When asked whether they would like to change their lives, an overwhelming 83% answered “yes”.
This is just one result of many similar surveys, all showing similar results.
This survey is probably more representative of how most of us feel about our lives than any other study we could do on the human condition. It is clear we desire change, change. We are seeking something bigger, better and more satisfying for ourselves, our children and society in general.
Desire and seeking a better life always comes from a deep knowing that something better is possible. It is the first part of an awakening to a different way of being against an outer reality of limiting possibilities largely caused by our skewed relationship to money.
Turn your desires into positive motivation
If you trade from a place of dissatisfaction, as most traders do, hoping to improve your trading results I have news for you: The approach does not work! Surprising as this may be, neurological studies have provided massive evidence only over the last three years that our happiness, meaning habitual, positive thinking dictates success, or lack of it. There is one caveat though: Your positive thinking must be congruent.
The brain has a natural tendency to think negatively.
This is a left over from ancient survival mechanisms.
Yet, negative thinking kills of the oxygen to the frontal cortex, the executive function of the brain.
The above is a relatively well known fact. What is less well known is the fact that one single negative thought can kill of the motivational, inspirational left part of the frontal cortex stone dead in a nano second.
Your untrained mind focuses on past memories and the need to keep you safe. Consequently 75% of our thinking is negative.
Do you still think that trading success can come easily to you when your brain is set up to think like that?
Brain scientists have discovered that it takes three positive thoughts to neutralize one negative thought.
Yet most traders still focus on looking at their trading mistakes.
They believe that going over their trades at the end of the week or month and identifying what they did not do so well helps to improve trading. I discussed the main issue traders have using a trading journal in a recent article here on ADVFN.
Happiness is a choice
We cannot get round two simple facts:
Happy emotions engage the left frontal cortex of your brain, getting you in touch with your intuitive creative side. When you operate from, what I also call a whole brain perspective, your entire life begins to change: Your body energy matrix shifts away from acidity to alkalinity. This physical shift also alters your ability to connect in a positive way to your desires. You move from contraction into expansion.
Positive emotions produce positive motivation.
Train your mind to see possibility and get excited about the unknown future instead of operating from the fear based protective bias stemming from focusing on past memories in your present life. This is what you do whenever you critically evaluate your past trading performance.
Deemed to be beneficial, it has actually exactly the opposite effect:
It lowers you energetically, pushes your brain out of alignment and kills off the motivational, creative side of your brain.
Make empowering choices
The brain’s job is to protect you, to make you survive and to procreate. It’s job is not to get you out of your comfort zone.
Yet, you must get out of your comfort zone if you want to become a better trader or investor. If your present state is a mediocre existence, as it is for most people, you are not using your brain correctly. If you where thinking in the “whole brain perspective” you would be feeling in harmony, and take the action necessary to catapult you towards your goals. In other words your trading would be more effortless and flow .
Three things you can do right now to create a happy brain:
1) Write down 10 reasons why you can be a successful trader
2) Visualize what it feels like to be successful
3) Take action to acquire the knowledge to support your desire
Taking action is a vital step. You can read all the articles and books in the world, but unless you translate what you are reading into meaningful action enabling you to apply the concepts to improve your trading life, you will remain as you are.
In order to achieve something you have not yet got you have to do something different from what you are doing right now.
What are you willing to do right now to improve your trading and your entire life?
Mercedes Oestermann van Essen is an active trader, trading psychology coach and the author of “The Buddhist Trader” and other books on trading psychology. She holds webinars and bespoke trading psychology seminars for high net worth investors, and serious traders.