Jun 12 2014 @ 01:48
LEARN FROM THE GENERALS OF THE MARKETS – PART 49 “Over the years I have benefitted from many traders (alive and dead), investors and professionals.” – Alan Saunders Born in January 19, 1944, in Newton, Massachusetts, USA. Peter Lynch is considered to be one of the greatest investors around. He studied at Boston College (1965) […]
May 07 2014 @ 17:26
Council votes to enhance transparency policy and Council governance The Financial Stability Oversight Council (Council) has unanimously approved its 2014 annual report, which was developed collaboratively by the members of the Council and their agencies and staffs. Under the Dodd-Frank Act, the Council must report annually to Congress on a range of issues, including significant […]
Nov 14 2013 @ 06:22
In the world of stocks and shares sentiment plays a big part in the valuation of a stock. The basic relationship is that when stocks are expensive and sentiment is bullish stocks become dearer, and when stocks are cheap and sentiment is bearish they become cheaper. Remember the merger between AOL and Time Warner in […]
Nov 01 2012 @ 06:47
Traditionally, many people view bonds from a largely “sanctified” and secured perspective. In fact, several risk-averse investors have jumped ship from stocks to bonds, many of them retirees and aged investors who need fixed and secured long term investments to secure their financial futures. But analysts have revealed that this orientation might not be entirely […]