The first share traded and why
just bagged ***** hur shares at 12.4pps
Looking for a fast exit from hur. We will be selling around 15-20% up and moving fast onto a new target. Looking for strong growth followed by some longer term positions leading into January.
We are up so far. Now we need to look at strengthening our portfolio.
Lets see what tomorrow brings.
EDR was on the list but I felt that I needed to see a definitive trend before I would be happy to invest.
News will land at some point on their UK assets but until then the share price will bounce between the support and resistance.
I will be watching them closely for a preferable entry and perhaps will hold for news once I have taken a holding.
All the best.
Anthony WIntle
Are we on the right track?
I feel today has proven the base of MXO and HUR.
All going to plan we should see around 10%-20% from HUR before the end of next week.
I am going to then sell HUR and top up on MXO should MXO be at a fair price. I already have eyes on two new companies and will update you all soon.
All the best.
Anthony Wintle
Hur has a huge bounce on the way. Over sold isn’t even close to whats going on.
Bellow is a chart. The top part is the share price and the lower is the buy/sell level.
To read the bottom you need to understand that the lower the line the more sold the stock is. The higher the line the more bought it is.
The green, blue and red lines are what I have added.
As you can see there is a relatively simple pattern.
Using this we can see that we are due a buying period. From what I have seen over the last two days that has already began.
If we see 3-4 more days of heavy buys we could see a retrace up to or over 18pps.
We will be watching closely over the next few days for that all important exit price.
The key is to understand that although we are invested into a great company with drilling work coming soon we should also know that at the moment we don’t have production nor will we any time soon.
This isn’t a long term investment. This is a trading opportunity with a cushion should it go wrong. Don’t get stuck in here because you like the story. Buy back in if I have funds when the next retrace comes and keep making some easy money is my plan.
Today went 100% to plan in that we seen the volume start to build. The key now is to be ready when it moves and to get out with profit.
Good luck on Monday.
This could be our first big win on this newsletter but it wont be the last.
All the best.
Anthony Wintle
Today is important.
Today we need to see hur achieve goof volume and high buying pressure.
The charts point to oversold so buying will have a huge effect as seen previously.
It sometimes takes a few days for the trading to make a difference but it will happen.
Good luck all.
Anthony Wintle
Buys coming in thick and fast as expected. Oversold beyond anything we have see before.
Movement will start soon
Although today we have seen a dip on the HUR share price, we have also seen a rise on open and some good size trades.
The bounce will come soon and as always we have a safety net of drilling activity coming up.
I expect 14-18pps within the next few days so hold tight and don’t panic. The charts all point towards a bounce followed by a fast and heavy downside.
The key will be to sell before the share nose dives again.
All the best.
Anthony Wintle
We know at this point the company is undervalued and no one is making profit from selling since the price is at its lowest yet.
Upside coming this week and we will be moving onto another company by Friday all going to plan.
All the best.
Anthony Wintle
Both took a small hit today. Both charts indicate a bounce and I expect hur will reach 14+pps by the end of the week.
I will do an article on oil tonight to show the upside from here.
We need to build our portfolio before the price of oil starts its next recovery so as to take full advantage with a much larger stake.
Volume at hur was good today so I hope some new blood will start arriving and if the buys start coming in, in volume we will see hur move fast to 14pps and perhaps ever 18pps.
We will sell 50% at 14pps and 50% at 17pps.
All the best
Anthony Wintle
Hi all,
Today oil fell to $42.4pb which is around the same as it was in the January and April dips. This indicates that $42.4pb is the base.
So what does this mean for us?
It means that oil could rebound and as such we are in for a good rise on our oil investments, it means we have to be quick in finding the est bargains before the market takes off.
However, charting isn’t an exact science which is why I always make sure I invest in fundamentals to reduce heavily the risk of long term loss. What we can do with charts is get a rough idea of where to buy and where to sell. Again I must say that although you can sometimes get close to a perfect entry or exit it is partly down to luck and its always sensible to take opportunities early, in terms of entry and exit to avoid getting exposed to random chart loss making movements.
A key example is my exit from PHE with 40% profit today. I got in before the buyers and sat on my hands for a month. I now have a nice holding in PHE but have de-risked such that I only have profit in PHE so therefore no risk.
HUR will soon do the same. It will bounce when new buyers enter and to help it along oil is set to bounce also.
The reason I am so excited about this trade is because its perfect. Oil will move up, buyers will come as they always do at this level and to top it off HUR is at an all time over sold level.
No one can know what the market will do but HUR is as close to a easy pick as you will ever find.
As soon as we leave HUR I will be looking at the following companies to fill the gap HUR will leave.
88e @ 0.5pps
Solo @ 0.4pps
Both of these companies have a bright future and are at a rock bottom price at the moment.
All going to plan we will be topping up MXO and buying into one of the above before Friday this week.
All the best,
Anthony Wintle
HUR seems to finally be moving.
Realistically I want to see 10-20% rise in a day to indicate a change in money movement.
We will look at the chart again tonight to see if we have started to move up the cash chart.
Lets hope buying continues and our exit comes.
I expect it to happen soon and today could be the start of the bounce.
All the best.
Anthony Wintle
Well I hate to be big headed but the chart is doing exactly what I thought it would!
Here is the new chart and as you can see money flow is now heading to the mid level. Its happening faster than I expected which could indicate a spike will soon happen.
As you can see it could go either way when the money flow peeks out. I will keep an eye on things and inform you all when I intend to sell.
Because of the rate of money flow change I feel 18pps is now a reasonable target.
I hope you have all enjoyed this so far and I hope that the chart moving as I suspected has gave you confidence in my analysis.
All the best for now.
Anthony Wintle
Clocking off until Monday.
Next week we should see some movement on hur as the money flow moves towards overbought.
Until then I wish you all a happy weekend.
All the best.
Anthony Wintle
The HUR chart is looking better than I thought it would.
Looks like HUR will soon be overbought. I have adjusted the chart to represent the increase in cash flow movement and to be honest its looking like I underestimated what was to come.
Here is the chart.
As you can see, we are almost at the magic 0 point on the cash flow chart. We must however remain committed to the plan to avoid emotional trading so as per “the plan” I will be selling half around the 14.2pps-15pps mark depending on the intraday trading pattern and will sell the rest at whatever I feel is the spike tip.
I hope the chart moving as predicted is helping you all stay with the program but as always.
All in my opinion and not to be taken as advice.
All the best and lets hope things move the same again tomorrow.
Anthony Wintle