Exhibit 99.1
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XPeng Inc.
(A company controlled through weighted voting rights and incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 9868)
The announcement is made by XPeng Inc. (the Company) on a voluntary basis.
The board of directors (the Board) of the Company was informed by Mr. Xiaopeng He (Mr. He), the co-founder, executive director, chairman, chief executive officer and a controlling shareholder of the Company, that he had purchased in the open market (i) a total of 1,000,000 Class A ordinary shares of
the Company (the Class A ordinary shares) at an average price of HK$27.13 per Class A ordinary share, and (ii) through Galaxy Dynasty Limited (Galaxy Dynasty), an entity wholly-owned
by Mr. He, a total of 1,419,922 American depositary shares of the Company (the ADSs) at an average price of US$7.02 per ADS, from August 21, 2024 to August 23, 2024 (the Acquisition).
Immediately following the Acquisition, (i) Galaxy Dynasty holds 1,419,922 ADSs, and (ii) Mr. He is interested in 327,708,257 Class B
ordinary shares of the Company and 2,200,000 ADSs held by Simplicity Holding Limited, 21,000,000 Class B ordinary shares of the Company held by Respect Holding Limited, 1,419,922 ADSs held by Galaxy Dynasty and 1,000,000 Class A ordinary
shares held directly by himself, representing approximately 18.8% of the total issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement.
The Board believes that the Acquisition demonstrates the strong confidence of Mr. He towards the prospects and growth potential of the Company, as well
as his long-term commitment towards the Company. Mr. He has also informed the Company that he plans to further increase his shareholding in the Company, subject to compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Shareholders and potential investors of the Company are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the securities of the Company.
By order of the Board |
XPeng Inc.
Xiaopeng He
Chairman |
Hong Kong, Monday, August 26, 2024
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises Mr. Xiaopeng He as an executive Director, Mr. Ji-Xun Foo as
a non-executive Director, and Mr. Donghao Yang, Ms. Fang Qu and Mr. HongJiang Zhang as independent non-executive Directors.
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For identification purpose only |