February 2025
Rockfire Resources
("Rockfire" or the "Company")
Survey finds second zinc zone akin to
Molaoi resource
Rockfire Resources plc (LON: ROCK), the base metal, critical
mineral and precious metal exploration company, is pleased to
announce that its on-going portable X-Ray Florescence ("pXRF") soil
survey has found a geochemical anomaly comparable to the surface
signature at the main resource area at its Molaoi zinc deposit in
Greece. Being comparable in size to the existing resource provides
a clear target to potentially double the JORC resources at Molaoi.
Further targets are expected to be defined as the pXRF survey
With the expansion of large resource
targets, it is now important to distinguish between mineralised
areas for clarity to the reader. The drilled JORC resource will,
from now on, be referred to as "KALAMAKI". The new target area shall be
referred to as "GKAGKANIA"
(pronounced "Gakania"), which lies approximately 600m to the north
of Kalamaki.
· A high-resolution pXRF soil survey using a 50m x 25m grid
density has identified a new, coherent and strong zone of zinc at
the Gkagkania prospect within the Molaoi licence. Our team is
reporting high responses of zinc-in-soil, exceeding 0.15% Zn
(+1,500ppm), which is considered very strongly
· The surface expression of Gkagkania anomaly is approximately
250m x 200m in size. This is comparable to the main zinc resource
area, (Kalamaki), which has a surface signature of 300m x
Historical drilling by the Greek government at
Gkagkania includes:
B048 - 6m @ 7.4% Zn
BG011 - 13m @ 8.2% Zn
BG012 - 3.85m @ 16.8% Zn
· The soil geochemical signature at Kalamaki is slightly more
elevated owing to the amount of soil disturbance during exploration
and drilling activities to define the resource.
· A tenement-scale pXRF survey has now commenced on a 200m x 25m
grid density to cover the remaining 4km zinc trend, even further to
the north of Gkagkania.
· Owing
to the significantly expanded JORC resource at Kalamaki, many of
our previously planned and permitted drill hole positions have
needed to shift to ensure conversion of resources from Inferred to
Indicated. An application for a new permit for revised drill hole
positions has been lodged with the government and a new drilling
permit is awaited. As our proposed drill holes are in-fill holes
only, the process of approval is expected to be faster than a new
application. The market will be informed once this application has
been approved and when drilling will commence.
David Price, Chief Executive Officer of Rockfire,
"These initial results from the
pXRF survey are outstanding, particularly in the knowledge that
more than 4.5km of tenement is yet to be surveyed further to the
"Gkagkania is a known zinc prospect with historic workings,
including several old prospecting shafts up to 30m deep. The Greek
government has mapped multiple zinc gossans (zinc protruding to the
surface) at Gkagkania and the pXRF confirms Gkagkania as a
high-priority target for future drilling."
"Rockfire will continue the pXRF survey to cover the entire
licence to establish how many more of these targets exist. The
market will be informed as our development activities at Molaoi

For further information on the
Company, please visit www.rockfireresources.com or
contact the following:
Rockfire Resources plc:
David Price, Chief Executive
Allenby Capital Limited (Nominated Adviser & Broker):
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3328 5656
John Depasquale / George Payne
(Corporate Finance)
Guy McDougall / Kelly Gardiner (Sales
and Corporate Broking)
Qualified Person Statement
The technical information in this
announcement is based on information compiled by Mr David Price,
the Chief Executive Officer of Rockfire Resources plc, who is a
Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
(F.AusIMM). Mr Price has sufficient experience relevant to the
style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and
to the activity which has been undertaken to qualify as a
"Qualified Person" in accordance with the AIM Rules Guidance Note
for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies. Mr Price consents to the
inclusion in the announcement of the matters based on their
information in the form and context in which it appears.
Notes to Editors
Rockfire Resources plc (LON: ROCK)
is a gold, base metal and critical mineral exploration company,
with a high-grade zinc/lead/silver/germanium deposit in Greece and
a portfolio of gold/copper/silver projects in Queensland
§ The
Molaoi deposit in Greece
has a JORC Inferred Mineral Resource of 15.0 million tonnes @ 7.26%
Zn, 1.75% Pb and 39.50g/t Ag, for 1.5 million tonnes of ZnEq.
metal. This resource uses a 4% low-grade cut, and equates to 1.09
million tonnes of zinc, 260,000 tonnes of
lead and 19.1 million ounces of silver.
§ The
Plateau deposit in
Queensland has a JORC resource of 131,000 ounces of gold and
800,000 ounces of silver, using a 0.5g/t Au cut off. 53,000 of
these ounces lie within the top 100m from surface. Plateau is
subject to a farm-in by ASX-listed Sunshine Metals Ltd