28 January 2025
Artemis Resources Limited ('Artemis' or the
'Company') (ASX/AIM:
ARV) is pleased to
provide an outline of a substantial drilling
program planned to test high priority gold exploration targets on
the 100% owned Carlow Tenement within the Company's extensive
holdings in the North Pilbara gold province of Western
A diamond and Reverse Circulation
("RC") drilling program is expected to commence in early February
to test several compelling targets within a 4km long northwest
trending zone centred around the Company's 704Koz AuEq Carlow
Mineral Resource1 which includes 374Koz gold, 64,000t
copper and remains open. Despite proximity to Carlow, the targets
planned to be drilled during the March Quarter are previously
Summary of Planned Activities
- March Quarter 2025
· The
first hole will test the large Marillion Electro-magnetic ("EM")
conductor 500m east of the Carlow resource, near the base of the
Andover Intrusion
· Diamond drilling will then test the potential for significant
extensions to the Carlow resource, down plunge from previous
high-grade gold intersections
· RC
drilling is then planned across the Titan Prospect 2km northwest of
Carlow, as an initial test of widespread high-grade gold
occurrences at surface
· Recent
assays from outcrops of chert and quartz/ironstone veins at
Titan include 51.8g/t Au and 41.4g/t
Au, in line with results announced during
· Surface gold occurrences at Titan may be associated with a
large gravity-low feature surrounded by chert outcrops, interpreted
major faults and thrusts
· Conceptual mining study planned to review the 2022 Carlow
Inferred Mineral Resource1 including
7.25Mt @ 1.3g/t gold for 296,000oz
Au in an optimised pit
· Artemis is also evaluating other quality assets and recently
applied for an EL to cover an interpreted intrusion with potential
for IOCG Cu/Au mineralisation
· Following the recent $4M placement, the Company is now well
funded to drill priority targets around Carlow and progress other
promising gold targets
Note 1: Refer to Artemis
ASX announcement on 13 October 2022
Recently appointed Managing Director Julian Hanna2
commented: 'As a result of the excellent work completed
by the Karratha exploration team during 2024 and following the
announced capital raising in December, Artemis is now in a strong
position to undertake drilling of some exciting targets at the
Karratha Gold Project.
Exploration in the following months will be focussed on the
Carlow Tenement which hosts a significant gold - copper resource at
Carlow and covers a wide range of exploration targets within a
wide, prospective corridor with minimal previous
look forward to working closely with the very experienced and
committed team at Artemis and updating shareholders with results
from the drilling in due course.'
Note 2: Refer to Artemis
ASX announcement on 8 January 2025

1. Artemis tenements in Pilbara
region of Western Australia with Carlow Tenement hatched
Priority Drill Targets and
other Activities - March Quarter 2025
Marillion Electro-Magnetic
Marillion is a large, highly
conductive electro-magnetic (FLTEM) anomaly modelled by the
Company's consulting geophysicist as a 500m long, c.11,000 siemens
conductor with the top at approximately 350m vertical depth (refer
to Figure 2). Marillion is undrilled, and the source of the
conductive anomaly is unknown.
Drilling is planned to start in
early February with the first drill hole designed to test the
centre of the Marillion EM anomaly for possible sulphide hosted
Marillion may potentially represent
an extension of the Carlow gold/copper deposit offset >500m by a
fault or represent a possible sulphide accumulation at the
interpreted base of the Andover Intrusion which is mapped in
outcrop near Marillion.
Note 3: Refer to Artemis
ASX announcement on 14 November 2022
Carlow Mineral
Resource4 - Potential Extensions
The Carlow deposit comprises a
total Inferred Mineral Resource of
8.74Mt @ 1.3 g/t Au (374,000oz
gold), 0.73% Cu (64,000t copper) and 0.09% Co (8,000t
The majority of the Inferred Mineral
Resource at Carlow occurs in West
Zone (within 3-4 stacked quartz/sulphide lodes) and
East Zone (within 1-2
quartz/sulphide lodes).
An internal review of all drill
holes at Carlow concluded the eastern end of the East Zone is
probably truncated by a fault which extends from surface to
approximately 200m depth. From 200m to 500m depth, high-grade
gold zones within the East Zone plunge east and may extend beyond
the current limit of drilling (refer to
Figure 2).
Two widely spaced (>100m spaced)
diamond drill holes are planned in the March quarter (Phase 1) to
scope out potential for significant extensions to the Carlow
resource down plunge from previous high-grade gold
intersections. Depending on results, additional holes are
planned to test for further extensions to the deposit.

2. Carlow resource long section
showing high grade gold intersections in the East zone and proposed
diamond drill holes. Marillion EM conductor is projected
south onto the Carlow section
Note 4: Refer to Artemis ASX
announcement on 13 October 2022
Carlow Resource - conceptual
open pit study4
A conceptual open pit study is
planned to be carried out by an independent consulting group based
on the existing Carlow Mineral Resource
estimate prepared by consultants Snowden Optiro and announced on 13
October 2022. The total Mineral Resource at Carlow includes an
Inferred open pit resource of 7.25Mt @ 1.3g/t gold for
296,000oz Au contained within an
optimised pit shell.
Note 4: Refer to Artemis ASX
announcement on 13 October 2022
Titan Prospect5
Titan is located 2km northwest of
the Carlow resource and has been the subject of several surface
rock chip sampling programs during 2024. The surface sampling
programs have delivered very high-grade gold assay results from
selected samples of quartz/ironstone veins
and gossanous chert outcrops in several areas at Titan (Refer
Figures 3, 4 and 5). There is no known drilling of the
surface gold occurrences.
Recent assay results received from
additional surface rock chip samples at Titan include: 51.8g/t Au (sample 24AR28-002); and
41.4 g/t Au (sample
24AR28-048) with nine other samples assaying >4g/t Au. These results are
listed in Table 1 and plotted on Figure 4. The recent assay results
are broadly similar to results from surface rock chip samples
collected elsewhere at Titan which were announced during
Detailed geological and structural
mapping of the Carlow Tenement and a re-interpretation of magnetic
and gravity data was completed by two independent consultants in
late 2024. These studies combined with results from rock chip
samples and soil geochemical surveys are helping understand the
potential of the Titan area.
The known surface gold occurrences
appear to be associated with a 2km long gravity-low feature in the
centre of the Carlow Tenement (refer Figures 3 and 4). The source
of the gravity-low is unknown. Chert ridges and
quartz/ironstone veins around the periphery of the
gravity-low (refer to Figures 4 and 5) are interpreted to be
related to northeast trending shear zones, regional thrusts
and northwest cross cutting faults.
An initial program of shallow RC
drilling at Titan is planned to start in the March quarter subject
to access approvals over some areas. The RC program is
planned to test down dip from the surface gold occurrences, test
the central gravity-low feature and provide geological and
geochemical data to support deeper drilling
Note 5: Refer to list of
Artemis ASX announcements at end of this announcement

Figure 3. Gravity image of Carlow Tenement showing gravity-low feature
at Titan with selected gold assays from surface rock chip
samples. Shows outline of the Carlow resource and Marillion
EM target within an interpreted 4km long northwest trending
prospective zone, in red dash outline.

4. Satellite image of the Titan
Prospect showing location of high-grade surface samples from
quartz/ironstone veins and gossanous chert outcrops around the
interpreted gravity-low feature.

Figure 5. Titan Prospect
- outcrop of brecciated and banded chert (approx. 5m wide) with
thin stockwork iron oxide veining. Sample 24AR28-002 (above)
from this outcrop returned 51.8g/t

1. Rock chip assays (>0.5g/t Au)
from recent sampling at outcrops and historic pits at
Chapman, Carlow South, Europa
As part of the recent rock chip
sampling program completed on the Carlow Tenement, a small number
of selected samples from outcropping
quartz/ironstone veins were collected from the Chapman, Carlow South and Europa Prospects 2km south and west
of the Carlow Resource. Several of these samples reported
high grade gold assays (refer to Table 2). Interpretation of
these results is in progress.

Table 2:
Rock chip assays (>0.4g/t Au) from recent
sampling at outcrops at other prospects within Carlow Tenement to
the south and west of Carlow Resource
Lulu Creek Prospect - RC
The Lulu Creek Prospect is located
20km west of Carlow, on tenement E 47/1746.
In late 2020 Artemis completed a
shallow RC drilling program at Lulu Creek and intersected zones of
anomalous gold mineralisation associated with disseminated
sulphides at shallow depth. The best intersections included
1m @ 4.89g/t Au and 13.7g/t Ag from 24m depth and 2m @ 1.62g/t Au
from 34m depth.
(Note 5:
Refer to Artemis ASX
announcements on 18 September 2020 and 23 October 2024)
On 23 October 2024 Artemis announced
commencement of an EIS co-funded RC drilling program at Lulu Creek
to test potential for intrusion related gold deposits which could
be related to IP anomalies interpreted below the area of shallow
mineralisation intersected in
2020. 5 RC drill holes were completed in November 2024 and
assay results from this program have now been received.
An initial appraisal of the assay results from the 5 RC holes shows the
majority are less than 0.4g/t gold with two separate 1m intervals
reporting high-grade gold assays (>3g/t Au) - Refer to Table
3. Results from the RC drilling completed in November 2024
are broadly comparable to results from the 2020 shallow RC drilling
Minor disseminated sulphide was
reported in the 2024 RC holes and it is not yet clear if the source
of the IP anomalies has been explained by the recent
Interpretation of the results of the
recent RC drilling is continuing to determine if further drilling
is warranted to test the source of the IP anomalies at Lulu

Figure 6. Lulu Creek
Prospect showing IP anomalies projected to surface and 2024 RC hole
3: Lulu Creek Prospect - list
of assay results from 1m intervals >0.16g/t gold from 5 RC holes
completed November 2024. Further drilling parameters included in
Appendix 1 of announcement
New Project
While the Karratha Gold Project is
expected to continue as Artemis's core asset, the Company strategy
includes identifying other high quality exploration targets
considered to have potential for discovery of major mineral
deposits. Priorities are for targets which can be acquired
and tested at relatively low cost.
As part of this strategy, Artemis
subsidiary (KML No 2 Pty Ltd) has applied for a 340km2
exploration licence to cover a large, interpreted intrusion
("Cassowary Intrusion")
below the Eucla Basin sediments, 440km east of
The Cassowary Intrusion occurs in a
rare geological setting, being located on the margin of a wide,
>400km long northeast trending crustal boundary (Madura West
Crustal Boundary) where the surrounding geological formations are
interpreted to be disrupted for kilometres by the intrusion.
There is no known drilling at Cassowary.
Once the tenement is granted,
exploration will test the potential for IOCG type copper/gold
mineralisation which may be associated with the intrusion. A
high resolution magnetic and gravity survey
will probably be used to assist drill targeting.
The Madura West Crustal Boundary has
attracted major companies: BHP Nickel West previously conducted
exploration for nickel, global copper producer Teck (Australia) has
applied for 7 exploration licences south of Cassowary and niobium
company WA1 has applied for 2 exploration licences immediately
south of Cassowary to explore for IOCG type copper/gold deposits.
(Refer WA1 website).

7. Magnetic image with outline
of Artemis exploration licence application (E69/4266 - yellow)
covering interpreted Cassowary Intrusion. Madura West crustal
boundary in black. Source: GSWA
Artemis ASX announcements relating to surface rock chip
results referred to in this announcement;
· High
grade rock chip gold assays, 12 June 2024
· High
grade gold vein discovery at Titan prospect, 16 August
· High
grade gold vein discovery at Titan prospect amended, 16 August
· Titan
prospect results - clarification statement, 17 September
· Titan
delivers further high grade rock chip results, 10 October
· New
Regional Discovery High-Grade Cu, Au, Ag Chapman Prospect, 6
December 2021
This announcement was approved for release by the Board. For
further information
Artemis Resources Ltd
Guy Robertson, Chairman
Julian Hanna, Managing
Zeus (Nomad & Broker)
Antonio Bossi / James Bavister /
Gabriella Zwarts
Tel: +44 20 3829
Competent Person
The information in this report that
relates to Exploration Results was prepared/compiled by Mr Adrian
Hell BSc (Hons), a Competent Person who is a member of the
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (MAusIMM). Mr Hell
is a technical consultant to Artemis Resources Ltd. Mr Hell has
sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of
mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the
activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as
defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting
of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr
Hell consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based
on his information in the form and context in which it
No New Information
To the extent that this announcement
contains references to prior exploration results and Mineral
Resource Estimates for the Carlow Gold/Copper Project which have
been cross referenced to previous market announcements made by the
Company, unless explicitly stated, no new information is contained.
The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or
data that materially affects the information included in the
relevant market announcements and, in the case of estimates of
Mineral Resources, that all material assumptions and technical
parameters underpinning the estimates in the relevant market
announcements continue to apply and have not materially
About Artemis Resources
Artemis Resources (ASX/AIM:ARV) is a
gold, copper and lithium focused resources company with projects in
the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The Company's main
projects include;
Karratha Gold Project including the Carlow Castle
gold/copper project
Karratha Lithium Project including the high-grade
Mt Marie Lithium Prospect and the Osborne Lithium JV (Artemis 49%;
GreenTech Metals (ASX:GRE 51%)
Paterson Central Gold/Copper project in the
Paterson Province (located adjacent to Greatland Gold's gold-copper
discovery at Havieron and 42km from the Telfer gold
Artemis also owns the Radio Hill processing plant,
located only 35km from Karratha
In addition to exploring for gold,
copper and lithium in the Pilbara region,
the Company's strategy includes building a
portfolio of other high-quality exploration assets which
can be acquired and tested at relatively low cost
and have potential to add significant