2 days ago
Agree! AXXA needs to do the following at a minimum to bring more transparency and attract more interest:
1. Update the website to make it more modern, sophisticated, and make it more accurate in terms of who the current management team actually is, what businesses they actually have, what they actually do, where they actually do it, and what revenue each business or division brings in. They need to make their website actually stand-out with all the latest features of a high speed website. I'm no website developer, but I know a good one when I see it!
2. Write a White Paper that is factually accurate with excellent details that give an accurate depiction of the AXXA Platform that they keep touting as part of their future growth! Include how it works, which businesses use it (e.g., real estate, crypto, blockchain, agriculture, automotive, furniture, etc.), what capabilities it has and how it generates revenue.
If they just do these two things which I think are straight-forward, they would get more interest from me (a current shareholder) to buy more (another 2-10 Million shares)!
We'll see what the upcoming "exciting" week holds, but I agree they need to stop the tweets, and instead do the above!
4 days ago
re: Strange opinion....
"You claim "no one" [believes in AXXA]but [you] only speak for yourself."
Ever take a course in economics? You will learn in Econ 101 that the market is a compilation of hundreds or even thousands of decisions of buyers, sellers and holders. A perfect market seeks out an equilibrium between both buyers and sellers. The price of a product [that buyers and sellers create] and see contains enormous amounts of information that assists buyers discern what inherent value a product has, while assisting sellers what exchange value their product has. It's called price discovery. The market has deemed that AXXA is at a perfect equilibrium price of $0.0006, hence the price at which both buyers and sellers agree. Hundreds of opinions constitute this price, not mine, not yours, but everyone's. For years, plenty of people looking at AXXA's enormous assets and earnings have tried to second-guess the market, but they are no longer here.
The world's most famous economist once said:
"The stock market is like a beauty pageant. You don't go to see all the pretty girls.
You go to see who the judges will pick."
-John Maynard Keynes
Well, my friend, the judges have indeed picked. Not me. Not you. Judging stock prices is not my bailiwick. The market price, therefore is not my opinion. However, I trust the markets to function as designed. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be completely wrong about AXXA. Nothing. I would love to be wrong. To use AXXA's words, if AXXA turned around and started appreciating, I'd be 'excited,' 'thrilled' and even 'stay tuned.' But it won't happen, because AXXA's predilection for toxic debt coupled with a lack of follow through on anything whatsoever has earned it the price the market has awarded.
Sorry to burst your bubble with basic economics. That's why it's called the dismal science.