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In today’s podcast:
– How to make money by watching the evening news.
– Trader, technical analyst and teacher Francis Hunt sees will be looking at RBS, BAE Systems, Tullow Oil and Sainsbury’s.
Francis on Twitter is @TheMarketSniper
– The micro and macro news
– Plus the broker forecasts
Companies mentioned in the podcast include:
Royal Bank of Scotland #RBS
Sainsbury’s #SBRY
Standard Chartered #STAN
BAE Systems #BA.
Tullow Oil #TLW
Interserve #IRV
Howden Joinery #HWDN
Bodycote #BOY
Robert Walters #RWA
National Express #NEX
Playtech #PTEC
Domino’s Pizza #DOM
Countrywide #CWD
Capita #CPI
RSA Insurance #RSA
Ladbrokes #LAD
British American Tobacco #BAT
Domino’s Pizza #DOM
Informa #INF
Associated British Foods #ABF
Elementis #ELM
Bodycote #BOY
Advanced Medical Solutions #AMS
Falkland Oil & Gas #FOGL
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Please DO NOT buy any stock recommended in this podcast basely solely on what you hear. The opinions in this podcasts are just that, opinions. Please do you own research before investing.