Once again, we here go the extra mile or as in this case an extra 1,600 mile plus round trip to source genuine information. Manchester to Milan to Badile…

My latest venture was a breeze. Unlike Morocco it was as smooth as clockwork. I’d been wanting to get over to Sound Energy’s (LSE:SOU) Badile drill site ever since I heard that the chance of success (COS) was somewhat higher than investors were lead to believe.
The COS is about 40%. Besides, I’d bought the Drone for Tendrara 7 in Morocco. Unfortunately, I was, as some already know, detained for 6 hours at Oujda airport. They don’t like Drones… But they do like strip searches 😊 and I’ve spent hundreds of hours practicing my flight techniques.
It’s not easy flying a Drone, least of all in a built-up area with mist…
Share-holder activism isn’t about sitting at home google searching, although it does play a part but that part is small. It’s about getting active, if that means traveling the best part of 2,000 miles to check info or look at a drill site to firm up or source information to help with an investment decision or opinion or going to company presentations, then that’s what I do. No one else out there does it. Because no one else can. People waffle, talking shite on podcasts or tweeting unadulterated spurious deliberate lies on Twitter without ever leaving the confines of their house. It doesn’t make for good decision-making processes. It inevitably leads to investment/trading failure for the majority who suck up the spiel spewed out by the Shysters.
Badile is an onshore gas play, if it comes in there’s over €2,000,000,000 (two billion) destined for the coffers of the company. I wanted to check out the site and try to see how much cash had been spent and what type of kit/equipment was in plain sight. A rough guide of the total spend for this drill is circa €25,000,000.
There’s no need to go into the minutiae of Badile as I’m sure most of you already know etc. If you don’t then get researching. The economics are well known.
I had planned to fly in from about half a mile away, sadly Milan and the surrounding area was covered in mist. Visibility was about 30 metres. So, we got as close to the drill site as possible and launched from waste-land directly behind an industrial unit overlooking their acreage.
Just for clarification: the two large black swimming pool-like areas are for water catchment. The concrete boxes are for the mud used in the drill. You can see exactly where the spud is by looking at the rig. The green container-like structures are the generators and battery backups. The rest is self-explanatory, it’s a big site and believe me this is yet again a real deal. If Badile comes in it’s £3 minimum a share in my opinion. If Tendrara 8 comes in as well then £5 per share will be surpassed. The run up to both spuds could push the SP close to or over £1. An interesting point gleaned from the Milan ministry is that a blow-out preventer (BOP) is already on site and an area for gas flaring has had to be incorporated into the design. I think the square concrete footing is where the flaring will take place. It’s the furthest point away from the drill spud area. Remember there’s already gas being produced a few miles away on the same geology. Enjoy the Drone video and don’t forget to like it.
Dan/Mr Hyde