6 days ago
SHs depend on a forthright and honest management that includes our interests within their business plan and ensures our investment equity is preserved within owner interests as well.
Reality is that management's failure to protect our investment interests has no recourse. Onership/Management protects their share vote to ensure plurality enabling them to do adequately control the direction of decision making. The common retail shareholder (non-insider) is duped into feeling they have a voice, when they realistically do not. SHs should have a clear understanding of this... it is a SUBSTANTIAL part of the risk we share.
While I wait as a SH for GTCH management to determine our fate as to share value we obtain for loyalty in providing them with start-up funding - evident by such a large O/S, I do so uncomfortably given how long GTCH's management has kept us in the dark during this long silent period.
GTCH's success, as a ticker, is NOT solely governed by what happens with AVAI and BNIX. These are contract interests only. It is really GTCH's on-going business plan that will determine success or failure for its SHs. This aspect, SHs know NOTHING! Management of course knows, we do not.
Until we do, I remain uncomfortable resting solely on the belief that GTCH's ownership/management also has our interests at heart. My fear exists based on so many instances in my long-lasting desire to invest in Pinkies where such interests never materialized.
No recourse but to wait and see...again.
2 weeks ago
GTCH PORCH 1-2 years would be great ,,, I have been here 4 and have 4 x gains in my loss column ,,Hope you are right ,,, hope it changes soon GLTA
2 weeks ago
So... it appears that you have just informed us that you are rich. I would be if I had 30 years of winners. Holy hell, that is remarkable. In my 45 years of trading, I have had no moon shots AND remain fortunate to have a remaining small pot to play. No life shattering events here.
Jesus, all of a sudden, I feel incompetent (well, not too sudden - an accumulation over 45 years)
Porch Honkey
2 weeks ago
I don't know when, but I do know every stock I have ever owned except for one has gone to the moon, and I've been trading for thirty years now, some have taken close to two years but they have made a good run, I get tired of waiting too, but I'm hanging in there with the rest of yens, good luck and keep your heads up, I 'm not going nowhere until she runs.
2 weeks ago
PORCH ,,, I started reading from the bottom of page to top ,,,, older post to newer post and just want to tell you how pissed I was when I saw your post of ypu think they folded,,,,,, save thoes jokes for april 1st my friend ,,, my heart skipped a half dozen beats on that one ,, GLTA
2 weeks ago
No scam. Techies dream too. All boils down to money and lack of containment. Their patents are real and you can imagine the enormous amount of time just to put those together for submission and finalizing. Much more, planning, design and actual implementation (R&D is VERY costly with NO income generating means).
The DD on GTCH's R/S is documented and is not a sign of a strong financial backing other than on the backs of 'early' retail traders. When Danny cohorts started out, I suggest they were 'guru' on the tech side but extremely ignorant on the financial side, especially from the perspective of how long they would require R&D financial support.
No doubt their ideas and tech savvy were impressive. I am assuming sources of R&D cash through retail share sales was insufficient and any obtained from 'insider' pockets were VERY dilutive BUT were legally binding - thus the NUMEROUS dilutive hands tightly wrapped around the GTCH patents.
Sure, shells exist for the primary goal of sucking advanced cash from anything that has merit, sometimes resulting in the ticker's untimely death before anything comes off the manufacturing/service production lines.
I just don't think that is the case with GTCH (I also have a record of being a fool). I remain a long-term believer in the GTCH patent dream. Maybe AVAI and BNIX have gleaned off all the production potential and will actually leave the GTCH shell in place to decay with longs high and dry with no chance of recovery. Of course, a possibility. That is why Pinkie tickers carry a high risk.
Maybe the long silence is only due to GTCH management finding a legal means of stripping any retail SH of their rightful share of eventual revenue and profit generation. Truthfully, I can only say, I hope not.