5 days ago
Law Office of Jason Ostendorf LLC
#SIRC I was asked what happened with PlemCo. Although I can't dive into matters that aren't of public record, I did have to address this publicly in my lawsuit against Brad. Here is what I allege in the lawsuit:
"3. These alleged actions culminated in the wrongful termination of Mr. Ostendorf
after he opposed a scheme orchestrated by Mr. Rinehart to siphon SIRCβs most valuable asset in a transaction designed to benefit Mr. Rinehart personally, at the expense of SIRCβs investors, creditors, and shareholders. Mr. Ostendorf asserted that Mr. Rinehart sought to sell the asset β SIRCβs subsidiary, βPlemCoβ β in a manner that would render SIRC insolvent and force it into Chapter 7 bankruptcy, while simultaneously positioning the subsidiary as a standalone enterprise
to serve as Mr. Rinehartβs personal financial refuge. Mr. Ostendorfβs actions in notifying the potential buyer of improprieties surrounding the transaction β and effectively killing the deal β prompted Mr. Rinehart to terminate him."
I was fired days after killing the attempted sale. I have no idea what is going on with PlemCo now. I'll look into it. I hope for Brad's sake that he's not trying to operate it as his own company after resigning from SIRC without so much as a PR.
9:23 AM Β· Mar 6, 2025
4 months ago
DAVE MASSEY sends his regards to SIRC baggholders on this Halloween eve. 🎃 As winter approaches in the North Pacific, DAVE has relocated from his beachfront cabana in Hamhung, North Korea to an 86th floor apartment in the as-yett-unopened Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang where he will be CONtinuing his alcohol and substance abuse rehab tour. DAVE wonders what has happened to the Billion Dollah Lawruhsuit against him - it just evaporated before the process server could even make it thru North Korean customs and passport CONtrol.
DAVE would like for all his loyal fans and baggholders to have a smashing Halloween and a wunnerful Thanksgiving. He will. He also passes on his appreciation to BRAD for CONtinuing the scam in DAVE's absence - until DAVE's rehab "treatment" in North Korea is complete and DAVE can resume his duties as CEO and push this turd over a TRILLION shares OS.
Whilst DAVE finds his North Korean rehab tour quite enjoyable and relaxing, albeit the drinking and partying schedule is arduous, he does miss some things that are nott available in NK. In that regard, DAVE would be appreciative of any baggholder who can FedEx a Popeye's fried chicken dinner 3-piece meal to him in Pyongyang. Oh, and a Moon Pie too!
5 months ago
As I said:
Will another R/S be approved? Probably not. $SIRC is aware another R/S so soon is unlikely to be approved, so may not file til they max-out O/S at 20B.
As mentioned I believe the ONLY REASON to remain current is to continue issuing shares.
I'd love to hear YOUR THOUGHTS on this solar-financing scam that outright lied to shareholders for years, then destroyed them w/ a 1/150 RS, and subsequently issued 10 billion additional shares into the O/S.
I've called this stock accurately for several years - those who believe the "bashers purpose is to drive down the price of a stock so that the stock basher, or the basher's employer, may purchase the stock at a lower price than it would otherwise be worth" put me & others on ignore and continued buying all the way down into oblivion, convincing each other there was worthwhile business, or it was at least a worthwhile lotto play.
Regardless, I'd love to hear what you think of the company now & its current share-structure?
5 months ago
Posting out of habit PLEMCo Completes Design Build System
Our unwavering commitment to delivering reliable and environmentally friendly energy solutions has earned us the trust and confidence of
businesses across diverse sectors
SANTA ANA, Calif., Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via IBN - PLEMCo, a subsidiary of Solar Integrated Roofing Corp. (OTC: SIRC)
("SIRC" or "the Company") has completed the design and build of a net zero energy solar photovoltaic system as part of the USACE Lake Isabella
Permanent Operations Buildings project at Lake Isabella, Kern County, California. The project included ground and roof-mount solar arrays.
PLEMCo met the specific requirements of this project for the US Army Corp of Engineers. The energy the solar component provides will be a valuable addition to the many other sustainable solutions included in the overall design of the site.
The project wrapped up in September and PLEMCo is now focusing on other projects including Lancaster, Olive View, Beaches and Harbor and San Jacinto.
About PLEMCo
PLEMCo (est. 2003) is charging toward clean energy solutions to control energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint. We provide energy,
water conservation and renewable energy design, consulting and installation services to businesses of all sizes throughout the US. We are DoEQualified ESCo, in the CA-DGS ESCo pool, and a qualified FEMP-Enable provider. From simple energy efficiency to complex ESPCs are provided
to both commercialand government clients.
About SolarIntegratedRoofing Corp.
Solar Integrated Roofing Corp. (OTC: SIRCD) is an integrated, single-source solutions provider of solar power, roofing and EV charging systems,
specializing in commercialand residential properties throughout North America. The Company serves communities by delivering the best
experience through constant innovation & legacy-focused leadership. For more information, please visit the Company's investor-relations website
at, corporate website at or join us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.
Julie Brehm, MPA
Wire Service Contact:
Los Angeles, California
310.299.1717 Office
6 months ago
Thx CH, that's a great tweet.
...I can't go into detail due to confidentiality, but Brad's failure/refusal/whatever to keep shareholders in the loop is highly irresponsible. All I can say is... that the latest quarterly filing shows that Brad has run this company straight into the ground. Fwiw, "running a company into the ground" isn't illegal.
In fact, in OTC Pinks it's par-for-the-course.
And "lack of information" is a weak defense for all those OTC investors always waiting on "company updates".
There are no secrets, and the price-charts clearly indicate what insiders already know.
Ihubbers should learn 2 easy lessons:
1. Don't buy downtrenders
2. Don't hold on to downtrenders.
7 months ago
I have now read thru that quarterly report completely, including the misspelling of "Brain" for "Brian" in a table therein. Here is the scoop:
These clowns (SIRC) will, repeat will be going bankrupt soon. Very soon. Most likely before the EOY or, best case, in 1H2025.
This is nott a guess. This is math. I suspect these jackholes are just buying time in the hope they can come up with a viable reorganization plan that will pass muster to support a Chapter 11 bankruptcy and save their own yobbs. Reality indicates to me that such a hope is extremely unlikely to prove viable and this turd will wind up in Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy, regardless of how it is initially filed.
Financially, this turd is dead - right now just the walking dead - a zombie. It is an airplane at 30,000 feet that has lost its wings and engines. It will inevitably crash and burn, butt it can stay airborne for a cuppla minutes or seconds more.
SIRC baggholders in this metaphor are the passengers in the plane looking ~OUTT the windows and seeing no wings and no engines, just watching the ground come up fast.
At this point, it is OK to scream.
These folks at least had an engine and wings, SIRC baggholders don't have either. SIRC is ground-bound in the express lane.