1 year ago
I shorted this with the Vince McMahon choreography leading into his stepping down.
Long term I LOVE this stock. As a long-standing Jui-Jitsu practitioner the sport is physical-chess in real-time/action & the MMA version is simply EXPLODING globally with their International Performance Institutes being built world-wide (Mexico, etc., with many more coming as we speak): TKO has the making of a LONG TERM Buy & Hold. At least FOR ME! Everyone to do as their finances, goals, financial objectives, needs, timeline, etc., dictate!
I'm back ACCUMULATING & feeling fortunate to have gotten sub-$75 shares (to GO LONG ON) after REPORTING (HERE on this very board) to covering my short position in the $74 to $77 range.... Anyone can CHECK my posting history & verify!
The timing was PERFECT & I expect these shares to provide A TON of upside as Dana builds this thing out. The women's side of MMA is EXPLODING. Just step into ANY dojo & see for yourself. MMA is a wonderful (albeit brutal, ESPECIALLY as one gets older -- if they don't follow certain RULES & work with thoughtful training partners) SPORT with life-long benefits to mind & body!!
I have my Mom, wife, kids, EVERYONE in my family is on-board & has been training (cousins, nephews, nieces, etc.) & go 5x/wk..
If you've never tried it... You should! My best friends Mom just started (in her mid-70's) & after 6mos she looks 20yrs younger! No joke! Love it. Was waiting A LONG TIME for this investment opportunity... But even though I was LONG the sport, etc., Vince shenanigans were NOT going to fly with insiders I had been checking in with.... The REAL Jui-Jitsu community, coaches, etc., is a SMALL TIGHT KNIT group... But the art is expanding daily. And Dana is going to take this to long-term heights. Check in by 2030 & we'll see if I was RIGHT or wrong!! Already GREEN BIGGLY on the short & on my BUYS since closing out my short position!
Now just continue to accumulate, patiently BUY the dips & watch my money GROW along with the sport!
PS: When I was on the East Coast I used to go to Maxfit (Philly), then owned & run by Professor Steve Maxwell... Only Jui-Jitsu place (at the time that EXISTED) & it was a brutally-long drive, brutal training, etc.. (early in the morning; while it was still dark early). Steve Maxwell is highly-regarded, still teaches, & travels THE WORLD teaching fitness & BJJ skills TO THIS DAY! And he's in NUMEROUS NY Times Bestselling books BY NAME!! Long association with BJJ/MMA & so I'm glad to be accumulating this. I see it as a long-term winner! Do your own DD, etc.. folks... Just saying!
1 year ago
LMMAO!! Nah, we have to see what this is. Mixed signals atm. Doji from yesterday says she wants to reverse, but I don't think so. I think she'll test $83 & could head into the $70's test which is what I predicted & expected from ~$105 when the NEWS came out about the layoffs & cutting back staff. Which was REALLY a smokescreen trying to hide the insider/McMahon tiff!
I feel VERY CONFIDENT he's selling, printing & banking!
If $83 breaches I'll INCREASE my position & see if it accelerates... If it does not, I'll bounce.
Still in the money, GREEN on my trade & puts's ALL GOOD!
1 year ago
Let it tank as far as I'm concerned. There were issues with WWE Vince McMahon (in particular) & no doubt he is selling into this
NOW that he isn't beholden to an INSIDER TRADING rules & regulations! I wouldn't be surprised if he DOES HIS DUMPING &
then gets hired back!! I mean,... wouldn't it be JUST LIKE the snake-oil salesman, Barnum & Bailey Circus CLOWNSTICK?
And I say that LOVINGLY -- NOT because I LOVE wresting! I prefer the REAL THING!! And have most of my life (Jui-jitsu, etc.),
but because I RESPECT HIM & what he's done!! He has an amazing, flexible, creative & disciplined mind -- is a showman with
fantastic business acumen! You don't get to be THAT BIG on FAKE without something extraordinary imv!
What do you think?
I would NOT be surprised for this to SINK LOWER... & am kinda convinced that he's either liquidating OR the market just doesn't
like that he's been more-or-less: CHUCKED aside!! It very well could be BOTH!!
Also, I LOVE entertainment stocks when the economy is tight... Because people look for distraction. And NEED IT! That, & sin
stocks... This one is a great fit for my portfolio but I shorted it on the LAYOFFS (posted as such here) & got VERY LUCKY because
the McMahon news come out right after I did...
Should be fine -- VERY FINE -- long term.
2 years ago
ENDEAVOR (EDR) you mean, the parent? The dividend is A TOKEN -- just to say they have one. Make it appear enticing to the Institutions, I presume! Although you have to be pretty PISS POOR at your job to NOT read the fine print &* see that the divi is only a token & totally insignificant to SHAREHOLDERS since MOST of that money is going to preferred "bonuses" etc..
REGARDLESS, I've been nibbling back my position BECAUSE although I believe a TEST of $80 is likely & want to grab $7x's, I see value & don't want to miss it if it RIPS!!
Wall St & the stock market tend to have a short memory after these knee-jerk reactions... But STILL I suspect this will go LOWER, eventually.
And yet, I'm NOT willing to be out... If it drops to where I think it will -- I have PLENTY OF FIREPOWER to PLOUGH into this! And will...
2 years ago
As I said yesterday -- I DID NOT like the layoffs. Usually this is a good sign for SHAREHOLDERS because the prevailing wisdom has always been lowered costs, a temp increase in efficiency, greater profits (short term) & capital preservation but...
I get that they'll pick up labor FAR MORE cheaply, in Mexico for example...
& I LOVE that (from the pov of a long-term shareholders) but the PI & business, including the NEXT FIGHT down there... Isn't coming anytime (SOON ENOUGH)
We could see this hit the $70's or lower... Setting my SIGHTS LOWER -- Sold $105's++ & I WAS in BIGGLY!!
Too bad... BOTH the WWE & UFC have been kicking ass but... This was a misstep imv, & I think some dumping will ensue. It's not so much that its a lot of jobs, that would have a TREMENDOUS impact to the bottom-line - but rather the message...