This announcement is not an offer of securities for sale, or an offer to 
buy or subscribe for, directly or indirectly, securities to any person 
in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Hong Kong 
or  Switzerland or any other jurisdiction in which such offer or 
solicitation is unlawful. This announcement is an advertisement and not 
a prospectus (or prospectus equivalent document). Any offer to acquire 
shares pursuant to the Capital Restructuring will be made, and investors 
should only subscribe for or purchase any shares referred to in this 
announcement and should make any investment decision, solely on the 
basis of information contained in the prospectus (the "Prospectus") to 
be published by Kenmare Resources plc ("Kenmare" or the "Company and, 
together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") in connection with the 
admission of the new ordinary shares in the Company ("New Ordinary 
Shares") to be issued under the Capital Restructuring to listing on the 
secondary  listing segment of the Official List of the Irish Stock 
Exchange and the premium listing segment of the Official List of the 
Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") and to trading on the respective 
main market for listed securities of the Irish Stock Exchange and the 
London Stock Exchange (the "Admission") and in connection with the 
making of the Open Offer to the public in Ireland and the United 
   30 June, 2016 
   Kenmare Resources plc 
   US$275 million of equity commitments secured, enabling the Capital 
Restructuring and Open Offer to proceed 
   -- New equity commitments of US$275 million have been secured, enabling the 
      Capital Restructuring and Open Offer to proceed. This comprises US$100 
      million in the Cornerstone Placing, US$145.7 million cash commitments 
      under the Firm Placing, and US$29.3 million under the Lender 
      Underwriting. The Issue Price is US$3.132 per New Ordinary Share, 
      equivalent to US1.566c before the impact of the proposed 1 for 200 
      Consolidation and Stg 1.16p based on the US$:Stg exchange rate as of the 
      Latest Practicable Date. 
   -- An Open Offer of up to US$122.7 million (approximately StgGBP90.8 
      million) will proceed at the same price as all other funds raised 
      (equivalent to Stg 1.16p before the Consolidation), full subscription 
      under which would reduce gross debt to nil. The Open Offer will have a 
      ratio of 1 New Ordinary Share for every 71 Existing Ordinary Shares held 
      on the Record Date. Subscription under the Open Offer will be in Sterling 
      (StgGBP2.317 per New Ordinary Share) or Euro (EUR2.818 per New Ordinary 
      Share), being the Issue Price converted at the exchange rates as of the 
      Latest Practicable Date. 
   -- Based on the agreed terms of the Debt Restructuring announced on 20 June, 
      2016, completion of the Capital Raise will reduce debt by not less than 
      US$292.5 million to no more than US$100 million and provide the Company 
      with US$75 million for working capital and to cover expenses. All funds 
      raised in the Open Offer in excess of US$29.3 million will discharge US$4 
      of debt for every US$3 raised. The Lender Underwriting will be eliminated 
      if at least US$29.3 million is raised in the Open Offer. 
   -- A Prospectus and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting and Annual 
      General Meeting are expected to be issued on 1 July, 2016 with the 
      Extraordinary General Meeting and Annual General Meeting to be held on 25 
      July, 2016. Closing date for subscriptions under the Open Offer will be 
      22 July, 2016. 
   Commenting on the outcome of the Firm Placing, Michael Carvill, Managing 
Director of Kenmare stated: 
   "The Capital Raise and Capital Restructuring provides Kenmare with an 
excellent platform to deliver strong returns to its shareholders. The 
strengthening of the balance sheet, allied to falling cash costs and 
vastly increased power stability, allows Kenmare to benefit from the 
strong improvement in the titanium feedstock market we are currently 
   Details of the Firm Placing and Open Offer 
   Kenmare Resources plc (LSE:KMR, ISE:KMR), one of the leading global 
producers of titanium minerals and zircon, which operates the Moma 
Titanium Minerals Mine in northern Mozambique, is pleased to announce 
that commitments have been secured in respect of 46,519,505 New Ordinary 
Shares to be issued under the Firm Placing and up to 9,355,335 New 
Ordinary Shares to be issued under the Lender Underwriting at the Issue 
Price of US$3.132 per New Ordinary Share (being equivalent to US1.566c 
before the impact of the proposed 1 for 200 Consolidation). Total 
commitments under the Firm Placing, Lender Underwriting and the 
previously announced Cornerstone Placing with the State General Reserve 
Fund of the Sultanate of Oman (SGRF), are therefore in respect of US$275 
million. Pursuant to the Debt Equitisation, Lenders may be issued with 
an aggregate maximum of 7,609,371 New Ordinary Shares representing 6.9% 
of the then Enlarged Issued Share Capital. 
   Completion of the Capital Raise will achieve the minimum US$275 million 
necessary to effect the Capital Restructuring on the terms previously 
announced. This achieves a reduction of the existing debt to US$100 
million and provides the Company with US$75 million for working capital 
and to cover expenses. All funds raised in the Open Offer in excess of 
US$29.3 million will discharge US$4 of debt for every US$3 raised. 
Completion of the Capital Raise is conditional, inter alia, on 
shareholder approval, as more fully described below. 
   New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Cornerstone Placing and 
the Firm Placing will, when issued and fully paid, rank pari passu in 
all respects with the Ordinary Shares, including the right to receive 
all dividends and other distributions (if any) declared, made or paid by 
Kenmare after the date of issue of the New Ordinary Shares. 
   The Company also announces that the proposed Open Offer will be in 
respect of up to 39,181,767 New Ordinary Shares at an Issue Price of 
StgGBP2.317 or EUR2.818 (subject to the terms of the Open Offer) (being 
the Issue Price converted to sterling and euro at the exchanges rates on 
29 June, 2016 ("the Latest Practicable Date")). Total maximum proceeds 
under the Open Offer (if the Open Offer is subscribed in full) would be 
approximately US$122.7 million (approximately StgGBP90.8 million). Open 
Offer Shares will be available to Qualifying Shareholders on the 
following basis: 
   1 Open Offer Share (reflecting the Capital Reorganisation) for every 71 
Existing Ordinary Shares 
   registered in their name at the Record Date and so in proportion for any 
other number of Existing Ordinary Shares then held. Fractions of New 
Ordinary Shares will not be allotted and each Qualifying Shareholder's 
entitlement under the Open Offer will be rounded down to the nearest 
whole number of New Ordinary Shares. 
   Qualifying Shareholders (including those with a nil Basic Entitlement) 
may however apply for any whole number of New Ordinary Shares under the 
Open Offer. The Excess Application Facility will enable Qualifying 
Shareholders to apply for any whole number of New Ordinary Shares in 
excess of, equal to or less than their Basic Entitlement which, in the 
case of Qualifying Non-CREST Shareholders, is equal to the number of 
Open Offer Entitlements as shown on their Application Form or, in the 
case of Qualifying CREST Shareholders, is equal to the number of Open 
Offer Entitlements standing to the credit of their stock account in 
CREST. Qualifying Shareholders with holdings of Existing Ordinary Shares 
in both certificated and uncertificated form will be treated as having 
separate holdings for the purpose of calculating their Basic 
Entitlements under the Open Offer. 
   Excess applications will be satisfied only to the extent that 
corresponding applications by other Qualifying Shareholders are not made 
or are made for less than their Basic Entitlements. If there is an 
over-subscription resulting from excess applications, allocations in 
respect of such excess applications will be made pro rata to the number 
of excess New Ordinary Shares applied for. 
   Application has been made for the Open Offer Entitlements to be admitted 
to CREST. It is expected that the Open Offer Entitlements will be 
admitted to CREST at 8.00 a.m. on 4 July, 2016. The Open Offer 
Entitlements will also be enabled for settlement in CREST at 8.00 a.m. 
on 4 July, 2016. 
   Shareholders should note that the Open Offer is not a rights issue. 
Qualifying CREST Shareholders should note that, although the Open Offer 
Entitlements will be admitted to CREST and be enabled for settlement, 
applications in respect of entitlements under the Open Offer may only be 
made by the Qualifying Shareholder originally entitled or by a person 
entitled by virtue of a bona fide market claim raised by Euroclear's 
Claims Processing Unit. Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders should note 
that the Application Form is not a negotiable document and cannot be 
traded. Qualifying Shareholders should be aware that in the Open Offer, 
unlike in a rights issue, any Open Offer Shares not applied for will not 
be sold in the market or placed for the benefit of Qualifying 
Shareholders who do not apply under the Open Offer. 
   The New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Open Offer will, 
when issued and fully paid, rank pari passu in all respects with the 
Ordinary Shares, including the right to receive all dividends and other 
distributions (if any) declared, made or paid by Kenmare after the date 
of issue of the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Open 
   The Open Offer is not underwritten and there are no commitments in place 
in respect of participation in the Open Offer, save in the case of M&G 
which has committed to subscribe for such number of Open Offer Shares as 
would, when added to its holding of its Existing Ordinary Shares and the 
Firm Placed Shares for which it is subscribing mean that its holding on 
completion of the Capital Restructuring would represent 19.97% of the 
then Enlarged Issued Share Capital. 
   Use of Proceeds 
   The following table summarises the sources and uses of proceeds of the 
Capital Raise on the basis of the US$275 million commitments under the 
Cornerstone Placing, Firm Placing and Lender Underwriting: 
                                     Sources                                                                           Uses 
Capital Raise                                         Maximum of US$367.9 million  Applied to repay and discharge debt                        US$200 million (1) 
 (US$275 million under the Cornerstone Placing, Firm   Minimum of US$275 million 
 Placing and Lender Underwriting and up to US$122.7 
 million under the Open Offer) 
                                                                                   Working capital and expenses of the issue (2)              US$75 million (2) 
                                                                                   Maximum additional amount applied to repay and discharge   US$93.4 million(3) 
                                                                                    debt                                                       US$0 million 
                                                                                    Minimum additional amount applied to repay and discharge 
Gross Total Raised                                    Maximum of US$367.9 million  Total maximum amount applied to repay and discharge        US$293.4 million 
                                                       Minimum of US$275 million    debt                                                       US$200 million 
                                                                                    Total minimum amount applied to repay and discharge        US$75 million 
                                                                                    Total gross proceeds retained by the Company 
   1. US$200 million (by cash subscription and, to the extent necessary, the 
      Lender Underwriting of up to US$29.3 million) will repay and discharge 
      US$269 million in debt (including Accrued Interest) under the terms of 
      the Amendment, Repayment and Equitisation Agreement. 
   2. Expenses of the issue are estimated at US$13.4 million. 
   3. US$122.72 million (cash proceeds additional to the US$245.7 million of 
      cash proceeds of the Cornerstone Placing and Firm Placing) will replace 
      US$29.3 million of Lender Underwriting and the balance of US$93.4 million 
      will repay and discharge any residual debt under the terms of the 
      Amendment, Repayment and Equitisation Agreement. 
   Conditions of the Capital Raise 
   The Cornerstone Placing, the Firm Placing, the Lender Underwriting and 
the Open Offer are conditional, inter alia, upon: 
   1. the passing of all of the Capital Restructuring Resolutions; 
   2. Admission of the New Ordinary Shares to be issued under the Cornerstone 
      Placing, the Firm Placing and the Open Offer becoming effective by not 
      later than 8.00 a.m. on 15 August, 2016 (or such later time and/or date 
      as the Company, the Cornerstone Investor, the Lenders and the Sponsor may 
   3. the Cornerstone Subscription Agreement having become unconditional in all 
      respects and not having been terminated in accordance with its terms; 
   4. the placing commitment provided by M&G (see below) in respect of their 
      participation in the Firm Placing, being in respect of 18,712,664 New 
      Ordinary Shares ("Placing Commitment")  having become unconditional in 
      all respects and not having been terminated in accordance with its terms. 
   5. the Placing and Open Offer Agreement having become unconditional in all 
      respects and not having been terminated in accordance with its terms; and 
   6. those conditions to the Admission Effective Date under the Amendment, 
      Repayment and Equitisation Agreement that fall to be satisfied or waived 
      prior to Admission of the New Ordinary Shares to be issued under the 
      Cornerstone Placing, Firm Placing and Open Offer having been satisfied or 
      waived and the Amendment, Repayment and Equitisation Agreement not having 
      been terminated in accordance with its terms. 
   M&G is a related party of the Company for the purposes of the Listing 
Rules of the FCA because it is a substantial shareholder in the Company. 
M&G, as at the Latest Practicable Date, is interested in 555,468,527 
Existing Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 19.97% of the 
Existing Issued Ordinary Share Capital of the Company. Accordingly, the 
participation by M&G in the Firm Placing requires the approval of 
Independent Shareholders by way of a simple majority in general meeting. 
Such approval will be sought at the Extraordinary General Meeting. M&G 
has also committed to subscribe for such number of Open Offer Shares as 
would, when added to its holding of its Existing Ordinary Shares and its 
Placing Commitment, mean that its holding on completion of the Capital 
Restructuring would represent 19.97% of the then Enlarged Issued Share 
Capital of the Company. 
   Prospectus and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
   The Prospectus is expected to be published on or around 1 July, 2016 
containing full details of how Shareholders can participate in the Open 
Offer and also containing Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting 
expected to be held at 10.15 a.m. (or, if later, immediately following 
the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting convened to be held at 
10.00 a.m. on the same day and at the same location) on 25 July 2016. 
Completion of the Capital Raise is conditional, inter alia, upon the 
passing of the Capital Restructuring Resolutions set out in the Notice 
of the Extraordinary General Meeting. 
   Copies of the Prospectus will be available from the registered office of 
Kenmare Resources plc at Chatham House, Chatham Street, Dublin 2, D02 
VP46, Ireland during normal business hours on any weekday (except 
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) from the date of its publication 
until Admission. The Prospectus will also be available on the Company's 
website, www.kenmareresources.com. 
   Expected Timetable of Events 
   The following are the expected date in relation to events under the 
Capital Restructuring. 
Event                                                                  Time and/or Date 
Record Date for entitlements under the Open Offer                 5.00 p.m. on 29 June, 
Ex-entitlement date for the Open Offer                                     1 July, 2016 
Publication of the Prospectus, Application Forms and                       1 July, 2016 
 Forms of Proxy 
Open Offer Entitlements credited to stock accounts            8.00 a.m. on 4 July, 2016 
 in CREST of Qualifying 
 CREST Shareholders 
Latest recommended time and date for requesting withdrawal        4.30 p.m. on 18 July, 
 of Open Offer Entitlements from CREST                                             2016 
Latest recommended time and date for depositing Open              3.00 p.m. on 19 July, 
 Offer Entitlements into CREST                                                     2016 
Latest time and date for splitting Application Forms              3.00 p.m. on 20 July, 
 (to satisfy bona fide market claims)                                              2016 
Latest time and date for receipt of completed Application        11.00 a.m. on 22 July, 
 Forms and payment in full under the Open Offer or                                 2016 
 settlement of relevant CREST instruction (as appropriate) 
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy                10.00 a.m. on 23 July 
 in respect of the Annual General Meeting                                          2016 
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy               10.15 a.m.* on 23 July 
 in respect of the                                                                 2016 
 Extraordinary General Meeting 
Results of the Open Offer announced through an RIS            7.00 a.m. on 25 July 2016 
Annual General Meeting                                            10.00 a.m. on 25 July 
Extraordinary General Meeting                                    10.15 a.m.* on 25 July 
Capital Reorganisation Record Date                            6.00 p.m. on 25 July 2016 
Capital Reorganisation Effective Date                         8.00 a.m. on 26 July 2016 
Issue of the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Cornerstone  8.00 a.m. on 26 July 2016 
 Placing and Firm Placing and Open Offer and Admission 
 and commencement of dealings in all such New Ordinary 
CREST stock accounts expected to be credited for the                       26 July 2016 
 New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Cornerstone 
 Placing and Firm Placing and Open Offer 
Issue and Admission of the New Ordinary Shares issued                      28 July 2016 
 on the Debt Equitisation (if any) and under the Lender 
 Underwriting Equitisation (if any) 
Restructuring Effective Date                                               28 July 2016 
Shares certificates for New Ordinary Shares issued                        5 August 2016 
 pursuant to the Cornerstone Placing and Firm Placing 
 and Open Offer expected to be dispatched 
*or, if later, immediately following the conclusion 
 of the Annual General Meeting convened to be held 
 at 10.00 a.m. on the same day and at the same location 
   1. The times and dates set out in the expected timetable of principal events 
      above and mentioned throughout this Announcement are Dublin times and may 
      be adjusted by the Company in consultation with the Sponsor, in which 
      event details of the new times and dates will be notified to the Irish 
      Stock Exchange, the FCA, the London Stock Exchange, and, where 
      appropriate, the revised time and/or date will be notified by 
      announcement to Shareholders through a Regulatory Information Service. 
   Capitalised terms used in this announcement and not otherwise defined 
shall have the meaning given to them in the announcement issued by 
Kenmare dated 20 June, 2016. 
   In this Announcement, US Dollar amounts have been converted to euro and 
sterling respectively at rates of US$1: EUR1.1115 and US$1: StgGBP1.352, 
being the rates prevailing as of 29 June, 2016, being the Latest 
Practicable Date. 
   For further information, please contact: 
Kenmare Resources plc                                      Davy 
 Michael Carvill, Managing Director                         Eugenée Mulhern, Anthony Farrell, Daragh O'Reilly 
 Tel: +353 1 671 0411                                       Tel: + 353 1 679 6363 
 Mob: + 353 87 674 0110 
Tony McCluskey, Financial Director                         Canaccord Genuity Limited 
 Tel: +353 1 671 0411                                       Martin Davidson, Nilesh Patel, Joe Dorey 
 Mob: + 353 87 674 0346                                     Tel: +44 207 523 4689 
Jeremy Dibb, Corporate Development and Investor Relations  Mirabaud Securities 
 Manager                                                    Rory Scott 
 Tel: +353 1 671 0411                                       Tel: + 44 207 878 3360 
 Mob: + 353 87 943 0367 
Murray Consultants                                         NM Rothschild & Sons Ltd 
 Joe Heron                                                  Andrew Webb 
 Tel: +353 1 498 0300                                       Tel: + 44 207 280 5000 
 Mob: +353 87 690 9735 
Buchanan                                                   Hannam & Partners (Advisory) LLP 
 Bobby Morse                                                Andrew Chubb, Ingo Hofmaier, Giles Fitzpatrick 
 Tel: +44 207 466 5000                                      Tel: +44 207 907 8500 
   This announcement is not for release, publication or distribution, in 
whole or in part, directly or indirectly, in, into or from the United 
States, Canada, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Hong Kong or Switzerland 
or any other jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of 
the relevant securities laws (the "Excluded Territories"). This 
announcement is for information purposes only and shall not constitute 
or form part of any offer to buy, sell, issue or subscribe for, or the 
solicitation of an offer to buy, sell, issue, or subscribe for, any 
securities mentioned herein (the "Securities") in the United States 
(including its territories and possessions, any State of the United 
States and the District of Columbia) or any other Excluded Territory. 
   The Securities have not been and will not be registered under the US 
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and may not 
be offered or sold in the United States, except pursuant to an exemption 
from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements 
of the Securities Act. No public offering of the Securities is being 
made in the United States. 
   This announcement has been issued by, and is the sole responsibility of, 
Kenmare. None of Canaccord Genuity Ltd, J&E Davy and Mirabaud Securities 
(the "Joint Bookrunners") or any of their respective directors, officers, 
employees, advisers or agents accepts any responsibility or liability 
whatsoever and makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, 
in relation to the contents of this announcement, including its truth, 
accuracy, completeness or verification (or whether any information has 
been omitted from this announcement) or for any other statement made or 
purported to be made by it, or on its behalf, in connection with Kenmare, 
the Securities, the Capital Raise or the Debt Restructuring, whether 
written, oral or in a visual or electronic form, and howsoever 
transmitted or made available. Each of the Joint Bookrunners accordingly 
disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by law, all and any liability 
whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise (save as referred to 
above) which it might otherwise have in respect of any loss howsoever 
arising from any use of this announcement, its contents or any such 
statement or otherwise arising in connection therewith. 
   Each of NM Rothschild & Sons Ltd, Hannam & Partners (Advisory) LLP, 
Canaccord Genuity Ltd and Mirabaud Securities (each of whom is 
authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the FCA) and J&E Davy 
(who is regulated in Ireland by the Central Bank) are acting exclusively 
for Kenmare and no one else in connection with the Capital Raise. They 
will not regard any other person (whether or not a recipient of this 
announcement) as a client in relation to the Capital Raise and will not 
be responsible to anyone other than Kenmare for providing the 
protections afforded to their respective clients nor for giving advice 
in relation to the Capital Raise or any transaction or arrangement 
referred to in this announcement and accordingly disclaim all and any 
liability whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise which they 
might have in respect of this announcement or any such statement. 
   This announcement includes statements that are, or may be deemed to be, 
forward-looking statements. These forward looking statements can be 
identified by the use of forward looking terminology, including the 
terms "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "intends", 
"may", "plans", "projects", "should" or "will", or, in each case, their 
negative or other variations or comparable terminology, or by 
discussions of strategy, plans, objectives, goals, future events or 
intentions. These forward-looking statements include all matters that 
are not historical facts. They appear in a number of places throughout 
this announcement and include, but are not limited to, statements 
regarding Kenmare's intentions, beliefs or current expectations 
concerning, amongst other things, Kenmare's results of operations, 
financial position, liquidity, prospects, growth, strategies and 
expectations for its Mine and the titanium mining industry. 
   By their nature, forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainty 
because they relate to future events and circumstances. Forward-looking 
statements are not guarantees of future performance and the actual 
results of Kenmare's operations, financial position and liquidity, and 
the development of the markets and the industry in which Kenmare 
operates may differ materially from those described in, or suggested by, 
the forward-looking statements contained in this announcement. 
Forward-looking statements may, and often do, differ materially from 
actual results. Any forward-looking statements in this announcement 
reflect Kenmare's current view with respect to future events and are 
subject to risks relating to future events and other risks, 
uncertainties and assumptions relating to Kenmare's operations, results 
of operations, financial position and growth strategy. 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Kenmare Resources via Globenewswire 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 30, 2016 12:16 ET (16:16 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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