Musical Shares
1 week ago
He already showed his true colors when he hired a pump and dump advertising company (Corporate Ads, LLC) with cash and shares to pump this stock when he announced his "acquisition" of Genetic Networks (which, by the way, he never acquired). Remember when people lost their minds with excitement with that PR? 🤣 It was one of Feldenkrais's many fake PR's.
Yet, people still believe in this guy.
I agree. The Fluent lawsuit is a big thing. It will cost him millions and ruin the rest of his reputation in cannabis (if there really even was one).
Again, there is no audit of financials so stating revenue/debt elimination isn't going to help. Winning a lawsuit and obtaining millions of dollars might lift this stock. But then again, Feldenkrais's own expert witness has stated that the site is contaminated (in his words "naturally contaminated"). So, it's a toss up here. 😄
It is sad after all these years there's nothing to show for it. But then again, the signs of a garbage ticker have been around for 5 years now.
There is only one thing that I wish I could know, and I haven't seemed to find the answer too and that is how he knew about this ticker. When I look deep into it, I see signs of Svorai and Feldenkrais being linked. For one, the fact both gentlemen said "I liked how this ticker ran (meaning volume)" at two different points in time was interesting. What a coincidence, right? 😄
If anyone read through the deposition with the Fluent lawsuit; Mr. Pugh (the attorney for Fluent) did a great job asking so many questions about Feldenkrais's background and this ticker. The one question I wish he had asked was how he came across this ticker. Man would that be great!
I guess when people believe that an immigration lawyer in his late fifties can start a biotech with no experience anywhere in his life and run it successfully as a solo employee then there is hope for the rest of us.😂 My man can't even grow marijuana in a greenhouse without contamination and an $18 million dollar lawsuit. 🤣🤣
At this point all I can do is crack jokes and laugh a little. It's all just so absurd.
And on my final note........... The jury trial date has been set .......... 9/2/2025.
Musical Shares
2 weeks ago
There's a post over on Stocktwits that I wanted to repost here and break down (I apologize to whoever wrote it - it's good in the sense of needing a rebuttal).
This is what it says in its entirety:
Am I disappointed? Of course... However, the efforts to remove the CE, eliminate debt, & acquire several different potential revenue streams does not fit the model of "scam" to me. The scam has already occurred and those bad actors are no longer around. Most of us here are down 90 + %, & have had to exercise an incredible amount of patience... Still, I can only see a positive future... It can't really get any worse.
Now to explain somethings:
Am I disappointed? Of course... However, the efforts to remove the CE,
This is a myth that the CEO of this company "worked hard" to remove the CE. In fact, there isn't much effort at all. Pretty basic.😄
If the CE didn't get removed, how could he keep giving away shares to people for absolutely nothing? 🤣
If people recall, I announced a couple of weeks prior that the CE was going to get removed. But how did I know? Because the OTC Markets Group has sole discretion over whether they put a CE on a ticker or not. And prior to the removal of this CE, the OTC Markets Group were releasing other tickers very similar in nature.
eliminate debt, & acquire several different potential revenue streams does not fit the model of "scam" to me.
This is another great myth in the OTC.
This ticker is not audited. How do you know he really eliminated anything? Not only that but the "debt" he "claims to be eliminating" was caused by poor decisions.
As far as I know, he only "acquired (and I laugh strongly at that)" one company called "Rope." And in the end all it is is another hemp company. There are thousands of those. It won't bring much revenue. What makes absolutely no sense to me is why he would acquire another worthless hemp company when he has his own brand called "HIP." Why would you not build out your own hemp brand with the same exact offerings as this other company? It makes no sense.
But more importantly this is the very type of ticker that would "fit the model" of scam. You have a company worth next to nothing, with useless PR's that can't be verified and very little "action."
I said this many times here; Grifters love starting "biotech's" in the OTC because you can just keep putting out useless PR's. So they just keep putting out things to make it appear they are still "active."
Still, I can only see a positive future... It can't really get any worse.
It most certainly can. Just wait till Fluent wins the lawsuit. Is anyone aware that CIGN/CATV has now employed a FOURTH LAW FIRM to represent them in this lawsuit. Usually when you hire a co-counsel it's because they are looking for a new strategy. But four?
3 weeks ago
Authorized Shares 10,000,000,000 02/17/2025
Outstanding Shares 4,728,096,670 02/17/2025
Restricted 503,137,622 02/17/2025
Unrestricted 4,224,959,048 02/17/2025
Held at DTC 3,253,884,428 02/17/2025
Authorized Shares 5,000,000,000 07/04/2024
Outstanding Shares 4,328,096,670 07/04/2024
Restricted 296,187,622 07/04/2024
Unrestricted 4,031,909,048 07/04/2024
Held at DTC 2,807,634,428 07/04/2024
Authorized Shares 5,000,000,000 07/02/2024
Outstanding Shares 4,328,096,670 07/02/2024
Restricted 296,187,622 07/02/2024
Unrestricted 4,031,909,048 07/02/2024
Held at DTC 2,807,634,428 07/02/2024
Authorized Shares 5,000,000,000 06/24/2024
Outstanding Shares 4,328,096,670 06/24/2024 >44,919,500
Restricted 296,187,622 06/24/2024 >374,046
Unrestricted 4,031,909,048 06/24/2024 >44,545,454
Held at DTC 2,807,634,428 06/24/2024
Authorized Shares 5,000,000,000 06/16/2024
Outstanding Shares 4,283,177,170 06/16/2024
Restricted 295,813,576 06/16/2024
Unrestricted 3,987,363,594 06/16/2024
Held at DTC 2,807,634,428 06/16/2024
3 months ago
News 4Cable TV International, Inc. Eliminates $500,000 in Debt, Targets $1.25 Million in 60 Days, and Advances Revenue Initiatives with Genetic Networks, LLC
Press Release | 12/19/2024
December 19, 2024
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Miami, FL —
This release includes additional documents. Select the link(s) below to view.
FINAL Press Release 12192024 4Cable TV International.pdf
4Cable TV International, Inc. Eliminates $500,000 in Debt, Targets $1.25 Million in 60 Days, and Advances Revenue Initiatives with Genetic Networks, LLC
Musical Shares
3 months ago
The unrestricted shares have decreased:
Previous: Unrestricted 4,031,909,048
Current: Unrestricted 3,857,909,048
Restricted has increased:
Previous: Restricted 306,187,622
Current: Restricted 480,187,622
Total: 174,000,000