5 months ago
Mass Megawatts $MMMW Announces the Start of an Online Discount Solar Energy Equipment Business with Revenue Recognized for the First Time Since Year 2010 in this Fiscal Quarter
October 18 2024 - 7:32AM
InvestorsHub NewsWire
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Mass Megawatts Announces the Start of an Online Discount Solar Energy Equipment Business with Revenue Recognized for the First Time Since Year 2010 in this Fiscal Quarter
WORCESTER, MA -- October 18, 2024 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- Mass Megawatts (OTC: MMMW) announces today the recognition of revenue in the fiscal quarter ending October 30, 2024, with a new online business starting operations today which is less than two weeks before the end of the fiscal quarter. The lack of revenue since fiscal year 2010 and only conducting development work on great new solar technologies in the pre-marketing stage resulted in Mass Megawatts having a market capitalization of $500,000. To give a better perspective, Mass Megawatts is less than half of the valuation of a SEC public shell that has no business. The source of revenue in the next several fiscal quarters will benefit the operations of the company ranging from the certification expenses of the patent pending solar tracker to updating and maintaining compliance of our reporting obligations as a publicly traded company. Mass Megawatts will soon be posting details and items for sale on our web site and the Mass Megawatts Facebook site.
Our products are sourced from top manufacturers, ensuring that you receive reliable and long-lasting equipment for your solar energy needs. Lower-cost solar solutions provide businesses with the freedom to offer more competitively priced products or services, Mass Megawatts can elevate your business with our cutting-edge commercial solar equipment and solutions. We specialize in providing businesses of all sizes with efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective solar solutions tailored to meet your unique energy needs. Our commercial-grade solar panels, inverters, and mounting systems are designed to maximize energy production and enhance overall efficiency.
In recent news related to new product development, Mass Megawatts recently announced improvements toward cost reductions using the patent pending cost cutting concentrated solar power technology. The most important innovation toward reducing the cost of electricity is related to the unique solar concentration section that works well with our patent pending solar tracker. We have two patent pending versions of concentrated solar technology. One is related to additional output for photovoltaic cells and the other is related to concentration of heat to operate a new and improved patent pending Sterling engine to produce electricity.
The Concentrated Solar Sterling Engine innovation brings the best substantial cost saving improvements toward delivering solar generated electricity. The unique cost competitive solar concentration section using low-cost material generally used by canvas buildings are placed onto of the solar tracker platform which works with our solar tracker. It helps concentrate the solar rays onto the heat piston section of the Sterling Engine. The low-cost canvas material is already approved by structural engineers for buildings with the canvas like material having an expected life of 30 years,
In addition to the low-cost concentrator, the improved Sterling engine reduces the mechanical issues related to pistons and its applications. In the heat displacer and piston, a rectangular extension with the four walls comprises rollers to avoid the need for precision and avoid friction when the parts are moving. The cost reduction related to robust simplicity also reduces long term maintenance issues related to traditional piston technology.
Traditional Sterling engine pistons have a high service cost related to the harsh conditions the piston rings must endure. There is high temperature and high sliding velocities which can cause excessive wear and tear. As a result, short replacement intervals of piston rings and sometimes cylinders may be needed to maintain high efficiency. The innovation is a low-cost method to increase the replacement interval and reduce the service cost. The rectangular extension supports the piston during its mechanical process involving high temperatures, high sliding velocities and the non-lubricated operation related to the pistons. The addition to the reinforcement rectangular extension method also reduces unwanted spikes in temperature and friction which causes an acceleration of piston related wear and tear.
The several new technologies are important additions and applications of its patent pending solar tracker. A video on the home page of summarizes the patent pending solar tracker.
The company's Solar Tracking System (STS) is a new patent pending product that significantly reduces the payback period for solar power investments. It is designed to automatically adjust the position of solar panels to directly face the sun as it travels from East to West throughout the day. Unlike other solar tracking technologies, the Mass Megawatts Solar Tracker utilizes a low-cost framework that adds stability to the overall system, while improving energy production levels.
This press release contains forward-looking statements that could be affected by risks and uncertainties. Among the factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated herein are: the failure of Mass Megawatts Wind Power (MMMW), also known as Mass Megawatts Windpower, to achieve or maintain necessary zoning approvals with respect to the location of its power developments; the ability to remain competitive; to finance the marketing and sales of its electricity; general economic conditions; and other risk factors detailed in periodic reports filed by Mass Megawatts Wind Power (MMMW).
5 months ago
Mass Megawatts Commences Solar Energy Sales Efforts
WORCESTER, MA -- October 16, 2024 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- Mass Megawatts (OTC: MMMW) announces the start of a community solar subscription program and at the same time commencing an effort to sell solar project installations. The community solar program is targeted primarily toward the residential electric market for electric cost savings. Using a different approach, the solar project installations sales effort is mostly targeting businesses. The use of our new products including our patent pending solar tracker and stationary solar energy concentration innovation can be used primarily by warehouses with a large amount of space on flat roofs. The recent technology can reduce the cost of a typical solar installation in half with a project payback time of three to five years at locations with high electric prices including most areas in New England.
Recently, Mass Megawatts announced a few months ago a patent pending new solar photovoltaic concentration innovation that improves output for stationary solar projects without the need of a tracker or any moving parts. The improvement will generate more than 105 percent power output with solar panels for little additional cost using the innovation in comparison to similar solar panels not using the innovation. A major benefit of the innovation is the reduced obstacles to production and customer acceptance. The need to have multiple bearings, new software, tracker motors, and moving platforms reduced the interest in the trackers for potential customers. However, the solar trackers may be a preferred option for customers in high wind locations.
More importantly, both new innovations of solar trackers and stationary solar concentration systems are designed to generate more solar energy near the beginning and end of the daylight hours when electricity is at peak demand. If the utility has a time of use billing method, it can save customers from purchasing more expensive electricity during peak hours. As a result, the electric power users save more money for each kilowatt/hour used.
The patent pending stationary structure uses reflectors that direct the sunlight to the solar panels. In addition, the innovation uses a low-cost method of reflecting infrared or heat related solar energy while accepting the useful visible light electric solar energy. The new method to maximize the useful solar energy uses larger reflectors that would not be acceptable without the heat rejecting method for concentrating more solar power without damaging the solar panels with too much heat.
Mass Megawatts previously earlier also announced other improvements toward cost reductions using the patent pending cost cutting concentrated solar power technology. We have two patent pending versions of concentrated solar technology. One is related to additional output for photovoltaic cells and the other is related to concentration of heat to operate a new and improved patent pending Sterling engine to produce electricity.
The Concentrated Solar Sterling Engine innovation brings the best substantial cost saving improvements toward delivering solar generated electricity. The unique cost competitive solar concentration section using low-cost material used by canvas buildings are placed onto of the solar tracker platform works well with our solar tracker. It helps concentrate the solar rays onto the heat piston section of the Sterling Engine. The low-cost canvas material is already approved by structural engineers for buildings with the canvas like material having an expected life of 30 years,
In addition to the low-cost concentrator, the improved Sterling engine reduces the mechanical issues related to pistons and its applications. In the heat displacer and piston, a rectangular extension with the four walls comprises rollers to avoid the need for precision and avoid friction when the parts are moving. The cost reduction related to robust simplicity also reduces long term maintenance issues related to traditional piston technology.
Traditional Sterling engine pistons have a high service cost related to the harsh conditions the piston rings must endure. There is elevated temperature and high sliding velocities which can cause excessive wear and tear. As a result, short replacement intervals of piston rings and sometimes cylinders may be needed to maintain high efficiency. The innovation is a low-cost method to increase the replacement interval and reduce the service cost. The rectangular extension supports the piston during its mechanical process involving elevated temperatures, high sliding velocities and the non-lubricated operation related to the pistons. The addition to the reinforcement rectangular extension method also reduces unwanted spikes in temperature and friction which causes an acceleration of piston related wear and tear.
The several innovative technologies are important additions and applications of its patent pending solar tracker. A video on the home page of summarizes the patent pending solar tracker.
The company's Solar Tracking System (STS) is a new patent pending product that significantly reduces the payback period for solar power investments. It is designed to automatically adjust the position of solar panels to directly face the sun as it travels from East to West throughout the day. Unlike other solar tracking technologies, the Mass Megawatts Solar Tracker utilizes a low-cost framework that adds stability to the overall system, while improving energy production levels.
This press release contains forward-looking statements that could be affected by risks and uncertainties. Among the factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated herein are: the failure of Mass Megawatts Wind Power (MMMW), also known as Mass Megawatts Windpower, to achieve or maintain necessary zoning approvals with respect to the location of its power developments; the ability to remain competitive; to finance the marketing and sales of its electricity; general economic conditions; and other risk factors detailed in periodic reports filed by Mass Megawatts Wind Power (MMMW).