- Consolidated Revenue: +14%
- Consolidated Revenue B to B :
- Consolidated EBIT: +63%
Regulatory News:
RENTABILIWEB GROUP (Brussels:BIL) (Paris:BIL) (ISIN BE0946620946
-- Mnemo BIL) has today published its results for the first half of
the 2015 financial year. They show an excellent first semester and
are characterised by an increase in turnover of almost 14% and a
significant upturn in EBIT.
Key figures for the first half of
(in € thousands)
H1 2014 H1 2015
H1 2015 vs H1 2014 Consolidated revenue
33,905 38,544 +13.7% Gross margin
19,819 21,182 +6.9% Gross margin rate 58.5%
55.0% -3.5 points
EBITDA 1,782 2,278
+27.8% As a % of revenues 5.3% 5.9% +0.7 point
1,064 1,734 +62.9% As a % of revenues 3.1%
4.5% +1.4 point
Operating income 1,193 1,692
+41.9% As a % of revenues 3.5% 4.4% +0.9 point
consolidated income 1,630 1,751 +7.4% As a
% of revenues 4.8% 4.5% -0.3 point
Mr. Jean-Baptiste Descroix-Vernier, the Founding President of
Rentabiliweb, states: "In barely 36 months, Rentabiliweb has
succeeded in considerably modernizing its product line and
preparing itself for the future. The performance and synergy of the
tools offered to merchants have helped sustain strong growth. The
strategic growth model we have chosen pays off."
Half-yearly results: an excellent first
The consolidated turnover of the Rentabiliweb Group stands at
€38.5m, up 14% on the first half of 2014, thanks to a very good
second quarter, which saw an increase of 25% compared to Q2 2014
and sequential growth of 17% (compared to Q1 2015).
B to B now represents nearly 60% of total Group turnover.
EBIT for the first half of 2015 stands at €1.7m, up 63% on H1
2014. The EBIT margin thus increased by 1.4 percentage points. This
significant increase results from the combined effect of a €0.5m
rise in B to B EBIT and stable B to C EBIT. This double-digit
growth was realized (i) in a difficult global market situation for
B to C and (ii) in a context of continued investment effort to
accelerate development of B to B activities.
B to B division : a fast development
B to B division consists of three complementary activities
designed to increase the revenue of retailers (online and offline)
- Payment by credit card (Be2bill)
optimizes transaction on the Internet, mobile, tablet and physical
payment terminal.
- Direct marketing boosts sales and
increases customer loyalty
- Telecom activities provide interactive
services to merchants and allowing them to stay in touch with their
The B to B division turnover stands at €22.5m, up 49% on H1
2014, continuing to grow during the two quarters compared to the
two 2014 quarters (+42% in Q1 and +52% in Q2). The division also
shows strong sequential growth (+19% in Q2 2015 compared to Q1
Be2bill have three main activities: VAD (distance selling via
the Internet), mobile and physical shops.The VAD activity is the
pole which required the heaviest investments in the years 2012,
2013 and 2014. The physical shops area was launched in October 2014
simultaneously with the mobile payment.The first half of 2015 marks
the equilibrium point (break-even) of VAD France, now
Over 2500 stores now use our Be2bill bank card payment system.
Nearly 5500 merchants use at least one of the systems provided by
Rentabiliweb, whether for payment, marketing or telecom.
Thanks to the high number of signatures achieved, the Run Rate
for the first half of 2015 stands at €1.04bn, despite the decision
taken by Be2bill to close a key customer account (€263m of annual
business) for prudential reasons.
Telecom activity is also showing sustained growth, in particular
as regards AVS (Added Value Services).
The B to B division EBIT stands at -€1.2m in the first half of
2015, up €0.5m on H1 2014. This includes a non-recurring loss of
B to C division: high operating margins are sustained
B to C turnover stands at €16.1m, down 15% on H1 2014.
Continued high gross operating margins, combined with reduced
operating charges (-€1.4m) have resulted in stable EBIT, compared
to H1 2014, of €4.6m. The EBIT margin has increased significantly,
up 4 percentage points to 28.5%.
Corporate division: expenses under control
Corporate division EBIT is up €0.2m, a 12% increase on H1 2014.
This variation is due in particular to rigorous control of
expenditure, as well as certain non-recurring 2014 charges, such as
the setting up of a key subsidiary in Amsterdam.
A robust financial
The Group has closed the first half of 2015 in a very healthy
financial situation.
Indeed, on 30 June 2015, surplus cash stood at €12.3m, up €2m
compared to 31 December 2014.The €12.3m of surplus cash breaks down
as follows:
- €6.2m of cash on Group accounts;
- €6.1m of cash on the Electronic
Payments holding account.
Equity amounted to €75m on 30 June 2015.
The group Rentabiliweb is 100% self-financing as regards its
investments and has no debt and no off balance sheet.
Rentabiliweb is continuing its strategy of gaining market share
in France and intends to expand abroad in the short term.The group
upholds its installed Run Rate ambition for 31 December 2015 of
between €1.5bn and €1.7bn, together with a signed Run Rate of
between €2.6bn and €3bn.
Next publication
Publication of Q3 2015 turnover: 5 November 2015.
Read the press release on the group's
corporate website:
Consolidated income
(in € thousands)
H1 2014 H1 2015
H1 2015 vs H1 2014 Consolidated revenue
33,905 38,544 +13.7% Gross margin
19,819 21,182 +6.9% Gross margin rate 58.5%
55.0% -3.5 points
EBITDA 1,782 2,278
+27.8% As a % of revenues 5.3% 5.9% +0.7 point
1,064 1,734 +62.9% As a % of revenues 3.1%
4.5% +1.4 point
Operating income 1,193 1,692
+41.9% As a % of revenues 3.5% 4.4% +0.9 point
consolidated income 1,630 1,751 +7.4% As a
% of revenues 4.8% 4.5% -0.3 point
B to B
(in € thousands)
H1 2014 H1 2015
H1 2015 vs H1 2014 Consolidated revenue
15,081 22,485 +49.1% Gross margin
6,986 9,912 +41.9% Gross margin rate 46.3%
44.1% -2.2 points Other operating incomes 7 19 +158% Recurring
operating expenses (3,932) (5,618) +43% Payroll expenses (4,249)
(4,985) +17%
EBITDA (1,187) (672)
+43.4% As a % of revenues -7.9% -3.0% +4.9 points
Depreciations and amortizations (424) (481) +13%
(1,612) (1,153) +28.5% As a % of revenues
-10.7% -5.1% +5.6 points
B to C
(in € thousands)
H1 2014 H1 2015
H1 2015 vs H1 2014 Consolidated revenue
18,824 16,059 -14.7% Gross margin
12,833 11,270 -12.2% Gross margin rate 68.2%
70.2% +2.0 point Other operating incomes 1 1 -47% Recurring
operating expenses (6,745) (5,343) -21% Payroll expenses (1,402)
(1,446) +3%
EBITDA 4,687 4,482 -4.4% As
a % of revenues 24.9% 27.9% +3.0 points Depreciations and
amortizations (95) 91 -195%
EBIT 4,592 4,573
-0.4% As a % of revenues 24.4% 28.5% +4.1 points
(in € thousands)
H1 2014 H1 2015
H1 2015 vs H1 2014 Other operating incomes 103 99 -4%
Recurring operating expenses (801) (533) -33% Payroll expenses
(1,020) (1,098) +8%
EBITDA (1,718) (1,532)
+10.8% As a % of revenues na na na Depreciations and
amortizations (198) (154) -22%
EBIT (1,916)
(1,686) +12.0% As a % of revenues na na na
Consolidated balance
2015 Goodwill 50,624 50,766 Fixed assets 5,687 5,152 Deferred
tax assets 5,228 6,538 Customers and other debitors 22,634 27,377
Payable tax assets 3,425 4,340 Cash and cash equivalents 11,583
Equity 72,327 75,050 Provisions 921 829 Financial liabilities 12 12
Deferred tax liabilities 518 536 Suppliers and other creditors
22,569 26,619 Payable tax liabilities 2,834 3,466
LIABILITIES 99,181 106,511
Consolidated statement of cash
(in € thousands)
2014 H1 2015 Net
earnings from integrated companies 2,364 1,751 Elim. of the
amortisations and provisions 1,471 572 Elim. of the variation of
deferred taxes (1,762) (681) Elim. of disposal capital gains or
losses 31 6 Other proceeds and expenses having no incidence on the
cash (309) 0 Incidence of the change in working capital
requirements 3,944 377 Net acquisitions of fixed assets (1,153)
Net cash from operating activities * A
4,586 1,472 * Before financial investments, capital
operations and financing operations Financial acquisitions
and price supplement payments (126) 0 Variation of the financial
assets 11 (6) Impact of changes in scope of consolidation 0 (0)
Capital increase 6 0 Dividends paid 0 0 Treasury shares
transactions 545 68 Repayment of loans and other debts 0 0
cash from investment and financing operations B
436 61 Change of the cash and cash
equivalents A+B 5,022 1,533 Net
cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period 5,779 10,802
Net cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 10,802 12,339
Impact of exchange rate variations 0 3
Net increase (decrease)
in cash and cash equivalents 5,022 1,533
Consolidated statement of changes in
(in € thousands) Share capital Premiums
Groupreserves Currency translationdifferences Net
profitfor the year Revaluation reserves
Treasuryshares Instruments settled in the Company’s shares
Equity attributableto owners of the parent
Non-controlling interests
Equity Position
atDecember 31, 2013 23,396
14,105 30,202 (53)
2,869 0 (2,502)
2,973 70,989 53
71,042 Share capital increase 3 3 0
0 0 0 0 0 6 0
6 Appropriation of earnings 0 0 2,869 0 (2,869) 0 0 0 (0) 0
(0) Dividends paid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net profit for the period
0 0 0 0 2,393 0 0 0 2,393 (29) 2,364 Currency movements 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 Changes in consolidation scope 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other changes 0 0 (6) 0 0 0 545 (422) 117 0 117
Position atDecembre 31, 2014
23,398 14,109 33,064
(51) 2,393 0
(1,957) 2,551 73,507
24 73,531 Share capital increase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Appropriation of earnings 0 0 2,393 0 (2,393) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dividends paid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net profit for the period 0 0
0 0 1,738 0 0 0 1,738 12 1,750 Currency movements 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0
44 0 44 Changes in consolidation scope 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other
changes 0 0 (343) 0 0 0 68 0 (276) 0 (276)
Position atJune 30, 2015
23,398 14,109 35,114
(7) 1,738 0
(1,890) 2,551 75,013
37 75,050
About Rentabiliweb
Created in 2002 by Jean-Baptiste Descroix-Vernier, the
Rentabiliweb Group is a major player in payment and the
monetisation of electronic content in Europe. With over 270
employees in France and abroad, and traded on the Brussels and
Paris Euronext stock exchange (compartment C), the group achieved
turnover of 72 million euros in 2014 and 2.3 million euros in
EBIT.Designated as an "Innovative company" by OSEO, Rentabiliweb is
eligible for FCPIs (fonds commun de placement dans l'innovation,
French Innovation Funds).
View source
version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150827005760/en/
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