0000316888false--12-312024-03-31Q12024Z4570 Granville StreetVancouver604682-3701Common Shares, without Par ValueASMNYSE08032300018375000844000192900017573000262320001537000027254000947300054800078100052350007894000332300066660001.270001.1100003168882024-01-012024-03-3100003168882024-03-012024-03-310000316888avino:LongTermInvestmentsMemberavino:PriceRiskMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:PriceRiskMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:ForeignCurrencyRisKMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:InterestRatesRiskMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:LiquiditysRisksMember2023-12-310000316888avino:LevelThreeOfFairValueHierarchyMember2024-03-310000316888avino:LevelTwoOfFairValueHierarchyMember2024-03-310000316888avino:LevelOneOfFairValueHierarchyMember2024-03-310000316888avino:CanadianDollarsMember2024-03-310000316888avino:MexicanPesosMember2024-03-310000316888avino:CanadianDollarsMember2023-12-310000316888avino:MexicanPesosMember2023-12-310000316888avino:MoreThanFiveYearsMember2024-03-310000316888avino:LatersThanOneYearsAndNotLatersThanFiveYearsMember2024-03-310000316888avino:LessThanOneYearMember2024-03-310000316888avino:FinancialInstrumentsMember2024-03-310000316888avino:LatersThanFiveYearsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:LatersThanFiveYearsMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:LatersThanOneYearsAndNotLatersThanFiveYearsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:LatersThanOneYearsAndNotLatersThanFiveYearsMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:NotLatersThanOneYearsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:NotLatersThanOneYearsMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:ShareCapitalTwoMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:ShareCapitalTwoMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:EarninglossPerShareMember2023-01-012023-03-310000316888avino:EarninglossPerShareMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:RestrictedShareUnitsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:JulyTenTwoThousandTwentyThreeMemberavino:RestrictedShareUnitsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:MarchTwentyNineTwoThousandTwentyThreeMemberavino:RestrictedShareUnitsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:MarchTwentyFiveTwoThousandTwentyTwoMemberavino:RestrictedShareUnitsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:StockOptionsMemberavino:MarchTwentyFiveTwoThousandTwentyNineMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:JulyTenTwoThousandTwentyEightMemberavino:StockOptionsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:MarchTwentyNineTwoThousandTwentyEightMemberavino:StockOptionsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:MayFourTwentyTwentySevenMemberavino:StockOptionMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:MarchTwentyFiveTwoThousandTwentySevenMemberavino:StockOptionsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:AugustFourTwoThousandTwentyFiveMemberavino:StockOptionsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:AugustTwentyOneTwoThousandTwentyFourMemberavino:StockOptionsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:StockOptionsMember2024-03-310000316888avino:StockOptionsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:StockOptionsMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:StockOptionsMember2023-12-310000316888avino:StockOptionsMember2022-12-310000316888avino:ManagementsestimateMember2024-03-310000316888avino:ManagementsestimateMember2023-12-310000316888avino:ManagementsEtimateOneMember2024-03-310000316888avino:ManagementsEtimateOneMember2023-12-310000316888avino:ManagementsEtimateOneMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:ManagementsEtimateOneMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:ICCMember2023-01-012023-03-310000316888avino:ICCMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:OnivaInternationalServicesCorpMember2023-01-012023-03-310000316888avino:OnivaInternationalServicesCorpMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:DirectorsFeesMember2024-03-310000316888avino:SilverWolfExplorationLtdMember2024-03-310000316888avino:DirectorsFeesMember2023-12-310000316888avino:SilverWolfExplorationLtdMember2023-12-310000316888avino:OnivaInternationalServicesCorpMember2024-03-310000316888avino:OnivaInternationalServicesCorpMember2023-12-310000316888avino:BuildingMember2024-03-310000316888avino:MillMachineryAndProcessingEquipmentMember2024-03-310000316888avino:MineMachineryAndTransportationEquipmentMember2024-03-310000316888avino:ComputerEquipmentsMember2024-03-310000316888avino:OfficeEquipmentFurnitureAndFixturesMember2024-03-310000316888avino:MiningsPropertyMember2024-03-310000316888avino:BuildingMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:MillMachineryAndProcessingEquipmentMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:MineMachineryAndTransportationEquipmentMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:ComputerEquipmentsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:OfficeEquipmentFurnitureAndFixturesMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:MiningsPropertyMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:BuildingMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:MillMachineryAndProcessingEquipmentMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:MineMachineryAndTransportationEquipmentMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:ComputerEquipmentsMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:OfficeEquipmentFurnitureAndFixturesMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:MiningsPropertyMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:BuildingMember2023-12-310000316888avino:BuildingMember2022-12-310000316888avino:MillMachineryAndProcessingEquipmentMember2023-12-310000316888avino:MillMachineryAndProcessingEquipmentMember2022-12-310000316888avino:MineMachineryAndTransportationEquipmentMember2023-12-310000316888avino:MineMachineryAndTransportationEquipmentMember2022-12-310000316888avino:ComputerEquipmentsMember2023-12-310000316888avino:ComputerEquipmentsMember2022-12-310000316888avino:OfficeEquipmentFurnitureAndFixturesMember2023-12-310000316888avino:OfficeEquipmentFurnitureAndFixturesMember2022-12-310000316888avino:MiningsPropertyMember2023-12-310000316888avino:MiningsPropertyMember2022-12-310000316888avino:MineralesMemberavino:DurangoMexicoMemberavino:UnificationLaPlatosaPropertiesMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:DurangoMexicoMemberavino:UnificationLaPlatosaPropertiesMember2012-01-012012-12-310000316888avino:DurangoMexicoMemberavino:UnificationLaPlatosaPropertiesMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:AvinoMexicoMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:EaglePropertyOptionAgreementMemberavino:MayoMiningDivisionMemberavino:YukonCanadaMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:SilverWolfExplorationLtdMemberavino:OptionAgreementMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:NineConcessionsMemberavino:DurangoMexicoMemberavino:GomezPalacioPropertyMember2023-12-310000316888avino:AvinoMineAreaPropertyMemberavino:OneConcessionsMemberavino:DurangoMexicoMember2023-12-310000316888avino:AvinoMineAreaPropertysMemberavino:TwentyFourConcessionsMemberavino:DurangoMexicoMember2023-12-310000316888avino:BritishColumbiaAndYukonCanadaMember2024-03-310000316888avino:BritishColumbiaAndYukonCanadaMember2023-12-310000316888avino:LaPreciosaMexicoMember2024-03-310000316888avino:LaPreciosaMexicoMember2023-12-310000316888avino:AvinoMexicoCityMember2024-03-310000316888avino:AvinoMexicoCityMember2023-12-310000316888avino:BritishColumbiaAndYukonCanadaMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:LaPreciosaMexicoMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:AvinoMexicoCityMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:BritishColumbiaAndYukonCanadaMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:LaPreciosaMexicoMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:AvinoMexicoCityMember2023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:BritishColumbiaAndYukonCanadaMember2022-12-310000316888avino:LaPreciosaMexicoMember2022-12-310000316888avino:AvinoMexicoCityMember2022-12-310000316888avino:EnduranceGoldCorpCommonSharesMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:SilverWolfExplorationLtdMemberavino:CommonShareMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:TaliskerResourcesLtdMemberavino:CommonSharesMember2024-03-310000316888avino:EnduranceGoldCorpCommonSharesMember2024-03-310000316888avino:SilverWolfExplorationLtdMemberavino:CommonShareMember2024-03-310000316888avino:TaliskerResourcesLtdMemberavino:CommonSharesMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:EnduranceGoldCorpCommonSharesMember2023-12-310000316888avino:SilverWolfExplorationLtdMemberavino:CommonShareMember2023-12-310000316888avino:TaliskerResourcesLtdMemberavino:CommonSharesMember2023-12-3100003168882023-01-012023-12-310000316888avino:CompaniaMineraMexicanaDeAvinoMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:CervantesLLPMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:ProyectosMinerosLaPreciosaSAdeCVMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:LaPreciosaSilverGoldMinesLtdMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:LaLunaSilverGoldMinesLtdMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:PromotoraAvinoSADeCVMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:NuevaVizcayaMiningSAdeCVMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:OnivaSilverAndGoldMinesSADeCVMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:TreasurySharesAndStockMember2024-03-310000316888ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember2024-03-310000316888ifrs-full:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2024-03-310000316888avino:EquityReserveMember2024-03-310000316888avino:CommonStockMember2024-03-310000316888avino:TreasurySharesAndStockMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888ifrs-full:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:EquityReserveMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:CommonStockMember2024-01-012024-03-310000316888avino:TreasurySharesAndStockMember2023-12-310000316888ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember2023-12-310000316888ifrs-full:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-12-310000316888avino:EquityReserveMember2023-12-310000316888avino:CommonStockMember2023-12-3100003168882023-03-310000316888avino:TreasurySharesAndStockMember2023-03-310000316888ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember2023-03-310000316888ifrs-full:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-03-310000316888avino:EquityReserveMember2023-03-310000316888avino:CommonStockMember2023-03-310000316888avino:TreasurySharesAndStockMember2023-01-012023-03-310000316888ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember2023-01-012023-03-310000316888ifrs-full:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-01-012023-03-310000316888avino:EquityReserveMember2023-01-012023-03-310000316888avino:CommonStockMember2023-01-012023-03-3100003168882022-12-310000316888avino:TreasurySharesAndStockMember2022-12-310000316888ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember2022-12-310000316888ifrs-full:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2022-12-310000316888avino:EquityReserveMember2022-12-310000316888avino:CommonStockMember2022-12-3100003168882023-01-012023-03-3100003168882023-12-3100003168882024-03-31iso4217:USDxbrli:sharesiso4217:USDxbrli:sharesxbrli:pureutr:acreavino:integeriso4217:CADiso4217:CADxbrli:sharesiso4217:MXN
Washington, D.C. 20549
For the Month of May, 2024
Commission File Number: 001-35254
Suite 900, 570 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3P1
(Address of principal executive offices)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
☐ Form 20-F ☒ Form 40-F
Explanatory Note
Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. (the “Company”) is furnishing this Form 6-K to provide its financial information for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and to incorporate such financial information into the Company’s registration statement referenced below.
Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2 attached hereto are hereby incorporated by reference into the Company’s Registration Statement on Form F-10 (Registration Statement File number 333-270315) to be a part thereof from the date on which this report is submitted, to the extent not superseded by documents or reports subsequently filed.
The following exhibits are filed as part of this Form 6-K.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.
| | |
Date: May 8, 2024 | By: | /s/ Jennifer Trevitt | |
| | Jennifer Trevitt | |
| | Corporate Secretary | |
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
For the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position (Expressed in thousands of US dollars - Unaudited) |
| | | Note | | | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | |
ASSETS | | | | | | | | | |
Current assets | | | | | | | | | |
Cash | | | | | $ | 3,474 | | | $ | 2,688 | |
Amounts receivable | | | | | | 1,856 | | | | 3,303 | |
Amounts due from related parties | | | 10(b) | | | | 194 | | | | 167 | |
Taxes recoverable | | | 4 | | | | 6,502 | | | | 6,580 | |
Prepaid expenses and other assets | | | | | | | 2,077 | | | | 1,971 | |
Inventory | | | 5 | | | | 8,338 | | | | 8,826 | |
Total current assets | | | | | | | 22,441 | | | | 23,535 | |
Exploration and evaluation assets | | | 7 | | | | 51,911 | | | | 50,111 | |
Plant, equipment and mining properties | | | 9 | | | | 52,550 | | | | 53,069 | |
Long-term investments | | | 6 | | | | 1,043 | | | | 934 | |
Other assets | | | | | | | 699 | | | | 691 | |
Total assets | | | | | | $ | 128,644 | | | $ | 128,340 | |
LIABILITIES | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Current liabilities | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | | | | | $ | 10,713 | | | $ | 11,867 | |
Taxes payable | | | | | | | 189 | | | | 127 | |
Current portion of finance lease obligations | | | | | | | 1,590 | | | | 1,650 | |
Current portion of equipment loans | | | | | | | 164 | | | | 164 | |
Total current liabilities | | | | | | | 12,656 | | | | 13,808 | |
Finance lease obligations | | | | | | | 1,159 | | | | 1,445 | |
Equipment loans | | | | | | | 151 | | | | 195 | |
Reclamation provision | | | 11 | | | | 2,264 | | | | 2,195 | |
Deferred income tax liabilities | | | | | | | 4,614 | | | | 4,696 | |
Total liabilities | | | | | | | 20,844 | | | | 22,339 | |
EQUITY | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Share capital | | | 12 | | | | 153,088 | | | | 151,688 | |
Equity reserves | | | | | | | 10,952 | | | | 11,041 | |
Treasury shares | | | | | | | (97 | ) | | | (97 | ) |
Accumulated other comprehensive loss | | | | | | | (5,319 | ) | | | (5,208 | ) |
Accumulated deficit | | | | | | | (50,824 | ) | | | (51,423 | ) |
Total equity | | | | | | | 107,800 | | | | 106,001 | |
Total liabilities and equity | | | | | | $ | 128,644 | | | $ | 128,340 | |
Commitments – Note 15
Approved by the Board of Directors on May 8, 2024.
Peter Bojtos | Director | | David Wolfin | Director |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, other than per share amounts - Unaudited) |
| | | | | Three months ended March 31, | |
| | | Note | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Revenue from mining operations | | | 13 | | | $ | 12,393 | | | $ | 9,825 | |
Cost of sales | | | 13 | | | | 10,054 | | | | 7,974 | |
Mine operating income | | | | | | | 2,339 | | | | 1,851 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Operating expenses | | | | | | | | | | | | |
General and administrative expenses | | | 12(c)(d) | | | | 1,272 | | | | 1,184 | |
Share-based payments | | | 12 | | | | 423 | | | | 339 | |
| | | | | | | 644 | | | | 328 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Other items | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Interest and other income | | | | | | | 3 | | | | 209 | |
Gain (loss) on long-term investments | | | 6 | | | | 132 | | | | (319 | ) |
Fair value adjustment on warrant liability | | | | | | | - | | | | (293 | ) |
Foreign exchange gain (loss) | | | | | | | 80 | | | | (136 | ) |
Finance cost | | | | | | | (2 | ) | | | (74 | ) |
Accretion of reclamation provision | | | 11 | | | | (51 | ) | | | (11 | ) |
Interest expense | | | | | | | (90 | ) | | | (45 | ) |
Income (loss) before income taxes | | | | | | | 716 | | | | (341 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Income taxes: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Current income tax expense | | | | | | | (199 | ) | | | (25 | ) |
Deferred income tax recovery | | | | | | | 82 | | | | 14 | |
Income tax expense | | | | | | | (117 | ) | | | (11 | ) |
Net income (loss) | | | | | | | 599 | | | | (352 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Other comprehensive income (loss) | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Currency translation differences | | | | | | | (111 | ) | | | (263 | ) |
Total comprehensive income (loss) | | | | | | $ | 488 | | | $ | (615 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Earnings (loss) per share | | | 12(e) | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | | | | | | $ | 0.00 | | | $ | (0.00 | ) |
Diluted | | | | | | $ | 0.00 | | | $ | (0.00 | ) |
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding | | | 12(e) | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | | | | | | | 130,027,962 | | | | 118,572,700 | |
Diluted | | | | | | | 133,022,671 | | | | 122,602,929 | |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Equity (Expressed in thousands of US dollars - Unaudited) |
| | | Note | | | Number of Common Shares | | | Share Capital Amount | | | Equity Reserves | | | Treasury Shares | | | Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) | | | Accumulated Deficit | | | Total Equity | |
Balance, January 1, 2023 | | | | | | 118,349,090 | | | $ | 145,515 | | | $ | 9,852 | | | $ | (97 | ) | | $ | (5,223 | ) | | $ | (52,026 | ) | | $ | 98,021 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Common shares issued: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
At the market issuances | | | 12 | | | | 253,700 | | | | 207 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 207 | |
Carrying value of RSUs exercised | | | 12 | | | | 592,667 | | | | 512 | | | | (512 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | |
Issuance costs | | | 12 | | | | - | | | | (5 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (5 | ) |
Share-based payments | | | 12 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 339 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 339 | |
Net loss for the period | | | | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (352 | ) | | | (352 | ) |
Currency translation differences | | | | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (263 | ) | | | - | | | | (263 | ) |
Balance, March 31, 2023 | | | | | | | 119,195,457 | | | $ | 146,229 | | | $ | 9,679 | | | $ | (97 | ) | | $ | (5,486 | ) | | $ | (52,378 | ) | | $ | 97,947 | |
| | | Note | | | Number of Common Shares | | | Share Capital Amount | | | Equity Reserves | | | Treasury Shares | | | Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) | | | Accumulated Deficit | | | Total Equity | |
Balance at January 1, 2024 | | | | | | 128,728,248 | | | $ | 151,688 | | | $ | 11,041 | | | $ | (97 | ) | | $ | (5,208 | ) | | $ | (51,423 | ) | | $ | 106,001 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Common shares issued: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
At the market issuances | | | 12 (b) | | | | 1,886,248 | | | | 926 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 926 | |
Carrying value of RSUs exercised | | | 12 (d) | | | | 585,265 | | | | 512 | | | | (512 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | |
Issuance costs | | | | | | | - | | | | (38 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (38 | ) |
Share-based payments | | | 12 (c) (d) | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 423 | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 423 | |
Net income for the period | | | 12 (e) | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | 599 | | | | 599 | |
Currency translation differences | | | | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (111 | ) | | | - | | | | (111 | ) |
Balance at March 31, 2024 | | | | | | | 131,199,761 | | | $ | 153,088 | | | $ | 10,952 | | | $ | (97 | ) | | $ | (5,319 | ) | | $ | (50,824 | ) | | $ | 107,800 | |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows (Expressed in thousands of US dollars - Unaudited) |
| | | | | Three months ended March 31, | |
| | | Note | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
| | | | | | | | | |
Operating Activities | | | | | | | | | |
Net income | | | | | $ | 599 | | | $ | (352 | ) |
Adjustments for non-cash items: | | | | | | | | | | | |
Deferred income tax expense (recovery) | | | | | | (82 | ) | | | (14 | ) |
Depreciation and depletion | | | | | | 857 | | | | 705 | |
Accretion of reclamation provision | | | 11 | | | | 51 | | | | 11 | |
(Gain) loss on investments | | | 6 | | | | (132 | ) | | | 319 | |
Unrealized foreign exchange gain | | | | | | | (88 | ) | | | (161 | ) |
Unwinding of fair value adjustment | | | | | | | - | | | | 74 | |
Fair value adjustment on warrant liability | | | | | | | - | | | | 293 | |
Share-based payments | | | | | | | 423 | | | | 339 | |
| | | | | | | 1,628 | | | | 1,214 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net change in non-cash working capital items | | | 16 | | | | 719 | | | | (766 | ) |
Cash provided by operating activities | | | | | | | 2,347 | | | | 448 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Financing Activities | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Shares and units issued for cash, net of issuance costs | | | | | | | 888 | | | | 202 | |
Lease liability payments | | | | | | | (452 | ) | | | (280 | ) |
Equipment loan payments | | | | | | | (44 | ) | | | (88 | ) |
Cash provided by (used in) financing activities | | | | | | | 392 | | | | (166 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Investing Activities | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Exploration and evaluation expenditures | | | | | | | (1,116 | ) | | | (389 | ) |
Additions to plant, equipment and mining properties | | | | | | | (851 | ) | | | (3,450 | ) |
Acquisition of La Preciosa | | | | | | | - | | | | (5,000 | ) |
Cash provided by (used in) investing activities | | | | | | | (1,967 | ) | | | (8,839 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Change in cash | | | | | | | 772 | | | | (8,557 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash | | | | | | | 14 | | | | 9 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cash, beginning | | | | | | | 2,688 | | | | 11,245 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cash, ending | | | | | | $ | 3,474 | | | $ | 2,697 | |
Supplementary Cash Flow Information (Note 16)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. (the “Company” or “Avino”) was incorporated in 1968 under the laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada. The Company is engaged in the production and sale of silver, gold, and copper and the acquisition, exploration, and advancement of mineral properties.
The Company’s head office and principal place of business is Suite 900, 570 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada. The Company is a reporting issuer in Canada (except for the province of Quebec) and the United States, and trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”), the NYSE American, and the Frankfurt and Berlin Stock Exchanges.
The Company operates the Elena Tolosa Mine (“ET Mine” or “Avino Mine”) which produces copper, silver and gold at the historic Avino property in the state of Durango, Mexico. The Avino property also hosts the San Gonzalo Mine, which is currently on care and maintenance. The Company also holds 100% interest in Proyectos Mineros La Preciosa S.A. de C.V. (“La Preciosa”), a Mexican corporation which owns the La Preciosa Property. The Company also owns interests in mineral properties located in British Columbia and Yukon, Canada.
Statement of Compliance
These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (“IAS”) 34 – Interim Financial Reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements follow the same accounting policies and methods of application as the most recent annual audited consolidated financial statements of the Company. These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not contain all of the information required for full annual consolidated financial statements. Accordingly, these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Company’s December 31, 2023, annual consolidated financial statements, which were prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB.
These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are expressed in US dollars and have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for financial instruments that have been measured at fair value. In addition, these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting on a going concern basis. The accounting policies set out in the December 31, 2023 annual consolidated financial statements are applied consistently to all periods presented in these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as if the policies have always been in effect.
Basis of Presentation
These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are expressed in US dollars and have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for financial instruments that have been measured at fair value. In addition, these consolidated financial statements have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting on a going concern basis. The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements as if the policies have always been in effect.
Foreign Currency Translation
Foreign currency transactions
Transactions in currencies other than the functional currency are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions. At each financial position reporting date, monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing at the date of the statement of financial position. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are not re-translated.
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
Foreign operations
Subsidiaries that have functional currencies other than the US dollar translate their statement of operations items at the average rate during the year. Assets and liabilities are translated at exchange rates prevailing at the end of each reporting period. Exchange rate variations resulting from the retranslation at the closing rate of the net investment in these subsidiaries, together with differences between their statement of operations items translated at actual and average rates, are recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss). On disposition or partial disposition of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount of related exchange difference is recognized in the statement of operations.
Significant Accounting Judgments and Estimates
The Company’s management makes judgments in its process of applying the Company’s accounting policies to the preparation of its unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements. In addition, the preparation of financial data requires that the Company’s management make assumptions and estimates of the impacts on the carrying amounts of the Company’s assets and liabilities at the end of the reporting period from uncertain future events and on the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates as the estimation process is inherently uncertain. Estimates are reviewed on an ongoing basis based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant under the circumstances. Revisions to estimates and the resulting impacts on the carrying amounts of the Company’s assets and liabilities are accounted for prospectively.
The critical judgments and estimates applied in the preparation of the Company’s unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2024, are consistent with those applied and disclosed in Note 2 to the Company’s audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Basis of Consolidation
The audited consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its Mexican subsidiaries as follows:
Subsidiary | | Ownership Interest | | | Jurisdiction | | Nature of Operations | |
Oniva Silver and Gold Mines S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mexican administration | |
Nueva Vizcaya Mining, S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mexican administration | |
Promotora Avino, S.A. de C.V. (“Promotora”) | | | 79.09 | % | | Mexico | | Holding company | |
Compañía Minera Mexicana de Avino, S.A. de C.V. (“Avino Mexico”) | | 98.45% direct 1.22% indirect (Promotora) 99.67% effective | | | Mexico | | Mining and exploration | |
La Luna Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. | | | 100 | % | | Canada | | Holding company | |
La Preciosa Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. | | | 100 | % | | Canada | | Holding company | |
Proyectos Mineros La Preciosa S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mining and exploration | |
Cervantes LLP | | | 100 | % | | U.S. | | Holding company | |
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
Intercompany balances and transactions, including unrealized income and expenses arising from intercompany transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements.
New and amended IFRS that are effective for the current year:
Certain new accounting standards and interpretations have been published that are either applicable in the current year, or are not mandatory for the current period and have not been early adopted. We have assessed these standards, and they are not expected to have a material impact on the Company in the current or future reporting periods.
The Company’s taxes recoverable consist of the Mexican I.V.A. (“VAT”) and income taxes recoverable and Canadian sales taxes (“GST/HST”) recoverable.
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | |
VAT recoverable | | $ | 2,767 | | | $ | 3,231 | |
GST recoverable | | | 14 | | | | 20 | |
Income taxes recoverable | | | 3,721 | | | | 3,329 | |
| | $ | 6,502 | | | $ | 6,580 | |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | |
Process material stockpiles | | $ | 2,944 | | | $ | 4,050 | |
Concentrate inventory | | | 3,017 | | | | 2,448 | |
Materials and supplies | | | 2,377 | | | | 2,328 | |
| | $ | 8,338 | | | $ | 8,826 | |
The amount of inventory recognized as an expense for the three months ended March 31, 2024 totalled $10,054 (2023 – $7,794). See Note 13 for further details.
During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company wrote down Nil of materials and supplies inventory due to obsolescence (year ended December 31, 2023 – $270).
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
The Company classifies its long-term investments as designated at fair value through profit and loss under IFRS 9. Long-term investments are summarized as follows:
For the three months ended March 31, 2024:
| | Fair Value December 31, | | | Net | | | Movements in foreign | | | Fair value adjustments | | | Fair Value March 31, | |
| | 2023 | | | Additions | | | exchange | | | for the period | | | 2024 | |
Talisker Resources Common Shares | | $ | 782 | | | $ | - | | | $ | (20 | ) | | $ | 141 | | | $ | 903 | |
Silver Wolf Exploration Ltd. Common Shares | | | 71 | | | | - | | | | (2 | ) | | | 9 | | | | 78 | |
Endurance Gold Corp. Common Shares | | | 81 | | | | - | | | | (1 | ) | | | (18 | ) | | | 62 | |
| | $ | 934 | | | $ | - | | | $ | (23 | ) | | $ | 132 | | | $ | 1,043 | |
The Company has accumulated the following acquisition, exploration and evaluation costs which are not subject to depletion:
| | Avino, Mexico | | | La Preciosa, Mexico | | | British Columbia & Yukon, Canada | | | Total | |
| | | | | | | | |
Balance, December 31, 2022 | | $ | 11,828 | | | $ | 37,975 | | | $ | 1 | | | $ | 49,804 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
La Preciosa non-core concessions transfer | | | 2,946 | | | | (2,946 | ) | | | | | | | - | |
Drilling and exploration | | | 877 | | | | 435 | | | | - | | | | 1,312 | |
Assessments and taxes | | | 88 | | | | (930 | ) | | | - | | | | (842 | ) |
Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | 22 | | | | (122 | ) | | | - | | | | (100 | ) |
Option income | | | (63 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | (63 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance, December 31, 2023 | | $ | 15,698 | | | $ | 34,412 | | | $ | 1 | | | $ | 50,111 | |
Costs incurred during 2024: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Drilling and exploration | | | 81 | | | | 662 | | | | - | | | | 743 | |
Assessments and taxes | | | 100 | | | | 959 | | | | - | | | | 1,059 | |
Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | (2 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | (2 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance, March 31, 2024 | | $ | 15,877 | | | $ | 36,033 | | | $ | 1 | | | $ | 51,911 | |
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
(a) Avino, Mexico
The Company’s subsidiary Avino Mexico owns 42 mineral claims and leases four mineral claims in the state of Durango, Mexico. The Company’s mineral claims in Mexico are divided into the following two groups:
(i) Avino Mine area property
The Avino Mine area property is situated around the towns of Panuco de Coronado and San Jose de Avino and surrounding the historic Avino mine site. There are four exploration concessions covering 154.4 hectares, 24 exploitation concessions covering 1,284.7 hectares, and one leased exploitation concession covering 98.83 hectares. Within the Avino Mine site area is the Company’s San Gonzalo Mine, which achieved production at levels intended by management as of October 1, 2012, and on this date accumulated exploration and evaluation costs were transferred to mining properties.
(ii) Gomez Palacio/Ana Maria property
The Ana Maria property is located near the town of Gomez Palacio, and consists of nine exploration concessions covering 2,549 hectares, and is also known as the Ana Maria property.
Option Agreement – Silver Wolf Exploration Ltd. (formerly Gray Rock Resources Ltd.) (“Silver Wolf”)
On March 11, 2021, the Company entered into an option agreement to grant Silver Wolf the exclusive right to acquire a 100% interest in the Ana Maria and El Laberinto properties in Mexico (the “Option Agreement”).
All exploration expenditure requirements on the properties have been met as of March 31, 2024, and Silver Wolf is in compliance with the terms of the Option Agreement.
The Option Agreement between the Company and Silver Wolf is considered a related party transaction as the two companies have directors in common.
Unification La Platosa properties
The Unification La Platosa properties, consisting of three leased concessions in addition to the leased concessions situated within the Avino mine area property near the towns of Panuco de Coronado and San Jose de Avino and surrounding the Avino Mine.
In February 2012, the Company’s wholly-owned Mexican subsidiary entered into a new agreement with Minerales de Avino, S.A. de C.V. (“Minerales”) whereby Minerales has indirectly granted to the Company the exclusive right to explore and mine the La Platosa property known as the “ET zone”. The ET zone includes the Avino Mine, where production at levels intended by management was achieved on July 1, 2015.
Under the agreement, the Company has obtained the exclusive right to explore and mine the property for an initial period of 15 years, with the option to extend the agreement for another 5 years. In consideration of the granting of these rights, the Company issued 135,189 common shares with a fair value of C$250 during the year ended December 31, 2012.The Company has agreed to pay to Minerales a royalty equal to 3.5% of net smelter returns (“NSR”). In addition, after the start of production, if the minimum monthly processing rate of the mine facilities is less than 15,000 tonnes, then the Company must pay to Minerales a minimum royalty equal to the applicable NSR royalty based on the processing at a monthly rate of 15,000 tonnes.
Minerales has also granted to the Company the exclusive right to purchase a 100% interest in the property at any time during the term of the agreement (or any renewal thereof), upon payment of $8 million within 15 days of the Company’s notice of election to acquire the property. The purchase would be subject to a separate purchase agreement for the legal transfer of the property.
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
(b) La Preciosa, Mexico
On March 21, 2022, the Company received approval for the closing of the acquisition of the La Preciosa property from Coeur Mining Inc.
(c) British Columbia & Yukon, Canada
Eagle Property - Yukon
The Company has a 100% interest in 14 quartz leases located in the Mayo Mining Division of Yukon, Canada, which collectively comprise the Eagle property. During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company sold to a subsidiary of Hecla Mining Company (“Hecla”) the Eagle Property for cash consideration of C$250. The gain on sale of the Eagle Property was recorded to “Interest and other income” on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss).
Minto and Olympic-Kelvin properties – British Columbia
On May 2, 2022, the Company granted Endurance Gold Corporation the right to acquire an option to earn 100% ownership of the former Minto Gold Mine, Olympic and Kelvin gold prospects contained within a parcel of crown grant and mineral claims (the “Olympic Claims”).
As of March 31, 2024, Endurance was in compliance with all terms of the Option agreement.
At March 31, 2024, the Company had an effective 99.67% (December 31, 2023 - 99.67%) interest in its subsidiary Avino Mexico and the remaining 0.33% (December 31, 2023 - 0.33%) interest represents a non-controlling interest. The accumulated deficit and current period income attributable to the non-controlling interest are insignificant and accordingly have not been presented separately in the consolidated financial statements.
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
| | Mining properties | | | Office equipment, furniture, and fixtures | | | Computer equipment | | | Mine machinery and transportation equipment | | | Mill machinery and processing equipment | | | Buildings and construction in process | | | Total | |
| | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | |
COST | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance at January 1, 2023 | | | 14,687 | | | | 763 | | | | 774 | | | | 14,930 | | | | 23,294 | | | | 14,693 | | | | 69,141 | |
Additions / Transfers | | | 3,716 | | | | 78 | | | | 1,176 | | | | 3,270 | | | | 3,079 | | | | 701 | | | | 12,020 | |
Writedowns | | | - | | | | (6 | ) | | | (22 | ) | | | (629 | ) | | | (141 | ) | | | - | | | | (798 | ) |
Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | (28 | ) | | | 9 | | | | 1 | | | | 2 | | | | - | | | | (24 | ) | | | (40 | ) |
Balance at December 31, 2023 | | | 18,375 | | | | 844 | | | | 1,929 | | | | 17,573 | | | | 26,232 | | | | 15,370 | | | | 80,323 | |
Additions / Transfers | | | 187 | | | | 6 | | | | 2 | | | | 138 | | | | 409 | | | | (454 | ) | | | 288 | |
Writedowns | | | - | | | | (1 | ) | | | (1 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (2 | ) |
Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | 3 | | | | (2 | ) | | | 1 | | | | (1 | ) | | | - | | | | (21 | ) | | | (20 | ) |
Balance at March 31, 2024 | | | 18,565 | | | | 847 | | | | 1,931 | | | | 17,710 | | | | 26,641 | | | | 14,895 | | | | 80,589 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
ACCUMULATED DEPLETION AND DEPRECIATION / IMPAIRMENT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Balance at January 1, 2023 | | | 9,106 | | | | 441 | | | | 598 | | | | 5,178 | | | | 6,733 | | | | 3,029 | | | | 25,085 | |
Additions / Transfers | | | 367 | | | | 111 | | | | 204 | | | | 676 | | | | 1,170 | | | | 294 | | | | 2,822 | |
Writedowns | | | - | | | | (4 | ) | | | (21 | ) | | | (619 | ) | | | (9 | ) | | | - | | | | (653 | ) |
Balance at December 31, 2023 | | | 9,473 | | | | 548 | | | | 781 | | | | 5,235 | | | | 7,894 | | | | 3,323 | | | | 27,254 | |
Additions / Transfers | | | 103 | | | | 21 | | | | 100 | | | | 4 | | | | 480 | | | | 77 | | | | 785 | |
Balance at March 31, 2024 | | | 9,576 | | | | 569 | | | | 881 | | | | 5,239 | | | | 8,374 | | | | 3,400 | | | | 28,039 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
NET BOOK VALUE | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
At March 31, 2024 | | | 8,989 | | | | 278 | | | | 1,050 | | | | 12,471 | | | | 18,267 | | | | 11,495 | | | | 52,550 | |
At December 31, 2023 | | | 8,902 | | | | 296 | | | | 1,148 | | | | 12,339 | | | | 18,338 | | | | 12,047 | | | | 53,069 | |
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
Included in Buildings and construction in process above are assets under construction of $3,341 as at March 31, 2024 (December 31, 2023 - $3,166) on which no depreciation was charged in the periods then ended. Once the assets are available for use, they will be transferred to the appropriate class of plant, equipment and mining properties.
As of March 31, 2024, the Company performed an evaluation of the property plant and equipment and recorded a write-down of $1 (December 31, 2023 - $144) against the carrying value of mine and mill machinery and transportation equipment due to damage and obsolescence.
As at March 31, 2024, plant, equipment and mining properties included a net carrying amount of $5,850 (December 31, 2023 - $5,832) for mining equipment and right of use assets under lease.
All related party transactions are recorded at the exchange amount which is the amount agreed to by the Company and the related party.
(a) Key management personnel
The Company has identified its directors and certain senior officers as its key management personnel. The compensation costs for key management personnel is as follows:
| | Three months ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Salaries, benefits, and consulting fees | | $ | 293 | | | $ | 284 | |
Share-based payments | | | 387 | | | | 321 | |
| | $ | 680 | | | $ | 605 | |
(b) Amounts due to/from related parties
In the normal course of operations the Company transacts with companies related to Avino’s directors or officers. All amounts payable and receivable are non-interest bearing, unsecured and due on demand.
The following table summarizes the amounts were due to/(from) related parties:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | |
Oniva International Services Corp. | | $ | 100 | | | $ | 102 | |
Directors Fees | | | 44 | | | | - | |
Silver Wolf Exploration Ltd. | | | (338 | ) | | | (269 | ) |
| | $ | (194 | ) | | $ | (167 | ) |
For services provided to the Company as President and Chief Executive Officer, the Company pays Intermark Capital Corporation (“ICC”), a company controlled by David Wolfin, the Company’s President and CEO and also a director, for consulting services. For the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company paid $71 (March 31, 2023 - $71) to ICC.
(c) Other related party transactions
The Company has a cost sharing agreement with Oniva International Services Corp. (“Oniva”) for office and administration services. Pursuant to the cost sharing agreement, the Company will reimburse Oniva for the Company’s percentage of overhead and corporate expenses and for out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Company, with a 2.5% markup. David Wolfin, President & CEO, and a director of the Company, is the sole owner of Oniva. The cost sharing agreement may be terminated with one-month notice by either party without penalty.
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
The transactions with Oniva are summarized below:
| | Three months ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Salaries and benefits | | $ | 254 | | | $ | 245 | |
Office and miscellaneous | | | 133 | | | | 133 | |
| | $ | 387 | | | $ | 378 | |
Management’s estimate of the reclamation provision at March 31, 2024, is $2,264 (December 31, 2023 – $2,195), and the undiscounted value of the obligation is $5,627 (December 31, 2023 – $5,491).
The present value of the obligation was calculated using a risk-free interest rate of 9.72% (December 31, 2023 – 9.82%) and an inflation rate of 3.88% (December 31, 2023 – 3.76%). Reclamation activities are estimated to begin in 2025 for the San Gonzalo Mine and in 2042 for the Avino Mine.
A reconciliation of the changes in the Company’s reclamation provision is as follows:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | |
| | | | | | |
Balance at beginning of the period | | $ | 2,195 | | | $ | 445 | |
Changes in estimates | | | - | | | | 1,615 | |
Unwinding of discount related to continuing operations | | | 51 | | | | 49 | |
Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | 18 | | | | 86 | |
Balance at end of the period | | $ | 2,264 | | | $ | 2,195 | |
(a) Authorized: Unlimited common shares without par value
(b) Issued:
| (i) | During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company issued 1,886,248 common shares in an at-the-market offering under prospectus supplement for gross proceeds of $926. The Company paid a 2.75% cash commission of $25 on gross proceeds, for net proceeds of $901. The Company also incurred $13 in share issuance costs related to its base shelf prospectus and prospectus supplement filings. |
| | |
| | During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company issued 585,265 common shares upon exercise of RSUs. As a result, $512 was recorded to share capital. |
| | |
| (ii) | During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company issued 9,373,825 common shares in an at-the-market offering under prospectus supplement for gross proceeds of $5,648. The Company paid a 2.75% cash commission of $155 on gross proceeds, for net proceeds of $5,493. The Company also incurred $339 in share issuance costs related to its base shelf prospectus and prospectus supplement filings. |
| | |
| | During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company issued 1,005,333 common shares upon exercise of RSUs. As a result, $1,019 was recorded to share capital. |
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
(c) Stock options:
The Company has a stock option plan to purchase the Company’s common shares, under which it may grant stock options of up to 10% of the Company’s total number of shares issued and outstanding on a non-diluted basis. The stock option plan provides for the granting of stock options to directors, officers, and employees, and to persons providing investor relations or consulting services, the limits being based on the Company’s total number of issued and outstanding shares per year. The stock options vest on the date of grant, except for those issued to persons providing investor relations services, which vest over a period of one year. The option price must be greater than or equal to the discounted market price on the grant date, and the option term cannot exceed ten years from the grant date.
Continuity of stock options is as follows:
| | Underlying Shares | | | Weighted Average Exercise Price (C$) | |
| | | | | | |
Stock options outstanding, January 1, 2023 | | | 4,256,000 | | | $ | 1.36 | |
Granted | | | 2,545,000 | | | $ | 1.12 | |
Expired | | | (105,000 | ) | | $ | 1.30 | |
Cancelled / Forfeited | | | (30,000 | ) | | $ | 1.40 | |
Stock options outstanding, December 31, 2023 | | | 6,666,000 | | | $ | 1.27 | |
Granted | | | 2,500,000 | | | $ | 0.78 | |
Cancelled / Forfeited | | | (190,000 | ) | | $ | 1.26 | |
Stock options outstanding, March 31, 2024 | | | 8,976,000 | | | $ | 1.13 | |
Stock options exercisable, March 31, 2024 | | | 6,401,000 | | | $ | 1.27 | |
The following table summarizes information about the stock options outstanding and exercisable at March 31, 2024:
| | | | | Outstanding | | | Exercisable | |
Expiry Date | | Price (C$) | | | Number of Options | | | Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (Years) | | | Number of Options | | | Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (Years) | |
August 21, 2024 | | $ | 0.79 | | | | 126,000 | | | | 0.39 | | | | 126,000 | | | | 0.39 | |
August 4, 2025 | | $ | 1.64 | | | | 1,620,000 | | | | 1.35 | | | | 1,620,000 | | | | 1.35 | |
March 25, 2027 | | $ | 1.20 | | | | 2,255,000 | | | | 2.98 | | | | 2,255,000 | | | | 2.98 | |
May 4, 2027 | | $ | 0.92 | | | | 25,000 | | | | 3.09 | | | | 25,000 | | | | 3.09 | |
March 29, 2028 | | $ | 1.12 | | | | 2,300,000 | | | | 4.00 | | | | 2,300,000 | | | | 4.00 | |
July 10, 2028 | | $ | 1.12 | | | | 150,000 | | | | 4.26 | | | | 75,000 | | | | 4.26 | |
March 25, 2029 | | $ | 0.78 | | | | 2,500,000 | | | | 4.99 | | | | - | | | | 4.99 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | 8,976,000 | | | | 3.49 | | | | 6,401,000 | | | | 2.90 | |
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
Valuation of stock options requires the use of estimates and assumptions including the expected stock price volatility. The expected volatility used in valuing stock options is based on volatility observed in historical periods. Changes in the underlying assumptions can materially affect the fair value estimates. The fair value of the stock options was calculated using the Black-Scholes model with the following weighted average assumptions and resulting fair values:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | |
Weighted average assumptions: | | | | | | |
Risk-free interest rate | | | 3.51 | % | | | 3.10 | % |
Expected dividend yield | | | 0 | % | | | 0 | % |
Expected warrant life (years) | | | 5 | | | | 5 | |
Expected stock price volatility | | | 60.73 | % | | | 61.10 | % |
Expected forfeiture rate | | | 15 | % | | | 17 | % |
Weighted average fair value | | C$ | 0.43 | | | C$ | 0.60 | |
During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company charged $92 (three months ended March 31, 2023 - $62) to operations as share-based payments for the fair value of stock options granted.
(d) Restricted Share Units:
On April 19, 2018, the Company’s Restricted Share Unit (“RSU”) Plan was approved by its shareholders. The RSU Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee under the supervision of the Board of Directors as compensation to officers, directors, consultants, and employees. The Compensation Committee determines the terms and conditions upon which a grant is made, including any performance criteria or vesting period.
Upon vesting, each RSU entitles the participant to receive one common share, provided that the participant is continuously employed with or providing services to the Company. RSUs track the value of the underlying common shares, but do not entitle the recipient to the underlying common shares until such RSUs vest, nor do they entitle a holder to exercise voting rights or any other rights attached to ownership or control of the common shares, until the RSU vests and the RSU participant receives common shares.
Continuity of RSUs is as follows:
| | Underlying Shares | | | Weighted Average Price (C$) | |
| | | | | | |
RSUs outstanding, January 1, 2023 | | | 2,190,666 | | | $ | 1.27 | |
Granted | | | 1,878,320 | | | $ | 1.11 | |
Exercised | | | (1,005,334 | ) | | $ | 1.37 | |
Cancelled / Forfeited | | | (68,943 | ) | | $ | 1.14 | |
RSUs outstanding, December 31, 2023 | | | 2,994,709 | | | $ | 1.14 | |
Exercised | | | (585,265 | ) | | $ | 1.19 | |
RSUs outstanding, March 31, 2024 | | | 2,409,444 | | | $ | 1.13 | |
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
The following table summarizes information about the RSUs outstanding at March 31, 2024:
Issuance Date | | Price (C$) | | | Number of RSUs Outstanding | |
March 25, 2022 | | $ | 1.19 | | | | 577,000 | |
March 29, 2023 | | $ | 1.12 | | | | 1,763,124 | |
July 10, 2023 | | $ | 0.94 | | | | 69,320 | |
| | | | | | | 2,409,444 | |
During the three months ended March 31, 2024, no RSUs (year ended December 31, 2023 – 1,878,320) were granted. For RSUs granted in 2023, the weighted average fair value at the measurement date was C$1.11, based on the TSX market price of the Company’s shares on the date the RSUs were granted.
During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company charged $331 (March 31, 2023 - $277) to operations as share-based payments for the fair value of the RSUs vested. The fair value of the RSUs is recognized over the vesting period with reference to vesting conditions and the estimated RSUs expected to vest.
(e) Earnings per share:
The calculations for basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share are as follows:
| | Three months ended March 31, | |
| | 2024 | | | 2023 | |
Net income (loss) for the period | | $ | 599 | | | $ | (352 | ) |
Basic weighted average number of shares outstanding | | | 130,027,962 | | | | 118,572,700 | |
Effect of dilutive share options, warrants, and RSUs | | | 2,994,709 | | | | 4,030,229 | |
Diluted weighted average number of shares outstanding | | | 133,022,671 | | | | 122,602,929 | |
Basic earnings (loss) per share | | $ | 0.00 | | | $ | (0.00 | ) |
Diluted earnings (loss) per share | | $ | 0.00 | | | $ | (0.00 | ) |
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
The Company’s revenues for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, are all attributable to Mexico, from shipments of concentrate from the Avino Mine.
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | |
Concentrate sales | | $ | 12,674 | | | $ | 9,992 | |
Provisional pricing adjustments | | | (281 | ) | | | (167 | ) |
| | $ | 12,393 | | | $ | 9,825 | |
Cost of sales consists of changes in inventories, direct costs including personnel costs, mine site costs, energy costs (principally diesel fuel and electricity), maintenance and repair costs, operating supplies, external services, third party transport fees, depreciation and depletion, and other expenses for the periods. Direct costs include the costs of extracting co-products.
Cost of sales is based on the weighted average cost of inventory sold for the periods and consists of the following:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | |
Production costs | | $ | 9,233 | | | $ | 7,304 | |
Depreciation and depletion | | | 821 | | | | 670 | |
| | $ | 10,054 | | | $ | 7,974 | |
General and administrative expenses consist of the following:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | |
Salaries and benefits | | $ | 396 | | | $ | 395 | |
Office and miscellaneous | | | 381 | | | | 192 | |
Professional fees | | | 159 | | | | 239 | |
Management and consulting fees | | | 107 | | | | 106 | |
Investor relations | | | 73 | | | | 81 | |
Travel and promotion | | | 35 | | | | 54 | |
Directors fees | | | 44 | | | | 44 | |
Regulatory and compliance fees | | | 41 | | | | 38 | |
Depreciation | | | 36 | | | | 35 | |
| | $ | 1,272 | | | $ | 1,184 | |
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
The Company has a cost sharing agreement to reimburse Oniva for a percentage of its overhead expenses, to reimburse 100% of its out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Company, and to pay a percentage fee based on Oniva’s total overhead and corporate expenses. The agreement may be terminated with one-month notice by either party. Transactions and balances with Oniva are disclosed in Note 10.
The Company and its subsidiaries have various operating lease agreements for their office premises, use of land, and equipment. Commitments in respect of these lease agreements are as follows:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | |
Not later than one year | | $ | 214 | | | $ | 714 | |
Later than one year and not later than five years | | | 1,292 | | | | 1,241 | |
Later than five years | | | 4,146 | | | | 3,965 | |
| | $ | 5,652 | | | $ | 5,920 | |
Office lease payments recognized as an expense during the three months ended March 31, 2024, totalled $10 (March 31, 2023 - $4).
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | |
Net change in non-cash working capital items: | | | | | | |
Inventory | | $ | 418 | | | $ | (1,419 | ) |
Prepaid expenses and other assets | | | (106 | ) | | | (18 | ) |
Taxes recoverable | | | 78 | | | | (625 | ) |
Taxes payable | | | 62 | | | | (867 | ) |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | | (1,153 | ) | | | 1,466 | |
Amounts receivable | | | 1,447 | | | | 658 | |
Amounts due to related parties | | | (27 | ) | | | 39 | |
| | $ | 719 | | | $ | (766 | ) |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | |
Other non-cash supplementary information: | | | | | | |
Interest paid | | $ | 64 | | | $ | 42 | |
Taxes paid | | | 10 | | | | 5 | |
| | $ | 74 | | | $ | 47 | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | |
Non-cash investing and financing activities: | | | | | | | | |
Shares acquired under terms of option agreements | | | - | | | | 41 | |
Transfer of share-based payments reserve upon exercise of RSUs | | | 512 | | | | 512 | |
Equipment acquired under finance leases and equipment loans | | | 108 | | | | 1,808 | |
| | $ | 620 | | | $ | 2,361 | |
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
The fair values of the Company’s amounts due to related parties and accounts payable approximate their carrying values because of the short-term nature of these instruments. Cash, amounts receivable, long-term investments, and warrant liability are recorded at fair value. The carrying amounts of the Company’s equipment loans, and finance lease obligations are a reasonable approximation of their fair values based on current market rates for similar financial instruments.
The Company’s financial instruments are exposed to certain financial risks, including credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk.
(a) Credit Risk
Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the other party by failing to discharge an obligation. The Company has exposure to credit risk through its cash, long-term investments and amounts receivable. The Company manages credit risk, in respect of cash and short-term investments, by maintaining the majority of cash and short-term investments at highly rated financial institutions.
The Company is exposed to a significant concentration of credit risk with respect to its trade accounts receivable balance because all of its concentrate sales are with three (December 31, 2022 – two) counterparties (see Note 18). However, the Company has not recorded any allowance against its trade receivables because to-date all balances owed have been settled in full when due (typically within 60 days of submission) and because of the nature of the counterparties.
The Company’s maximum exposure to credit risk at the end of any period is equal to the carrying amount of these financial assets as recorded in the unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position. At March 31, 2024, no amounts were held as collateral.
(b) Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in satisfying financial obligations as they become due. The Company manages its liquidity risk by forecasting cash flows required by its operating, investing and financing activities. The Company had cash at March 31, 2024, in the amount of $3,474 and current assets exceeded current liabilities by $9,785 in order to meet short-term business requirements. Accounts payable have contractual maturities of approximately 30 to 90 days, or are due on demand and are subject to normal trade terms. The current portions of finance lease obligations are due within 12 months of the consolidated statement of financial position date. Amounts due to related parties are without stated terms of interest or repayment.
The maturity profiles of the Company’s contractual obligations and commitments as at March 31, 2024, are summarized as follows:
| | Total | | | Less Than 1 Year | | | 1-5 years | | | More Than 5 Years | |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | $ | 10,713 | | | $ | 10,713 | | | $ | - | | | $ | - | |
Minimum rental and lease payments | | | 5,652 | | | | 214 | | | | 1,292 | | | | 4,146 | |
Equipment loans | | | 341 | | | | 184 | | | | 157 | | | | - | |
Finance lease obligations | | | 2,962 | | | | 1,734 | | | | 1,228 | | | | - | |
Total | | $ | 19,668 | | | $ | 12,845 | | | $ | 2,677 | | | $ | 4,146 | |
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
(c) Market Risk
Market risk consists of interest rate risk, foreign currency risk and price risk. These are discussed further below.
Interest Rate Risk
Interest rate risk consists of two components:
| (i) | To the extent that payments made or received on the Company’s monetary assets and liabilities are affected by changes in the prevailing market interest rates, the Company is exposed to interest rate cash flow risk. |
| | |
| (ii) | To the extent that changes in prevailing market rates differ from the interest rates on the Company’s monetary assets and liabilities, the Company is exposed to interest rate price risk. |
In management’s opinion, the Company is not materially exposed to interest rate risk, as any material debt obligations that bear interest are fixed and not subject to floating interest rates. A 10% change in the interest rate would not result in a material impact on the Company’s operations.
Foreign Currency Risk
Foreign currency risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company is exposed to foreign currency risk to the extent that the following monetary assets and liabilities are denominated in Mexican pesos and Canadian dollars:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | |
| | MXN | | | CDN | | | MXN | | | CDN | |
Cash | | $ | 8,108 | | | $ | 252 | | | $ | 13,338 | | | $ | 70 | |
Due from related parties | | | 5,643 | | | | - | | | | 4,558 | | | | - | |
Long-term investments | | | - | | | | 1,414 | | | | - | | | | 1,236 | |
Reclamation bonds | | | - | | | | 6 | | | | - | | | | 6 | |
Amounts receivable | | | 3,042 | | | | 20 | | | | 18,644 | | | | 26 | |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | | (78,884 | ) | | | (145 | ) | | | (95,662 | ) | | | (150 | ) |
Due to related parties | | | - | | | | (195 | ) | | | - | | | | (135 | ) |
Finance lease obligations | | | (800 | ) | | | (179 | ) | | | (1,129 | ) | | | (217 | ) |
Net exposure | | | (62,891 | ) | | | 1,173 | | | | (60,251 | ) | | | 836 | |
US dollar equivalent | | $ | (3,767 | ) | | $ | 865 | | | $ | (3,567 | ) | | $ | 577 | |
Based on the net US dollar denominated asset and liability exposures as at March 31, 2024, a 10% fluctuation in the US/Mexican and Canadian/US exchange rates would impact the Company’s earnings for the three months ended March 31, 2024, by approximately $298. The Company has not entered into any foreign currency contracts to mitigate this risk.
Price Risk
Price risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market prices, other than those arising from interest rate risk or foreign currency risk.
The Company is exposed to price risk with respect to its amounts receivable, as certain trade accounts receivable are recorded based on provisional terms that are subsequently adjusted according to quoted metal prices at the date of final settlement. Quoted metal prices are affected by numerous factors beyond the Company’s control and are subject to volatility, and the Company does not employ hedging strategies to limit its exposure to price risk. At March 31, 2024, based on outstanding accounts receivable that were subject to pricing adjustments, a 10% change in metals prices would have an impact on net earnings (loss) of approximately $106.
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
The Company is exposed to price risk with respect to its long-term investments, as these investments are carried at fair value based on quoted market prices. Changes in market prices result in gains or losses being recognized in net income (loss). At March 31, 2024, a 10% change in market prices would have an impact on net earnings (loss) of approximately $105.
The Company’s profitability and ability to raise capital to fund exploration, evaluation and production activities is subject to risks associated with fluctuations in mineral prices. Management closely monitors commodity prices, individual equity movements, and the stock market to determine the appropriate course of action to be taken by the Company.
(d) Classification of Financial Instruments
IFRS 13 Financial Instruments: Disclosures establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value as follows:
Level 1 – quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;
Level 2 – inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e., as prices) or indirectly (i.e., derived from prices); and
Level 3 – inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).
The following table sets forth the Company’s financial assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis by level within the fair value hierarchy as at March 31, 2024:
| | Level 1 | | | Level 2 | | | Level 3 | |
Financial assets | | | | | | | | | |
Cash | | $ | 3,474 | | | $ | - | | | $ | - | |
Amounts receivable | | | - | | | | 1,856 | | | | - | |
Long-term investments | | | 1,043 | | | | - | | | | - | |
Total financial assets | | $ | 4,517 | | | $ | 1,856 | | | $ | - | |
The Company uses Black-Scholes model to measure its Level 3 financial instruments. As at March 31, 2024 the Company’s has no Level 3 financial instruments.
The Company reviews its segment reporting to ensure it reflects the operational structure of the Company and enables the Company's Chief Operating Decision Maker (the Company’s CEO) to review operating segment performance. We have determined that each producing mine represents an operating segment, of which there is one as of March 31, 2024.
The Company’s revenues for the three months ended March 31, 2024 of $12,393 (March 31, 2023 - $9,825) are all attributable to Mexico, from shipments of concentrate produced by the Avino Mine, and is considered to be one single reportable operating segment.
AVINO SILVER & GOLD MINES LTD. Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 (Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except where otherwise noted) |
On the condensed consolidated interim statements of operations, the Company had revenue from the following product mixes:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | |
| | | | | | |
Silver | | $ | 5,036 | | | $ | 3,608 | |
Gold | | | 3,033 | | | | 3,135 | |
Copper | | | 5,906 | | | | 4,689 | |
Penalties, treatment costs and refining charges | | | (1,582 | ) | | | (1,607 | ) |
Total revenue from mining operations | | $ | 12,393 | | | $ | 9,825 | |
For the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company had the following customers that accounted for total revenues as follows:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | |
Customer #1 | | $ | 8,596 | | | $ | 9,225 | |
Customer #2 | | | 3,784 | | | | 600 | |
Other customers | | | 13 | | | | - | |
Total revenue from mining operations | | $ | 12,393 | | | $ | 9,825 | |
Geographical information relating to the Company’s non-current assets (other than financial instruments) is as follows:
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | |
Exploration and evaluation assets - Mexico | | $ | 51,910 | | | $ | 50,110 | |
Exploration and evaluation assets - Canada | | | 1 | | | | 1 | |
Total exploration and evaluation assets | | $ | 51,911 | | | $ | 50,111 | |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | |
Plant, equipment, and mining properties - Mexico | | $ | 52,398 | | | $ | 52,891 | |
Plant, equipment, and mining properties - Canada | | | 152 | | | | 178 | |
Total plant, equipment, and mining properties | | $ | 52,550 | | | $ | 53,069 | |
At-The-Market Sales – Subsequent to March 31, 2024, the Company issued 1,256,000 common shares in at-the-market offerings under prospectus supplement for gross proceeds of $993.
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true when the XBRL content amends previously-filed or accepted submission.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_AmendmentFlag |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionEnd date of current fiscal year in the format --MM-DD.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_CurrentFiscalYearEndDate |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:gMonthDayItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFiscal period values are FY, Q1, Q2, and Q3. 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter 10-Q or 10-QT statements have value Q1, Q2, and Q3 respectively, with 10-K, 10-KT or other fiscal year statements having FY.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:fiscalPeriodItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThis is focus fiscal year of the document report in YYYY format. For a 2006 annual report, which may also provide financial information from prior periods, fiscal 2006 should be given as the fiscal year focus. Example: 2006.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentFiscalYearFocus |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:gYearItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFor the EDGAR submission types of Form 8-K: the date of the report, the date of the earliest event reported; for the EDGAR submission types of Form N-1A: the filing date; for all other submission types: the end of the reporting or transition period. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentPeriodEndDate |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:dateItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe type of document being provided (such as 10-K, 10-Q, 485BPOS, etc). The document type is limited to the same value as the supporting SEC submission type, or the word 'Other'.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentType |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:submissionTypeItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAddress Line 1 such as Attn, Building Name, Street Name
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressAddressLine1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAddress Line 2 such as Street or Suite number
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressAddressLine2 |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAddress Line 3 such as an Office Park
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressAddressLine3 |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Definition
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressCityOrTown |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionCode for the postal or zip code
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressPostalZipCode |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionName of the state or province.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressStateOrProvince |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:stateOrProvinceItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionA unique 10-digit SEC-issued value to identify entities that have filed disclosures with the SEC. It is commonly abbreviated as CIK.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityCentralIndexKey |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:centralIndexKeyItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionCommission file number. The field allows up to 17 characters. The prefix may contain 1-3 digits, the sequence number may contain 1-8 digits, the optional suffix may contain 1-4 characters, and the fields are separated with a hyphen.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityFileNumber |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:fileNumberItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTwo-character EDGAR code representing the state or country of incorporation.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityIncorporationStateCountryCode |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:edgarStateCountryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe exact name of the entity filing the report as specified in its charter, which is required by forms filed with the SEC.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityRegistrantName |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLocal phone number for entity.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_LocalPhoneNumber |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTitle of a 12(b) registered security.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b
+ Details
Name: |
dei_Security12bTitle |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:securityTitleItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionName of the Exchange on which a security is registered.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection d1-1
+ Details
Name: |
dei_SecurityExchangeName |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:edgarExchangeCodeItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTrading symbol of an instrument as listed on an exchange.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_TradingSymbol |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:tradingSymbolItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Current assets |
Cash |
$ 3,474
$ 2,688
Amounts receivable |
Amounts due from related parties |
Taxes recoverable |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
Inventory |
Total current assets |
Exploration and evaluation assets |
Plant, equipment and mining properties |
Long-term investments |
Other assets |
Total assets |
Current liabilities |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities |
Taxes payable |
Current portion of finance lease obligations |
Current portion of equipment loans |
Total current liabilities |
Finance lease obligations |
Equipment loans |
Reclamation provision |
Deferred income tax liabilities |
Total liabilities |
Share capital |
Equity reserves |
Treasury shares |
Accumulated other comprehensive loss |
Accumulated deficit |
Total equity |
Total liabilities and equity |
$ 128,644
$ 128,340
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CurrentPortionOfEquipmentLoans |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CurrentPortionOfFinanceLeaseObligations |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_EquipmentLoans |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_FinanceLeaseObligations |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of accumulated items of income and expense (including reclassification adjustments) that are not recognised in profit or loss as required or permitted by other IFRSs. [Refer: IFRSs [member]; Other comprehensive income]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 55 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_55&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncome |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of a present economic resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events. Economic resource is a right that has the potential to produce economic benefits.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 55 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_55&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Assets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionA component of equity representing the capital reserves.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 55 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_55&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CapitalReserve |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of cash on hand and demand deposits, along with short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. [Refer: Cash; Cash equivalents]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 45 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_45&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B13 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B13_a&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CashAndCashEquivalents |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of assets that the entity (a) expects to realise or intends to sell or consume in its normal operating cycle; (b) holds primarily for the purpose of trading; (c) expects to realise within twelve months after the reporting period; or (d) classifies as cash or cash equivalents (as defined in IAS 7) unless the asset is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least twelve months after the reporting period. [Refer: Assets]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B12 -Subparagraph b -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B12_b_i&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 66 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_66&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentAssetsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionExpiry date 2023-01-01: The amount of liabilities that: (a) the entity expects to settle in its normal operating cycle; (b) the entity holds primarily for the purpose of trading; (c) are due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting period; or (d) the entity does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement for at least twelve months after the reporting period.
Effective 2023-01-01: The amount of liabilities that: (a) the entity expects to settle in its normal operating cycle; (b) the entity holds primarily for the purpose of trading; (c) are due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting period; or (d) the entity does not have the right at the end of the reporting period to defer settlement for at least twelve months after the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B12 -Subparagraph b -Clause iii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B12_b_iii&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 69 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_69&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentLiabilitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount recognised as a current asset for expenditures made prior to the period when the economic benefit will be realised.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentPrepaidExpenses |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of current provision for refunds. [Refer: Refunds provision]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 37 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Section Example 4 Refunds policy -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=37&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&doctype=Illustrative%20Examples&dita_xref=IAS37_IE_C_ex4__IAS37_IE_C_ex4_TI -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 37 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 87 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=37&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_87&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentRefundsProvision |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe excess of amount paid for current tax in respect of current and prior periods over the amount due for those periods. Current tax is the amount of income taxes payable (recoverable) in respect of the taxable profit (tax loss) for a period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph n -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_n&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentTaxAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of current tax for current and prior periods to the extent unpaid. Current tax is the amount of income taxes payable (recoverable) in respect of the taxable profit (tax loss) for a period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph n -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_n&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentTaxLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amounts of income taxes payable in future periods in respect of taxable temporary differences. [Refer: Temporary differences [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 81 -Subparagraph g -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_81_g_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph o -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_o&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 56 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_56&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DeferredTaxLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 24 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_24_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph a -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_32_a_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 55 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_55&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Equity |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_EquityAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of the entity's equity and liabilities. [Refer: Equity; Liabilities]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 55 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_55&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_EquityAndLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of current inventories. [Refer: Inventories]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 2 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 36 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=2&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_36_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph g -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_g&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 68 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_68&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Inventories |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe nominal value of capital issued.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_IssuedCapital |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of a present obligation of the entity to transfer an economic resource as a result of past events. Economic resource is a right that has the potential to produce economic benefits.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph d -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_d&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 55 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_55&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Liabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of non-current derivative financial assets. [Refer: Derivative financial assets]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 55 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_55&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_NoncurrentDerivativeFinancialAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of non-current held-to-maturity investments. [Refer: Held-to-maturity investments]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Note Expiry date 2023-01-01 -Name IFRS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2017-en-b&anchor=para_8_b&doctype=Standard&book=b -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_NoncurrentHeldtomaturityInvestments |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of assets that the entity does not separately disclose in the same statement or note.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 55 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_55&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_OtherAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of tangible assets that: (a) are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes; and (b) are expected to be used during more than one period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 16 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 73 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=16&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_73_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PropertyPlantAndEquipment |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionA component of equity representing the entity's cumulative undistributed earnings or deficit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph IG6 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_IG6&doctype=Implementation%20Guidance -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_RetainedEarnings |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of current trade payables and current other payables. [Refer: Current trade payables; Other current payables]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph k -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_k&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TradeAndOtherCurrentPayables |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of current trade receivables and current other receivables. [Refer: Current trade receivables; Other current receivables]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph h -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_h&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TradeAndOtherCurrentReceivables |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAn entity’s own equity instruments, held by the entity or other members of the consolidated group.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 32 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 34 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=32&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_34&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TreasuryShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss) |
Revenue from mining operations |
$ 12,393
$ 9,825
Cost of sales |
Mine operating income |
Operating expenses |
General and administrative expenses |
Share-based payments |
Income loss |
Other items |
Interest and other income |
Gain (loss) on long-term investments |
Fair value adjustment on warrant liability |
Foreign exchange gain (loss) |
Finance cost |
Accretion of reclamation provision |
Interest expense |
Income (loss) before income taxes |
Income taxes: |
Current income tax expense |
Deferred income tax recovery |
Income tax expense |
Net income (loss) |
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: |
Currency translation differences |
Total comprehensive income (loss) |
$ 488
$ (615)
Earnings (loss) per share |
Basic |
$ 0.00
$ (0.00)
Diluted |
$ 0.00
$ (0.00)
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding |
Basic |
Diluted |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AccretionOfReclamationProvision |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ItemsThatMayBeReclassifiedSubsequentlyToProfitOrLossNewAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedPayments |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on the conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares. [Refer: Ordinary shares [member]; Weighted average [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 33 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 70 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=33&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_70_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustedWeightedAverageShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for finance costs to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Finance costs; Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForFinanceCosts |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for gains (losses) on changes in the fair value of derivatives to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: At fair value [member]; Derivatives [member]; Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForGainsLossesOnChangeInFairValueOfDerivatives |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for gains (losses) arising from a change in the fair value of investment property to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Investment property; Gains (losses) on fair value adjustment, investment property; Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForGainsLossesOnFairValueAdjustmentInvestmentProperty |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionBasic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations. [Refer: Basic earnings (loss) per share; Continuing operations [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 33 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 66 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=33&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_66&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 33 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 67 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=33&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_67&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BasicEarningsLossPerShareFromContinuingOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of change in equity resulting from transactions and other events, other than those changes resulting from transactions with owners in their capacity as owners.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph a -Clause ii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_32_a_ii&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 24 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_24_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B12 -Subparagraph b -Clause ix -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B12_b_ix&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 81A -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_81A_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 106 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_106_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ComprehensiveIncome |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of all expenses directly or indirectly attributed to the goods or services sold. Attributed expenses include, but are not limited to, costs previously included in the measurement of inventory that has now been sold, such as depreciation and maintenance of factory buildings and equipment used in the production process, unallocated production overheads, and abnormal amounts of production costs of inventories.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 99 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_99&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 103 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_103&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CostOfSales |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of income taxes payable (recoverable) in respect of the taxable profit (tax loss) for a period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 80 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_80_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentTaxExpenseIncome |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of profit (loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent entity (the numerator), divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period (the denominator), both adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. [Refer: Ordinary shares [member]; Weighted average [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 33 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 66 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=33&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_66&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 33 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 67 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=33&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_67&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DilutedEarningsLossPerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_EarningsPerShareAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ExpenseByNatureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe gains (losses) recognised in other comprehensive income on exchange differences on the translation of financial statements of foreign operations, before tax, before reclassification adjustments. [Refer: Other comprehensive income]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 91 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_91_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_GainsLossesOnExchangeDifferencesOnTranslationBeforeTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of exchange differences recognised in profit or loss that arise from foreign currency transactions, excluding those arising on financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IFRS 9. [Refer: At fair value [member]; Financial instruments, class [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 21 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 52 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=21&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_52_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 35 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_35&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_GainsLossesOnExchangeDifferencesOnTranslationRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_IncomeStatementAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of expense arising from interest.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -Subparagraph d -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23_d&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B13 -Subparagraph f -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B13_f&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_InterestExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of interest income on other financial assets. [Refer: Interest income; Other financial assets]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_InterestIncomeOnOtherFinancialAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of operating income (expense) that the entity does not separately disclose in the same statement or note.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 85 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_85&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_OtherOperatingIncomeExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_OtherProvisionsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe total of income less expenses from continuing and discontinued operations, excluding the components of other comprehensive income. [Refer: Other comprehensive income]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 18 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_18_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph a -Clause ii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_32_a_ii&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 24 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_24_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Note Effective on first application of IFRS 9 -Name IFRS -Number 4 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 39L -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=4&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-b&anchor=para_39L_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Note Effective 2023-01-01 -Name IFRS -Number 17 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 113 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=17&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_113_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 81A -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_81A_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 106 -Subparagraph d -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_106_d_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProfitLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe profit (loss) before tax expense or income. [Refer: Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 5 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 33 -Subparagraph b -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=5&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_33_b_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 103 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_103&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 102 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_102&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProfitLossBeforeTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate amount of the entity's revenue and other operating income. [Refer: Revenue]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 85 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_85&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_RevenueAndOperatingIncome |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of expense relating to selling, general and administrative activities of the entity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 85 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_85&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe number of ordinary shares outstanding at the beginning of the period, adjusted by the number of ordinary shares bought back or issued during the period multiplied by a time-weighting factor.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 33 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 70 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=33&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_70_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_WeightedAverageShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_WeightedAverageSharesAndAdjustedWeightedAverageSharesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Equity - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
Total |
Equity Reserve |
Number of Common Shares |
Accumulated other comprehensive loss |
Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) |
Treasury shares |
Balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2022 |
Balance, amount at Dec. 31, 2022 |
$ 98,021
$ 9,852
$ 145,515
$ (5,223)
$ (52,026)
$ (97)
Statement [Line Items] |
At the market issuances, shares |
At the market issuances, amount |
$ 207
Carrying value of RSUs exercised, shares |
Carrying value of RSUs exercised, amount |
$ 512
Issuance costs |
Share-based payments |
Net loss for the period |
Currency translation differences |
Balance, amount at Mar. 31, 2023 |
$ 146,229
Balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2023 |
Balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2023 |
Balance, amount at Dec. 31, 2023 |
$ 151,688
Statement [Line Items] |
At the market issuances, shares |
Carrying value of RSUs exercised, shares |
Carrying value of RSUs exercised, amount |
$ 512
Issuance costs |
Share-based payments |
Net loss for the period |
Currency translation differences |
At the market issuances, amount |
Balance, amount at Mar. 31, 2024 |
$ 107,800
$ 10,952
$ 153,088
$ (5,319)
$ (50,824)
$ (97)
Balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2024 |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AtTheMarketIssuancesAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CarryingValueOfRsusExercisedAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CarryingValueOfRsusExercisedShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CurrencyTranslationDifferences |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_IssuanceCosts |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_MarketIssuancesAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for share-based payments to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForSharebasedPayments |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 24 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_24_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph a -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_32_a_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 13 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 93 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=13&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_93_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 55 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_55&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Equity |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) in the number of ordinary shares issued. [Refer: Ordinary shares [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_IncreaseDecreaseInNumberOfOrdinarySharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe number of shares issued by the entity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 106 -Subparagraph d -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_106_d&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_NumberOfSharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe total of income less expenses from continuing and discontinued operations, excluding the components of other comprehensive income. [Refer: Other comprehensive income]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 18 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_18_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph a -Clause ii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_32_a_ii&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 24 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_24_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Note Effective on first application of IFRS 9 -Name IFRS -Number 4 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 39L -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=4&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-b&anchor=para_39L_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Note Effective 2023-01-01 -Name IFRS -Number 17 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 113 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=17&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_113_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 81A -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_81A_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 106 -Subparagraph d -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_106_d_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProfitLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Operating Activities |
Net income |
$ 599
$ (352)
Adjustments for non-cash items: |
Deferred income tax expense (recovery) |
Depreciation and depletion |
Accretion of reclamation provision |
(Gain) loss on investments |
Unrealized foreign exchange gain |
Unwinding of fair value adjustment |
Fair value adjustment on warrant liability |
Share-based payments |
Total adjustments for non cash |
Net change in non-cash working capital items |
Cash provided by operating activities |
Financing Activities |
Shares and units issued for cash, net of issuance costs |
Lease liability payments |
Equipment loan payments |
Cash provided by (used in) financing activities |
Investing Activities |
Exploration and evaluation expenditures |
Additions to plant, equipment and mining properties |
Acquisition of La Preciosa |
Cash provided by (used in) investing activities |
Change in cash |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash |
Cash, beginning |
Cash, ending |
$ 3,474
$ 2,697
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AdjustmentsForNonCash |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CashCashEquivalentsRestrictedCashAndRestrictedCashEquivalents |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_EquipmentLoanPayments |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_UnwindingOfFairValueAdjustmentOnTermFacility |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of additions to investment property resulting from acquisitions. [Refer: Investment property]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 40 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 76 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=40&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_76_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 40 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 79 -Subparagraph d -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=40&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_79_d_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdditionsFromAcquisitionsInvestmentProperty |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Depreciation and amortisation expense; Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForDepreciationAndAmortisationExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for provisions to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Provisions; Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForProvisions |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForReconcileProfitLossAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for share-based payments to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForSharebasedPayments |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for unrealised foreign exchange losses (gains) to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Section A Statement of cash flows for an entity other than a financial institution -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&doctype=Illustrative%20Examples&dita_xref=IAS07_IE_A__IAS07_IE_A_TI -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForUnrealisedForeignExchangeLossesGains |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash flows from (used in) financing activities, which are activities that result in changes in the size and composition of the contributed equity and borrowings of the entity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 10 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_10&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 50 -Subparagraph d -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_50_d&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash flows from (used in) investing activities, which are the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash equivalents.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 10 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_10&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 50 -Subparagraph d -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_50_d&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CashFlowsFromUsedInInvestingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CashFlowsFromUsedInInvestingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash flows from (used in) operating activities, which are the principal revenue-producing activities of the entity and other activities that are not investing or financing activities. [Refer: Revenue]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 10 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_10&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 50 -Subparagraph d -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_50_d&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CashFlowsFromUsedInOperatingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CashFlowsFromUsedInOperatingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents held or due in a foreign currency. [Refer: Cash and cash equivalents]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 25 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_25&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_EffectOfExchangeRateChangesOnCashAndCashEquivalents |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe gains (losses) on disposals of investments.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 98 -Subparagraph d -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_98_d&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_GainsLossesOnDisposalsOfInvestments |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe gains (losses) from changes in the fair value of investment property. [Refer: Investment property]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 40 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 76 -Subparagraph d -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=40&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_76_d&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_GainsLossesOnFairValueAdjustmentInvestmentProperty |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents after the effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents held in foreign currencies. [Refer: Cash and cash equivalents; Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 45 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_45&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_IncreaseDecreaseInCashAndCashEquivalents |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) in working capital.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_IncreaseDecreaseInWorkingCapital |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow for expenses incurred by an entity in connection with the exploration for, and evaluation of, mineral resources before the technical feasibility and commercial viability of extracting a mineral resource are demonstrable.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 14 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_14&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PaymentsForExplorationAndEvaluationExpenses |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow for payment of lease liabilities, classified as financing activities. [Refer: Lease liabilities]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_17_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PaymentsOfLeaseLiabilitiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe total of income less expenses from continuing and discontinued operations, excluding the components of other comprehensive income. [Refer: Other comprehensive income]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 18 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_18_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph a -Clause ii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_32_a_ii&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 24 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_24_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Note Effective on first application of IFRS 9 -Name IFRS -Number 4 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 39L -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=4&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-b&anchor=para_39L_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Note Effective 2023-01-01 -Name IFRS -Number 17 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 113 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=17&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_113_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 81A -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_81A_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 106 -Subparagraph d -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_106_d_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProfitLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow for the purchase of mining assets. [Refer: Mining assets]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 16 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_16&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PurchaseOfMiningAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
1. NATURE OF OPERATIONS Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. (the “Company” or “Avino”) was incorporated in 1968 under the laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada. The Company is engaged in the production and sale of silver, gold, and copper and the acquisition, exploration, and advancement of mineral properties. The Company’s head office and principal place of business is Suite 900, 570 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada. The Company is a reporting issuer in Canada (except for the province of Quebec) and the United States, and trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”), the NYSE American, and the Frankfurt and Berlin Stock Exchanges. The Company operates the Elena Tolosa Mine (“ET Mine” or “Avino Mine”) which produces copper, silver and gold at the historic Avino property in the state of Durango, Mexico. The Avino property also hosts the San Gonzalo Mine, which is currently on care and maintenance. The Company also holds 100% interest in Proyectos Mineros La Preciosa S.A. de C.V. (“La Preciosa”), a Mexican corporation which owns the La Preciosa Property. The Company also owns interests in mineral properties located in British Columbia and Yukon, Canada.
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
2. BASIS OF PRESENTATION Statement of Compliance These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (“IAS”) 34 – Interim Financial Reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements follow the same accounting policies and methods of application as the most recent annual audited consolidated financial statements of the Company. These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not contain all of the information required for full annual consolidated financial statements. Accordingly, these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Company’s December 31, 2023, annual consolidated financial statements, which were prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB. These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are expressed in US dollars and have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for financial instruments that have been measured at fair value. In addition, these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting on a going concern basis. The accounting policies set out in the December 31, 2023 annual consolidated financial statements are applied consistently to all periods presented in these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as if the policies have always been in effect. Basis of Presentation These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are expressed in US dollars and have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for financial instruments that have been measured at fair value. In addition, these consolidated financial statements have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting on a going concern basis. The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements as if the policies have always been in effect. Foreign Currency Translation Foreign currency transactions Transactions in currencies other than the functional currency are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions. At each financial position reporting date, monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing at the date of the statement of financial position. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are not re-translated. Foreign operations Subsidiaries that have functional currencies other than the US dollar translate their statement of operations items at the average rate during the year. Assets and liabilities are translated at exchange rates prevailing at the end of each reporting period. Exchange rate variations resulting from the retranslation at the closing rate of the net investment in these subsidiaries, together with differences between their statement of operations items translated at actual and average rates, are recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss). On disposition or partial disposition of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount of related exchange difference is recognized in the statement of operations. Significant Accounting Judgments and Estimates The Company’s management makes judgments in its process of applying the Company’s accounting policies to the preparation of its unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements. In addition, the preparation of financial data requires that the Company’s management make assumptions and estimates of the impacts on the carrying amounts of the Company’s assets and liabilities at the end of the reporting period from uncertain future events and on the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates as the estimation process is inherently uncertain. Estimates are reviewed on an ongoing basis based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant under the circumstances. Revisions to estimates and the resulting impacts on the carrying amounts of the Company’s assets and liabilities are accounted for prospectively. The critical judgments and estimates applied in the preparation of the Company’s unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2024, are consistent with those applied and disclosed in Note 2 to the Company’s audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023. Basis of Consolidation The audited consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its Mexican subsidiaries as follows: Subsidiary | | Ownership Interest | | | Jurisdiction | | Nature of Operations | | Oniva Silver and Gold Mines S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mexican administration | | Nueva Vizcaya Mining, S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mexican administration | | Promotora Avino, S.A. de C.V. (“Promotora”) | | | 79.09 | % | | Mexico | | Holding company | | Compañía Minera Mexicana de Avino, S.A. de C.V. (“Avino Mexico”) | | 98.45% direct 1.22% indirect (Promotora) 99.67% effective | | | Mexico | | Mining and exploration | | La Luna Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. | | | 100 | % | | Canada | | Holding company | | La Preciosa Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. | | | 100 | % | | Canada | | Holding company | | Proyectos Mineros La Preciosa S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mining and exploration | | Cervantes LLP | | | 100 | % | | U.S. | | Holding company | |
Intercompany balances and transactions, including unrealized income and expenses arising from intercompany transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements.
X |
- DefinitionThe disclosure of the basis used for the preparation of the financial statements.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 10 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_10_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfBasisOfPreparationOfFinancialStatementsExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
3. RECENT ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS New and amended IFRS that are effective for the current year: Certain new accounting standards and interpretations have been published that are either applicable in the current year, or are not mandatory for the current period and have not been early adopted. We have assessed these standards, and they are not expected to have a material impact on the Company in the current or future reporting periods.
X |
- DefinitionThe disclosure of changes in accounting estimates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 39 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_39&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfChangesInAccountingEstimatesExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
4. TAXES RECOVERABLE The Company’s taxes recoverable consist of the Mexican I.V.A. (“VAT”) and income taxes recoverable and Canadian sales taxes (“GST/HST”) recoverable. | | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | VAT recoverable | | $ | 2,767 | | | $ | 3,231 | | GST recoverable | | | 14 | | | | 20 | | Income taxes recoverable | | | 3,721 | | | | 3,329 | | | | $ | 6,502 | | | $ | 6,580 | |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
5. INVENTORY | | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Process material stockpiles | | $ | 2,944 | | | $ | 4,050 | | Concentrate inventory | | | 3,017 | | | | 2,448 | | Materials and supplies | | | 2,377 | | | | 2,328 | | | | $ | 8,338 | | | $ | 8,826 | |
The amount of inventory recognized as an expense for the three months ended March 31, 2024 totalled $10,054 (2023 – $7,794). See Note 13 for further details. During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company wrote down Nil of materials and supplies inventory due to obsolescence (year ended December 31, 2023 – $270).
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfInventoryExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
6. LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS The Company classifies its long-term investments as designated at fair value through profit and loss under IFRS 9. Long-term investments are summarized as follows: For the three months ended March 31, 2024: | | Fair Value December 31, | | | Net | | | Movements in foreign | | | Fair value adjustments | | | Fair Value March 31, | | | | 2023 | | | Additions | | | exchange | | | for the period | | | 2024 | | Talisker Resources Common Shares | | $ | 782 | | | $ | - | | | $ | (20 | ) | | $ | 141 | | | $ | 903 | | Silver Wolf Exploration Ltd. Common Shares | | | 71 | | | | - | | | | (2 | ) | | | 9 | | | | 78 | | Endurance Gold Corp. Common Shares | | | 81 | | | | - | | | | (1 | ) | | | (18 | ) | | | 62 | | | | $ | 934 | | | $ | - | | | $ | (23 | ) | | $ | 132 | | | $ | 1,043 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfLongTermInvestmentsExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
7. EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION ASSETS The Company has accumulated the following acquisition, exploration and evaluation costs which are not subject to depletion: | | Avino, Mexico | | | La Preciosa, Mexico | | | British Columbia & Yukon, Canada | | | Total | | | | | | | | | | | Balance, December 31, 2022 | | $ | 11,828 | | | $ | 37,975 | | | $ | 1 | | | $ | 49,804 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | La Preciosa non-core concessions transfer | | | 2,946 | | | | (2,946 | ) | | | | | | | - | | Drilling and exploration | | | 877 | | | | 435 | | | | - | | | | 1,312 | | Assessments and taxes | | | 88 | | | | (930 | ) | | | - | | | | (842 | ) | Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | 22 | | | | (122 | ) | | | - | | | | (100 | ) | Option income | | | (63 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | (63 | ) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Balance, December 31, 2023 | | $ | 15,698 | | | $ | 34,412 | | | $ | 1 | | | $ | 50,111 | | Costs incurred during 2024: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Drilling and exploration | | | 81 | | | | 662 | | | | - | | | | 743 | | Assessments and taxes | | | 100 | | | | 959 | | | | - | | | | 1,059 | | Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | (2 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | (2 | ) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Balance, March 31, 2024 | | $ | 15,877 | | | $ | 36,033 | | | $ | 1 | | | $ | 51,911 | |
(a) Avino, Mexico The Company’s subsidiary Avino Mexico owns 42 mineral claims and leases four mineral claims in the state of Durango, Mexico. The Company’s mineral claims in Mexico are divided into the following two groups: (i) Avino Mine area property The Avino Mine area property is situated around the towns of Panuco de Coronado and San Jose de Avino and surrounding the historic Avino mine site. There are four exploration concessions covering 154.4 hectares, 24 exploitation concessions covering 1,284.7 hectares, and one leased exploitation concession covering 98.83 hectares. Within the Avino Mine site area is the Company’s San Gonzalo Mine, which achieved production at levels intended by management as of October 1, 2012, and on this date accumulated exploration and evaluation costs were transferred to mining properties. (ii) Gomez Palacio/Ana Maria property The Ana Maria property is located near the town of Gomez Palacio, and consists of nine exploration concessions covering 2,549 hectares, and is also known as the Ana Maria property. Option Agreement – Silver Wolf Exploration Ltd. (formerly Gray Rock Resources Ltd.) (“Silver Wolf”) On March 11, 2021, the Company entered into an option agreement to grant Silver Wolf the exclusive right to acquire a 100% interest in the Ana Maria and El Laberinto properties in Mexico (the “Option Agreement”). All exploration expenditure requirements on the properties have been met as of March 31, 2024, and Silver Wolf is in compliance with the terms of the Option Agreement. The Option Agreement between the Company and Silver Wolf is considered a related party transaction as the two companies have directors in common. Unification La Platosa properties The Unification La Platosa properties, consisting of three leased concessions in addition to the leased concessions situated within the Avino mine area property near the towns of Panuco de Coronado and San Jose de Avino and surrounding the Avino Mine. In February 2012, the Company’s wholly-owned Mexican subsidiary entered into a new agreement with Minerales de Avino, S.A. de C.V. (“Minerales”) whereby Minerales has indirectly granted to the Company the exclusive right to explore and mine the La Platosa property known as the “ET zone”. The ET zone includes the Avino Mine, where production at levels intended by management was achieved on July 1, 2015. Under the agreement, the Company has obtained the exclusive right to explore and mine the property for an initial period of 15 years, with the option to extend the agreement for another 5 years. In consideration of the granting of these rights, the Company issued 135,189 common shares with a fair value of C$250 during the year ended December 31, 2012.The Company has agreed to pay to Minerales a royalty equal to 3.5% of net smelter returns (“NSR”). In addition, after the start of production, if the minimum monthly processing rate of the mine facilities is less than 15,000 tonnes, then the Company must pay to Minerales a minimum royalty equal to the applicable NSR royalty based on the processing at a monthly rate of 15,000 tonnes. Minerales has also granted to the Company the exclusive right to purchase a 100% interest in the property at any time during the term of the agreement (or any renewal thereof), upon payment of $8 million within 15 days of the Company’s notice of election to acquire the property. The purchase would be subject to a separate purchase agreement for the legal transfer of the property. (b) La Preciosa, Mexico On March 21, 2022, the Company received approval for the closing of the acquisition of the La Preciosa property from Coeur Mining Inc. (c) British Columbia & Yukon, Canada Eagle Property - Yukon The Company has a 100% interest in 14 quartz leases located in the Mayo Mining Division of Yukon, Canada, which collectively comprise the Eagle property. During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company sold to a subsidiary of Hecla Mining Company (“Hecla”) the Eagle Property for cash consideration of C$250. The gain on sale of the Eagle Property was recorded to “Interest and other income” on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss). Minto and Olympic-Kelvin properties – British Columbia On May 2, 2022, the Company granted Endurance Gold Corporation the right to acquire an option to earn 100% ownership of the former Minto Gold Mine, Olympic and Kelvin gold prospects contained within a parcel of crown grant and mineral claims (the “Olympic Claims”). As of March 31, 2024, Endurance was in compliance with all terms of the Option agreement.
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for exploration and evaluation assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 6 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Section Disclosure -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=6&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&doctype=Standard&dita_xref=IFRS06_g23-25__IFRS06_g23-25_TI -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfExplorationAndEvaluationAssetsExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
8. NON-CONTROLLING INTEREST At March 31, 2024, the Company had an effective 99.67% (December 31, 2023 - 99.67%) interest in its subsidiary Avino Mexico and the remaining 0.33% (December 31, 2023 - 0.33%) interest represents a non-controlling interest. The accumulated deficit and current period income attributable to the non-controlling interest are insignificant and accordingly have not been presented separately in the consolidated financial statements.
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfNonControllingInterestExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
9. PLANT, EQUIPMENT AND MINING PROPERTIES | | Mining properties | | | Office equipment, furniture, and fixtures | | | Computer equipment | | | Mine machinery and transportation equipment | | | Mill machinery and processing equipment | | | Buildings and construction in process | | | Total | | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | COST | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Balance at January 1, 2023 | | | 14,687 | | | | 763 | | | | 774 | | | | 14,930 | | | | 23,294 | | | | 14,693 | | | | 69,141 | | Additions / Transfers | | | 3,716 | | | | 78 | | | | 1,176 | | | | 3,270 | | | | 3,079 | | | | 701 | | | | 12,020 | | Writedowns | | | - | | | | (6 | ) | | | (22 | ) | | | (629 | ) | | | (141 | ) | | | - | | | | (798 | ) | Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | (28 | ) | | | 9 | | | | 1 | | | | 2 | | | | - | | | | (24 | ) | | | (40 | ) | Balance at December 31, 2023 | | | 18,375 | | | | 844 | | | | 1,929 | | | | 17,573 | | | | 26,232 | | | | 15,370 | | | | 80,323 | | Additions / Transfers | | | 187 | | | | 6 | | | | 2 | | | | 138 | | | | 409 | | | | (454 | ) | | | 288 | | Writedowns | | | - | | | | (1 | ) | | | (1 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (2 | ) | Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | 3 | | | | (2 | ) | | | 1 | | | | (1 | ) | | | - | | | | (21 | ) | | | (20 | ) | Balance at March 31, 2024 | | | 18,565 | | | | 847 | | | | 1,931 | | | | 17,710 | | | | 26,641 | | | | 14,895 | | | | 80,589 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ACCUMULATED DEPLETION AND DEPRECIATION / IMPAIRMENT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Balance at January 1, 2023 | | | 9,106 | | | | 441 | | | | 598 | | | | 5,178 | | | | 6,733 | | | | 3,029 | | | | 25,085 | | Additions / Transfers | | | 367 | | | | 111 | | | | 204 | | | | 676 | | | | 1,170 | | | | 294 | | | | 2,822 | | Writedowns | | | - | | | | (4 | ) | | | (21 | ) | | | (619 | ) | | | (9 | ) | | | - | | | | (653 | ) | Balance at December 31, 2023 | | | 9,473 | | | | 548 | | | | 781 | | | | 5,235 | | | | 7,894 | | | | 3,323 | | | | 27,254 | | Additions / Transfers | | | 103 | | | | 21 | | | | 100 | | | | 4 | | | | 480 | | | | 77 | | | | 785 | | Balance at March 31, 2024 | | | 9,576 | | | | 569 | | | | 881 | | | | 5,239 | | | | 8,374 | | | | 3,400 | | | | 28,039 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NET BOOK VALUE | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | At March 31, 2024 | | | 8,989 | | | | 278 | | | | 1,050 | | | | 12,471 | | | | 18,267 | | | | 11,495 | | | | 52,550 | | At December 31, 2023 | | | 8,902 | | | | 296 | | | | 1,148 | | | | 12,339 | | | | 18,338 | | | | 12,047 | | | | 53,069 | |
Included in Buildings and construction in process above are assets under construction of $3,341 as at March 31, 2024 (December 31, 2023 - $3,166) on which no depreciation was charged in the periods then ended. Once the assets are available for use, they will be transferred to the appropriate class of plant, equipment and mining properties. As of March 31, 2024, the Company performed an evaluation of the property plant and equipment and recorded a write-down of $1 (December 31, 2023 - $144) against the carrying value of mine and mill machinery and transportation equipment due to damage and obsolescence. As at March 31, 2024, plant, equipment and mining properties included a net carrying amount of $5,850 (December 31, 2023 - $5,832) for mining equipment and right of use assets under lease.
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- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentExplanatoryAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for property, plant and equipment.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 16 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Section Disclosure -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=16&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&doctype=Standard&dita_xref=IAS16_g73-79__IAS16_g73-79_TI -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
10. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS AND BALANCES All related party transactions are recorded at the exchange amount which is the amount agreed to by the Company and the related party. (a) Key management personnel The Company has identified its directors and certain senior officers as its key management personnel. The compensation costs for key management personnel is as follows: | | Three months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Salaries, benefits, and consulting fees | | $ | 293 | | | $ | 284 | | Share-based payments | | | 387 | | | | 321 | | | | $ | 680 | | | $ | 605 | |
(b) Amounts due to/from related parties In the normal course of operations the Company transacts with companies related to Avino’s directors or officers. All amounts payable and receivable are non-interest bearing, unsecured and due on demand. The following table summarizes the amounts were due to/(from) related parties: | | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Oniva International Services Corp. | | $ | 100 | | | $ | 102 | | Directors Fees | | | 44 | | | | - | | Silver Wolf Exploration Ltd. | | | (338 | ) | | | (269 | ) | | | $ | (194 | ) | | $ | (167 | ) |
For services provided to the Company as President and Chief Executive Officer, the Company pays Intermark Capital Corporation (“ICC”), a company controlled by David Wolfin, the Company’s President and CEO and also a director, for consulting services. For the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company paid $71 (March 31, 2023 - $71) to ICC. (c) Other related party transactions The Company has a cost sharing agreement with Oniva International Services Corp. (“Oniva”) for office and administration services. Pursuant to the cost sharing agreement, the Company will reimburse Oniva for the Company’s percentage of overhead and corporate expenses and for out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Company, with a 2.5% markup. David Wolfin, President & CEO, and a director of the Company, is the sole owner of Oniva. The cost sharing agreement may be terminated with one-month notice by either party without penalty. The transactions with Oniva are summarized below: | | Three months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Salaries and benefits | | $ | 254 | | | $ | 245 | | Office and miscellaneous | | | 133 | | | | 133 | | | | $ | 387 | | | $ | 378 | |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
11. RECLAMATION PROVISION Management’s estimate of the reclamation provision at March 31, 2024, is $2,264 (December 31, 2023 – $2,195), and the undiscounted value of the obligation is $5,627 (December 31, 2023 – $5,491). The present value of the obligation was calculated using a risk-free interest rate of 9.72% (December 31, 2023 – 9.82%) and an inflation rate of 3.88% (December 31, 2023 – 3.76%). Reclamation activities are estimated to begin in 2025 for the San Gonzalo Mine and in 2042 for the Avino Mine. A reconciliation of the changes in the Company’s reclamation provision is as follows: | | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | | | | | | | | Balance at beginning of the period | | $ | 2,195 | | | $ | 445 | | Changes in estimates | | | - | | | | 1,615 | | Unwinding of discount related to continuing operations | | | 51 | | | | 49 | | Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | 18 | | | | 86 | | Balance at end of the period | | $ | 2,264 | | | $ | 2,195 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfReclamationProvisionExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe disclosure of provisions. [Refer: Provisions]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 10 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_10_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfProvisionsExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
12. SHARE CAPITAL AND SHARE-BASED PAYMENTS (a) Authorized: Unlimited common shares without par value (b) Issued: | (i) | During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company issued 1,886,248 common shares in an at-the-market offering under prospectus supplement for gross proceeds of $926. The Company paid a 2.75% cash commission of $25 on gross proceeds, for net proceeds of $901. The Company also incurred $13 in share issuance costs related to its base shelf prospectus and prospectus supplement filings. | | | | | | During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company issued 585,265 common shares upon exercise of RSUs. As a result, $512 was recorded to share capital. | | | | | (ii) | During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company issued 9,373,825 common shares in an at-the-market offering under prospectus supplement for gross proceeds of $5,648. The Company paid a 2.75% cash commission of $155 on gross proceeds, for net proceeds of $5,493. The Company also incurred $339 in share issuance costs related to its base shelf prospectus and prospectus supplement filings. | | | | | | During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company issued 1,005,333 common shares upon exercise of RSUs. As a result, $1,019 was recorded to share capital. |
(c) Stock options: The Company has a stock option plan to purchase the Company’s common shares, under which it may grant stock options of up to 10% of the Company’s total number of shares issued and outstanding on a non-diluted basis. The stock option plan provides for the granting of stock options to directors, officers, and employees, and to persons providing investor relations or consulting services, the limits being based on the Company’s total number of issued and outstanding shares per year. The stock options vest on the date of grant, except for those issued to persons providing investor relations services, which vest over a period of one year. The option price must be greater than or equal to the discounted market price on the grant date, and the option term cannot exceed ten years from the grant date. Continuity of stock options is as follows: | | Underlying Shares | | | Weighted Average Exercise Price (C$) | | | | | | | | | Stock options outstanding, January 1, 2023 | | | 4,256,000 | | | $ | 1.36 | | Granted | | | 2,545,000 | | | $ | 1.12 | | Expired | | | (105,000 | ) | | $ | 1.30 | | Cancelled / Forfeited | | | (30,000 | ) | | $ | 1.40 | | Stock options outstanding, December 31, 2023 | | | 6,666,000 | | | $ | 1.27 | | Granted | | | 2,500,000 | | | $ | 0.78 | | Cancelled / Forfeited | | | (190,000 | ) | | $ | 1.26 | | Stock options outstanding, March 31, 2024 | | | 8,976,000 | | | $ | 1.13 | | Stock options exercisable, March 31, 2024 | | | 6,401,000 | | | $ | 1.27 | |
The following table summarizes information about the stock options outstanding and exercisable at March 31, 2024: | | | | | Outstanding | | | Exercisable | | Expiry Date | | Price (C$) | | | Number of Options | | | Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (Years) | | | Number of Options | | | Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (Years) | | August 21, 2024 | | $ | 0.79 | | | | 126,000 | | | | 0.39 | | | | 126,000 | | | | 0.39 | | August 4, 2025 | | $ | 1.64 | | | | 1,620,000 | | | | 1.35 | | | | 1,620,000 | | | | 1.35 | | March 25, 2027 | | $ | 1.20 | | | | 2,255,000 | | | | 2.98 | | | | 2,255,000 | | | | 2.98 | | May 4, 2027 | | $ | 0.92 | | | | 25,000 | | | | 3.09 | | | | 25,000 | | | | 3.09 | | March 29, 2028 | | $ | 1.12 | | | | 2,300,000 | | | | 4.00 | | | | 2,300,000 | | | | 4.00 | | July 10, 2028 | | $ | 1.12 | | | | 150,000 | | | | 4.26 | | | | 75,000 | | | | 4.26 | | March 25, 2029 | | $ | 0.78 | | | | 2,500,000 | | | | 4.99 | | | | - | | | | 4.99 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8,976,000 | | | | 3.49 | | | | 6,401,000 | | | | 2.90 | |
Valuation of stock options requires the use of estimates and assumptions including the expected stock price volatility. The expected volatility used in valuing stock options is based on volatility observed in historical periods. Changes in the underlying assumptions can materially affect the fair value estimates. The fair value of the stock options was calculated using the Black-Scholes model with the following weighted average assumptions and resulting fair values: | | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Weighted average assumptions: | | | | | | | Risk-free interest rate | | | 3.51 | % | | | 3.10 | % | Expected dividend yield | | | 0 | % | | | 0 | % | Expected warrant life (years) | | | 5 | | | | 5 | | Expected stock price volatility | | | 60.73 | % | | | 61.10 | % | Expected forfeiture rate | | | 15 | % | | | 17 | % | Weighted average fair value | | C$ | 0.43 | | | C$ | 0.60 | |
During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company charged $92 (three months ended March 31, 2023 - $62) to operations as share-based payments for the fair value of stock options granted. (d) Restricted Share Units: On April 19, 2018, the Company’s Restricted Share Unit (“RSU”) Plan was approved by its shareholders. The RSU Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee under the supervision of the Board of Directors as compensation to officers, directors, consultants, and employees. The Compensation Committee determines the terms and conditions upon which a grant is made, including any performance criteria or vesting period. Upon vesting, each RSU entitles the participant to receive one common share, provided that the participant is continuously employed with or providing services to the Company. RSUs track the value of the underlying common shares, but do not entitle the recipient to the underlying common shares until such RSUs vest, nor do they entitle a holder to exercise voting rights or any other rights attached to ownership or control of the common shares, until the RSU vests and the RSU participant receives common shares. Continuity of RSUs is as follows: | | Underlying Shares | | | Weighted Average Price (C$) | | | | | | | | | RSUs outstanding, January 1, 2023 | | | 2,190,666 | | | $ | 1.27 | | Granted | | | 1,878,320 | | | $ | 1.11 | | Exercised | | | (1,005,334 | ) | | $ | 1.37 | | Cancelled / Forfeited | | | (68,943 | ) | | $ | 1.14 | | RSUs outstanding, December 31, 2023 | | | 2,994,709 | | | $ | 1.14 | | Exercised | | | (585,265 | ) | | $ | 1.19 | | RSUs outstanding, March 31, 2024 | | | 2,409,444 | | | $ | 1.13 | |
The following table summarizes information about the RSUs outstanding at March 31, 2024: Issuance Date | | Price (C$) | | | Number of RSUs Outstanding | | March 25, 2022 | | $ | 1.19 | | | | 577,000 | | March 29, 2023 | | $ | 1.12 | | | | 1,763,124 | | July 10, 2023 | | $ | 0.94 | | | | 69,320 | | | | | | | | | 2,409,444 | |
During the three months ended March 31, 2024, no RSUs (year ended December 31, 2023 – 1,878,320) were granted. For RSUs granted in 2023, the weighted average fair value at the measurement date was C$1.11, based on the TSX market price of the Company’s shares on the date the RSUs were granted. During the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company charged $331 (March 31, 2023 - $277) to operations as share-based payments for the fair value of the RSUs vested. The fair value of the RSUs is recognized over the vesting period with reference to vesting conditions and the estimated RSUs expected to vest. (e) Earnings per share: The calculations for basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share are as follows: | | Three months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Net income (loss) for the period | | $ | 599 | | | $ | (352 | ) | Basic weighted average number of shares outstanding | | | 130,027,962 | | | | 118,572,700 | | Effect of dilutive share options, warrants, and RSUs | | | 2,994,709 | | | | 4,030,229 | | Diluted weighted average number of shares outstanding | | | 133,022,671 | | | | 122,602,929 | | Basic earnings (loss) per share | | $ | 0.00 | | | $ | (0.00 | ) | Diluted earnings (loss) per share | | $ | 0.00 | | | $ | (0.00 | ) |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfClassesOfShareCapitalAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe disclosure of classes of share capital. [Refer: Share capital [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 79 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_79_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfClassesOfShareCapitalExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
13. REVENUE AND COST OF SALES The Company’s revenues for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, are all attributable to Mexico, from shipments of concentrate from the Avino Mine. | | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Concentrate sales | | $ | 12,674 | | | $ | 9,992 | | Provisional pricing adjustments | | | (281 | ) | | | (167 | ) | | | $ | 12,393 | | | $ | 9,825 | |
Cost of sales consists of changes in inventories, direct costs including personnel costs, mine site costs, energy costs (principally diesel fuel and electricity), maintenance and repair costs, operating supplies, external services, third party transport fees, depreciation and depletion, and other expenses for the periods. Direct costs include the costs of extracting co-products. Cost of sales is based on the weighted average cost of inventory sold for the periods and consists of the following: | | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Production costs | | $ | 9,233 | | | $ | 7,304 | | Depreciation and depletion | | | 821 | | | | 670 | | | | $ | 10,054 | | | $ | 7,974 | |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for revenue and cost of sales explanatory.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfRevenueAndCostOfSalesExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_RevenueAndCostOfSalesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
14. GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES General and administrative expenses consist of the following: | | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Salaries and benefits | | $ | 396 | | | $ | 395 | | Office and miscellaneous | | | 381 | | | | 192 | | Professional fees | | | 159 | | | | 239 | | Management and consulting fees | | | 107 | | | | 106 | | Investor relations | | | 73 | | | | 81 | | Travel and promotion | | | 35 | | | | 54 | | Directors fees | | | 44 | | | | 44 | | Regulatory and compliance fees | | | 41 | | | | 38 | | Depreciation | | | 36 | | | | 35 | | | | $ | 1,272 | | | $ | 1,184 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfGeneralAndAdministrativeExpensesExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
15. COMMITMENTS The Company has a cost sharing agreement to reimburse Oniva for a percentage of its overhead expenses, to reimburse 100% of its out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Company, and to pay a percentage fee based on Oniva’s total overhead and corporate expenses. The agreement may be terminated with one-month notice by either party. Transactions and balances with Oniva are disclosed in Note 10. The Company and its subsidiaries have various operating lease agreements for their office premises, use of land, and equipment. Commitments in respect of these lease agreements are as follows: | | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Not later than one year | | $ | 214 | | | $ | 714 | | Later than one year and not later than five years | | | 1,292 | | | | 1,241 | | Later than five years | | | 4,146 | | | | 3,965 | | | | $ | 5,652 | | | $ | 5,920 | |
Office lease payments recognized as an expense during the three months ended March 31, 2024, totalled $10 (March 31, 2023 - $4).
X |
- DefinitionThe disclosure of commitments.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 10 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_10_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfCommitmentsExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
16. SUPPLEMENTARY CASH FLOW INFORMATION | | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Net change in non-cash working capital items: | | | | | | | Inventory | | $ | 418 | | | $ | (1,419 | ) | Prepaid expenses and other assets | | | (106 | ) | | | (18 | ) | Taxes recoverable | | | 78 | | | | (625 | ) | Taxes payable | | | 62 | | | | (867 | ) | Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | | (1,153 | ) | | | 1,466 | | Amounts receivable | | | 1,447 | | | | 658 | | Amounts due to related parties | | | (27 | ) | | | 39 | | | | $ | 719 | | | $ | (766 | ) |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Other non-cash supplementary information: | | | | | | | Interest paid | | $ | 64 | | | $ | 42 | | Taxes paid | | | 10 | | | | 5 | | | | $ | 74 | | | $ | 47 | | | | | | | | | | | | | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Non-cash investing and financing activities: | | | | | | | | | Shares acquired under terms of option agreements | | | - | | | | 41 | | Transfer of share-based payments reserve upon exercise of RSUs | | | 512 | | | | 512 | | Equipment acquired under finance leases and equipment loans | | | 108 | | | | 1,808 | | | | $ | 620 | | | $ | 2,361 | |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
17. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The fair values of the Company’s amounts due to related parties and accounts payable approximate their carrying values because of the short-term nature of these instruments. Cash, amounts receivable, long-term investments, and warrant liability are recorded at fair value. The carrying amounts of the Company’s equipment loans, and finance lease obligations are a reasonable approximation of their fair values based on current market rates for similar financial instruments. The Company’s financial instruments are exposed to certain financial risks, including credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk. (a) Credit Risk Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the other party by failing to discharge an obligation. The Company has exposure to credit risk through its cash, long-term investments and amounts receivable. The Company manages credit risk, in respect of cash and short-term investments, by maintaining the majority of cash and short-term investments at highly rated financial institutions. The Company is exposed to a significant concentration of credit risk with respect to its trade accounts receivable balance because all of its concentrate sales are with three (December 31, 2022 – two) counterparties (see Note 18). However, the Company has not recorded any allowance against its trade receivables because to-date all balances owed have been settled in full when due (typically within 60 days of submission) and because of the nature of the counterparties. The Company’s maximum exposure to credit risk at the end of any period is equal to the carrying amount of these financial assets as recorded in the unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position. At March 31, 2024, no amounts were held as collateral. (b) Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in satisfying financial obligations as they become due. The Company manages its liquidity risk by forecasting cash flows required by its operating, investing and financing activities. The Company had cash at March 31, 2024, in the amount of $3,474 and current assets exceeded current liabilities by $9,785 in order to meet short-term business requirements. Accounts payable have contractual maturities of approximately 30 to 90 days, or are due on demand and are subject to normal trade terms. The current portions of finance lease obligations are due within 12 months of the consolidated statement of financial position date. Amounts due to related parties are without stated terms of interest or repayment. The maturity profiles of the Company’s contractual obligations and commitments as at March 31, 2024, are summarized as follows: | | Total | | | Less Than 1 Year | | | 1-5 years | | | More Than 5 Years | | Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | $ | 10,713 | | | $ | 10,713 | | | $ | - | | | $ | - | | Minimum rental and lease payments | | | 5,652 | | | | 214 | | | | 1,292 | | | | 4,146 | | Equipment loans | | | 341 | | | | 184 | | | | 157 | | | | - | | Finance lease obligations | | | 2,962 | | | | 1,734 | | | | 1,228 | | | | - | | Total | | $ | 19,668 | | | $ | 12,845 | | | $ | 2,677 | | | $ | 4,146 | |
(c) Market Risk Market risk consists of interest rate risk, foreign currency risk and price risk. These are discussed further below. Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk consists of two components: | (i) | To the extent that payments made or received on the Company’s monetary assets and liabilities are affected by changes in the prevailing market interest rates, the Company is exposed to interest rate cash flow risk. | | | | | (ii) | To the extent that changes in prevailing market rates differ from the interest rates on the Company’s monetary assets and liabilities, the Company is exposed to interest rate price risk. |
In management’s opinion, the Company is not materially exposed to interest rate risk, as any material debt obligations that bear interest are fixed and not subject to floating interest rates. A 10% change in the interest rate would not result in a material impact on the Company’s operations. Foreign Currency Risk Foreign currency risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company is exposed to foreign currency risk to the extent that the following monetary assets and liabilities are denominated in Mexican pesos and Canadian dollars: | | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | | | MXN | | | CDN | | | MXN | | | CDN | | Cash | | $ | 8,108 | | | $ | 252 | | | $ | 13,338 | | | $ | 70 | | Due from related parties | | | 5,643 | | | | - | | | | 4,558 | | | | - | | Long-term investments | | | - | | | | 1,414 | | | | - | | | | 1,236 | | Reclamation bonds | | | - | | | | 6 | | | | - | | | | 6 | | Amounts receivable | | | 3,042 | | | | 20 | | | | 18,644 | | | | 26 | | Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | | (78,884 | ) | | | (145 | ) | | | (95,662 | ) | | | (150 | ) | Due to related parties | | | - | | | | (195 | ) | | | - | | | | (135 | ) | Finance lease obligations | | | (800 | ) | | | (179 | ) | | | (1,129 | ) | | | (217 | ) | Net exposure | | | (62,891 | ) | | | 1,173 | | | | (60,251 | ) | | | 836 | | US dollar equivalent | | $ | (3,767 | ) | | $ | 865 | | | $ | (3,567 | ) | | $ | 577 | |
Based on the net US dollar denominated asset and liability exposures as at March 31, 2024, a 10% fluctuation in the US/Mexican and Canadian/US exchange rates would impact the Company’s earnings for the three months ended March 31, 2024, by approximately $298. The Company has not entered into any foreign currency contracts to mitigate this risk. Price Risk Price risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market prices, other than those arising from interest rate risk or foreign currency risk. The Company is exposed to price risk with respect to its amounts receivable, as certain trade accounts receivable are recorded based on provisional terms that are subsequently adjusted according to quoted metal prices at the date of final settlement. Quoted metal prices are affected by numerous factors beyond the Company’s control and are subject to volatility, and the Company does not employ hedging strategies to limit its exposure to price risk. At March 31, 2024, based on outstanding accounts receivable that were subject to pricing adjustments, a 10% change in metals prices would have an impact on net earnings (loss) of approximately $106. The Company is exposed to price risk with respect to its long-term investments, as these investments are carried at fair value based on quoted market prices. Changes in market prices result in gains or losses being recognized in net income (loss). At March 31, 2024, a 10% change in market prices would have an impact on net earnings (loss) of approximately $105. The Company’s profitability and ability to raise capital to fund exploration, evaluation and production activities is subject to risks associated with fluctuations in mineral prices. Management closely monitors commodity prices, individual equity movements, and the stock market to determine the appropriate course of action to be taken by the Company. (d) Classification of Financial Instruments IFRS 13 Financial Instruments: Disclosures establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value as follows: Level 1 – quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities; Level 2 – inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e., as prices) or indirectly (i.e., derived from prices); and Level 3 – inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs). The following table sets forth the Company’s financial assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis by level within the fair value hierarchy as at March 31, 2024: | | Level 1 | | | Level 2 | | | Level 3 | | Financial assets | | | | | | | | | | Cash | | $ | 3,474 | | | $ | - | | | $ | - | | Amounts receivable | | | - | | | | 1,856 | | | | - | | Long-term investments | | | 1,043 | | | | - | | | | - | | Total financial assets | | $ | 4,517 | | | $ | 1,856 | | | $ | - | |
The Company uses Black-Scholes model to measure its Level 3 financial instruments. As at March 31, 2024 the Company’s has no Level 3 financial instruments.
X |
- DefinitionThe disclosure of derivative financial instruments. [Refer: Derivatives [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 10 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_10_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
18. SEGMENTED INFORMATION The Company reviews its segment reporting to ensure it reflects the operational structure of the Company and enables the Company's Chief Operating Decision Maker (the Company’s CEO) to review operating segment performance. We have determined that each producing mine represents an operating segment, of which there is one as of March 31, 2024. The Company’s revenues for the three months ended March 31, 2024 of $12,393 (March 31, 2023 - $9,825) are all attributable to Mexico, from shipments of concentrate produced by the Avino Mine, and is considered to be one single reportable operating segment. On the condensed consolidated interim statements of operations, the Company had revenue from the following product mixes: | | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | | | | | | | | Silver | | $ | 5,036 | | | $ | 3,608 | | Gold | | | 3,033 | | | | 3,135 | | Copper | | | 5,906 | | | | 4,689 | | Penalties, treatment costs and refining charges | | | (1,582 | ) | | | (1,607 | ) | Total revenue from mining operations | | $ | 12,393 | | | $ | 9,825 | |
For the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company had the following customers that accounted for total revenues as follows: | | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Customer #1 | | $ | 8,596 | | | $ | 9,225 | | Customer #2 | | | 3,784 | | | | 600 | | Other customers | | | 13 | | | | - | | Total revenue from mining operations | | $ | 12,393 | | | $ | 9,825 | |
Geographical information relating to the Company’s non-current assets (other than financial instruments) is as follows: | | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Exploration and evaluation assets - Mexico | | $ | 51,910 | | | $ | 50,110 | | Exploration and evaluation assets - Canada | | | 1 | | | | 1 | | Total exploration and evaluation assets | | $ | 51,911 | | | $ | 50,111 | |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Plant, equipment, and mining properties - Mexico | | $ | 52,398 | | | $ | 52,891 | | Plant, equipment, and mining properties - Canada | | | 152 | | | | 178 | | Total plant, equipment, and mining properties | | $ | 52,550 | | | $ | 53,069 | |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
19. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS At-The-Market Sales – Subsequent to March 31, 2024, the Company issued 1,256,000 common shares in at-the-market offerings under prospectus supplement for gross proceeds of $993.
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- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_SubsequentEventsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_SubsequentEventsdisclosuretextblock |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Statement of Compliance |
These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (“IAS”) 34 – Interim Financial Reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements follow the same accounting policies and methods of application as the most recent annual audited consolidated financial statements of the Company. These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not contain all of the information required for full annual consolidated financial statements. Accordingly, these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Company’s December 31, 2023, annual consolidated financial statements, which were prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB. These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are expressed in US dollars and have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for financial instruments that have been measured at fair value. In addition, these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting on a going concern basis. The accounting policies set out in the December 31, 2023 annual consolidated financial statements are applied consistently to all periods presented in these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as if the policies have always been in effect.
Basis of Presentation |
These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are expressed in US dollars and have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for financial instruments that have been measured at fair value. In addition, these consolidated financial statements have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting on a going concern basis. The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements as if the policies have always been in effect.
Foreign currency translation |
Foreign currency transactions Transactions in currencies other than the functional currency are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions. At each financial position reporting date, monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing at the date of the statement of financial position. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are not re-translated. Foreign operations Subsidiaries that have functional currencies other than the US dollar translate their statement of operations items at the average rate during the year. Assets and liabilities are translated at exchange rates prevailing at the end of each reporting period. Exchange rate variations resulting from the retranslation at the closing rate of the net investment in these subsidiaries, together with differences between their statement of operations items translated at actual and average rates, are recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss). On disposition or partial disposition of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount of related exchange difference is recognized in the statement of operations.
Significant accounting judgments and estimates |
The Company’s management makes judgments in its process of applying the Company’s accounting policies to the preparation of its unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements. In addition, the preparation of financial data requires that the Company’s management make assumptions and estimates of the impacts on the carrying amounts of the Company’s assets and liabilities at the end of the reporting period from uncertain future events and on the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates as the estimation process is inherently uncertain. Estimates are reviewed on an ongoing basis based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant under the circumstances. Revisions to estimates and the resulting impacts on the carrying amounts of the Company’s assets and liabilities are accounted for prospectively. The critical judgments and estimates applied in the preparation of the Company’s unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2024, are consistent with those applied and disclosed in Note 2 to the Company’s audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Basis of consolidation |
The audited consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its Mexican subsidiaries as follows: Subsidiary | | Ownership Interest | | | Jurisdiction | | Nature of Operations | | Oniva Silver and Gold Mines S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mexican administration | | Nueva Vizcaya Mining, S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mexican administration | | Promotora Avino, S.A. de C.V. (“Promotora”) | | | 79.09 | % | | Mexico | | Holding company | | Compañía Minera Mexicana de Avino, S.A. de C.V. (“Avino Mexico”) | | 98.45% direct 1.22% indirect (Promotora) 99.67% effective | | | Mexico | | Mining and exploration | | La Luna Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. | | | 100 | % | | Canada | | Holding company | | La Preciosa Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. | | | 100 | % | | Canada | | Holding company | | Proyectos Mineros La Preciosa S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mining and exploration | | Cervantes LLP | | | 100 | % | | U.S. | | Holding company | |
Intercompany balances and transactions, including unrealized income and expenses arising from intercompany transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements.
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- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForBasisofConsolidationExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForBasisofPresentationExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForSignificantAccountingJudgmentsandEstimatesExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForStatementOfComplianceExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionExpiry date 2023-01-01: The description of the entity's accounting policy for foreign currency translation.
Effective 2023-01-01: The description of the entity's material accounting policy information for foreign currency translation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Note Effective 2023-01-01 -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 117 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_117&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Note Expiry date 2023-01-01 -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 117 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-b&anchor=para_117_b&doctype=Standard&forcepdf=true -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForForeignCurrencyTranslationExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule of Audited Consolidated Financial Statements |
Subsidiary | | Ownership Interest | | | Jurisdiction | | Nature of Operations | | Oniva Silver and Gold Mines S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mexican administration | | Nueva Vizcaya Mining, S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mexican administration | | Promotora Avino, S.A. de C.V. (“Promotora”) | | | 79.09 | % | | Mexico | | Holding company | | Compañía Minera Mexicana de Avino, S.A. de C.V. (“Avino Mexico”) | | 98.45% direct 1.22% indirect (Promotora) 99.67% effective | | | Mexico | | Mining and exploration | | La Luna Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. | | | 100 | % | | Canada | | Holding company | | La Preciosa Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. | | | 100 | % | | Canada | | Holding company | | Proyectos Mineros La Preciosa S.A. de C.V. | | | 100 | % | | Mexico | | Mining and exploration | | Cervantes LLP | | | 100 | % | | U.S. | | Holding company | |
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- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfAuditedConsolidatedFinancialStatementstabletextblock |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of Inventory |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Process material stockpiles | | $ | 2,944 | | | $ | 4,050 | | Concentrate inventory | | | 3,017 | | | | 2,448 | | Materials and supplies | | | 2,377 | | | | 2,328 | | | | $ | 8,338 | | | $ | 8,826 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutInventoryExplanatoryTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of Long-term Investments |
| | Fair Value December 31, | | | Net | | | Movements in foreign | | | Fair value adjustments | | | Fair Value March 31, | | | | 2023 | | | Additions | | | exchange | | | for the period | | | 2024 | | Talisker Resources Common Shares | | $ | 782 | | | $ | - | | | $ | (20 | ) | | $ | 141 | | | $ | 903 | | Silver Wolf Exploration Ltd. Common Shares | | | 71 | | | | - | | | | (2 | ) | | | 9 | | | | 78 | | Endurance Gold Corp. Common Shares | | | 81 | | | | - | | | | (1 | ) | | | (18 | ) | | | 62 | | | | $ | 934 | | | $ | - | | | $ | (23 | ) | | $ | 132 | | | $ | 1,043 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfLongtermInvestmentsTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of Exploration And Evaluation Costs |
| | Avino, Mexico | | | La Preciosa, Mexico | | | British Columbia & Yukon, Canada | | | Total | | | | | | | | | | | Balance, December 31, 2022 | | $ | 11,828 | | | $ | 37,975 | | | $ | 1 | | | $ | 49,804 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | La Preciosa non-core concessions transfer | | | 2,946 | | | | (2,946 | ) | | | | | | | - | | Drilling and exploration | | | 877 | | | | 435 | | | | - | | | | 1,312 | | Assessments and taxes | | | 88 | | | | (930 | ) | | | - | | | | (842 | ) | Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | 22 | | | | (122 | ) | | | - | | | | (100 | ) | Option income | | | (63 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | (63 | ) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Balance, December 31, 2023 | | $ | 15,698 | | | $ | 34,412 | | | $ | 1 | | | $ | 50,111 | | Costs incurred during 2024: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Drilling and exploration | | | 81 | | | | 662 | | | | - | | | | 743 | | Assessments and taxes | | | 100 | | | | 959 | | | | - | | | | 1,059 | | Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | (2 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | (2 | ) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Balance, March 31, 2024 | | $ | 15,877 | | | $ | 36,033 | | | $ | 1 | | | $ | 51,911 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfExplorationAndEvaluationCosts |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of Plant, Equipment And Mining Properties |
| | Mining properties | | | Office equipment, furniture, and fixtures | | | Computer equipment | | | Mine machinery and transportation equipment | | | Mill machinery and processing equipment | | | Buildings and construction in process | | | Total | | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | | $ | | COST | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Balance at January 1, 2023 | | | 14,687 | | | | 763 | | | | 774 | | | | 14,930 | | | | 23,294 | | | | 14,693 | | | | 69,141 | | Additions / Transfers | | | 3,716 | | | | 78 | | | | 1,176 | | | | 3,270 | | | | 3,079 | | | | 701 | | | | 12,020 | | Writedowns | | | - | | | | (6 | ) | | | (22 | ) | | | (629 | ) | | | (141 | ) | | | - | | | | (798 | ) | Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | (28 | ) | | | 9 | | | | 1 | | | | 2 | | | | - | | | | (24 | ) | | | (40 | ) | Balance at December 31, 2023 | | | 18,375 | | | | 844 | | | | 1,929 | | | | 17,573 | | | | 26,232 | | | | 15,370 | | | | 80,323 | | Additions / Transfers | | | 187 | | | | 6 | | | | 2 | | | | 138 | | | | 409 | | | | (454 | ) | | | 288 | | Writedowns | | | - | | | | (1 | ) | | | (1 | ) | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | (2 | ) | Effect of movements in exchange rates | | | 3 | | | | (2 | ) | | | 1 | | | | (1 | ) | | | - | | | | (21 | ) | | | (20 | ) | Balance at March 31, 2024 | | | 18,565 | | | | 847 | | | | 1,931 | | | | 17,710 | | | | 26,641 | | | | 14,895 | | | | 80,589 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ACCUMULATED DEPLETION AND DEPRECIATION / IMPAIRMENT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Balance at January 1, 2023 | | | 9,106 | | | | 441 | | | | 598 | | | | 5,178 | | | | 6,733 | | | | 3,029 | | | | 25,085 | | Additions / Transfers | | | 367 | | | | 111 | | | | 204 | | | | 676 | | | | 1,170 | | | | 294 | | | | 2,822 | | Writedowns | | | - | | | | (4 | ) | | | (21 | ) | | | (619 | ) | | | (9 | ) | | | - | | | | (653 | ) | Balance at December 31, 2023 | | | 9,473 | | | | 548 | | | | 781 | | | | 5,235 | | | | 7,894 | | | | 3,323 | | | | 27,254 | | Additions / Transfers | | | 103 | | | | 21 | | | | 100 | | | | 4 | | | | 480 | | | | 77 | | | | 785 | | Balance at March 31, 2024 | | | 9,576 | | | | 569 | | | | 881 | | | | 5,239 | | | | 8,374 | | | | 3,400 | | | | 28,039 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NET BOOK VALUE | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | At March 31, 2024 | | | 8,989 | | | | 278 | | | | 1,050 | | | | 12,471 | | | | 18,267 | | | | 11,495 | | | | 52,550 | | At December 31, 2023 | | | 8,902 | | | | 296 | | | | 1,148 | | | | 12,339 | | | | 18,338 | | | | 12,047 | | | | 53,069 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentExplanatoryAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutDueToRelatedPartiesTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutRelatedPartyTransactionsAndBalancesTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutRelatedPartyTransactionsWithOnivaTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfReclamationProvisionExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ReconciliationOfTheChangesInTheCompanySReclamationProvision |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of Stock Options |
| | Underlying Shares | | | Weighted Average Exercise Price (C$) | | | | | | | | | Stock options outstanding, January 1, 2023 | | | 4,256,000 | | | $ | 1.36 | | Granted | | | 2,545,000 | | | $ | 1.12 | | Expired | | | (105,000 | ) | | $ | 1.30 | | Cancelled / Forfeited | | | (30,000 | ) | | $ | 1.40 | | Stock options outstanding, December 31, 2023 | | | 6,666,000 | | | $ | 1.27 | | Granted | | | 2,500,000 | | | $ | 0.78 | | Cancelled / Forfeited | | | (190,000 | ) | | $ | 1.26 | | Stock options outstanding, March 31, 2024 | | | 8,976,000 | | | $ | 1.13 | | Stock options exercisable, March 31, 2024 | | | 6,401,000 | | | $ | 1.27 | |
Schedule Of Stock Options Outsanding And Exercisable |
| | | | | Outstanding | | | Exercisable | | Expiry Date | | Price (C$) | | | Number of Options | | | Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (Years) | | | Number of Options | | | Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (Years) | | August 21, 2024 | | $ | 0.79 | | | | 126,000 | | | | 0.39 | | | | 126,000 | | | | 0.39 | | August 4, 2025 | | $ | 1.64 | | | | 1,620,000 | | | | 1.35 | | | | 1,620,000 | | | | 1.35 | | March 25, 2027 | | $ | 1.20 | | | | 2,255,000 | | | | 2.98 | | | | 2,255,000 | | | | 2.98 | | May 4, 2027 | | $ | 0.92 | | | | 25,000 | | | | 3.09 | | | | 25,000 | | | | 3.09 | | March 29, 2028 | | $ | 1.12 | | | | 2,300,000 | | | | 4.00 | | | | 2,300,000 | | | | 4.00 | | July 10, 2028 | | $ | 1.12 | | | | 150,000 | | | | 4.26 | | | | 75,000 | | | | 4.26 | | March 25, 2029 | | $ | 0.78 | | | | 2,500,000 | | | | 4.99 | | | | - | | | | 4.99 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8,976,000 | | | | 3.49 | | | | 6,401,000 | | | | 2.90 | |
Schedule of fair value of the stock options was calculated using the Black-Scholes model |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Weighted average assumptions: | | | | | | | Risk-free interest rate | | | 3.51 | % | | | 3.10 | % | Expected dividend yield | | | 0 | % | | | 0 | % | Expected warrant life (years) | | | 5 | | | | 5 | | Expected stock price volatility | | | 60.73 | % | | | 61.10 | % | Expected forfeiture rate | | | 15 | % | | | 17 | % | Weighted average fair value | | C$ | 0.43 | | | C$ | 0.60 | |
Schedule Of Rsu Outstanding |
| | Underlying Shares | | | Weighted Average Price (C$) | | | | | | | | | RSUs outstanding, January 1, 2023 | | | 2,190,666 | | | $ | 1.27 | | Granted | | | 1,878,320 | | | $ | 1.11 | | Exercised | | | (1,005,334 | ) | | $ | 1.37 | | Cancelled / Forfeited | | | (68,943 | ) | | $ | 1.14 | | RSUs outstanding, December 31, 2023 | | | 2,994,709 | | | $ | 1.14 | | Exercised | | | (585,265 | ) | | $ | 1.19 | | RSUs outstanding, March 31, 2024 | | | 2,409,444 | | | $ | 1.13 | |
Schedule of summarizes information about the RSUs |
Issuance Date | | Price (C$) | | | Number of RSUs Outstanding | | March 25, 2022 | | $ | 1.19 | | | | 577,000 | | March 29, 2023 | | $ | 1.12 | | | | 1,763,124 | | July 10, 2023 | | $ | 0.94 | | | | 69,320 | | | | | | | | | 2,409,444 | |
Schedule Of Basic Earnings Per Share And Diluted Earnings Per Share |
| | Three months ended March 31, | | | | 2024 | | | 2023 | | Net income (loss) for the period | | $ | 599 | | | $ | (352 | ) | Basic weighted average number of shares outstanding | | | 130,027,962 | | | | 118,572,700 | | Effect of dilutive share options, warrants, and RSUs | | | 2,994,709 | | | | 4,030,229 | | Diluted weighted average number of shares outstanding | | | 133,022,671 | | | | 122,602,929 | | Basic earnings (loss) per share | | $ | 0.00 | | | $ | (0.00 | ) | Diluted earnings (loss) per share | | $ | 0.00 | | | $ | (0.00 | ) |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfBasicEarningsPerShareAndDilutedEarningsPerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfFairValueOfTheStockOptionsWasCalculatedUsingTheBlackScholesModel |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfRsuOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfStockOptions |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfStockOptionsOutsandingAndExercisable |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfSummarizesInformationAboutTheRsustabletextblock |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfClassesOfShareCapitalAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of Revenue |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Concentrate sales | | $ | 12,674 | | | $ | 9,992 | | Provisional pricing adjustments | | | (281 | ) | | | (167 | ) | | | $ | 12,393 | | | $ | 9,825 | |
Schedule Of Cost Of Sales |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Production costs | | $ | 9,233 | | | $ | 7,304 | | Depreciation and depletion | | | 821 | | | | 670 | | | | $ | 10,054 | | | $ | 7,974 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_RevenueAndCostOfSalesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfCostOfSales |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfRevenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of General And Administrative Expenses |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Salaries and benefits | | $ | 396 | | | $ | 395 | | Office and miscellaneous | | | 381 | | | | 192 | | Professional fees | | | 159 | | | | 239 | | Management and consulting fees | | | 107 | | | | 106 | | Investor relations | | | 73 | | | | 81 | | Travel and promotion | | | 35 | | | | 54 | | Directors fees | | | 44 | | | | 44 | | Regulatory and compliance fees | | | 41 | | | | 38 | | Depreciation | | | 36 | | | | 35 | | | | $ | 1,272 | | | $ | 1,184 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfGeneralAndAdministrativeExpenses |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of Commitments |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Not later than one year | | $ | 214 | | | $ | 714 | | Later than one year and not later than five years | | | 1,292 | | | | 1,241 | | Later than five years | | | 4,146 | | | | 3,965 | | | | $ | 5,652 | | | $ | 5,920 | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfCommitments |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of Supplement Cash Flow Information |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Net change in non-cash working capital items: | | | | | | | Inventory | | $ | 418 | | | $ | (1,419 | ) | Prepaid expenses and other assets | | | (106 | ) | | | (18 | ) | Taxes recoverable | | | 78 | | | | (625 | ) | Taxes payable | | | 62 | | | | (867 | ) | Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | | (1,153 | ) | | | 1,466 | | Amounts receivable | | | 1,447 | | | | 658 | | Amounts due to related parties | | | (27 | ) | | | 39 | | | | $ | 719 | | | $ | (766 | ) |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Other non-cash supplementary information: | | | | | | | Interest paid | | $ | 64 | | | $ | 42 | | Taxes paid | | | 10 | | | | 5 | | | | $ | 74 | | | $ | 47 | | | | | | | | | | | | | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Non-cash investing and financing activities: | | | | | | | | | Shares acquired under terms of option agreements | | | - | | | | 41 | | Transfer of share-based payments reserve upon exercise of RSUs | | | 512 | | | | 512 | | Equipment acquired under finance leases and equipment loans | | | 108 | | | | 1,808 | | | | $ | 620 | | | $ | 2,361 | |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of Contractual Obligations And Commitments |
| | Total | | | Less Than 1 Year | | | 1-5 years | | | More Than 5 Years | | Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | $ | 10,713 | | | $ | 10,713 | | | $ | - | | | $ | - | | Minimum rental and lease payments | | | 5,652 | | | | 214 | | | | 1,292 | | | | 4,146 | | Equipment loans | | | 341 | | | | 184 | | | | 157 | | | | - | | Finance lease obligations | | | 2,962 | | | | 1,734 | | | | 1,228 | | | | - | | Total | | $ | 19,668 | | | $ | 12,845 | | | $ | 2,677 | | | $ | 4,146 | |
Schedule Of Foreign Currency Risk |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | | | MXN | | | CDN | | | MXN | | | CDN | | Cash | | $ | 8,108 | | | $ | 252 | | | $ | 13,338 | | | $ | 70 | | Due from related parties | | | 5,643 | | | | - | | | | 4,558 | | | | - | | Long-term investments | | | - | | | | 1,414 | | | | - | | | | 1,236 | | Reclamation bonds | | | - | | | | 6 | | | | - | | | | 6 | | Amounts receivable | | | 3,042 | | | | 20 | | | | 18,644 | | | | 26 | | Accounts payable and accrued liabilities | | | (78,884 | ) | | | (145 | ) | | | (95,662 | ) | | | (150 | ) | Due to related parties | | | - | | | | (195 | ) | | | - | | | | (135 | ) | Finance lease obligations | | | (800 | ) | | | (179 | ) | | | (1,129 | ) | | | (217 | ) | Net exposure | | | (62,891 | ) | | | 1,173 | | | | (60,251 | ) | | | 836 | | US dollar equivalent | | $ | (3,767 | ) | | $ | 865 | | | $ | (3,567 | ) | | $ | 577 | |
Schedule Of Fair Value On Recurring Basis |
| | Level 1 | | | Level 2 | | | Level 3 | | Financial assets | | | | | | | | | | Cash | | $ | 3,474 | | | $ | - | | | $ | - | | Amounts receivable | | | - | | | | 1,856 | | | | - | | Long-term investments | | | 1,043 | | | | - | | | | - | | Total financial assets | | $ | 4,517 | | | $ | 1,856 | | | $ | - | |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfContractualObligationsAndCommitments |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfFairValueOnRecurringBasis |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ScheduleOfForeignCurrencyRisk |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
nonnum:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Schedule Of consolidated statements of operations forrevenue |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | | | | | | | | Silver | | $ | 5,036 | | | $ | 3,608 | | Gold | | | 3,033 | | | | 3,135 | | Copper | | | 5,906 | | | | 4,689 | | Penalties, treatment costs and refining charges | | | (1,582 | ) | | | (1,607 | ) | Total revenue from mining operations | | $ | 12,393 | | | $ | 9,825 | |
Schedule Of customers accounted for total revenues |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | March 31, 2023 | | Customer #1 | | $ | 8,596 | | | $ | 9,225 | | Customer #2 | | | 3,784 | | | | 600 | | Other customers | | | 13 | | | | - | | Total revenue from mining operations | | $ | 12,393 | | | $ | 9,825 | |
Schedule Of Geographical information relating non-current assets |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Exploration and evaluation assets - Mexico | | $ | 51,910 | | | $ | 50,110 | | Exploration and evaluation assets - Canada | | | 1 | | | | 1 | | Total exploration and evaluation assets | | $ | 51,911 | | | $ | 50,111 | |
| | March 31, 2024 | | | December 31, 2023 | | Plant, equipment, and mining properties - Mexico | | $ | 52,398 | | | $ | 52,891 | | Plant, equipment, and mining properties - Canada | | | 152 | | | | 178 | | Total plant, equipment, and mining properties | | $ | 52,550 | | | $ | 53,069 | |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for separate financial statements.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 27 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Section Disclosure -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=27&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&doctype=Standard&dita_xref=IAS27_g15-17__IAS27_g15-17_TI -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Section Objective -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&doctype=Standard&dita_xref=IFRS12_g1-4__IFRS12_g1-4_TI -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfConsolidatedAndSeparateFinancialStatementsExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for revenue from contracts with customers.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 15 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Section Presentation -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=15&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&doctype=Standard&dita_xref=IFRS15_g105-109__IFRS15_g105-109_TI -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 15 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Section Disclosure -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=15&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&doctype=Standard&dita_xref=IFR15_g110-129_IFRS15_g110-129_TI -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfRevenueFromContractsWithCustomersExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_Jurisdiction |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ProportionOfOwnershipInterestDirectInSubsidiary |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ProportionOfOwnershipInterestInEffective |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ProportionOfOwnershipInterestIndirectInSubsidiary |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe proportion of ownership interest in a subsidiary attributable to the entity. [Refer: Subsidiaries [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 27 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph b -Clause iii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=27&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_17_b_iii&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 27 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 16 -Subparagraph b -Clause iii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=27&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_16_b_iii&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 19B -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_19B_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProportionOfOwnershipInterestInSubsidiary |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_OnivaSilverAndGoldMinesSADeCVMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_NuevaVizcayaMiningSAdeCVMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_LaPreciosaSilverGoldMinesLtdMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_LaLunaSilverGoldMinesLtdMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_ProyectosMinerosLaPreciosaSAdeCVMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_CervantesLLPMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_CompaniaMineraMexicanaDeAvinoMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_GoodsAndServicesTaxRecoverable |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe excess of amount paid for current tax in respect of current and prior periods over the amount due for those periods. Current tax is the amount of income taxes payable (recoverable) in respect of the taxable profit (tax loss) for a period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph n -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_n&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentTaxAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of receivables related to a value added tax.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ValueAddedTaxReceivables |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
INVENTORY (Details) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Process Material Stockpiles |
$ 2,944
$ 4,050
Concentrate Inventory |
Materials And Supplies |
Inventories |
$ 8,338
$ 8,826
X |
- DefinitionA classification of current inventory representing the amount of ore stockpiles. [Refer: Inventories]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 2 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 37 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=2&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_37&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentOreStockpiles |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of current inventories. [Refer: Inventories]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 2 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 36 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=2&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_36_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph g -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_g&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 68 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_68&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Inventories |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionA classification of current inventory representing the amount of supplies to be used for the production process. [Refer: Inventories]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 2 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 37 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=2&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_37&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProductionSupplies |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionA classification of current inventory representing the amount of assets to be consumed in the production process or in the rendering of services. [Refer: Inventories]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 2 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 37 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=2&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_37&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_RawMaterials |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AmountOfInventoryRecognizedAsDepreciationAndDepletionExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_InventoryWritedown |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
LONG TERM INVESTMENTS (Details) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024
USD ($)
Statement [Line Items] |
Fair Value Of Long Term Investments, Beggining Balance |
$ 934
Net Additions And (warrants Exercised) |
Movements In Foreign Exchange |
Fair Value Adjustments For The Period |
Fair Value Of Long Term Investments, Ending Balance |
Talisker Resources Ltd [Member] | Common Shares [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Fair Value Of Long Term Investments, Beggining Balance |
Net Additions And (warrants Exercised) |
Movements In Foreign Exchange |
Fair Value Adjustments For The Period |
Fair Value Of Long Term Investments, Ending Balance |
Endurance Gold Corp. Common Shares |
Statement [Line Items] |
Fair Value Of Long Term Investments, Beggining Balance |
Net Additions And (warrants Exercised) |
Movements In Foreign Exchange |
Fair Value Adjustments For The Period |
Fair Value Of Long Term Investments, Ending Balance |
Silver Wolf Exploration Ltd. [Member] | Common Share [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Fair Value Of Long Term Investments, Beggining Balance |
Net Additions And (warrants Exercised) |
Movements In Foreign Exchange |
Fair Value Adjustments For The Period |
Fair Value Of Long Term Investments, Ending Balance |
$ 78
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_FairValueOfLongTermInvestmentsBegginingBalance |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_FairValueOfLongTermInvestmentsEndingBalance |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_NetAdditionsAndWarrantsExercised |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for fair value losses (gains) to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForFairValueGainsLosses |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) in financial assets resulting from foreign exchange and other movements. [Refer: Financial assets]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph IG20B -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_IG20B&doctype=Implementation%20Guidance -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 35H -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_35H&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_IncreaseDecreaseThroughForeignExchangeAndOtherMovementsFinancialAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_TaliskerResourcesLtdMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ComponentsOfEquityAxis=avino_CommonSharesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_EnduranceGoldCorpCommonSharesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_SilverWolfExplorationLtdMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfOrdinarySharesAxis=avino_CommonShareMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION ASSETS (Details) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
12 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning balance |
$ 50,111
$ 49,804
Drilling and exploration |
Assessments and taxes |
Effect of movements in exchange rates |
La preciosa non-core concessions transfer |
Option income |
Ending balance |
Avino, Mexico City [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning balance |
Drilling and exploration |
Assessments and taxes |
Effect of movements in exchange rates |
La preciosa non-core concessions transfer |
Option income |
Ending balance |
British Columbia & Yukon, Canada [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning balance |
Drilling and exploration |
Assessments and taxes |
Effect of movements in exchange rates |
Option income |
Ending balance |
La Preciosa, Mexico [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning balance |
Drilling and exploration |
Assessments and taxes |
Effect of movements in exchange rates |
La preciosa non-core concessions transfer |
Option income |
Ending balance |
$ 36,033
$ 34,412
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AssessmentsAndTaxes |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_NonCoreMineRightConcessionsTransfer |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_OptionIncome |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of exploration and evaluation assets recognised as intangible assets in accordance with the entity's accounting policy. [Refer: Exploration and evaluation assets [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 6 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 25 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=6&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_25&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 38 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 119 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=38&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_119&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_IntangibleExplorationAndEvaluationAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow for the purchase of exploration and evaluation assets. [Refer: Exploration and evaluation assets [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 16 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_16&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PurchaseOfExplorationAndEvaluationAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount that represents the difference between the tax expense (income) and the product of the accounting profit multiplied by the applicable tax rate(s) that relates to foreign tax rates. [Refer: Accounting profit]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 81 -Subparagraph c -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_81_c_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TaxEffectOfForeignTaxRates |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_SegmentsAxis=avino_AvinoMexicoCityMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_SegmentsAxis=avino_BritishColumbiaAndYukonCanadaMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_SegmentsAxis=avino_LaPreciosaMexicoMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION ASSETS (Details Narrative) $ in Thousands, $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
12 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024
USD ($)
Dec. 31, 2012
CAD ($)
Dec. 31, 2023
Durango, Mexico [Member] | Unification La Platosa properties [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Description For Exploration Period |
the Company has obtained the exclusive right to explore and mine the property for an initial period of 15 years, with the option to extend the agreement for another 5 years
Exploration And Mining Rights Acquisition Consideration Transferred, Shares Issued | shares |
Exploration And Mining Rights Acquisition Consideration Transferred Shares Issued, Value | $ |
$ 250
Durango, Mexico [Member] | Unification La Platosa properties [Member] | Minerales [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Description Of Royalty Terms |
The Company has agreed to pay to Minerales a royalty equal to 3.5% of net smelter returns (“NSR”). In addition, after the start of production, if the minimum monthly processing rate of the mine facilities is less than 15,000 tonnes, then the Company must pay to Minerales a minimum royalty equal to the applicable NSR royalty based on the processing at a monthly rate of 15,000 tonnes
Description For Exclusive Right Acquisition Under Agreement |
Minerales has also granted to the Company the exclusive right to purchase a 100% interest in the property at any time during the term of the agreement (or any renewal thereof), upon payment of $8 million within 15 days of the Company’s notice of election to acquire the property. The purchase would be subject to a separate purchase agreement for the legal transfer of the property
9 Concessions [Member] | Durango, Mexico [Member] | Gomez Palacio property [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Area Of Exploitation Concessions |
Avino Mine Area Property [Member] | 24 Concessions [Member] | Durango, Mexico [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Area Of Exploitation Concessions |
Number Of Exploitation Concessions | integer |
Avino Mine Area Property [Member] | 1 Concessions [Member] | Durango, Mexico [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Area Of Exploitation Concessions |
La Preciosa, Mexico [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Area Of Exploitation Concessions |
Avino, Mexico [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Number Of Mineral Claims Owned By Avino Mexico | integer |
Eagle property option agreement [Member] | Mayo Mining Division [Member] | Yukon, Canada [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Terms Of Agreement |
The Company has a 100% interest in 14 quartz leases located in the Mayo Mining Division of Yukon, Canada, which collectively comprise the Eagle property
Cash Consideration | $ |
$ 250
Silver Wolf Exploration Ltd. [Member] | Option Agreement [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Ownership Percentage |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AreaOfExploitationConcessions |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:areaItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CashConsideration |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DescriptionForExclusiveRightAcquisitionUnderAgreement |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DescriptionForExplorationPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DescriptionOfRoyaltyTerms |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ExplorationAndMiningRightsAcquisitionConsiderationTransferredSharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ExplorationAndMiningRightsAcquisitionConsiderationTransferredSharesIssuedValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_NumberOfExploitationConcessions |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:integerItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_NumberOfMineralClaims |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:integerItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_TermsOfAgreement |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe proportion of ownership interest in a subsidiary attributable to the entity. [Refer: Subsidiaries [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 27 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph b -Clause iii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=27&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_17_b_iii&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 27 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 16 -Subparagraph b -Clause iii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=27&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_16_b_iii&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 19B -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_19B_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProportionOfOwnershipInterestInSubsidiary |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_GeographicalAreasAxis=avino_DurangoMexicoMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByOperatingLeaseStatusAxis=avino_UnificationLaPlatosaPropertiesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfProvisionsAxis=avino_NineConcessionsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByOperatingLeaseStatusAxis=avino_GomezPalacioPropertyMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillAxis=avino_AvinoMineAreaPropertysMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfProvisionsAxis=avino_TwentyFourConcessionsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillAxis=avino_AvinoMineAreaPropertyMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfProvisionsAxis=avino_OneConcessionsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_SegmentsAxis=avino_LaPreciosaMexicoMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_SegmentsAxis=avino_AvinoMexicoMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfFinancialAssetsAxis=avino_EaglePropertyOptionAgreementMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillAxis=avino_MayoMiningDivisionMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_GeographicalAreasAxis=avino_YukonCanadaMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_SilverWolfExplorationLtdMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfFinancialAssetsAxis=avino_OptionAgreementMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_NoncontrollingInterest |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ProportionOfOwnershipInterestsInSubsidiary |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
3 Months Ended |
12 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning Balance |
$ 80,323,000
$ 69,141,000
Additions/ Transfers |
Writendowns |
Effect Of Movements In Exchange Rates |
Ending balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Beginning Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Additions / Transfers |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Ending Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Writedowns |
Net book value |
Office Equipment Furniture And Fixtures [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning Balance |
Additions/ Transfers |
Writendowns |
Effect Of Movements In Exchange Rates |
Ending balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Beginning Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Additions / Transfers |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Ending Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Writedowns |
Net book value |
Mine Machinery And Transportation Equipment [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning Balance |
Additions/ Transfers |
Writendowns |
Effect Of Movements In Exchange Rates |
Ending balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Beginning Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Additions / Transfers |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Ending Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Writedowns |
Net book value |
Mill Machinery And Processing Equipment [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning Balance |
Additions/ Transfers |
Writendowns |
Effect Of Movements In Exchange Rates |
Ending balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Beginning Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Additions / Transfers |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Ending Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Writedowns |
Net book value |
Mining Property [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning Balance |
Additions/ Transfers |
Writendowns |
Effect Of Movements In Exchange Rates |
Ending balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Beginning Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Additions / Transfers |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Ending Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Writedowns |
Net book value |
Computer equipment [member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning Balance |
Additions/ Transfers |
Writendowns |
Effect Of Movements In Exchange Rates |
Ending balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Beginning Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Additions / Transfers |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Ending Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Writedowns |
Net book value |
Buildings and construction in process [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Beginning Balance |
Additions/ Transfers |
Writendowns |
Effect Of Movements In Exchange Rates |
Ending balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Beginning Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Additions / Transfers |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Ending Balance |
Accumulated Depletion And Depreciation, Writedowns |
Net book value |
$ 11,495,000
$ 12,047,000
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AccumulatedDepletionAndDepreciationWritedowns |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AccumulatedDepletionAndDpreciationBalance |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AdditionsCostOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AdditionsTransfersMiningProperties |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CostValueOfPlantEquipmentANdMinningPropertiesBeginningBalance |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CostValueOfPlantEquipmentAndMinningPropertiesEndingBalance |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_Writendowns |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) in property, plant and equipment resulting from net exchange differences arising on the translation of the financial statements from the functional currency into a different presentation currency, including the translation of a foreign operation into the presentation currency of the reporting entity. [Refer: Property, plant and equipment]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 16 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 73 -Subparagraph e -Clause viii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=16&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_73_e_viii&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_IncreaseDecreaseThroughNetExchangeDifferencesPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of tangible assets that: (a) are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes; and (b) are expected to be used during more than one period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 16 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 73 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=16&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_73_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PropertyPlantAndEquipment |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentAxis=avino_OfficeEquipmentFurnitureAndFixturesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentAxis=avino_MineMachineryAndTransportationEquipmentMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentAxis=avino_MillMachineryAndProcessingEquipmentMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwillAxis=avino_MiningsPropertyMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwillAxis=avino_ComputerEquipmentsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwillAxis=avino_BuildingMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentExplanatoryAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of property that is being constructed or developed for future use as investment property. [Refer: Investment property]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_InvestmentPropertyUnderConstructionOrDevelopment |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe gross carrying amount of fully depreciated property, plant and equipment that is still in use. [Refer: Gross carrying amount [member]; Property, plant and equipment]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 16 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 79 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=16&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_79_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentGrossCarryingAmountFullyDepreciated |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount recognised resulting from the write-down of property, plant and equipment to its recoverable amount or reversals of those write-downs. [Refer: Property, plant and equipment]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 98 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_98_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_WritedownsReversalsOfPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of compensation to key management personnel. [Refer: Key management personnel of entity or parent [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 24 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 17 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=24&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_17&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_KeyManagementPersonnelCompensation |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of compensation to key management personnel in the form of share-based payments. [Refer: Key management personnel of entity or parent [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 24 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=24&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_17_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationSharebasedPayment |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of fees paid or payable for professional services.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProfessionalFeesExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_BusinessCombinationsAxis=avino_SilverWolfExplorationLtdMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_TotalCost |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of miscellaneous other operating expenses. [Refer: Other operating income (expense)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_MiscellaneousOtherOperatingExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of fees paid or payable for professional services.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProfessionalFeesExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of fees paid or payable for professional services.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProfessionalFeesExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ChangesInEstimatesReclamationProvision |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DisclosureOfReclamationProvisionExplanatory |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_EffectOfMovementsInExchangeRatesReclamationProvision |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ReclamationProvision |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ReclamationProvisions |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_UnwindingOfDiscountReclamationProvision |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ReclamationProvisionUndiscountedValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe expected rate of inflation that is used as a significant actuarial assumption to determine the present value of a defined benefit obligation. [Refer: Defined benefit plans [member]; Defined benefit obligation, at present value; Actuarial assumptions [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 19 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 144 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=19&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_144&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ActuarialAssumptionOfExpectedRatesOfInflation |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe implied yield currently available on zero-coupon government issues of the country in whose currency the exercise price for share options granted is expressed, with a remaining term equal to the expected term of the option being valued (based on the option's remaining contractual life and taking into account the effects of expected early exercise). [Refer: Government [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 2 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 47 -Subparagraph a -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=2&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_47_a_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DescriptionOfRiskFreeInterestRateShareOptionsGranted |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of provision for restructuring, such as the sale or termination of a line of business; closure of business locations in a country or region or relocation of activities from one country or region to another; changes in management structure; and fundamental reorganisations that have a material effect on the nature and focus of the entity's operations. [Refer: Other provisions]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 37 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 70 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=37&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_70&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_RestructuringProvision |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfProvisionsAxis=avino_ManagementsEtimateOneMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfProvisionsAxis=avino_ManagementsestimateMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
SHARE CAPITAL AND SHAREBASED PAYMENTS (Details) - Stock options [Member] - $ / shares
3 Months Ended |
12 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Statement [Line Items] |
Stock Options Outstanding, Beginning |
Granted |
Expired |
Cancelled / Forfeited |
Stock Options Outstanding, Ending |
Stock Options Exercisable |
Outstanding And Exercisable Weighted Average Exercise Price, Beginning |
$ 1.27
$ 1.36
Weighted Average Exercise Price, Granted |
Weighted Average Exercise Price, Expired |
Weighted Average Exercise Price, Cancelled / Forfeited |
Outstanding And Exercisable Weighted Average Exercise Price, Ending |
$ 1.27
Weighted Average Exercise Price, Stock Options Exercisable |
$ 1.27
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StockOptionsExercisable |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StockOptionsOutstandingAndExercisableUnderlyingSharesForfeited |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StockOptionsOutstandingBeginning |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StockOptionsOutstandingEnding |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_WarrantsExpiredUnderlyingShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_WarrantsIssuedUnderlyingShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_WarrantsIssuedWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_WarrantsOutstandingAndExercisableWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_WarrantsOutstandingAndExercisableWeightedAverageExercisePriceForfeited |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_WeightedAverageExercisePriceExpired |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_WeightedAverageExercisePriceStockOptionsExercisable |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangementsAxis=avino_StockOptionsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024
$ / shares
Stock options [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Stock Options Exercisable |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Outstanding |
3 years 5 months 26 days
Stock Options Outstanding |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Exercisable |
2 years 10 months 24 days
Stock options [Member] | July 10, 2028 [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Expiry Date |
Jul. 10, 2028
Exercise Price | $ / shares |
$ 1.12
Stock Options Exercisable |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Outstanding |
4 years 3 months 3 days
Stock Options Outstanding |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Exercisable |
4 years 3 months 3 days
Stock options [Member] | August 21, 2024 [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Expiry Date |
Aug. 21, 2024
Exercise Price | $ / shares |
$ 0.79
Stock Options Exercisable |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Outstanding |
4 months 20 days
Stock Options Outstanding |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Exercisable |
4 months 20 days
Stock options [Member] | August 4, 2025 [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Expiry Date |
Aug. 04, 2025
Exercise Price | $ / shares |
$ 1.64
Stock Options Exercisable |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Outstanding |
1 year 4 months 6 days
Stock Options Outstanding |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Exercisable |
1 year 4 months 6 days
Stock options [Member] | March 25, 2027 [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Expiry Date |
Mar. 25, 2027
Exercise Price | $ / shares |
$ 1.20
Stock Options Exercisable |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Outstanding |
2 years 11 months 23 days
Stock Options Outstanding |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Exercisable |
2 years 11 months 23 days
Stock options [Member] | March 29, 2028 [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Expiry Date |
Mar. 29, 2028
Exercise Price | $ / shares |
$ 1.12
Stock Options Exercisable |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Outstanding |
4 years
Stock Options Outstanding |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Exercisable |
4 years
Stock options [Member] | March 25, 2029 [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Expiry Date |
Mar. 25, 2029
Exercise Price | $ / shares |
$ 0.78
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Outstanding |
4 years 11 months 26 days
Stock Options Outstanding |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Exercisable |
4 years 11 months 26 days
Stock Option [Member] | May 4, 2027 [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Expiry Date |
May 04, 2027
Stock Options Exercisable |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Outstanding |
3 years 1 month 2 days
Stock Options Outstanding |
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (years), Stock Options Exercisable |
3 years 1 month 2 days
Exercise price | $ / shares |
$ 0.92
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ClassOfWarrantsExercisePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ClassOfWarrantsExpiryDate |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:dateItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ExercisePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardExpirationDate |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StockOptionsExercisable |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StockOptionsOutstandings |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_WeightedAverageRemainingContractualLifeYearsStockOptionsOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangementsAxis=avino_StockOptionsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CumulativeEffectAtDateOfInitialApplicationAxis=avino_JulyTenTwoThousandTwentyEightMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfContingentLiabilitiesAxis=avino_AugustTwentyOneTwoThousandTwentyFourMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfContingentLiabilitiesAxis=avino_AugustFourTwoThousandTwentyFiveMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfContingentLiabilitiesAxis=avino_MarchTwentyFiveTwoThousandTwentySevenMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfContingentLiabilitiesAxis=avino_MarchTwentyNineTwoThousandTwentyEightMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfContingentLiabilitiesAxis=avino_MarchTwentyFiveTwoThousandTwentyNineMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangementsAxis=avino_StockOptionMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfContingentLiabilitiesAxis=avino_MayFourTwentyTwentySevenMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ExpectedOptionLifeYears |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_WeightedAverageFairValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe expected volatility of the share price used to calculate the fair value of the share options granted. Expected volatility is a measure of the amount by which a price is expected to fluctuate during a period. The measure of volatility used in option pricing models is the annualised standard deviation of the continuously compounded rates of return on the share over a period of time.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 2 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 47 -Subparagraph a -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=2&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_47_a_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DescriptionOfExpectedVolatilityShareOptionsGranted |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe implied yield currently available on zero-coupon government issues of the country in whose currency the exercise price for share options granted is expressed, with a remaining term equal to the expected term of the option being valued (based on the option's remaining contractual life and taking into account the effects of expected early exercise). [Refer: Government [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 2 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 47 -Subparagraph a -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=2&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_47_a_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DescriptionOfRiskFreeInterestRateShareOptionsGranted |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe percentage of an expected dividend used to calculate the fair value of share options granted.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 2 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 47 -Subparagraph a -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=2&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_47_a_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ExpectedDividendAsPercentageShareOptionsGranted |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe tax rate effect on the reconciliation between the average effective tax rate and the applicable tax rate resulting from the application of foreign tax rates. [Refer: Average effective tax rate; Applicable tax rate]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 81 -Subparagraph c -Clause ii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_81_c_ii&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TaxRateEffectOfForeignTaxRates |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangementsAxis=avino_StockOptionsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
3 Months Ended |
12 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
RSUs outstanding beg |
Granted |
Exercised |
Cancelled and Forfeited |
RSUs outstanding end |
RSUs outstanding weighted average price beg |
$ 1.14
$ 1.27
RSUs outstanding weighted average price granted |
RSUs outstanding weighted average price exercised |
RSUs outstanding weighted average price cancelled forfeited |
RSUs outstanding weighted average price end |
$ 1.13
$ 1.14
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedPaymentArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsCancelledAndForfeitedDuringPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedPaymentArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsExercisedDuringPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedPaymentArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsGrantedDuringPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedPaymentArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsRightsOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedPaymentArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardWeightedAveragePriceExercised |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedPaymentArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardWeightedAveragePriceForCancelledForfeitedShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedPaymentArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardWeightedAveragePriceGranted |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedPaymentArrangementByShareBasedPaymentWeightedAveragepriceOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DisclosureOfClassesOfShareCapitalAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
SHARE CAPITAL AND SHAREBASED PAYMENTS (Details 4) - Restricted Share Units [Member]
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024
$ / shares
Statement [Line Items] |
Stock Options Outstanding |
March 29, 2023 [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Exercise Price | $ / shares |
$ 1.12
Stock Options Outstanding |
March 25, 2022 [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Exercise Price | $ / shares |
$ 1.19
Stock Options Outstanding |
July 10, 2023 [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Exercise Price | $ / shares |
$ 0.94
Stock Options Outstanding |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ClassOfWarrantsExercisePrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StockOptionsOutstandings |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangementsAxis=avino_RestrictedShareUnitsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfContingentLiabilitiesAxis=avino_MarchTwentyNineTwoThousandTwentyThreeMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfContingentLiabilitiesAxis=avino_MarchTwentyFiveTwoThousandTwentyTwoMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfContingentLiabilitiesAxis=avino_JulyTenTwoThousandTwentyThreeMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
SHARE CAPITAL AND SHAREBASED PAYMENTS (Details 5) - Earning loss Per Share [Member] - USD ($) $ / shares in Units, $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Statement [Line Items] |
Net income for the period |
$ 599
$ (352)
Basic weighted average number of shares outstanding |
Effect of dilutive share options, warrants, and RSUs ('000) |
Diluted weighted average number of shares outstanding |
Basic and diluted earnings per share |
$ 0.00
$ (0.00)
Diluted earnings (loss) per share |
$ 0.00
$ (0.00)
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_BasicEarningsLossFromContinuingOperationsPerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_BasicWeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DilutedEarningsLossFromContinuingOperationsPerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DilutedWeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_EffectOfDilutiveShareOptionsWarrantsAndRsus |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_NetIncomeLossForThePeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AmountsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAxis=avino_EarninglossPerShareMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
SHARE CAPITAL AND SHAREBASED PAYMENTS (Details Narrative) - USD ($) $ / shares in Units, $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
12 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Statement [Line Items] |
Common Shares Issued |
Gross Proceeds On Cash Commission |
$ 25
$ 155
Cash commission |
Issuance shares costs |
$ 13
$ 339
Net proceeds from cash commission |
Proceeds from gross prospectus supplement |
$ 5,648
Fair Value Of Stock Options Granted, Share-based Payments |
$ 92
$ 62
Restricted Share Units |
Weighted Average Fair Value Per Share |
$ 1.11
$ 1.11
Share-based Payments for fair value |
$ 331
$ 277
Share Capital Two [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Issued common shares upon exercise of RSUs |
Common shares issued carrying value of RSUs exercised |
$ 512
$ 1,019
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CommonSharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_FairValueOfStockOptionsGrantedShareBasedPayments |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_IssuanceOfCommonSharesCarryingValueOfRsuExercised |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_IssuedCommonSharesUponExerciseOfRsus |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_PaymentOfCommission |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ProceedsFromCashCommission |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ProceedsFromProspectusSupplement |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_RestrictedShareUnits |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardFairValueAssumptions |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_WeightedAverageFairValuePerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
num:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of expense relating to fees and commissions.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 85 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_85&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_FeeAndCommissionExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow for share issue costs.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 17 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_17&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PaymentsForShareIssueCosts |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfOrdinarySharesAxis=avino_ShareCapitalTwoMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ConcentrateSales |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ProvisionalPricingAdjustments |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_RevenueAndCostOfSalesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe income arising in the course of an entity's ordinary activities. Income is increases in assets, or decreases in liabilities, that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from holders of equity claims.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 32 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_32&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 33 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_33_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 34 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_34&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 5 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 33 -Subparagraph b -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=5&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_33_b_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B12 -Subparagraph b -Clause v -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B12_b_v&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 82 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_82_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 103 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_103&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 102 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_102&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Revenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_DepreciationAndDepletion |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ProductionCosts |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_RevenueAndCostOfSalesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of all expenses directly or indirectly attributed to the goods or services sold. Attributed expenses include, but are not limited to, costs previously included in the measurement of inventory that has now been sold, such as depreciation and maintenance of factory buildings and equipment used in the production process, unallocated production overheads, and abnormal amounts of production costs of inventories.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 99 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_99&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 103 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_103&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CostOfSales |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_InvestorRelations |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ManagementAndConsultingFees |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ProfessionalFee |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_RegulatoryAndComplianceFees |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_SalariesAndBenefits |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of depreciation and amortisation expense. Depreciation and amortisation are the systematic allocations of depreciable amounts of assets over their useful lives.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B13 -Subparagraph d -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B13_d&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -Subparagraph e -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23_e&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 102 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_102&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 99 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_99&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 104 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_104&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DepreciationAndAmortisationExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of remuneration paid or payable to the entity's directors.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DirectorsRemunerationExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of miscellaneous other operating expenses. [Refer: Other operating income (expense)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_MiscellaneousOtherOperatingExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of expense relating to selling, general and administrative activities of the entity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 85 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_85&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of expense arising from travel.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TravelExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_MinimumRentalAndLeasePaymentExpenses |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_DefinedBenefitPlansAxis=avino_LatersThanFiveYearsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_MaturityAxis=avino_NotLatersThanOneYearsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_MaturityAxis=avino_LatersThanOneYearsAndNotLatersThanFiveYearsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_OfficeLeasePaymentsRecognisedExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_IncreaseDecreaseInNonCashWorkingCapital |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_NetChangeInNoncashWorkingCapitalItemsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_TaxesPayables |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_TaxesRecoverable |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for decrease (increase) in inventories to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Inventories; Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInInventories |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for decrease (increase) in other assets to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Other assets; Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInOtherAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for decrease (increase) in trade accounts receivable to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInTradeAccountReceivable |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdjustments for increase (decrease) in trade accounts payable to reconcile profit (loss) to net cash flow from (used in) operating activities. [Refer: Profit (loss)]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_20_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInTradeAccountPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow for leases.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 16 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 53 -Subparagraph g -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=16&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_53_g&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CashOutflowForLeases |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow for interest paid, classified as financing activities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 31 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_31&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_InterestPaidClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AdjustmentsForNonCashInvestingAndFinancingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_EquipmentAcquiredUnderFinanceLeasesAndEquipmentLoans |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_TransferOfShareBasedPaymentsReserveUponExerciseOfRsus |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow to acquire or redeem entity's shares.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_17_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PaymentsToAcquireOrRedeemEntitysShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (Details) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Statement [Line Items] |
Accounts Payable And Accrued Liabilities |
$ 10,713
$ 11,867
Equipment Loans |
$ 195
1-5 years [member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Accounts Payable And Accrued Liabilities |
Minimum rental and lease payments |
Equipment Loans |
Finance Lease Obligations |
Total |
More Than 5 Years [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Accounts Payable And Accrued Liabilities |
Minimum rental and lease payments |
Equipment Loans |
Finance Lease Obligations |
Total |
Less Than One Year [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Accounts Payable And Accrued Liabilities |
Minimum rental and lease payments |
Equipment Loans |
Finance Lease Obligations |
Total |
Financial Instruments [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Accounts Payable And Accrued Liabilities |
Minimum rental and lease payments |
Equipment Loans |
Finance Lease Obligations |
Total |
$ 19,668
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_EquipmentLoans |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_GrossFinanceLeaseObligation |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_NoncurrentPortionOfFinanceLeaseObligationsAndEquipmentLoans |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_RentalAndLeasePayments |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of current trade payables and current other payables. [Refer: Current trade payables; Other current payables]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph k -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_k&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TradeAndOtherCurrentPayables |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_MaturityAxis=avino_LatersThanOneYearsAndNotLatersThanFiveYearsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_MaturityAxis=avino_MoreThanFiveYearsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CarryingAmountAccumulatedDepreciationAmortisationAndImpairmentAndGrossCarryingAmountAxis=avino_LessThanOneYearMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_AccountingEstimatesAxis=avino_FinancialInstrumentsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (Details 1) $ in Thousands, $ in Thousands, $ in Thousands |
Mar. 31, 2024
USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2024
MXN ($)
Mar. 31, 2024
CAD ($)
Dec. 31, 2023
USD ($)
Dec. 31, 2023
MXN ($)
Dec. 31, 2023
CAD ($)
Statement [Line Items] |
Long-term Investments |
$ 1,043
$ 934
Amounts Receivable |
Accounts Payable And Accrued Liabilities |
$ 10,713
$ 11,867
MXN [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Cash |
$ 8,108
$ 13,338
Due from related parties |
Long-term Investments |
Reclamation Bonds |
Amounts Receivable |
Accounts Payable And Accrued Liabilities |
Due To Related Parties |
Finance Lease Obligations |
Net Exposure |
Us Dollar Equivalent |
$ (3,767)
$ (3,567)
CDN [Member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Cash |
$ 252
$ 70
Due from related parties |
Long-term Investments |
Reclamation Bonds |
Amounts Receivable |
Accounts Payable And Accrued Liabilities |
Due To Related Parties |
Finance Lease Obligations |
Net Exposure |
Us Dollar Equivalent |
$ 865
$ 577
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_NoncurrentPortionOfFinanceLeaseObligationsAndEquipmentLoans |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ReclamationBonds |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_UsDollarEquivalentAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of cash on hand and demand deposits. [Refer: Cash on hand]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 45 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_45&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Cash |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of exposure to loss resulting from credit risk. [Refer: Credit risk [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Note Expiry date 2023-01-01 -Name IFRS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 36 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2017-en-b&anchor=para_36_c&doctype=Standard&book=b -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Note Expiry date 2023-01-01 -Name IFRS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph IG24 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2017-en-b&anchor=para_IG24_a&doctype=Implementation%20Guidance&book=b -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Note Expiry date 2023-01-01 -Name IFRS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph IG25 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2017-en-b&anchor=para_IG25_b&doctype=Implementation%20Guidance&book=b -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CreditExposure |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of non-current held-to-maturity investments. [Refer: Held-to-maturity investments]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Note Expiry date 2023-01-01 -Name IFRS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2017-en-b&anchor=para_8_b&doctype=Standard&book=b -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_NoncurrentHeldtomaturityInvestments |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of current trade payables and current other payables. [Refer: Current trade payables; Other current payables]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph k -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_k&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TradeAndOtherCurrentPayables |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of current trade receivables and current other receivables. [Refer: Current trade receivables; Other current receivables]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph h -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_h&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TradeAndOtherCurrentReceivables |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TypesOfRisksAxis=avino_MexicanPesosMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TypesOfRisksAxis=avino_CanadianDollarsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (Details 2) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Statement [Line Items] |
Amounts Receivable |
$ 1,856
$ 3,303
Long-term Investments |
$ 934
Level 1 of fair value hierarchy [member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Cash |
Amounts Receivable |
Long-term Investments |
Total Financial Assets |
Level 2 of fair value hierarchy [member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Cash |
Amounts Receivable |
Long-term Investments |
Total Financial Assets |
Level 3 of fair value hierarchy [member] |
Statement [Line Items] |
Cash |
Amounts Receivable |
Long-term Investments |
Total Financial Assets |
$ 0
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AggregateFinancialAssetsAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of cash on hand and demand deposits. [Refer: Cash on hand]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 45 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_45&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Cash |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of non-current held-to-maturity investments. [Refer: Held-to-maturity investments]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Note Expiry date 2023-01-01 -Name IFRS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2017-en-b&anchor=para_8_b&doctype=Standard&book=b -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_NoncurrentHeldtomaturityInvestments |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of current trade receivables and current other receivables. [Refer: Current trade receivables; Other current receivables]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph h -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_h&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 78 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_78_b&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TradeAndOtherCurrentReceivables |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_LevelsOfFairValueHierarchyAxis=avino_LevelOneOfFairValueHierarchyMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_LevelsOfFairValueHierarchyAxis=avino_LevelTwoOfFairValueHierarchyMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_LevelsOfFairValueHierarchyAxis=avino_LevelThreeOfFairValueHierarchyMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_AssetAndLiabilityExposureDescription |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ImpactOnNetEarningLossAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_StatementLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of cash on hand and demand deposits, along with short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. [Refer: Cash; Cash equivalents]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 45 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_45&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B13 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B13_a&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 54 -Subparagraph i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_54_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CashAndCashEquivalents |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionExpiry date 2023-01-01: The amount of liabilities that: (a) the entity expects to settle in its normal operating cycle; (b) the entity holds primarily for the purpose of trading; (c) are due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting period; or (d) the entity does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement for at least twelve months after the reporting period.
Effective 2023-01-01: The amount of liabilities that: (a) the entity expects to settle in its normal operating cycle; (b) the entity holds primarily for the purpose of trading; (c) are due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting period; or (d) the entity does not have the right at the end of the reporting period to defer settlement for at least twelve months after the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B12 -Subparagraph b -Clause iii -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B12_b_iii&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 69 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_69&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_CurrentLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ClassesOfFinancialInstrumentsAxis=avino_InterestRatesRiskMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TypesOfRisksAxis=avino_LiquiditysRisksMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TypesOfRisksAxis=avino_ForeignCurrencyRisKMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_TypesOfRisksAxis=avino_PriceRiskMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_FairValueAsDeemedCostAxis=avino_LongTermInvestmentsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
SEGMENTED INFORMATION (Details) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2023 |
Silver |
$ 5,036
$ 3,608
Gold |
Copper |
Penalties, Treatment Costs And Refining Charges |
Total Revenue From Mining Operations |
$ 12,393
$ 9,825
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_PenaltiesTreatmentCostsAndRefiningCharges |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe income arising in the course of an entity's ordinary activities. Income is increases in assets, or decreases in liabilities, that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from holders of equity claims.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 32 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_32&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 33 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_33_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 34 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_34&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 5 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 33 -Subparagraph b -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=5&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_33_b_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B12 -Subparagraph b -Clause v -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B12_b_v&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 82 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_82_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 103 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_103&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 102 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_102&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Revenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of revenue arising from the sale of copper. [Refer: Revenue]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_RevenueFromSaleOfCopper |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of revenue arising from the sale of gold. [Refer: Revenue]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_RevenueFromSaleOfGold |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of revenue arising from the sale of silver. [Refer: Revenue]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 112 -Subparagraph c -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_112_c&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_RevenueFromSaleOfSilver |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CustomerOne |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_CustomerTwo |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_OtherCustomer |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe income arising in the course of an entity's ordinary activities. Income is increases in assets, or decreases in liabilities, that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from holders of equity claims.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 32 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_32&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 33 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_33_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 34 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_34&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 5 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 33 -Subparagraph b -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=5&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_33_b_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B12 -Subparagraph b -Clause v -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B12_b_v&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 82 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_82_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 103 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_103&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 102 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_102&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Revenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ExplorationAndEvaluationAssetsCanada |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_ExplorationAndEvaluationAssetsMexico |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe fair value of defined benefit plan assets. Plan assets comprise assets held by a long-term employee benefit fund and qualifying insurance policies. [Refer: At fair value [member]]
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 19 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 57 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=19&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_57_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_PlanAssetsAtFairValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_PlantEquipmentAndMiningPropertiesCanada |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_PlantEquipmentAndMiningPropertiesMexico |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_TotalPlantEquipmentAndMining |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe income arising in the course of an entity's ordinary activities. Income is increases in assets, or decreases in liabilities, that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from holders of equity claims.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_28_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 23 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_23_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 32 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_32&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 33 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_33_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 8 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 34 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=8&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_34&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 5 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 33 -Subparagraph b -Clause i -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=5&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_33_b_i&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B12 -Subparagraph b -Clause v -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B12_b_v&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IFRS -Number 12 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph B10 -Subparagraph b -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IFRS&num=12&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_B10_b&doctype=Appendix&subtype=B -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 82 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_82_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 103 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_103&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 102 -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_102&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_Revenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
avino_SubsequentEventsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
avino_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe number of shares issued by the entity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name IAS -Number 1 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 106 -Subparagraph d -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=1&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_106_d&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_NumberOfSharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash inflow from issuing shares.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Name IAS -Number 7 -IssueDate 2022-03-24 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph a -URI https://taxonomy.ifrs.org/xifrs-link?type=IAS&num=7&code=ifrs-tx-2022-en-r&anchor=para_17_a&doctype=Standard -URIDate 2022-03-24
+ Details
Name: |
ifrs-full_ProceedsFromIssuingShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
ifrs-full_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
Avino Silver and Gold Mi... (AMEX:ASM)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jan 2025 to Feb 2025
Avino Silver and Gold Mi... (AMEX:ASM)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2024 to Feb 2025