“Illusions are something pleasant. The disadvantage is that they tend to burst like a bubble.” – Wolfgang Kurz

There are many Internet fraudsters and scammers out there whose primary aim is to turn you into a dupe. They will do everything possible to convince you that their claims are genuine. This includes fake websites and/or fake groups, doctored results, phony testimonies from their fellow swindlers who are members of their criminal networks, and dogged persuasion.
What is their ultimate aim? It is to take money from you and never return it and never deliver on the promises they made to you in the first place. And even if possible, they want to take more money from you.
They impersonate people and pretend to be reputable and authentic. You may never know their true color until you fall into their trap. Once you have fallen into their trap, you will then know what they’re up to, but it would be too late then.
In most cases, they will never ask you to send funds via traditional payments systems, because, with traditional payment methods, recipients are easy to trace and possibly arrested. They will usually ask you to send funds via any popular coins/tokens or stablecoins.
Some Ways To Identify Scammers
Unbelievable promises: If something seems unbelievable to you, then it is. Scammers will give you guarantees like:
“We can never lose money”
“Once you send money to us, we give you double or triple it soon.”
We will give you so and so percentage returns every day or every week.” Etc.
Statements like above are a red flag.
Giving guarantees is unethical and it is a very simple way to identify a scammer. Sadly, giving guarantees is a proven method to trick greedy souls, who like to reap where they did not sow.
No-one wakes up in the morning and says, “I want to make so-and-so person rich today.” If they can really double funds every day, they should be able to do so for themselves and their family members. You know that if they can really never lose money, they should be among the richest people on earth and they need not persuade small fries like you. They don’t even need to beg strangers for money if it is true that they have the secret to make money out of nothing.
They direct message you first (DM) or private message you first (PM): The rule here is very straightforward; anybody who DMs or PMs you first is a thief looking for potential victims like you, no matter the kind of impression they are trying to make or what they want you to believe. They appear so friendly, and can even exercise enough patience with you until you fall into their traps.
They offer you free tokens via airdrops: That formula is simple, when online robbers are offering you free coins via airdrops, they will require you to send crypto/money before you can benefit or you need to reveal sensitive details about your crypto wallets before you can benefit.
Learn2.Trade (L2T) impersonators: Don’t join L2T impersonators’ groups. This is a WARNING! Traders, note that we never speak to any of our subscribers via Telegram. Only the official Learn2.trade email is how we deal with communication. If you are speaking to anyone pretending to be from Learn 2 Trade on Telegram it is a scam and do not send them any money!
There are many FAKE TELEGRAM ACCOUNTS pretending to represent Learn2.Trade. It has come to our attention that some persons/organizations are offering profit-based investment schemes, pretending to be our company. They are using our logo to contact subscribers in order to scam them. Please DO NOT invest. You must report this telegram group for wrongful actions immediately.
Please be aware we do not offer any communication or admin support via telegram. We are available via email only at support@learn2.trade. Any supposed L2T employee or admin who communicates with you via a Telegram ID/handle or any other medium apart from the email in this paragraph, is trying to steal your money.
To put it in a simple way, if anyone who claims to come from L2T communicates with you via any other means apart from support@learn2.trade (the only legitimate means), the person is a bandit.
What If I Sent Some Crypto To Scammers?
“Unfortunately, if you’ve sent crypto, it’s likely gone for good, never to be recovered. At this point, because of the worldwide nature of cryptocurrency, there is no central authority that can help you recover your crypto. Make sure that whatever price you paid becomes tuition in the school of crypto life. You’ve learned a hard lesson. Print a certificate or do whatever you need to do to help you move on, but ultimately learn from the experience and move on. Trying to recover what you sent is a battle you will likely waste more time, energy, and maybe money on with NOTHING to show for it in the end.” (Source: Airdrops Blog)