12 minutes ago
Longs with many many shares, have toured the lab, been through the many phases and are holding, the market will do what it will. Those that have been here forever have what they need in life, so they/we wait it out.
Lightwave has an excellent chance, we don't get freaked out as easily as some would like to believe. The market will do what it does, personally I grabbed a few this morning.
4 hours ago
Pro said, That was a great interview he did. Transceiver companies are interested
Exactly!! It's an hour-long interview, but if you just listen for 5 minutes from the 10 min marker to the 15 minute marker you will understand how successful LWLG has been in the development of its Polymer technology, and how it has "ease of integration" into Silicon Photonics platforms
Pro, as I re-listen I find the 18 min to 20 min Lebby talking about what is happening with the Commercialization, and sure enough he talks about the great interest of all the large Transceiver makers, and he talks about them wanting to make Devices in THEIR Foundries, so it was nothing new when Yves brought this up that teddybear is trying to turn into a big issue, the real difference is Lebby talks still of LWLG making it's own devices as well as Licensing the Polymer, and as Marco pointed out, this likely became a sticking point with these Tier 1's as it left a fine line between LWLG acting as a Supplier, or potentially as a LEVERAGED competitor in the future as LWLG Polymers gained traction on their road to Ubiquity!!
7 hours ago
Jeunke said, Lightwave 170% up in the last 5 years. Not bad.
Yup, and let's NOT forget LWLG had ZERO Shorts back then, today there are 20 MILLION Shorts that need to Cover!!
talk to me about the PPS after Yves starts inking deals and send Shorts scrambling for Cover!
oh, and 14,000 shares traded in first 30 minutes today, Longs ain't selling!!!
5 year VWAP is $6.94, fair value is minimum $1 Billion, that's in $8's
20 MILLION Shorts NEED to cover before Yves inks the deals!!
new highs coming soon!!
7 hours ago
Marco, yes, very perceptive on your part, supplier vs competitor perception may very well have been a significant part of the holdup with getting the Tier 1's to ink deals with LWLG, that coupled with the fact that since OFC March 2024 the sheer volume of Tier 1's interested in LWLG's technology haven skyrocketed, and Lebby choosing the "friendly's" as he called them was working with the largest Transceiver makers on 3 continents presumably foregoing the generic 4x200 PIC to work on custom 4x200's with Lasers etc under NDA's with each of these Tier 1's, that would have been a HUGE task for LWLG's limited Devices team! It is hard to say, also, did any of these Tier 1's have LWLG working with THEIR Foundries? These are all hard to know because everything would have been under NDA's, but Lebby did say he was missing his long-standing TImeline goal of 2024 Customer Acceptance "needing a little more time" and pushing that goal into 2025, my assumption would be that there had been excellent progress and that work could be transferred to those Tier 1's internal teams to complete in 2025, I highly doubt ANY of the Tier 1's on 3 continents walked away with the Business Strategy change effected in December 2024, if anything it opened the door for LWLG to be doing business with MANY more Tier 1's since the Devices burden was on their internal Design teams now, no longer on LWLG's Devices team
9 hours ago
I grabbed this from the K put ou in the middle of November, just prior to the CEO swap, which had to be in full swing.
On August 1, 2024, we appointed Yves LeMaitre to our Board of Directors. Mr. LeMaitre brings over 30 years of executive experience in technology, corporate strategy and marketing to the Board of Directors. He currently serves as a Strategic Board Advisor to Trumpf Photonic Components, a global technology company specializing in the development of lasers for optics, and as a strategic advisor to the Optical, RF & Micro-Electronics division of Sanmina AMT. Mr. LeMaitre most recently served as CEO of Astrobeam.Space, where he launched the startup's development of next-generation of laser beam steering for satellite to satellite communication. Previously, Mr. LeMaitre was the Head of the Optical Coherent Division of IPG Photonics, where he advised and oversaw the division's divestiture to Lumentum. Prior to that, he was the SVP of Luna Innovations' North America Business Operation (following the company's acquisition of RIO Lasers where he served as President). Previously, he spent 10 years in varying roles of increasing responsibility through multiple acquisitions with Oclaro (later acquired by Lumentum), ultimately achieving the roles of Chief Strategy Officer at Lumentum. During his time at OCLARO, he played a key role in positioning OCLARO as a leader in the optical connectivity business, driving the growth of Indium Phosphide lasers in the datacenter (now Generative AI front-end networks) segments.
On September 4, 2024, we appointed Thomas M. Connelly, Jr. to our Board of Directors. Mr. Connelly’s exceptional industry knowledge and deep experience in the polymers business will be an outstanding resource to the Lightwave Logic management team and he is uniquely qualified to help our Company as we expand our business focus for our EO polymer platform. Mr. Connelly has served as CEO of the American Chemical Society, one of the largest scientific societies with 170,000 members worldwide, and as Chief Innovation Officer of DuPont, where he was a member of its Office of the Chief Executive. Among his responsibilities in chemicals and materials over 35+ years at DuPont were its Performance Polymers and Packaging & Industrial Polymers businesses. He also served as its Chief Science and Technology Officer, with responsibility across business units in the U.S., Europe and Asia. He joined DuPont in 1977, and played key roles in Delrin®, Kevlar®, Sorona® and Teflon®. Dr. Connelly holds degrees in chemical engineering (highest honors) and economics from Princeton University, and as a Winston Churchill Scholar he received a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Cambridge. As a member of the National Academy of Engineering and its committees, he has been chair of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's committee for the Division on Earth and Life Studies. In addition, he has held advisory roles to the U.S. government and Republic of Singapore.
The conversion price of their board options is $5.
X Going to be fun week
9 hours ago
The entire way data is processed is changing.
Toot, toot, leaving the station.
Going to be a fun week, tarrifs in todays news, earnings across the board throughout the rest of the week. Yeehaw!
Exciting times, Canada and Mexico don't want to help reduce fentinyl use in the U.S. but would rather hurt all trade in their countries? I don't believe that for one minute.
I'm betting markets will dip early then push bigly to the upside by Friday. I don't play the swings.
Go get us a few deals Yves.
I'll do a post for punkin on applying perkinamine, remember at its heart it is a dye.
16 hours ago
Just to explain ( from my perspective) what plays out and why Lightwave made the choice to focus on licensing it’s material given the evolving market/ customer requirements.
The semi conductor industry is moving in different directions and one of those important directions is to make sure AI is going to offer differentiation and margin improvement. To just replace transceivers with cheaper transceivers with better performance and less power consumption is not a commercially smart move. Different approaches have emerged,
Increasingly companies like Broadcom and Marvell move to multi die ( chiplets), 2D and 3D stacking and packaging.
This complex and complete architecture of various chiplets requires an integrated design approach, interconnections, testing and intense collaboration with the foundry of choice. These companies prefer to keep everything in one hand to make sure everything , electronics and the optics, play together nicely. Some of these companies are traditionally more vertically integrated than others anyway.
There are other companies who don’t use this integrated approach. Probably a big part of rhe market and most of the household names,
For ‘ small’ Lightwave to play a role in these different design and business approaches requires time, money and capacity.
it would depend on which companies we plan to partner with and what our target market is , because data centers and verticals have different requirements.
For example, companies like Lumentum or Coherent don't make integrated electronic chips in the same way the larger companies like Marvell and Broadcom do. A Marvell or Broadcom type company would want to use their own in-house chip designs to reduce risks and to make sure all the electronics and photonics reliably and seamlessly work together.
If we are after a smaller company partnership like Lumentum or Coherent, they would be more open to use third party (LWLG) PIC designs.
I think the advent of AI threw everyone for a loop and forced all hardware companies to rethink their strategy and value proposition.
Packaging and integration would have normally been contracted out for efficiency reasons and may now be regarded as strategic , to help differentiate and derive value from selling a more comprehensive datacenter solution rather than just selling a fast, low power transceiver.
I just wanted to explain that given these developments the decision to put Lightwave’s own PIC development on hold makes business sense and seems the right choice.
23 hours ago
Yes a shot glass of perkinamine does infact make 10's of thousands of devices run faster. Just as a shot glass of tefon help 100,000 cooking utensils with my eggs work better.
X, you don't want us to believe how much a lil coating on silicon helps the data run faster. But one announcement will set this off and running. Your posts will not affect the fact that one foundry has done it, somehow you think the others can not figure it out.
Your philosophy is but X, only one production line has figured it out. Um, hello.
1 day ago
Ask Jeunke, you are WRONG AGAIN as usual!!!
Jeunke did get this form Yves & Tom!!!
Juenke already answered what Yves and Tom are saying, here you must have missed it
Lightwaves materials can be poled at scale. There are no reliability or scaling issues standing in the way of concluding deals with companies interested to use Lightwave materials for optical engines and PIC’s ( source: Lightwave management). Foundry (back end) application in a CMOS environment is feasible and relatively easy compared to other new materials ( patent application in process).
The industry is now increasingly looking for new materials to help them stay relevant and competitive in one of the fastest growing markets ever where optical modulators and lasers are the key critical enablers for the AI and data communication markets and so many other market sectors. Even, if I may say so, geo political relevance and humanity’s future.
Of course I could think of many reasons why things could go wrong. That’s not difficult, human ingenuity and financial opportunity however will prevail and drive Lightwave to success.
1 day ago
20 MILLION Shorts Covering Deadline Established June 2025, the gauntlet was put down with the issuance of the new CEO and President Incentive Options being FULLY VESTED in 6 months or June of 2025, this is an UNPRECEDENTED MOVE in the entire history of LWLG!! Normally these types of Incentive Compensation Options are issued to vest incrementally over a 5 year period
a couple more things to keep in mind,
1) the latest round of Annual Incentive Comps were issued at $5 strike, and this was at a time the PPS was in 3's!!
2) Leonberger buying up 100,000 options outright and disposing of exactly ZERO!!
Oh and BTW, the fact is that the long-term investors here are not paid to post, it's the unethical bashers who the cat's been dragging in that are paid, from one basher recent post "LWLG not having promise"? Seriously?!!!
Remember, the Industry worked extremely hard in the 80's and 90's for the holy grail of Photonics development which was a stabile Polymer but was largely unsuccessful in ALL their efforts including the largest companies, the government, DOD, DARPA etc, IBM, Lockheed Martin, DuPont, AT&T Bell Labs, Honeywell, Motorola, HP, 3M, and others in addition to numerous universities and U.S. Government Agencies, have attempted to produce high-performance, high-stability electro-optic polymers <<<< literally in the Billions R&D $$ were spent to try to do what LWLG has succeeded in doing!
1 day ago
Pro, as I re-listen I find the 18 min to 20 min Lebby talking about what is happening with the Commercialization, and sure enough he talks about the great interest of all the large Transceiver makers, and he talks about them wanting to make Devices in THEIR Foundries, so it was nothing new when Yves brought this up that teddybear is trying to turn into a big issue, the real difference is Lebby talks still of LWLG making it's own devices as well as Licensing the Polymer, and as Marco pointed out, this likely became a sticking point with these Tier 1's as it left a fine line between LWLG acting as a Supplier, or potentially as a LEVERAGED competitor in the future as LWLG Polymers gained traction on their road to Ubiquity!!