corridor, more than 5
km long, where additional targets occur such as the Beethoven
veins, the geyserite sector and Pamela.
Map showing the location of the main
targets of the EDM project.
The intercepts of Phase III drilling in
Herradura Hill are shown below:
Including |
from |
to |
Interval(*) |
Au Eq g/t (**) |
Au g/t |
Ag g/t |
HDDH045 |
38.50 |
39.25 |
0.75 |
2.11 |
1.97 |
10.24 |
HDDH045 |
55.00 |
60.00 |
5.00 |
0.62 |
0.57 |
3.50 |
HDDH045 |
159.00 |
243.00 |
84.00 |
0.82 |
0.38 |
32.74 |
including |
167.00 |
167.50 |
0.50 |
4.80 |
0.71 |
307.10 |
and |
175.90 |
176.87 |
0.97 |
5.49 |
4.34 |
86.08 |
and |
226.00 |
227.00 |
1.00 |
4.46 |
1.79 |
200.50 |
HDDH046 |
92.00 |
93.00 |
1.00 |
1.39 |
0.11 |
96.26 |
HDDH047 |
83.00 |
84.00 |
1.00 |
4.58 |
3.14 |
107.98 |
HDDH047 |
91.00 |
91.55 |
0.55 |
2.02 |
1.90 |
8.76 |
HDDH047 |
99.00 |
107.00 |
8.00 |
0.50 |
0.45 |
3.92 |
HDDH047 |
142.00 |
148.00 |
6.00 |
1.36 |
0.90 |
34.74 |
HDDH047 |
269.00 |
277.00 |
8.00 |
6.00 |
5.26 |
55.65 |
including |
274.00 |
277.00 |
3.00 |
12.65 |
11.77 |
66.12 |
HDDH047 |
285.20 |
288.50 |
3.30 |
1.79 |
1.73 |
3.88 |
including |
286.60 |
287.30 |
0.70 |
4.92 |
4.81 |
8.04 |
HDDH048 |
62.00 |
71.00 |
9.00 |
0.63 |
0.57 |
4.63 |
including |
67.00 |
70.00 |
3.00 |
1.60 |
1.47 |
9.99 |
HDDH048 |
113.00 |
116.40 |
3.40 |
1.97 |
1.51 |
34.65 |
HDDH048 |
149.00 |
161.00 |
12.00 |
1.10 |
0.89 |
15.89 |
including |
149.00 |
149.40 |
0.40 |
5.04 |
4.81 |
17.07 |
and |
155.50 |
156.00 |
0.50 |
5.19 |
5.07 |
8.64 |
HDDH048 |
186.00 |
191.00 |
5.00 |
1.07 |
0.52 |
41.67 |
including |
187.00 |
190.00 |
3.00 |
1.54 |
0.76 |
58.22 |
HDDH048 |
220.60 |
230.20 |
9.60 |
1.04 |
0.76 |
21.16 |
including |
224.00 |
224.60 |
0.60 |
4.27 |
3.67 |
44.75 |
and |
229.00 |
230.20 |
1.20 |
3.42 |
3.26 |
12.21 |
HDDH048 |
233.00 |
233.40 |
0.40 |
2.77 |
2.60 |
12.59 |
HDDH049 |
42.00 |
47.60 |
5.60 |
2.26 |
1.92 |
25.92 |
including |
45.20 |
47.00 |
1.80 |
4.66 |
4.19 |
35.06 |
HDDH049 |
253.65 |
254.40 |
0.75 |
1.03 |
0.91 |
8.80 |
HDDH050 |
39.00 |
40.00 |
1.00 |
3.67 |
3.37 |
22.21 |
HDDH050 |
54.00 |
62.00 |
8.00 |
1.70 |
1.35 |
26.30 |
including |
60.00 |
62.00 |
2.00 |
4.81 |
3.78 |
77.32 |
HDDH050 |
71.00 |
72.00 |
1.00 |
1.26 |
1.02 |
17.99 |
HDDH050 |
81.00 |
88.00 |
7.00 |
1.51 |
0.62 |
66.54 |
including |
86.10 |
88.00 |
1.90 |
3.42 |
1.54 |
141.23 |
(*) Reported interval length are down
hole widths and not true widths.
(**) Gold equivalent (“AuEq”) is
calculated using metal prices of US$ 1,800/oz for Au and US$ 24/oz
for Ag. The equation used is: AuEq g/t = Au g/t + (Ag g/t ÷
AuEq assumes Au recovery of 90%. The
limited metallurgical studies by Fredonia (selective Bottle rolls
from Main Veins material) have indicated high (>90%) recovery of
gold in oxide material. The Cerro Vanguardia mine to the east of
EDM with similar mineralization reports recoveries in the high 90%
for Au.
The Phase III drilling has confirmed the
presence of extensive intersections of mineralized material with
high grade veins, extending known mineralization to the east, west
and at depth.
The Fredonia geological team believes that a new
phase of drilling is warranted, to further extend the known
mineralization zone, include down-dip and along strike delineation
of the mineralization and affiliated host rocks discovered during
the Phases I to III programs, and to test additional targets at
Herradura Hill.
Historical drill holes intercepts not
previously reported from Herradura Hill, and including Fredonia
Mining Phase I and II are shown below:
Hole ID |
From |
To |
Length (*) |
Au Eq g/t (**) |
Au g/t |
Ag g/t |
HDDH001 |
124.00 |
140.00 |
16.00 |
1.01 |
0.61 |
29.70 |
HDDH007 |
83.00 |
92.00 |
9.00 |
1.34 |
1.17 |
12.70 |
HDDH011 |
126.50 |
128.10 |
1.60 |
5.54 |
5.49 |
3.80 |
HDDH011 |
147.70 |
199.00 |
51.30 |
1.72 |
1.11 |
45.80 |
including |
174.00 |
177.00 |
3.00 |
4.53 |
3.29 |
93.10 |
HDDH013 |
68.00 |
163.70 |
95.70 |
1.04 |
0.90 |
10.30 |
including |
68.00 |
77.00 |
9.00 |
8.12 |
7.43 |
51.70 |
and |
149.70 |
180.00 |
30.30 |
1.16 |
0.72 |
32.90 |
HDDH015 |
139.00 |
153.50 |
14.50 |
1.13 |
0.86 |
20.50 |
HDDH022 |
150.00 |
168.00 |
18.00 |
1.36 |
1.16 |
14.70 |
HDDH023 |
109.80 |
110.50 |
0.70 |
10.20 |
9.26 |
70.40 |
HDDH027 |
216.00 |
229.00 |
13.00 |
2.50 |
1.38 |
83.70 |
HDDH031 |
161.00 |
198.00 |
37.00 |
1.39 |
1.04 |
26.10 |
HDDH034 |
84.00 |
84.50 |
0.50 |
6.17 |
5.90 |
19.91 |
HDDH035 |
99.70 |
101.00 |
1.30 |
2.11 |
1.93 |
13.62 |
HDDH035 |
120.00 |
120.50 |
0.50 |
3.78 |
3.28 |
37.59 |
HDDH036 |
77.70 |
78.20 |
0.50 |
3.81 |
3.55 |
19.81 |
HDDH036 |
180.60 |
181.20 |
0.60 |
2.33 |
1.65 |
50.99 |
HDDH036 |
220.40 |
221.50 |
1.10 |
3.39 |
2.52 |
65.37 |
HDDH036 |
224.00 |
225.00 |
1.00 |
5.47 |
4.89 |
43.40 |
including |
224.00 |
224.50 |
0.50 |
9.55 |
8.54 |
75.61 |
HDDH037 |
162.00 |
176.50 |
14.50 |
1.08 |
0.91 |
12.69 |
including |
163.10 |
164.20 |
1.10 |
2.35 |
1.91 |
33.16 |
and |
166.00 |
166.50 |
0.50 |
8.45 |
7.57 |
66.19 |
and |
176.00 |
176.50 |
0.50 |
7.05 |
6.26 |
59.39 |
HDDH037 |
189.00 |
190.00 |
1.00 |
2.02 |
1.73 |
21.59 |
HDDH038 |
34.00 |
55.00 |
21.00 |
1.01 |
0.91 |
7.43 |
including |
42.00 |
42.60 |
0.60 |
4.72 |
4.53 |
14.53 |
and |
51.50 |
54.00 |
2.50 |
3.02 |
2.91 |
8.42 |
including |
101.00 |
102.00 |
1.00 |
2.30 |
2.10 |
14.70 |
and |
114.00 |
114.50 |
0.50 |
7.36 |
6.49 |
65.29 |
and |
116.00 |
116.64 |
0.64 |
13.74 |
12.83 |
68.39 |
and |
123.60 |
124.15 |
0.55 |
2.24 |
2.12 |
9.04 |
including |
234.50 |
235.10 |
0.60 |
6.42 |
5.85 |
42.88 |
and |
244.80 |
246.50 |
1.70 |
5.42 |
4.35 |
79.95 |
and |
248.00 |
249.30 |
1.30 |
2.99 |
2.93 |
4.76 |
HDDH038 |
251.00 |
251.50 |
0.50 |
4.94 |
4.87 |
5.33 |
HDDH039 |
107.50 |
108.00 |
0.50 |
1.59 |
1.52 |
5.61 |
HDDH040 |
157.00 |
157.50 |
0.50 |
4.29 |
3.68 |
45.49 |
HDDH040 |
168.80 |
191.00 |
22.20 |
1.78 |
1.58 |
14.72 |
including |
174.00 |
175.00 |
1.00 |
9.83 |
9.53 |
22.39 |
and |
177.30 |
178.00 |
0.70 |
9.26 |
8.75 |
38.14 |
and |
180.00 |
180.65 |
0.65 |
5.72 |
4.69 |
77.30 |
and |
184.00 |
187.00 |
3.00 |
3.86 |
3.43 |
32.60 |
HDDH040 |
198.00 |
200.00 |
2.00 |
3.92 |
2.72 |
90.36 |
including |
209.00 |
210.00 |
1.00 |
3.06 |
2.96 |
7.16 |
including |
226.00 |
227.00 |
1.00 |
2.56 |
2.44 |
8.66 |
HDDH040 |
255.00 |
262.00 |
7.00 |
1.91 |
1.88 |
2.57 |
including |
255.50 |
255.90 |
0.40 |
26.74 |
26.47 |
20.16 |
HDDH041 |
59.90 |
60.80 |
0.90 |
1.64 |
1.52 |
9.01 |
HDDH041 |
98.50 |
99.20 |
0.70 |
3.29 |
3.01 |
20.70 |
including |
110.00 |
110.60 |
0.60 |
2.72 |
2.57 |
11.11 |
(*) Reported interval length are down
hole widths and not true widths.
(**) Gold equivalent (“AuEq”) is
calculated using metal prices of US$ 1,800/oz for Au and US$ 24/oz
for Ag. The equation used is: AuEq g/t = Au g/t + (Ag g/t ÷
AuEq assumes Au recovery of 90%. The
limited metallurgical studies by Fredonia (selective Bottle rolls
from Main Veins material) have indicated high (>90%) recovery of
gold in oxide material. The Cerro Vanguardia mine to the east of
EDM with similar mineralization reports recoveries in the high 90%
for Au.
Quality Assurance/Quality
All core samples were submitted to the principal
Alex Stewart Laboratories in San Julián city for preparation, and
in Mendoza city for the analysis. All samples were analyzed for Au
and Ag by fire assay/ AA finish 50 g, plus a 39-element ICP-AR
finish. Fredonia followed industry standard procedures for the work
with a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program. Blanks
and reference material of High grade/ Low grade Gold and High
grade/ Low grade Silver standards were included with all sample
shipments to the principal laboratory. Field duplicates were made
from Coarse Reject. Fredonia detected no significant QA/QC issues
during review of the data.
Mr. Fernando Ganem, Professional Geoscientist,
VP - Exploration of the Company, is a qualified person
(“QP”) as defined by Canadian National Instrument
43-101. Mr. Ganem visited the property and has read and approved
the technical contents of this release.
Data Verification
Mr. Ganem has previous experience with the EDM
property and the historical QA/QC procedures undertaken for the
preparation of previous results and has previously conducted the
verification activities on drilling and sampling results described
in Fredonia’s technical report entitled “Technical Report on the El
Dorado-Monserrat Property in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina” dated
February 15th, 2021 (the “EDM Technical
Mr. Ganem was physically present to inspect and
take verification samples from drill core in the most recent
drilling campaign, and verify drill results against data-base
information provided by management to ensure the assays results
presented are those in the database. Digital ‘original’ final assay
reports (certificates) were provided to the QP at the time of
disclosure for verification.
About Fredonia
Fredonia indirectly owns a 100% interest in
certain license areas (totaling approximately 18,300 ha.)
(Collectively, the “Project”), all within the Deseado Massif
geological region in the Province of Santa Cruz, Argentina,
including the following principal areas: El Aguila, approx.
9,100ha, Petrificados, approx. 3,000ha, and the flagship, advanced
El Dorado-Monserrat property covering approx. 6,200ha located close
to AngloGold Ashanti’s Cerro Vanguardia mine, subject to a 1.5% net
smelter return royalty on the EDM project, and a 0.5% net profits
interest on Winki II, El Aguila I, El Aguila II and Hornia (ex
For further information: Please
visit the Company website or contact:
Omar Salas, Chief Financial Officer, Direct: +1-416-846-7807,
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation
Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX
Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or
accuracy of this release.
Cautionary Note Regarding
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain
“Forward-Looking Statements” within the meaning of applicable
securities legislation relating to the Company and the EDM project,
including statements regarding the prospectivity of the EDM project
for gold and silver mineralization, including the potential for
metal recoveries from any mineral processing activity, the
potential for a mineral resource estimate at the Project, and the
Company’s future exploration plans. Words such as “might”, “will”,
“should”, “anticipate”, “plan”, “expect”, “believe”, “estimate”,
“forecast” and similar terminology are used to identify forward
looking statements and forward-looking information. Such statements
and information are based on assumptions, estimates, opinions and
analysis made by the Company considering its experience, current
conditions and its expectations of future developments as well as
other factors which it believes to be reasonable and relevant.
Forward-looking statements and information involve known and
unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, including, without
limitation, the factors described in the Company’s filing statement
dated June 22, 2021 available on SEDAR at under the
heading “Risk Factors” that may cause actual results to differ
materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking
statements and information and accordingly, readers should not
place undue reliance on such statements and information and the
Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct.
The statements in this press release are made as of the date of
this release. The Company undertakes no obligation to update
forward-looking statement made herein, or comment on analyses,
expectations or statements made by third parties in respect of the
Company or its securities, other than as required by law.
Fredonia Mining (TSXV:FRED)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Fredonia Mining (TSXV:FRED)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025