2 months ago
NBVG (5,860,281,224 shares FIXED OS and 7B shares FIXED AS) should explode to $0.4772 based on the MV at peak of its OTC peer (FCCN)! The only thing the company or this CLEAN-Shell-Acquirer needs to do is to Up-List this Hidden Gem to the OTC Pink-Sheet Market just like what happened to another OTC peer (AFFL was Upgraded from the Same Expert-Market in June of 2023 and it just soared 1190-Bagger to $0.119 from the Same Bottom $0.0001)!
Buying its OTC peer (FCCN) at its Record-High $41.3 = buying NBVG at $0.4772!
Note, every mere 20,955,574 shares of NBVG will be worthy $1M at the Target price $0.4772!
LOL, even buying its OTC peer (FCCN) at its most recent high $6.26 = buying NBVG at $0.0724!
Which means that NBVG could run an Easy 724-Bagger Huge & Quick Rally from $0.0001!
Another OTC peer (AFFL) had already soared 1190-Bagger to its most recent high $0.119 after Up-Listing! Which means that NBVG should surge to $0.119 as well!
Which means that NBVG could run an Easy 1190-Bagger Giant & Quick Rally from $0.0001!
So, NBVG is Super Undervalued now!
NBVG is also at Extremely Oversold status based on its recent high $0.0055!
Among the entire OS, only 3,405,544,686 shares are Held-At-DTC now! The current float is estimated at around 1.1B shares!
NBVG is a Sought-After Nevada CLEAN shell with only 1.1B shares of the FIXED Low float! So, it is Ready to be acquired very easily through popular "Custodianship"!
Back to May 13 ~ May 11 of 2021, this hidden gem did Quickly surge to 0.0035 from 0.0003 within just Two Days with measly 15,409,410 shares of Tiny trading volume!
NBVG only has merger 67,366,266 shares of Tiny Highest Trading Volume in its Entire trading history!
So, it will be Easy to hit the Penny Land with less than 100M shares of trading volume!
7 months ago
NBVG (5,860,281,224 shares FIXED OS and 7B shares FIXED AS) should explode to $0.4415 based on its OTC peer's MV at peak! The only thing the company needs to do is to Up-List this Hidden Gem to the OTC Pink-Sheet Market like what happened to another OTC peer (AFFL: Only 24,554,116 shares FIXED Super Tiny OS and it was Upgraded from the Same Expert-Market in last June)!
Buying its OTC peer (FCCN) at Record-High $41.3 = buying NBVG at $0.4415 = buying AFFL at $105.3768 v.s. NBVG at $0.000001 now and AFFL at $0.0364 currently, LOL!
That means NBVG could potentially run a 111500-Bagger Giant Rally from here v.s. AFFL could potentially run a 2895-Bagger Giant Rally from here!
LOL, even buying its OTC peer (FCCN) at last-Friday-high $5.15 = buying NBVG at $0.0551 = buying AFFL at $13.1402 v.s. NBVG at $0.000001 now and AFFL at $0.0364 currently!
Which means NBVG could run a Easy 55100-Bagger Giant & Quick Rally v.s. AFFL could run a Easy 361-Bagger Giant & Quick Rally!
So, both NBVG and AFFL are Super Undervalued now!
NBVG is also at Hyper Oversold status based on its Record-High $0.0055 and AFFL is at Hyper Oversold status as well based on its Record-High $6.00!
Note, the recent high of NBVG was $0.0055 and the recent high of AFFL was $0.089!