1 day ago
VoIP-Pal Announces Filing of Amended Complaint in Antitrust and RICO Lawsuit
Press Release | 12/19/2024
WACO, Texas, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VoIP-Pal.com Inc. (OTCQB: VPLM) today announced the filing of an amended complaint to the original complaint filed in October 2024, in Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-03051-RDM, currently pending in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. This latest filing represents a significant escalation in the company’s legal efforts to address alleged antitrust violations, breaches of federal law, and racketeering activities that VoIP-Pal believes have caused harm to the company.
The amended complaint names Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, along with several of their directors and members of their management teams, as defendants. "Our amended complaint builds on our commitment to seeking justice for the harm VoIP-Pal has endured due to alleged antitrust violations and other unlawful practices," said Emil Malak, CEO of VoIP-Pal. "By incorporating RICO claims, we are addressing not just the alleged monopolistic and exclusionary conduct we believe the defendants engaged in, but it also alleges systemic violations and coordinated actions that have targeted our company."
VoIP-Pal CEO Emil Malak reassured shareholders that the strategic focus on antitrust and RICO claims is the most efficient path to address the harm caused by the defendants. “While patent litigation remains ongoing in Waco, Texas, we believe this approach offers the quickest and most effective route to justice,” Malak stated. “Our goal is to hold Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, their directors, and key management accountable through the judicial process, restore fair competition in the mobile telephone communications industry, and drive shareholder value. We are working diligently to ensure that the defendants are served soon, with the goal of doing so before the end of the year.”
Malak highlighted the importance of the filing as a step toward achieving accountability. "This legal action is not just about VoIP-Pal; it’s about holding powerful corporations accountable for practices that harm innovation, competition, and fairness in the telecommunications industry. We are confident that this expanded approach will demonstrate the strength of our case."
The amended complaint outlines detailed allegations, including:
Antitrust Violations: Claims of tying arrangements, exclusionary practices, and monopolistic control that have suppressed VoIP-Pal’s ability to compete.
RICO Claims: Allegations of coordinated racketeering activities, including fraudulent misrepresentation, deceptive practices, and systemic exclusion of VoIP-Pal from the market.
Harm to Consumers: The impact of these actions on market competition and millions of smartphone users across the United States.
"Filing this amended complaint marks a pivotal moment in our pursuit of justice," Malak added. "It reflects our commitment to protecting our shareholders, upholding the rule of law, and ensuring a level playing field in the telecommunications sector."
Additionally, a new article and interview with CEO Emil Malak has been published on CEOCFO Magazine, providing additional insights into VoIP-Pal's strategy. The article can be accessed here: https://www.ceocfointerviews.com/voippalantitrust121824.html.
About VoIP-Pal.com Inc.
VoIP-Pal.com, Inc. (“VoIP-Pal”) is a publicly traded corporation (OTCQB: VPLM) headquartered in Waco, TX. The company owns a portfolio of patents related to Voice-over-Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) technology that it is currently looking to monetize.
Forward-Looking Statements
Any forecast of future financial performance is a “forward-looking statement” under securities laws. Such statements are included to allow potential investors to understand management’s beliefs and opinions with respect to the future, but patent litigation involves various risks and uncertainties that could affect the company’s ability to monetize its patents. It is impossible to predict specific outcomes of litigation.
Corporate Website: www.voip-palusa.com
IR inquiries: IR@voip-pal.com
IR Contact: Rich Inza (954) 495-4600
2 days ago
VOIP-PAL.COM, INC. v. Verizon Communications, Inc. et al
Texas Western District Court
Judge: Alan D Albright
Case #: 6:21-cv-00672
Nature of Suit 830 Property Rights - Patent
Cause 35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Filed: Jun 25, 2021
Terminated: Aug 15, 2024
Parties (5)
Opinions (2)
Docket last updated: 7 hours ago
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
229 misc Sealed Document - Patent Cases only Tue 03/11 7:10 PM
Sealed Document: Supplemental Declaration of Deron Dacus in Support of Defendants Motion for Attorneys Fees of226 MOTION to supplement re199 Sealed Motion Motion for Attorneys' Fees by Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Services Corp. by Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Services Corp. (Woodworth, Megan)
Att: 1 Exhibit Dacus Invoices,
Att: 2 Exhibit Dacus Invoices Redaction Log
228 misc Attachment Tue 03/11 7:02 PM
ATTACHMENT public exhibit B to227 Sealed Motion Supplemental Declaration of Frank C. Cimino Jr. In Support of Defendants Motion for Attorneys Fees 226 by Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Services Corp. by Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Services Corp..(Woodworth, Megan)
Att: 1 Exhibit Bio
227 motion Sealed Motion - Patent Cases only Tue 03/11 6:51 PM
Sealed Motion Supplemental Declaration of Frank C. Cimino Jr. In Support of Defendants Motion for Attorneys Fees 226 by Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Services Corp. (Woodworth, Megan)
Att: 1 Exhibit Venable Invoices,
Att: 2 Exhibit Venable Invoices Redaction Log
226 motion Supplement Tue 03/11 6:39 PM
MOTION to supplement re199 Sealed Motion Motion for Attorneys' Fees by Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Services Corp. by Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Services Corp.. (Woodworth, Megan)
225 misc Sealed Document - Patent Cases only Sealed Motion - Patent Cases only Tue 03/11 6:08 PM
Sealed Document: Verizon Supplemental Submission in Support of Its Motion for Attorneys Fees of199 Sealed Motion Motion for Attorneys' Fees by Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Services Corp. by Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Services Corp., Sealed Motion Verizon Supplemental Submission in Support of Its Motion for Attorneys Fees by Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Services Corp. (Woodworth, Megan)
ham n slam
2 days ago
for the few longs that still stop by this ghost town, while we stay idle, if you have the time post on the boards of the big 3, .let the investors know what's coming. a 268 bil anti-trust RICO lawsuit! once this sinks in , the investor relations depts of the 3 will have some &%$T on their plate, to deal with..and if you have that extra time, let the news companies such as Bloomberg etc etc, get a whiff..have a great day ...gl...( cannot respond do to my limitation of one post per day) LMAO.
2 days ago
Outstanding Shares
4 days ago
VOIP-PAL.COM, INC. v. T-Mobile US, Inc. et al
Texas Western District Court
Judge: Alan D Albright
Case #: 6:21-cv-00674
Nature of Suit 830 Property Rights - Patent
Cause 35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Filed: Jun 25, 2021
Terminated: Aug 15, 2024
Parties (6)
Opinions (2)
Docket last updated: 3 hours ago
Saturday, March 08, 2025
306 transcript Transcript of Sealed or In Camera Proceedings Filed Sat 03/08 9:25 AM
3-5-25 Motion Hearing Sealed Transcript filed (This transcript is not available electronically) (kd)
VOIP-PAL.COM, INC. v. Verizon Communications, Inc. et al
Texas Western District Court
Judge: Alan D Albright
Case #: 6:21-cv-00672
Nature of Suit 830 Property Rights - Patent
Cause 35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Filed: Jun 25, 2021
Terminated: Aug 15, 2024
Parties (5)
Opinions (2)
Docket last updated: 3 hours ago
Saturday, March 08, 2025
224 transcript Transcript of Sealed or In Camera Proceedings Filed Sat 03/08 9:24 AM
3-5-25 Motion Hearing Sealed Transcript filed (This transcript is not available electronically) (kd)
5 days ago
If I was a name caller, I'd call you an idiot, but since I'm not, I'll just say you sound like one. If you carefully read the post that you decided to ridicule, you'll see that the source is noted at the bottom, ie, the lawfirm. As to the reference I made to reading up on the RICO charges, it refers to a legal document that laid out the case claims. I simply couldn't remember if it was from the vplm PR or directly from the filing or if it was Mr greenback posting, nevertheless it was a documented copy of the complaint, not somethinv I or someone else made up. In fact, the same info has been posted numerous times here on this board. You are too busy trying to show ppl how smart (or dumb) you are to have paid attention to what has been said, shown, delineated, or PRd so instead you openly show ppl what your made of and I see a number of them have told you. Tsk tsk what a waste case.
5 days ago
What, this Rich Inza?
""Rich Inza profile
January 2014
Rich Inza served as spokesman for City Capital Corp. during the period when the penny stock firm was aggressively promoting its Clean Sweep Holdings sweepstakes, which U.S. securities regulators allege was the second pillar of the company’s $11 million Ponzi scheme.
On his Linkedin.com profile, Inza styles himself as an investor relations consultant for “publicly traded companies,” boasting that his company’s services are “directed towards raising awareness of your company in the investment community and increasing your shareholder value.”
However, Inza’s resume does not point out that he has never provided investor relations for companies that trade on New York (NYSE) or NASDAQ, the major U.S. stock exchanges for publicly traded companies. Inza so-called investor relations services are primarily targeted at penny stocks, pink sheets and over-the-counter companies, thinly traded equities that often have no active trading market.
Currently, Inza is the investor reltalations contact for Voip-Pal.com Inc., an over the counter pink sheet shell which has issued a number of speculative press statements about patent applications that “have received expressions of interest from well qualified entities to potentially license its suite of patents or acquire Voip-Pal.com.”
Companies on the Pink Sheets are not required to meet minimum requirements or file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Typically, companies are on the Pink Sheets because either they are too small to be listed on a national exchange or they do not wish to make their budgets and accounting statements public.
Investopedia warns that investors should be aware of four cautions for micro-cap stocks. First, most OTC stocks do not meet the minimum and do not file with the SEC. Therefore, credible and reliable fundamental data are not available for analysis. Second, historically Pink Sheets stocks are penny stocks and are often near-insolvent companies. Third, some stocks are illegitimate shell companies set up to scam investors by issuing press releases, and having “analysts” promote the stock and issue more worthless shares. Fourth, Pink Sheets only has one requirement for a company to list - a company needs to have one market maker quoting its stock. The listing companies do not have to provide any financial information at all.
As of Sept. 20, 2013, Voip-Pal.com had unaudited revenues of $151.00. Net losses for the year were $3.38 million with the largest portion of that going toward ($2.8 million) stock based compensation. The company currently rents office space for $79 a month through Regus Management Group, a virtual office and phone answering service.
On Inza's twitter account here, nearly all of the more than 500 tweets are aimed at hyping Voip- Pal.com, despite the fact that the company has no current revenue stream. Inza also formerly served as the investor relations contact for the now defunct Atlantic Energy Solutions Inc., another pink sheet company that died on the vine.
The OTC Markets has issued this bulletin concerning the Atlantic Energy. "Investors are advised that OTC Markets Group has been unable to contact or confirm the location of this company," the statement said.""
6 days ago
Penilespincher, you have already proven to me that you are clueless. Your handle was created just two days ago and you have posted nothing of substance about VPLM.
You only ask inane questions, and make ridiculous assertions in an apparent effort to smear investors in VPLM. My question is why? I happen to be a retail shareholder of VPLM, as my brokerage firm can attest. I first purchased shares in VPLM about two years ago because I believed that the infringement lawsuits in Waco had merit. I was disappointed when Judge Albright sided with the defendants, but still believe that infringement allegations are provable, and winnable on appeal. I hope that this case is appealled.
As to the pending class action and RICO cases, anything can happen and your guess is as good as mine. However, VP has been pushed into a corner where they must either fight back or give up. If they give up, my investment goes to zero, so I am glad to see them fighting back. We have a David vs Goliath drama unfolding.
No one can predict with certainty how this will end. I am being realistic and hopeful at the same time, but having this sentiment does not make me an insider. My advice to you is to confine your commentary to this stock, and refrain from bashing VPLM investors who post here.
6 days ago
Alrighty so I will reply to a few things here.
First DB won’t answer my question as to why his post is pinned at the top? Especially when the post doesn’t add anything valuable.
Second, why are people praising him being back when it doesn’t add anything valuable. Other than unwarranted hopium. As in he doesn’t back up anything he says. Maybe him posting his number so we can call him and he can clear up his stance??? Seeing as he has all these phone calls.
Third, orca I have a connection to Emil as in I have seen him around Vancouver. I wish I spat in his face and told him he is a poser. Thinks he owns all these patents means something. However, does nothing with them.
Fourth, they are the most unethical because of how they treat us. They give us bad news and don’t give us anything to go off other than have patience.
If you don’t think DB, desktop, chazzy, others are insiders….
6 days ago
$.0076 Been getting many calls asking for clarification on where we are. Some think VPLM has forgotten about the patents and I tell them there is nothing further from the truth. VPLM will appeal Judge Albright's decision, so it's a waiting game.
On the RICO/ANTI-TRUST/CLASS-ACTION cases, we are waiting on defendants being served and I would guess this will happen over the next few weeks. Once done, I believe the real fun starts.
Hey, for the long-term holders, a few more weeks is nothing. Like I’ve said, I'm not at all worried, quite to the contrary, I'M VERY, VERY, VERY EXCITED!! The news comes when it comes.
BTW, I have posting privileges again and will go at those that come at me, just my nature! 🦌🏀z Out! Have a great weekend, longs!