5 years ago
Biden busy eating babies ?
QAnon began in 2017 with a post on the /pol/ message board of 4chan—a particularly racist and abhorrent corner of a generally nasty online community where anyone can post anything anonymously. The poster, known only as “Q,” is QAnon’s prophet and source: the account is run by someone (or, most likely, a series of someones) who claims to have access to classified, inside information about Donald Trump’s true agenda, and a mission to spread that good news to the public.
The tenets of QAnon are specific: that Trump is the chosen one to finally destroy a ring of Satanic Democrat pedophiles long protected by access to elite positions of authority, and that Q will provide the clues to lead followers to the truth. But the movement has mingled with so many other conspiracist causes and ideologies that it is now possible to be a carrier of QAnon content online without actually knowing what you are spreading. QAnon is now driving anti-mask activism and health misinformation campaigns
5 years ago
When 666 shorting; It's often pros buying opportunity ex...
Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.21.2020
36,427 views•Aug 20, 2020
Greg Hunter
251K subscribers
Dem Convention Disaster, Goodyear Chokes, Buffett Buys Gold
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 445 8.21.2020)
btw. Canadian...
Conservatives leadership race today;
the NWO voting machines made circus again -
nwo khazarian king pins and zoros had a good laugh -
that hacking gave them wwanted info -
its like the conservatives are all 10yrs old and
brainwashed by their cellph., Tvzions etc.
very sad to see thee learned nothing!
15 years ago
HPY,news from july 17th,am liking this a lot
July 17, 2010 – Vancouver, British Columbia – Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. (TSXV: HPY, or the
“Company”) is pleased to announce that it has negotiated a nonbrokered private placement of up
to $750,000 through the sale of up to 2,307,692 flowthrough units at a price of $0.325 per unit to
the MineralFields Group. Each flowthrough unit will consist of one flowthrough common share
and one share purchase warrant. Each warrant will entitle the holder to purchase one additional
nonflowthrough common share of the Company for a period of 24 months from closing at an
exercise price of $0.45 in the first 12 months and $0.50 thereafter. A cash finder’s fee equal to 7%
of the gross proceeds raised in the private placement will be payable to First Canadian Securities.
“We are very pleased to continue our relationship with MineralFields Group”, said David Blann,
President and CEO. “This financing is the second with MineralFields Group as we continue to
develop and advance our projects in the Highland Valley and Cariboo regions of B.C., respectively.
Proceeds will be used to continue geology and drilling on our Highland Valley area properties, and
geology, geochemical surveys, trenching and drilling on our Cariboo properties located northeast
of 100 Mile House, B.C.”.
Upon final acceptance of the completed financing by the TSX Venture Exchange, the Company will
have approximately $2.3 million in working capital.
The Company also wishes to announce it has completed its earnin for a 100% interest on the Gus
property that adjoins the Company’s Silverboss property and Xstrata’s Boss Mountain
molybdenum mine property, northeast of 100 Mile House, B.C. The Company now owns a 100%
interest in over 152 square kilometres of mineral tenures surrounding the former Boss Mountain
mine, a significant pastproducer, and located approximately 25 kilometres southeast of Fjordland’s
WoodjamSoutheast coppermolybdenumgold discovery. In addition, the Company has completed
its earnin for a 100% interest into the Grey property that adjoins the Company’s Hawk coppergold
property located northeast of 100 Mile House, B.C. The Hawk property is currently under a JV
agreement with Jiulian Resources Inc., and has returned high copper and gold values in surface
rock samples and historical drill core.
About MineralFields, Pathway and First Canadian Securities ®
15 years ago
Creek Minerals (TSX:HPY)
Why is every Valid Post that I make to counter the crap that overachiever posts get deleted. Example:
2 to 1 (Liabilites over Assets) is miniscule for a Pink, OTC, & Big Board stock. All anyone has to do is check the balance sheets for the top volume stocks in the Top Lists on the NYSE, NASDAQ, OTC, AND PINK. Using captial letters does not make it BIG. So Far you have NOTHING. Keep trying though, it's entertaining.
Send me an email overachiever, I would like to talk to you.
This is not off-topic on the thresher board.
It is here.
15 years ago
New News,and just talked to ir again, ceo didn't have a problem at all with getting his attorney started on getting a 15c211 in for full trading status on our market , this is copper play mostly but co. had news this morning and buying leases adjacent to theirs and those have gold & silver also , this is going to get better and better , teck cominco will buy them out later after they've prepped everything !!!
News Releases
Mon Dec 7, 2009
Happy Creek acquires property adjoining Thunder Ridge gold discovery, B.C.
December 7, 2009 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V: HPY, the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has acquired an option to earn a 100 percent interest in a mineral property that adjoins the south side of the Company's Art - DL gold-silver property and adjoins the north side of Skygold Ventures Ltd. Spanish Creek-Thunder Ridge gold-silver discovery. These properties are located approximately 45 kilometres northeast of 100 Mile House, in south central British Columbia, an area providing excellent year-round access and resource based infrastructure. The New DL property covers approximately 398 hectares (4.0 square kilometres) in area.
Importantly, Skygold Ventures Ltd. has reported that diamond drill hole SC017 has returned 7.5 metres grading 8.84 g/t (grams per tonne) gold and an additional 19.5 metres containing 1.13 g/t gold. This drill hole is approximately 350 metres south of the New DL property.
David Blann, President of Happy Creek states: "We are pleased to be adding highly prospective ground to our existing land package in this rapidly developing and potentially large scale gold-silver system".
Happy Creek believes the results from the Thunder Ridge zone in conjunction with results from the Company's 100 percent owned Art-DL property (refer to press release dated February 24th, 2009) are compelling. Overall, results to date from this area suggest good potential for an emerging and large scale orogenic style gold-silver system that is over seven kilometres in length, with Happy Creek now having approximately five kilometres of this trend. Skygold Ventures Ltd.'s Spanish Mountain and Hawthorne Gold Corp.'s Frasergold deposits collectively contain over 4 million ounces of gold at a 0.50 g/t gold cutoff grade. These two deposits occur within a very similar geological setting and are located 100 kilometres and 60 kilometres to the north, respectively. There are orogenic or sediment-hosted type gold deposits occurring elsewhere in the world that host 5 to over 30 million ounces of gold.
About the Art-DL Property
The Art-DL property covers an 1880's 12.0 metre long adit (tunnel with only one entrance) developed on a quartz vein containing 4.12 g/t gold over 2.0 metres and 4.57 g/t gold over 1.6 metres and up to 42.9 g/t gold over 1.0 metre. Geological mapping confirms the property is underlain by similar geology as the Thunder Ridge zone, Spanish Mountain and Frasergold deposits. Positive values of gold and silver in soil and stream sediment samples occur for approximately 2.2 kilometres north of the DL adit and remain open in extent. Approximately 450 metres south of the DL adit, a 2001 drill hole intersected 1.09 g/t gold over 1.5 metres in the first sample at the top of the hole and remains open in extent. Approximately 2.0 kilometres west of this drill hole, the Art prospect has returned up to 1.1 g/t gold in rock grab samples, a 2001 drill hole returned 0.17 g/t gold over 12.0 metres and an unexplored and positive gold in soil anomaly occurs that is one kilometre in length and remains open in extent.
Exploration on the DL property in 2009 comprised additional soil and stream sediment geochemical surveys largely to the south of the DL adit and results are expected in January, 2010.
Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. can earn a 100 percent interest into the New DL property by making staged cash payments, share issuance and exploration expenditures on the property over a four year period. During the first two years of the Option, the Company must pay $35,000 in cash, issue 300,000 shares, and carry out $200,000 in exploration. Total cash payment, share issuance and work commitments over the four years, inclusive are $150,000, 850,000 and $700,000, respectively. The Company has the right to purchase a two percent Net Smelter Royalty by paying $1,000,000 for the first one percent and $1,500,000 for the second one percent.
The Company plans to conduct initial exploration of the New DL and its Art-DL propertyduring the summer of 2010, and expects trenching or drilling will follow.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
"David E Blann"
David E Blann, P.Eng.
David Blann, P.Eng. is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for the preparation and approval of the technical information disclosed in the news release.
Corporate Office:
Phone: 604.662.8310
15 years ago
ask for HPYCF , is the u.s. ticker , I bought thru tda so don't think should be any problem , but call in and ask what the bid/ask prices are ,, then you can do on-line order !!! u need to call because our ticker , u.s. , isn't being updated , and they do the dollar difference for you ,, the u.s. canadian dollars are different values !!! when I bought tda went directly to tsx exchange and my trade didn't even show up here on u.s. ticker ,
this should do ok mid term , ceo needs sh/pr up to keep investors happy and when exploration done and testing for proven reserves they figure to sell leases to Teck Cominco !!!!
15 years ago
HPYCF,,,OK, NYBOB , WE GOT IT , co. is going to get there ticker listing upgraded !!! going to get it off gray sheets , !!!!! there long term plans are probably to sell everything to their neighbor !!!! we could see a nice short term bagger here
15 years ago
talking with ir again , couple times , trying to get them to generate paperwork to get co. off gray sheets on our market ,, al they need is a 15c211 form filed I believe !! workin' on it ,, gettin'er done !!!