Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (5401)
The Third Quarter of Fiscal 2018
Engineering and Construction
Nippon Steel &
Sumikin Engineering Co., Ltd. experienced gradually improving business conditions due to the resumption of capital investments by some overseas steel manufacturers and other factors. In addition, the business environment in Japan surrounding the
construction and environment-related sectors remained favorable, and steady progress toward project completions was made due to strict control of project execution. As a result, compared to the same third quarter of fiscal 2017, the Engineering and
Construction segment recorded an increase in net sales to ¥253.7 billion, and an increase in ordinary profit to ¥5.2 billion.
Chemicals and Materials
Nippon Steel Chemical &
Material Co., Ltd. (which was established in October 2018 following the merger of Nippon Steel & Sumikin Chemical Co., Ltd. and Nippon Steel & Sumikin Materials Co., Ltd.) experienced a high level of market prices for mainstay
needle coke in the coal tar chemicals business against a background of tight supply and demand conditions. In the functional materials business, overall sales remained firm based on favorable sales of resists for LCDs and metal foils for suspension
materials despite signs of weakness seen in sales of circuit board materials for smartphones and other devices. The composite materials business continued to generate robust sales of both epoxy resins for electronic materials and carbon fiber
composite materials for the civil engineering and construction sectors. In the chemicals business, prices for styrene monomer declined against the backdrop of lower crude oil prices and a weakening supply and demand balance. As a result, compared to
the same third quarter of fiscal 2017, the Chemicals and Materials segment posted an increase in net sales to ¥191.0 billion, and an increase in ordinary profit to ¥20.6 billion.
System Solutions
NS Solutions Corporation provides
advanced solution services and other comprehensive solutions in the planning, configuration, operation, and maintenance of IT systems for clients in a wide range of business fields. During the period under review, against the backdrop of robust
system investments stemming mainly from customers advanced operational needs, the companys business environment continued to be favorable. In addition, NS Solutions proceeded proactively in developing safe, protective solutions at
factories and other work sites that make use of IoT technology, and developed platforms to analyze data based on AI technology. As a result, compared to the same third quarter of fiscal 2017, the System Solutions segment recorded an increase in net
sales to ¥187.2 billion, and an increase in ordinary profit to ¥18.0 billion.
Sales and Profit for the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2018
Compared to the same period of fiscal 2017, NSSMC posted growth in both sales and profit: net sales increased to ¥4,519.1 billion; operating
profit to ¥150.7 billion; ordinary profit to ¥253.2 billion; and profit attributable to owners of parent to ¥231.6 billion. Please note that the NSSMC Group will voluntarily apply International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) beginning with the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019. Based on IFRS, NSSMCs consolidated revenue is estimated to amount to ¥4,570.0 billion, business profit to ¥260.0 billion, and profit attributable to
owners of parent to ¥200.0 billion for the third-quarter of this fiscal year.