ADVFN ran a promo for my newsletter and as a consequence we have quite a few new members.
Interestingly, some of the email we got back after the mail out were along the lines of “25%???? Haha, is that all.”
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Over the years I have heard that time and again. 20-25% is just not enough to satisfy speculators. The trouble is, I have yet to meet one who has any money or isn’t in the process of pouring what they do have into the pockets of their broker.
I founded ADVFN in 1999. So let us say 15 years ago. At around 25% you multiply £30,000 to around a million. At a higher rate you’d be incredibly rich. At 100% you would have tens of millions in profits. I think it is safe to say ADVFN does not have a single user who has managed to achieve anything like that.
Of course, because of the mathematical probabilities of trading, some make a fortune AND lose it. I have seen that happen a few times… but make a fortune and keep it, I’m still waiting to applaud that.
Of course we can take a step back and see a bigger picture.
25% a year is not just a good result, it is an excellent result. It is so high that it makes me a bit nervous mentioning it, even though I’ve got that return consistently over the years. The past is a very uncertain guide to the future, so every successful year is a unique achievement.
Approximately 25% annual returns compounded is the same result that has made Buffett the richest man in the world.
In the first year of my newsletter we have achieved that, even with a background of high costs. I’m happy with the resulting profits but the method and the viewpoint is more important. I’m keen to focus on the fishing rod not the fish.
In the last year we’ve covered how to build a portfolio and done so step by step in a way that anyone can emulate. That process will take another year to complete and then we will be focusing on to how to maintain one. This will be actually less dull than it sounds.
Going forwards, the tide of the market is going to ebb and flow. Some days we are going to make money, some days we are going to lose. We are going to have good luck and bad, great picks and dumb picks but the outcome should be similar over the long term.
If you subscribe you’ll be able to read the newsletter from my first post; you will see we looked pretty stupid by the middle of last summer and pretty clever by the New Year and you should see for yourself I did not change my investment stance even once.
Here is what you can expect and more from myself if you are to sign up:
“”I’ve added Carclo to my dogs list. This is going to be a great buy sometime in the future. It’s not in the dustbin yet but the market seems to want to throw it there. I can practically smell the blood lust.”
There is no hindsight on show. See for yourself the process, get the insights, see how it’s done.
Click here to subscribe today. 2015 is going to be fascinating.
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