RNS Number:9607M
First Artist Corporation PLC
30 November 2006

                                                                30 November 2006

                          First Artist Corporation Plc

            Preliminary Results for the period ended 31 August 2006

First Artist Corporation Plc (AIM:FAN) is one of the leading marketing and
entertainment management agencies in the UK today, with a full-service group
that includes wealth management, events, sponsorship, media marketing and sports
and entertainment representation.

Further acquisitions in the period, along with continued organic and synergistic
growth from ongoing businesses has seen the group transformed, in particular
into the Entertainment and Media sectors, whilst strategically growing its
Sports representation business to become a leading force in all the major
European markets.


The performance highlights from the last 10 month period compared to the
previous 12 months are:

   * Turnover up 62% to #9,508,000

   * EBITA* up 63% to #1,720,000

   * Profit before tax up 57% to #1,267,000

   * EPS before taxation, amortisation of goodwill and exceptional costs

   * Net assets per share up 27% to 4.7 pence

   * Consolidated net assets up 54% to #5,089,000

*(Earnings before interest, tax and amortisation (EBITA) is stated before
exceptional administrative expenses)

We have successfully completed the acquisition and integration of three
businesses that have strengthened the representation division and extended the
range of services that we offer into new business areas:

   * ProActive Scandinavia A/S (renamed First Artist Scandinavia A/S) - Sport

   * NCI Management Limited - Entertainment Representation Agency

   * Sponsorship Consulting Limited - Corporate Sponsorship Advisors

Jon Smith, Chief Executive of First Artist Corporation commented:

'Another strong performance during the period has seen our acquisition strategy,
focussed on acquiring earnings enhancing businesses that will generate new
revenues through synergy with the rest of the group, transform a company, with a
significant dependency on a single source of revenue, to a broad-based group
with stable and growing, year-round income streams. The synergies within the
Group are not only revenue-generating; they also position First Artist as a key
player in the media marketplace through its involvement at different stages in
the content generation process.'

For further information please contact:

Jon Smith, Chief Executive: +44 (0) 208 900 1818
Richard Hughes, Group Managing Director

Dawnay Day Corporate Finance
David Floyd: +44 (0) 0207 509 4570

Hudson Sandler Financial & Corporate Communications
Michael Sandler: +44 (0) 207 710 8916


I am happy to report on another strong set of results, which demonstrates just
how exciting the future is for First Artist Corporation. This is now a
fully-fledged media, representation and management Group, rooted in high-quality
personal service. We enjoy strong relationships with our clients from the worlds
of sport and entertainment and this is a highly valuable asset in today's media


The strength and stability of our broader business model is shown by a 63% rise
in EBITA*, and the fact that the Group was able to report a profit at its
interim results for the first time. The Group is benefiting from a deliberate
strategy to reduce its dependence on football and the seasonal revenues that it
provides whilst continuing to grow this profitable and highly regarded division
and strengthen its position within its market. Non-football businesses now
account for 56% of the Group's turnover and strong growth is evident in our
wealth management, entertainment and events businesses.

We are proud to have developed a corporate culture dedicated to supporting
successful businesses and providing them with opportunities for further growth.
The synergies within the Group have already resulted in significant
cross-referral of new business, whilst First Artist Corporation's infrastructure
and international network provides our newly acquired businesses with important
strategic opportunities.

The three new acquisitions made this period have further broadened the Group's
income base, increasing the size of our entertainment division, opening up
exciting new opportunities in the field of sponsorship, and establishing a truly
pan-European player representation network.


A responsible approach to business is a key element of the First Artist
positioning, and provides us with a valuable competitive edge in each of our

First Artist Sport has long argued for stricter regulation of the player
representation business, and is co-operating fully with the English Premier
League inquiry. We believe that this will hasten the consolidation of the player
representation business around professional, respected and credible agents and
that our reputation for honesty and integrity will therefore become a major
asset in the medium-term.

It is a firm principle of our player representation business that sportsmen and
women should never be exploited beyond their own best interests. We carefully
manage commercial activities to allow rest and recuperation, and protect our
clients' most important asset: their performance on the field. This sensitive
approach to representation ensures quality service and strong client

Sponsorship Consulting has a proud record advancing the role of sponsorship in
Corporate Responsibility (CR) strategy and we look forward to this continuing as
part of First Artist Corporation.


We look forward to a successful EGM confirming the acquisition of Dewynters.
This will be a significant milestone in our Group's growth and development. We
look forward to working with Anthony Pye-Jeary and his team over the coming

Jarvis Astaire
29 November 2006

*(Earnings before interest, tax and amortisation (EBITA) is stated before
exceptional administrative expenses)


I would like to thank all at First Artist Corporation for their diligent efforts
in a hugely important period. We have successfully integrated the events and
wealth management businesses acquired at the end of last year, boosted our
offering in entertainment and opened up major new opportunities in sponsorship.
The result is a broad, full-service and highly profitable media and
entertainment management group and the strength of this positioning is clearly
demonstrated by this period's results.

First Artist has been transformed in the last two periods to become a strong and
growing integrated business benefiting from strong synergies and increasing
cross referral of business between group companies. This strength has allowed us
to now take that quantum leap forward with the acquisition of marketing services
and advertising group Dewynters, which we hope to be confirmed at the
forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting.

Led by Anthony Pye-Jeary, Dewynters is the UK's leading entertainment and
theatre media business, dominating London's West End theatre marketing, but also
working with a considerable number of clients in the Arts and Culture sector,
all of which have natural synergies with the rest of the group, in particular
events and sponsorship. The group has a rapidly expanding US merchandising
operation based in New York and Las Vegas and with the increasing number of
shows moving east and west across the Atlantic the future looks very good for
this business and the benefits it can bring to First Artist.

Upon the successful completion of this acquisition and to reflect the level of
expansion of First Artist, Richard Hughes will become Group Managing Director,
whilst Simon Bent will step up to become our Prospective Group Finance Director.
Julianne Coutts will also join us and become Group Company Secretary and Head of
Human Resources.

Phil Smith will remain as Chief Operating Officer with special responsibility
for the Sport and Entertainment divisions.

I would very much like to thank Vincenzo Morabito for his significant and
continuing contribution to this group. Vincenzo is stepping down as a Group
Board Director to become Group Head of Football, concentrating his talents and
efforts co-ordinating the development of and communications between our 3 main
football offices and associated agents worldwide.

Vincenzo will join the Executive Management Board, which consists of the
Directors of each divisional group company. This Board has direct responsibility
to promote cross referral opportunities, ensure the quality of internal
communications and promote group management responsibilities.

2006 Divisional Performance

Optimal Wealth Management (formerly ABG Financial Management) is now established
as a cornerstone of the Group delivering a 35% increase in turnover and a 95%
increase in operating profit on the like for like audited 12 month periods ended
June 2006 and 2005. The changes in pension regulation introduced in April on "A
day" have resulted in significant new business, the benefits of which we believe
will continue for sometime. Optimal has also benefited sizably from increasing
cross referral of business from within the group. Our joint venture with the Top
25 audit firm HW Fisher will provide a new market for the high quality, in-depth
financial advice offered by the company. Optimal is now a vital part of the
integrated service provided by our sport and entertainment representation

Our event management company, The Finishing Touch, also enjoyed a strong period,
with turnover increasing by 11% on the like for like audited 12 month periods
ended April 2006 and 2005. Our joint venture with Lord Coe's Complete Leisure
Group is a significant transaction that we believe will deliver sizable benefits
to each company in the coming years.

The acquisition of NCI Management has transformed the scale of First Artist
Entertainment. The enlarged company's expertise in discovering talent and
developing the media brand of clients such as Dr. Gillian McKeith, Amanda Lamb
and Peter Schmeichel will be a key element in First Artist Entertainment's
strategy going forward.

Sponsorship Consulting, which was acquired in August 2006, will play a key role
in the future development of the First Artist Group. Our activities in sport and
entertainment have always produced significant opportunities to refer
sponsorship-related business and Sponsorship Consulting will allow us to provide
these services from within the Group.

Finally, the arrival of First Artist Scandinavia (formerly Proactive
Scandinavia) completes the establishment of a truly pan-European First Artist
Management network, with our operations centred in Denmark and Italy as well as
the UK. This will produce both a broader income base and new strategic
opportunities for our player management business.

We fully support the English Premier League inquiry into the way football
transfers are conducted and are working to introduce more transparency to the
industry through discussions with the FA and FIFA, and our role as a founding
Board Member of the Football Agents Association. We believe that the
consolidation of the industry around professional, credible agents will deliver
long term benefits to First Artist Management.

Ongoing Group Development

Our approach to building the Group has centred on finding strong, successful
businesses and then providing them with a rich environment for finding
additional revenues. The natural synergies of the Group have delivered major new
business opportunities for Optimal Wealth Management and The Finishing Touch,
and First Artist's existing international network will give a significant
strategic advantage to Sponsorship Consulting.

We will look to make further acquisitions over the next year, where we identify
businesses that will find similar opportunities to grow within the Group. The
transformation of our business will allow us to expand our offer into TV
production and other areas of sponsorship and management, producing still more
synergies and opportunities for growth.

It is a disappointment to us that the share price of the Group has yet to
reflect the transformation of our business. Our profits growth, continued
expansion, earnings enhancing acquisitions, diversity and visibility of
earnings, strong balance sheet and cash flows we hope, will lead to a
strengthening share price on the Market, where the Group currently trades at a 
p/e ratio significantly below the sector average.

We are actively working with analysts and the media to correct any outdated
perceptions of our business in the city and we look forward to seeing the
advances made by the Group more closely reflected in future trading.

Jon Smith
Chief Executive Officer
29 November 2006


                           operations     Acquisitions            Total
                            10 months        10 months        10 months             Year 
                                ended            ended            ended            ended
                            31 August        31 August        31 August       31 October 
                                 2006             2006             2006             2005
                                 #000             #000             #000             #000

TURNOVER                        8,402            1,106            9,508            5,861
Cost of sales                  (3,086)             (82)          (3,168)          (1,325)
                             --------         --------         --------         --------
GROSS PROFIT                    5,316            1,024            6,340            4,536
Administrative expenses        (4,231)            (559)          (4,790)          (3,686)
--------------------------   --------         --------         --------         --------
EBITA before exceptional
administrative expenses         1,255              465            1,720            1,054
Exceptional administrative
expenses                         (170)               -             (170)            (161)
Goodwill impairment and
amortisation                        -                -                -              (43)
--------------------------   --------         --------         --------         --------
OPERATING PROFIT                1,085              465            1,550              850
                             ========         ========

Interest receivable                                                  21               11
Interest payable                                                   (304)             (52)
                                                               --------         --------
ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION                                        1,267              809
Taxation                                                           (502)            (299)
                                                               --------         --------
PERIOD / YEAR                                                       765              510
                                                               ========         ========
EARNINGS PER SHARE                                                 0.83             0.89
Basic earnings per share                                          pence            pence
                                                               ========         ========
Fully diluted earnings per
share                                                              0.81             0.88
                                                                  pence            pence
                                                               ========         ========

AS AT 31 AUGUST 2006
                                                       31 August    31 October
                                                            2006          2005
                                                            #000          #000

Intangible assets                                          9,517         5,295
Tangible assets                                              835           719
Investments                                                  118             -
                                                        --------      --------
                                                          10,470         6,014
                                                        --------      --------
Debtors                                                    6,895         4,746
Cash at bank and in hand                                   1,108         1,527
                                                        --------      --------
                                                           8,003         6,273

CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year            (7,709)       (5,055)
                                                        --------      --------
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                           294         1,218
                                                        --------      --------
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                     10,764         7,232

CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more than one
year                                                      (2,252)       (1,303)

PROVISIONS for liabilities and charges                    (3,423)       (2,623)
                                                        --------      --------
NET ASSETS                                                 5,089         3,306
                                                        ========      ========
Called up share capital                                      270           224
Capital redemption reserve                                    15            15
Share premium account                                      8,849         7,888
Shares to be issued                                            5             -
Profit and loss account                                   (4,050)       (4,821)
                                                        --------      --------
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                 5,089         3,306
                                                        --------      --------

                                                         10 months        Year
                                                             ended       ended
                                                         31 August  31 October     
                                                              2006        2005
                                                              #000        #000

Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                 80         (12)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance               (102)        (35)

Taxation                                                      (450)         (4)

Capital expenditure and financial investment                  (241)         (3)

Acquisitions and disposals                                  (2,749)     (2,126)
                                                           -------     -------
CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE FINANCING                               (3,462)     (2,180)

Financing                                                    3,071       3,095
                                                           -------     -------
(DECREASE) / INCREASE IN CASH IN THE PERIOD / YEAR            (391)        915
                                                           =======     =======


                                                         10 months        Year
                                                             ended       ended
                                                         31 August  31 October     
                                                              2006        2005
                                                              #000        #000

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                     (391)        915

Cash from increase in debt financing                        (2,173)     (1,412)

New finance leases                                              34           -

Loan notes and additional funding                             (623)          -
                                                           -------     -------
                                                            (3,153)       (497)

NET DEBT AT 1 NOVEMBER 2005                                   (648)       (151)
                                                           -------     -------
NET DEBT AT 31 AUGUST 2006                                  (3,801)       (648)
                                                           =======     =======

                                                         10 months        Year
                                                             ended       ended
                                                         31 August  31 October      
                                                              2006        2005
                                                              #000        #000

Profit for the financial period/year                           765         510
Currency translation differences on net foreign
currency investments                                             6         (56)
                                                           -------     -------
Total recognised gains and losses relating to the
period/year                                                    771         454
                                                           =======     =======



The financial information contained in this report does not constitute 
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies act 1985.

The financial information contained in this report has been extracted from the 
audited accounts of the Company for the year to 31st August 2006 for which the 
auditors have given an unqualified report.

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
and in accordance with applicable accounting standards in the United Kingdom.

                                                         10 months        Year 
                                                             ended       ended
                                                         31 August  31 October 
                                                              2006        2005
2.  TAXATION                                                  #000        #000
    Current tax:
    UK corporation tax charge on profits of                   
    the period                                                 351         106
    Foreign taxes                                              175         118
    Adjustments in respect of previous periods                 (24)          -
                                                           -------     -------
    Current tax charge for the period                          502         224

    Deferred taxation:
    Origination and reversal of timing differences               -          75
                                                           -------     -------
    Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities                502         299
                                                           =======     =======


The calculation of earnings per share are based on the following profits and
number of shares:
                                                         10 months        Year
                                                             ended       ended
                                                         31 August  31 October
                                                              2006        2005
                                                              #000        #000

    Profit on ordinary activities after taxation               765         510
                                                           =======     =======

                                                             2006         2005
                                                     No of Shares No of Shares

For basic earnings per share                           92,664,723   57,034,181
Dilutive effect of share options                        2,181,826    1,005,773
                                                       ----------  -----------
For diluted earnings per share                         94,846,549   58,039,954
                                                       ==========  ===========

                                           Shares       Capital                   and           Total
                                Share       to be    redemption      Share       Loss   shareholders'       
                              capital      issued       reserve    premium    account           funds
                                 #000        #000          #000       #000       #000            #000
     1 November 2005              224           -            15      7,888     (4,821)          3,306
     Retained profit for            
     the financial period           -           -             -          -        765             765
     Share placement issue         42           -             -        963          -           1,005
     Shares issued to vendors       
     to acquire subsidiary
     undertakings                   2           -             -         69          -              71
     Shares issued to vendors     
     as deferred consideration      1           -             -         35          -              36
     Shares to be issued to         
     vendors as deferred
     consideration                  -           5             -          -          -               5
     Shares issued                  1           -             -         14          -              15
     Issue costs                    -           -             -       (120)         -            (120)
     Exchange adjustments           -           -             -          -          6               6
                              -------     -------       -------    -------    -------         -------
     31 August 2006               270           5            15      8,849     (4,050)          5,089
                              =======     =======       =======    =======    =======         =======

                                           Shares       Capital                   and           Total
                                Share       to be    redemption      Share       Loss   shareholders'       
                              capital      issued       reserve    premium    account           funds
                                 #000        #000          #000       #000       #000            #000

     1 November 2005              224           -            15      7,888     (5,432)          2,695
     Retained profit/(loss)         
     for the financial                                                                      
     period                         -           -             -          -      1,385           1,385
     Share placement issue         42           -             -        963          -           1,005
     Shares issued to vendors       
     to acquire subsidiary
     undertakings                   2           -             -         69          -              71
     Shares issued to vendors       
     as deferred consideration      1           -             -         35          -              36
     Shares to be issued to         
     vendors as deferred
     consideration                  -           5             -          -          -               5
     Shares issued                  1           -             -         14          -              15
     Issue costs                    -           -             -       (120)         -            (120)
                              -------     -------       -------    -------    -------         -------
     31 August 2006               270           5            15      8,849     (4,047)          5,092
                              =======     =======       =======    =======    =======         =======     

                                                         10 months        Year
                                                             ended       ended
                                                         31 August  31 October
 5.  CASH FLOWS                                               2006        2005
                                                              #000        #000

     Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash
     inflow / (outflow) from operating activities
     Operating profit                                        1,550         850
     Depreciation                                               73          65
     Impairment of goodwill                                      -          43
     (Profit)/loss on disposals of fixed assets                 (9)          5
     (Increase) in debtors                                  (1,389)     (1,608)
     (Decrease)/increase in creditors                         (151)        689
     Exchange differences                                        6         (56)
                                                           -------     -------
     Net cash inflow / (outflow) from operating                 
     activities                                                 80         (12)
                                                           -------     -------


   Copies of the Annual report and Financial Statements will be will be 
   circulated to Shareholders shortly and may be obtained after the posting date 
   from the Company Secretary, First Artist Corporation plc, First Artist House, 
   87 Wembley Hill Road, Middlesex, HA9 8BU, or from the Companies Website

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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